. - E .7. f :;V.."" - "". KEEP ABREAST OF DOINGS IN THE WORLD OF SPORT DAILY IN ARTICLES BY STAFF WRITERS AND TWO NEWS SERVICES ON THIS PAGE TEN PAGES SECTION TTvrO PAGES 7 TO 10- TEN PAGES SECTION TWO PAGES 7 TO 10 reftonian DAILY EAST OREGONIAN, PENDLETON, OREGON, TUESDAY EVENING, JANUARY 18, 1921. REMAIN AT SOUTHERN Rnraort That - He Would Go ': North' aa University of Washington Mentor Dispell ' ed by His Signing Now Con tract!. ' ; LOH ANOEI,F.8, Cut., Jiin. IS (A. J'.) Humor that Elmer ("Gloomy Jus") Henderson, couch at tho Uni versity of Southern Callforn'ii here. might o'to the rnlvcrslty of Wash ington or to some middle western col lege next football season were found false vhcn.jt was announced here re cently that Henderson had signed a contract for" another year. ."We intend that Henderson shall re main here," Oraduate Manager .Hen ry W. Bruce laid in announcing the contract had been aliened. "He la pop ular not only because he has lost but one foot bull game In two yearn but be came he In a man to whom the play em look up to and respect." ' Ilenderaon served for seven yearn an coach of Hroadvvay high Hchool In He. aitle, durlrig which time hl team did not suffer defeat, In his final year the championship of the city was dis puted by Lincoln high school, which played Uroadway to a scoreless tie. : During the war Henderson as head athletic director for the naval truln-' tng station established on the curium at the University of Washington. He was Instrumental also In turning out a strong navy football team and was one of the best known of service ith letlo directors. When Oil Uoble left Washington, following his differences with the president of the institution, Hender son was mentioned for the place as coach. Cluads Hunt, from Carleton College, Minn., Was brought went, however. .Since 1918 the record made by Henderson has been somewhat . bettor than that of the Washington coaches. WOMEN GOLFERS SELECT AUGUST FOR TOURNEYS CHICAGO, Jan. IS. (A. I'.) The Women's Western (lolf association championship will be held August 22-27 lit the Westmoreland (lolf club, Chk'HKo, It was announced last night. It was also stated that it hud been de cided to hold a midwinter meet next year on some California links. Here tofore, Pacific coast players have been shut off by distance from the woman's associations. id E FOR S I'OItTUAND. Ore , Jan. 18 (A. IM Oregon swimmers arc getting Into form for a series of meets to be held in Portland tanks and on the Colum bia and Willamette rivers this sum mer. The big event of tho spring rea son will he the national fancy dlvlni championship tourney to be held at the Multnomah Athlet e Club tank hero soon. Two nearby schools, the University of Oregon and the Oregon Agricultur al Collugo are expected to enter stronr teams In the meets, On the Aggies' team will be Clarence l'lnkston and "Happy" Kuehn, world champion dlv. ors, while on the Oregon squad wll be Jiyron Wilsey and "Hus" Douglas two M tho fastest men In the state On tho Multnomah club team will bf two new members, "Feathers" llush nell and "Hcggie" Harris, both 'Boot swimmers. ST. IIA1UIY WlUJi KNOCKS OCT . 1UIJ, TATK l. TWO JtOl'XIlS ItCFKA I.O. X. T., Jan. 18. (A. I'.) Harry Wills of Now Orleans retain , ed .tho.; negro heavyweight champion ship by knocking odt'ThT fate of New York In ths second round of a sched uled IK-round bout last night. OAKLAND, Cnl., Jan. 18.- A. P. Appointment of Kilward 1'. "Flash' Madlgass former Notre Dame foothal star, as coach at St. Mary's College here, has met with the approval of i large number of the college graduate) who have wired and mailed eongratu latlons on the selection. , When the HI. Mary s team was de feated at football 127-0 My the I'nl versity of California last season'th graduates requested that the team b withdrawn from competition. Madlgass was coach last year at Ci lumbla, University, Portland, Ore. -II, was recommended to St. Mary's b James Itichardson, athletic director r. the Oregon Agricultural College. QUALITY SERVICE SANITATION 1 lh. (flats) Salmon. 12 l-2c, 2 for 25c 2 ibi Hominy and Milk, 2 for. . . . 25c Walnuts ........... 15c, 8 for $1.00 P.endleton Trading Co. Phone 453 ' "If It's on the Market We Have If Now is the time to have that car overhauled by ' 0. L UAH AUTO CO. ' , We do painting. PAIGE OAKLAND Alta and Cottonwood Sts. rhone 46 H Immigration Service Find3 Beautiful Young Women Sent to California City for Bride Market; Prominent Rancher Held. FRKB.VO, Calif., Jan. 1 S. - Startling revelations of a veritable niarr ate block operated In Fresno from which beautiful Armenian girls, brought In to the United Htates Illegally, were sold to the highest bidder, were made here today by I.'