East Oregonian : E.O. (Pendleton, OR) 1888-current, January 14, 1921, DAILY EDITION, SECTION TWO, Image 7

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    : ' . tf' '
I . ' TEN PAGES ' ' v K v, .szE --
section two . uggrtS reoiiiai)
PAGES 7 TO 10 Ji ( S4rMuytfrM35 - ,
Ad Dewey'j Tosscrs Are Listed
for First Home Games on Lo
cal Schedule and Have Scor
ing Machine of Note.
suld today that each Bchools best of
fer wuh. $T)0, which, h deolured,
would not pay the rullinan fures of
himself und six athletes, lit; has writ
ten to the liiaimKciH for the respect
ive, quintets, uskliig t limit to raise the
ante to lit least cxpfnHOH.
V. S. ('. (iiiaraiitri'H $l!!5.
Our Bamo which is scheduled with
tho Washington Male t'olkire frosh
incn ut I'ullman later In February
was urruiiKCd at a RUaninteo of 2Ii.
Tho trip to Pullman Is made, by clay,
without IIk expense of I'ullnum fares,
anil I2!i will uhout break thlmrs
even, tho coach declare:-!, line hnn-
.'drod dollars to take neven men to
rorvalllM und KiiKone aud return from
I'cndlcton is out of the question, however.
Haker high school will furnish flip
opposition for l'endleton hlirh schools
first home guinea of basketball, Coach
Richard llanley announced today. The
Daker team will come here for two
lumen, Friday and Saturday, Feb. 4
and S. Touch argument are predict
ed for tho llaker boyn do nut appear
to Iw lucking In the fine points of the
Indoor game.
In their first tilt of (lie season lla
ker played llalnoa und North Powder
hlKh schools on consecutive iiIkIh.h.
Maine waa defeated by ubout tU to
S and North I'owder around Ktl io 6.
While Haines and North I'owder bear
the same ruhaloit to l'.uker :is the
county towns of thiB county to I'en
dleton, the scoring ability or the win
ners cannot bo discounted entirely. .
Ih-wvjr knows 4. nine.
Ad Dewey, couch ill It.ikcr. wiih
more of a Htar in basketball than In
football while an athlete ut O. A. ('.,
und his bunch Is bound to know
more than a mere smattering of the
sport. Meanwhile, the local boys are
picking up all the tricks of the game
from t'oach Hanlev, who worked un
der J. Fred llohler ut W. H. .'. When
It comes to basketball couchliiK, the
well known "Uoc" does not have to
muko wuy for any mentor in the
northwest und his teams have al
ways been well up in conference
Whether the Pendleton nolutcl will
KO to the Witlumette Valley two
weeks hence to meet the Ircslimen
teams of Oregon Agricultural College
ml the I'niverslty of Oregon hinges
upon the amount of money they will
guarantee the locals. Coach Hanlev
E AND $5
Bout Rrranged by Anne Tracy
Morgan, Daughter of Late J.
Pierpont, for Relief of Starv
ing, is on. Tonight
Why Are Skin Diseases J
I So Difficult to Overcome? f
XHW YOltK, Jin. H. Illy Henry,
I U Farrcll, 1'nlted Press Staff Corrcs- i
pondent) Penny Ionard, light
weight champion and Itlchlc Jlltchell, i
Milwaukee contender, fight fifteen
rounds in Madison square Garden to
night for "licvastuted France" und I
G(),00. j
In addition to furnishing an inter-
VVhen your skin breaks out with
I'jiYAng eruptions, tetter, rash, ec
zema, psoryasis, or other terrifying
disorders, temporary relief will do
. you but little good, for soon all the
itching and irritation breaks out
if esh with renewed fury, and you
soon realize that local remedies
sn -h as ointments, salves and sitai-li-r
treatment will never rid yon of
;vtr trouble.
Thsre troubles originate in the
l!xid. and if you expect real sub
stantial relief you must treat them
through the blood.
The best remedy for this purpose
is S.S.S., the fine old blood remedy
that purifies the blood of disease
germs, and thus restores the skin
to a normal and healthy condition.
