East Oregonian : E.O. (Pendleton, OR) 1888-current, January 19, 1921, DAILY EDITION, Page PAGE TWO, Image 2

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aSg V--"- I j SZESffiM
Greatest Sale-'.of ;fw
"f A '
Offered 111 Pendil
Offering values you'll not have the opportunity of Securing again in many a day. Now is the time for ; , ; ,
you to buy and buy liberally. Visit this store as often as you can, new bargains are being put out every ' " "
.day ami it most surely will pay you to keep posted on what we aFe offering. . . '.
CAN as new bargains are brought forward
r-sr T
1 . a a
n d n 1 fa
pies waren
our post office sub-station, it'll save you many a
!step. , ' " '
I 1 '
(Ea.H Oregonian Kpeciat. )
, ADAMS, Jan. 19 The Knifihta of
1'ythl.is celebrated this year nh a
(rrand banquet and entertainment in
the Artums Pity hall m last Saturday
evetiinn. They put on two plays in
assures you that there is
no substitute for
Scott's Emulsion
An pld saying, but nonethe-
less true: A bottle of
Scott's Emulsion
taken in time, helps
keep the doctor awey.
which most of the K. P.'a took part
ftnd did exceptionally well.
The program in art follows: Miss
Guildoan Mftrrison sans a solo; Doris
and Iena Lleuallen, readings; Mis
Wilina Ioyer sang a solo entitled.
'"You can Never Get Another Mother."
Hazel Angler delivered a comic read
ing in which each of Hie K. of P.'s
fifjm-ed; Ralph Walla m sans , a solo,
aided fcy Carl Christain. Guy May-
1'erry and Hay Larafow. who Joined in
the chorus. . This number was the
pleasant melody "jry Little Home On
the Hill. A cornet solo hy Bert Kirby
with Mrs. Evart McCollum accom
panying on the piano followed. Mrs.
Charles Bunch sans a solo entitled
'Iol; Out for the Cars."
Carl Christian was elected Master
and Chief of Police, Guy Mayberry,
city violinist, Harry Larabee, a color
ei porter. Ralph Wallen, a colored
tramp, who hid in arunk and almost
scared the colored porter to death as
per was spread on two long tables by Guy Mayberry, Mr. and Mrs. Harry
the lodge men. The cooking was dona
exclusively by the women except for
the potatoes which were cooked and
mashed by the men.
The eats consisted of all varieties of
good chicken, pies, salads, cakes,
bread, butter and pickles.
Those who attended Were Mr. and
Mrs. Morrison, Ronald, Gildean and
Roberta Morrison, Clarence and Mr. I
and Mrs. Power, A. M. Coffy, Bertha
and Laura McFarland, Ivan Wake,
Helen Blake, Ha Blake, Mr. and Vrs.
Will Boyer and daughters, Wilma and
Helen, Mrs. L. U Lieualhn and
daughters Doris and Dena Mr. and
!-fcirs. J. T. Lieual'.en, jr. Mr. and Mrs.
T. A. Lieuallen, Mr. and Mrs. F. M.
Whitely, Mr. and Mrs. Otis Lieuallen.
Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Wallan, Mrs. Jane
Wallan, Hazel Angler, Mr. and Mrs.
Evard McColluin and family, Mr. and
Mrs. Roy Desvoign and family, Mr.
and Mrs. Carl Christian and daughter.
be was made to think the house was! Leone, Mr. Ried, Mr. Ferre Carothers,
haunted. Roll Morrison played the
Jew and with Francis Lieuallen as cus
tomer, he tried to sell his coat which
he claimed was 'worth $1'50, for 25,
and finally erfded by selling it at
$1.50. Jt was indeed A surprise to
many to know that so much real tal
ent existed in our community.
After the show a fine banquet sup-
Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Bunch and chil
dren, Rev. Hall, Mr. and Mrs. Garth
Sioll, Clifford Hoklman, Harold Hold
man and Blanche Isaac of Pendleton,
attended with Roll and Geraldine
Morrison, 'Mr. and-Mrs. Gladys Spen
cer. Paul Lieuallen and Francis Lieu
allen, Mrs. Eertha Kembler, Daniel
Kembler. Mr. and Mrs. 'Jack Mayberry,
Larabee and boys. Mr. and Mrs. Ed
Wallen, Frankie Dames, Roy Picard,
Lawrence Greishaver and Sullivan
Reimer, Mrs. Dcbois and Geneva, Mrs.
Calkins' Mr. Perry Baker, Irene Du
puis, Francis Dupuis, Dura Desvoign,
Gladys Eaton.
After supper they all played games
until a late hour. All enjoyed a pleas
ant evening and thanked the K. P.'a.
Ivan Bloke and sister Ha and moth
er motored to Pendleton Friday to at
tend the Pendleton senior high school
play of "The House Next Door," at the
hiijh school auditorium, which' was
well attended.
Mr. and Mrs. Will Boyer and daugh
ters, Wilma and Helan, motored to
Pendleton Friday to do some shopping.
Mrs. Evard McCollum was among
the Pendleton visitors Friday.
Robert Parr was in Pendleton today
Ha plako and mother were the
guests of Mr. and Mrs. H. Creig Fr
da yfor supper and called on Mrs.,
Berry and daughter. ,
In I Lieuallen, who was operated
on Friday in Pendleton at St. An
thony's hospital, Is doing as well as
can be expected.
Mif;s Helen Blake at Pendleton hleh
school, motored home Friday evenin
tn spend Sunday at home.
