'urtt ii ins,. DAILY EAST OREGONIAN, PENDLETON, OREGON, SATURDAY EVENING, JANUARY 22, 1031. TEN PAGES PAGE SIX " 11,11 ' 1 - - - L . - - i iv r m m m m mm m m m m . m m mm mm a j m m mj i m ii CONCfcrtT TO UK GIVEN Th following program will be play ed at th Vlclrola conceit at the Coun ty Library tomorrow afternoon, when th reading room will b open from two until 6: Cnrnatlon March (Meyerbeen Arth ur Pryor' band. Madam liutterfly l'n Hel dl Ved rm (Some pay He'll Come) Km my Desiinn. Madame Butterfly (Duet of Flowers) . I'uelnnl France Alda-Snphie Bras lau. Minuet In O (Padcrewski) Ignance raderewnki. A Dream John McCormaok. Av Maria (MascRKnl) John Mc- Cormack-Frlt Kreisler. Liebesleid (Love's Sorrow) Frltx Kreialer. fwl Echo Song Luis TetrattinU Swedish Cradle Bona- Alma Glue and KTrem Zlmballst. Dance of the Hour (Ponehielll) Vic tor Herbert' Archeatra. Melody in F tRubenstein) Pablo Camls. O Bole Mlo (My Sunshine) Emllio de Oogoria, EJegl Melodle (Massenet) Enrico Caruso, violin obltgato my Miaha El man. Heaven Resound (Beethoven) Vic tor Oratorio chorus. Scherherraade (Sympnonic Suite) Philadelphia Symphony Orchestra. SHOWER IS GIVEN. , Mia Julia Connlffe. whose marrl ac to Tom Ixftus, of Ia GrnnJe, will bo an event of next Tuesday, was honored by a miscellaneous shower riven recently at the home of Mrs. Flunk McNalley, 420 Hush street, with Mrs. Mc.Nalley and Mrs. It. It. Nutter as hostesses. Tied and white carna tions were used as a decoration and the hostesses served a two course lun cheon. Guests for the afternoon were Mrs. J. H. Luck, Mrs. Jake Murin. .Mr. Sam Kelson, Mrs, George O'l'an lels, Mrs. J. P. Murphy, Mrs. E. Steb, .Mrs. Frank Erwln, Mrs. K. Thomp son, Mrs. M. Klease and the honor guest. Mrs. Marin won first price In a guessing contest, while Mrs. Thomp son took second honors. OFFICERS ARE CHOSEN The T. P. W. nub, composed of em ployes of The Peoples' Warehouse, which wa organized recently in Pen dleton, has chosen Miss Gladys Smith n president. R. W. Fletcher 1 vice president, and Miss Agnes Leonard, secretary-treasurer. Miss Donna Veio, Miss Anna Howard and George Fergu son comprise the advisory board. Thi first meeting of the club was held Thursday night at Eagle-Woodman hall, where dancing was enjoyed after a business meeting. Guest will be entertained for the social hour of the meeting. FARTY 19 GIVEN Little Glenn Purcell celebrated his sixth birthday anniversary .Thursday In Weston, at the home of his grand- I Parents, Mr. and Mrs. Davidson. j Sleigh riding was one of the day's di version and a big fruit cake was serv- ' ed during the refreshment hour. Guests for the afternoon were Lionel Marvin, John Davidson. Reta David son, Leslie Purcell, Emory Purcell, Lora Lucus and Geneva Lucas. RETURN'S TO HOME. Miss Frances Urown, who for the past week has been the guest of Mrs. John Sherman, returned today to her j home In Condon. MRS. HATNES ILL. Mrs. Charles Haynes, who has been suffering from a Bevere cold at her home in the Security Apartments, Is reported better today. ' HOPF'S UPSTAIRS SHOP Suits at Half Price Dresses at Half Price Coats at Half Price Regular $9.50 Petticoats $6.95 Georcette Waists $6.95 (Wonderful values) It will pay you to look here before deciding. OVER TAYLOR HARDWARE CO, RETURN'S FROM PORTLAND. Miss Carol Wurtenberger, are teach er In the I'cndleton schools, returned last evening from her home in Port land where she has ben ill since the Christmas holidays. She plans to re sume her work on Monday, with the opening of the second semester. HOSTESSES FOR LUNCHEON. Mrs. James Johns, Sr., Mrs. W. E. Rrook and Mrs. J. B. McCook were hostesses yesterday afternoon for a bridge luncheon at the home of Mrs. Johns. A color scheme of yellow was used and this shade was a charming ly decorative feature In the table ap pointments. Mrs. Charles Bond and Mrs. Harold J. Warner won the score trophies in the afternoon's' play. Getting Ready for March 4th? V' READI to serve HHVlilSHl.TKt,. VvMuOttfaaS ' We are' in NESS now you - well and earn your steady patronage. We carry the largest, finest and best assorted stock of fine groceries