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About East Oregonian : E.O. (Pendleton, OR) 1888-current | View Entire Issue (Feb. 1, 1921)
THE EAST OREGONIAN 13 THE ONLY INLAND EMPIR E NEWSPAPER GIVING ITS READERS THE BENEFIT OF DAILY TELEGRAPHIC NEWS REPORTS FROM BOTH THE ASSOCIATED PRESS AND UNITED F DAILY EDITION DAILY EDITION Number. of copies printed of jejtorday'i Tha Rail Oeironlaii la Etrn Ore fon' grratst nppf and elllna; fore fives to ths (irertir, ovr twicx tha guaranteed psld eircu latlon In Pendleton und Umatilla coun tr of iuiy o Ui or nairjpatier. 3,359 This piper ts a member of and audited br tbs Audit Bureau of Circulation. COUNTY OFFICIAL PAPER CITY OFFICIAL PAPE2 VOL. 32 DAILY EAST OREGONIAN, PENDLETON, OREGON, TUESDAY EVENING, FEBRUARY 1, 1021. NO. 0739 l . N X'WrrMU rrovA iT c-iTT ' U JJ G" r i ii ,.," . ni, .,-.,,. r.,.- y.-r .. tyr VN. - v. f iLil--r-)jr ; .: , i--.. . - . t CI-IY WILL REFUSE TO ACCEPT ALLIED REPARATION DEMAND AS liM'LITY .. j. .ii1 LLOYD GEORGE HAS A PARTY penalty Laid Down by Supreme O Foreign Minister and British Pre Expert Says Sweeping Commerced rttiiidaiib uy V .i Amerirnn Wsp . k nuivi ivuil ! til Provide Funds. 1EIIMN, Keb. 1. (A. P.) Dr. NF.W YOI1K, Feb. I. ( lly J. V. T. waiter Simon, Ocrman foreign minis ter, will tell t)i relchsluK today that Germany cannot accept the hIIIimI rep. araMon demand because It la Impos sible of fulfillment. TVrinx Called Paina4lr. IIEIUJN, Feh. 1 (A. J.)Orr ninna regard the reparation terms de cided upon by the supreme allied conn- aluaon, l. I'. War l'xpert.) ninna protect against the Indemnity fixed by Ihe alllea la only the usual German I lustor. Cumulative evidence of lcr inany'a astonishing recovery In foreign trade him demonstrated that thn Ger man people can puy the Just penalty which haa been Imposed upon them. Without any pulillrlty, thn Germans TURKISH LEADER READY TO RETURN HOME RULER OF ZION CITY IS SEEN AS MAYOR OF N. y. Cll aa fnntaatlo and Impossible of ee-! '' l"lctly developing over wan cutlon and It la the general opinion I commerce since the armistice ao suc- ccKsriuiy mat tin y ure aspiring to re new the hnn a records of foreign Indus trial conquests. During the first five month of luxt year, Germany exported more than 23,(iU.(IK marks worth of goods, nearly two and a half timca at. much an the cxKrta for the entire year of 1!UI). German manufacture of all klndM ure being Kent to almoin every part of the world, liritlsh work ing men ore protesting against tier man rivalry, even in Pritish home markets. The Influx of German goods Ihih caused much alarm In Holland and Scandinavia and Germany machinery, cutlery, to" a and mimical Inwrtimonta ! here the noverrtmont cannot atfveo to mem: N) Tradn Would Stiffr. I,OXIX)N, Keb. 1. (A. P.) It will be linpoaallile. for Ueruinny to pay the reparation debt fixed by the u preme council, mik J'rofen(.r John Maynurd Krynea. principal reprewnt atlvei of the Hrltlah treamiry at the Veraalllea peace conference. He pointed out that to make the pay. menta Germany'a world' trade would have to be Increnacd to audi an extent that Brltlah trade would Buffer . EXILED CRfMIMALS LEAVE N. , Y. FOR ENGLAND WIITIUMITd.V, Hmr. Kib. 1 Crlmlnala driven out of New Vork by the effarta to auppicua the crime wave there ure fleeing to Kniflniid aa atowawaya on Jlrltlxh ahlim, aay the lirltlnh murine. One captain told a maglMtruto here that atowawua hud been cllarovered on board every f'un ard xlilp that anllcd from New Yoik fo Kncland for the lul three montlia are belnir forced In Into South America. larKe uai)lltlca l,OM, Kcli. 1. Knirland appar ently feela no qualms regarding; the Klaht alowawaya were, found on the advent of prohibition to this country. liner lmperator on her lust trly. Thev for while prohibition workera are were aentenced to pay a fine of 2l busy trying; to reform alcohol tnthuai pnunda each or aervlnir one month In I at. brewera are btmily reforming prison. ILSflNllSii,! SENATE FOR MARCH 4 WAHIIINOTON, Feb. 1. d". P.) Prealdcnt Vllaon will call a special eeaalon of the aenate March 4 to con. firm the cabinet nominal Ion. it waa announced at the while hoiiae today. The aernlon la a meana of facllltlailng the executive aturt of the new admlnla tratlon, t'mlcrwntMl Tnkca IisUch WASHINUTON. Fell. l.