Begin taking S.S.S. today, and
write a complete history of your
case, and our medical director will
give you expert advice without
charge. Address Chief Medical Ad
viser, 161 Swift Laboratory, At
lanta, Ga,
has come forward through the light
weight ranks with a rush and today
he stands about the best of the con
tenders, at least he Is the most cour
ageous, us JackHon, Tendler and the
"h"r leaders can't be caused into tho
i sting- skirmish for the leadership f jrl) ,vltn champion.
Title. Not In Ihiikht
While there ore- a few in New York
bold enough to think that Mitchell
will win the championship tonight,
! C'HICAfio. Jan. H.- (A. P.) Judge the lightweight class, the bout will
IjiihIIb spent his first day as dictator : mark the debut of the first American
of organized baseball in u session 1 woman promoter. ,
Thursday with tho new baseball ad- Miss Anne racy Morgan, daughter
visory ixnro in juiiii ucyuier, prom-, or me lute J. rierpom -Morgan, icaucr ,h , ,.,.rieinl belief i h-i i the
dent of the National league: H. 1''. in mocIm! nnd i,hilanthron cal work.!.., , .. i ,...
1 f ' I UillJMftfl Will Jiuve .u je.il iiK"t wi
JolinKiui, resident of the American 1 signed the boxers, secured free '" ' his hands
leugue; it. H. Sexton, president of thekcargc the arena from Tex plekardj vitchell ix r.ne of the craftest box-
Professional j mill offered the purfe of $60,'i of . ., ,i,'Vji(,n .,j i,- a
National Association of
I.'asebnll Cluhs. and John II
secretary of the association.
Sir. Heydier. announced I hut the
board had begun the revision of the
drafting rules.
John If. Martin, president
Southern league, and J. Pout;
Farrell. ! which Leonard's share will be MO.OOo
sand Mitchells- 2fJ.i00.
IIoH's to .Make .VM
Py auctioning boxes und rinsnU'e
seats to thr- elite of Nev York's "Four
of tho ' Hundred" for fancy prices, M'x Mir
oberts, ' san hopes to make $5'J,oiiQ fur the war
president of the Texas league, an- sufferers of France. j
nouneed that they hail arranged a Tho boxers. It is said, "may" con-
post-season seriec. for the champion- UrUuile part of their slum: of the puro '
ship of the south between the win-j money to the fund. j
iters of tho pennants In their leagues, ' From n technical viewpoint, the ,
! fight promises to he Interesting. j
AIM'IIOVI-: CANAKIAN PI.AV I Leonard is the favorite to render j
WASHINGTON, Jan. 14. (A. P.) fruitless the second onslaught that!
-Approval of the Canadian .plan the .Milwaukee boy has made against!
thereby American films shipping him.
goods to Ciifluiia would pay for the
portion of Ihe Iamilnion haul In Can- j Leonard knocked him out jn the sev-
adiun funds ut existing exehaug" . enih jound. .
ratis favoiahle to lliem. was express- Mitlhell was only a youngster the::j
ed today by officials of the inter-1 :uul ptacticuHy a novice against a!
Mate commerce commission. masiif. In the part three years b '
good pnch.
Forced by the agreement to make
135 pounds, Ixonard will not be at
his best, as he showed In his bout with
Joe Welling. He can make the weight
he has shown conclusively, but he is
not strong nt tjiat poundage und lack
a lot of his steam and etvrgy.
The champion has also been sick.
Ileitis' forced to spend the holidays in
bed with an attack of tonisillitis. He
has trained conscientiously, however,
and reports that he Is in first class
barley White, the Chicago battier,
who has been claiming that the gates
of New York are closed to him. prn
thelr previous -meetlnflt in 191 ., . . ... ,,, , ,h rini.Kue to chal-
i longe the winner. ' ;
"British Soldiers Search Irish in Cork"
... -
i H
Thing Hurting Industry i3 Notj
Competition But Determina-j
tion of People to Cut Out
War Prices, He Says.
