pag 3" five TWELVE' I-AGES DAILtf EAST OiEGONLUf. MtfDtfifOlt, 0Hi30!T, MTUItMtf EVfiKIS'O, JAITUAHY 23, iOfif. , People Here and There Edward Nolf, inaniitfcr of tlio rou ery department ut Alexanders', 1m ex pectod la return this' evening from l'ortlund where he ha been for u number of weeks In u sanitarium re covering hl heulth. V Interior decorating fr a' Pendleton hnhie culled J. C. f-arkln, of Bnbcoek &Peets, Portland firm, to tho city to. dav. The firm did th decorating for the new Elks building null la now, atrlong other contracts, at work on furnishings for the ncw Woman's Building at the University of Oregon ana the dormitory ut Oregon Agricul ture College, f ,t . ' Dr. F. W. Watts, of Watts & Ilogers hardware dvalers, ut Athena, is a .Sat urday bunincss visitor In Pendleton. O. L. Dunning arose to catch a 6:45 a. m., truln thlmorning tp Pendleton to meet with his fellow county com missioners today. Mr. and Mrs. Howard Drew of Echo are among' the Saturday visitors In Pendleton. Mr. Drew Is principal of the Echo schools and Mrs. Drew teach es one of the grades. William Blukcly left on No. 17 this 'iifWnAon for l'ortlund whern he will ' Join Airs. Biakely for a visit with rela tives In Vancouver, Wush. Mrs. Bluk ly for the past month has been visiting Mrs. M. U. Chessnian in Astoria. O. B. Bobbin of Cayuso In In the city today, a (fucst at the Bowman. C. O. Holt of The Dalles, Ella Mor ris and F. Itoblin of La Grande, It. o. Farley of Ileppner and Lo Hardy of John Day are registered at the tit. George today. PHONE FOUR-O-NINE FOR BETTER QUALITY Sunk Without a Trace 3 Every dollar which is spent for a product out of u town is permanently lost from Pendleton. Pendleton S g is enjoying: proBperityahead of many other towns 9 3 , similarly situated. We attribute this largely to the 2 S loyalty of a great many Pendletonians. .This is the reason why we adhere so strongly to " Pendleton products. That is the reason why we have 6teadfnstly refused to handle Portland Bread. When a you patronize the Economy you stand for a better tn Pendleton. n The Economy Grocery j! 1J3 We.t Webb St. Phone 409 : "l)r. It. C. Ellsworth, who Is a mem ber of the state board of Chiroprac tors, will leave tonight for l'ortlund to attend a. meeting of the board. He will return on Monday. Dr. C. V'. Thomas, of Milton, well known physician from the east end community, came' to Pendleton today on business and among other places, called at the county court house to 'see the commissioner on a mutter in teresting him. Oscar Cutler, state highway engineer with hcudciuartmn in Athena, Is lit Pendleton today to make an official report on the accident which yesterdai afternoon took the life of one highway worker when a truck turned over on the' highway east of the city. Hoy W. ltitner, Umatilla county's stale senator and president of the Ore gon state senate this term, came home this morning to spend two days here looking up matters of legislation which the people of Pendleton and Umatilla county have to offer. He will return to the capital city tomorrbw night. Income Ta: r Is. Income Tun Ilrtimis were never us difficult to pirpure us now. 'flint Is pndcd the Ijnpax r get I be benefit of nil Hie provision of recent di cMoio. , The lul'mer Yilio Is holding Ills wheat or the sheepman ulio lia unsold wool r sheep oil hand can take llir lx ii fit of his iiiveiilr.cN . and adjust returns for ull Imsi yeurn. Th mnn who lius Helil Ills cro or llvcwtock and oc some tai for the past yeai', uiuy lutvo a surrii-k-nt refund coining; In prjor car to lake cure of the lo ta. . . . The merchant litis special problems tills year on inviii lorleit. . . The man who luift sold a farm or nn outfit may not he required to fluy on profltM therefrom If a recent decision 1h ujitield. i Vour Income Tux advisor rdioulil lie an accountant who Is thoroughly familiar will! all the "ln" and "outs'' of Hie Jtevcmio Ncrkt Wo huro handled thoiiHiiids of rases of Iiicomo Tax Returns. . Wo huve eases In the files Just like yours and know Just wluil the DeiMirtinciit lias ruled on tlicse in the past. i 'THE PACTS SlfAlifi GOVT:n.V Gosper Accounting Co. Kluuglpr Bide-, opiiosltc Pendleton