f ARE FOUR DAILY EASJ OREGON1AN, PENDLETON, OREGON, WEDNESDAY EVENING JANUARY 20, 1921. TEN PAGES IP AN IXDEl'KNDEVT t Fullbi" Pslly nd Semi-Weekly, EAST OKKtiUMAN Fl UU.SHJNlJ CO. ' hntered at tli poXndice at Ivnrile ton, Oregon, stcond-clsss mail mai ler, t OS SAI.K IV CTHETt CITIES Imperial Motl stand Tortlatnl ONE KI1.K AT v tiiesgo Hiirrau, m .s. ciirity r:nil1'n" ashiniiion. n. , l.uieu 6uL Four teenth Ptrrct. N. W. Mrnbrr of thr Aria(rl Vrr-. Thn Associated "'rem is velum vely enutiwl to the use for republication ui ai) news dispatches credited to it or not otherwise credited in this paper and also the local ucwa published herein. KEWSl'ATER v " , ' ' - euilSCIUPTlOM KATES . (IN ADVANCE) , rl)y, one year, by mail . i; 00 lntiv. six months, hv mall . .1 ilil Dily, three months" by nwil IU'0 I'aily, one month by mull do I'miy, one year by carrser 7.50 I'any, six months by carrier S.7 Inily, three months by carrier.;.... l.y i'hii.v. ono momii, py carrier .65 jtemi-w ee-Kiy, ona yea-, by mail... : Semi-Weekly, six months, by mall 1.00 oenn-n eeKtj, uiree inotulia by mail .60 Telephone ' . iivnKu. (Pj- Frank I Stanton.) . ... y 0 heart that wandered far ,. - ' Where the white suns, of Alpine summits glow. Shall I not meet you "neath some tranquil star? ' Iear heart, it shall be so. It cannot be that I , Shall live forever from your clasp and touch; 1 need with you one little glimpse of sky I need your love so much. Here are the ways you trod; ' Here are the dear portals where Love saw you stand In all the rosiest trare of womanhood With lilios in youft hand. I soe.the sunfjilne shed Upon the plain, the valley and the steep; And, sTaridlnR where my altar fire3 are dead, A lonely watch 1 keep. Tin no heroic part: - Life calls for deeds, and bright the future gleams: But you were all I had on earth, sweetheart, And leaving me, left dreams! " CopyriBhted for the East Oregonian Pub. Co. iJ'1.. Ill ' JUST OLD PROSAIC TEA jTair.iad'e "Good References NKW YORK, Jtm. 2S. (U. p,) Seven solemn men sat about u revolv hiK table In the 1'nlted States apiirals ri stores here today. Silently, they lifted their cups, filled with an amber colored fluid and gurH'eM tha contents. They were tiocldhiK how much "kick" win be ullowed in Ilia fluid which the American people will drink duiiiiK the comlnur year. These testers will select eight trf tho aest gradis of tea-rand the cheaper brands will be barred fvum mpurtatlon. ' AllCAPE TODAY Kip ARCADE TODAY VG'S DKIONSTltATIOX QVKKltS SOCIAL TIUOIPII . a . BONDS ADVANCING IN VALUE BONDS have advanced in quoted value, but still are away below intrinsic value. The nearer a "normar state is ( approached in the economic situation the shorter will be cbme the gap between quoted and real values of high grade reasoned investment securities, says an editorial in Sunset Mag azine. Disregarding temporary fluctuations brought, about by temporary circumstances, it may be -said that bonds are now starting on one of the long upward swings with which students of investment affairs are familiar. This cycle of rising prices should continue for a period of years. As the readjustment pro cess continues the trend of living costs will be downward, money rates will ease off, banking credit will be in more plentiful sup ply ; as a concomitant movement the trend of bond prices will be upward, says the financial editor of Sunset. 1 ' " The lesson of this changing period is to take advantage of the present opportunity to invesj; wisely and safely. The man who buys bonds today will at some future time be enjoying an income of from 6 per cent to J per cent while he who then invests will be able to secure an income of only around 4 per cent from the self -pa me securities. When you invest you not only employ your money profitably but you fix for a long period of years ahead the net rate of income which your investment will earn. First, safety, then high income.and lastly convertibility (degree of readiness with which you can resell on short notice), are the things to keep in mind when investing your savings. ' A reception that promised to be one of the triumphs of New York's social season was turned into a fiasco at the home of Miss Caroline Lockhart when a certain Mr. Whaley, well known in pugilistic circles, was introduced In Constance Talmadffe's latest First Na tional starring vehicle, "Good Refer ences." which will be shown at the Arcade Theatre, beginning today. Upon being announced, the gentleman demanded that the guests be Inform ed of the arrival of "Kid Whaley'' and a slight altercation followed when the butler insisted on the convention al "mister." This breach might have been disregarded, but Mr. Whaley upon entering the ballroom espied the Bishop, and at once engaged in dis cussion of the new Walker bill. From the boxing bill "Kid Whaley" went into a discourse on his own exploits in the roiied arena, and when he executed double shift, concluded by a rain of left and right pjabs, demonstrating tn mode of attack that proved fatal to the ambitions of "Battling Shlinsky," it proved too much for