East Oregonian : E.O. (Pendleton, OR) 1888-current, January 27, 1921, DAILY EDITION, Image 1

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    THE EAST OREGOMIAN IS THE ONLY INLAND EMPIRE NEWSPAPER GIVING its rfadfrs tup rfnffit of daily tfi frraphip. fjfws rfphrts from roth thf ASSOCIATED PRESS AND U'.ITED 17.'
. w
.Number of oopirt orintcd of resttrda'
This paper la a member of and audited
by tli Audit Ilureau of Circulatloas.
Ths Ess OregnnlKn Is F.mIwh Ore
on' mgr-atesl newseaper and
llln fores tlc to the tirrir
orer twice the gusruntred p"l circu
lation In Pendleton nd t'mtilt coun
ty of r.ny other newspaper.
VOL. 32
NO. 9735
--7) -" l-Vn - F
If nmrpi .I, iiJ,ii,u-,.j I i0ffJM' :. . T 'V .
Self Government for Northern
Counties Scheme; Sinn Fcin-
ers Busy in Effort to Bring
About Turmoil There.
Opposition Would Vote in Offi
cials to Parliament and Then
Order Them Not to Sit Thus
Preventing Quorum.
BELFAST, Jan. 27. (By Charles
M. McCann, IT. p. Stuff Correspond-
ent.) I liter In making plana to tul
loose from the rent of Ireland and be
come self-governing by Christmas.
The tlnn Kelnera are busy planning
a campaign to prevent this and nvili
throw northern Ireland Into a t-jrmoii.
Thin Ih the situation In I'lster aa 1
found It upon arriving hero, to ascer
tain what utepa are being taken to set
tip an Independent parliament In the
northern counties, an provided by the
recently-passed homo rule raeAciure.
The Hlnn Fein la planning to eleet
men to the I'lMtor parliament and then
order them not to alt, hoping t ha or
ganisation mill he rendered Inopepytlva
through lack of a quorum and that
chaos will result.
All Ulster la In a i!ir of activity In
preparation for Inauguration of horns
role which mum l In operation by
Decern her..
is deiv1anded from :
three newspapers
Publisher of Freewater Times
Alleges Inflated Statement
Made by Tribune in Securing
County Printing. , '
An order aelllnsj aside the appoint
ment by the L'matlllu county court of
the Pendleton Tribune as one of the
county official newspapers, n filed
today with tho county cler. after hav
ing been signed by Judge I. .M. Schaii-
nep.. Tho order followed a petition
filed by H. B. Sanderson, publisher of
the Krcewuler Times, In which he
legea that the circulation figures pre
aentcd by (he Tribune are Inflated and
that the total daily circulation, Includ
ing alreet salea and exchanges, is not
In excesa of 1 255 copies.
Mr. Sanderson, In his petition, fur
ther sets -out that the publisher of the
Tribune fulled to comply with the law
In that he did not present, w ith his fig-
nrjs, a list of bona fide subscribers,
by poslofflcu. receiving his dally paper
ill this county. No order of the coun
ty court, continuing the matter from
Jan, 24 to Jan. when the Tribune
and Knst Oregonian were designated,
was entered In the record, he further
Saturday morning nt II o'clock was
fixed by the court as the time at which
publishers of tho three newspapers in
terested shall appear and present their
.circulation records for examination.
While the order today did not stay the
appointment of the Kast Oregonian as
official paper, Its records were ordered
to the hearing, along with those of the
Times and Tribune.
Tho Tribune presented n lint of ffg
nres totaling 22(12. to which the pub
lisher swore ns his dally circulation In
(Continued on page S.)
Kenorted IJ' M'O'T Lec Moot house
official observer.
Maximum. 46. '
Minimum 2S.
M.irometer 29.31.
