THE EAST OREGONIAN IS THE ONLY INLAND EMPIRE NEWSPAPER GIVING ITS READERS THE BENEFIT OF DAILY TELEGRAPNIC NEWS REPORTS FROM BOTH THE ASSOCIATED PRESS AND UNITED PRESS DAILY EDITION DAILY EDITION dumber of sopiea printed ot yesterday's Dally 3,309 This paper Is a member of and audited by tba Audit iiuruu of Circulations. Tha East OregonUn in Eatm Ore gon sgrateat newspaper ifsi aa lllng fores glvaa lo tha ertaerttaar over twice tha unrn("il paid cireu latlnn In pendltiton an') Umtillla ouo ty of enjr other aewipapar. COUNTY OFFICIAL PAPER CITY OFFICIAL PAPE2 VOL. 32 AROUSEFEAR;K VIOLENCE DONE Stores Are Closed Because of Threats, Thus' Adding to Desolation of One of Former Gay Cities of World. DEMAND IS MADE FOR REDUCTION IN PRICES MUSE WON'T SlWfi DAILY EAST OREGONIAN, PENDLETON, OREGON, FRIDAY EVENING, JANUARY 21, 1 9 2 1! NO. 0730 JiDING MAY MAKE TRIP T7 TO PACIFIC COAST AFTER ? IIE IIAS BEEN INAUGURATED SENATE SECRETARY METAL WORKERS VOTE TO ACCEPT REDUCED " PAY IN SHIPYARDS - Police Remain Loyal and Au thorities Believe They Can Suppress Any Outbreak That May De started. VIENNA. Man. 21 (.IT. p.) Mob, mich ai were formed during the revo lution In the streets of Paris, have gathered here, sending hundreds of frightened profiteers to the country, rihouting threat, singing martial ntr and rumbling menacingly, the moh were followed by wagons on which . had been erected (treat repllcss of gal lows. The marcher attempted no violence. Labor organisations have aerved notice on the government giv ing it three daya in -which to reduce the price of necessities. The flight of the proflteera left many more clos ed. Window, and doors und barri caded, lending a atill further air of desolation to what formerly win one of the gayest citlea in the world. From the temper of the . crowd which marched throunh the famous hut dlllpadated at reel Hie labor threat may be followed by actloti. it la believed that possible assaults will be made en the atorea, and provision houses where gnoda would be confis cated. The authorltlea. however, be lieve they will he able to suppress any outbreak, the pollre are remaining loyal. IP KiilMi t Hrhlges I.loyil George bus refused to fire Dr. Robert lirldgos, poet lauiout'c'of tlio lirillsh eirilre, a a urged ly Ho nillo Ilollomiev, fiery immlier of I'lirliament. liottomley pointed nut tbut Ifildges hud wilttcn no poems on me war or the place. VANCOCVEft n I:... , (A. P.) The Metal Trades Council representing 2T.00 crn- ployed in the Slaridifer shipyards voted to accept a reduction In- pay of from six to eight cent on hour rather than that tho company should reduce the number of employe. 4, President-elect Now Enroute to St. Augustine for Six Weeks Vacation; Mrs. Harding; Re mains at Marion. K.nm.TR witih, iiAirni.vo to I'm. ALuiraxE, Jan. 21. (C. p.) A trip to the., Pacific coast may possl bly be made by Harding during his ndminiatralion, It In learned today. It In expected to occur when his official I duties make K feasible for him m leave Washington for a short time. Harding speeded across Kentucky and Tonnes-see today, enroute to fit. Aiiijus tlne, where he will begin his sii weeks rent tomorrow. Mia. Harding rcmain- WASHINGTON, Jan. 21. (A. P I Aftor extended debate, during whicn attempts were made to strike out manv d at Marlon to finish moving furni ture one of the home there. The plac It to be rented to a Marlon aciiualnt Bncp. ; HIX'OM VfKN'DS SIKtItT IJ1.I)T UKI-KXA, Mont., Jan. 21. (A. P.) Coventor Jowpn M. Dixoii'a recom mendation for the nu-col!ed Fhort ISARII REWARD. Alaska, Jan. 21. (A. P.i The mall ateamer Joaeph Pulitzer, mliwlng aince December 15, la Bufe at Anchor at Chlgnlk, a cannery town on the Alaska peninsula, 300 mileg weat of Kodlak, according to advlcea racclv- ed here hint nlnht. The vtaael lost her