East Oregonian : E.O. (Pendleton, OR) 1888-current, January 24, 1921, DAILY EDITION, Page PAGE FIVE, Image 5

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High Set Psyche. Knot Latest
"v r- ,
f. V ... ; .
People Here and There
V. V. Halo wiirt III tile city (rum
tha l'ctl r much ut Helm on Hulurday.
Thomas " Hlielcll, of Cayuse, was
among the Pendleton vlnllms on, Sat
urday itfteituoon.
Jniues MobsIo, I'kluh stockmuti In In
(lie city today to confer with the t'mu
tllla forest officials..
0. A. McCutcheon,
among the west end
Ulotun on Saturday.
of Nolln, was
VlHltlll'H to Pen-
lean P. Klrkpiilrick, publisher of
the 1'llot Hock Heeord, wan a Saturday
afternoon business visitor In Pcndle-ton.
J. W. Muloney, president of the In
land Km l re hunk, l.i lo remain over
for un important committee meeting
Urilih (lav. of Hnokune. wan nmoiKrlln Portland which will be held on
Hi arrival In Pendleton on No. 24
1L A, Todd Is In
Portland today.
lilggcrHlaff was In Pendleton Hut
urdiiy from bin homo at Kiclh,
M. Freiberg, of Spokane., a traveling
Hull Hliiu.il, Is In tile city on business.
Pendleton from designation of IiIh paper uh one of the
official county papers. .Mr. (.'lowland
wan here on legal buslucs. liolli are
among the progressive edltorH of the
county ami their paper nerve a large
clientele In their- respective cointnu
('. M. Wagner, I'kiah mercliant, In
In I'endlutoii today anil 1 registered
at the Pendleton hotel.
(', K. Wallnit returned from Port
land (hi morning after spending a
few day In thu city on business,
this morning, lie In upending tho day
hero on business.
llev. Jume Hayek, Indlun pator of
the Klrsl church, ut Kunilah, Idaho,
was a visitor ut the Tutuillu Mission
on the reservation on Hnnd-.iy. Me
ha been In thin vicinity for a ft""
day on Undue.
W. P. Mahoney, cashier of the
Klrat, National Hank of Heppner, mo
tored over lo Pendleton on Hunday.
lie I spending today In Pendleton on
business matter. Mr. Mahoney' bro
ther, who I Interested In the live
stock hank lit North Portland, I re
roverltig from un operation performed
two week ago. Until are well known
In this vicinity.
Wednesday und ho Is not expected to
return to Pendleton until Thursduy.
He went to the city Frlduy to attend
the Hlirtne eeremonlal there.
Hudy Ilhllnef came back from
Portland thl morning after a three
day' visit ut hi former home, there.
The local bank teller un Id that the
only thing Pendletonlun ffilH 1 the
hold-up thrill which, many Portland
er are experiencing. OtherwUte Pen
dleton I Just n much alive as . the
County newspaper publisher In the
city today Include 8. IJ. Sanderson,
owner upd editor of the Kreewater
Times, and II. A. Cleveland, publisher
of tho Htanfleld Standard. Mr. Sand
erson came here to make n bid for
J. W. King, a clerk In 'Frecwaler,
came tu Pendleton today on business.
1. T Dunning came up from his
Stanfleld farm today to "sit with hi
fellow county commissioners.
M. N. Hells, a fruit grower from
Freewaler, I union; the well known
fnen from the cust end of the county
attending to business mutters In the
county scut todav.
J. D. Zurcber, attorney from Htan
fleld, I In the city toduy trying- a di
vorce cuHe in which he In one of the
uttorney. He report Stanfleld live
ly but not producing new out of the
County Commissioner P.. K, P.ean
came down from I muplue today to
attend the session of the commission
era. lie found the road Ih Rood
Hhape despite the recent cold and to
duy' snow.
'County Judge I. Jf. Schnnnep I still
trying to find a apace In Pendleton to
make a home for himself and hi fam
ily? Meanwhile they are residing a
of yore In Pilot Unck. The Judge mo
tored In from the south today. .
1-2 Pound Free
For a limited time while the coffee lasts' we are
offering al-2 pound tin of Folger's Golden Gate
Coffee free with each pound tin.
Also large Rome Beauty Apples at $2.00 per box. pi
Flake White Shortening, four pound pails 95c; J3'
eight pound, $1.80. ;c.
Snow today is knee deep at Kamelu
I say Dave Ijivender, deputy sheriff
i (who went to the mountain community
on ISO. 1'4 to serve paper. Inasmucn
in Mr. Lavender stands six feet und
I better, tho snow height is tuken to be
between two und a half and three
I feet.