Tmitght nd
Fr!l.iy ra'rj or
'S" ' "'
.MwVWfTiiiiiifWiwtliiiaMMiJI ii-uiii alsiaa IMfli M -- ' J wmim -" hail ljs.ii i ,
AKTOHIA. Jan. 2". Kok'T II. Pinneo. one. of the mort highly paid
traffic experts in the country, has taken up I is new dot tea as general traf
fic manager nt the Port of Astoria as one of t lie broadsides launched by
the port commission In making il ia l a -l or one" of the ;;rii.te:,l of the
world's flipping center.
.Mr. Plnneo comes to Astoria with .11 y ars of eiperler.ee in rail and
water freight transposition. He ret -
of the Pacific Steamship company and
Aatoria tieciuiHc, of I. la faith in the future of the pott, backed by an un
hampered port commission, an noi mously productive tt!iutary Iiinter
lund and market for world products and tiiniinal fuciiitiea of the incut riod-
ern aort. Thoe shipping- terminals are
the I'nlted Ptatea and aiu mtiinted will -
Columbia river with Its 42 feet of w atr -
fresh water harbor In the world.
CiflCAOO, Jan. 27. tV. I'.) There
are 3 !. unemployed men for every Job
available, the Illinois free employment
hurean announced. I'nempbiyment
has Increased 3fl percent In the last
fourmonihs. It was sa'd.
organisation nnd maintenance of a
.. Karm ilureau with at
least 6u pa'd members; continuation
of the rabbit, squirrel and gopher ex
termination, tho cheeking of wheat
variety anil seed treatment demon
stralons: continuation of horticulture;
dairying and livestock projects; rerti
fle.ntion of grain for seed, and nsnlst
ance for tractor farmers in meeting
the fuel situation are the Hems of the
1921 program adopted todav ur tne
annual meeting of the t'matilla Coun
ty T'urm Ilureau luld in the county
upon this afternoon lnch.de co.nmunl-
ty programs: s-.lphur denionstratl -
on. co-opcratlvo slnpment of sodium
nitrate: extension schools- co-operal-
ion with the comim, Northwest c.rai.i j "'"Her ! rom cog mg se ers am, mccr
and Hay Show and the- IIcrmiMon tng thoroughfares.
Dairy and Hog Phow; labor and noys
and gil ls' club work.
The question or whether or ri't (
rmatilla county farmers will join the-:
new Oregon Hate w tteai rpi-n o(hir ,)(,nff f(ir j(Mo. Thcv -Association
Is being debated nt fre taken bv the finance committee!
day's meeting. A digest of the pro-.L ip nnj ,,, ,,, m(,,.tns.
nosed contract will be given, nud Da
vld Nelson, r. J. i uiii.j mm i"
are speaking on tho subject this nf-
No inkling as lo who the nominal-
ing committee wiii name as candidate
for officers of the bureau was oblnln
able today. Tho nominating commit
roe pi.u.m. " "
Hampton, n. a. narrnr, r.. j.. ' members. They declaiwl that In many)
Und Herbert Thompson, and tj,,iHra th ,rpr. wore ruthlessly "butch-
win oi vn.n
Scheduled to speak are S. 11.
rnomns'-n w no w. u-oi . .. ""
Labor! I'avm ."eison, on tinrior iuci;
mid P. l Mallard, assistant state.
leader of cjiiinty agents.
LI S AN'GKl.ES. Jan. 27. l P.I
Whipping posts for h:ihitua criminals
are advocated hy William Plnkerton,
dean of American sleuths, who Is heie
on a tour of his western offices. "Pro
bation laws all through the country
arc rotten,"' ho declared, "That's the
lKni - il his position 'aa traffic manager
the Admiral line to a t l:i lot with
among- the largeat and finest in
in 12 inlb-a of the mouth of the
r at low tide and on the larg'.'t
mm:, i uuj.n
llfOfl '
Action on Police Chief Appoint
ment, Contagious Disease
Hospital, County-City 1 Li
brary Consolidation, Was
f'u.-dness concerning chiefly the well
being bf a part or all of Pendleton
c;tirena was transacted in -motion,
r solution nnd nrdlnnnce bv the city
council t It fourth meeting of th
Vtar, last night. Action on the pol'.ce
ohiof appointment, contagious dis-nse
hospital, couniy-city library oonsolida
lion and the wooden building erected
within the fire limits by I. 1!. Johnson
did not come up and hc finance com
mittee asked to hold for a week the
two bids submitted for auditing the
city's 1920 accounts.
