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About East Oregonian : E.O. (Pendleton, OR) 1888-current | View Entire Issue (Jan. 17, 1921)
THE EAST OREGONIAN IS THE ONLY INLAND EMPIR E NEWSPAPER GIVING ITS READERS THE BENEFIT OF DAILY TELEGRAPH NEWS REPORTS FROM BOTH THE ASSOCIATED PRESS AND UNITED Li it. (r DAILY EDITION DAILY. EDITION Number of C'opki printed of Saturday! The F"t Oregon! t KItii Ore gon' sgrratrat nnwpipr and lllnir forc give In the artwltwr ovr twine tho gunrnteed pd eiroii latK.n In Pendleton mrt t'maulla coun ty of rxl oU'i newspaper. imiiy 3,439 Thli paper In a member of and audited by the Audit IIuivhu of Circulation. DAILY sehwceekdt COUNTY OFFICIAL PAPER CITY OFFICIAL PAPER FT" fin Tim ii nan mi,, jt.i. I, - " J - s lriWl. , , '-""wP'W wmwrv wT-www,w'" Kh . Iff I 1 1 ," w. 1 r i till 13(11111 ' 1 1 t 1 I I 1 l 1 E 1 "l M l III! I Hf 111 III 1 KIL....-.!.... . M"'jHwiiwi w'r-m- mtm .... mi! n 1 CiJC UJiV ?vvj VOL. 46. CIO!!! OLCOF URGES LEGiSLATURE EAGER SEARCH iZL WW Will MADF FOR TWO x ir: " :rr IRISH LEADERS !ji " l With Streets of Dublin Made Man Tight by Wire Barri cade British Soldiers Strive . .to Capture Sinn Feincrs. MILITARY IN POSSESSION OF MARKETING CENTERS Spectacular Raid Started Sat urday Night, Field Kitchens Used by Troops in Streets of City; Searchlights on. Kl'HLIN'. Jan. IT. if. I'.) Two Important Sinn Kciuer are the great prlie for which u tlioimniul Prlllsh soldier ore searching In tho bnrrlrad ed section of Dublin. A rooin-to-riM.m search I" being made on a mile aqunre area, made man-tight by mlb of barbed wire, fur .Michael Collin. feommander-ln-chlef of the republican army, and hie assistant, Muleh.iey. Meanwhile all Ireland Is agitated by ruiila and threat of raid. The raid ed area of Dublin present a nit lit never before witnessed during the Irlah difficult lea. The military. In this operation. took possession of the market center. M"i o( the residents were cut off from their vegetable and fliih supplies. The only traffic er mltted waa that of milk hhkhih. 8ol dlera were fed from rolling kitchen. All last li Ik lit searchlight played i over the raided district. Soldiers con tinued to work in the while light and were rcl!ecd by oihTrs Hits mornliiK' fto the aenrchinil wa cnnllntpiua. A raid, which malted t-.iturday ulKht. wa rpeetnrulnr, A fleet of l"irle. with carK(M nf aoldier dnlied down Dub lin Bln'lH and aklildcd to a mop. Sol -fllera leaped over the id'Ua am! alniit iiitjiill. had .teianr. field liKehenn In i poMltiun to prepare breakfast, while other beKaii unminnK hnice (ipoolx of barbed wtte, twictinK mramla hith above their head and weaving- an In tricate barricade throughout tho cho aen dlatrlct. ; lNibco Ma tic in Altai k'i. CO UK", lrelund. Jan. 17. (C. I'.t The police Ktatlon In IJie center of the city was heavily attacked by Sinn Felnera early today. They threw bomb and fered hundred of hit uxlng revolver for the miAi part. Aft er a flKht lam In ir half an hour the po lice beat off tha Sinn Keinera. flarrl an of the atalinn, with very Unlit re inforcement, waa aufflclent to beat off the attack. Armed minor, filled with troop, were ruehrd to the acene when the aound of flrinit and detona tions of bomb waa beard, xut when they arrived the Sinn Keinera were already dlHpercd. KKW YtltK, Jan. 17. (A. t Jewish realHtunce to the enforcement of blue law in that "they iiro aiili Jewlh, as well a un-Anieilcmi," wan urKcd today at the ninth annual meet ing of the United HynuKottue of Amer ica by its preHldnnt, Dr. K. 1.. Solo mon. "Antl-Scmltlsm." lie declared, "I reuiinif it iiRly head In I hi land of brotherly kve. While hardly to be cliuwed u a piece of anti-Semitic pro puKandu, the attempt to bilmr about the so-called blue law Sunday. If auicwwful, would tond to Increase the hardahhtps of the orthodox Jew." The first anniversary of the demise of the lain John llarleycorn was fit tingly celebrated In local churches, Punday w hool and young people's so cieties in Pendleton yesterday. It t -.... ,.rn Ihnt the ratifi cation of the eighteenth amendment i. i.v ...,,lnd,d and t.rohl- I.ltlon made the law of the .land, V .; ".. . 