"." PAGE TEH DAILY EAST OREGONIAN, PENDLETON, OREOON, TUESDAY EVENING, JANUARY 25, 1021. "" TEN PAGES OUTBURSTS OF EVERETT TRUE DAILY MARKET NEWS, LOCAL AND GENERAL Including Pendleton Prices and Associated Press Reports Groceries for .Less A (MO THCS CX?rfrJY. HAS PRoMtSCl TO TAK61 -p-t? MATT ft. INTO- Best Creamery Butter, pound 50c t J Pi l'K ami lluiKr Are Cheap)-!-. t'-KK and butter ore Reaper now than In the pant, according to prices quoted In the local markets. Eggs are bought for bO cents a down and for 66. while butter la bought at 0 cents for a two-pound roll and sella tor o cent. Uvewnx-k at IMnlnmt Mostly Steady Wuh loo Cam In. (From Oregon Journal. 1 An even hundred loads of livestock '""" th- North Portland alleys over Funfiay, fcut several loads were due late la the Monday trade. Hogs were 1.0.,, 10 2ac lower generally, while cattle were steady In spots. Sheep were steady with the exception of ewes, which were higher. In the hog alleys there was a dispo sition among killers to force a further lowering of values, and while most of the market appeared fairly steady, two divisions, prime stuff and rough heavies, sold about a quarter lower. Tops were generally quoted at 11.25 in the Xorth Portland yards for Mon day morning, a drop of 25c from the previous high. Nevertheless, one load sold at lit. "5. an advance of 25c over the previous figures. This latter ac tion, however, was not shared by the general market. Slight decrease In hog market offer ings was shown for the monday trade, as compared with the opening of last week. This, however, was not an In fluence with the big killers, who are keenly seeking a means to lower ths level of hog prices to the Eastern ensis, not considering the freight charges. Indicative of a change In the hog trade is the fact that prime mixed arc no longer considered as real tops. The demand Is getting more and into the VVIiat Does This Mean to You? XIXK ut of every tea business men reach old ago without an adequate Income. XIXE out cr every ten persons rail to provide for old age or their families. XIXE out of every ten children in tlie Tnlted States must leave school ami secure employment be fore graduating from the 8th grade. EIGHT out of every ten adults leave no estate at death. TH11KE out of every ten widows in this country are , In want. . Heal lie the results of your efforts by deposMnff a certain sum regularly and consistently, guarding against poverty ami enabling you to do better work. Oioose. this IJank of Safety and Service. ' TfieiarmTlSidiial Bank Pendleton. Oregon. v 'Strongest Sank in Gastern Oregon' i LniiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiuiiuiuiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiMiniiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiutiiiiiiiiiiuiiiiiiiiiiiiiii s B B S 3 s ... .i-iTiiiir-- iiiiiiuiaWiii? 2jBummmmr lighter weight stock because of the fact that Inrd hogs are a drug on the market. .7 General hog market range: Prime light $11.00? 11.23 Smooth heavy 10.60 ll.uu Rough heavy 7.00 4p 9.25 Fat pigs 10.00011.00 Feeder pigs 8.00(1(10.00 While on the surface the mnrket for cattle Indicated a fairly steady ton at the opening of the Monday morning trade at North Portland, the under tone was clealy weaker. . With a very liberal run of 2288 head facing buyers at the opening of the -week's activities, killers were absolute dictators of values and in some" lines they forced price shading, however, the general early market showed no price changes. General cattle market range: Choice steers $ 8.68 & Good to choice steers ... 8.00 Fair to good steers 6.60 Common to fair steers.. 6.50 Choice cows and heifers 7.00 Good to choice cows and heifers 6.26 Medium to good cows and heifers 6.60 6.00 Fair to medium cows and heifers 6.000 Common cows, heifers. . . 4.00 Canners 2.60 Bulls 4.60 Choice dairy calves 12.00 13.00 Best light calves 10.00 011.00 Choice feeders 6.60 7.2s Fair to good feeders ... . 6.76 6.7S Medium light calves .... 9.0 10.00 Even though steadiness was gen erally quoted In the sheep and lamb trade at the Monday morning opening of the North Portland market, strength was Indicated In the position of the ewe trade. In this line the extreme top price was lifted 60c to $6, but the low point continued at $1, a very nom inal quotation. Over Sunday arrivals In the sheep and lamb division were only fair, but number of double decks -were due later in the day. General sheep market range: East of mountain lambs $ 9.60 10.60 Willamette valley lambs 9.000 9.60 Cull lambs 6.00 Feeder lambs 6.00 Wethers '. 