--(A. P. A NHitieat from Pnnldent-Klect Hard in that President Wilaon call a apec Inl meeting of the new aenato for March 4, waa conveyed, lo the while bonne, by Senator I'nUorwoodi domo cratlc leader, Tho reciiM'Ht for a Kpeclul aexalon ot the acnnlc wia to confirm the cabinet and other i polntnicntx by (he Incoi.i-tn- executive. A call for a ityrctiil kcs nion of,the new congTeiia will bo Ixmi-il ) H.irdiygr a'ler hia Inauguration. Ii it exiettej thia aewlon will keKin lalt in Jh'.r .I, cr early In April. CATTI.K MAI tK ITT lH.)UTr.ANn. Feb. 1. (A. P.) Cattle arc lower, choice Ktoera are JH.25 and $9.00: hoga and ahcep ure teudy and eirgT three centa lower, the buying: price ut 85 renin unit the aelllnjj price for rclecta 26 uml 40 cents. Putter la firm. Rule With Iron Rod Beside Which Blue Law Regime Will Look Like Rubber Wand is in Store Say Advance Guards SAINT EXECUTIVES DUE TO RULE CITIES, THEY CLAIM Good on Earth Will Soon De part and Only Wicked Will . be Left to Keep Time to Jazz less Tune of Reformers.- XKW VOIik! Feb. 1 (f. P.)-- Kule with a "rod or Iron," beside which the blue law regime will look like a ruboer wand, la In store for Am erica, according to Mi"ea Helen liiin mann and iiello K helhorn, advancf guards of the honta from Zlon City, Ih. who are to tame New York. 'The time la coming aoon," they iwjld todav, "when all ai!nta now on earth will have pot on Immortality. 1 hen It la altogether likely that Wilbur 'ilenn Voliva. our overceer, my be ap pointed to rulo Xew York aa mayor. When Jhat has happened only the wicked wilt be left and the city will be ruled with a rod or Iron.1' Oilier cities will have "saint" may irs, according to the advance ugents Then there will be no darning, jaz. miiHlc, Sunday amuacmentw, papers, m- tobacco, alcohol, silk Blockings, peek aboo wniMa and no akirla reveallnp more than thre Inches of footwear All churches will lie filled, they de clare, for 10 hours each Sunday and at lesser ineeiint'a during the week. r ' if S . a K- XT j ' t y i'"", I V. -1 ;. 'f S " m- i-I V - ft I ' - 1 j ' l L I H f ; r --'.!( f t- , f -11 ) I : , MUSW KENAt ORDERS A1S DROPPED PEI1IG MEETING OF ALLIES TO BE HELD IN LONDOII Head of Nationalists Will Endeavor to Negotiate for Return to Turkish Territory on Condition Present Cabinet Will Resign and Representatives Will Observe Conference Doings. m (a V I ninnr iiisapu I i I .iii-r ri-o. . i ... iJUUUC LllJUitl VVILU I NOT PERMIT NEWSIES TO PAY Hl$ $500 FINE their public-housea ua the auloonsl here ure called. ' I Vor this purpose the firm of Frail k j viait, i.iu.. naa expenuea a aum ap-jn C filifi una ..n.l i 1m erf ail n th fulorv... Jim j Urliubi workman ahull take bis ler tntflle-T etually. Susiddors and tutwdiist ure to i lie banished, together with all thr tawdry gilt and glitter of the drinking saloon aa it Is today. Instead, the re formed public-houses will have rend lug-rooms, rltlng-rooma, dressing rooms and refreshment rooms, all dec orated In the approved style that only pastel ahudca and urtlslic lighting can elvc. FREIGHTS TELESCOPE: NEWARK, Ohio. Feb. 1. (tr. P.) Four men were burned to death and three others were seriously Injured when it freight train on tho Pennsyl vania railroad flushed Into another freight aiandiug on a aiding near here today. The dead und injured were members of the train crew. Cars of the two trains were tele scoped by the collision. Oil from one engine spattered over the wreck- ! age und took fire. 1 MOSCOW, Idaho. Feb. 1. William .f. Morgan, retiring chief Justice of I he Idaho supreme court, has donated to the irnlversity of Idaho law li brary his personal copies of