.rr;r K.EEP ABREAST OF DOINGS IN THE WORLD OF SPORT DAILY IN ARTICLES BY STAFF WRITERS AND TWO NEWS SERVICES .ON TH.3 PAGf. TWELVE PACES SECTION TWO PAGES 9 TO 12 TWELVE PACES , SECTION TWO PAGES 9 TO 12 B If MWMBMB 0 ) - m DAILY EAST OREGONIAN, PENDLETON, OREGON, FEIDAY EVLTING, JANUARY 28, 1921. : : f mw " Lightweight Champion Showed Cleverness in Defeating Eitchie Mitchell in Recent Benefit" Bout in New York. ' ill ( Alll4n n: u--Iuck, V j . Allison, like our old friend, 'Harry i' j Casey, of J-'eattio, does not depend for j i his living upon (lie bourn ho enters. Hci. j h a Ioxi-r but also n bu.-fiessuinn. He 'OH'iih a Inislneiuien'n eynin.'ibium in i'Hl. I'.'lUl and tl lllMlllIlta ill Hie Hit 111 ! boxing and in other sporta vf hen he b, not nicotine; the la Ht men mound til! i mnl i ;,? pounds, that iho middle wh--i I can produce. TjiiH bin f ii st show j lug on tho Pacific Coast. - XKW YOItK, Jun. 2S. Hy Henry L. Furrill, i;. I. Htuff Correspondent, i Many a moon will roll nrotind bo- fyrc Menny I.onard is forced to vacate the liKhtwelitht throne room. In act. .New Yorkers believe that through hick of iinod foV to compter, l:enny wll be forced eventually to nilnKle with woltsrwelghts or Join Jack MeAuliffo Ba a rntlrnd undefoafod champion. When the champion recently dispon ed of Itlclile Mitchell, the '.aimsy Mil waukee cositondwr, he Kwopt aside the laat und only danKcroux contender In the claim. , x Mltchrll Strong Contender Mitchell In far superior to Willie Jackson and Lew Tcndler, the "vocal champions" and he In more cnurapeoun Inasmuch nil he agreed to meet Leon ard for a sum less than one-half of what the "moid logical contender" j ,wanted. Mitchell In good enough to ' be within a hair' breath of the cham- Neal Allison, Welterweight, and, xcwiiiii niied th.- Respectively A. E. Squadron Title Winners. pi ll of l.'matliia Earl Newqdist, Heavy, .Were jof h;. i8 ,rn as an ox and In-1 F aild'"'"' ''". ri,1f! frequently Ukamsl. nnji "i coinuueraiuy more man n. r.eim, ; I He Illicit them tougl.. 1 loiiHlilp, In any other day but fccon nrri's lie would be king of tho class. Ho, In knocking out MrKhell, Leon ard proved bin K' eat lies. A veteran i(T nine years experience at 25 yearn of age, Leonard In mo opinion of many old tiniein 1h the peer of Joe nana, considered the greatest of all HghtwclKlitn. A great boxer, a Kmart und crafty general and a hard hitter, the cham pion possesses all the "class" befitting hla rank. H ah owed trft a wlae head rent, om hla Hlioulderg In the Mitchell bout whn after having knocked the MIM J v.awkee hoy down three time he wan felled'for a full count by a wild awing of the dcepcruto boy. 