6.60 Yearlings 7.00 Ewes 1.00 9.26 8.60 7.60 6.60 7.60 7.00 6.60 6.00 8.60 6.60 I WHAT'S THS MATTER WHCIvl I T,C.K. (XJVTH A MAH X LIK.S TO "See AULOT M3 FACE II WEAR XOUfA-HAT Vfeo HAT) p6Gn 6.00 7.00 7.00 8.21 6.00 Frisco Wheat Best Wheat Hay. $20.00 21. SAN FRANCISCO, Jan. 25. Re ceipts: Flour 6658 uarters; wheat 4. 000 sacks: barley 2786 centals; beans 2797 sacks: corn 1600 centals; pota toes 3164 sacks; onions 16 sacks; hay 13 tons; hides 126 rolls; lemons and oranges 600 boxes. Wheat 2.90 3.15: oats red feed 1.50 1.65; rye nominal; barley spot feed $1.35 01.40; shipping $1.55 1.70; corn white Egyptian $2.902.- 95: red milo $l.g02.15. Hay Fancy wheat $20fffl21; tame oat 1719; wild oat 12 15: barley 12 15; alfalfa 1720; stock 10 14. Nhvel oranges $2.50(94.00; lemons $203.50; Iemoncttes 1. 5002.00; grape fruit $2. 0003. 25; Arizona 44.50: limes 11.25 1.75: tangerines $2.50 S4: Bellf lowers nominal; Newtons Jl.25-a2.85; pears, winter Nellis, nom inal, bananas 89 1-2. Eggs and Butter Weak ; Cheese Steady in X. Y. NEW YORK, Jan. 25. Butter weak, receipts 6608. Creamery higher than extras 50 50 -4; creamery extras 92 score 49 49ttc Eggs weak: receipts 10.057. Fresh gathered extra firsts 6364; firsts 61 062. Cheese steady: receipts 476. State whole milk flats held specials 26 29c. Select pullets Best Egss 53c: Cnho. Butter, 41a SEATTLE, Jan. 25. Eggs. local ranch, white shells, 53; Butter City creamery, in cubes, 44c: bricks or prints 45c; seconds. In cubes 41c; bricks 42c; country cream ery extras, cost to jobbers in cubes 41c; storage nominal. Evaporated Apples Xegieried: Oregon Prunes Jl14 1-2. NEW YORK. Jan. 25. Evaporated apples neglected, Callfornias 7 8; state 6 10 14. Prunes steady; Califor- nias 4 17; Oregons 11 14 1-2. Peaches inactive: standard 16; choice 18; fancy 1921 1-2. S B B B 1 B B s Every article a great saving to you. We will con tinue this sale until everything is sold. COLUMBIA PHONOGRAPHS A $140 Columbia machine with 20 free 5 Records for . $85.00 A $120 Columbia machine with 20 free Records for $75.00 A $75 Columbia machine with 20 free Records for . $50.00 EVERY ARTICLE REDUCED EXCEPT CONTRACT GOODS. s A $24.00 Mattress, Fine Springs $12.00, and French Post Ivory Bed $23.00, all for $35.00 A fine felted Cotton Mattress formerly $18. . . $9.00 f A 50c Heavy Carpet Beater 25c $12.00 Leather Seat Dining Chairs ; $6.50 50c Cold Handle Fry Pans 20c 25c Bread Tins , 10c 25c Bake Pans 15c Heavv China Plates, dozen $2.00 1 ON SALE! ON SALE! ON SALE! I Owing to the greatly reduced prices the j j sale is for cash only. s i Cruikshank & Hampton "QUALITY COUNTS" 124-28 E. Webb 26 WEDS 72. . .- - ' ... . . j.V I , - ?- pressed alfalfa $33; ditto timothy $31; eastern Washington mixed $35; straw $20.. NEW YORK. Jan.. 25. (A. P.) Developments over the week end re cess were far irom stimulating, es pecially in industrial conditions, but today's stock market denoted a more cheerful tone, although operations were light. The most encouraging in cident of the session was the success of the Belgian $30,000,000 loan. Steels and equipments which were expected to yield to adverse advices received from Pennsylvania and Ohio centers were comparatively strong, and motors, shippings and rails also improved with oils, tobaccos and good issues. Gross gains of one to seven points were retained until the final hour, when selling, induced by the stiffer trend of call money, provoked gen eral profit taking. Mexican Petroli um. Crucible steel. General Asphalt and American International were most susceptible, declining one to four and one half points with a gen eral cancellation of gains elsewhere. Sales amounted to 500,000 shares. I Among the few stocks to withstand pressure and close at advances were Studebaker and several of the leFs prominent rails and equipments. U. S. Steel, after moving In a fraction al radius, finished unchanged. Aside from its moderate irregularity on a slight accession of business in the bond market including liberty issues and foreign war offerings, was fea tureless. Total sales, par value, $11. 