PAGE EIGHT DAILY EAST OKEGONIAlt, PENDLETbN, OREGON, SATURDAY EVENING, JANUARY 29, 1021. TWELVE PAGES Al.T A TOIMY SLI M filltl. IKillTS WITH ()! M i:litUMCMl To BALK TIIKIT W KIS.MX vnlt Stewart i htwn In practically i two character tn "Mind the l'alnt ' OSirl," a First National feature which! will be shown t (hp Alia Theatre to- ' dav. I First who appears as the little slum Itlrl, whi sweeps out her father's ."hop, nnrt runs errands nnU lines ony handy ' v.ork tn help make ends meet for her j I arents, w ho are very poor. As tho j fhop K!r, hc is shown In mn or! lens russeit ciiltro circs!, w ith Tifr j hair haiiRine down her lac! and ham; " imihwntue slylea. and. untutored. rt sho has a xtrong heart t .ma ivattles her way among the routiho of the negihborhood who are very much In lov with her pretty fno, and try to irteal Kisyes as chance pre sents Itself. Pull of ambition to pet out of the "rbld neighborhood anil to win o the hotter things of life, she takes the cpportiinity of her father s death tn move. Then she applies for a place or the stage. After much diseouraKe- rftent, she finally pets a place in the i chorus. Then through the accidental pillinf? of a bucket of paint, she pets I nn Inspiration .ami sufxests the sons, I dind the Taint," tn a composer. She is Riven the opportunity to sing It and nakes the hit of the season. . Then as the famous music hall girl anil the world at her feet, she Is pre sented In beautiful irowns of every description, gowns that every woman will mant to study to see the latest I In styles and the perfection cf their i an stry. ALT A M MVW AMI MONDAY William Faversham, Ions a cele brity of the Ume in America and Knit Intnl. has become a star of the screen. Ho Is appearing in n series of Selxnlci. l'icture. the first production heina "The lan Who Lost Himself," which will be shown at the Alta, theatre next Sunday and Monday. In this romantic mystery drama, the player who once delighted hundreds tn thousands as "The Squaw Man" and "The Hawk," appears as an adventur ous American who Is 'up' against H" Ih London. A chnncb meeting In a hotel throws an opportunity his way which proves to be more than he bargained for. overnight he becomes tn Engllsn Karl, a situation which Would have been quite pleasant had It not been complicated by the presence In London of the. Karl's wife and relatives. Incident crowds upon incident: tne complications pile up on one another but character wins out, for Victor Jones, of Philadelphia, proves to be a filler and nobler Karl of Rochester than Ttochester could hope to be. There's many a dramatic situation, with enough comedy and romance in termingled to please the most fastid ious. This photoplay, it is snld, reaches as Hiih In quality us any production in which Mr. Faversham has appeared during his entire career. Tt was writ ten by It. de Vere Starpoole and di rected by George T. Baker. The euir porting cast Includes a number of noted players. ARCADK Sl."Xl)AY AXD MONDAY HICK PARTS WONPFRFTTj n: v, says ily Hick parts? Some people call them that, hut Charlie Ray thinks they're wonderful,' wholesome, and true to life. "As a matter -cf fact," he says, "they're reall small-town types such as you t'.nH in James Whiteomb F.iley or Kooth Tarkington, "As I read these parts I see that they have depth, and I try to portray them with depth. They are really character studies in my opinion." Perhaps this, attitude accounts for Charles Kay's unequalled success as a portrayer of rube roles In the silent drama.' EMPRESS EUGENE WILLS JB'ELRY TO MUS CARRY-OVER ESTilVIATE DEPRESSES WHEAT SUES I PARI.1?. Jan. 29. (A. P.) The exe jcutors of the will of the late Empress Eugenie upon opening the document, found in it a small sealed package marked "For the Carnavalet Museum, and containing a magnificent jewei 'representing the arms of the city cf Paris. When the Empress Eugenie visited Paris in 1913 she spent an afternoon ' ir the museum and was so touched t I the affectionate and cordial welcome she received that she promised that she would remember the museum in her will. This museum is largely a municipal rather, than a national col lection and the Empress desired in this way to express her affection for the city of Paris. CHICAGO, Jan. 23. Conflicting in ference drawn from an estimate of the probable carry-over in the four chief exporting countries had much to do with a depression in wheat prices yesterday, also with a subsequent rally. The close was firm, 1-4 to 1 1-2 net higher with March l.4 1-2 to 1.64 3-4 and May 1.54 to 1.54 1-2. Corn fin ished 1-4 off to 3-8 advance. Oats un changed to 1-8 lower and provisions down 2 1-2 to I He. According to a leading crop expert the U. S.. Can ada, Argentine and Australia are like ly to havo 170,000.000 bushels in ex cess of immediate retirements. - At first these figures were generally construed as a decided bearish factor and together with unsettled political and economic conditions in Europe led to a sharp decline. Later, however, it was pointed out that the average car ryover in pre-war days was 259,000,-' 000 