Men's Mahog. Brown Blucher Shoes, Goodyear
welt sole pM
Men's Cordo. Brown Blucher Shoe, Goodyear
welt soles, a regular $10.00 shoe $6.o0
Men's Black or Brown Work Shoes, solid leather
nailed soles ..." Y'" vi
Boys' Brown EnglislvBal. rubber heels, solid
leather throughout, a $6.50 value $4.2j
Boys' Army Shoes, solid leather. . $3.45 to $4.50
Ladies' 1-strap leather house slippers... $2.45
Ladies' Julietts f 2.95
Ladies' Fine Dress Shoes $4.9 to $9.a0
745 Main St
Certain American business interests
were lebused by Representative
Young, republican. North Dakota, to
day during consideration of tariff re
vision by the house ways and means
committee for asking duties which he
i harged would umount to licensing
them to continue profiteering. ' He
served notice that he would strenu
ously oppose the granting of import
duties ranging from "lOo to 400 per
tent above the Payne-Aldrich rates."
Karlier in the day penato- M-C -icr,
republican, also from North Da
kota, had announced he ouoi se-.
in Increase In the duty on wheat In
the Fordnev emergency taritf trom
34 cents to SO cents a bushel. He de
clared the higher rate necessary to
stop "enormous importations" ol
from Canada.
Mr. Young said he was "getting
tired" of witnesses coming to usk for
prohibitive tariff rates and relating
how German competition was c-Jtting
LONDON. Jan. 14.-(A. P.) Pete Into their trade. He said hat a lot
Herman of New Orleans, former t an- industries were complaining of th
tamweight champion of the world last competition when "what has hurt a
night in Albert hall, decisively defeat- 101 01 wiese- uiuuuk.
Chicago, who addressed the National
Petail Shoe Jtea!errf association. '
"Hideii have fallen In value until
now they cost no more than before the
European war," he said, ''One grade
that sold for ntarly fifty cents a
pound a year, ago brings only about
15 cents. Calf skins, out of which
t.pj trs are made, have fal.'cn eve
pair of men's shoes, according to I.. ii . 'm arouna a pou..u .
IX H. Weld of Swift ami company. "'"
M1LWACKKK. Wis., Jan. 14. (A.
P.).. The cost of the hide out c.f
which shoe leather is made Is amy
about a sixth of the retail price of a
" This is common occurrence in Cork. Ireland. British soldiers are shown searching Irish
pedestrians In the streets. They are hunting for weapons and sedulous literature.
Saturday Special
The prices of meats are declining and we are following the market in all
1 declines.
Veal Stew 121-2 Veal Roasts 18c
Veal Steak , "20c
Beef Stew 5c Shoulder Steak 18c
Boilin- Beef . . : 5c Round Steak 28c
Pot Roasts 10c T-Bone Steak 28c
Cross Rib Roasts ....... 15c Sirloin Steak 28e
Rump Roasts .. 15c Porterhouse Steak 28c
In our Grocery department we are following the market on every article
and giving you the benefit of any decline,
In our Produce department we have everything obtainable in fresh,
green produce for your selection.
Pendleton Trading Co.
"If It's on the Mai ket We Have It"
The end came in the i 7th round
wiien the referee interfered and etop
pel the bout to save Wilde from a
Although In the last round Wilde
three times had been knocked throusii
the ropes, he still was cominsr back
for more punishment when the refe
lej, caupht him in his farms, ended
Hie hattle and gave the decision to
iiit American lad. The fisht had been
:.rvertised as belli? for th-bantam-v
eis;ht championship of the world. .
Herman Ovcrwf lain
The men had aitreed to weight in at
iik nnnnris. hut Herman whs 1 1--
1 pounds over the -i;pu!ated weisht.
iThe first five rounds were in favor
of Wilde. Then the advantage alter
nated until the K.th when Herman's
Weiirht bciiiin to tell on the Welshman
Korlv In Ihe 17th a rifiht to the
Jaw sent Wilde throuch the ropes.
This was twice repeated and the rt
force ended the contest.