rudder and put Into Chl,;nik without further mishap, the mesKaKe stated. E Items, the house today paaaed the en-! rheme under which all state of- I nual Indian apiiropriatlon bill, the aixth of the fourteen supply measures lo he sent to tho senate. The bill car ried approximately 1 2,00J,000. A number of section provWint fluids for (teneral work among In ilan trnies were atrlcken out on the around (hat they were not anthnriu-d by law. Appropriations fcr various states, how ever, went through practlcmally untouched. EATEN WOMAN FOUND fleers except the lieutenant governor would lio appointed toy the governor, aa the President of the United States does Ms cabinet, la expected to form one othe chief topics of debate in the Montana legislature now In session. Governor Dixon haa explained that under this aystem the chief executive would be directly responsible for his administration. ! f ; $ i ! ? M t , i ! V v i 1L.1 "4 ' ijtu I Wilson will give SALEM LAVMMERS urge rani POULTRY IHI. FACTS TO SENATE OF Feature pf Case is Surrounding Islands Held by Japan Are i Being Made Into Heligoland i Oregon of the Pacific. House Unanimously Adopts Memorial Favoring an Adequate National Tar iff on Poultry Products. WILL. ENCOURAGE SAFETY WORK IN INSTITUTIONS iHERKSA Gull. MAN Illinois broke all precedents when Miss Theresa Uormao was selected secretary of the state aenate. For eight years she waa secretary to I-icut. Gov. Ogle-sh-. RO07.I; PAYS KKVKM K. SPOKAXK. Wash., Jan. 21. (A. ) During 1920 approximately 1 19,0011 was paid in city court here by still operators, liquor peddlers and drinkers of Intoxicants, according to figures compiled by the clerk of the court. Of this amount $9, .M0 baa been forwarded to the state for school purposes and $9,500 put to the credit of the city and county dry so,uad. Practically all of the liquor cases In Spokane during the year were tried In city court. u State Accident Commission Will Establish Standards, Fix Rules and Aid in Safety Education. LEAD IN DBA1AINT RCRAFT ton, the husband had been hypnotised, he led her awav WA8HIXOTOX, Jan. 21.t-(IT. P.) I the preacher seeking other tarrlera. Any agreement for world disarmament must include the air force and at other branchea of warfare, Secretary Daniels declared In commenting o augReatlona that Britain la ready to limit battleship construction because he is concentrating on air develop! ment. "The United States should not be Inferior In any branch of naval warfare," Danlela said. ' "It would b Inconsistent." he de eleared, "for the nations to' agree on a reduction of capital ahlpa snd lie al SPOKAXM Jan. 21. (f. P.) When reporters of a local newspaper were given the wrong telephone con nection, they henrd a woman's moans comlmr over thb wire. They rushed a tracer through central and received an early summons for help. Ten min utes later the police, notified by the newslimier hlll-Kl M' ti a rrnr in tVva last nlrht, they found the pretty youn, n M an(, dlgcowp(, Mr8 jjucv Wlfii . Iinnnl nal a m ilrliiin iiai ' - . ' "n """ - ' , McntiA. -Jandiauy, hruiRh- m afen and prenrher, who wn appealfiiK in her to k.;., u,.i .,,,i .u- , ... i j "" . ii r r- ' i tun it II, n f i tarry with me awnile; slater. Ac- ,, ... , ,h ,, ,K t Mr. Mitchell stated the cost ner ioh cording to their stories, J. A. Temple- j . llf ....., ,rtH to the city for the first eleven month averring h's wife , ,.m ..,nl,,i ,, .. .. : of the year was slitrhtlv over 24 cents. mystery. 