in. Eastern Oregon. If you are contemplating a change . of trading places you can make no mistake if you trade with us. We guarantee best quality, fair treat ment and right prices. - , Gray Bros; Grocery Co. THREE HiONES QUALITY J The taxpayer's search In the past year for an answer to the question of why roads fail ha led to the discov ery that whatever may have been done In the past to Insure proper sub-grade, more must be done. There Is no deny ing the fact that short haul traffic is changing over from the railway to the highway. Recently the Ocean Shore Railroad (a Calfornia line) fil ed an application with the Interstate Commerce Commission for authority to quit business. The plea made was that the "motor truck has seriously and adversely affected our freight re venues .and the general increase of the use of the public highway has affected also our passenger revenues." In trying- to item the rising tide of highway traffic, short line railway stockholders In this Instance has assessed them selves seven times and then "gave up the ghost." Whatever may be given as the Im mediate cause for short line railway troubles, the underlying fact Is that the community owned highway is be coming public utility, with the direct result that the road is being loaded with new tonnage to a degree unex pected by the public. It now appears under the Impact of increasing tonnage, that providing a rigid surface on the road is not sufficient, that however well that sur face may be built ,the tendency of the THE . THOMAS SHOP ' Better Values BLOUSES AT HALF PRICE. SWEATERS AT HALF PRICE ' COATS AT HALF PRICE One Lot of Coats $12.50 Regular $85.00 Dresses $59.50 Regular $13.50 Petticoats $7.95 20 PER CENT OFF ON ALL SILK UNDERWEAR. (East Oregonlan Special.) HELIX. Jan. 22. The Helix high school was the scene of a merry group of young people Friday evening when they enjoyed their annual banquet. At 6:30 o'clock they were seated at the banquet tables which were fairly groaning with good things to eat. The evening entertulnment was arranged by Principal Paul Reed, Miss Lila Ault. Mr. Roy Davidson and a committee appointed by the student body. Mr. Davidson acted as toast master a:i present being called on for toasts the main topic being basketball. Games were enjoyed and all were unanimous in expressing themselves as having spent a delightful evening. Mr. and Mrs. Carl McConnell enter tained Informally a number of their friends on Saturday evening at their home near Helix. Mr. James Grlswold is a Helix young man of whom we feel Justly pround, he Is now attending the Den ver Academy of Applied Arts and to a very clever cartonlst, recent drawings received In Helix Justly bear evidence of this. Mr. GrisTVWud Is a son of Dr. and Mrs. J. Griswold and as a volun teer served overseas. Mrs. Myrtle Stannard of Pendleton formerly Miss Myrtle Herman of Helix has been a recent guest here of rela tives and friends. The local chapter of the Eastern Star held an Interesting meeting on Curd of Thanks We wish to express our sincere ap preciation to our many friends for the sympathy and comfort extended, and fcr their untiring assistance during our great bereavement, the loss of our darling little Jimmy. MR. AND MRS. HARVEY O. Mc PHiKRSON AND NEAR RELATIVES. :Jr:W.r..-ttF2. UR-CH t S W''iK'dvViK'JJ.-. " Clu-fetlan. First Christian church, R. Lee Hu- sabarger, pastor. Residence HM Jackson, phone 6(5. Service at the First Christian church Sunday will be as follow: 9:45 a. m. .liible school. 11 a. m. Communion, followed by sermon Sub ject, 'The White Mon' Hurden." Christian Endeavor will meet at :S p. m. At 7:30 p. m the pastor 111 preach on "The Procrastinating Fool," being the second Sunday eve ning address on "Fool of the lllble." There will b pecial music by the church choir. Come and enjoy th church with th friendly plrit. Special Till WEDNESDAY, JANARY 26 ONLY. COLUMBIA GRAFONOLA, Type K-2 - Mahogany finish, automatic stop, - -Regular $225.00 SPECIAL PRICE $140.00 WITH 40 TEN INCH RECORDS. We will accept liberty bonds in payment THOMPSON'S DRUG STORE ALFALFA HAY BY THE BALE, TON AND CARLOAD LOTS UMATILLA ROUR & GRAlfi CO. 220 E. Court Phone 351 road is toward failure for too rapid Tuesday evening, the first part of the to permit its saving capacity to earn evening was given over to initiatory It way out before reconstruction be-1 work after which a social hour was come necessary, unless and this spent. brings us to the peak development of 1929 due care is given to the con struction of the sub-grade. In addition to the work under .way by the Federal Highway Council along this line, attention is being given to the same subject by the engineering divi sion of the National Research Coun cil. Out of these two organized move ments to determine right principals in sub-grade construction .there is pro mise for a long step forward in the science of highway engineering in the future. James W. Brooks in January ftlotor. ACSTRIAV rosr- I'ARLIAMKNT PO.KD. VIENNA, Jan. 22. L P.) Re opening of the Austrian parliament wa postponed until Tuesday due to the critical political situation. Every nne fa anvimmrv awaiting news from the meeting of the supreme council in ond Mrs. Carl Engdahl and Mrs. Bes Paris. Clifford Kendall was a Portland visitor several days this week. Miss Grace Garrett attended the play "What Happened Nexf Door" given In Pendleton by the Pendleton high school. Rhj reports it as a very creditable production. An Interesting meeting of the mis sionarv society of the Baptist Church I was held Wednesday at the home of Mrs. Edgar Norvell. A wedding of interest to Helix peo ple will take place In liieth on Sun day when Mr. John Rose a popular business man of Helix will be married to MiBS Lilian English, an attractive young lady of Rieth. After a short wedding trip they will return to Helix where they will reside. Among thoso attending the concert given in Pendleton on Wednesday by the Columbia Symphony Orchestra were Mr. and Mrs. Roy Penland, Mr. ' Announcement for tola depart, merit must bt submitted to the East Oregonlan not later than Friday evening In order to be as uretl of publication on Saturday. Xazarcne Church Court & Matlock street, J. T. La' Rose, pastor. Sunday January 23 will be the clo ing day of the Evangelistic services with the "Hoosler Boys", We have rlanned a good program and a time that will be enjoyed by all who attena. The Trio will render some special numbers at both services and Evnn' relist Cornelius will speak on Interest Ing subjects. It will be well worth your time to hear them. Come and onjoy this good day with us. Morning service at 11:00 a. ra. Evening ser vice at 7:30 p. m. Sunday School will convene at 10:00 a. m. We will have i short lesson period after which there will be a special service for the school children, you are welcome here, we will e,nj y having you as a regular scheiar in c-nc of the classes. Parent dy you tako nny Interest In the rclig) ' us training of your chlld'en Send 'hem to Siindfj school. It will pay VOJ veil. ste Rees. Methodist. ' East Webb and Johnson street. John H. Sccor, Minister. Morning services Sunday school, 10 a. m. Morning sermon, 11a. m., subject: "The Soul's Holy of Hollers." Kvening services Kpworth League 6:30 p. m. Topic: "What is Real Re ligion'.'" Leader, Ivan l.a Hue. Kvening sermon, 7.30 p. m. Sub ject: "Zerrlah Hope." One of the fin est stories of devotion ever written. A pure American story. Our mid-week, Wednesday 7:30 p. m. Come with us if you wish to spend happy and helpful evening. , Salvation Army. Re. 309 8. Main St. Phone 1052. Sunday Services Holiness meeting at 11 a. m.; Sunday school, 1:10 p. m.; Toung People meeting, ( p. m.; Salvation rally, S p. m. , Weekday meeting a follow Tuesday, g p. m.; Thursday, I p. m.; Saturday, 8 p. m. Th publio la cordially Invited ' to attend t'.iese service. Come and bring your friends. There will be good mu sic, singing and speaking. Everybody is welcome. i (First stairway north of the Inland Empire Bank.) Sunday service ar 1 at 11 a. m. and at I p. m. The sub ject of the lesson-sermon for Sunday, ' January 23. 