'wilt Ilix"! Tljne ' Tho champton'n pride was hurt, ho was aniuzed at finding himto'lf on the 'llofir for the fliBt time since he won the title A lean crafty boxer would have Jumped1 to hi loot with a foreed smile to xhow that It wa an accident or Rumcthlug. Kreddy Welch did that ir, hi fight with Leonard aiid he loat the title. ' i l'erhapHIonard thought of that when he went down. At any rate he stayed down for the co'int of nine and came up recovered. After the bout, th champion denied thut It wa a fluke fall. "I went down before an awful wal Ion finA It fnuuht me ftomcthina" .. - . . .,... i iin,.ri no Reviet of acraiioerB am. -u never ooea io gii iiuimiio! --. , ,.,.i I., i ho i ,,.,i ,.v..i were mat aa eooo wun uic koo .i - - - - wi'h their mitis. Tho two bo ain-j1" woikuik out,in l'ori,!und, jn Krai sled out went to the top In then- re- Kendall' ataln . He liaa gofie. b,.tt. apectlve claaaeii by elimination trialit. They are etlU purvei'om of a mean right and left. "DANDERINE" Girk! Save Your Hair! Make If Abundant! ! ft-,. m Two service cbaniploya, Xeal A 1 II kom. of St. I'aul. and liarl Newiiuist, of Pendleton, will appfiir on tho 2X round boxing card which Pendleton Post, American Legion, will presnnt next Haturday night for the entertain ment of the boxing fans of Pendleton and I'matlUa county. Alliaon, 142 pound scrapper, won tho welterweight Al fiurninciK, who Was fol- a tlnu '. ono of the ino.-:t );oinis:ng In. 'ivy- j weights in tin) nortliueM, once bad n buttlo with .N'owiiuist that lio'v.lll al- j way Ki-eiiieuiiii-r. The-local man all'j Imu put .Sumnioi-3 to sloop and "only bj j loinarkalilc recovery was be' able: to cmne back and finii.n out tlie fight. AllLSon Is due-to arrive at a:, time fro mlhe i aai to Plurt working out in IK V Jr.. . iJ-fer "..':'5 V-'-t'' J'-" ' A championship of the A. K. . In the ttie Pendleton Aihistc Club e) in. lie Interallied games, while Xewijuinl, 165 in cuiniiiK sooner than the coat nu n pounder, was champion of lilt nqund- I In order to get iteilimaled, Kana will' ron In the heavy weight class wnllf ' be Invited to witness the daily work serving in the M'niy. jouts aa moon us the toxers begin to ;-.r In keeplnt.with Its iiffllcy of booli-. rive. . : , lug former service i'- wherever pos-1 sible for Its cards, Bie local post has Murphy Duo Vi odiic!ay. of scranners who i riain.io jiurpnj,, who v,.ii ic ahi that you're too good. Misjudgment of Mitchell's nblllly might have cost mo he title. Confidence is all right but tho much confidence is cangorous. I'll never be caught the same way Hpaln.' . , HftBW'.JWi'rff'airhTraii iJJIL I'liu" tiu 1 1 ..J-uiiumuj. , , fl, .,.U,,',ri MiJ.Hitl ''i''" w'.tBjaiL UMsWAWJ PRIME BEEF 455 PRIME BEEF 455 SERVICE SANITATION Bojling Beef . . . Ity Iloasts Cross Rib Roasts Rump . ....... Beef Stev . Pork Roasts . Pork Shanks i 18c 28c 28c 28c 28c 25c 30c QUALITY SATURDAY SPECIALS " ; ' PRIME BEEF CUTS - ..... ScChuck Steak . 12 l-2cRound Steak ......... :...15cT.Bone Steak ... .. .. . .r. lScSirloin Steak 5c Porterhouse Steak ..... PRIME GRAIN FED PORK ' 22c Pork Steak ........ v.. . 12 l-2c Perk Chops ' PRLME YOUNG MUTTON, MILK FED VEAL ' I BUY EARLY IT GOES FAST. " In Our Grocery Dept. Beets,' Carrots, Onions, Radishes, Cauliflower, Head Lettuce Hot House Lettuce, Fresh Pineapple, Cucumbers, Ked L bage, Spinach. PENDLETQN TRADING CO , If it's oil the market avc have it PHONE 455 . is Win King- out, in Portland, Jn flank Kendalls main . He barf giijie. b.