The Economy Grocery B
I Chief of Police A. A. Itoberta i off
duty for a few day. He wa railed
Sunday to I'ortland to testify todav
!and tomorrow In the federal prand
Jury there. Kvery time thut thl bodj
meet, most of Pendleton' ofriccru
are culled In for thl city furnishes a
lure number of cases for the federal
courts each term.
I -t
l ' i -ji.'i '
i P?' : - ':)
1 y "" - 04
l n Mpf
f ( " ' : '
Th3 flay f smoothly drcssefl. neatly netted 'Jir. la prst In Paris.
Waves and short curls about the face, and tfce high et Psychl inol
made of finger pulls, as shown In the illustration, comprise the latest
thing in hair-dressing, especially for evening wear. In many instances
It large circular comb is thrust into the hair as a support of the
Psyche knot, which is dressed o softly that without other kecurlty
than ordinary 'bairp Ins It would be in danger of falling.
Onicroil to Pay Court.
Henry V. Ireland today wan ordered
to pay to the clerk of the circuit court
S.Vf each month for thu support of
aDisy M. Ireland during pendency of
the BUlt, for divorce In which he is
plaintiff. The order further rotilres
him to pay $15 court cost and $ .10 at
torney fees.
I'or Xorhlad and lie
Introduced a julnt n
Divorce .ctinp IlisntWd.
Ky order of the circuit court today
the case of Mary Fruah vs, Charles
Frush was-dlsniissed.
Name Tiamrc Is Ortlcrrd.
final Papers in the change of name
nteemly petitioned for by Benjamin
Otto Bodnnekl were eigned today. The
man' name ha been changed t Ben
jamin Otto Williams.
Don't Delay in Filling Your
, .Shoe Wants
Our prices are now and have been kept down
to the lowest market pried for good, dependable,
shoes. .'' ...
Women's Brown and Black Oxfords, Louis or
military heels at ' $9.00
Women's Black Kid Lace High Shoes in Louis
and military heel at $7.50
Men's Black and Brown English Last Shoes,
welt soles and rubber heels at $7.50
The Bootery
Pendleton's Popular Priced Shoe Store.
735 Main St.
I .a Grande JMiigglst Iicciix-d.
A marriage license was issued to
day by the county clerk to Thomas J.
lynftus, a druKRlRt, of La Grande, and
Miss Julia Conilfe, of Pendleton. They
plan to be married on Tuesday.
JaiiH'S V. Pno TaCjen to Salem.
James William Poe, colored, tinder
sentence, to the tnte penitentiary for
the theft of furs, was taken to Salem
by Sheriff fcoe Houser on Sunday. He
will begin serving his sentence today.
PeniiltU-d to Aercpt Money.
. An order was signed by the county
Judge (oday permitting H. A. Holtc
andrf. M. Kyle, guardian for Arthur
J. Thotnspon, to nccept from the O.
W. R. & N. Co. tS50 in lieu of dam
age sought for personal injuries.
Stolen Ovorront Heeoiprel.
Frank Wrght, a young man from
Portland, was just making his geta
way for home on Xo. 23 last night
with a Btolen overcoat on his back
when officer detained him. The
licoat wn identified as one stolen from
Wilbur Pwagu-nrt on Garden street,
earlier In the evening. Wright was
Jailed and this afternoon was taken
Members of the firaml Army of the
Republic, department of Oregon, de
sire to hold their annual convention
n Pendleton on June 7. 8, and 9. A
letter from C. A. Villiams, assistant
adjutant general for Oregon, was re
ceived by the Pendleton Commercial
Association toiiny, suggesting these
dates fi r the convention. The matter
will be lcferie.l to the proper com-mi:t-si
for di ciflcn.
W. A Ketelnm. of Indianapolis, na
tional eo.mmii. Ji r of the (i. A. ii., has
nctifted the Hate department that he
can be In Oregon for the weelt of June
. It is the desire of tho veterans to
have :.!r. Ketch.un at the convention
and the dates toi the convention are
being soiu hvvcrordinqly.
In i:d(iiiicn t ' the veterans, s-vcrnl
allied C'lranizit'ons will hold theiv
crnve itii,ns here. The Auxiliary.
YVoinin'E Kelief Corps. 1-adies of the
G. A. K. and Daughters of Vctersns
aro ninong those who will convene
here at the same time as the veteran
Pay Cash Receive More , . Pay Less
Despain&Lee Cash Grocery
209 E. Court Phone 880
: $9.75
Per Sack
Best Grade Cane Sugar
Pay Cash f ' Receive More Pay Less
Despain&Lee Cash Grocery
209 E. Court Phone 880
PARIS. Pec. 24. (A. P.) The Hon
cub which was adopted as a mascot by
the I-afuyette Squadron of aviators,
the first of the Americans lo come to
fight and die for France In the war.
now is a melancholy spectacle In the
Paris zoological gardens but the keep
ers refuse to kill him because of the
sentiment resulting from his connec
tion with the American fighters. One
eye Is missing, much of his hair is
gone, he seems decrepit with age and.
before Justice of the Peace Joe M. 1 if met in the desert, his appearance
Parkes for preliminary examination.