even the guests who craved the sensational. THE NEW INDUSTRIAL STAR m: ANKIXD ha3 always loved pictures. Races, without a written language, have left behind them rude carvings and murals to attest the fact. When an industrv arose Ihat offered this ancient appetite pictures that moved it did not have to wait long.to see whether ,it would die or flourish. A dozen years ago the motion picture business, as we now know it, did not exist; today the American public , Supports 16,500 moving picture theaters. Makes 5,000,000,000 visits to them a year, and Spends $750,000,000 annually for this amusement. Small wonder that bankers and investors are giving them more and more consideration ! The Nation's Business. THE TOLL OF THE FIRE FIEND ALTA TODAY 'BUZZAKD" MOST IWFFICIXT ROI.K Hard For Able-Bodied Man to Act the Part 6t A Legless Criminal Stage hands, camera men and all the actors engaged in making the new Qoldwyn Picture "The Penalty" un consciously breathe a sigh of relief when Lon Chaney, who played the part cf "Blizzard," gets out of harness. The term, in this case, has more than ordinary meaning. In playing the part of the mad man of the undejr word Chaney has stepped into one Of the most difficult parts ever attemped tn motion pictures. Although a strong able bodied man he has to play the part of a man without legs! In Gouverneur Morris' famous story the chief character is a brillant man whose legs were amputated at thn knees when he was a little boy. T Mill FIFTEEN thousand people were burned to death in' 1919. ' The loss of property in the United States by fire during . the same year totaled $369,000,000. There were 889 homes burned in this country every working . day of the year. For every home burned there were from two to tn people made homeless. ' The statistics show that 41 Uves were lost in fires every 24 Lours, that 37 homes were burned every hour of every day and tt at the daily property toll to the red flames was nearly three- quarters of a million dollars. These statistics ought to show the need for fire departments and fire prevention methods. Hark Sullivan is responsible for the statement that certain eenators at Washington, full of ire because President-elect Hard ing is not talfing kindly to their preferences for secretary of state, boast that they "have broken the back of one president and can break the back of another." It might be well to remind vhem that the boastful bully sooner or later meets his match. If they look with pleasure and pride upon the way they have hounded and harassed President Wilson, there is a meannessj about them that strips them of any honor in their victory. The j new president will make friends if he calls their bluff and ad-! ministers a little discipline to them. ' There was used in Oregon last year 44,900,669.5 gallons of rasoline and 2.721.717 gallons of distillate. If there had been a tax of five cents a gallon, the state would have collected $2, ;J81,119.32. A former preacher, who quit the ministry because it was ill paid, has been arrested for robbing the mails of many thousands of dollars. Better a parsimonious parson than an incarcerated larcener! "Pape's Cold Compound" . Breaks any Cold -' o . in Few Hours Instant Eelief ! Don't stay stuffed up! Quit blowing and snuffling! A dose of "Pape's Cold Compound" tak en every two hours until three doses are taken usually breaks up any coldA The very first dose opens clogged nostrils and the atr passages of the head; stops nose running; relieves the headache, dullness, feverishness. "Pajie's Cold Compound" acts Quick, sure, and costs only a few cents at drug stores. It acts without assistance, tastes nice, contains no quinine In sist upon Papo's! - get a man without legs who was also an accomplished actor was a difficult task. Finally Chaney volunteered for the paijt. Every day he gets Into a harness which straps the lower part, of his legs to his back, thus enabling him to walk about oil his knees and siving the effect of a legless man. Tho strain of holding the position is si great an danger of stopping the clr cuiution so imminent that the actor cannot keep the harness on for mor- than twelve minutes at a time.' On the screen, however, he is a. wonder ful imitation of the character made famous by 3tr. Morris. ' Chaney first came into prominence, as a delineator of cripples In "Th Miracle Man, where he appeared as tho distorted thief, who faked his In juries In order to get alms. "The Penalty" is one of the Emi nent Authors' series, being produced hy the Oolilwyn Pictures, corporation of New York. It is to be shown at the Alta theatre, commencing' today. GOAL BARONS STEAL EUROPE WILL OWE U. S. WASHINGTON, Jan. . "Ourope's debt to the I'nlteil States will be in. creased to l2U,tlOl,0O0.0ll0 by 1924, Ueorge K. Warren, professor of eco nomics at Cornell university,' declared today ut tariff revision hearings by the houso wuys ahd means committee. This sum, he said, will include the $S.nn,OOfl,(t()0 war time borrowings from the American treasury. ' MAX IX FITII.K HAR . TO SAVE (;IIUi WHO tkk poisox yon imi