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About East Oregonian : E.O. (Pendleton, OR) 1888-current | View Entire Issue (Jan. 31, 1921)
. r - - - ' fags ma - i i H IT i i - i - .n -j CAJL EAST OREGONIAN, PENDtETON, OHECOH, MONDAY EVENING, JANUARY 31, 1021 TEN PAGES r Notices, Business Opportunities, Locals Lost, Found, Handy Business Directory of Pendleton and Vicinity For Rent, Etc., Classified for, Easy Reference. This Directory is especially handy for the out-of-town reader who may want the name and address of responstDia bus.isbs the following lines. All are reliable, responsible business concerns who stand ready to givs you prompt servlca. ADS WANTED Housekeeper for two mon d Cull 2SF5. . FOR RENT Furnished 2 room apart mentclose In 401 Aura St. , GIRL WANTS general house work on ranch Box IIS WaHhtucna, Wash. -W- i 'i i.i .1 LOST Flash light, between Madison St. and Inland Empire Bank. Re turn to Dr. McFaul and receive re.' ward. TOR BALK OR KENT Blacksmith and wagon shop, Dent stand in ataU of Oregon. Write K. P. lllsley, Hor mlston, Ore. rtal Npldihora of AinrrUa Royal Ncltshbors meet Tuesdny even ing In tho Eagle-Woodman hall at 7:30. All visiting neighbors cordially Invited. ADA EDWARDS, Receiver. aV Wv- r w. - ta Oct Ochxsxj&f -4 An " NOJICES TOR SALE , I'Mtrny Nollv Came to my pUco 12 miles north of Pendleton, (tut, bluso face iron gray, 3 year old filly no brand visible own. er hiay have same by Identifying ana paying fur ibis ad. A. -M. Winn, 901 W. Court HI, FURNITURE for uilc Phone 8H1-W. Estray Notice Came to my place one brown mare four year old, star in forehead, brand, ed JV on left shoulder, Owner can have name by paying for thli ad. Her bert Thompson, Pendleton, Ore. VtkOtiurranltf Trt IntPnitliM nil, Unlalr wapU will finish IToo on roll and one print each. Ward (Studio. .i FOR SALE 75 H. P. Holt Caterpillar Sturgis 4 fllorle. ' FURNITURE FOR SALE Apartment 7, E. U. Building FOR BALK House and lot. prlee f 7U Inquire 901 Turner St.- - - FOR, SALE All klncts of 4nsurknce JH. Estea, (14 Main St. Phone (04 Xnlien " r Not fur five years have I been able to offer hn stood value In medium farm land as I ran at this time. Liit 1. 4 Ml acre farm, good build ii!K, running water, 100 acres grow ing crop, stuck, Implements and ma chinery, cattle, hogs, fowls; will he on Market road. Is on rural route, uhout 400 acres under plow, ideal location for a home, only :'S,S0 per. acre. I also have son acres fine hunch grass I asture, well fetirtti and watered, some good timber, very accessible,' $0,10 per acre. Can (tlve liberal terms on bny-f lands I have foj- stile. N. ilKItKELEY. l'i! E. Alia. Attention 'Knights of Pythias . Damon Lodge No. 4, K. of P. will have work In the 1st and 2nd. rank Monday evening, Jan.' 24th. Com tncnclng at .7:30 o'clock. All mem bers urged to be present. . HENRY MANGOLD, C. P. VAI.I-AKAO, lnd., Jiin. 31. (A. I Yhirty-slx per cent of the mem l.erx of conares-., fifty five per cen of the lTrMdcr.ta of the Culled State-i and fifty four per rent of the vice, pres idents hav In n college, ac cordirg to an pronouncement mid" t Dr. O. C. I'. Ifl, dean of Kducotijn of the Valjiarairu I'nhersily. Dr. Hoist also made the statement that there Is iiufy one percent of col 1,'pe grndi.;. lis in our male population of graduate