8PQKAXE, Jan. 2U (U. P.) When the Infuriated husband, and a detective burst into the tabernacle KJII'IXIYMIT TABl"IATT-:n. SI1KAXE, Wash.. Jan. 21. (A. P.) The city free employment office here was the means of placing 24, M49 men and women on Jobs during 1920, according to O. K. ilitchell, manager. The atoord is an increase pllc,-or 2,807 Jobs over 1919. STOLEN POSTAL MONEY I COMPETITION 08 PUBLIC Ho said of the 24.94 9 placed durinc the year 19.S32 were men and 5,117 women. MOI'XT VRIiXOX, Ills., Jan. 21. (A. P.) Virtually all of the JlSS.uOo stolen in the theft of thirty one pack lowed to expand alonK other lines, j ages of, reulsteTed mail here last Frl- Vomnetltlve aircraft building," he aald, "would be as dangerous as any other kind of naval competition." GER WASHIXGTOX. Jan. 21.-Today's study of tho coal inquiry by the sen ate committee considering the O.ild- er regulation hill, brought from Chair man Thompson of the federal trade commission the statement that con- f the four arrested on susirtcion 3f !,,,. ,u , ,,,, .,',. , tionalizntion," and from A. W. Hiley, oay has been recovered by postal in spectors today In several raids. One complicity In the robbery Is Reverend ;ny Kyle, former rector of thn. freo Methodist church here. OLYMPIC t il AMPIOX It TI A VI,V DKl'KtTKI) I-V t'liOSK 1'IMSII PATHS, Jan. 21. A. P.) -Premier Btinnd presented the programme of his ministry to the chamber of deput ies and the aenate today. The pro gramme contains four outstanding points, namely: Germany must disarm and pay re parations. France" has the force to compel respect for engagements taken with her and would be able to use it If nec- esesary, but it Is In peace she wishes 1 to bring Germany to fulfill her obliga tions. ' Peace with Turkey must be made effective, account being taken of new circumstances. . France will not Intervene In the Internal affairs of Husaia, but cannot administrate If the soviet armies shall cross the Russian frontier to attack the allies of France. Promises of economy, renovation of the financial administration and in tensified reconstruction of the devnst ed regions made, up the remainder of the programme., T. H., an. 21. (A. P.) Puke P. Kahanamoku, world's champion sprint swimmer and winner at the Stockholm and Antwerp Olym piads was beaten here recently nt 100 yards In an authorized A. A. V. tank meet by "lilll" Harris of the Out rlgjter Canoe Club, Hononlul. Hun-Is equaled Duke's record time' of 55.4 made In December, 1919. The four entrants In the race all were members of the American swlm- specisr a?slHtanl to the attorney-gen' era!, charges that the New york Wholesale Association had "pot every obstacle in the way" of I.ever act pro ceedings ugaint alleged coal profiteers. JI, SSS STATEMENT CAXYOX, Texas. Jan. 21. After ligning a statement, licv. Moiv-an mlng team at Antwerp, the other twojsturko, evangelist of Urooklyn. X. Y being Warren and Pua Kenloha, There was not a hand and a half dlf ference between the first three, liar l is., Duke and Pua' Kealoha, with j refusal to explain statements attribu Warren Kealoha close up for fourth ted to him In a sermon concerning al (TlllilT 51 KS I.WITKD. PPOKANE, Wash., Jan. 21. (A. P.) Credit men from the states of Washington. Idaho, Oregon and Mon tana have been invited to attend the annual meeting of the Northwest Credit Wen's association to be held here February 23 and 24. According to announcement by Frank Shockly, secretary of the Spo kane credit bureau a varied number of subjects will be d'seussed by at tending delegates. They include or ganization, the small merchant's prob lems and other subjects aa they af fect credit. WASHINGTON. Jan. 21. IV. P.) should Harding issue a call for a dis armament conference' when he takes office, the peoples of the great pow ers would force their governments to respord. Henry White, one of the American peace delegates, told the house naval affairs committee. "The time is ot hnd for disarmament," he said and added that the conference should be called toon after Harding enters the white house. Another great war would be so In finitely more horrible than the 'lest one that