1 , .he amendment were VT"'-"V' " . made at the various c church nicctinu1 - dining the day und In some case par ticular st rem was given the subject. At the Ilaptlst and Cbrisllan church es lalka were given on wlial prohibi tion In America mean to the other nations of the earth. The missionary societies aro also observing; the annl vtTHiiry. . J liclui'iis to IVndlctiui j. T. Klcharil-win. of the o-W. 11. N Is now conductor on No. 54, east bound, and with Mr. Hiehardson, . will reside In Pendleton. They have been making their home In La Urando.j -..-) - ... . : .'.'.-4 '') I , ' 'V. . . ' A. 1 ' In-: :w."' " . "ii-.- El Should women prosecutor proiiecuto v.omen defenilantii? Attorney! ("enetal 1'rince l"i eiin? if iikldhoina tbinl . and he er pec's to have Mrs. I Kathentie Van l-uven. a::i'ant at''irnev' general, ko to Anlmore, (-kla..! ami lt in the i.rieeetitlon of Clnt.i Smlt b . ll.tmoiv, liitrreI with murder for shout ilia JiiKe U llami'-'ti. yklal'mtni oil, niiSMoun i e and .political Ixikk, Mr. V:ii I''iveti in I'hravi a'mO " v-er b. t'Jara Vinitii K.iiiinn. EXPLAINS HIS ABSENCE ! Dl Declares He Would be Glad to i Rcturn to Germany to De-: vote Hi3 Time to Agriculture, j Interested in Horse Breeding j THK IIAfK. Jan. 17. Fredoricl. W'lllliim, fnrnier crow n prince of tier- many, in an Interview given the cdl-j tor of a German weekly published in The' N'cthcriamlH, tells why he doe j Labor have been called to meet here not return in Germany: why Hi "wife February 23 to consider "attacks lie does not Join him at Wlerengen nnrt j mm,p nt.,-sm,- nC(.rd why he does not JoLu. hi father in I injf , ,,,, ,,,,.,.., ma,le ,dliy lloorn. He alsv. sets forth his plans , ,)V Fr,lllk ,vn js,.n, secretary of the regarding the education of his sons. r,.rtl ,..,,). Thp ritU K:ui wnt ou, ,,y "I would be glad to return t ".er-, ,,rP.(lrnt (;m,,ur.,. many and I w d bo Happy If 1 coil.) o.( , ,,..v MrHw,n, , statement. devote myself to agriculture, parti- : tll,u ,lle (.nf.r(,rp )s ,mP of se cularly horse breeding." he Is o iotcd .4,r.( Mim:ir s,lth,.rings called bv the as myitis. "J would rejmcB to a"-1 Ain.-i if-im Federation of Labor during sociate with the learned men at lire- I 8 n,Mry , (nsi,er unusiial con- sum t niversny ami levain wn.i ,.i lost.' I Would like to help to build ip the faih -ilaud but that cannot be. "My Trlend would see Iliy band in every deed which others might begin but of 'Bhich, perhaps, would know nothing. forest would follow and our pour fatherland need rest. . "Why does not my wife come here, I'ellevc me. she would gladly do so, but there Is no ihame of such hap pincss. she has ilie training of our children at heart and must direct It. our sons must learn to make themsehe useful commercially. Wll- ; ,,. continuance of their pro- helm rind l.ula arc" now going to the rt t o-i-in policy. The trade union gymnasium at I'otsdain. The elder , movl mt nt la alert to the forces nain wnnts to become tin expert farmer. I st )t nn,j ,,roposes to acl ' vigorously l.ula feels that he' has the talent forIlMtj ,.,,uriigeouly. Our opponenta are a mercantile career and is planning j niistnl eu If fhey ImaHtne they have n, tour of Hie world in a Herman mer- clmnt ship auil to learn modern lung-j nages. fhey are studying hard. They! need a' father's care, too, luit that can rot be. "i euiinot iro lo inv parents. Our opiionenls are trying m ou in ;inhor will laoncn an ouensive movc posltlon of beimr ready to set the world ,, !Kilnst those who Imagine they on' fire and if we were together then. control practically every n venue of in the eyes of our opponents, the over - throw of the world would bo n ues. jtlon of but a short time. i "A or buyln an estate In llol- .i t ...i . ....,,,1.1 r ..! thrt toonev. 