age. ' "Nearly llfly-five per cent of all cabinet members, sixty-nine per cent of the Justices f the supreme court and nighty fit per cent of the chief Jnstictr have also been furnished from this do per tint," said Dr. Uorst. RiVAL ANNE MORGAN Notice of Bids to turnisli Lumber . Notice is hereby given that sealed bids will bo received at the office of the City Recorder In Pendleton, Ore gon up to i o'clock p. M. on February 2nd 121 for furnishing to the City of Pendleton, 8000 feet of lumber 4 In. by 12 n. by lg feet F-'O. B. Lee Street Bridge In the City of Pendleton. The Common Council reserves the right to reject anyand all bids. , Dated at Pendleton, Oregon this Uth. day of January 1921. THOS. F1TZ GERALD, City Recorder. FOR BALE) t head of good muies, 10 head of horses U food stockSee Bturgla & Storle. NEW FOUR ROO house for sale; terms north sld Bee Alex Mann. ing I'hone 106-W. I FOR RKXT-i-Nlcely furnished slcep . Ing rooms. Bt ve, hot and cold water, close to Main Bt. Phone 49-M BOARD AND JtOOM for lady only Inquire 124 left 'Davis Bt., evenings. FOR RENT Bleeping rooms, furnace heat, free bath, men only. Phone 407, a. m., 378-J after t p. m. TP R. REST Furnished bed room in private family furnaced 'heated for one or two gentlemen. Inquire "W this office. ; WANTED WANTED 3 turkey hens. Phone 40. WANTED Plain sewing of all kinds. Phone 9-J. WANTED Sewing plain or tancy Phor.e I00-M. - - 3 EXPERIEXCED sales women want ed nt once "fiayres." . WANTED Girl for general, house ;wrork. Phone T99-J.- - WANTED GOOD CLEAN HAGS AT The Eayt Oregon lan office. WANTED by man and wife Work on farm Inquire "2" this office. AUTO TIRES PENDLETON CTCLB CO. AJax, Re vere and Bavage tires. 228 C Court Street. . L. 8. BENTLET Jk CO. Goodyear and Diamond Tires Tlrs service, oils and accessories Alt and larden Sw, AUTO REPAIRING KODAK FINISHING THE "PIONEER- ALTO MAN Bdtis- JPEKFECT DEVEJX)PINO and prtnv faction guaranteed. We repair any make. Glenn Lone, 633 Cottonwood. WALLACE BROS. Flek tires, cords or fabric. We do our own adjust, iug. H08-13 Johnson fit. GERTSON 4 MARTY Gates Half SolcsC (000 miles guaranteed 1-2 cost of new tires. S37 Cottonwood St. PENDLETON RUBBER 4k SUPPLT CO. Barney Oldfleld, Goodrich 811 vertown Cord and Pennsylvania Vacu um Cup 305 E. Court. SIMPSON TIRE 8ERVICB CO. Re ' public and Freefone tires, cords or fabric 223 E. Court BU. I' brae 451. MISCEaANEOUS MRS. ADA FIELD rSpirel la cocsetlere Phone 324-W. Address 614 Jane. ALL KINDS of patients eared for by erperienned nurse 800 W. .Webb Phone 884. ,. . PERKINS AMMONS, Automobile Repairing. Ford, Chevrolet, Btude baker or any make of car. Service at any time. 130 Cottonwood, Phone 203. ATTORNEYS GISOROE W. COUTTS, Attorney , LaT Room 17, Schmidt block. R. I. KEATOR, Attorney at Law, Room 24, Smith-Crawford Building. CARTER A 8MTTHE. Attorneys at Law. Offices In rear of American National Bank Building. Ing for ths amateur enlarging Prompt work. Tallmao Drn Co. HEMSTITCHING HEMSTITCHING at tha Singer Bhop, Mail orders promptly attended to. H EMSTITCIITNG Mail orders) Mr Ralph Hansel! 417 Bush, rbona 996. 