whole nations would be wip ed out. White said, "The danger of an other such war would be greater with out the disarmament agreement. "The treat plan for disarmament, of both military and naval forces should in clude the United States. Britain. Ja pan, France Italy, but that plans for naval disarmament only should take in the Vnlted States. Britain and Ja-i I Pan. as tne great naval powers. He opposed Inviting all the nations of the world to a disarmament conference, saying It would result in "perfect chaot:.' WASHINGTON, Jan. 2!. (U. P.) Wilson has given permission to the state department to lay before the sen ate foreign relations committee all (Confidential facts in the governments' j poesesriion regarding the island of Yap, j j it is learned. Acting Secretary of; ftate Davis has been authorized to tell ' the story of the discussions over Yap j during the Versailles conference be-! tw en American and Japanese states-j man. yap. is a Pacinc Island near: Munn, held by Japan under the secret i treaty by which the German posses- j sions in the Pacific were divided. The United States regards the island ' essential to the extension of our Paci-i SALEM, Jan. 21. (U. P.) The fic cable facilities, but has made no' Oregon house unanimously adopted a claim to a whole possession of it. This ' memorial to congress urging an ade, government proposed that it be in- jquate protective tariff on all poul teriiatlonalized. Japan declined to;try products imported Into the t'nlt agree. jed States. The memorial declares dur- Membera of the foreign relations i mg the past year more than four mil. committee, while accepting the official ilioh dollars worth of poultry products estimate of Yap's importance as a ca- jwere received at the ports of Ban ble station, are divided as to how far j Francisco, Portland, Seattle, and this government should insist upon its j Vancouver. B.' C, and placed in com f rotection. Yap, they find, is almcst en ' petition with the poultry of this circled by other islands which Japan j country. bolda, and- they are greatly Interested! , ' in the reports that Japan is converting I To Aid Safety. some of these islands into an imitation i of German Heligoland. UNEMPLOYED GET EATS I SALEM, Jan. 21. (U. V.) To fur- Ither encourage safety work in Indus (trial plants the state accident commia. ision is authorized to establish stand ards and to fix rules designed to pro i mote and organize educational work I in accident prevention. Employes who ! comply with such standards will be entitled to si five percent reduction in jlhe rate of their contributions.' Adopts H.ill Rrsliirim. SALEM. Jan. 21. (A. I.)-,The Senate- adopted Hall's concurrent res olution for committees of the Oregon! launched last night w hen five hundred I Washington and Idaho legislatures to of the unemployed quietly paraded the confer relative to uniform automobile cown-town district, entered a restaur- laws. ' . ant, seated themselves lne demanded The senate passed thb following food. The management ordered food bills: Regulating sale of foodstuffs. supplied and telephoned the police, for livestock; extending the terra ,of While the men were eating, sixty po- office of county recorders from two licemen arrived. The unemployed to four years; providing that buildings grabbed what food was In sight and constructed by banks need not be MONTREAL, Jan. 21. (U. P.) The unemployed men here started a campaign to force the owners of bife restaurants to feed them free, the leaders declared. This campaign was marched from the cafe with pockets stuffed with sandwiches, bread and fruit, some carrying pica and other edibles. WASHINGTON FAVORS BiGE AT CATHLA.IT - MOB REVOLTS AGAINST BOLSHEVIK CHANCELLORS DIUM, I X HKS IXt !tl.ASI ,s. GliKAT FALLS, Mont., Jan. 21. (A. P.) Dining 1920, the second