650,000. Old lT. 8. government bonds were unchanged on call. GASOLINE TOBOGGANS CHICAGO, Jan. 25. (U. P.) Gaso line tobogganed for the first time sine the war, following an announcement of the Standard Oil Company of In diana, with offices here, of a retail price reduction of two cents a gollon for gasoline, and a three cent drop for kerosene. Old Dutch Cleanser, can ...10c Sun Maid Seeded Raisins, 8 packages ... .85c ' Diamond W Currants, 3 packages 85c Golden Marshmnllow Syrup, 1-2 gallon ............65c Holly Wreath Asparagus Tips, 3 cans -...65c 20 per cent Reduction On All Preerret and Jams Sanitary Grocery 221 East Court St The Most in Value The Best in Quality Phone 871 THE MORE CAREFUL YOU ARE TO BUY THE BEST COAL, THE " MORE CERTAIN YOU ILL BE TO BUY Seattle livestock Market Prime Steers 88.75 9.25. SEATTLE, Jan. 25. Hogs. Re ceipts 356. Lower. Prime 11.000 11.50; smooth heavies 10.0011.00; rough heavies 8.00 8.50 pigs 9.00 11." Cattle Receipts 290. Weak prime steers 8.75 9.25; medium to choice 7.00 7.25; common to good $S.0O7; best cows and heifers $7.007.50; medium to choice 5.506.50; com mon to good $4.005.50; bulls $4.00 56.00; calves, light, $11.0012.50; heavy 8.007.00. Seattle Feed Range 94.00 to' $39.00. SEATTLI& Jan. 25. City delivery: Feed Scratch feed $59; bao, ocrateh feed $71; feed wheat $64; all gr.i'r. chop $51; oats $49;' sprouting oats $54; rolled barley $48; clipped barley $53; milled feed $39; bran $39. Hay Alfalfa 27 ton; double com- SUFFERED SEVEN LONG YEARS Finally Relieved by taking Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable Compound BAD BLOOD 'npbre, Thin. Wk, Afflict th Great Majority of People Whether In scrofula, sores, bolls, and eruptions; or as rheumatism with agonizing pains and aches in limbs, joints or muscles; as catarrh with its disagreeable Inflammation and discharge; in disturbed diges tion, or dragging down debility and tired feeling, it is corrected by Hood's Sarsaparllla, that most economical and reliable blood rem edy and building-up tonic. Thou sands use this medicine and praise It for wonderful relief. Made from the most valuable remedies that physicians know, and unparalleled in character, quality, taste and cur ative power. - When a cathartle is needed, una Hood's Pills- nn jSB" "1 Phone 178 SMYT HE -LONERG All CO p Qjility Qnatity SirVio MRS. GEORGE OYSTER - 5 t Visa Cecil 0. Ready. I. Syr. E ' cus society girl. Is now the wlf til pin E M George Oyster, TI, Washingtoty. JrnOne 04S r millionaire hQrsemai. The wd- Mn took nlae at Washlnrtnfi. Tor Old Furniture taken In cliane aa part payment on new. g, WUi Ready and Oyster met (t ftvvjrork tUtt fair. B1" 1 i i f'k jj i ! Ravenswood, W. Va. "For seven long yean I suffered from a female trouble vand inflammation so that I was not able to do my housework. I consulted several doctor but none seemed to give me relief. -1 read in a paper about Lydii E. Pinkharrt'g Vege table Compound so I decided to trv it. and before the first bottle was gone I found neat relief sn I continued using it until I had taken eight bottles. Now I am very well and can do my own housework. I can gladly recommend Lydia E. Pinkham's medicine to suffering women." Mrs. Bertha Liebing, 11. F. D.f Ravenswood.W.Va. The ordinary day of most housewives is a ceaseless treadmill of washing, cooking, cleaning, mending, sweeping, dusting and caring for little ones. How much carder the tasks when some de rangement of the svstem causes head aches, backaches, bearing-down pains and nervousness. Every such woman should profit by Mrs. Liering's experi-1 ence. Remember this, for over fortw years Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable Compound has been sestoring beaitb. sC' -. i . rr : a BREAKS RECORD San Francisco to Portland 29 hours : 16 minutes Even 44 minutes faster than the ; "Shasta." This wonderful example of endurance and power was accomplished by a stock 1921 Buick Coupe. You will have the privilege of examining this partic ular car at our show rooms tomorrow, Wednesday, the 26th. Don't fail to see it. . i :. .. .. . THIS PROVES WHAT? When better automobiles are built--Buick will build them Immediate deliveries, all models, equipment . Cord tires, regular NO CHANGE IN PRICE. Oregon Motor Garage Inc. 'hone 468 119, 121 W. Court St. nutuituiiiaiiiuiiuiiituuitiiuitiuniiiii-iuuiiHiuiiniiiinuiuuiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiK' 4