1AUNDRY FEE ft FEE. Attorneys at Law. flees in Dospalo Building. Of- S. A. LOWELL .Attorney and Counsel- dor at Law. Office in Deepaln Bids. 8. A. NEWBERRT. Attomey at Law, ilMeral Building. PETERSON, BISHOP CLARK. At torneys at Law. Rooms and 4 Smith-Crawford Bldg. WANTED TO RENT I or 6 room house Chas. Gordon, '509 Liileth St. FOR BALE Five room modern bun galow half basement Terms, . In - quire SIS W. High Bt. MONET TO LOAN on Pendleton real state on - short notice Address "93" this office. . . . FOR SALE Self-propelled -combine harvester, 191S model, good shape- terms Bturgls A Btorie. FOR SALE About 130 tons alfalfa hay, some mixed with barley. George Geanokopulas, Rleth Ore., phone 23F4. FOR SALE Few good young work horses and two saddle horses or Kilt trade for stock cattle.' Address H. P. Whitman, Pendleton or Phone 418. FOR BALE OR TRADE One 14 H. P. Stover gas engine, mounted on wag- Guar anteed In first class condition. Will trade for Ford. Blmpaoc Auto Co. Notice of Bids for Bonds Notice Is herebv slven that sealed bids will be received at the office ot!on bed vith wide lron wheel Ihe City Recorder In Pendleton, Ore gon, up to February 2nd. 1921 at I o'clock P. M. of said day, for the pur chase of $22,000.00 General Indebted ness Bonds of the City of Pendleton, bearing date of March 1st. 1921 and running 30 years, optional after 20 years, and bearing Interest at the rate of s per cent per annum payable Seml- Annually at the City Treasurers office In Pendleton, Oregon. Each bid must lie accompanied by a certified chock ot S per cent ot the fare value of the bonds bid for made payable to tire or der of the Mayor of The City of Pen dleton, to be returned to the bidder if unsuccessful, and to be forfeited toi-.,,, ,.,,,., ini,. the City of Pendleton if the bidder is w awarded the bonds and fails to tskei . and pay for sam In accordance with for RENT Furnished room Phone WANTED Situation as utenographer Experienced typist Phone 27?. WANTED 'Underwood typewriter In good -condition. Address "89" care this office. WANTED TO BUY S or roomed house close In must be cheap for cah Inquire "91" this office. WANTED TO LEASE Nine or ten room house on North Side. Musi have four bedrooms. R. D. Sayres. ALL KINDS of lurnace and stove re pairing,, pip 'fitting and chimney cleaning smtSataotloa guaranteed Phone 122, : RAG hCGS and carpels woven. Also first class crocheting and embroid ery. All orders promptly fUled-T-4Jee Wheelers, at 1800 W. Railroad. ; , WE WASH and clean the finest rugs satisfactorily. . References . given. We make fluff rugs from .old carpets. Walla Walla Rug and Carnat Clean ing Co. Phone 1(77 , , . JAUE3 B. PERRE, Attorney at Law. Office over ,T)lor Hardware Company- s RALET, RALBT 8TEIWER, Attor neys at Law. Office In American National Ii:ik Building. FOR BALE Houses of all sizes, ranging In price from 11400 to $12,000. Coma and see aie If you want to buy a. boms. GEORGE W. KLDER , 818 Main St. Res. Phone 972-W Phons 193 CLERKS, (men, women) over 17 for Postal Mail Service. J13Q month. Examinations Jan., Feb. Experience unnecessary. For free particulars of instruction write J. Leonard, (former Civil Service Examiner) 949 Equitable Rldg., Washington, D- C. THE OREGON JOURNAL delivered (5 cents a month. Sunday Included- G W. Hooker, agent. - Office, AUce Shinning Parlors - (Al Richardson's Place) 609 Main St Phone 622. KING RADIATOR WORKS Radlat ors made and repaired. All makes. AH work guaranteed. J.' C. King, Prop.,.,110 Water. St, (UpBtairg,) FRED