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About East Oregonian : E.O. (Pendleton, OR) 1888-current | View Entire Issue (Jan. 31, 1921)
i I ft f - TIN PAGES JMC3'TW0 DAILY EAST OREGONIAJT. PENDLETON, OREGON, MONDAY EVENING, JANUARY 31, 1921. WHA T PENDLETON GRADE SCHOOLS ARE DOING i -r fTffl ill If 11! i9 MXCttf ,X SCIKKlIi ! The hiKiimers nr doing nicely In their work. l.itla Knibysk i recisterej it Virwt A. Four giiis and two hoys in First P, Rfiil others, sro eM'cvtcd to i n'.'T li rltis next work. Dorothy J.-k was among the ftm Krede popil promoted to tlie third tirade lat work. Thrmigh nil error, rer r.ame was omitted in Ins: week': lift, pi spite of nhstMioe because of t'tknoH.",' Dorothy succeeded in doing the wrmiii trade work in half a yenr nml was promoted with hlsh standing In the thinl (trade nt the beginning of the new semester. Thiity nln-i pupils arc now enrolled In tli second gmde room. These pu pils are working in three divisions. Mm. Idlcniaii and Mis. linker aro s a'si'tiK Mint Maxwell in the work. Many fhiMron are absent because of filncss, from Hie third tirade. The f.inrth grade won the neatness pennant this month. They are worK Ing hard at lone division, .'.he fifth grade has five of its mem lr absent on account of sickness, MarJ rie Richardson, Ignore Oreo lick. I.dwtn, .t:laf"y"s Slanly, and Itil Vivien McAllister. The "slate IcgisttKurc" In tho civics. class of the fifth grade is doing sonic i very earnest work in making gooo ; laws. , j "Almost everyone in the grade was anxious to be in the "l atent of III I Pilgrims'' which is to ho given soon I i itit as so many character were not needed some had to be left out. The class la working for l"alme. Method ! progress pins in writing. , The following took part In the . Parcnt-Teucher's meeting Friday aft-! tnoon. H lirietha Rosenoero, Barbara l.ieuallrn, Nita, Vivian Win - j tier, Olives Leedy and Hobble Miller, j A new pupil, Minne Welch, has been admitted to the sixth grade. Seventh and eighth grade pupils are taking great interest in the "Pagent of the Pilgrims," which U to be given soon, v Kiirhth grade pupils arenow study- inn the lite of Lincoln. I The eighth tirade pupils ltnvc sUi. kept the Parent-Teacher's pennant and hope to keep it for the rest of the year. H 19 prices m prevai BS UK1AH FOLK CALLED BY iLiesoFiKL;:4 i GOSPEL MEETINGS AT OREGON THEATRE ARE INTERESTING TO MANY A good sized crowd greeted Kev. Plotting in the opening services of the 1 . , . ' ; ( Oreuortian Special. UK I AH, Jan. 31. Mrs. J. H. Mcttie v.i.s called to Portland Saturday on en unt of the serious illness of her KFier. Miss Snrah Mossie. ' ' Bert Ijertgerwood and Mrs. I'haen ile'tie were called to Butter Creek Monday nlsht on account of the. ser ious iMr.ess of their faihoj Lei gorwood. Lmren . who has been' absent fr m school fur the last Week, on ac count of illness is convalescing." Mr. and Mrs. Frank Martin received word from their son Abe Martin eli ing tbem of the death 'of an infant bahv which died at its birth. Fayette Mettis made a trip to Pen dleton List week business, enre Ness, left for Pendleton Wed nesday on business. , J. P. IlarnalK reprcsemlnc a fmuric hwise in Portland whs in town 'Sties day and Wi'dnrxduv nipht s;lkitlng fates for pinnirs, player pianos.. an graphonirlas. Mr. and Mrs. Will J . i ( " . , t (. t v f I i , , ' -t'l U '.'!".''. t . c -V. r t , v, , - ' V - - . J ' ?r- - r- - : , -f , - . ' ' - i . .' ' REV. BONA FLEMING , . . tr - " ' here 11017, mcli It 0 Ft . ' .'. f :-r r - f. VniSQtid eVQFVOBii You are now able to buy merchandise at.the jew 191 costs.whiclare just as low and very probably lower than they will be later. Much of our nierehand9 if new in thisfpre, but every article, be from our regular stocks or of recent purchases is based toivthe Jalpt quotations. , WE CAN NOX DE SCRIBE HERE 'ALL THE PRICE ADVAiyTAGE visit our store arid shop to appreciate them. , i VK 'iK Ut rKIU s.