briefs and records of the many cases that have been heaid during his term of six .ears on the bench, according to an il. nincement by o. P. C'ockerill, dean of the law school. "These records constitute a very valuable addition to the university law library," said Dean Cockerel!. "Con taining aa they do pleadings and ar guments submitted by some of the ablest lawyers In Idaho, they will be particularly useful in tie course Ir law practice now lieinj; carried by our third year students.'' conn i I'iioi.ds hamh.f.y SAI.K.M. Keb. 1. (A. P.) The su preme court today upheld Corporation OnjumlsMionor Hundley In a suit filed ugalnst him by a Texas oil syndicate t'i force him to issue a permit lo sell Btock In Oregon. WALLA WALLA CLUB HEARS PENDLETON SPEAKERS AND BACKS POWER SITE PLAN (Special to the East Oregonlnn.) WALLA WALLA. Wash., Feb. 1, Walla Walla will send a lurge delega tion to Pendleton next Saturday to At tend a meeting of the I'matlllu Kup lds Power Kite Association, ua the1 re sult ot a visit of a I'niatllla county1 Weather Tiennrted by Major Leo Jloorhouae official observer. .Maximum, 60. Minimum, 33. Barometer, 28.05. I? THE TYi. WEATHER Tonight nnu Wednesday fair. delegation to the local Commercial Club today. rtieoi'Ke llartman, mayor of Pendle ton, Judge S. A. Lowell, K. H. Aldiich of Pendleton, and J. I). Kurcher, of Stanfielil. spuke ut the meeting and urged this " co-operutlim of Wallu Walla. In a movement toward the util ixutlon of l bo waters of the Columbia for development of h dro-vlcctric power at I'nialllla rapids to footer Ir rigation, railroad electrification and the production of electric power for Industrial and domestic purposes. For the coming meeting, invitations have been extended to leading rnll road officials of the northwest, the governors and state engineers of Ore gon and Washington, . legislators und prominent business and industrial leaders. Itesides tho speakers, the Pendle ton men w ho visited Walla Walla to day were C. P. A. l.oncrgnn, .lames Johns, Cr., Cliaties lond and It. Ii. ChluuiK'k, MOSCOW, Idaho. Feb. 1. To stim ulate scholastic work among men stu dents ut the I niv'srsity of Idaho here, a loving cup lo lie known us tin French scholarship c.up. will 1" awarded annually to the grojip tnak ing She highest scholarship average it Is announced by President A. 1. l'pham. The cup has been presented to thi university by Congressman lluiton I. French, graduate of Idaho of the das. it 1901. Mr. French asked that thi rules und requirements governing tie trophy be similar lo those now bem used for Elizabeth Kidder l.Indle; cup. The l.lndioy cup, presented n Mrs. M. H. l.lndioy, was original!: planned for groups of women and mci but the donor has consented to nuvi It confined to the former In ordei that the French cup might be offerer exclusively to the male students. Hiking was the order of th day when IJoyd George gave a party re cently at his country home for LoM Heading and John W. Davis, the I'. S. unbaador. Heading I shown telling Davln and Lloyd George a funny Moiy. They had J ist returned from a Ion? walk when this picture was tak en. K'lrepoai worries nm apparently V making Lloyd Georee much thinner. PENDLETON COMMUNITY SERVICE IS LAUNCHED Feb. I. IV. P.) "I don't want the newsboys of Denver or any other city to col lect money to pay my fine," Judge Pen Llndsey of the Den ver Juvenile court declared today when he was told that plans were tinder wny for the Denver newsboys to contribute to a fund to pay a J."