CHICAGO, Jan. 26. Louis. J. Jac ques, son of a millionaire sugar broker, taced with death early today to save the life of the girl who professed sie loved hlrn'and swallowed poison when he refused to see her. The girl was Miss Hazel Iewey Rice, 22. She died in Jacques' arms, who was peedlns with her to a hospital. Jliss nice, according to the story told by Jacques, telephoned him to meet her at a designated street corner. As he approached the spot he saw Miss Hlce staggering toward him, holding a towel to her mouth. Jacques placed her in his automobile and started for the hospital, but she died before reach ing there. .. -v Jacques told the police Miss Riaa was "merely" a friend'-' and that they were not sweethearts. AWSHINGTON. Jhn. 26. (A. ' I'.) Tho American people were mulcted out ot a billion and a half last year by men In the coal trado declared Senater Calder of New York, the wit ness before the senate committee con sidering his bill for federal regulation of the coal industry. . ' STOMACH ON . ' A STRIKE "Pape s Diapepsin" puts Sour, Gassy, Acid Stomachs in order at once ! J Wonder what upset your stomach which portion of the food did the dam- ape do you? Well, don't bother. If your snmiach is In a revolt;, If sick, gassy and lyset and what you Just ate has fermented and turned sour; head CtV..y and aches; belch gases and acids and ernttcle undigested food Just eat a tablet or two of Pape's Diapepsin to help neutralize acidity and In five min utes you wonder what became of tho indigestion end distress. If your stomach doesn't take care of jeer libera! limit without rebellion; If jour ftod Is a damage Instead of a help, remember the quickest,, surest, most harmless antacid is Pape's Dia. pepuln. which costs so little at dru si ires, " v ARCADE Today; Children, 10c Adults, 35c Joseph M. Schcnck Presents Constance Talmadge in , ' Good References ' See- Connie's Latest. Catchiest, Comedy COMEDY SCENIC Electric Heaters a INSTANT WARMTH ' Bathroom, bedroom, every room. Attach any where to light circuit , , J. L. VAUGIIAN Phone 139 30e E. Court Overbeck & Cooke 1 . Co. - , Pendleton, Walla Walls, Portland Mouther of Chicago Board ot Trade, - ti "' Private Wlrea to all Exchangaa Stocks Conds Grain Room Judd UUlg. Phone 9S0 r POLDS 4, f head or chest are mot easily B' treated externally with g v? lf VapoRus Oner Million Jan UxJ Yearly I ' Willi. rflTi.m . PCMULACt SOIt CUNCH ATIOM1' A Pr MMtlmi COMPOUND COPAIBA and AT -YOUR DPUC01ST-. v 0 COPAE-,i(S ' SA5 mm 1 !. 1&T : Si Tiro cf the most homelike hotels n Portland, located in the htart-of tha shopping and theater district. All OreRon Klectlc trains stop at the SI V.1U IIOTKL tho House of Cheer. Excellent dlnln? room In connection. TIIG HOTW, COH-Nl-.'Mf'S, tlx? House of U'vkVMiir. la only two short blocks from the Se ward. Our brown busses meet ail trains, JUtea $1.50 and np. ,C. Cl'MlEHTWOJ. Prop. LTA BULGARIAN WOMEN ARE of. and i nvrwiv. J in. :6. The wives .r.i'mfiivtit Kiilc-arian politicians KanrraU are heiiuc called to uciount by the liultfarian internment whenever it Is proved that their Influence .over their huln.l has caused a Miiitical or military disaster to tha nation. The wnes f several public men ...i cneruls have already been made tpMioisstble by the Hulnarian war owing: to the Influenco they exert ed, over their husbands, says the newspaper Atre, published In Sofia. It is believed in Sofia that the sen timents of a number of Bulgarian wo men caused a movement for a Krater Huljraria which Influenced Bulgaria to en'er the war on the side of the Cen tral powers. niSI'RIUXT t;iTLI,OTTXE. COBLKXZ, Jan. 16. -Kngelber'. Manns, a German citizen, has teen sentenced by a German court here to be guillotined for Abe murder of an American soldier last April. Manna Is said to have killed the American with a pistol he borrowed from the govern- Nii'w for the purpose of robbing him PASTIME "- s ... Today Children, 5c Adults, 20c "ANNA LITTLE AND 'JACK HOXIE IN LIGHTNING BRICE EDDIE P6LO i IN THE VANISHING DAGGER 1 COMEDY HOT DOG .j mm U-r the attivu reuli ul the ot 15,600 tawks, The Health of the Country Brought to Your Home That is what bread does for you. The strength of the wheat together with its other pure, strengthening ingredients make bread the most healthful as well as the most satisfying of foods. V ' The delicious flavor of Harvest Bread J Made W will convince you that it is the bread to give your family. Eat more bread and make Harvest Bread your favorite brand. J PENDLETON Baking Co. si . m :;'f 1 ' J Today c Children 10c ' Adults, 35c I f.fj What wa3 tha 'secret of the ' ' trcrrjendous power exerted ' bV Blizzard over every-: body he met? ' Why did Rose, the secret service opera tive detailed to spy on Blizzard and ferret out his secret, end by falling in love with him? . Why did every crook in San Francis co tremble at his ' frown? Why did he ' hold- thousands in peril of theirlives? Come and seel ' Samntl GolIfTn. 6 Iki BeaeJi 60TTVERNEUR , iamous ttorjr "THE PENALTY' Oirecta Vv - ' TK&f fATF. ft.m'UST.TrV Hallroom Boys Comedy ; 4 OF A KIND , '