. 8. Immigration Com missioner Oeorge W. Moore. The Armenian practice of brlng'ng ir'rls to Fresno was brought to light tliis morning with the arrest of seven of the victims. Harootlan Pelvlnn, prominent and influential Armenian rancher of Ixme Star, was taken Into custody late today. Detailed Information on the girl "bride market" was made public by Commls-sloer Moore. One case, in which a young Armen- an inspected girls held for sole and J nald a deposit on one who pleased j him, Is typical of many cases in wmcn Ulrls were made marriage slaves, ac cording to the commissioner. - The Armenian girls are charged by Commissioner Moore w!th entering tho V. S. Illegally through false and misleading statements made at Kills Island, and Helvlan Is charged with en ering thecounlry through misleading statements and aiding In the illegal entry of the women. Do You Know a Baby Sick With Constipation - Tell the mother to give half a teupoon lul of Dr. C.IJwcir. Syrup Pepsin. NO thoughtful mother with children in the nouse will nslcbeing without a good, reliable laxative. It will save many a serious illness, many a doctor's visit. When the baby cries and is frotfuJ, when the boy has no appetite and von't play, when the girl is listless ancifuircr-. Fbh, when there are complaints of headaches and cold3, the mother can suspect coftstipatjon. Give Dr. Cald well's Syrup Pepsin in the small dose prescribed on the bottle, when yott put the child to bed, and with morning the ailment will have disappeared, ,Dr. Caldwell's Syrup r"epsin is a popular compound of Keyptian Senna i and othir simple-laxative herbs with ' pepsin and pleasant-tasting aromatirs. It acts gently and mildly, and children take it without objection. A sixty-cent bottle is enough to last an average fam ily many months. The ingredients are endorsed in the U. S. Pharmacopoeia, and last year American mothers bought over eight million bottles of Dr. Cald well's Syrup Pepsin from druggists. It is the largest selling liquid laxative in he world, and few cautious families are ever without it ill 0m TRYITFREE Send me your name and ad' dreti and X-u ill jercf you a free trial bottle of my Svrufi Pepsin. AdJicst me Dr. W. B. Cold- ' ' Mxrli, 313 Wcuhinijton Street, McmtkfUo, Illinois. Every body now and then needs a laxative,and it is tetli to know the best. Write me today, t. GONZAGA WILL TRAVEL THROUGH TWO STATES SI'OKANK' Wash., Jan. 1 8. (A. !.) Two long trips 'through tne states of Montana and Oregon, where r'val college teams are to be battled, will bo, made (luring February by the asketlall ecpiad of Gonzaga uni.vcr iltv of .Spokane, according to an nouncement by Coach 'harls E. Do rias. i'rese'U plans cull for The Gon taga team going 1o Montana the sec ttid week in February for game with he rnlverslt- of Montana.'" 31oiltaTi-r Agricultural college, Montana School it Mines and Mount f-'t. Charles Tho trip to Oregon will be made afl- r the Montana journey and plans are inderway for contests with the Ore ton Agricultural college, I'nlverslty f Oregon, Multnomah Athletic club f I'ortland and several commercial earns. Coach Dorins expects to have 1 fast team In the field for the inva lon of Montana and Oregon. Thirty nen are In training for basketball at lonzaija at the present time. Ti MOVED AHEAD A WEEK MOSCOW. Idaho Jon. 18. (A. P.) An all-state Interschoolastic bafketball tournament will be held here March 17 and IS instead of March J and 2."i, us was first arranged, It has been an nounced. The slate lias been divided Into eight districts, each In charge of a dimrlct committee which will su pervise the holding of a tournament to determine the district champion ship. Participants in the state tour ney will be the tight district title hold ers. " champion' johxxv wii-son mcts dix'ision ovku chit P1TTSHUKG, Jan. 18. (A. P.) Johnny Wilson of Hoston, middle weight champion, ton a newspaper decin'on over Joe Chip of Newcastle, Pa., i their 10-roitnd bout last night. Wilson gained the decision in eight rounds. The champion was never in danger. He ued a right jab effectively to off set Chip's rushes and was the aggressor. Men Who Want style will find it in our shoes. What you prefer you may actually have. There are styles in endless variety every model a specimen of expert de &i"iiing and workmanship. Our shoes look good because they are good. - Men's Brown Calf or Kid Shoes in pointed, medium or wide, toes. Priced at 83.50 to $10.00 Men's Black Calf or Kid Dress Shoes, extra large assortment of styles. Priced at .......... 