Hotel. j PHONE FODR-O-NINE FOR BETTER SERVICE State Representatives ft A. Miller, uf Milton; arid Frank Bloan. of Hian field; arrived In their respective home towns this morning from Salem, to ipend the week" end recess conferring with their constituents. Both will ne- turn tomorrow night to the capital to I take up the third week of their legis lative work'. WHEAT SHOW DECLINE HI. Art and Industry Combine their most pleasing pro ducts in our Silver Department. Silver represents the best where useful things are made beautiful, and beauti ful things are made useful. That our prices are most moderate is an addi tional and important reason for the popularity of Sawtelles. -Jeweler Pendleton Ore- The Largest Diamond Dealers in-. Eastern Oregon. I! rrtr D m 1 'JJsALtCfiUZti WATCHEs!),' T7 J rr Genuine U. S. - Arnfiy. Goods . Ktmnlnif at once, ro will Ik-rui selling goods. You liare heard lot about rcroniMrutrl prices. Well, just paste Oils prkw list In your hat, but do not waste any limn getting yiu share of Uicne bnrgudis as they eanuilt Uist long at these price. U. S. Army New Underwear, Wool Shirts and Draw ers", until now sold' foi $2.25. . New price: $1.50 U S Army Rec'l O D. Breeches, were $3.75 now $3.00 U. S Army O D, Blankers, new $5.65 U. S. Army Rec't Wrap Leggings were $1.50, now 75c U. S. Army Officers Raincoats, were $15, now $9.00 U S.-Army O. D Shirts, reissue, were $4.65, now $3.55 U. S Army.O. D. Shirts. RecT, were $3.00 now $2.00 U. S. Army 6. D. Wool Trousers, new, were $6.50, now : : $ Jtemetnher, the above are all genuine Kurphw Aroiy Goodi. The prhs's sjieali for themselves and ou know wo have no shod dy stuff. - ' Wo are also making corrcspondlns reductions in all commer cial Roods. . " "GET IT AT TTTB 'AltMY STOItir " ARMY & NAVY SALES CO. 546 Main St. Phone 861 . Fifteen hundred ton of hay wan Kold at Preewnter yesterdn', 8: B. San derson, publisher of the Freewatcr Time. In town today, said. The hay was sold owing to the spring weather which favored the county yesterday. The growers, it 1 understood, obtained 510 and better a ton for their crop, Home sold their entire holdings. Hert Jerard ls irolni? to Portland to morrow to attend a sales conference there next week of the National Xk dorwrlters" Society of the ITnlten States. Life insurance men' from all over the northwest have been called to the conference and a larKe number If expected! Fevernl speakers of na tional ropute In the underwriting- field are on the program there. I'maplne la atill hoping- to receive favorable word on the proposed ex tension of the Walla Walla Valley Klectrlc line from' the state line to the Hudson fiay country. County Com missioner K. K. Bean said today. Scv. eral months airo Mr. Bean was desig nated a committee of one to Interview C!ny W. Talbot; president of the com-' rimy, regarding the extension and Mr. Talbot promised to report on the money situation and tho possibility of bulldlnf? following his return from a conference With tho head officials In New York city Just before Christmas. Mr. Talbot has returned, but haa not yet conferred With the Umapine dele (fate regarding; hi findings. I: ,:: .. ::: : -, ; J Drink ,.' Western OFFICES AND OFFICERS IjiMi Geta Judgment By a Judgment order entered in cir cuit court tpday, C. It. Lash,' of Athena Is given title td Hit 4, block 3i and Im mediate possession. J. R. SponoBIe was defendant in the ense. A CEREAL BEVERAGE MADE ' t IN OREGON BY S - W ,.. it mi ROESCU BOTTLING WORKS "4 PayCash Receive More Ea-fLes Despain&Lee Cash Grocery 209 E. Court ' . . ,. , Pftone" 880 I'!'