1 ai-u. wuin- " i - piirMc'ihirlv in Mew or me mw ran- nf German cxclinngc? l-'nthci' of II. A. Tennoy llc.. ! II. A. Tenney. well known rural ; mall carrier out of reiulleton rerelvcl news today of the death or Ids aged j father nt his home at Shelbinn, Mo. 1 ,.i,'., Tpnv was -7' yeui-s of SgO and WS death was due to appo- bam I'alnl, a miner, at Jasper Thurs i, Aside from the local son the; day nieht Their arrest followed the Alonly other northwest relaliv of the dead man is n dauiter. Mrs. r.eitba jColllna of Portland. II. A. ennev has been a Pendleton resident for 17 years. DAILY EAST OREGONIAN, PENDLETON, OREGON, MONDAY ' V j V'-' -Vsv i h - v ; ORGANIZED LABOR WILL Morrison Says Labor Will For- niulate Plan to Expose Pre tense of Men Interested Only in Profiteering Folicy. WASHINGTON', Jan. 17. l'.epre- sentat:ves of the 103 unions lUfmat ; ed with tile American Federation of Uttions. Concerning the Intention to give attention to attacks on trade union ism, he said : "These attacks include attempts ti establish the nntl-uuiun shop. wau'C reductions, anti-strike laws. compuV-:.-ni-y arbitration, labor Injunctions and u publicity thai would mould the pub lic mind to accept these backward steps. . " "I believe labor will formulate a plan to expose tlic pretense of men ), (iro ,mV intci eted in cheap la- i -,,,. die siiglvtcsiT-reKi-ess In alarm- b.g the workers or that they will hum I ly aerept a policy ef reaction. "The conference will consider Iht publicity and eth-r methods of 0111 pponents iand It If unite possiiile linn ; Wk.ily rtui i lUr.MIXGllAM. Ala., Jan, 1 (A. .- Kleven national guard members ; .ire in fail cbi'rged with l nchtng Wil- -alleged confession of a laxkab driver .f the part he took, naming the sol : dlers. l aird hud tic-en accused of klll- log n national guard private after the latter had killed Paird's father-in-law: 10 CALL SPECIAL SH APR 4 President-Elect Decides to Wait Month for Complete Change in Administrative Control Before Facing Leg islators. FOOD AND FUEL CONTROL TO CONTINUE Senate ' Judiciary Committee Approves House Resolution Repealing War Acts With Some Exceptions. WASHlNCTrt.V, Jan. 17. l". I.) I Hardline will call an ex'.ra session of the new conure April 4, Itepre.en;a- live Kordney, chairman of the way I and means committee,- paid. Fordney, who has Just returned from Marion, aid he had discussed I the time of calling the extra tesi'lon with the president-elect, due to 1u re lation to revision of the tariff and j revenue law, a the two most import i ant duties confronting the new con- Rres. Several member of congress. j It is known, advised Hatdini; not to , eiH the extra session for at least n ! month after inaomiratjnn.; They pointed out that some time waa need- j ed to effect a chanee from democratic I to republican control In government 1 department. I - ! KFX.VTK CDMMITTKK API'KDVrs. I VASllIXi.;T:', Jan. 17. fA. 1M A house resolution proposing: repeal of j most of the special war time laws was approved by the senate Judiciary com mittee.. I'nder a committee amend ment operation of the' food and fuel enntraet net would be. continued. Oil i:iolution t'i. W ASIJ1.