1 Jf-Y'"'awvJ': 61 TEH PACES DAItY EAST 0MG0N1AM, PENDLETON, OfcEGOJT, WEDNESDAY EVENING. JAN'lTAllY 26, 192L " PAG 2 KT,3 s 1 lEIE'D IA N - - A-DS 0 A. S Notices, Business Opportunities, Locals, Lost, Found,, For Rent, Etc., Classified for Easy Reference. -JS ;;-1. . . , . ; f ..; i NEW TODAY ca Oct uwcBft WANTED Situation nil stenographer experienced typist Phono 27. F(JK RENT rooms, 301 8. Two Main tit housekeeping W. M. TlntlBl. FOR SALE LIBRARY tuUlo 5.00 white enamel wicker bassinet, (5.04 300 Tuatln 8t. - - LOST ltoad grader. Kinder please notify C. A. Crabtree, Street Com missioner, City of I'cndloton. I Oil SALE OR HKNT Itlueksmlth mid wagon shop, Kent aland In mate of Oregon. Write E. 1. Illsley, Her mliton, Ore. 'I i r .t ; i a v a- u. . . h K'M' iri ---sr "vrv Handy Business Directory of Pendleton and Vicinity , This Directory Is especially handy for the out-of-town reader who may want the name and address of responsible buslnes men who repreeenl the' following tinea. All are reliable, responsible business concerns who stand ready to give you prompt service. NOTICES Any one winning to buy on accordlan pleater write to Mrs. 11. Mltcalf La Grande, Ore. Photographer To Introduce our kodak work we will finish Fro ono roll and one print each. Ward (Studio. ICstruy Notlco Came to my pluco one brown mare four years old, stur In forehead, brand ed Jv on left shoulder. Owner can have same by paying for this d. Hor berl Thompson, Pendleton, Ore. Danes Posfnoneil Due to Illness of soma of th mcrn. bore of tho Orchestra, the dance scheduled for Labor Temple, Wednes t!ny. him been postponed. Atrcmloii Knight of Pythias Damon Lodge No. 4, K. of P. will have work In the 1st and 2nd. rank Monday evening, Jan. 24th. Com mencing at 7:30 o'clock. AH mem bers urged to be present. HENRY MANGOLD, C. P. FOR SALE FOR SALE 75 II. P. Holt Caterpillar : Sturgls & Storle. - FOR BALE 1914 Ford touring car all new tires $125.00 631 Johnson. Attention V. . V. Ik-croc Teem Members of tho Woodmen degree tram are requested to meet at Eugle Woodman hull Wednesday evening Jan. 26th. at 7:30 sharp. . ' A. O. GARDEN, Captain.' Notice to Koimd-l'p Stockholders Tho postponed annual meeting of the stockholders of tho Northwestern Frontier Exhibition Association "will . bo held upon Tuesday, January isth, 1921, at 7:30 p. m.. In the offices of the Fcorctary of the Pendleton Commercial Club In the Elk's Building. II. V. COLLINS, president., C. H. MARSH, Secretary. KOTH'lt , . Notice of Payment of City of Pendleton Improvement Itonds Notice Is hereby given that Cltv of Pendleton Improvement Bonds No. 8. Series J, and No.-10. Scries 12. will be paid uion presentation thereof to the undersigned at the American National Bimk.ejPendleton, Umatilla County, Oregon, after F.b. 1, 1921. Interest on the above bonds cease Feb. i, 1921. Dated Jan. IS, 1921. S.EB MOORHOCSB. Treasurer of City of PondletoU By H. w. Dickson, Deputy. FOR SALE All kinds of Insurance. J. 11. Estes. 614 Main St., Phone 604. FOR RENT Five room house Phone 804-R. furnished FOR KENT Weeping and housckcep . Ing rooms 608 Willow. FOR RENT Three room furnished houso close In 401 Aura street. ROOM WITH BOARD IN PRIVATE Family. Phone 212-W. FOR RKNT-76-R. -Furnished room Phone AUTO TIRES PENDLETON CYCLE CO. AJax, Re vere and Savage tires. 