- A Cash Store SUCH AS OURS FOLLOWS THE MARKET VERY CLOSE When an item such as sugar drops a few cents, w6 with' our everyday buying can' meet this drop each day. .You read the press story from Washington where sugar was bound to go higher. We suggest you buy now, while it is only $S).6S. Pay Cash Receive More Pay Les3 Despain&Lee Cash Grocery 209' E. Court PhoteSSiy Giuirdiiih Appointed Oswald liaumgurden appeared he fore Judge I. M. Schannep this morn !tlt as etecutor for the estate of KIl2a. beth lWumgarden deceased and re-' potted that all cdndltlons of the will bad beuh complied with. The Judge appointed Kd. Gnavanch guardian for Fi-rda Clnavanch, minor, heir to the naumgurden estate through her moth er Blanch Gnavanch; Sums May Capitulate Stilt filed by the county amilnst Wil liam Sams et al., to condemn a' portion of lug property foi a quarry and' camp site for the building of a county high way, probably" will be dismissed, DIs t Hot Attorney K. I. Keatur said toda. Mr. Sams has made -overtures to the court to accept the amount offered by the county, Mi1. Keator said today ana, us Boon ns paper are signed to that effect, the action can be dismissed'. Jury Term Opens Monday The circuit court Jury ror tno Janu ary term will be called back on Mnn. day to take tip cases set tor next week. On Monday the cases set for trial are; A. H. Moore vs. W. A. Leathers, an J. J. Foley vs. J. 11. Kelley et all On Tuesday Gust Cotiretsos' damage suit against Art Hardin comes to trial and It Is to be followed by the case or Oavld H. J'enny vs. 3. C. Clemens, ac cording to the docket. After tnese cases arc disposed of. the case of R. W. Ayrca vs. W. B. Hanscom and of Joel Hanscom vs. W. H. Taylor, ex- heriff, will come to trial. Both these cases Involve tno imacnnieiu oeior Christmas of the . Iftinscom Jewelry store. i.xrixsio KtM,s rivK. WHKE1.1NO, W. Va., Jan. 29. Klv-e persons were killed In un explo sion of a railroad engine at Hoard Tree, 60 miles from here today'.' l.Gt; rmors i, PORTLAND, JalK 29. (A'. T.)' Livestock are steady today. F.ggs are lower, the buying price at S8 cents and the selling for selccls, t:i ami 44 cents, . Both the March and May wheat slumped today,' March wheat closing at 1.63 after opening at the same fu ture, while the -May wheat closed at 1.50 5-8 after opening , at 11.52. March wheat closed at $1.65 5-8 yes terday and May aft!.S4. Following are the quotations receiv ed from the Chicago Board of Trade by Overbeck & Cooke: Wheat. Open. High. Low-. Close. March 1.6S 1.6414 1.61 1.6S . . May 1.52 1.53 1.4') 1.5054 Corn. May .66 .66 '4 65 .65 4 July .67 .68 Vfc .67 4 . .67 Oatn. May .4214 .4214 .4114 -41 July .42 .42 .42 .4214 Rc. May 1.41 1.414 1.38 1.39 July 1.21. 1.21 1.18 1.18 Itarlcy. May - .63 .6214 -6214 Wheat Sentiment was decidedly btarish today but the break all came In the first hour and the market thereafter showed stubborn resistance to selling pressure. Tho conglomera. tion of statistics put before the trad? during the past few days has been the subject of much comment "tlie majority of analyses reading the one .ocical conclusion; that with a normal demand from now until the end of th crop year, requirement! and supplies will be on an approximate equilibrium, whereas any Increase In either foreign or domestic takings will 1n the final reckoning mean near exhaustim lie fore anoiner crop can be gathered. In this connection, It is Interesting to note that mills throughout the coun try are steadily Increasing their output and are buying; more wheat now than for sevcial months. It Is generally conceded that stocks oZ flour n all positions are suh-nor-iiini. On the other band, foreign nwr Is of a somewhat different color, e-oiees from most European countries c'.'inilng that they will not want our wheat at present because of the cheapness of the Argentine. This Is not likely to be a permanent factor, however, as any big buying in the Southern hemisphere would soon ad Just the disparity and turn European buycrg back to this country-, if they really want tho wheat, as they prob ably do. (East Oregonlan Special.) STA.VFIELD, Jan. 29. The Study club met Thursdas' afternoon at the homo of Mrs. F. B. Stuart on Barbara street. Itoll call was responded to by ' 14 members, in the absence of the president. Mrs. W. T. lteeves. After the regular business was disposed of the literary program consisted of pa- pers on theory and spnead of bolshe-j iiniii, wy iura. r .a. caner, uu unreal in America by Mrs. W. H. Hesser. 