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About East Oregonian : E.O. (Pendleton, OR) 1888-current | View Entire Issue (Jan. 19, 1921)
1 I ' I t ! f ' i i f t ' : , i ; : ' , 'ten pages DAILY EAST OREGONIAN, PENDLETON, OREGON, WEDNESDAY EVENING, JANUARY 19, 1021. PAGE THREE Jrr : J.- 'NeSs Notes of Pendleton CALENDAR OF EVENTS Jun. 17-18 60th Annual Na tional Woolgrowem' Association convention at Bait Lake City. . Jan. 25. Annual meeting of . Round-Up director!. . Jun, 21. Temporary meeting (or community organisation, 4:30, Commercial Association. Jan. 1 9. American Legion concert. Jan. 21 Meeting and tlec- Hon, Pendleton Alo peulerg. Jan. 29. Annual County Farm Ilureuu meeting and elec- Hon of officers at county llbrnry. Annual Meeting .Inmiary 20. ' , Tho nn,niiul meeting unU deletion of officers' of the county Farm Bureau will lie held at tho County library .Inn dm y 29, a week from Saturday. I'lui.s for year will bo discussed. Will Visit Columbia. .. - Fred Hennlon, county agriculture agent, will go to Columbia thl even ing to attend a Farm Hureau meeting. Among the matter Ut be discussed will be boy' and girls' club work, the formation of a tuuercuros.s tree uis- recti on "The Fundamental Principle cif Orchard Practice." , Xcw Lieutenant Here Lieutenant Myrn. Mo), of the Balva- tlon Army, ha joined tho local H. A post and Hill assist Captain Jcnnlt Conrad. Klie succeed Lieutenant Ma bel I,angdon, who hu been transfer red to The Dalle. Lieutenant. Moye ha been stationed at Anucortes, Washington. (rift, community hog and poultry ruis- ing. crop and orchard demonstrations, ami a pruning chool. Mr. Bcnnlon will artdreH the memlier of the bu- J, -101101101- -101101101101101101 Coluinbia River - - Smelts ARE NOW RUNNING. i We receive a fresh shipment every morning. These are delicious fish, rich in food value. If you call 10r you can depend on them be ing fresh. ' ' "WASTE LESS BUY THE BEST" Pendleton Cash Market, Inc. frliGNKB 101 . , ' ' (Private Exchange Connwt Itoth Tfeparuneola) -HSK l.ROCMUKS AMD MEATS ' Will Kilter High Kchool Klchard Klce, who attended Culver Military Academy lat ycur and thlf. year, will take up hi studies at the Pendleton high Kchool with tho open Ing of the econd semester next Mon day, llle did luit return to Culver aftei Uerivlng In Pendleton for the Christ . . jl.i . . . 4.l.. . .... n;as nonouys. ho ib tne sun ui Air. uu Mr. C...M. .RlceJ -loi luiiui loi loi loi loi loi ioi T Prizes to lie Awarded Prlfes for attendance' at the Hajvii tlon Army Sunday' Hchoot will be awarded on Saturday by Captain Jen nie Conrad. There are from 70 to 80 children at Bunday school each Bundav and from among their number will be choen winner of the. flrt, aecond, third and fourth prize. Testaments vill be among the prize given. Signs Aro Placed. Btgna dCHlgnating the Intersection of trails, the location of creek and other stream are now being placed on the Umatilla .National Forest a a fore runner of the coming summer season. Each, year the forest ranger do this Work. About 100 sign will be placed on the forest. Later In the season, the fire prevention sign are put up. Meeting Is Postponed. A meeting of the Church of the Re deemer tonight, at which Norman Johnson, state Sunday school organ izer, was to speak, ha been postponed. Mr. Johnson wired this morning that it would be Impossible for him to be j in Pendleton to address Sunday school i worker of the city tonight. The meet ing will be held at some future date. iMIIIHIIIMIIMIIIIIIIIIMIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIMIininillllllllllllllllllllllllllMIIIIWIIIIIIIIlllllllU The Nickles and'Ditries j Have Reformed f It actually seemed true that during the past few years the pu rchasing power of Fifteen cents had shrunk until it did not amount to 'much. f 1 . They .jveraloJern shopping companions unless S you had a pocket full. I S We have good news for you. Fifteen cents has returned to its old time pro- . portions and is ready to lead a useful and busy f ' life, every bit as active as it ever was. ..' 