East Oregonian : E.O. (Pendleton, OR) 1888-current, January 14, 1921, DAILY EDITION, SECTION TWO, Page PAGE TEN, Image 10

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    , N , ..' .
Including Pendleton Prices and Associated Press Reports
llo I-rtor Iwrr Bnl
trnilfl ami skvi are stradr.
" 1n load formed total livestock ar
tivals at North t'nrtland for th Thur
iwlay morning trade. Horh wore weak.
r and lower while cattle and sheep Good to choice cowa and
era atcaay. heifers e.UO
i- . ,, , Medium to good cowa and
ritr run for the Thursday morning rair to m.dlu .
Good to choice iiteers , . .
Medium to good steers , .
fair to good ateera .....
Common to fair steer. ,
Choice cows and heifers
8.00 S.50
60 fit 7.60
6. SOW 6. SO
7.00 7.50
iraae. at orth Portland, totals be- I
Ing 144 head. Market showed a fuct
that this. trade had heen paying a big
premium over the Kast for some timo.
Opening vaues were 25 to S5c lower
Hh extreme tops at SX2.
Eastern trade showed a further ad
vance during the day but there Is
till a very differential between this
market and others; all n favor of
the Northwest shipper to Portland.
General hog market range:
Prlme mixed U.50f 13.00
Smooth heavy 11.00WU.50
Ilough heavy 7.50 10.00
It pigs 10.00 11.00
tVeder pig .00 11.00
4 tattle Are Nominal
Wtlle the cattle market was con
sidered steaOy at unchanged prices for
the Thursday tride at North Port
land, there was not sufficient stock
available to give the trade a definite
teat. Quotations are therefore on a
nominal baslt.
General cattle market range:
Choice meera f S.50 9.25
rair to medium cows and
heifers 6.00 5.50
Common cowa, heifers. . . 4.00 W 6.00
Cannera 2.50 3.50
Bulla .. 4.600 6.60
Choice dairy calves 12.001S.00
Heavy calves .00U.OO
Best light calves 10.00 tf 11.00
Choice feeders t.SI 7.JJ
Flair to good feeders ... . 5.750 S.75
Medium light calves .... (.00 10.00
Shivp situation steady
Sheep end lumfe market situation
for Ihumlay wtta steady In the North
Portland alleys. There was a fair
run for the day and former prices
were continued.
General sheep market range:
East of mountain lambs t 9.50 ifr 10.50
Willamette valley lambs 9.00 9.50
Citll lambs 6.00 9 6.00
Feeder lambs .00 7.00
Yearlings 6.00 8.00
Wethers V 6.00 0 6.501
As Argentine estimates from pri
vate sources have put the exportable
surplus at 93,000,000. bu the official
figures showing a much larger am
ount gave an immediate advantage to
the Avhent bears.
The upturns were due more or less
to word that 2.500,000 bu. hod recent
ly been boght for export from the Pa
cific, const. New export business, how
ever, appeared of comparatively small
volume and this together with the
changed outlook ns to supplies In Ar
gentine kept the markets on the
down grade in the Inst half of the ses
sion. ,
Corn and oats were governed by the
action of wheat
jTovisions sympathised with a
sharp advance In hog values, but luter
lenued to sag with grain.
Hogs Steady With Xo Itcrelpts.
Prime Stwrs $.50 $9.30.
SEATTLE, Jnn. 14. (A. P. Re
ceipts none. Steady. Prime 112.00 0
312.50; heavies . U.00 0 312.00;
rough heavies 39.00 0 39.50; pigs
39.00 0 311.00.
Cattle Receipts 58. Itfrm. Prime
-777 ''7TV-
"Rape's Cold Compound"
. . . Breaks, any Cold
' - in Few Hours
Instant Relief! Don't stay stuffed
p! Quit blowing and snuffling! A
dose- of 'Tape's Cold Compound" tak
en, every, two. hours until three doses
are taken usually -breaks up any cold.
The very first dose opens clogged
nostrils and the a:r passages of the
head; stops nosa running: relieves the
headache, dullness, feverishness.
"Pape's Cold Compound" acts quick,
ure,' and costs only a few cents at drug
stores. It acts without ' assistance,
tastes' nice, contains no quinine In
1st upon Pane's!
Seattle Esss 51 to 49 Cents;
Cuhe CVeamcry Ilutter -16 Cents.
SEATTLE, Jan. 14. (A. P.) Se
lect local Tanch, white shells, 54;
pullets 49$ 50.
Butter City creamery, in cubes,
46; bricks or, prints 4 7; seconds In
cubes 43; bricks 44; country cream
ery extras, cost to ' jobbers in cubes
40; storage nominal.
London Wool Auction
Shows Price Decline.
LONDON. Jan. 14. (A. P.) At
the wool auction sales today 11,214
bales were offered. Of the free wool
put up there was a fair clearness at
from 15 to 20 per cent decline.
eers 38 75 (
choice 37.00 I
good 36.00
heifers 37 00
choice 33.50
good 34.00
i) 39.25; medium to
f 38.25; common to
37.00; best cows and
Hi 37.50; medium to
36.50; common to
35.50; bulls 34.00 fr
36.00; calves 377.00 313.00.