."0 fine assessed against him for contempt of court. When he refused to be tray the confidences of a 13-year-old boy, whose mother was on trial for the murder of her husband here, Judge, Llndsey was held for contempt of court and ordered to pay a fine of J500 or serve a term In Jail. The United States court up held the decision of the lower courts Monday. Judge Lind.sey said it waa not a matter of monetary expedien cy, but a matter ' of principle with him. Tt is for the news boys and their friends that this principle was founded by me," he declared. ''So I cannot accept any money from them." P.) Mustjipha Kemal, leader of th Turkish nationalists, will endeavor to negotiate with the allies for return to Turkish territory If the present cab! net will resign. It was announced to- . day. In the meantime, Kemal orders c-d his troops to cease hostilities against the French and British troops pending the London coriferVhr, where he will have representative, at least In the role of observers. :iC!RCUITCOURT NOTTO liU-l SALEt Fob. 1. (V. P.) The f house today urianlmouttfy panned a bill 4 changing the time of holding circuit (court in Umatilla county from 8eptem 4 jber to later in the season. ; "Tho court time now always come At its tiipt'thi t-T tho 'iilmtry 'iat Vii the iin&nimou iotViuRen HUht the ronimiiimy .rvi e council j mcic ami stimulate public interest in the neriion of a community building M ted to nreantze and undertake com munUy work hern und or the name of "he fVnd let on i Vm m u n 1 1 y Servire. constitution and bv-laws wore adopt d. " he constitution provides for a presi dent, vice-president, and Kocretary '.ren surer, these throe officials re hinnnted tlso as memhers of a cum- mil tee of n to wni k out plans for ivie activities. The eiht other luem- iters of the committee are to he ap- tinted hy the president, the niaynr 'i id city sitperintendn4 of schools he me memhers ex-officio, Jnnicf Johns, Sr. waa elected pres doit, Mrs. F. K. f!yden, vioe-pres-dent and C. I'. A. I.onercau seeretary renytirer. i he most sichifiennt move, of the rteetimr, in the efitmiatinti f K. K. Tuekor. National community oriraniyer PERSHING WOULD BURY UNKNOWN HERO WHILE ALL NATION HONORS or civic center. This building will in clude an auditorium, gymnasium, s-wln ming pool, etc. The motion stip ulate! that a special committee be ap potnfcd to develop plans and ways in teresting citizens in the building. TIip new officers are to meet tumor, r w ;:lnht in the library and arrange for he appointment of the executive committee. P.) Jt:st at the lime of our famtum Kound t'p." auid IU preventative Woodson, "and you have to lasso and hog tie men wanted for the Jury." ' lircak Mt-nts lending; SALEM, Feb. 1. (L. P.) After considerable debate at the morn inn session, a bill providing a system or 4 state reforestation of denuded rands I was made the special order of buHinesa : this afternoon. Differences between the governor's, j office and the highway cominbialcni over proposed repe of the quarter " mill road levy act seems to tower near Amkrabie adjustment through a com promise arrangement. .iow being rrego j tiated. , ITnder this plan the millHgo . levy would not be repealed but would he so amended that money coming into Earl C. Bronaugh. former circuit i 'he treasury from it would be applied Judge, waa today appointed trustee for I "r 'wo years to institutional needs. ilorris Prothcrs. Liquidation is to be gin at once and is certain to take over a year because the creditors have un til December 27 to file their claims. Fnder the by-laws the community work is to have several departments. will be a department which will dev. ite ot tercst will be music, girls and boys ac tivities will oe in charge of two sejie-r-ite dt-rartments, and athletics will also be provided for, according tr Tn.'fcer. JEWELRY AND SILK HOSE VERSUS LOVE IS ISSUE OF SUIT port Kills Pass Senate SALEM. Feb. 1. (A. P.) The Port of Portland bills passed the senate yes- j terday. No opposition Is expected in (the house. - : ' AntlHHizra Sale of Plant. SALEM, Feb. 1. (A. P.) The sen ate today passed a bill authorizing the sale of the penitentiary flax plant. land passed a bill imposing an inser-F-'jtation tax on property transferred to i v.itc its energies to dramatics, an- -"". jeiir, mouc.t ami siik i heirs within two years - before the iier lo playgrounds, one's chief in- onR" versos love that's the issue jdeath. There were