An ordinance amending the present
liash ordinance, was Introduced and
p-issed. It provides that no material
lhall lie deposited on any street of the
j V witnoot pennn inim tne recoroer.
, "h-re" the old ordinance specified
j"'v s .,e,s In -mena-
' . , .. ' .1
Amll ,(im $0(,
' Tw0 t,,)s f,,r tn(, aUlit ,,f the city's
1,,,.Kh were opened bv the recorder,
p..,nk & McLean were low with $22.
Enforcement by the police of the
a. .. vicrnnev ordinance n urge
i , ' ,.,., Frledly. He declare j
ii,.., ti,t not being enforce. 1 :
The manner in which linemen f-r ,
If ie Pacific -Power & Usht Co., haw t
) (
i n H-iintning lull trees about the h
causing complaint, said several
icied. The conr.'anv was obliged tn
trim tho tops off many trees In order
lt mxp Ulpir hlch
lines from short
t.1Ivl,UK, ln
tile process the trees
I'nt'nned on R '
only word that describes them. ALoi-
.pa uii-iii . in una.. i.o a.siep'e't. the tea. ner wun irainiug ii - .iu! -
further and ri UJ.Iish wliippir.g posts ' Ihe normal school diploma will
for h'ghwivmen and i.rowler, It iJvwth more In either the grades
tor ngwamm and pronlcrs. It Is j . 8chmils
tho one sure thing that will break i "
criminals of th'ut iliiiiBerous class," (Continued on pigo 5.)
Six, Weeks Training for Teach-!
ers With H. E.- Inlow, City!
Superintendent, as Director,1
Allotted Here for Summer, t
Will Duplicate Monmouth Meth
ods With Practice Teaching,:
University of Oregon Exten-i
sion, arid Physical Training.!
A pis week's euurre In teacher train- WASHINGTON', Jan. 27. (I.". P.i
Intr. under the direction of the Oregon' An alternative to disarmament is the!:
tate Normal School, today was deig-l rcce among thes great natior.s to le- j ;.
uatcd to be held In Pendleton fromchip new and more terrible cngine!,.
lime 21 to Aug. 5. with H. E. Inlow,
city ouperinttnUent of school, as di-
rector. Summer clasees for a fev. -
telected student?! In the elementary
rfrnde:', to provide leaching practice
for those attending the setMion, and
claK-.es in extension from the t'niver- n international agreement of dlsarm
f ty of Oreson, are a'so In prnnpect in j ament."
connection wilh the normal work.
The training given here will dupli- j
cate the x'x weeks" summer norma. ;
course to be Sivcn at Monmouth. In j
esse the practice teaching feature If ,
obtained, training not possible at Mon
mouth during the summer will he pro
vided. Likewise th! college work In
extension will he In addition to the
work offered on the west side.
Art Adcltd lo List
Teaching methoc's In all the ele
menlary grades,. phsicnl training,
an-sic, art. tsycholoxy and rtlral school
problems wiii bo among the course
I offered. Art Is a new subject this
t year, its having been added to the
wnrS: offered during the ffrst summer
uormal held in Pendleton last year.
A minimum staff of eight instruc
lors Is promised for the course here.