- " PENDlXiaNS CJCEAIEST DE?ATiHENT SffteZ" " V ia"-t ,1,11, 1 - " - .. , , -' f E&m?m WHERE IT PAYS TO TRADE " finished the left "Wednes- Hinton wnd jgosppi meetings' being held in tho Ore- dauchter Violet are guests at the L Kmn, theater. The singing by Trof. h"tel. ' -i SIKuik and wife was of the best and Walker Kills" and Jojm Loronz were Vf,ry much njoycd by the- people, ttisine"?.. visitors in Pkiah Thursday", j j.angelist Fleminir spoke for about 4.i Mr. and Mrs. James Mossie returned minutes on ..js Thv Heart. Right?" from Pendleton Tuesday. i Tle discourse was a timely one thai Kd P-atiks. postmaster and merchant j ls n,ch Re(?fed today. liev. Harding of Hitter.' vanned through' Vkiah last; , ... Thursday, enroute to Freewater. to be I at .the bedside of his tn Harold who is ill with nn'.imnnia. The surve ora having survey of camas Creek (lav fir.T'eHfljitTin. - Earl and Clark Martin, left Wed nesday in their truck for Pilot Rock for a loaH of freight. J. H. Constants Is ebendinc the week in Pendleton with Mrs. Constants who 1 there taking treatment. . Phil Porchty of Gurdane was found dead in his cabin a few days ago. C. J. H. Mettle, C. B.furdi vnnt, Leonard Simpson and H. Hale, verein town Monday. Mrs. Marv Peterson and Mrs. Will Hinton left Wednesday for Pendleton on a business trip. AJ Kotlineier of Albee. was a ness rtsltor in Fkiah Monday. ' Pain fell at intervals all day Thurs day and the stow is getting very thin, there being only four or five inches, while stockmen report three feet of unow in the Five Mile country. busi- it STORM BREWS iN HOUSE AT HiNT OF CLHTING ill TO 150,000 ME NEW SENATE CHAPLAIN ill 'Q Pilfli? PI fiPP Tfl W AilUiBMS Wilson Remains Mum on Atti tude While Congressman Says Harding Favors the Low Figure, Members to Fight on Floor. REV. U. E. HARDING JOSEPHUS MUST REVOKrT OFFICER'S REMOVAL 1 .WASHIXGTOX, Jam. 31. (A. P.) Secretary Iianiels was ordered by Jus tice Siddona in the District of Colum bia supreme court today Mi revoke an; oruer iwucu m , - -, ing Lieutenant-Commander George A. Berry-, former officer in the, -naval reserve, on the inactive lisf. Tie naval Becretary also was ordered to permit Commander Berry to appear before a naval retirement board to present his claim that he was injured in line of duty and therefore was en titled, to retirement on the same basis and with the same pay as officers of the regular serfice. The court's rulinsr was the first in a series of cases, said to number about (,((" and tr involve similar questions. will speak tonight. There will be special singing at each service. These services are free to the pub lie . Are not sectarian but are fol the good of the city in general. A cordial welcome is extended by the workers to every .one. Come an bririff your friends and neighbors, Every evening at 7:30. UI80R UNIONS 11. VOTE ON WAGE PLAN i'oung Practkul ltesult.s. 'Your business collepe for ladies seems to be all riKht." "It is all right." "Do you give the girls a good, prac tical business training?" "In reply to that question I can only say that 60 per cent of our graduates marry thenr employers the first year." London Telegraph. WASHINGTON', Jan. 3L (A. P.)- Officials of labor uniens today order. ed a general referendum on a proposa or the Atlantic Coast Shipbuilders As. snclatlon and the Bethlehem Shipping v. orjioration that witKes tie reduced 1 per cent as an initial move in a pro gram to cut production on the coast. ARMY APPROPRIATIONS SHOWS BIG REDUCTION In When the Children Cough, Rub Mustcroie on Throats ar.d Chests I t'J'i'w.z how soon the srrr?to!9 nay dovticp into croup, or worse. And tiien's w!:ii you're fciid you have a jar tif llu: tc: de at hd tn gia prompt, st;re r?:iof . it does net bii t.r. At fort aitl'and a cerain ret'dv, H nsteroia is exosiieit Tho'isanris o inorners lt-iow it. 3U thouiu Ict'j a J r 1 1 i l ijf y r , lrr i , It it t ie rr.nwiy ( r adults, t . Ke I it t t i t, Lr mi-1- ins, ti- t nu sia nttn, asUana, neurata'i, Im.ta-.i e. rcn-- v.kx plrutisy. rii'ju i:.."t. ta. hU4'ba.-i p.::;is t,vl zcIks of l. i ! cr ji.:-rn. t3r::in et-re ruisrlf t i -1 i t at u u 1 1 c t ' j C .