also bills changing ... w.c u.i ui .. i.. i einsiiiaiio the personnel or tne, emergency board to be appointed guardian of 16 year;an( to keep power' to appropriate old Natalie Lancn. Thus far Natalie money in the hands of the legislature, haa stoutly maintained her love for jfhe house assed six bills, favorite in the battle. Dr. Ralph Lar- ' ' son, her foster father, testified today KAN FRANCISCO. Feb. 1. (U Candy, Jewelry, money and V A SHIN GT N. Keh. 1 ( 1 P.) A c:remonial partiripnted in liv rvt ry person in the t'niled Elates when an unknown soldier of the world war i buried in Arl ington eemettry was reeommend ed hy (meral IVrsliiiiw before the house military affairs com mittee today. BILL PASSES HOUSE IFF CORK, Feb. 1. (C. P.I Sinn Fcin ra killed a woman last nijiht when she waited on the platform of a Nation at Mallow with her husband, Insp.-ctor Kins. The latter was seriously wouiid-d. WASHINGTON-. Feb. 1. (A. P.) The rivers and harbors bill appro priating ?15.25O.0i'O, was passed by the house today and was sent to the senate. , Kstiur'tes Are- Cut. WASHINGTON. Feb. l.-(A. P.) Department estimates of $478.T.S. ?mi, in the deficiency bill are cut to $:03,.!i:i,S7 by the house appropria tions committee which reported to day. Votes Against Increase WASHl.MtTOX. Feb. 1. I I". P. The house voted by 205 to 120 agatnstj ii creasing the appropniaiuins 'orj river and harbor worn during the next i.s al year to Si'S.tuio,!''"'. It thet passed the rivers and harbors appro priation hill, .carrying S I :.:, Oi'O f.r n aimenanco and continuance of pro Jt cts already started. that he had taken out a 11000 endow ment policy for the benefit of the girl and that he gave her fine clothes and everything, money could buy to make the girl happy, hut still, his testimony said, happiness had not been for Na talie. 'l don't care about money," she half sobbed from the witness stand. "What I want Is love?" P.ev. Wpiasmann testified that love is about ail SiX CHICAGO BANDITS 0 CHICAGO, Feb. 1 A. P.) Kix men. after herding six men and three women employes of the Kenwood he had to offer the girl 'Trust and Savings Uank into a rear whose guardian he uanhs to be. '!ve, room today escaped with $30.jfl. The :i pood home, not fine clothes or plen-jhoudup was staged while employes ty of candy make happiness.' the (were removing money from the vault minister testified. after the bank opened. CITY TO TAKE PART IN GIVING CHINA A CHANCE WASHINGTON, Feb. 1. tt. P.) The doom of the Fordney emergency tariff bill at this session of congress seems certain. The senate will vole oh iVlotuiv tomorrow. This would I llm't the debnte on measures. A two- thirds vote is necessary for ndoption I of cloture and friends of the tariff measure admitted they would not ,elulni a victory. Failure of the elo ivc would allow the democratic op ponents to talk the bill to death. A 1 cloture w-as introduced yesterday hy I Senator Penrose, after 14 days' flll- blistering carried on by Senator Har ! rison. Reprisals Conic (Quickly t'O UK, Feb. i. tt. I'.' Quick re-i prls;ils resulting in the dath ef one man, followed the death ef Mrs. Kim? I wife of Iho eonnt- inspeetiir ai Mallow) station early today. Police rashe-l I) Hie itation when the i-iiooling was re- t poi-ted. arrested 10 men and Uien oi- dered them to flee for their . Ilws. one j man was killed and aiuAlur wa'f j wviunded. The remaining c!aniorvn into a locomotive. The throttle was thrown wide open and the inline' plunged tnlo the open country. Ma41ow, already the seen-. .f nmeh j fighting, today feared forth. t ivprisalsj and there was a general exotics if' tilizens. King and his wif were waillnig for . .gUCIl ai UlC II Hill' iiiMir-i- tim m' ii-.