DAILY EAST OHEGCOTAN, PENDLETOS, 0!ESO!f, tfMDAV EVEJflJTG,- JAKPAF.Y 14, 1821. pach nr. r '- ""' ) - People Here and There r TEtt PACES WTO WAS LAID UP FOR MANY iK C. W. Kdtrerton, typewriter tnun who hull been in the city for Hcverul duytj, luft luHt lilKht fur Kpokune in response, to u hurried cull from bin brother. Mr. ICdtrerlou'ii mother In very Ul at her homo lij Spokane, the Dieiwage uilu. Georgo llartman made a bimliicmi trip to Weston SCHterduy. While there lie Uitcd hid coumIu, Kd Wood, who recently returned after four years' of army Bcrvtco Kpcnt In China. Air. Hurtmun ruturncd Iuhi Miiimner aftor a vlnit to the Orient nnd the two .in....... .....1 ........ US 1 1.. K..n ther of Clark Wood, editor of the ; Went on Leader. Within the puges of the bound fllcn cf t ho Kant Oregonlnn of 28 yearn ago, there Ik n little Moy which relate that three miHclilcvtoiui youthH, while loitering ncur the coal chute of the O. W. It. & N. Co., caused luino an neyance to a prominent citizen by throwing coal upon Kald citizen, like wine hln silk unmbrella. Klndnens pre vented the reporter of the days of 1893 from lining the names of the cul prits and his example will he follow ed today, but there is no harm in re marking that one of the boys is now president of the Stato .Semite, another Is mayor of Pendleton, while the third Is connected with The Peoplnn Iteher Norvnll and Kdcnr Is'urvull, of Helix, ure In the city today. W. H. lale and CSundcr Terjoson returned this morning from Helix, aft er attending a Mtookluihlers meeting of the Hunk of Helix, of which -they are members of the board of directors. -Ted fiherry of Helix, left yesterday on a bulncsn trip to Spokane. Mr. Hhnrry, who farms for Mrs. IKmmett and Carl Kupers, Is planning to build a 40 by 00 warehouse on the siding near Apex. NEWS OF THE COUNTY : OFFICES AND OFFICERS i i Happy Canyon tucks will line the wallets of a party of millionaires who will pass through Pendleton aboard the private cur "Ideal" on No. IS Hominy evening. This party of 10, which made the trip across the con tinent from .New lork to christen a mnv oil tanker for the Standard .Oil Co., stopped In 1'eudlctoo long enough a low days ago while en route west, to be equipped with beaver huts of the let'er buck style. H. W. "Jimmy" Hicks, traveling passenger agent (or the O. W. K. & N. Co., is here today to see th.it the purty is well looked after on the trip over his end of th? Union I'uclflc and is guthcrlng a few souvenirs of l'endlcton to present to them ns they pass trough. Mr. Hicks came from Portland on .No. is iumi ImtuI Couple IJivitscd. A marriuge license man issued by the county clerk lats Thursday to Harold cwcy WisHler and Evelyn Hurd, both of this city, to be married today. Warehouse and Is an example of pro Jirlcty to his family of boys and girls. I evening to look up business here. Ul S H PHONE FOUR-O-NINE FOR BETTER QUALITY . DO YOU BELIEVE HONESTY PAYS? WE DO. H CO D O E o o o Cct o u. u z 4 The Economy Grocery! O u. 01 z o s 0. In our advertising it is our policy to tell the truth, both letter and spirit. People have come O to believe and rely on our every statement, ex- perience has taught them. - In our dealings we believe in a sixteen ounce -pound and a hundred cent dollar. pi If you do not already belong to the great or- der of satisfied customers, now is the time to Jo enroll by becoming a customer at ' g pi 113 West Webb St. , Fhone 409 Tomorrow we offer Puffed Rice at 15c. 7 for $1.00. t c 6 PHONE FOUR-O-NINE FOR BETTER SERVICE J Change 1'lca lo tin Illy. George McKlroy and C. J. Hrown, charged with larceny by balllie, late Thursday asked to go before Circuit Judge O. W; I'lielps to change their pleus from not guilty to guilty, Doth will hear sentence pronounced tomor row morning. Oregon Man Says Tanlac Re- of a cane, often I would be on cru lieved Him of Hi Trouble a! 