228 E. Court Street. U 8. BENTLET & CO. Goodyear and Diamond Tires Tire service, oils and accessories Alia and Garden Sis, WALLACE BROS. Flsk tires, cords or fabric. We do our own adjust ing. 808-12 Johnson 8t. AUTO REPAIRING JUNK, JUNK, JUNK TUB "PIONEER" AUTO MAN Satis- BRINO your Junk to the Pendleton faction guaranteed. We repair any make. Glean Long, 632 Cottonwood. FOR RENT Room with sleeping porch and use of bath. Phone 747 FOR RENT Downstairs sleeping room, close in. Men only, phone 886-R HOUSE FOR RENT On South Hill For Information phoner 510-M. FOR RENT Room In Failing Bldg. . Furnished or unfurnished. Inquire SOI Main, Room 6. LOST On Tuesday the 11th. a ring, set with ruby Phone E04-M for re ward. . FOR SALE Office desk and a 10 foot display table 901 North Main, Phone 1156. FOR SALE A few tons good alfalfa huy (leorge Wachtel, Riverside Phone 297-W. FOR RENT Sleeping rooms, furnace hent, free bath, men only. Phone 407, a. m., 878-J after 5 p. m. roit RENT Furnished bed room in private family furnaced heated for one or two gentlemen. Inquire "90" this office. .. - - . WANTED WANTED 2 turkey hens. Phone 4fl. FOR BALE 880 acres winter pasture!" GERTSON ft MARTY Gater Half Soles, 6000 miles guaranteed 1-2 cost of new tires. 637 Cottonwood St. PENDLETON RUBBER ft SUPPLY CO. Barney Oldfleld, Goodrich 811 vertown Cord and Pernsylvania Vacu um Cup 305 I- Court, SIMPSON TIRE SERVICE CO. Re public and Firestone tires, cords or fabric 223 K. Court St, Phone) 651. PERKINS ft AMMO-VS, Automobile Repairing. Ford, Chevrolet, Btude bakor or any make of car. Service at any time. 630 Cottonwood, Phone 203. ATTORNEYS GEORGE W. COUTTS, Attorney Law, I loom 17, Schmidt bock. R. I. KEATOR, Attorney at Law, Room 24, Smith-Crawford Building. CARTER ft SMYTH E, Attorneys at Law. Offices in rear of American National Bank Building. MISCELLANEOUS MRS. ADA FIELD Spirella coreetiero Phone 824-W. Address 514 Jane. ALL KINDS of patients cared for by experienced nurse 800 w. Webb- Phone 884. SCHOOL GIRL will care for children after school and evenings Call Apt, AltA House. FEE ft FEE, Attorneys at Law. flees In Dewpaln Building. Of- S. A. LOWELL .Attorney and Counsel lor at Law. Office In Dcepain Bldg. I. A. NEWBERRY, Attorney at Iiw, federal Building. PETERSON, BISHOP ft CLARK, At torneys at Law. Room 2 and 4 Smith-Crawford Bldg. Hide ft Junk Co. See before you sell. U D. CariM-ron, prop. KODAK FINISHING ; PERFECT DEVELOPING and print ing for the amateur enlarging. Prompt work. Tallmsm Brag Vo, HEMSTITCHING " HEMSTITCHING at the Singe Bnop.( Mall orders promptly attended to. HEMSTITCHING Mall orders Mrs. , Ralph Hassell 417 Bush, Phon 995. - LAUNDRY EVERY Article Laundered Perfectly, There s an agent In your town Troy Laundry, 60S Garden St. - MADE TO MEASURE; Inquire James K. Hill, Pendleton, Oregon. FOR SALE 6 head of good mules, 10 hend of horses all good stock See Sturgls & Storle. WANTED Plain sewing of all kinds. Phone G69-J. Notice or Kills to Furnish Lumber Notice Is hereby ffven that sealed bids will Iki received at the offlcn of the City Recorder In Pendloton, Ore gon up to S o'clock p. M. on February 2nd 1921 for furnishing to the City of Pendleton, 9000 feet of lumber 4 in. by 13 In. by 18 feet F. O. B. Lee Street nrldgo In the City of