Herman surprised the crowd by his
hcytng, which discounted Wilde's as
LTcsiveness. The American fought i
sportsmanlike contest throughout a4
ttiis well received by the spectators.
Hittlir.c l'vinsUy, American liKhl.
neisht, tvas to have fought Komba
d:cr Wells, the Knslishman, bitt he
ininred his riKht a.-m in training y
terday and the match had to be call- j
cd off.
Ixvinsky, It was lnler suid. injured
his arm while punchiii!,' the b:si ano
il is thouttht possibly a bone is frac.
tured. If a fracture has oceured it
will of course be Impossible for him
to meet Wells in three weeks, us con-tcmplati!.
ubmlt no looser to war prices.
"The war is over" he said, "and
the consuming- public Is asking why
war prices also are not pone. If we
grant the rates most of these inter
ests are seeking we will simply be
licensing a continuation profiteering."
Girls! Save Your Hair!
Make It Aburidant! .
t VA
! lillLAKKI-PHIA, Jan. 14. (A. P.)
! UoRton an i'hiladelphia divided hon
i ors Thursday in the opening matches
' of the first professional court tennis
! tournament ever played in the United
i States. U. Dufton of the Uoston tennis
and rnciuet club, defeated josepn
Moss of the I'hiladelphia l!ac.uel
club. 6-.'., 3-fi. fi-S. 3-. 6-1. und 'lock
Snutnr of the I'hiladelphia K.iciiuet
club, won from Otto docker of the
Boston Athletic association, 5-4, 4-ti
Today Soular and Pufton will meet
to decide the opponent for C J. Fairs
of lxmg Isiand, a former tiiloholder.
in the final round Saturday. The win
ner will meet Jay tionld, the open and
amateur champion of America In n
nine-set challenge match Wednesday.
Immcoiutely after a Danderino"
massage, vour hair takes on new life,
lustre and wonacrous oeaiuy, appeal
ing twice as heavy and plentiful, be
cause each hair seems, to fluff and
thicken. Ton't let your hair stay life
toss, colorless, plain or ccraggly. Ton,
too, want lots of long, strong beautiful
A 35-cent bottle of delightful 'Dan
derino" freshens your t.-alp. checks
dandrugg and falling hair. This stim
ulating "beautfy-tonio" gives to thin,
duuu. fading hair that youthful bright
)ess and hnundant thickness All
of Pendleton
Offers an unexcelled banking service to in
dividuals and corporations; transacts a
general banking business and maintains
special departments with facibties of the
highest character.
I " MfXHOrUXK, .Tun. 14 ( V. P.)
t In tennis nuitches held tod:iy N'ermai'
I K. liiookes and l'atrick O'llara Wood,
the Australians, beat William T. Til
! den and William M. Johnston, the vic-
i torious American 1 m vis cup players, in
.touhles. 7-5. 6-4.
Captain Watson M. Washburn. Am-
i erica, beat ticrald F. l'attcrsoii, Aus
A. C. Koeppcn & Bros.
Vlu Iriot Store Tliat SnuiS
You Ik'st.
In Price, Workmanship and Promptness
Job Printing Department
when vou patronize T.he East Oregonian
Pi l All k I
I Conroy's Cash Grocery
Besi Creamery Butter, lb 53c
I SUGAR. SACK $10.25 I
Crisco, 61bs . . $1.35
Lard No. 3, 75c! No. 5, $1.25; No. 10, $2.25
Red Mex. Beans, 14 lbs $1.00
Crystal White Soap, 14 bars $1.00
Flour, 49 lbr. sack $2.(i0; barrel $10.20
Best Crepe Toilet Paper, 4 for 25c
Eastern Corn Meal, 9 lb. sack 50c
Hils Blue Coffee, 1 lb. 35c; 3 lbs $1.05
Quaker Corn Flakes, 2 for 25c
Hills Red Coffee 1 lb. 50c; 5 lbs $2.10
tralia. 7-5. S-3. and Tilden won from
J. H. Ilawkes, Australian, ?-3. fi-3.