-x It rf'cn rrevfi2 pneumonia). ; b.c jirs; bespit:! tize j.u3 WASHINGTON', Jan. 81. ('. P. With a reduction in the war depart. mont estimates of more than $iS9, (iWi.iiUO the army appropriation bll !irrying a total .of more than J331 loiKi.iifK) was reported to tho house by the appropriations committee. The appropriation is based on an army of 150,oiii men, exclusive of Phili)fn scouts or flying cadets. The hil shows a reduction of about $64,000, (Mift compared with current year appropriations. RATES 01 WOOL AND SHINGLES REDUCED PAX rHAN'CJKCO, Jan. 81. (A. P. )V.t;iucf-'tl tariffs tor aitipptlig ol shinwl.s and wool from the Pacific coast to astern points, to gtimulatt liuying is publirbiril by the inter cost al late conference. PICKS rH-.TI-TTIVK'H PtX'KITS NI.W YOI'.K. Jan. SL Harry Itrown. if be evt-r gties ba-k to hi trade, will look at faces as well a hulking pockets. He didn't recognize a detective wliose pockets he tried to pick e:-terdar. WASHINGTON', Jan. 31. Storm warnings w ere up in. the house today over proposals of the appropriations committee to cut the regular army down to 150,000 men. The appropriation bill making pro vision for that number was reported by Chairman Anthony of an appro priations sub-committee, but it was indicated that republican, members of the military committee planned to fight it out on the floor. I'nwiU ng to Itcdticc. P?veral momhers asserted their un willingness to accept reduction below the 175,000 figure fixed by house and senate recently In a resolution which reached the white house today for conMderation of the president. Under the resolution, which directs recruiting be stopped until the present enlisted strength of more than 200,000 gets down, to 175,000, the army would not reach the lower strength ' before next September. The proposed cut to 150,000, however, would presumably leave the war department without funds or authority to maintain a force in excess of that number after June. 30. . There was speculation among army officials today as to wJiat action President Wilson would take on the 175,000 resolution. No indication had been seen aa to the attitude of Mr. Wilson. Chairman Kahn of the mili tary committee vid he believed it vould be a mistake to cut the army )elow 175,000 at this time. In reference to representative An hony's statement yesterday that Pres-'dent-elect Harding favors the 150,000 figure. Representative Kahn said that In his conference at Marion he got the impression that Mr. Harding re garded that step as advisable "ulti mately" but not at once. I If, 5 v; - -f v Mtfiivyti lKUUiiiwiHl : M4t 4hAiHf wunf ipnit tuaUy ho uppuHiunn tj It, j The eonnultiw-fl fouiut, K falil, that j maternal nil Infant mortnlity in the iL'niteU Statoa wub not drcrotiHhiK, sta j tistioa before jt showing; a 15 per cont I increas In ilea t lis from child birth . HAVE PRECARi UUU I IHlL dying from preventable ailments at . , .(. , tho ra1 of 250,000 a year', t heir-port - " '' ' . I j said. ' ... . . t ' tn rura' Section studied, 11 was HOUSe Committee Wakes Ke- ) ascertained," the report added, "that nnr-t on P.H1 tn Imirntiriiitii !" I""- eent o: mothers receive no ad- r rv v .Icr. or trained $1,480,000 for Safeguard ing Health of Infants and Mothers. of -.hlldren." I care preceding the bin : WASHINGTON. Jan. 31. -(A. r. Motherhood Is safer in any of 17 for eign countries than in the United States and babies in 10 other countries have a better chance of living through their first year, according to the house commerce comlttec's report lodav on j the Rheppard-Towner bill to appropri ate J 1,4 81,000 for safesuardiiV the hei'th of metiers and hahir.v. REV J. J. Ml'IH Rev J J Mulr O U.. pastor ut Temple Baptist Church, at Wash ingtoa ?;as ceen elected cha;ilaiti o( the United States Senate to succeed Rev F J Prettyman. re signed. Tie position ."nyij $JS!0C a year 'WILL RETURN VHEN HONEST MEN HEAD U. S.' STI DKXT Af Ql ITTKIJ PHILADKLCHLA. Jan, 31. fA. p.) William M. Princs was. acquitted to day of the charge .of killing Klmer C. Drenes. The University i,t Pennsvl vani sonhomore was freed on the ground that insufficient evidence had oeen submitted to connect , him with me jjartmouth college senior's d, PERUN, Jan. 31. (IT. P.) Grover Bergdoll, the American draft dodger, and his chauffeur, Isaac Stecher, who recently fled from the United .States, is led the following statement: "We intend to return to America if America needs us. when again