Pendleton, The FOR SALE 20 second hand sewing tnarhlnM an mkv tjrm Kinder Sewing Machine Store. FOR SALE Five room modern bun galow half basement Terms, In quire 616 W. High St. ' PARLAN, Ky., Jan. 26. (U. P.) Marks of human teeth bitten deeply Into a pucketbook mny decide the faith of Dr. O. C. Whines, former state veterinarian, nn trial here, charg ed with murdering Lura Parsons, a teacher. The pnckelbook was found near where sbo was slain. Cut Into FOR SALE Self-propelled eomblne harvester, 1918 model, good shape tonimon Council reserves the right to terms gturgls ft Storle. reject any and all bids. Dated at Pendleton, Oregon this 19th. duy of January 1921. WANTED Sewing plain or fancy Phone S06-M. WANTED Girl work. Phone for general 799-J. house- WANTED GOOD CLEAN RAGS AT The East Oregonlan office. JAMBS B. PERRY, Attorney at Law. Office over Taylor Hardware) Oom- at.t. vivna of fninftf and atnve re-1 lm"7 pairing, pipe fitting and chimney cleaning satisfaction guaranteed Phone 622. RAG HOGS and carpets woven. Also first class crocheting and embroid ery. AH ordere promptly filled. 8e Wheelers, at 1300 W. Railroad. RALEY, RALEY ft STEIWER, Attor neys at Lav. Office In American National Bank Building. WANTED by man and wife Work on (arm Inquire "92" this office. TIlOS. F1TZ GERALD, City Recorder. FOR SALE About 130 tons alfalfa hay, some mixed with barley. George Geanokopulas, Rlcth Ore., Fhone 23F4. running 30 years, optional after 20 years, and beating Interest at the rale of 6 per cent per annum payable Seml Annually at the City Treasurers office in Pendleton, Oregon. Each bid must FOR BALE White Leghorn baby chicks $15.00 per 100. Write for catalogue. H. F. Maxon, Walla Walla, Wash., n. 6. Notlco of Bids for Bonds Notice Is hereby given that sealed bids will be received at the office of the City Recorder In Pendleton, Ore gon, up to February 2nd. i 92 1 at ( o'clock P. M. of said day, for the pur chase of $22,000.00 General Indebted ness Bonds of tho City of Pendleton, bearing date of March 1st 1921 andlFOR SALE Few good young work FOR SALE OR TRADE New bunga low, 610 W. High Call there or In quire of C. P. Strain at County Assee- or's of flee Terms. WANTED Chambermaid and experi enced waitress hleth Hotel, Rieth, Oregon. WE WASH and clean the finest rugs satisfactorily. References given. We make fluff rugs from old carpet Walla Walla Rug and Carpet Cleaa ing Co. Phone 1677. THE OREGON JOURNAL delivered 65 cents a month. Sunday Included O W. Hooker, agent. Office, Alice WANTED Underwood typewriter In Shinning Parlors (Al Richardson's good condition. this office. Address "89" caret Place) 609 Main SL Pbone 622. WANTED TO BUY S or 6 roomed house close In- must be cheap for cash Inquire "91" this office. WANTED Girl for general house, work on ranch near Ukinh. Apply County Agent's office, federal buildinc. the sides are iarks of teeth, such asbe -ompnnled by a certified check ot might ho made by a person clutching with the teeth In n frensy. Tlio de fense says there are undoubtedly the i per cent of tho face value of the bonds bid for made payable to the or der of the Mayor of Tho City of Pen marks of the murderer. Wl.inen sayejdleton- bo returned to the bidder If he Is prepared to prove they are the marks of his teeth. not CRIMINAL SYNDICALISM LAW