' PTT f "PvT If" TFTT it '
jL:':'Sijr' JlnI ' ii jr JqL IL
' Pendleton Post American Legion
Columbia Symphony
A Brilliant Organization in a Magnificent Program
Mme. Frances Knight, Conductor ' '
Thirty Pieces With Special Soloists
at ire '
Mr. Weisler of the Interior Grocery
Co., was catling on the Adams business
people today.
F. JI. Whitely is helping Revclla
Lieuallen butcher today.
Sam .Myrlck has been busy hauling
rails to people in and around Adams
for winter fuel from the old J. J. Ral
ston ranch, now leased to .Mr. Srhrlmti.
: 'Evard McCollum and Ivan Klake
put In the electric lights in the Corner
Grocery store today, which tnukes a
great improvement for this end of the
city as they put In one liKht In front
of the store. !
Mr. and Mrs. Bert K,!rby motored to J
t'enmeton today. :
Mr. and Mrs. Rn'.ph Wallan, and I
Hazel Angler motored to Pendleton ;
today to attend the movies.
Mr. and MrsAl Boynton and chil
dren of Pilot Rock are the guests of
Mr. and Mrs. Frank Kreus for the
Clifford Holdman of Pendleton, was
the guest of Roll Morrison Thursday.
Ben Inman was In Pendleton Friday,
Mr. and Mrs. G. M. Morrison, Rol
and, Roberta and Geraldine. mdtored
to Pendleton Friday to attend the an
nual senior hjgh school play. '
Clifford Holdman and Harold Hold- i
man of Pendleton were the gues'.s of j
Roll Morrison Saturday. . .
Miss Blanche liviacH of Pendleton, ;
ivas the guest of Miss Geraldine Mor- ;
j rison Sunday. , j
j Sullivan Reimer of Pendleton, mo- j
tored to Adams to attent'. the K, P.'
banquet Saturday. '
Miss Gwendol n McInt.M-e of Athc-
na, motorc-3 to Adams to attend the ;
i K. P. banquet and remained tho fcuest
of Mrs.. Harry Larabee. '
Sunday school pffieers were elected
for the year of liii'l at the Baptist
church Sunday as follows: Superin- !
tendent. Airs. L. I,. Lieuallen, Mrs i
Charles Sbatz, assistant secretary; ,
Miss Helen. Blake, assistant; Wilma j
Boyer, treasurer; Daniel Kembler. or
panist, Mrs. otis Lieuallen; assistant
Doris Lieuallen.
Mr. ar.d Airs. Jim Lieuallen, Jr..
motored to Athena to attend a family j
party at Mr. -Melntyre's Saturday. ,
liev. Hall preacheil at the Baptist !
church Sunday morning nt 11 a. m. j
and at the young people's meeting at;
7 p. m. Mr.-Harry I-arabce was the
teacher. Evening preaching was held
at g p. m. by Rev. Hull to a good au
dience. H will preach every evening
inis week at, 71;.. All Welcome to at
tend. ,
WASHINGTON, Jan. 'u. (A. P.)
Tho Japanese sentry who hot Lieut.
Langdou at Vladivostok. gave a
Version conciding with the antermor
ten statement of the'dead officer, said
a dispatch to the navy department.
The sentry has been recommended for
The Unity Fifth.
' "Nice children you have. What ii
this?" , . .
"The fifth."
"Ho seems lo he tho healthiest -looking
of tho lot." - .
"Yes, by the time he came along hi
mother had run out of theories."-
Boston Transcript. 0
.Always down fir. its A CleanlineM
ih' Our Sanitary Grocery
Phenel5. RYi .Other PaparUnenU.. Call ZV,
January Clearance Sale
Prices , v
Prunes, dried, 25 pound box $1.35 "
Beans, small white, 16 pounds $1.00
Beans, red, 20 pounds .. . . . . . $1.00
Rice, head, fancy, 7 pounds .. i ... ....,. . $1.00
Soap, white laundry, 17 bars ..'....... . r. . . . . . $1.00
Coffee, bulk, 3 pounds '$1.00
Raisins, bulk, 5 pounds $1.00
Soap, Rose, bath, 16 bars . . $1.00
Milk, good brand, 2 for 25c
Hams, per pound 30c ,
Hams, picnic, per pound '.20c
Lard, country, bucket $2.50
Pancake Flour, Aunt Jemima, package 15c
The pure food shop that is helping kill the H, C. L.
yrrTrrrw"tithT'tT,''r'A'f5 to tiudO"''''''"-''
i i r i i i i n i -v ii i i r I i i T r
(East Orogoninn Special.)
GPRDAXE, Jan. 10. Snow nil irone
i In Gurdane vicinity.
; John Truck nnd Fam Nelson of
Pendleton were visitors at John Light
I foot's last week.
I 'Ed Chapman returned home last
week after spending some. time with
j M"". and Mrs. Jim Nelson.
! Mrs. Charles Ely Is vlsltlnir her
daughter, Mrs. Pat Monaghan, a short
Mr. and Mrs. Jim Nelson and daugh
ter Madge were over night visitors kt
John Lightfoot'B one night last week,
going on to Pendleton for a few days'
-visit. . ,
Willie TiWl, -who- has been work
ing for Frank Chapman the past year,
left lust week for Mabel, Oregon, for
a visit with relatives. ,
Mrs. Frank Glllliand nnd two chil
dren visited in Pendleton returning'
home last Monday. - j
Joe Pedro made a business trip to
Pilot Rock. Monday.
Real Apples
We have some extra fine Apples at
$2.25 per box. ;
Fresh sea food in today.
Phone 187 and 183 . 739 Main Street