I will he augmented by lecturers from
;ho Oregon State Normal S hool and
riom other institutions. Last summer i
i lectures w ere given two and three j
imes weekly. ' J
Sanction to the propcs-il -for sttmmet
"lasses in grade school work here has
t-cen given tentatively by the Pendie-
ton school board, Mr. inlow sad to-
t!by. Pupils will be selected for at
tendance who are In need of adjust
ment to their grades nnd teachers at
tending the course will Instruct them,
under direction of supervisors. The
sanction of the president of the nor- '
mat school, J. H. Ackerman, is yet SALEM, Jan. 27. (U. P.) The
to be obtained. third bill pertaining to the motion plc-
Stcp Toward Ijontror Year tcrc industry was Introduced in th
Th's proposal to hold summer school house by Childs and Fletcher. It
for yrade children Is held to be the creates a board of three censors ol
list step In the nation-wide tendency movie films, appointed by the gover
tnward a longer school year, Mr. In- nor, at a salary of not more than- fif
li w .'aid. Kducaiors are predicting ticn hundred per year. It must exam
?ventunlly a school year of 44 weeks, j hie and censor all pictures exhibited
or It months. Teat hers in t'matilla j in Oregon. The board shall approve
"ounly are now on 12-nionths" con- j inly such films as ore in its discretion
tracts in nearly all district f "'of moral, educational, amusing, or
A lni ae number of teachers now j harmless character.''
under contract In this county are re- j Following the footsteps of the local
quired, hy their contracts, to au-nd the t:mber workers union, which went or,
summer normal school, either here or; record as opposing the convicts b
it Monmouth. It was largely in recog-: factory, proposed in a pending bill, th
titlon of t'i'a forward step taken ny
Umatilla county that tha school was f
again awarded, to Pendleton. Anotliet ideelnriiig such a factory "would plac
'niportant cons'deralion was the sue- free iubor in competition with convict
cess of the-l'2n venture, when 63 tooAjlubor and .would distrust labor condi-!h-
work here. ' lions to a lar.s,e extent."
Kducational bills how before thej .Senator Hare has drafted a bill pro
state legislat iry place a premium upn -ding for the erreciion of community
normal school training. One requires '. houses in Oregon cities and tow ns, in
that on and after Jan. 1, l',23. all ! commemoration of their boys who
teachers in the state must have ha"i served in the world war. Hare con
one year of training ubovn the hlt-h. tends the community house,, while
chcol, an-1 on and after Jan. t. Isi .Uerving as a memorial, will also fill i
must have lnd two years -of trninln . r-tl nee! i-i the community as a club
iK.va ),-,' ! hol. The sabii j I renin or meeting place for various
iscnf.ai,ie recently recommended by the
.. .r i, irairlnllmiili. nM hMli i irM mi In-vnt
,,..'','., ..Veniium In 'nay upon ;
... , K.. th.. ii-vt nmmint of
itininiuc and experience. j
(Ym1i. ;iv,.n Toward IKWe I
The university work which prona ny
ill he offered here may Incl'id" e6-i-
, ,, B-,.ree
. nvt,rsjtv degree will be give,.
) tfccessful completion of work in
..i.i.. . ir it-i..iv - haH he,-n
negotiating wilh President P. I.. Cam:-
stite univer:atv. and tne
'irpct(ir of the extension department.
r.nd has received what lie consolers .-.
very favorable reply.
Teachers who take the col lose ex-t-union
departmetit, and h:i!j received
what he consi. rs a very favorable re
ply. Teachers who take the cvllofce e .
i -nslon work, after having complctee
their two years of normal tra'nlnw
will be placing a premium upon th"il
H ilary, Mr. Inlow asserted today, fn-
'r the schedule pnnicsed by the o.