UPHELD IN COURT OLYMP1A, Wash., Jan. 26. (A. P.) Washington's criminal syndical ism statute, passed by the 191S legisla ture, was upheld in an opinion handed down by (hi state supreme court today, In affirming the conviction of Mike Hennetey in superior court of Clarke county, based upon Henncsev's ullegcd affiliuticn v-nil the industrial workers of the world. ' Answerlr.c the contention of the de fendant that tho syndicalism act Is an attempt o punish constructive trea son, the court hold that 'treason as defined by the construction docs not deprive tho stato lelsluturo of the power to enact laws to prevent the teaching of crime, violence or. sedition as a means of vornoiuliig the existing order of government." unsuccessful, and to be forfeited to the City of Pendleton if the bidder is awarded the bonds and fails to take and Jay for same In accordance with the terms of his said bid. The Com mon Council reserves tho right to re ject any and all bids at, Its pleasure. Dated at Pendleton, Oregon this 19th day of January 1921. TIlOS. FITZ GERALD, City Recorder. horses and two saddle horses or will trade for stock cattle. Address H. P. Whitman, Pendleton or Phone 418. FOR SALE OR TRADE One 14 H. P. Btover ga engine, mounted on wag on bed with wide Iron wheels. Guar anteed In first class condition. Will trade for Ford. Slmpsoa Auto Co. li-Olt SALE Houses Of all sines, ranging In price from $1400 to $12,000. Come and see me If you want to buy a home. GEORGE W. ELDER ' - 818 Main St. Res. Phone 972-W Phone (91 FOR RENT ONSCENARi0S T : ' jP -:lXJ ii'-i ' if. J ' -V-as m w ) V && PC j J Nolk-o of Ujnttel .MorHrntM' Sale NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that the undersigned. Second Northwestern Finance Corporation, a corporation, by virtue of tho chattel mortgage, Cuted April 8, 1920, executed by An drew 8. Kerr, to I. D. Latham and re corded January 24, 1921, in the Rec r.rds of Chattel Mortgages of Umatilla County, Oregon, securing the payment of note nnd debt therein described, of even date therewith, for $3572.40. bearing interest at 8 per cent, per an num from maturity of said note (and by the holder of said note and mort gage, same was declared due on No vember 29, 1920 said note with said chattel mortgage having been endors ed, transferred and assigned by said I. D. Latham to said corporation prior to the maturity thereof for valuable consideration, the conditions ot said chattel mortgage having been broken by the mortgagor, has taken posses sion of the property thereby mortgag edto wit: One Denby Motor Truck, steel lined dump body with a Woods hoist. Factory No, 6135, Motor No. 5664, truck model No. 27, and will sell the same to tho highest bidder for cash at 11 o'clock in the forenoon on the second day of February, 1921, at the front door of the garago of tho West ern Auto Company, one tho corner ol Cottonwood and Water Streets In The City ot Pendleton, Umatilla uouniy, Oregon, the proceeds of sale to be ap plied to tho payment of costs and ex penses of sale and of taking possesslei and keeping proporty, and expenses of foreclosing, Including ft reasonaoie sum as nttorneya ices, aim nm imj- mont of the amount duo upon the note secured by said chattel mortgage. Datod this 24th day of January, 1921. SECOND NORTHWESTERN FI NnneA