4 Both were excellent and showed much thought and study. Mrs. Martin returned to her home in Klchland, Washington, after a three weeks' stay at the home of her son Victor and Mrs. Martin. The I'ollyannas met Wednesday afternoon at the home of Mrs. H. W. Kyle on Furnish avenue. A most en joyable afternoon waa spent and deli cious refreshments were served. JL A. Cleveland, editor of the Stand ard, was in Eoardman the first of the week. ' Mrs. C. A. Haezn was in Pendleton Wednesday to consult a physician. The Friday evening club met at the homo of Mr. and Mrs. Charles JI"g- gard where an elaborate 6 o'clock din. ner was served. The" diversion of the evening: was five hundred. A number of our townsmen attend ed the irrigation meeting In Umatilla Wednesday. j J. U. Zurcher attended to business I In Pendleton the first of the week. : Mrs. J. H. Kenney was shopping in Pendletop Friday. The First Methodist Episcopal Church JOHN H. SECOR, Minister. Sunday Evening, Michel Lorios Cross , A story of Mont rit. 'Mictiel.'a little Way Side World tha t has let centuries go past without knowing it. This will be the last (Hie oftbe present series. f v rrtcKs tnrtEST iWENTonv. WASHINGTON', Jan. 29. (A. P.) Forest inventory and a census of tim ber requirements were urged today by R. S. Kellogg of New York, repre senting the American Paper and Pulp association, before the house commit tee considering the Snell bill for a state and federal co-operative forest policy. Charles I Pack, president of the American Forestry association, said protective legislation was ur gently needed. Continuous Sin-ing Lubrication Continuous lubrication is afforded a new automobile spring by cup shaped olt reRervolr-R in the end of each leaf. m 4 - s ru SY" Have your Old Tires Half -Soled with GATES, 'They last longer. Gertsoii & Marty 639 Cottonwood Street Phone 59S WILL ATTEND IANCE. Br. and Mrs. if. S. Kern and Mr. and Mrs. Mark Barthell will motor to Hermiston this evening to be guests at a dance at the new auditorium, to Bd g-IVo'n by business and professional men of the w est end city In 'honor of their Wive When' we' received the following; lei- tvr from Mrs. G. J. Hurd of Witter Springs. California, we were rathei .skeptical as to some, of the statementsu it contained, so we had one of our own men make) a ieraonal call 'on Mrs. Hurd and verify every statement. The letter follows: "For twenty-five years r suffered with rheumatlcm. I was never out of path and by limbs Weld so swollen 1 siemed deformed. Could only stand on my feet for a few minutes at a time and was almost a helpless cripple.'- I hud given up all hope and life held no pleasure for me. During all this tinle 1 tried many remedies, spent months al the hot springs and was treated by physicians but temporary relief was all I received! I had little faith In Antl I'rlc at first, your claims weiV so mild arid r seemed to get worse after using the first outfit. But I continued' and the results were wonderful. The swelling In my limbs disappeared, the pains ceased and I could walk without the aid of a caiie. Even stormy, wet weather and exposure do not affect me." 'It has been over two years since t have used Atltl-l'ric and I have had no trouble whatever. My weight hns Increased from S4 to 170 pounds, I cat anything t please and am as active us a girl In her 'teens. I owe all my health and happiness to Antl-t'rlc and dd hope that those suffering with rheumatism will not neglect this won derful remedy for I know It cures." This letter should prove to all suf fering with rheumatism that Antl-t'rtc Is the master of that dlead disease In all' Its forms. No' niattei1 how long you haVe suffered, try Antl-l'ric and If It' dots' riot' help yon yobr morieV will be refunded. Antl-l'ric Is for Wc by The Pendleton Iniig Co. and Thomp-l"'; eon Eros, Factory service representatives for ignition, starting and lighting system. Carry over 20,000 re pair pa rts in stock for the electrical systems on autos, trucks and tractors. In adition to this we handle the only Storage Bat tery Guaranteed for Two Years. Win. E ji in ,n ill ii ill I n? m pi . Enjv ! Vltavict-' J; 220 K. Court. " '"' : I' '11 null ,iin fl' 'ffl!HI!!lI1,ini'!"fM'',",'l",'''l',,1T1'''n,'m''''n,''"''','''"'''';''''1"'1 illllil!:iilu!iiii!iuiiim!iul!!iiiiiliiiiiih Co. . v n - r-t T rji Phone 269 HlllwjipnlHflmjii J!!i;i";!ii''li!ti!iiiitHimii!itmm, iiuumimimH'imminiimiiimimn iiiiMilWd!lilMU.M"Wj!WlliWbj uiiinum ii ,lHiiii,i.Muii.u i