'hes, then I would be laid up for Year Ago and He Hat Been months unable to work an.d at times in Splendid Health Ever ' couldn't even move myself. I went Since. Xoto for $1,11 Suixl Yor. Suit was filed In circuit Court to day by Frank Harris against W. A. Kaunders and Mrs. Saunders, asking Judgement on a note for (l!i4 nd interest since May 13, 1918. H. E. Dixon, of La Grande, is attorney . for the plaintiff. Start ield to Vole Ik.nil. A special election is to be held In Slanfleld next Wednesday. Jan. 19, for the purpose of issuing $i,U00 in bonds for the erection of a new high school building. Jrowth of the pro ject has been so great that the pres ent school building Is extremely crowded and the future growth ex pected demands another Structure for the high school. "More than a year ago Tanlac re lieved me of u case of Indigestion am! rheumatism from which I had suf fered for years and I've been enjoy ing the -hest of health ever since," Kald Samuel If. Walters, U. V. V. No. 1, Llnnton, Ore. ' , "For more than ten years," said Mr. Walters' '! was In such terrible fix that words cannot describe tin suffering J endured. I had to quit eating qjeat and starchy foods alto gether ami ut times had to live on milk and toast or a little broth. Everything I ate would ferment and sour on my stomach and the gas would almost drive nie distracted. My rheumatism always got worse fol lowing a spell with my stomach. Home times I could get along with the use away for a change of climate, but It didn't do me any good. My suffer ings were simply awful, and at times I was In such agony I felt like I Just couldn't stand It any longer. "I took all sorts of medicine but got no' relief until I started on Tan lac. Although it has been more than a year since Tanlac put. an end to the indigestion and rheumatism, 1 haven't had a s'.gn of them since and arn feel ing just fine. All my friends nslt me what put me back on my feet looking so nvcll and I don't hesitate to tell them Tanlac did it. ju medicine that will do as m ich for suffering people as Tunlac has for me is certainly) worth recommending, and I feel it would be ungrateful of me not to do so." Tanlac in sold In Pendleton by Thompson Bros. 1 There i3 only one price at Sav telle's. That price is marked in plain figures. GIFTS THAT LAST Admitted to the Bar in China If JI C'aso joos to Jury. The chsc of Joe Kerley vs. David H. Hill went to the Jury about 2 o'clock this afternoon, following the final ar gument to the Jury for the plaintiff. Will M. l'elerson, attorney for Kerley, made the argument. Fred Ktciwer, at torney for Dr. Hill, completed his ar gument Just before adjournment for lunch. Dr. Hill was called to the stand ngaln this mornng for cross ex amination in the case. $p!l fJf . Genuine im ported black Satin Pumps, high Louis heel turn sole, all sizes and widths ,:.$9.fi0 Black Kid I ,uj just yie thin one P. high Louis heel, turn sole, with spats or for dancing, a new $9.50 Brown Calf Oxfords, welt sole and military heel, all sizes and widths ; : . I"; $9.00 The Eootery Pendleton's Popular Pricad Shoe Store. 735 Main Street Mexican .Vllnils Crime. Francisco Wilson, Mexican who was arrested here three days ago ' on a charge of larceny from a warm house near Attaliu, Wush., today confessed t local officers. Ho said he stole some suitcases and other articles which were reported missing. Wilson admitted having served time for lar ceny in Folsora prison, in California. He did three years and seven months there he said. He probably, will be turned over to authorities at Walla Walla, for, while he was arrested on advice from Pasco the crime was committed In Walla Walla county. Itobbers to Go Oil Trial. The trial of Juek Walton and J. W. Donohue. charged with the robbery of Thonuis Cajnpbell's merchandise store at Herjniston a month ago, was sched uled to be token up this afternoon m circuit court, providing a verdict was returned by the Jury in the Kerley Hlll case. Witnesses in the case were called here today- to testify. Among those from out of town is Special Agent liamsay, of the Northern Pa cific railroad at Pasco, who helped ar rest the pair at Kennewick. Several .43 caliber bullets, taken from Dono-. hue's gun when arrested, were among the evidence wliicJh will be proscnted. ft tff '.'i'tCMWIJI ft ' A . - 1 m - mn This American woman has heel admitted to tbe bar and author ed to practice law at Shanghai. China. She Is' the wife of Coia ...andcr Cleveland WcCauley. U. S. N., and a lavr sradaato oC tkf University ot Texas. i NEWS NOTES OF PENDLETON Hi-re for Trculmeut. W. A. Fuller, farmer of Hermiston, is in Pendleton to receive medical treatment. TOO LATE TO CLASSIFY FOR SALE One white Hoosier kitch en cabinet Almost new Price Inquire 200 Tustin. Jeweler) Pendleton