of prohibition in Montana, drunkenes in this city increased ap proximately 41 per cent over 1S19. the first "dry" year, according to police records. General police arrests also increased during 1920, but applica tions for free lodging in the jails fell off sharply. OLYMl'IA, Jan. 2 vided the Oregon legislature makes a similar provision, the Washington leg islature is asked in a resolution to ap point a committee to investigate the proposition of building a bridge across the Columbia in the vicinity of Cathl amet. For the purpose of formulating uni form auto laws in Washington, Ore gon and Idaho, a resolution was In troduced in the house asking appoint ment of a legislative committee to con fer with similar committees from Ida ho and Oregun. NAPLES, Jan. 21. (U. P.) Re- olting against alleged bolshevik mem- J bers of the city administration of tas I t' llammare Di Stadia the mob precipi tated a riot in which ten persons were (C. P.) Pro-; killed and fifty injured, according to was released from county iail todav He was remanded to jail yesterday nave gained enormously during the charged with contempt following his , P"st year. 1OO.THY UK! IXlHSTItY HELENA, Mont., Jan. 21. (A. P.) Helena is rapidly becoming an im- portnat poultry center of Montana, j HIJSB4IVD LFTS WIFF RIIRM One concern here ia Installing Incuba-1 .r.?HUU Lc 1 0 v,rt BUfiiM, tors capable of hatching 5,000 birds at a time. Poultry receipts to Helena reports here. The "Ked" guards are said to have fired en the crowd which gathered at the railway station when veral bolshevik councillers arrived. U. S. FOREIGN TRADE confined to expenditure of not over fifty percent of banks capitalization. SALEM. Jan. 21. (V. P.V Tfte senate adjourned at 11:30 until, 11:00 Monday. The house later followed suit. i . Vote Counting Provision. ? ' SALEM, Jan. 21. (A. P.) A bill embodying a recommendations com mittee of 15 making many changes lit the industrial accident law was intro duced In the house. Senator Bell In troduced a bill providing for the counting by the hoard'in election pre cincts where there are over twenty registered roters to begin counting as soon as twenty votes are cast. This provides safeguards against leaking of information. INSURANCE WAS $200,000 WASHINGTON. Jan. 21. (lT. P.) American foreign trade for 1920 was the largest ever known, the depart ment of commerce announced. Ex ports totaled eight b llions, 22S.00O -' ,$1. (From Overbeck & Cooke Co.) March wheat opened a cent lower than yesterday's close today, rose to $1.71 Vi. fell to $1.84 and finally closed at $1.5. May wheat opened at and closed at $1.55. several cents lower place. Ileged gambling. THE BIG STAGE SET FOR MARCH 4 (Let's ship the old front porch to Washington) neported by Major Lee Moorhouse, weather observer. Maximum, 42. , Minimum, Haromoter, 28.90. Flury of snow. stt I THE WEATHER FORECAST Tonight and Saturday fair.' Mont's once- MlS tv-i 'X fj Wosioc.ul l1r OWN EXPENSE HE SAYS V , ABERDEEN, .Miss., Jan. 21. W. A. ITliweatt, a planter, was arrested rn-imoro than three times as large as for i day on a warrant charging murder in j 1913- Imports for 1920 totaled five j connection with the deat h of his wife I billions. 220 million compared three who perished In a fire that destroyed I billions 224 millions in 1919. itheir home December s. A coroner's ' jury found Mrs. Thweatt was insured I1C.I1T CONTI5 ACT HOLDS 200.000, payable to hrr husband LONDON. Jan. 21. (A. P.) The 000 compared with seven billions, 220 than yesterday's closing mark of $1.(0 millions for IS19. 