1 Be sure to' look at our windows and see the I 5 many Kitchen Utensils that 15c WILL. BUY. , I The BEE HIVE f PayCash Pendleton's Variety Store SareCath I 7,iiiiiiiiiiiiiiHii!iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiin THE HEATFR OF NO REGRETS HEAVY POLISHED STEEU OUTER BODY HEAVY INNER LINING PROTECTS OUTER BODY I EXTRA A.AWSE TOP U-ZJr , FEED OPENINO yCtfiTfUi- I r : . -. -..-"" . U ADfiF MO i. ' .iMlCia.i ' ANTI KWN1 & HOT N. AST 1 5 filltXl 4 HOT BLAST . oopLtx )Sif ssil i Tfl'i 1 1 lu I extraheAvy . nWO 1X1LT LINING . K EXTRA LARGE "KgWS1lK ASHCHAMpimj ' PAHPLKI fTSyhrTRE POT ' WlH-al Condition CMml. Umatilla county's wheat 1 In an excellent condition, say farmer. There Is more moisture In the ground than at tMa time last year, because the pre cipitation occurred tlji year when tho ground was soft and recbptlve. There have been some complaints from the Weston region, where, because of the water-soaked ground, there is some gullying in the hillsides. Ask I led Cross Aid. The names, rank and army organ Ization of all ex-service men who are In the State Hospital because of men tal diability la wanted by tho Feder al Hoard of Vocational Guidance, which, today asked that tho local of fice; of the Umatilla County Red Cross secure the date. The work will be taken up by Miss Virginia Todd, sec retary. The board hope to place all Northwest ex-service men now In hos pitals for the insane at a general hos pital at Steilacom, near Tacoina. Thlnl Car CoKtg $2712.12 The third carload of flour shipped lor me relict of Central Europe cost tho committee $2742.42, according to a arart received this morning by c. K. Cranston, treasurer for the European Relief Council here. The flour was billed by the Preston Shaffer mills at Athena and the Peacock mills at Free water and the slightly higher charge than the first two cars Is believed due to the milling in transit com on wheat. I matllia county's donations of flotir are all packed and paid for today. Community .scrvkx CYimmlttce to Meet The temporary committee which made application for Community Ser vice in. Pendleton "will meet nt 4:30 rTiilay afternoon In the Commercial Association meeting rooms to lay tern iiomry plans lor the permanent or- snnizatlnn. In addition to tho mem- oers of the temporary committee, sev eral other business men will be called in to the meeting. Following the adop tion or a plan of action, a community mass, meeting will bo called probably next week for putting through a de nnlte organization. The members of the original committee are: J. R. Ra ley, George A. Hartman, C. K. Crans- "n. h. k. inlow, John Vaughhan and P. L. Idleman. Probably as many ad ditional men will be asked to assist In 'h manning which will be done on Friday. BUY A BARREL OF FLOUR. 7 J If EN QUALITY SERVICE. BUY A BARREL OF FLOUR, ; Note These Prices on Dress Goods $2.0(1 Quality. 2.rU Quality, S:t.00 Quality, :t.50 Quality, 4.(H) Quality, 4 .. Quality, $.V0 Quality, (l.00 Quality, .50 Quality, Itevlsed Prle 7.00 Ouality, IUvlhel Ii-e 7..r.O QtuUity, KH.00 Quulity, 8.S0 Quality, r ' KovlM-d Iri : KrvlMI 1'i ice Hi'ImiI Pii'; , , Kovlwd Priit! . . Kcvlw.l Price ItcviMilt I'rh ItvlM-! Prk Ib-rlseri Prl-c : $4.S -. 