bushels. On this basis, one large firm took the ground that the produc tion -wits bullish. Export buying of wheat and flour had meanwhile developed, and the market was showing a notable bulge. "Corn and oats, governed by wheat, touched a new low price record for the season but later recovered. Iownturns in hog values had a de pressing effect on provisions. CUPID SNARES -EM BARER HAS AUTHORITY. WASHINGTON. Jan. 29. (A. P.) Secretary Paker has general authority to act for President Wilson In passing upon recommendations of the army "plucking board," the secretary said in an answer filed in the district su preme court today to mandamus pro ceedings brought by Colonel John W. French to compel his return to his rank as colonel on the active list The reclassification '. board placed Colonel French in Class B and rec ommended his retirement.. The action was approved by Secretary Baker. Colonel French contended that Mr. Baker had exceeded his authority. Too Fat?. Mttetytna we? oh I radtiotiMi method! lafe, ptenuuit. Brings liuideriiMS. belter iaJth d bappineu. Get email box ot M orain pronounced kortm) si tha druRgisf t. How directions. You are allowed to eat -veta, etc.; no starvation or trcouota erer--..ngt Your A'o become worth living, with itiarer mind. Improved &re, buoyant step, riiwrfuloem. Look and If el young", Ada ; -:r to our life. Aik lor KOWEIM T ABULES. "3H thin md ty so. Brochure mailed free. ; .iftin Con NH'68, Station X, New York i V J I ' J - i i ! f J ' jKf tf ' j . ! Overbeck & Cooke Co. Pendleton, Walla Walla, Portland Mem tier of Chicago Board of Trade. Private Wires to all ExchanrM Stocks Bonds Grain Room Jtuld Bklg. Phone 80 V.1LS0N'S NEW CANS Q,: ? N U W. PAHRISH i.. L. W. Parrlsh. eonpTpssman, presented this enne to 'President' Vllson on behalf of the Democrats of Wise county, Texas, as an in dnrsement cf Wilson's stand oc the League of Nations. . It Is llgbi brown a&d has a cold bead. S ISOGCft Sarsaparilla Makes Food Tasto Good treates an appetite, aids digestion, purifies tho. blood, and thus rollcvea scrofula, catarrh, tho pains and aches of rheumatism and gives Strength to tho wholo system, t Nearly SO years' phenomenal sales tell tho story of the great merit and success of Hood's SarsajHirllla. It" ip ust the medicine you need now, "jiuud'S Pills help tine catha'tliS ALT Children, 10c - . " " a '.t'.' ! A SuaMon."'!! Adults, 35c 1 i LEWIS J. SELZNICK PRESENTS 1 A L T A Today Children 10c Adults 35c MEAN INI DETKOIT. Jan. 29 CU. P.l Fords highland 1'm'k plant has reopened. By .Monday Is will bo operating at abom 52 percent capacity. For three Jays per week it will be working on sched ule for the present. The plant was closed for more than a month. Graf tal rcsuniU'cn will bring thousands back t.. work. JIN A true r - nir grower Sworn proof of balr growth after bald ness. Amsiing reports of legions of users of Kotnlkc, in stopping loss of bnlr, o?er nxnlng denrlmff, conquering btldness. Here's the fairest oiler la the world use Koulko. If It doesn't do all you expect, get your money -backl Forget past bad luck with your balr. This is woiething different. Get a ainnlf box of KOTALKO a srry busy druggist's. Guarantee and directions with tlio box. Show your fnenda tins odxxrtuemgrU. ID 1HE NIT Fox Comedy MARY'S LITTLE LOBSTER ArgadE Last Time Today REELS OF CONJUGAL, BRAINr STOSM, i VI William Faversham IN he M an Who Lost Himself'5 SEE AMERICA'S.GREATEST ACTOR IN A STORY OF TWO MEN AND ONE WOMAN OF TWO MEN WHO LIVED ONE LIFEAND ONE MAN THAT LIV ED TWO LIVES. A STARTLING STORY, A GREAT DRAMA. ' A PICTURE YOU WILL BE GLAD TO HAVE SEENTAKE OUR WORD FOR IT. ll INTERNATIONAL NEWS ST -"3 1.1 ii i i t i II E t i 1 I I M PARAMOUNT MAGAZINE : 1 1 '''ii,--! RubeStuff right out of the opry-house on to the screen at the ARGADE Sunday, Monday Children, 10c Adults, 35c iJ - v;., v , - i?? , - - wWwimY 'fe'.'tW'J t JVJJfeaVv " ' llnslah IIowo w Jitut n ' 3 If ySS Rrcat but nHintry lilik yet 1 V(y h,'k wl,n " kJ,'k wl""n ,l, Suf o 10 '"ina1 I'ls own Htllo i fA TV. I . sl-ttf with the world: ? V It'' Bray Pictograph IF Mrs. Margaret Pcely Blossom. ir!ow cf Henry BlosRom. musical come-iv p!awrigbt, is to becom Ih bride of K. "lappnc Jonei. rnillloraira Now Torn broker and cportsniRa. The bride and groony lo li ; ebown sbove. a Sunday aStllllC - Monday Children 5c Adults 20c The Picture With a Punch CARL LEMELE . Presents he Girl in the Rain" COMEDY ROMEO AND JULIET You bet it't rube stuff! , The scheming city guy who gets his clause on to the farm the blue eyed country girl who elope with him to the city the rube brother who hikes out after her and all the quaint old folks of Peace ful Valley they're all in it! But isnt that the sort of a story in which you like Charlie Ray best, with the hick humor, the sob and hefty wallop? Isn't it? " Arthur S. Kane presents tBBUt-k: '' t CHARLES AY in Sol Smith Russell's dear old stage success 'Peaceful Valley' ' III WWWI hi lndncnVnt production from Ills own HtlKIIU. , A nitsr NATIONAL ATTllACTION COMEDY SCENIC ll 1 3 II R i ii 1 1 U I i 11 i 1 ll i I II II I-3 E 3