Now Well and Strong Again He
Says Tanlac Has Made a
New Man of Him.
"I simply cannot fully describe what
I suffered for five years from indiges
tion, but I new feel like a new man
and give Tanlac. all the, credit for my
relief,1' said Carl Olsen, a well-known
mechanic of Woodburn, Oregon.
"fy stomach was In such a dis
ordered condition that nothing I ate
agreed with me, ani if I ventured to
eat certain vegetables or anything sour
or highly seasoned, gas formed anu
Hoated me up ' I nearly suffo
cated, and I had such pain In my
stomach I could hardly stand III 1
got to where I didn't know what to do,
for if I ate I suffered and it didn't
eat I suffered and I felt perfectly mis
erable all the time. I was habitually
eonstlnated and constantly taking.
something for that as well as for Indi
gestion, but nothing gave me any re
iiiar i mna n vellow as a pumpkin. m
tongue was always thickly coated and
' - i- . i. .n.tra with ft
I wokp up in ii ii" ......
Imean, sickening taste in my mouin.
"I had tried so many things without
getting any help that 1 almost despair
ed of ever being well again, but after
itnklng Tanlnc I was noon on the road
to health. So I Just kept on taatng ii
.and kept on Improving until now t am
I entirely free from Indigestion and can
eat J"st anything I want. Ml com
lplelon has cleared up and I no long
jrr have a bad taste in my mouth;
ibave gained ten pounds and feel find
I nil the time, t Just can't say enough
I In pral" of Tanlac, for it hus given
'me 1-ack inv health, which 1 thought
was gone for giiort.'
Tanlac 1 "ld In . rsndUton by
Thompson Brother
would inspire nothing but pity. T:e
indignation of some members of a so
ciety for prevention of cruelty to an
imals has been aroused by his mourn
ful anpearnnce.
"Why don't you chlorform the poor
rid fellow? a visitor asuru oi me
headkeepor. the other day.
"What do you mean by "old tenon,
eetorrd the keeper. "That lion is only
four years old. ' lie is a victim of the
war. If that lion is lame n in mni'i
h! got rheumatism in the fi.st lint
trenches. One of bis legs was orcmen
rV..i, !-... fell out of an airplane 4
f.w frr.m. the trrolind. lie lost n
.vi9 from a wen nuei-ieu imni no.,..
sw-irg of one of the mechanics wnose
fur coat he had stolen and played with
a t,i behind the sheds.
"K-ill that Hon?" he exclaimed
"Whv he is the symbol of those t il'
l.i mv lni'b- In khaki whne bodies now
ii innir the Vcslc and Mense. I will
take him home as a pet first."
epresentative Miles
resolution authoriz
ing the creation of a loan fund to as
sist district created by owners of lug
ic.i off lands then oaring the land.
It would be submitted to the people.
It would authorize bonds not execeil-
init two pi r cent of the state valuation.
fContlnued from page 1.1
Ilolshevism in Xear Kast.
Austrian situation. (Austria has
announced she Is bankrupt, wants to
iSQ into bands of a receiver.
Greek situation.
The MHi said the council would
probably first frame a disarmament
ultimatum for Germany and rush it
to IJerlin. Lloyd-George drove to
(Juay D'Orsay in a automobile, a rep
resentative of Scotland. Yard accom
panying him. Reports tnat presi
dent De Valera of Ireland is in Paris
and IJ i iy d -Geo rue's unusual guard
were linked in rumors that the SifWi
The council meeting began with lit
tle display. Premier Uriand, for
France, welcomed tho delegates In a
brief speech and the council proceed
ed to work without further fnrmeliiv.
There is a distinct appeal in the
brilliancy of cut glass. Whether
you are looking for a gift or for a
piece suitable for your own table
you are sure to find it in our cut
class case. ; -
Hawkes Cut Glass
Libliy and Pairpemt
The Largest Diamond Dealers in
Eastern Oregon.