4.7 3.fM Itevised lrloc 5.25 UnlM'.l Vrtti) v. . '. S5.5 Iltnlsod Price ; 0.2S $1.49 l.75 $2.00 2,tr. $2.95 547 $:sTS , . SATEENS, 50c 36 inches wide. Black and colors. " ONE LOT FIGURED VOILES, 23c Thew; are about 10 pieces in this lot. We are clos ing them out. Formerly sold from 75c to $1.00 yard. Revised price 25c January White Sale WOMEN'S and CHILDREN'S WINTER UNDERWEAR IllY NOW AND SAVE 75c Qnnlity, January White Sale... 50c 85c Quality, January White Kale... 69c $1.00 Quality, January White Kale. ." 79c 1.25 Quality, January White Kale. . 98c $1.50, Quality, January White Kale $1.21 $2.00 Quality, January White Kale $1.49 S2.25 Quality, January White Kale $IJt5 $2J0 Quality, January White Kale $1.95 SXOO Quality, January White Kale $2.35 $$.50' Quality, January White Kale $2.80 $4.00 Qualjty, January White Kale $3.1 S $5.00 Quality, January White Kale $3.95 Stl.OO Quality, January White Kale $4.80 $0.50 Quality, January White Kale $3.15 $7.50 Quality, January White Kale $5.95 S8.00 Quality, January WliiU Kale .50 $8.50 Qoulit, January White Sale $0.50 Special Lot Women's Silk Hose, 95c This includes colored hose, pure silk thread, double sole, heel and toe. Worth from $1.50 to $1.75 a pair. Revised price . . 95c ONE LOT SILKOLINES Revised Price, 15c. LACE CURTAINS, $1.00 PAIR 'We have about 100 pairs of these fine ecru lace curtains to close out. Better come early if you want some of these. Values to $3.50 up. " TABLE LINENS PRICES CUT DEEP -I ill $2.50 Quality, $3.00 QuuMty, $3(t Quality, SI.IHI Quality, $5.00 Quality $4.00 Quality $8.50 Quality. it' Revision l'riee . . Ki-tLsliHi lrl . . ltcviniim I'rlcc . . ltd Moil Prt . . Kevi.-iHi I'rlcc . K('iliHl Price .. Revision l'riee . $7.00 Quality, Rev int. l'rk . $8.50 Ouality, Revision l'rk . $10.00 Quality, Revision l'riee $1 1.50 Quality,' ReviskHi l'riee $12.50 Quality, Rcviskui Price $13.50 Quality. Revision lVk S15.IHI Quality, IU-viskm l'riee 1 8.50 Quality, Revision Price $18.50 Quality, Revlskm Prl-o $20.00 Quality, Revision Price $22.50 Quality, Revision l'riee $25.00 Quality, Revision Price $27.50 Quality, Revlskm l'riee 830.00 Quality, Revision Price $35.00 Quality, Rctislon Price $10.00 Quality, Revision Price $1.78 $1.9$ $2.35 $2.63 $1.34 $4.95 $5.67 $7.25 $7.95 $8.00 $8.50 $10.73 $11.85 $13.50 $14.75 $15.85 $18.00 $20.00 $23.50 $28.00 $31.03 LACES Buy your Inces liere, where you can btiy them at the new revixMl lritrc.. Von will save cousklerahle on your purchases. 5c Quality, Reviscxl Prk-e jc 8c-. Ouality. RcviMtl l"ri-e 10c Quality. Revised lri-e . . 12c Quality, Revised Prk-d .. 15c Quality, Revised l'riee . . 25e Quality, Revised Pi . . Oc Quality, Ke1snl Price . . :t5c Quality, ltcvl.sed Prk-s . , 50c Quality. Revised Price . , 65c Quality, RevisiNl l'ri-e , . 75c Quality, Revlsl Prk . . 85t: Quality. Revised l'rk'd . . $1.00 Quality, KeviMtl l'riee $1.25 Quality, Revised Pri-e $1.50 Quality, Revised l'riee $1.75 Quality, Revised l'riee $2.00 Quality, Revised Price $2.50 Quality, Revised Prk-e $3.00 Quality. Revised l'riee fax. 83.50 Quality, Iei1sel I'rii-e S4.00 Quality, Revised l'riee 7c ... 9c . lie .. 17c , . 21c .. 2c . . 37c . . 46c .. 58c . . 67c . . 78c . . 