- son can bo given for this procedure. With the slogan, "Give China a Chance," a drive for the relief of fam ine stricken China was started this morning in Pendleton when the Amer ican National. First Nalioal, and In land Empire banks announced that they would act as depositories for contributions. izens shall, even though the task of giving is not today a light one, re spond us they can "to this distant but appealing cry for help." t"o great Is the need of this nation (hat the American committee figure ,1 cents will save a life for one day. It nnA lift, fop tin month nit.l i. u III The appeal comes from the Ameri-'s.,ve a life ullU, ,uirvest can Committee for the China Famine The famine sone over mnn.ifi (Fund with head.iuarters at Uihle I wmre antl Kncu th ftv. House. New York city. This organ- j , provinces. This area has I sii ft f rod itn antl nitP.rta 1 1 .-... w a. Chinese arc on the verge of starvation, (.onti,ulo, droUKh, nni1 Uok o( according to C. Si harpf of the Am-j,..,, h-s klliw, ,hl. ,hP. r. Thn idea for aid Is backed tin by .OIL KMIIAIH.O F.WOUI.n WASHINGTON, Feb. 1. tU. P.) Daniels today approved tho bill by Senator Phelan, aulhoiixluK the prea- j ident to declare an embargo on the ex. portatton of oil, rhelan announced. The bill has In view declaring; an im-' Fehnmrv 4. It Is officially annminM.i mellate embarRo fo meet the ahurtage today. Rusiness decline Is given as Ilia or on in tn sou n try. ' Irtason II AII.W.WS Tt ( IT WORM Its SACRAMENTO. Calif., Feb. l.J-t IM More than II nil men wil be hi id ff In the Southern Pacific shops hcr j XllI.W Al'KKE. Feb. 1. ( I. P.) : icier i iTjiiT is h ""' j prochuiiailon from President Wilson, the president's refusal to grant par-, n hleh "runs as follows: , don to Eugene Pehs, saying that i 1 amino Is Alarming, ii....,- i Wilson Mottled the recom- i "A famine, alarming in its prop..-- I , .. . .'tions, today holds in ,meo, ... ,e a..o. ......t, pymccs In China. :that the in year sentence of -Eugene p f.,nM,v js complo e, and th i Debs be commuted to expire next Feb- present disiress, which is great, I if. I - V.i i-.- tson for the ref lsal is likely, before upon them. Thu wife was killed vtaiitlv and King was wounded. in- 'other Ihan Hint a clot of blood is still Sns IMHiv Fired I h.h resting heavily on poor Woodrow Wil- I.oNlniN, Fob. l. -d". P. V- Police son s diseased brain. The decision of were fired upon at Mallow when they ih, supreme court in the Chicago so went to ihe railway station there to e nlists rase showed there are signs of investigate the shooting of Inspect or! sanity returning to some of the de Klng ami his wife by Sinn Feiners, the , departments ot our government. The winter has run its course t,. become appalling. In fact lour diplomatic and consular agencies jln China inform me that the loss re j stilting from death In distressing form i iiuiv run into millions of souls. It is i certain that Ihe local government and Cliina Aided Civil inlion. "China gave civilisation to the world. It gave much of the best lit- jerature. the printing press, added greatly to the world's art and this its crip seeral ! proNerh, 'Within the tour was all men The are brothers,' reads the literature of the American committee. , . So concerned baa President Wilson become over the conditions In tho (' lestlal Kmpire that he has appointed committeemen in every state to work for the relief. A. 1- Milia and Edgar 11. Piper, both of Portland, being; the men on the committee from OreKoii. "We will certainly be clad tn take ' established agencies of relief are un- deposits for thia drive and thn publlu able to eope with the magnitude of i may te lnforme.1 to that effect, was the disaster which faces them. . . . the statements made by I.yman Itle Therefore not only In the name of bu llish office today announced. Ucturn-1 sanity will not return to the w hite ! inanity but tn that of the friendliness 'ne the fire, the report said, the police house, however, as long as Woodrow i Wounded two men and killed a third. Wlkon holds sway there."' which we feel for a great people tn and U C. Scharpf of distress, i venture to ask that our clt- National. of the First National Hank, Will 1U bennett of the Inland Kmplr Bank. th ABicrlvaa