-ttei limit ever this season and in consider-1 ed a Worthy opponent for the middle WerUM star, ilurjihy. John and vouiii,- Lemi-ey, all of In Portland, will arrive h day to do their final training' work ! Jack Do!f. Kgion inatchm.'ti .-r, say. j 'lick JIanley, high school athletic di-1 ri .tor, will be third man in the ring. I He is reputed a high class amateur' boxer, h.tvltig inilulfe-ed in the ..marly j art utte a bit whllo in Vstsh'in(;tn I .Stale'tliiiieeei HanU-y also boxed i'V- j era' exh.bltion bouts as a member of the Marine Corns al Hare tilland. ! I: AUmbers of the legion on Thursday! I'isitvd fans wiUi ticlteM that are ex-j I cnanwabli. for" ringside seats. They found Interest in t.tn bouts good and a ready Balo fpr their tickets.. 1 He ' riiu;sldo e.-tt, of w hleh lhr will be ! -ifiiy alioBt in i. will ail be .on the stage r of the (ireiron tlnater. ' . I Tomorrow morning at 10 o'clock tin ! general seat sale for the card will -"open nd with a week to go. iho boy j i of the legion hope to mil ( v-l-y p.jaf in . the old Oregon theater. Vlcl.e'.s w'.U't ;e handled, as before, at the I'liai-let I rompauy and the Cosy . . of' ' - "i - - "i I nb-ss you sr.. the nam package or on tai-iets yon ttln:; genuine Aiiirin i.rc- I hvs!c1ans for. twenty-one proved Hifo by millions. I i n e aspirin only as toll! in ths Puvij! ipackam.. for Colds, Headache, .Vur;,l j ;ia, lilH-iimritl-Uii, earaehe, Tootiiaehe, iJiiil-Mit, und for Pain. Handy tUi j ! xcb of twelve I tayer Tablets t.f A.'a- j iriiv eest few ci'llls. Jrni;-i:-,s a!:--' sell larger, tiCtap... Aspiriit is the.' trade marW of li.iyer Manvftcture of; I Monoaeetiiaeide-ter of SuHcrKcacid. I A at Hajraref Hayei" tu r not -.- ! -nr'.ixd by iytars atid r.-ip Special Boys' Sample SIio? )cs in size 3 to 35c lies tobo.UO, snecial r- Boys' Koko Calf wjlIiTuhber hiA, li-hA-alues to S7.00, special . . : . : . 1.2." GIRLS AND BOYS' STOCKINGS Coys' extra heavy knd.fine rUjx-d, COc value '. s'-wcial '. .. . LADIES' HOSE Ladies' extra fine ribljfed hose, 50c value, special 20c LfirtoJ ovirn f in,. M!e ho?e. 85c values; siK'dal 43c Ixc;ic3' pure silk hose,.?2.(X) values, special..'. . - 'i , ' ' -. ' . i-c OTTJ I JLALf 32 Stores 745 Main "St. VS SQUADS AT HOLLfSTE rr- . .yweht. .'HatSUin - , HoCUSTKICr't.'al., Jan. 2.--A. P,) I.as.-liair teams piloted by brothers' will beet hefe duritm the cumins train ing season, tine of the teams will te tlie !an Francisco club of the Pacific Coi.ft League, managed lit Charier Graham. The other will be 1h?Jioll;. ter el. ib of the. .Mission Iffeasue, piloted iy Utaham's brother I-iinmett liraiiam. The ftn Francisco c-iub " will ralri ' .it Monterey, r.ear h'-re, and v. illineet : all the Mission i.ca'me clul s'ia train.1 inx gaim .. . i ' i IF YOU ANT GROCERIES OF ' V OUALITY Let us.furiiish von Vve Iiave them. ILL mtV0 lifLL MAT GOES (N PROSPECT Cab- PRIME BEEF 455 