1 "Truth." Sunday school Mart at 10 a. m. A Wednesday evening meeting which Includes testimonial of healing, 1 held at II o'clock. Th reading room which I maintained at the ama ad dress 1 open to the publio dally from a. m. to 9 . m., where th Bible and authorled Chzrlatlan Bclence literature ' may be read, borrowed or purchased. The publio I cordially Invited to at tend the church service and to visit th reading room. Gorman Lutheran Rev. A. Blasberg will preach to morrow at the Christian church at i P. m. . .First Presbyterian . Church, corner College and Alt. Rev. Q. L Clark, Pastor. Residence 60 East Alta. Phone 121. In the Presbyterian church the Sabbath day begin with the ten o'clock Bible study session under the direction of Supt. A. C. Funk. An interesting hour under the guidance of good teacher. The pastor will us the 11 o'clock hour discussing the quentslon of per sonal application of "Service" In com munity building. Some folk think they do not owe the community any thing while they think that the com munity owe them much. At :4S In the 8. 8. room the young folk will conduct their devotional hour In thinking about the condition In and the people of Asia. Isa 62:7-1! will be the basis of the discussion. Th pastor will preach again at 7:30 on the subject, "Four Factor in Fel lowship." Special music by the choir In anthem and solos directed by Mrs. 8. H .Forshaw. One of the several churches extending you an Invitation to the services of the day. and Church of The Redeemer Rev. Alfred Lockwood, rector. :00 A. M. Holy Communion. 9:45 A. M. Sunday school. 11:00 A. M. Morning prayer sermon. I 4:00 P. M. Vesper and sermon. . The Rector will preuc!: In the morn ing on "Untroubled Heart In an Era of Trouble." Thl will relet largely to the social and economlo condition' of the town. At Vesper the talk will be on confirmation. , The public 1 cordially Invited. ' Baptist Church Rev. TV. II. Cox. pastor, residence CIS Bush street, phone 11(7. Sunday morning Sunday school. Mr. F. M. Riley, superintendent, 9:10. Preaching rvlee, 11:00, suabject, "Our Great Obligation-." Runrinv nliht B. T. P. 17.. Mis Dal president, :jn. Preaching ser vice 7:30, subject, 'The Rich Fool." Wednesday night Prayer service, 7:30, leader, Mr. Morrl. These service are for you. Tou ar cordially Invited to every service. A big hearty welcome awaits you at th 1 1 o'clock ervlce. Rev. Cox as a ten minute sermonette for the children. Father and mother bring your children. Christian Science. First Church of Christ, Scientist, holds services at 813 1-2 Main street. Mil? Three Hats for Between-Season Wear. r -: Metal cloth and yelvet ' ara cleverly Introduced Into thi group of fetching, wearable hst. At the left to turban of gold and silver metallic brocade with a do-S-tanglng spray of benna ' colored ostrJci. At right 1 an ' afternoon hat of blue elvet with ueeple bow directly at Ut cea- jer-frf.ni. The large hat Is a clr-culer-brlmmed affair of brewn panne velvet with a plain, tight fitting crown, the brim embroid ered in great circular motifs done In French, blua aa4 polrt, AT The First Methodist Episcopal Church JOHN H. SECOR, Minister. Sunday Evening, , "ZERVIAII HOPE." EIlKabern Stewart Phelps glorious little story of devotion and sacri fice. An American story of recent days. You will thoroly enjoy It. Grand Clearance Sale fine wnrow Rircs at i-a formkr price, yont . CHANCE TO KFLECT FROM THE LAIUiEST AND MOST COMPLETE STOCK IN PENDLETON AND AT PRICES PItOM SA2.50 TO 1 16.50. GENUINE SPANISH LEATHER ROCKERS ONE-HALF PRICE. ALL LADIES' WRITING DESKS AT ONE-THIRD OFF. PIANO LAMP SHADES At one-half price. Our entire stock of Lamp Shades in all colors; your choice at one-half price. , . . INLAID tjTXOIJWM ONE-THIRD OFF FABGOLKl'M ONE-HALF OFF. ALL MATTRESSES 1-2 PRICE LIBRARY TABLES AT ONE-THIRD TO ONE HALF OFF. PICTURES AT HALF PRICE-ONE-THIRD OFF ON ALL PHONOGRAPHS TAI1LE MATS, 45-ln., 48-ln., M-ln., 1-3 PRICE. Remember, our entire stork on sale from one-third to one half off, for a few days only and for rash only, exeef contract goods, which are wild on terms If desired. SEE OITR WINDOWS COME LOOK BtTT AVE Out of Town Business Solicited. Mall Orders Given Prompt Attention CRAWFORD FURNITURE CO. Comer Court and Main St., PENDLETON', ORE., Phone 4M