(;tii.V. Jan. 17. f. r.l The Mesitpotamian oil situation came before the senate :;r?uin when I'heian Introduced a resolution empowering the president to place an embargo up 'iit exportation of oil to "any country." lie also introtl'iecd a resoluilon asking: 'he state department for full infor mation ' regarding discrimination against the 1 nited States by any coun try In acquisition of foreign oil lands and "what seps had been taken to pro tect American rhts.' SON'OF WEALTHY TEXAN PLANNED P.O. ROBBERY DALUS, Tox.. Jan. IT. (A. .) Albeit Ilownn, son of a wealthy l)t his bunines.sman, h! charjf iMl withlhc rttblniiif of the Jackson strict 8iib-post)fnt'o Fruluy. The po lice said one of the roblers had con fessed, (Ji-clarlnff Rowan planned and directed the robbery.-''1 CE TOKIO. Jan. 17. Fifty persons ivere arresU d t oda , charged with dis lurbing a court in which 13 soi ialists. arrested when the Japanese socialisi league was Inaugurated, were being tried. F.niPloVcs of an engineering work? have smashed the fixtures in the plant following the dismissal of 7 3 strike Hgitutors. , Ten men were arrested. SEIZURE OF LIQUOR LADEN VEHICLES, LEGAL WASHINGTON. Jan. 17.- (A. 1'.) --Seizure of automobiles or other con veyances for carrying Honor is au thorized whither or not the owner of the conveyance is innocent of violet - lilR'the law the supreme court held in deciding a case from Georgia. MARRIAGE MAKES - AMERICAN CITIZEN OF FAMOUS SINGER MINNEAPOLIS. Jan. 17. tl". P.) Amclita Calli-Curci bei-amo ail American citiKcu, ns wife of Homer Sutniu-ls. her accompa nist, here at noon lodav. The innrriage came one year to u day after her divorce from I.uigi Curci A year ago from today she applied for I nited State citi zenship papers. EVENING, JANUARY 17, 1921. iffll Q TURKS AND GREEKS BOTH MAKE CLAIMJ)F VICTORY CO.N'KTAXTIXOI'J.K, Jan. 17. A. I'.) Defeat of the Greeks by the Turkish .Nationalists In a pitched battle near the Junction of the Ilagdad line, the railroad to Angora, 1 claim ed by the nationalist prers at Aurora, tho nationalist capital. The Oreek arc reported withdrawing along ihc entire front. ? Wrecks Are f 'onfltUiit. WITH GilKKK Alt.MV IN PMVrt- VA, Jan. 17. (I. J'.) Greek '.roopn. filled with confidence by recent :mc- cesse against the Turkish national ist, can capture the nationalist cap ital at Angora, in ten days, general itaff officer declared. They aid It would be difficult to restrain their men, who are within a hundred and SRiAND PRESENTS NEW OFFICIAL CABINET TO I Premier Says He and His Min isters Will be Eusy Men Looking After French Inter nal Affairs, Says America Pro-French. I'AItIS, Jan. 17. A. Uiiand. former premier, succeeded today in framing i cabinet In succession to the ministry ( I'remier Leygues, resigned. I'esides ihe premiership, M. i'riand .akes the ministry of foreign nffairs. Louis Farthou becomes minister of ar and Paul Doumer minister of finance. Tonight If. Briand will present the tffieial cabinet list to President HiT lerand. Besides the two mentioned, ;iie ministry is made Up -a follows: .Minister of Justice. I3onnevay. Interior, Pierre Marraud Gabriel Guisthau. Finance, Paul Doumer. Public instruction, Victor Perard. Agriculture, Kdmond Lefebre du Pre:'. Commerce, Lucion Iiior. Labor, Daniel Vincent. Pensions, Andre Maginot. Public Works, Yves le Troquer. Liberatel regions, Louis Louoheur. "It is not 'the great cabinet' but it is a great cabinet 1 have formed," said Premier Priand. "My ministers and myself will be busy men looking if:er Frances internal affairs. We have confidence that the American ad ministration will look after Its own af fairs. It may be republican, it may be democratic It matters little; it is always pro-French I am sure.'' "We have the warmest desire to be in friendly footing with the British ind Anlcrican nations, but there is a pact, wigned at Versailles, which must be fulfilled. I trust that in the ful fillment of that pact we come noi in contest with our friends. "My ministry wil make its debut In he chamber Tuesday. It may be thai a representative of France will nieet the Hrilish and Italian delegates tho. next day. 1 have asked for no postponement." Tho general impresson is that the aihinet is a very powerful element, al though many are deploring the ab sence of Mm. Poincare and Viv.ani. EPR U. S. LABOR AT GENEVA WASH I NGTOX, Jan. K.