Ore. The Largest Diamond Dealers in Eastern Oregon. life I: Lewis, Capt. John Henderson Cecil's musical agent . John Simpson Trevor, an English officer Harold Goedeeke Vlning, The CotswolU's servant . . tam Oliver MaximiiianJacobron's servant .. Perry Davis LIUUAKY WITH (Continued on page 11.) "They Work white you Slee; - PayCash Receive More Pay Less Despain&Lee Cash Grocery 209 E. Court - ' Phone 880 If You Dance You Must Pay the Piper In other words, if you'use your credit you must pay for it in increased prices. Why are there more and more stores doing cash business in the U. S. every month? Simply because it enables them to sell for less, they have no bad or lost accounts and do away with all book-keeping ex penses. Investigate the cash selling methods at onc; every day lost is money lost. ' " 1 1 li I ! P li II I I I I 111 Pay Cash Receive More Pay Less Despain&Lee Cash Grocery 209 E. Court Phone 880 MRS. DUPUI EIIOXORED. Jlrs. Nora Dul'uls, of Nolin, was honored In a charming way last night when a group of friends were guests ! ut the home of Mr. and Mrs. Charles Dul'uis for nn evening of cards and music. A pleasing group of songs was sung by Miss Juanita Dul'uis and Fe ll 1 la use. Guxests for the enjoyable affair were Air. and Mrs. Odock, Miss L. Foster,, C. Wilson, Miss Juanita HuPuis, Felix llau.se, J. A, DuPuis, Virgil Dul'uis and the honor guest. High score was won by Miss DuPuis and Mr, Wllsou. SALVATION ARMY LASS SURPRISED TO SEE OWN FACE IN WONDER STORY It's something of a surprise to see your own lace looking into your eyes from a printed page, according to Captain Jennie Con rad, of the .Salvation Army, who was startled by a familiar pic ture toduy when she began her weekly work of selling "The War Cry," official S. A. publication. The picture of the Captain ac companies an appealing article entitled "A Wonderful Story," which tells of the repentance of Neil Hart, before ho went to the gallows for thomurder of the late Sheriff Til Taylor. The story is written by Lieutenant Lela For est, formerly of tho local post, and pays a tribute to the captain's work in bringing the criminal to nn acceptance ot .religion before he went to his death. BT Sis says I eat Post Toasties like a snow-storm cause I make the flakes fly .Best Corn Flakes Made EL muniiM-ii iH Indian 11 res of Jail. Jim While, who has served out Jlfti of a 115 fine by a term of five duysi in the city Jail, today paid lo the re corder the balance, Jo, due on his fine and tvas released from custody. Notice Special meeting Pendleton Post American Legion tonight 8 p. m. county library for action on State Ikuiug Measure. ltr. Ellsworth Hi-turns. Dr. II. C. Ellsworth returned this morning Jrom Portland -where he served as a member of the Chiroprac tic State Board of Kxaminers. Thirty six applicants were examined. m ON FORGED TEEL BONDS The Teel Irrigation District has not been .culled upon to pay interest on any of the $ 1 0U "OO or more in forged bonds, issued by Milhollaml Hough, defalcalinr Spokane investment lirok-i ers, the books of-Miss Grace A. (1:1- ham, county treasurer and ex-officio j treasurer for tbe district, show. Miss ' Gilliam today checked over her rec- ( ords and found that the interest pay- ments do not indicate that any inter est coupons of the worthless dupli- i cutes have come to the office here. I Request was made by her today of the Spokane county disti fict attorney's office, however, fur a list of the buy- ; ers of the various bonds of the d:s- j trict, which were purchased original- i ly by the Spokane firm. There were i Jsn.OOft in bonds sold and probably; JUIO.flflf) more forged, so the wnrk of j checking up on genuine, and forged , ones will be something of a task, Miss i Gilliam says. 1 J. Frank Spinning, of Keho, score- j tnry of the district, came to Pendleton j last evening and when shown his sig- j nature on bond No; sent hero by ; the prosecuting attorney, at Spokane, j declared it a forgery. Mr. Stunning ; expressed the opinnn that '.he district j would not be any the loser as tho re- j suit of the bond house's actions. Sn , far, he believes, te district has not j lost, because John P. Miihollnnd. i member of the firm who committed ; suicide when exposed, took care t Pay ' the interest on the bonds delivered to j James D. Callahan. manager and Donald Woodworth is business manager. 