there are honest men at the head of the Am. erican government." M AKIHXG K.M)S TlilP. MIAMI, Fia., Jan. 31. (A. P.) The houseboat Victoria on which President-elect Harding is cruising, down tho Florida coast, tied up last night at Fort Lauderdale, about 30 miles above here, and is expected to com plete her southward voyage to this port today. Miami Is the southern most point on tho Victoria's schedule but after a short stop here, Mr. Harding will transfer to a faster boat for a trip to a nsning ground to the southwest. It iu remain there in virtual seclusion for several days before hoid mui u cruise to m. AUfftifttine. ES, t EVIDENCE The report classed the hill ns emer- the evidence. CINCINNATI. Jan. 31. (!'. P.) The Good Citizenship league has asked Mayor Galvln to drop certain or his dry agents because they drink E" WAHHINCITiW, Jim. 31, (A, P.) The-subcommittee framing a report on the selection of naval bane sites on mo racmc coast again laiii o ro reacn an'agreement wid adjourned reday until Monday, t The Rolectlon of Ala meda as the site for the main fleet base Is In controversy dvpslto the fact that the full committee voted In fa for of that site recently, i If the leadlock over Alameda con tiiiiies Monday the Joint committee will probably submit recommenda tions for the location of aviation, sub marine and other Pacific coast basea, and ask further time to deride on tho Han Francisco Bay alt. , , . Tx rnoniitalilc Illm In Two Parts An Enitllsbman la the Inventor of a demountable rim for automobile wheel that is made In two parts, which nre locked together with five bolta and n nut. ...... . -i -L JJU...JL '.'..'tn NewV Records ictor FOR FEBRUARY Now Here Lucy IsaDcile Marsh ' Lambert Murphy Peerless Quartet Billy Murray Wouldn't You? U v ' ' - " . , ' ' ' - v . - "V x" f - - - ; , e 1. . ' f. -v - V Little Frances Whitehall of Kew York, loves ber pet. duck more than ever. It copped first prize. In competitioa with dozens of ducks at tie Madison Square PouU-ry Show in Hew York City, Number 45214 Deep In Tour Eyes "nce Upon a Time 1S705 When You're Gone I Won't Forget . There's a Vacant Chair at Home Sweet homo Charles Harrison 1 8709 I'm a Lonesome Little Raindrop Victor Roberts For Every Boy Who's On the Ix-vel Roberts and Hnrmonlxers Qt. 18710 Proadwny Rose Henry Purr and Peerless Quartet Mother's Lullab;' Sterling Trio 18711 Uncle Josh in a Cafeteria Cal Stewart Uncle Josh and the Honey Rees Cal Stewart 18712 Oh Gee! Say Gee! You Ought to See My Go Geo from tho Fiji Isle My Homo Town Is a One Horse Town ', . . Roberts and Harmon Izers Qt. : D.4XCB KIvCOIIDS lS71.V-!Ith Street Rag Fok Trot All Star Trio Dotty Dimples One-Step , All Star Trio 1871 1 Tip Top Medley Fox Trot . ' . ' Bis Brown Brothers If a Wish Could Make It go Medley Fox Trot , " i ' Six Brown Rrothera 18713 If Ton Could Care Medley Waltz Joseph C. Smith's Orchestra Happy One-Step ( Joseph C, Smith's Orchestra 18717 Margio Medley Fox Trot Orlglnul Dixieland Palestocna-- Fox Trot . ' Jazz Band 35704 Just Snap Your Fngors at "Care Darling Medley Fox Trot . i Whiteman and Caresses Medley Fox Trot , His Orchestra: 18716 My Isle 6t Golden Dreams Waltz , s - Blue and White Marimba Band Let file rest of the World Go By Walta Ferrera and Fanchinl, ' ' ItKII HK,ii ItFA'OllDJi 87321 A Dream Knric? Caruso 7IA59 The Fountain Alfred Cnrtot B190.1 Pnssepied . , . Mischa Hlman 87322 Si J'etais Jardlnicr Geraldino Ferrar 1020 Come,. Ye Disconsolate Mabel Garrison 64917 Kloilienne and Rigaudon Jascha, Heifetn 64924 Ive Nest . j?rita Kelaler -641125 'TIs An Irish Girl I Love and She's Just Like You John IfrCormnck 74661 Eighth Symphony in F Major Allegretto Scharnando '. Philadelphia Orchestra Korgel Rachmaninoff Size. List Pr. 10 16 10 11.00 1.00 .85 10 I 10 10 . 64921 Spinning Song 74GH2 Romeo and Juliet- 7466.1 Borneo nml Juliet 64923 O Primavcra . -Balcony Scene. Part I -Balcony Seene.Pnrt II Hnthern-Mnrlnwe Sothern-Mnrlowe , Ronao unelli 10 10 10 12 . 10. 10 12 ' 10 10 ' 10 10 10 10 13 10 13 U -10 .is .83 ..85 .85 .85 1.35 t. .83 1.25 ; 1.75 1.25 J.25 . 1.25 1.25 1.23 1.23 1.75 1.25 1.75 1.75 1.25 ' i conomy Phone 711 Dru Go. Hotel St. George Bld. ,