(A. P.) lioland 11. Mahoney, solicii'or for the department of labor is appointed by the president as American repre sentative of the International com mittee of immigration and emigration to meet in Geneva at a date to In fixed by the international labor of fice of the league of nations. SETTLES POSTAL STR-KE YIKNNA. Jan. 17. d". P.) The Austrian uovernment is still function - j ing. Success in ending the strike of ff due to the decline in tie postal workers has led to a hope thutlThe break in Argentine fivi I bankruptcy may be staved- off until ! w ""' considei -ed si-t'iiii,-jthe allied Kitpreme council meets to Uttribut. d to the t'a-t t hat !! M-mini. whi finan.-tal i.l e h I grain loading oft of that g vcu the country. The postal work , ers reiu'-ned to work to await a defi- i nhe settlement only alter serious ri-1 !l ; I'AlilS NOT KVTIIl SKI). TAKIS, Jan. IT. -A. 1 Ultle ' sire for our wheat nn.t wh;ie this jenthnsiadin is evineni by newsaers!eoiulitton remains, in-n-e ree.if-s oe.' the new entnnet fornua by Pre-jare not likely to be 01 Listing tht mier Prlatnl, jaoter. fifty mile of Angora, advancing that far without reverse. A thousand Turkish soldier were killed Tuesday In a skirmlsii south of IIi'ushu, according to a r'tatt-rm nt from headquarter. The Greek io.-:"'.1 arc-: Placed at -It Killed and Js woujided. Tuesday's fighting occur. . t 10 mil beyond the boundary line established Iiy the .Sevrea treaty, but tho Greek leaders declared Die attack ncce:-ar- ! to fore;.tatl one by tl:e Turks. It Iw admitted also that the fighting here is ! semi-political. The a-t battle was staged on the eve of trie allied con- Terence In hope of Inutienc ng that body. While the officers lei lared the Turkish troops under Mustapha Kemal can be crushed, it waa asserted pilvately that no action will be taken unles the allies pay the 1-11. CROSSED PLAINS IN. Pioneer Who Was Born in 1837 Dies After Lon-J- Eventful Life; Funeral Will be Held Wednesday Afternoon. Mrs. Mary Ann Ell's, who came to I'matiila county In In'i. and who has lived here for many years, d:od nt 4 a. m. today at her home on Blurf street at the age of $4. She had been in failing health for some time but had Milled. On Saturday, however. ! she became ipbte ill and the end came suddenly today. ' ' i ' Mrs. Ellis, who was born May 2f. 1837, crossed the pi rns in 'i She was a fine type o." t:ie early pumper and up to the la,st her mind rein'ained clear end" her memory unfailing. She Is survived by a son. .Vrtdrew Sample, of Weston who with Mrs. Sample has been at his mother's bed side for the past two months. A -sister, Mrs. High, of .I.ewis'on. Idaho, al so survives. She will be here for the funeral which will be held Wednesday at 2 p. m. under the atispiees of the Methodist church of which Mrs Ellis was a member. MARCH WHEAT WENT UP 1 (started down the line on third read- I ing and final consideration of numer- . The beginning of the week was j otss bil's which accumulated In the marked by an incrcise in the wheat ! early days of the session last week, market, March wheat closing at SI.7jlTl.e senate unaolmouslypaased a bill as contrasted with Saturday's closing j repealing the act which created the of $1.73 6-8 w hile M.$. wheat .clostd ! aol-imobile merchants examiners, at $1.69 1-4, a contrast- to Saturday's; The supreme court had already de- closing price of $1.C; -S. . Following ur the gm'tatioiiR from Overbeck it Cooke, local brokers: Chicago IW'ain Market. Wheat. Ojen Hi::h Low MaV. tl.7S $1.7", $1.7.1 May I.kS ?j I t-t' -'-s t'orn jMay .70 'i .71 i- .7m, July .71 .72:-, .70', 4 tats . May .4 5U .4'i .4 5- July .4 5,, ' .454 .4". Ilye May 1.51 1.55 H 1.51 Itarley May .7i': .72 Close S!.7t: l.lii'V .41 .45- London. S. 7 K. Paris, .01:5a. lierlin, .01 '.a. Kome. .i'85ii. N. V. Money. ti percent. late last week ami allhot:,:h U'ud a- j lion Van iviu-wtM (ally, tl;" nu.rkot j soon dpvf'lojod u st rone loju' limiii-at-d bv .viiU'-n-e that a .s; oxpart busim-ss v.oulil Ih1 itrH SiHMt ly before tins flore. il v;;;; osiifnitti-d that at loa.