Law. BIdg. H. SCHMIDT, Attorney at Room 24, Smith -Crawford BATTERIES PHILADELPHIA DIAMOND GRID I BATTERIES guaranteed for 18 months. W. II Chase Co., 320 E. Court. Telephone 289, Pendleton. EVERY Article Laundered Perfectly. There's an agent In you town, Troy Lanndry, (HIS Garden Bt. - MADE TO MEASURE U Carl E. FrassMsja, ElKa EWd DPTICAL DA LID ROTH WELL Optemeiriat aa4 Optician. Classes ground to fit roof eyes. American national nans xuast OSTEOPATH DR. G. B. HOLT Osteopathic, physi cian and Surgeon. Judd BUig. Tela- phones, office &08; Resideoce 17w. PLUMBING AND HEATING FOR RENT APTS. AND ROOMS ALT A APTS. Ihe terms of his said bid. The Com mon Council reserves tho rlnhtto re ject any and all bids at its pleasure. Dated at Pendleton, Oregon this 19th day of January 1921. THOS. FITZ GERALD, City Recorder. CHICAGO, Jan St. (V. P.) Mrs. Marshall fit-Id loilny threw down the gauntlet to Miss Anno Morgan and announced that she had entered the field of sports promojlon. "If Miss Morgan can raise $70,000 for devastated Franco in New York, through a sporting event, then we should be nblo to mis more than that for the poor children of Chl- ' cago." said Mrs. Field. She declared she is sponsoring three rhnmplonahlp wrestling matches to bo lu Id here. on Washington's birfHduy. ' GOES TO.WplUC I a - . . ' ! i "J r V I j Notice of Chattel Mortpnire Sale NOTICE IS HBREBT GIVEN that the tinderslgned, Second Northwestern Finance Corporation, a corporation, by virtue of the chattel mortgage, Cated April 8, 1920, executed by An drew S. Kerr, to I. D. Latham and re corded January 24, 1921, in the Roc rrds of Chattel Mortgages of Umatilla County, Oregon, securing the payment of note and debts therein described, of even date therewith, for 33572.40, bearing interest at g per cent, per an num from maturity of said note dnd by the holder of said note and mort gage, same .was declared due on No vember 29, 1920 said note with said chattel mortgage having been endors ed, transferred and assigned by said I. D. Latham to said corporation prior to the maturity thereof for valuable consideration, the conditions of said ohattel mortgage having been broken by the mortgagor, has taken posses sion of tho property thereby mortgag ed, to wit: One Denby Motor Truck, steel lined, dump body with a Woods hoist. Factory No. 6135, Motor No. 6664, truck model No. 27, and will sell the same to the highest bidder for cash at 11 o'clock in the forenoon on the second day of February, 1921, at the front door of the garage of the West ern Auto Company, one tho corner ot Cottonwood and Water Streets In The City of Pendleton, Umatilla County, Oregon, tho proceeds of sale, to be ap plied to the pnyment of costs and ex penses of sale and of taking possession and keeping property, and expenses of foreclosing, Including a reasonable sum as attorneys fees, and the pay ment of the amount duo upon the note secured by eald chattel mortgage. Dated this 21th day of January, 1921. SECOND NORTHWESTERN FI- Nance Corporation. BY JSOETH HOUSER, Sheriff and Agent. MRS. JOHN IU'S81iLL I Another titled Englishwoman, jll.e Hon. Mrs. J'Hm Ru,r;S (lunF,litor-ln-law of Lord Ampin!!!.! ksc rone to work. Bhe is opening m 0Ts3i'J) uatibllalimont In London. USED CAR EXCHANGE FOR SALE We have a lew gooa nsnd Fords priced from 3125. to