PRIME BEEF- ; TGMAT1N PORTLAND Cf'ltVAf.MR, ore, Jan. . A. P i Wrestlers of the ircgun Agricultural IriMrun linra oici.t ji li-nm Irorn thi- Milllnoma'h Athletic Club of' Port-' land toniuht 'in the first nut ten of th' colb-Ke si-a-son. On February". " the iies meet -the t'nivtrsity of oreson I sri'iiplers here and on February '.' tabe on the t'niversity of Watliinpton here. , . "WW palmer, captain of 'tht O. A. cfi uTi'idlers. h is been forced by .in inrtes lo drop mat woik. As a risull. lie Assies, mav be forced to forfeit nil l'i-poiind bouts, in which rainier starred. . CHICAC'I, Jan. 21.--(A. P.I A : sports carnival with three v;rrid chain- Iion3h;ii w it-atlliTg matches a,s . the chief evema will be held here -February 2i wath persons prommc-J In Clu- ca.-.ro t-oeiety as promoters nounced last, night bv 1 Field III, who h:is un,5eria of securins backmaind will to it ti-; s. Mar.li: .en the jr.! piTrtiaae. children's SPLIT PRUN&V EROTO BEAUTY New pack, lb. 10c , v BEANS- Larger 6ues; iaV.-.20c x hey are fine, can.". 10c ' ' "T ' s ' , - ....... WIN ESAP APPLES . , ROYAL WHITE SOAP Good Cooki;, . Full 8 oz. " - S1.50 Eex ' J . ; 18 Bars $1.00 213 E. Court St. C.L. .ip ThoneM Donncy, Pres. ,4 churitit's. : - H 1 (Strau;H.r) Lewis will p'd to defend his world's hi v.Ti'stMns title in tine mntrh yitfl a:j his cpi-ononi, ATrs. Field t:i!d. Haye .Y)u Sold or Traded J -455 k - I Bl , -v , : --- 1 m;i:y t i!oi thau.s r. I liWIS AITlil! K. f. MATCH K.N'ri.S CITY, Ma., Jan. 2S A. P.) A mniad of police ecourted Fd "Kifi in-n-r" - I.wis. world's heavv- Eiwei--ht wri'stliivi elianipion, . throiu-h Mi -Mi anry crowd ti hi.s d;-ex;ini; room B after Lewis had' applied a head I OCR B "f tlnslnv PnlKii in winning the pc i hmd fall of their wrestling match lunt niiini. HUSBANDS "EASY" in nnTHO'cmmnAV FOnDailRli.' . - ' it vou hvp, tneso .transactions snouia be T " ..,.,,, ,1 el,.,,,.-,.! t.A',,.-n ilfnl-iim mi T SEAL ;E3TATE CR ABSINESS . : DURING 1C20? II II : THE FIRST HAT10HAL BANK of Pendleton MEMBKR ITKDERAL HESEHVK Offers an unexcelled banking service to m divtduals and corporations; transacts, a eeneral banking businessnd maintains fpecial departments with facilities of the highest character. ' " PENDLETON, OREGON DR. C. II. DAY l'liysiclaii ami Snrjreoii , s Osteopath Rooms 13 and 25 Smith-Crawfort Building. Telephone 704 Pes. 749-P Dr. Lynn K. Blakeslee Chronic and Nervoim t1nea.sea mil1 Discuses of Women. X-Kay ' Electrlt Therapcutlca. Tcmplo Uldg. Itoom 15 Thone tl 4 1U KOEPPEN'S PRESCRIPTION' DRUG STORE A. C. Koeppen & Bros. Tho Itrim Store That Serves You Host. 'J ) .'XL . k r v , . i . ;- '" ... '' ' DEL JlDXTli. Cal Jan-.i-. !A. 1M Del .Monte' W-l polo seifAoti wili bo officially opened litre tomorrow when .Captain If. X. Holnien, Vetera'.;' eastern rel'-ree, rides to the (crfter cf th- playing field, 'cries the ctistom-'.ry "lii'iiilt-moa, line up, play!-' nnd pt.