-t l.iii'ti.iM'ii busi eN kn boon taken with U.e toyihi'uy of fi nal fKuros binir nmVia'iy la.'.cor. "Spit"' the hra-y inoveinoTtt iVum the "onnt ry lat-t e k. 1 he vi:Jii- teereastHl 3.2!Uta) brtniut.- t hf- to- ( tal Mown lo ". ."4J"Mi a iiK-t (;, ; osi.i0it a car a;;i. I Conntiy offerings shew. :l i'.t Litis ;it I- im; try at this time. P. was aauuirt:i that th AiKv-ntin' rresi.Ieni ( :u! rape; a. sjuH'ial se.s, of rit-:nM t r J.ii. i to take a lion on the t. m" --tr.'n which is em etnl ti have o a lHartnyr on the iApart tbff:tn f la-re. . i-l Phe fiu-t reniains, tituvcwt', ;!',; for-, MMtnei-s oontimn:' to show a kuit v- NO. 9728 MILL ROAD LEVY 9 , MONEY TO USED AT BOYS TRAINING SCHOOL f . Least $300,- ,,l - "CISIUII VI Ol C00 to Equipment for Ne glected ' Institution is fie quctcd by Governor Today. . 1 1 MYSTERY MESSAGE IS GIVEN TO LEGISLATURE Two Soldier Bonus Bills Will be Introduced jn House, One Calling .foe-Loan of $2000 to Service Men for Homes. . FALKM, Jan. 17. (t. p.) Depre ciating .the "publicity attenrant to .rnif"-e preceding; it delivery," OI "lt. read his "mystei- message,' to ' joint asaetnMy of the legislature, tir-gn-s repe-il of the quarter mill state read levy and diversfbn pf at leat 'hree hundred thousand dollars of the amount to Improvement of tha boys training school. "He devote a great deal of time. ' "",r-ry ai'd m"n,' to the breeding, de- "ows, horses and pig," said the gov ernor, "and rightfully, too.' But I aer i'ljsly think we give more considera tion and though to animals than we b t- humans. I'm sure everyone 1 within sound of my voice will say tho J reformation, i f saving Just ope boy la i "'-'ffie'ent to warrant for his or her r-re.tenre here today." Two ISoniis Isills SALKM, Jan. 17. (V. P. A sold ier delegation In the house ia plan ning the introductio'n of two billa for aid of former service men. One will provb'e loans un io twod thouean on the. bas's of one hundred for each month of service, the loan to be for tfce purfwse of a-'piiring homepro pcrty or improvement of property aj riady owned. The other will provide a bonus of 125 f"r each month of acrvlce. f;i-.C!Tiir Wa Secretive. SAI.KM. Jan. 17. -(A. P.) The le gislature reconvened after recess. Several bills are before both houses for a third reading. A, joint session jat 2:39 was arranged to hear the ape-j-ia! message of the governor. He I gave no public intimation as to the j nature of the message, until Its de livery. I'.ills mi Thin Kraallmc. Jan. 17. (V. P.) The no time in getting; down tor they had rested and dared the act unconstitutional. I N rlinid His Hill. Another I. ill that drift wood be re moved from the statute hooks waa an I .rt of ISU limiting the bonded In .lel.;edness of countjea for road pur i poses to two percent. Although auper ieedel by tho 1917 uct Increasing the bonded Indebtedness limitation to alx ,"e;e,-iit. wie 010 aci iih.1 proved a. ; jtumbl!ng block to road work. Kber - " C !ha"'' au'br f the repealing meaa ! ure. explained. COLONIAL SECRETARY LOND().V. Jan. 17. IA. P.Wln ton Spencer Churchill, war minister, has accepted the post of secretary of state for the colonies, succeeding VI count Milner, resigned, it I -ilai,! reported. Weather t.-,,a hv- MaJ"r Lee M'orhouMP, weather observer. . Maxmuim Z, Minimum -ti. i-;.rn;rttf Snow, three Inches, rreoipttaiion. .3 1 of an Inch. THE WEATHER FORECAST Tonight and Tuenday ruin. ' 1