T. A., pay In Ihe grades and high
s"hnol is eqimllxrd for the same,
, , irnov Thus, he show-
Navy Secretary Says Alterna-i ;
five to Reduction of .Equip-!1
ment Would be Eternal
Fight for Better Weapons, j
AH Nations, Including U. S. are
Studying Experience of
World War to Determine Fu-jit
ture Naval Construction, j'j
j of naval warfare, Secretary Daniela I I
aid. "It would be the. old eternal .ij
fight to get nemething better." ho ot ij;
clarcd. "The only hope of the world hj
. ti keep from spending millions of dol- )i
: lars ea.ch year on weapons of war ibjj
Daniels declared that all the great
nations nre now studying the relative
value of naval fighting unita in light
of experience gained during the world
war. The principal object of thes"
studies Is to determine whether dread
naught, or battle cruisers will he re
placed by aircraft or submarine, run
icls himself has ordered such a study
if the American navy. It is regarded
as a swift step by the American navy
' to keep abreast of Britain, th'is sup-
' Porting I:iniel's statement
j must tre dnraTmament or
(... , , .
j Committee of Three to be Ap-
pointed by Governor With
Plenopotentiary Jurisdiction
Over Pictures, Proposed. ,
p.yai legion of loggers and lumDermet
of district
made public resolutions
jactivities. Funds for the building will
t,'.,d' followlnr an election called by
'ih.. .it- oinicM t which the- amount
to be expended w ill he decided upon.
Witness Ailjnstod.
SAI.KM, Jan. 27. t IT. P.) Head
Just ment of witness fees and mileage,
for jurors is provided in a bill Hopkins
introduced in the house. . It provides
two dollars a day to be paid witnesses
at circuit court and grand iurv.
Tho house adopted a resolution call-in;;-
upon the regents of the state uni
versity and agricultural college to give
'Continued on nag, a.t
SALEM. Jan. 27. (A. P.)
;v. ...o t.,..,... . .........
be i yesterday H at big timber companies
orlare reaching out to exchange poor
Itimber lands for some of the finest
jtlmlwr land ln the Oregon and Call-
fomiii laud t'aut under the act of
t "
Flow of river per second feet double the flow per sec
ond feet at great Keokuk dam on Mississippi.
Most feasible power project on Columbia river because
of easy engineering task, light cost and immediate utiliza
tion of power for irrigation. ,
110,000 acres of land may be watered through use of
pumps directly connected with turbines.
558,000 acres of arid land susceptible of reclamation by '
pumping in vicinity of project.
Total estimated cost of power project, including darri
equipment, etc., $20,500,000.
Project would develop 120,00p continuous horse power
with 200,000 aditional horse power during irrigation sea-
Cost of construction per horse power would be $75 for
continuous power and $57.50 for irrigation power.
Approximate cost of power project per acre of irrigated .
land, $59.
' Estimated annual productivity tributary land when ir
rigated, $30,000,000.
To see that the waters of the mighty Columbia are utilized
for development of hydro electric power at Umatilla rapids
v ith the aim of fostering irrigation, railroad electrification and
the production of vast electric power for local industrial and
domestic purposes is the purpose of a move launched under
auspicious circumstances at Umatilla yesterday afternoon. The
amount of enthusiasm and intelligent interest manifested sur-
! trt there I passed expectations. The Umatilla Rapids Power Assoc
a new navail tion was formed and plans for an ambitious program ere ten
tatively adopted. ".
The next big step will be a meeting of the Association in
Fendleton at 10 a. m. on February 5. For that meeting invita
tions are being extended to leading railroad officials of the
northwest, the governors and state engineers of Oregon and
Washington, legislators and prominent business and industrial
leaders. Wires were sent last evening requesting the attend
ance of many of these men, including Carl R. Gray, president
of the Union Pacific ; J. P. O'Brien, general manager of the Q.
W. R, & N.; W. F. Turner, president of the S. P. & S. ; George
T. Reid, assistant to the president of the Northern Pacific, and
H. B. Earling, vice president of the Chicago, Milwaukee and St.
Paul. It is felt that many of these men will attend and that with
tne aid of their advice a line of
rr the Fendleton meeting. J. P.
; y wire.