2(1 Piece Orchestra to Play nish music both nights, under the di nish music both nights, under the di rection of Bert McDonald, instructor. 1 he orchestra will consist of 20piec.es. Mambers of the freshman class will sell candy during the show. The scenes in the play will bet Act I. The home of Sir John Cot swvld, London. Knguuid. Act II. The home of Sir. Issac Ja cotison, next door. v Act III. Same as Act I early evening. i The all star cast which will make their first appearance together this evening will bo as follows: CAST Sir John Cotswold Ivan Hoiiser Lady Margeret, his wife . '. Maiy D. Chisholm Poirgy, their daughter AU'ertn McMonies ! Cecil, their son, an opera slueer . I David Swanson Sir l.ssnc Jacobson, u Jewish fi- nancier Gilbert Strove Iidy Kcbecca, his wife : . Klossom Wilson Esther, their daughter Genevieve I'lielps Aslriun, their son out of it, especially the children. When you nro at the desk in the chil dren's room you charge out books so fast that you hardly have time to glance at the children as they file by and such little ' rougfweks. Tlut they are nice too. Pendlet- n " il-'r- n lo not know how lucky they -e. So many children come that they have to line them up before the popular bpok shelves. I watched lines of thirty to thirty-five children standing before a .hlf of a dozen books. Many shelves were bare of books. There and -at Pratt Library too, the fairy tale shelves are always bare. Some shelves such as history and travel had a good many books on them and often chil dren would take those books when they couldn't get the ones they first wanted. Nearly all the patrons are foreigners and a large part of the cir culation is foreign. I had never handled Yiddish, Polish. Hebrew and Russian books before and they went: rosy, nerve sUiedy. cold gone; out In quantities, as well as ot her i stomach, tongue and breath r languages. The only way I could tell i Children love Cascarets too. 10 one from the other was by the mini- 60 cents. her. Some of the 1 1 bra r Ions k foreign languages, several knew t or four." ; P.lil Are Kept. The local library' Is. according t custom, keeping on file ail bills in house and senate of the state leg tore. The bills are sent regiu through Itoy W. Itltner, preside!! the senate aivi a member of county library boanf. CASCARETS Sri -N lx yau feel "up in the air everything 'wrong? it's your llvr bowels! You're bilious, const tm unstrung, and what you need in 4 OEtreta tonight sure. Wuke up your head clear, eyea bright, - t A 'ii "mi- 'ift'l STUONtJ CAST (Continued from page 1.) musical agent, vim will carry the aud ience with storm when he tries to be both nn Kngiish lord and a Jew to please both the aid men. of the two warring families. The characters are well chosen nnd the play is expected to be tho besl that Pendleton hiuh school has ever presented. It will be given again to morrow, night as the seats for th's evening's performance have all been' sold. Miss iJiura P.oss. coach. Is con- , fident that the piny will he preseutej j in fioe stvle. ' FHis Simpson, will have charite of i tho iishts. lufl Smith is properly j is the Genuine and Only Laxative tablets . The first and orin'nal Cc'.d and 'Grip tablet, the merit of which is recognized by kil civilized nations. Be (ireful tt avail urhatloai. aamam The genuine bears tliu signature sac. This Is- the to Buy Place U. S. Army, all wool Underwear, suit $4.50 Wrights All Wool Union Suits $5.00 Cooper Union Suits $3.00 Officers' Raincoats, new $12.00 Stag Shirts, made of army overcoat material ....$9.00 U. S. Army Shirts, new $5.75 Our Canned Goods Are Still Going Strong Solid Pack Peaches, can ,29c Case of 24 cans $6.75 Solid Pack Apricots, can 27c Case of 24 cans , $6.50 Alaska Salmon, can 15c Case of 43 cans $6.75 Corned Beef, 1 1-2 pound can ...36c Case of 36 cans L.....l..;...r. $12.00 Bacon, 12 pound can ..$2.89 ARMY & NAVY SALES CO. Phone 861 546 Main Street PRICES THAT YOU MAY JUDGE FOR YOURSELF WHO IS PUTTING THEM DOWN TO THE LOWEST LEVEL. Picnic Hams 22c Bacon 28c Brooms 49c 9 pound sack Rolled Oats 60c Best Creamery Butter 55 1 pound fine grade Coffee 25c Tomato Catsup, large bottle 29c Bacon, fine quality , 42c Potatoes, per pound , 2 l-2e Rice, fine quality, pound io Jim Beard's Cash Store Phone 432 I