1920 figures areiJ- NEW YORK, Jan. 21. (A. P.V Charles M. Schwab denied before the Walsh committee the testimony of Colonel Abadie to the effect that Schwab's personal expenses for Octo ber 1918 amounting to 260.000 were charged to the shipping board. He de clared the statements "false and a malicious" and that he personally paid all his own expenses while direc tor of the general emergency fleet cor poration. He said he did not even col lect the dollar a year salary from the government. He admitted such a voucher as charge hy Abadie was paid him but declared it was not for the purpose claimed by Abadte. bat when he was awakened by'eripinal contract for the Carpent'.er- ; smoke he dressed and packed some of Dempsey bout is considered still vano. his belongings before going for wa-1 Charles B. Cochran, one of the pro ter to fight the fire. j moters, announced today. Following are the quotations from WOMAN ELECTOR MAY HAVE TO FINISH HER BIG ROYAL MAIL SHIPS TO START REGULAR SERVICE TO ASTORIA IS ANNOUNCED jiving i ttpoke frequently lust minima" from the front porch of my home and the audlencces stood to hear me amid accommodation!) lead comfort able, than the capital steps." Harding. ASTORIA. Jan. 21. Col. E. J. M.iland for the coast in early March, lty Nash, special representative in the; the b.-ginuing of the fresh fruit ship I'nited States and Canada of the Roy- ping season tit the end of the summer ai .Mall Nam racket company ot., all nine will tie In service England, has appointed Keith (;, ' three weekly sailinirs. l-'isken as manager of the company's Each ship will have S000 tons of branch office in Seattle. I'or several , refrigerated space for t'roidi fruits, years Mr. Fiskcn has been head of the such as apples, and Son tons of in- TR1P RY RAM Rn&n '"1H,"J""fr department of 1-rank Wa- sulated space for fresh and mildcurod ' 01 KAILKUAU (terhouse & Co. I fish, or a total for the fleet of 27 .00,. ' r In commenting upon the Royal : tons of refrigerated space and 4.M)0 DES MOINES, Iowa. Jan. SI. '(.Mall Strain Packet company's plans! tons of Insulated space. (U. P.i "Unless weather con- ffor its new sen-fee between tho Pad-1 The Itoval Mail service will oper ditions improvce, we may be fic coast and (Sreai Hrit.iin and con-late in coniunUion w th tho Holland- ion-eo 10 comim.e our journey ;uncniai Europe, the current ls.sue of American line's three refriir,.r,.i..rt ,.n,l ine .-.nipping uegister says: insulated steamships, the Royal Mail's The company will place nine branches In Vancouver, II. C, Seattle, freighters, each of 15,000 deadweight j Astoria and San Francisco handling tons. In tho route, al! the vessels he- the coast business of the Holtund ing new motorships. Sis are Royal . American Steamship company. The vtail snips, t lie ttirce others heins ; manager of the company's office j'liten carriers, from here by train," Mrs. H. H. Wheeler, the Nebraska elector, who started flying to Washing, ton with tho stnte's electoral vote, announced today. A heavy fog and the muddy condition of the Hying field made the start- ! impeissililc this morning. Wheat Open High Low fjlose Mar. 1.6 l.TH, l.4 l.s May 1.60H l.2H 1.54', 1.55 Com May ,S?4 -T 7 July ., .70 .Sfc .68 V, Onts May ;44i .45 4 .4Jt .43 July ,44S .4Hi ,4JH 1!vc May 1.47 H M4 1-45 ltarley . . May ' . .j Foreign Exchange -4v London, !."8. Paris, . 6 1 . Rerlin, .0163. Rome. .0360. Canada, 13 15-16 discount. N, T. money, 7 per cent. F" BERRY WASHINGTON. Jan. 21. (U. p.)- Henry Ford has a net gain - of l4!t voles over Truman Newberry In the senatorial contest recount. This cov ers 1362 precincts out of 223J la the state. J t The Royal Mail ships .Km Francisco has not been aiinoiioc- Ur-i.. are now under Construction and the jed. but E. M. Cherry will have charKel 1 1)011 pounds of fish and 100 flrut one will be ready to 4v.ava Eug- oi Us tuUrosts iu Astoria, 'potatoes. til m:hvki meals TOLEDO, Jan. 21. (A. Over 1200 unemployed were aervml fr. at: meals today by tha aoclal service fad- Tickets also were laauad for packs of S .1