Enthusiasm Manifest
'Lay your plans slowly, but
when you have found out what
to do, work fast,' was the ad
monition of O. Stangeby, pres
ident of the Umatilla Commer
cial Club, in calling the meet
ing to order yesterday after
noon. The old school house at
Umatilla was filled with repre
sentative men from Umatillf
and Morrow counties and it
was evident from the start that
there was extreme interest in
the question at hand. P. C.
Brownell of Umatilla and Port
land, was chosen as temporary
chairman, and E. B. Aldrich,
editor of the East Oregonian, as
temporary secretary.
The engineering features of
the project were discussed by
H. A. Rands of Portland, an en
gineer connected with the
Portland Railway, Light &
Power Co., and who at one
time made a traffic PlirveV of
this section for the Portland
rhnmhor-of Pnromorr-P .
Mr. llands' discussion was
1 r.elv- '
on reporis by government engi-;
ni-eis and by John H. Lewis, former:"
.--tale engineer of Oregon. Tho speak
er painted the t'matilla rapids site as
the most favorable one on tho Colum
bia. The bed of the river at t'matilla
rapids Is solid rock and the water be-1
ing comparatively shallow the engi
neering task is easy. M Ce'Ho foils
there are engineering; difficulties ow
ing lo the narrowness of Ibe channel
and 'be great depth of water. At
t-iniKi.-..? u.o to.,. .,,,-.-...0 oi ..o -
and the ruling of secretary of the in
terior. He offered a joint memorial to
congress protesting, and the house
adopted it Immediately. Pcsn said
big timber companies are trying to
freeze out small buwuull operators.
action can be determined upon
O'Brien has already accepted
Bonneville the engineering problem Is
so sreat that the engineer who report
ed on that project refused to hazard
n estimate on the coat of the propos
ed dam at that point.
Sui-asM-s Keokuk Project.
Mr. Rands brought out the fact that
the flow of water per second feet at
the t'matilla rapids m double the flow
per second feet of the Mississippi at
the Keokuk dam. Ha read figures
showing SaS.OitO acrea as susceptible
of irrigation from pumping: In the ter
ritory adjacent to the power site and
on a basis of present returns from Ir
rigated lands said that the annual
crop production on the total area, if
all is irrigated, would amount to $30,
Describing the efforts of Washing
ton and California towards promot
ing by hydro-electric development the
engineer classed tiregon as being like
Utile Hoy Blue, "fast asleep under the
haystack," while natural opportunities
go unused.
( Cmers John Hay I'roject.
Other talks of particular interest
were made by Walter Hinkie of Echo,
Judw S. A. Lowell t Pendleton
and by L. A. Hunt, county agent of
Morrow county. Mr. Hunt explained
; that the power project If developed
I0""1'1 ,",rv' to reclaim much of th
.acreage unuer tne jonn iay project.
-".o.rv. i.-.v .lie V. ...
t 'm
,w ... ,..,,.
rapids will Increase the elevation of
the river to that extent und thus make
less pumplnsr necessary than would
be the case were power for pumping
purpiises brought from Cetilo.
Organization IMim-l
i Practical steps towards orvunlairg
1 were taken by the appointment of an
organisation committee composed of
S. H. lioardmaa of Uiordman. J. U.
! Zurohar of Stanfield and tieorge Hart
man of Pendleton, This committee r.
ported favoring adoption of the name
I rmatilla Itnplds Power Site Assocla
Itlon and the miming by tho chair if
committees on IcKlslatlon, rem. hit Ions
land statistics, A committee on public
;ity was Inter authorized by motion,
j Tlie follow lug committees were so-
t pointed :
j legislation Pred Sieiwer. Fred T.
i;eoige. J. P. McNaught and Juiii(
Itesoiutions Pre.l Heniiion, Il4trrv
Kuck and M. C. Atheny of Herntlaton.
Statistics S. II. Foard man, E. it,
Aldrich and C. It. Bchllllmr. project
(Continued on paj .j