95c $1.18 $1.29 $1.39 $1.85 S2.10 $2.39 $2.95 8 .. . Train In Two Se-tioiis Two cars of coast artillery troops. lound for the coast, made it. necessary for today's Xo. 17 to be run In two sec tions between 1m Grande and Pendle ton. The trains were consolidated here for the run to Portland. DE Fur Couglia and Colds "I want to say that Chamberlain's Cough Remedy has been used In my family on occasion, without numbers, for coughs and colds and has given the best satisfaction of any cough medicine we ever tired." writes Mrs. C. Metager, Greenville, 111. You will look a long while before you find a better remerdy for coughs and colds or one that Is more Bufe and plea sane to taite. . Well Known in l uroicn Countries: it win ne a surprise to many to know that Chamberlain's Cough Re medy Is well kown,and highly este emed in mnny foreign countries pharles M. Cramer, a well known watcn niaKer of Colombo, Ceylon, says nf it, "I have pit the slightest hesit ancy In recommi-udliiir Chamberlain's Cough Remedy . to all who are suf fering from coilphs'or t-nlds. I have repeatedly used It and It has always been benefic.ul. Tonight If you would enjoy tomorrow, take Chamberlain's Tablet tonight. They produce an agreeable, laxative effect clear the head and cleanse the sto mach. They ure Just -what you need when constipated. . Xo dount' AlKHit It There Is no question but that Chamberlain's Tablets is one of the best preparations on the market for stomach troubles, billlousness and constipation. There Is no better proof nt this than when a man has once used them he will consider nothing else when In need of such medicine. Kast Kncl 'Towns Will Report Milton and Weston, which have yet to send in their final reports on the re cent Red Cross roll call, were asked by telephone today to send in their re maining balances. C. K.Cranston county chairman, will then make ui his final report for the county and send to northwest headquarters at Seattle. Supply Train Cornell ' A supply train of about 20 cars, from the Albina shops, Portland, was here this morning delivering supplies to the various departments of the O. W. R. & N. Co., and picking up out of date materials for the junk pile at the Albina yards. The train la being sent over the system as far as Huntington The private car of M. J. Buckley, superintendent of the road, was at tnched to the train, Mr. Buckley ac companying it to make a close Inspec tion of the road. Will Order Nitrate. Arrangements for a pooled order of a carload of sodium nitrate were com pleted yesterday nt Milton at a meet ing of the Fruit Growers Union. The nitrate. is used as fertiliier and Its value has been proven by demonstra tions in the Milton region. 'According to Fred Bcnnlon, county agent who at tended the" meeting, the fruit trees are covered with buds but because of the Injury done by the severe weather last winter, the trees, unless nitrate Is usod, lack the vigor to carry the crop, which is, in sieht. The fertiliser will be applied! . month before blooming time, at the rate of four or five pounds to a. tree. The growers at the meeting re-elected their exec utive board for the coming year. WASHINGTON'. Jan. 19. The dem ocratic filibuster against the emer. gency tariff bill is In full swing in the senate. Though Senator Underwood, democratic leader, disclaimed any In tention to organize a party filibuster on tho measure, he made It plain he could not control individual democrats. MS HUSBAND KILLS GALVESTON, Jan. 19. U. P.l The bodies of Mrs. Francis Brown and M. S. Settle were found shot dead In an automobile standing-in the street in a fashionable residential district early today. Brown walked to the home of Constable Gregory and sur rendered. The woman was shot through the heart and the man through the head. Both were about 35. ROOSEVFXTI VV FAMILY. MOXEE C1TV, Wash., Jan. 19 Four children within eleven months came to the home of Mr. and Mrs. Wil liam Wayenberg here, with the arriv al of a second pair of twins. All were doing well, including a fifth child It months old. FliETC MILK AT SCHOOLS. OLTMPJA, Jan. 19. (U. P.) Every school child under the age of 14 will get a free glass of milk during the lunch hour period if the legisla ture passe a bill Senate.