J6 These are all worth tha money call and see them 'Simpson Auto Co Water and Johnson Sis. ili-R. Room and BOARD for man only 403 E.TVebb. SLEEPING ROOM FOR Phone 482 R. RENT APARTMENT FOR RENT 517 Ann Inquire S12 Ann St, SALESMAN WANTED We want a real salesman that is reliable and energetic, with an auto, for a perman ent position in each county of Oregon, Washington and Idaho to sll 8 labor saving and farm conveniences-articles for the house, barn and Stock. The are articles with real merits and ones that the farmer will buy if properly presented. They are lines that any salesman can handle with credit to himself and on which he can build up a permanent business that will last for years. In answering state territory preferred, your age, selling experience and references. It is a commission proposition. A good talesman can Lrasily make from $2500.00 to $5000.00 a year. If you can qualify for the po sition it's worth the while of any sales man employed or unemployed. "Coast Culvert & Flume Co., Portland (Ken ton) Oregon, AUTO TOPS ROOM WITH BOARD IX PRIVATE Family. Phone 212-W. GADWA'S AUTO TOPS. Plata Glass, Backs, Side Curtains 201 East Court St. - : -.. .- n AUTO ELECTRIC WORKS FOR RENT Store room -on Main St. ' Apply Bickers & Friedly. FOR RENT Suite of hotisekeapink rooms at S01 Clay No chilirren. FOR RENT Furnlahefkfleping room in private family PlWne 223-M. FOR RENT Two housekeeping rooms, 301 S. Main St W. M. Tindel, FOR RENT Room " with sleeping porch and use of bath. Phone 747 FOR RENT Downstairs sleeping room, close In. Men only. Phone 1S4-R Store. !WB REPAIR anything electrical on an automobile. W. K. Chane Co. AUTO TRANSFER W. O. FISHEB Utand Kllay ft Kemp, "I'hone 522. t a E. WILLIAMSON Stand at Griggs" Cigar Store Phone 1075. - TRUCKS FOR HIRE Country work. Kiasler & Hemraelgarn, Phone 381-R or 999-W 613 Marie St. ... FOR QUICK SERVICE. Call "Bnfl Cornfield, Phone 52, Crescent Cigar Residence, Phone 1059-R. . - TDfE CARD tVeston-Pendleton Auto Stage Leaves Weston for Pendleton at " 7:30 a. m. and 12:'4S P. m. Leaves Athena for Pendleton at 8:00 a. m. and 1:00 p. m. Leaves Adams for Pendleton at a 8:20 a, tn. and 1:20 p. m. leaves Pendleton (Allen-Knight Co. Store) for Weston at 10:00 a. m. and 4 p. m. . . O. H. HcPHERRDJ, Prop. . - TIME CARD TOof Rock-Pradleton Anto Stage Leaves Pilot Rock at 8 a. m. Leaves Pendleton at 10:30 a. m. Leaves Pilot Rock at 1 p. m, Leaves Pendleton at 4 p. m. FANCHO STUBS LEFTELD, Prop. MODEL TAILORS 4k CLEANERS Pressing and repairing. 304 W. Webb St. Phone 321, Pendleton, Ore. AUCTIONEER COL. W. F. TOHNKA Auctioneer, Call at Sturgts 4k Btorle's Implement Co., Tor sale dates. CALL PEN LAND BROS. Transfer Tan to move your household goods. We also pack or store goods. Wa do coun try hauling. Telephone 23. AUTO PAINTING T MEN WITH' YEARS of experience. Motor Inn Garage, 722 Cottonwood. I Ward A. Uoagland, Prop. ' , DOINGS OP THE DUFFS IT SOUNDS LIKE AN ALIBI B7 ALLMAN LOST AND FOUND LOST Bunch of keys Return to E. O. Office. jjOST Road grafter, i Finder please notify C. A. Crabtree, Street Com missioner, City of Tendleton. CHICHESTER S PILL? .at i a hi. r anr irtfpn ror r. hlM-b4ss.tra IMAinerrtd Br4JA 1 yt k mrtni ui Bw. Safest. Atwrin Rell w Xi like To bake a rRurrcAir&i tom, will vou go to the ztoqe. I : ' i ' T.'itjf ' J UT IF I DO 5OMEP0W Will. I AMD fiT 'SOME THHJGS FOK I1 I HAVE TO MAKE ATD1P TO THE MB? I WAMT'TO MAKE A . X ' 1 WAN PIVE POUrJDS ; I ' VsIImv VJIFE IS . oOelT NEEOA . -Ofr 5UtA0-TM0P0ltt.M L ! f!; j 60IMG TO 8AKE J AMV BOTTIES . Jli'i OF PAIiS AMO 506 U iVk t . A FRU1T CAKE' A 0 VOU ? A ""'- f 1 - jf - . - vi''i- iHp-L-V.V 1,1 li-r-. t ' ij P. '',' rj - FREST-O-LiTH BA'TTERIES Best , by competitive test. Service en 'all makes of batteries, guarao'eed. Prest- O-Ute Service Station, ion -fc; 'ri.iirt PJione 864. , PLUMBING AND HEATING Jamea McNair All work promptly attend ed to. 20S w. Webb, Pendleton ure. gen. Kotklcnce Phone Jl-U, Office Phone 23. POULTRY SUPPLIES CHIC FOOD, Scratch f ood, . tonics. bone, shell, grit, corn, oats. iroUed Parley. VrnaUlU Flow s Graia Co. CATERPILLAR WORK :: - PHONOGRAPH REPAIRING CATERPILLARS, harvesters, gas en ginea, autorjoLilea and general blacksmlthing. Round-Up Garage, Parka A Nebergall, Zia West Webb. CONTRACTORS & BUILDERS PARKER & BAN FIELD, Designing. Engineering, Constructing, l( years experience in concrete and brick con struction. 61 E. Third St, North Port land, Oregon. '-. - - ' CHIROPRACTORS DR. R. C. "ELlSWORTH SpecialUmg In nervous disease and diseases of women. S to 13 a- nt, l to 6:30 p. m. Evenings 7 to . Phone 70S, smith- Crawford Building. DR. LENA A. BOONE Chiropractor Office hours 10 to 13; 1:20 to 1:00. 309 S. Court St, Lasts Apt. It, Phone 7T. CLEANING AND PRESSING PHONOGRAPH REPAIRING AJI makes Warren'a MujbO Kooaa, U Main BU Phone its. PIANOS AND PLAYERS HIGH GRADE PIANOS of pieaatn tone quality. Players of In dividual r ty. Its the construction that countav See piano on display, write or phone Ihe Bee Hive, 628 Main St, Phon 1G7S- J. ( p. Darn all. Factory Rep, Moler ft Cham Piano Co.- - Painting and Paper Hanging PAINTS, Wall Paper, Picture Fram ing. L. a. McAtee, the Practical Paint Man. Lowe Bros, Paints. RADIATOR REPAIRING 4LTA AUTO RADIATOR "WORKS 701 East Alta street. All makes ot radiators repaired. "Work fuarantesd. a Blasherg;, Prop. - RESTAURAfJT o&CiSisl DRAYMEN DENTIST DR. H. M. HAN A VAN Dentistry, T-i t fn-nnilH CMff DVAna TTt XVtfUUi i t ICUIH'Q UIUB. uvsiw s mm EYE, EAR, NOSE &, THROAT OPTICAL Dept. any size, style or shape glass while you watt. D, N. Reber, M. D 1, 8. , Belts Bldg. FARM LOANS SNOW ft DATTON, 117 E- Court St, Real Estate. Fire Insurance. Farm Loans. See us about a loan. THE QUELLE A good place fb eat. SECOND HAND FURNITURE MATTRESSES The best values in -the city, 35 lb. silk flasa, $17.S9 ' 45 'lb. cotton 310.00 Phone hilt Riley & Kemp, 523 Main St. SECOND HAND CEALERS V. STROBLE, dealer tn new ana sec ond hand goods. Cash paid tor second hand goods. Cheapest plac to buy household good,19 K Court I-hone 721 W. t t" SUGGESTIVE THERAPEUTIC THE -most up-to-date effectual lead ing science practmed.E. F. Gihaoa Ps B. T.: Kt D. Room 12 Peehler Bld. TAILORS JUNK, JUNK, JUNK BRING your Junl to the Pendleton Hide ft Junk Co. See us oaf ore you sell. Ii. T. Cameron, Prop. 47 "ifalnm ' "Phone lOOl Strained Houey in"i Butternut, Bread, glass, 40c, 75c,' Walnuts, Califor nia soft shell, 3 in White, Rye, G rah a hi and ' Whole Wheat. Gun Powder Tea, pkgs.25cahd50c Sunkist ' Lemons, tlozen . 30c ' pounds"-. -i. $1.00 . i. ... . . " The Dean Tatom Co. Meat Dept. OC Grocery Dept