Corporation. BY SSOETH HOUSER, "Sheriff and Agent. FOR RENT Furnished Apt. Phone 210-W. SLEEPING ROOM Phone 4 82 R. . LOST AND FOUND LOST Bunch Ot keye Return to E. O. Office. LofT Ladles gojd watch with initials L. F. Phono 254-J for reward. U1S3 FRANCES HARMEK '. ' Mist Frances Harmer. Aged 70, Is scenario reider for the Lasky tovles. .In toor year ehe bee read and CrltlcUed ' l.iOi LOST On Friday or Saturday, black foldine check book containing bank book, wheat receipt and currency, also anto drivers license. Reward ltrndy Howdyshell, 915 E. Court 8t. USED CAR EXCHANGE FOR SALE We have a few good used Fords priced from $125. to $375 These are- all worth tbe money eat! nd see them Simpson Auto Co., Water and Johnson Pts, APTS. AND ROOMS ALTA APTS. ROOM AND BOARD for men only 403 E. Webb. FOR RENT Two roomed Phone 867-W. cottage FOR KENT- ROOMS FOR RENT Mrs. Mays, 201 Water. W. B. HAVE GOOD ALFALFA ranch with 34 head of milch cows. Desire part ner with $500. inquire county agent's office, federal building. KING RADIATOR WORKS Radiat ors made and repaired. All makes. AH work guaranteed. J. C. King, Prop., 110 Water St. (Upstairs.) AUTO TOPS WANTED Fell us your old stove and broken furniture or we will repair them for you. We buy, sell and repair all kinds of second hand goods. Stev ens Furniture and Repair Shop, 901 North Main, Phone 1156. GADWA'S AUTO TOPS, Plate Glass, Backs, Side Curtains 201 East Court St. CLKKKS, (men, women) over 17 for Postal, Mail Service. $130 month. Examinations Jan., Feb. Experience "nnecessary. For free particulars of instruction write J. Leonard, (former Civil Service Examiner) 949 Equitable Bldg.. Washington, D. C. AUTO ELECTRIC WORKS WE REPAIR anything electrical on an automobile. W. E. Chase Oo. AUTO TRANSFER W. O. FISHER Stand Klley ft Kemp, Phone 632. C. E. WILLIAMSON Stand at Griggs' Cigar Store rhone 1075. TRUCKS FOR HIRE Country work. Kissler & Hemmelgarn, Phone 381-R or 999-W 519 Marie St. FOR QUICK SERVICE, Call Bud Cornfield, Phone 62, Crescent Cigar Store. Residence, Phone 1059-R. TIME CARD Wcston-Prodleton Auto Stage Leaves Westcn for Pendleton at 7:30 a. m. and 12:45 p. m. Leaves Athena for Pendleton at 8:00 a. m. and 1:00 p. m. V Leaves Adams for Pendleton at 8:20 a. m. and 1:20 p. m. Leaves Pendleton (Allen-Knight Co. Store) for Weston at 10;00 a. m. and 4 p. m. . O. H. McPHERRIN, Prop. FRED H. SCHMIDT, Attorney at Law, Room 24, B ml th -Crawford Bldg. BATTERIES If JL Carl K. Franseen, Elks BHIg. OPTICAL DALE ROTHWELL Optometrist and Optician. Glasses ground to fit ytrag eyes. American national Bank mod OSTEOPATH PHILADELPHIA DIAMOND GRID BATTERIES guaranteed for 18 months. W. H Chase Co., ' 826 B. Court. Telephone 269, Pendleton. PREST-O-LITB BATTERIES Best by competitive test. S. iv.r on all makes of batteries, guaranteed. 'reet-O-Llte (MTvice Station, 406 K. Court Phone 864. DR. G. B. HOLT Osteopathia, physi cian and Surgeon. Judd Bldg. Telex phones, office 508; Resilience 278V-W. POULTRY SUPPUES j QHIC FOOD, Scratch food, tonics, bone, shell, grit, corn, oats, rolled barley. Umatilla Floor ft Grain CO. CATERPILLAR WORK CATERPILLARS, harvesters, gas en gines, automobiles and general blacksmlthtng. Round-Up Garage, Parks & Ncbergwll, 213 West Webb. CONTRACTORS & BUILDERS PARKER, A BAN FIELD, Designing, Engineering, Constructing, 16 years experience in concrete and brick con struction. 