85.00 to 87.50 Men's Work Shoes. We have just the .din Vnii want, and at a price you w ant to pay. Priced at $2.95 to $8.50 TH EHUB 32 Stores 745 Main St, J 30X1NG AT OREGON IS ENJOYED BY 180 MEN Bl'OKXE. Ore., Jan. IS. (A. P.) Vppioximaiely ISO men enrolled In he boxing courses at the I'nlverslty of regon here. Morelian HO are -tak-ng wrestling. A boxing and wrest ling meet will be held with the Mull lomah Athlotlc club ot I'ortland late his month. CONNIE MACK SCHF.nill FS . GAMES WITH CARDINALS PlHL.VDKl.rHlA, Jan. 18. (A. P.) Connio Mack, manager of the Phlla lelphia American league baseball club, who returned today front a tour it the south in the interest of his ipring training trip, said he hrd ar ranged a tentative schedule of games .vlth the, St. Louis Nationals. AUGUST 1 ViLL CLOSE - PLAYER TRADING TIME NEW YOUK. Jan. 18. (A. P.) An agreement has been reached by the National and American leagues to make August 1 the closing date for the buying or trading of players' be tween major league clubs. The agreement was made public last night by President Heydler of the National league. After August 1, players can go from one major league club to another only by the waiver route. PAItIS, Jan. IS. France today re ceived confirmation of the sinking of an armed bolshevik transport In the Hluk sea by the French destroyer Sakaleve. The destroyer was engaged in police duly when attacked by the bolshevik ship, the advices say and the French warship Immediately opened fire. In a few minutes the bolshevik troops abandoned the transport w hich sank. , Another bolshevik ship was silenced;! There were no French casualties. ToCureaCold in One Day Tak Grovo'a Laxative Quinine tabids Be sure its Bromo The genuine bean this signature 30c. FACTS AEOUT TRACTORS , The principal advantage of the tractor is its ability to do heavy wortf in a shorter. tifhe than it can be done, by horses. Through the use of tractors corn-belt tractor operated farms have increased about 30 per cent in size. U. S. Dept. of Asrriculture, Bulletin A 1093. THE HOLT 5-Ton Caterpillar J0IE RAY WILL ENTER WANAMAKER CUP RACE NEW VOniC. Jan. IS, (A. P.) Jole liny of the Illinois A. C, Chicago, national one-mile champion, has en tered the mile and a half race for, the Rodman Wananiaker trophy at the Mllrose A. A. games at Madison Square Garden February 8. LOOKS LIKE WHO? 3 A' & T INST PAN FRANCISCO, Jan. IS. tl. One hundred n-nety seven five j tael tins of opium concealed in the i walls of a staleroom today were se'zed ,: when the customs officials searched j t'e Toyo Kisen Kaisha liner, Korean.! Maru arriving from the Orient. ARCADE TODAY F5 i ' ,.WTiv,. A tractor w ith a record of achievement accepted by the U. S. government has a wonderful range of adaptabil ity is a masterpiece in machinery deserving of your consideration. Sturgis & Storie Pendleton Walla Walla THREE-FOLD SATISFACTION In Price, Workmanship and Promptness Job Printing Department when you patronize The East Oregonian Phone 1 MOTHER! "California Syrup of Figs" Child's Best Laxative G K. CHESTERTON Cilbert K. Chot'rU". famous, English writer and dramatist, is; Jn America on a lecture tour The' jlrltish say ho resembles an (Vmerican who wsed to be prest-V lent and made tb "bis, stick" fa-) lions Aecent "Califor.a" Fvrun of. F1gs only look for the name California on the PRckage, then you are sure your child Is having the best nnd most hurnilcsa physic for the little stomach, liver and bowels. Children lovo Its fruity taste. Full directions on each bottle You must say "California." KRYPT0KJI" FAR vision NEAR VISION ; r ' L '. 1 Wiihout Lines in th? Lens' Kryptoks (Crj'ptocks) do away with that extra pair of glasses. They give you far and near vision in the same lens, yet the lower part is invisible. They must be fitted right. afe&otfuicfl PCSOU.TM American Nat l Rank llullding illxmo 609 GONROY'S CASH GROCERY PAY CASH AND BUY FOR LESS. Besi Creamery Butter, lb 53c SUGAR, SACK $10.25 Crisco, 61bs . . $1.35 Lard No. 3, 73c! No. 5, $1.23; No. 10, $2.23 Red Mex. Beans, 14 lbs ; $1.00 Crystal White Soap, 14 bars $1.00 Flour, 49 lb. sack $2.G0; barrel $10.20 Best Crcpc Toilet Paper, 4 for , 4 23c Eastern Corn Meal, 9 lb. sack 50c Hils Bine Coffee, 1 lb. 33c; 3 lbs $1.03 Hills Red Coffee 1 lb. 50c; i lbs $2.40 Quaker Corn Flakes, 2 for 25c