Fein coup was feared. Shortly after 'cific Toast Elevator warehouse " IJ
the eessinn began, naval and military ilid off the roof on a spot where wa
expens from the allied Countrtea were j ter had lie en dropped and had frozen,
admitted to the hail. ; f' .eral ethei-a had narrow escapes
PARIS. Jar.. 4. (l. P.) Aillcd; from falling to the ground, A grain
Kupreme council lxun Ii. meeting ; sack having saved Jlr. I'aulus from a
here with a discninion of German dls- j fall.
arinainent. Military experts present-! jlr. i arnea was orougnt ny auto to
cd reports on conditions now obtain- f Pendleton and X-ray of the fracture
ing in Germany and ulorg the Rhine. ; taken. The bones were set here aha
. he was returned to hi home at Pilot
j Rock.' He is a brother of George
i Carnes, merchant.
j Although the concrete elevator of
: the Pilot Rock Elevator Co., and the
Grain in the warehouse, insured last ; three warehouses comprise a group
summer on the basis of J2.50, has on the west side of the town, no watch
been reinsured for the moat part on man was maintained by any of the
a lower valuation oer bushel, local In- ..concerns. How long tne lire naci oeen
(Con'inueu from' page 1.) 0
surance men say. Most of the policies
carried on the grain were with com
panies for which C. W. Ta ' " cash
ier of the First Eank of Pile: 11 .':. !
Abbut '.' persons will be include ! in
the list of those to stand losses. There
were a large number of lots of grain
instorage, represtnting both largo and
small holdings. Few, if any, total
losses aro known of. '
I"rozen Sn Causes Accident.
The accident in which Mr.'Carnes
broke his ankle hanpeed during tne
progress of the fire fighting when cf
forts were beinf made to save the I'
burning when discovered Is only sur
mised. The origin Is likewise proble
mat eal. Xo credence is given rumors
of incendiarism.
The fire was by far the largest In
this section in more than a year and
the loss represents the largest In mora
than two years. The amount of prop
erty saved, however, greatly exceeded
that consumed and owners of" the
warehouses adjoining that destroyed
were generous" in their praise of the
good wirk of the volunteers and of the
local firemen who went to tho scene
i in accict 1 1 IvwHAP in TV ft Tl H I"1 1" of
the Pilot Rock Elevator Co.
1 1
One Poena Free
R"Mlillm'rTr",',- " M'I,',IIIII
We Pay
Your Grocer
Full Price '
A Luxury for Every Table
Here is Nut Butter perfected the de
luxe brand, which pffers the sweetness
and delicacy of fine creamery butter.
It provides the indispensable food fats
in the most appetizing, nutritious, di
gestible and easily assimilated form.
Best of all, the moderate price allows
you to serve all you want.
Flavor and food value
the same
The flavor of Troco Nut Butter, put in
by a butter expert, is as delicious as that
of creamery butter. The food value is
the same. v '
The principal difference is the 15 to 40
cents a pound you save in the price.
If you use some other brand of mar
k'srin r.!l the more reason to try Troco.
You make the acquaintance of a new
table luxury sweet, ikirtty.appetizing
nut butJer, the super-brand.
The while meet of coconuts
churned with fci-fresd r-Mk
The milk used in churning Troco is fat-
freed and then twice pasteurized for
safety's sake. ,
It is churned with snowy nut fat ex
tracted from the white meat of coco
nuts. It is flavored with scientifically
ripened milk just as butter is.
Could any food combination be more
appetizing? Mail the coupon today for
your free acquaintance pound !
A butter expert makes Troco
A. E. Hoffman, famous for over 30
years as butter maker, butter judge and
teacher of butter making, supervises
the production of every pound of Troco
Nut Butter.
He has been distinguished for the pe
culiarly sweet and delicate flavor of
his butter. He develops this same but
ter sweetness and delicacy in Troco
Nut Butter.
The Troco Company has built a new
plant. It provides Mr. Hoffman with
every facility for making Troco the
finest pure food product of its kind
cut butter brought to perfection.
Calico" by Illness.
Mrs. 0 M. Hoisington and dniiRh
ter, .Marion Hoisington. left last nlgW
on No. 18 for York Nebraska, where
they were called by the illness of Mrs.
Hoisinnlon'a sister. y
rvmr Inches or Snow.
A combination of snow and hall to
day has left a four Inch doportt of the
feathery flarkes on tho ground. The
maximum temperature, says Major
f.ee Moorhouse, is 32 while the mini-'
mum was 27. The barometer regis
ters 20.73.
soi.ox iTuoii"crs p.n.r,
fCnntiai; from page l.
port consolidation bill adjourned un
til t o'clock without vote.
SALOi-M, Jan. 24. (.A, P.) Sena
Distributed by
Hotel liownian Hid.
Successor to
ST in
a eU-V " .jS iJ
Plnuic 51
Read Carefully
Send this coupon to theTroco
Nut Butter Co. Don't tute it
to your grocer. We will send
you an order 'good on any
dealer for one pound of Troco.
He will bill it to us. Only one
pound to a family.
i a i
r.t", , CU"'?' V' 37th and Iron Sts.,ChicaCo.Hl.
?' "-'vV'-' " ToC" r,-l5 Mail me an order oa any crocer for a
v . . ; m : - i pear
Mail me an order on any grocer for a free
pound of Troco. "
l -I
Mai! This Coupon
for the Free Pound Today
Ya Orctroiilaii. Pendleton, OicgiHi.