-H'ts two teams off in the invitational u"-ir-namrr.t. - - Tomoria w's opener tir'.l ai'i" "will bt between tho Del Monte jun'.crx an.l a tiam of tirmy offlcei-j. from the rd"!i b rev lTesiilio nedr Ii'-re. iundr.y thi fl'cl .Monte seniors and Kan M.flio will ;ctoss maliets hire. The polo neuron will runinuv ntiiii tho animal Del. Jlosite to trnamet.i j Mareh 1-Apvil :t. ' ' i ! it If you hvp, these' .transactions" should be "Given careful thought before entering on your income tax return. ' ' ' ; V Get the rigfit advice on these ntattera for W2.) itnd prior years. oii may have overpaid .our income tax in the paat. , CCME IN AND TALK IT OVER . Personal Service fkni a dollar's worth r fjr a dollar. , IncomsC Tax & Audit Go. j. vv. wiTiir.m 1 1, f - Room 109 V, Au:cr-'"in nttonal I'atiiU ISltl:; l i-;in.i;i). tiiiKt.ov t t t t UtiFbards "fall" more qulclil than bachelors That is part of the confession liich Chicico po lice say Mrs Kurt HurUman has mode Sho plawd lost and lured men to her rooms where she and her husband, robbed them, thn police chnrRC She Is shown hero wllU UurUutan.- ! , I'or Coticlis ami Colds "I want to say that rham'hcilnin's iC.mnh Kcmouy has Pern vsed iiwny jfcmiiy on occ-sion. wUlumt numbers. '.or coughs and -ci-iiis and l.as pivia j'.he best satisfaction of any ri iiB'n I ir.i diL'ine ! ever tii'i d." Vritcs Mvs. C. Metaaer, C.rrenvlHe.' 111. Yon wili look a lon while In-fore you find a 'letter remi-nly for cotishs and cob.s or one that i.i merit safe and tlea sant to take. . Well KnoMii in INirelun t ountrles I; will be V :eirtr:s to l-iany to knew th at t 'liamK'l 'ain's t'n jsil ite niedy is well known and hitrhly esio enipd in ' many loreiirn countries Charles M. I'remer, a well known wati j) mabor of Colombo. t'o!on. nay of it. "I have net the slight ist lie-dt-am y in lei-emnieniiini v'll iniia-rlaiu's t'ousli r.kinedy to nil who are suf fe: in-r from to.inhs or colds. I have repeatAlty used it und it has aiways 'aeon ' ben-'fk"ial." Toidubt i If you would enj y tomorrow, tal;r ' "liain'icrlain's Tablets toniaht. Tie-y lilida.e nil aereo.llile. laxativ,. cl'fiCt, -I ar the bead and cleans., the si.--. much. They are just what yo.t r.Cid ben toiwtilnlted. No iloul't Alhiut Ir . bere Is n.1 oi:es:ion but tbat Chambeiiahi's Tablets is ' ne of t!.e; hi-st pretiarations en tbn marKet for stomach troubles, MUhvasnrss and . constipation. There is rv better proof ; of .this than wlun a wan lias oipe, used them be wtd consider nothing else when in necf. ef s'tch medicine, i , CONROyS." CASH GROCERY You Can Ik' a Little Better at Conroys. BEST CREAMERY BUTTER, lk. 50c SUGAR, SACK S9.6" 1 lb. C.'ie; 3 lbs. $1.00 ... $1.20 i:c 2.",c 5 for 93c 10c Hills Blue Coliee, . Gallon Ijiaekben-ies, tin Aunt Jetainia's Bu:l;vher.t, ykg. Crepe Toilet Pa,r( 3 for Van CamV Turk and Bean?, No. 2' tin (hunker Oat?, lavge j)ackare - Quaker Pufi Wheat, each u . . 1'eas, extra prooa quality, each Sea Foam Wahinc; I'ovdor, larc i-k?. .'. Hills Ked and 31. ,J. B. Coffee, 1 lb. 00c, 5 II w. Larpe Cans Pineapple, each Pineapple, No. 2 tins, each Van Camps Catsup, bottle , . . . .