- Fawcett In troduced. The cost is to be defrayed out of the school funds. Tl IS RIG IH MlKAKS MEXICO CITY. Jan. 19. (A. P.l Over inn were drowned. 200 iniured na loiio made homeless when two cams above Pachnca broke yesterdav The water swept the lower section of hat big mining center. NEW YORK Jan. 19. (A. P.) An effort to have the great number of na tions competing for the Davis Cup ten nis trophy than la any previous year will be made by the United States Lawn Tennis association. It was an nounced today. The American Davis cup has authorized the sending of let ters to South American and European nations with organized tennis associa tions who have not heretofore com peted, inviting them to forward chal lenges, Canada expects to enter the competl- PNEUMONIA I Call a physician. Then begin I . "emergency" treatment with VapoRuh Oca 1 7 billion Jan (W VeanV lion this year, that committee has been notified. The American Davis committee an nounced it will recommend to the schedule committee that the challenge round of the Davis cup matches pre cede the national singles champion ship, no matter where the latter event is played. IIKRHS 1"S3 IN" MEDICIXF-S A Manchester, England, paper urges the renewed cultivation of old fash ioned medicinal herbs in English gar dens. In the United Slates they have also gone out of fashion as a feature of the small garden, although they are imported in large quantities from Turkey, India and China, whero they are grown purely for commercial pur poses, as their medicinal value Is rec ognized by many leading physician.; Tone of Medicinal herbs are used an nually In the preparation of Lydia Is. Pinkham's Vegetable Compound, a rdost successful medicine for woman's ills. It contains no narcotics or harm ful drugs, and women afflicted with such ailments should try It. ; N 6-DAY BIKE RACE CHICAGO, Jan. IS. (A. P.l The 14th hour of the six-day bicycle, race found nine of the IS teams which started bunched with a record of "r-O miles each, one team out of the run ning and two trailing a lap behind the leaders. The team of Madden and Madden was in the lead In points, how ever, with 22. Charley Plereey was forced . out hrough Injuries received in a fall-Sun-'ay, and his partner, Arthur Spencer, withdrew, INDIGESTION . GOES, GONE! 'Pape's Dtapepsin,, at once fixes Your Sour, Gassy, Acid Stomach investigation orii:ri.i SALEM. Jan. 19. (A. P.) Senator Dennis' Joint memorial demanding a fedorul paper mill investigation was j adopted by the senate, Stomach acidity causes indigestion fond souring, gas, distress! Wonder I what upset your stomach ? Well, don't bother! The moment you eat a tab let or two of Pnpe's Diapepsln all the lumps of indigestion pain, the sourness, heartburn und belching of gases, due J to acidity, vanish truly wonderful! .Millions of people know that It Is needless to be bothered with indiges tion dyspepsia or a disordered stom ach. A few tablets of Pane s nianen- sin neutralize acidity and give relief at I once no waiting! Buy a bo ofx Pnpe's j Dinpepsin now! Don't stay miserable: j Try to regulate your stomach so you can eat favorite foods without causing ' ctstress. The cost Is so little. The benefits, o great. SUAI.TY MvrcJ Watch Our Pre-Inventory Specials For the remainder of this month we can save you money on our Special Sales. NIPPON BRAND APRICOTS (Halves) and ' PEACHES (Halves or Sliced). For This Week 3 Cans for t $1.00 12 Cans for $3.95 Case (2 dozen) $7.80 SOAPS Crystal White, White Wonder, Swift's White, Easy Day and Clean. Easy 15 for $1.00 VAN CAMP'S SOUPS Vegetable, Clam Chow der, Tomato, or Chick en. 15c Can $1.45 per Doz. J