64 E. Third St North Port land, Oregon. TIME CARD . Pilot Rock-Pendleton Anto Stage Leaves Pilot Rock at 8 a. m. Leaves Pendleton at 10:30 a. m. Leaves Pilot Rock at 1 p. m. 4 Leaves Pendleton at 4 p. m. FANCHO STUBBLEFIELD, Prop. CHIROPRACTORS DR. R. C. ELLSWORTH Specializing in nervous disease and diseases of women. 9 to 12 a. m., 1 to 5:30 p. m. Evenings 7 to 8. Fhone 706, Smith- Crawford Building. DR. LENA A. BOONE Chiropractor Office hours 10 to 12; 1:30 to 6:00, 309 E. Court SL, Lasts Apt. 16, Phone 977. AUCTIONEER MODEL TAILORS ft CLEANERS Pressing and repairing. 304 W. Webb St. Phone 321, Pendleton, Ore. COL. W. F. YOHNKA Auctioneer, Call at Sturgis ft 8torle' Implement Co., for sale dates. AUTO PAINTING 7 MEN WITH TEARS of experience. Motor Inn Garage, 722 Cottonwood. Ward A. Honglaud, Prop. CALL PENLAND BROS. Transfer Tan to move your household goods. We also pack or store goods. We do coun try hauling. Telephone 338. DOINGS OF THE DUFFS THE PRICES MAY HAVE CAUSED IT. BY ALLMAN f BMS;. TM IMiXfiO GO AND 5ErT DOCTOR, TMlMkiX STEP INSIDE., n FROZEN MV A DOCTOR RIGHT J 1 H' PCETARC tE LI. SEE ! t S fi A AU.RIGHT" I m tft ( HAPPEM lO - KlFROIE EM 5TWDING 1 laDOPF' jS X V7 I '!': V. DO IT. MR.DUFFr IN FRONT OF A SHOP . ; 1 -rA - Tflh-VT- WINDOW WITH W WIFE J PHONOGRAPH REPAIRING PHONOGRAPH RMPAiBJNO Ail makes Warren' Maaia Somm, lit Main BL. Phone 114. Z PIANOS AND PLAYERS I HIGH GRADE PIANOS ot pleasing. tone quality. Players of Individuali ty. Its the construction that count See piano on display, write or phone The Bee Hive, C28 Main St, Phone) 1076 J. P. ' Darnall, Factory RP Moler ft Chase Piano Co. " Painting and Paper Hanging PAINTS, tV'all Paper, Picture Fram ing. Iu J McAtee, the Practical Faint Man. Lowe Bros, Paints. RADIATOR REPAIRING ALTA AUTO RADIATOR WORKS. 701 East Alta. street. All makes ot radiators repaired. Work guaranteed. a Blasberg, Prop. ; CLEANING AND PRESSING RESTAURffNT THE QUELLE A good place to eat. SECOND HAND FURNITURE DRAYMEN DENTIST D R. H. M. HANAVAN Dentistry, Room 7, Temple Bldg., Phone 772. EYE, EAR, NOSE & THROAT OPTICAL Dept. any size, style or shape glass while you wait. D, N. Reber, M. D., 7, 8, , Belt Bldg. FARM LOANS SNOW ft DAYTON, 117 B. Court St., Real Estate. Fire Insurance Farm Loans. See us about a loan. MATTR-ESSRS The best values) in tho city, 35 lb. silk flase, "I17.60 45 lb. cotton $10.00 Phone 611. Riley ft Kemp, S23 Main St. SECOND HAND DEALERS V. 6TROBLB, dealer in new and sec ond hand good Cash paid for second hand goods. Cheapest piac to buy household gooda.OJO K, Court phone 721 W. SUGGESTIVE THERAPEUTIC THE most up-to-date effectual lead ing science practised, K. F. Gibson P. S. T.; N. D. Room 11 Feebler Bldg. TAILORS 647 Main St. Phone 1" Dainty Cakes In six different fla vors, each 20c Pimento Cheese 2 for 23c Black Mission Figs Found" . . Lemons, Sunkist Brand Dozen 30c Apples Good winter variety, box $1.50 String Beans dozen $1.20, each" 10c Tomatoes, large can, dozen $1.50, each 15c Apricots , Del Monte Brand, each . 25c Fancy Sweet Corn o cans $1.00 Peaches Del Mo rite Brand, each 25c Sweet Cider Made from Winesan apples, gallon... 60c The Dean Tatom Co. Grocery Dept. COQ Meat Dept 0 Phone 00 Phone