I've Me wo ov" Him onco or
ITwvccj Att He evep. tit?,
Ia)saxk. Horn
Seattle. Feed Market
Alfalfa licmaina at $27.
SEATTLE, Jan. 14. (A. P.) City
delivery; Feed Scratch fee 361 ton;
feed wheat 363; all grain chop $51 !
cats 349 sprouting oats 354; rolled
oats J51; whole corn 357; cracked
corn 349; rolled barley $50: clipped
barley 355! milled feed 339; bran 333.
Hay Alfalfa 327 ton; double com
pressed alfalfa 333; ditto timothy $39;
eastern Washington mixed $35.
Argentine Reported Stirjdus
lias Dearth Kffctt on Wlieat.
CHICAGO, Jan. 14. (A. P., Offi
cial announcement that the Argentine
exportable surplus was estimated at
120,000.000 bu. had a bearish effect on
wheat today. Prices closed heavy, 2
to I 1-4 e net lower, with March 1.79
to 1.79 1-4 and May 1.70 1-2 to 1.70
3-4. Com lost 3-8 to 5-8 and oats 1-4
o 3-8 1-2. In provisions the out
come varied from 35c decline to 5c ad
0. S. Harden Said:
' "lvm't forget for a moment that it Is not only more
' comfortable but more fashionable to liavc a bank
m-cuni than to have fine dotlies."
Itt'si.inii'iii FranklM was not mistaken when be as-M-rled
that SATI" and SILKS put out the kitchen
fires. And fashionable clothes don't keep the
- llomc-firea burning.
It is a Savings Aoxwnnt kept up persitciitly which
assures comfort and respect of tle well thinking
And there is nothing to hinder yon from having a
Savings Account of your own, requires only One
Dollar or more to begin wHh, and any amount can
be added to it at any time.
Tlie AmericairNalional Bank
Pendleton. Oregon,'
'Strongest Sank in Gastern Oregon"
Itecent Speculative Interests
Causes Heavy to Weak Trend.
NEW YORK, Jan. 14. (A. P.)
Resumption of aggressive operations
by the short interest in speculative
shares which figured in the recent
advance doubtless accounted to an
extent for the heavy to weak trend
of stock prices today.
Early quotations were downward,
with intermittent rallies before noon.
These were generally cancelled later.
Lowest prices ruled in the last half
hour when selling of the better known
equipment, steels, motors and ship
pings supplemented the extensive li
quidation of speculative favorites.
Sharp reactions marked the active fin
ish. Sales 875,000 shares.
, Call loans opened at 6 per cent,
probably as a result of renewed of
ferings outside of the exchange at
five and even 4 1-2 per cent The
supply of time money at 6 1-2 per
cent also increased.
Specific reasons attacked to the re
versal in certain Issues such as sugars
fand Wilson Packing, which reflected
more adverse trade conditions.
Domestic and foreign war flotations
were materially lower in the bond
market. Total sales, par value, $14,-
Old V. S. government bonds un
changed on call.
convention: '
Among the speakers this afternoon
were Professor W. A. Cochel of Kan
sas City, Md., and Hon. H. F. Tol
mle, minister of agriculture of the
Dominion of Canada.
Professor Cochel urged the, stock
men to endeavor In every way to re
duce the cost of marketing eliminat
ing superfluous middleman costs and
development home and foreign mark
ets." . . .
Minister Tolmle told the delerfhtes
of the livestock situation-In Canada.
"I am not alarmed by the present
business conditions existing f In- thfl
L'nlted States and In Canada,'" s.it.1
he. "Of ' all the countries engaged
in war, the L'nitedStates and Canada
are In better condition than any other
countries in the world."
In response to questions, Minister
Tolmie explained to the delegates the
manner. of supervising the Industry In
Canada. V ' ' . .
You Save Money With Us
When You See Us for House
I Furnishings
New York Butter Weak
Eggs 73 71 cent
NEW YORK, Jan. 14. (A. P.)
Butter weak, -unchanged. Eggs firm
fresh gathered extra first 73 & 74
cents: ditto firsts 71 & 76 cents.
Cheese firm, unchanged.
Beef Steers and She
Stock 25 cents Higher
KANSAN CITY, Jan. 14 (A. P.l
Cattle 2.200: beef steers and Bhe
stock strong to 25 cents higher, clos
ing weak; all other classes generally
steady; early steer sales $7.25 $9.00
good heifers $7.75, with $8.75 on year
lings: bulk canncrs $3.00 3.zs
pactical top vealers $11.50; odd lots
$12.00 & $12.50.
Sheep 6,000; Btrong; ewes $5.00;
wethers $6.50; lambs strong to 21
cents higher; fed westerns $11.20
bulk $10.50 di $11.15.
Frisco Market Itecelpts
Barley Spot Feed $1.50 to $1.63 1-2.
SAN FRANCISGO, Jan. 14. (A. P.)
Receipts: Flour 3118 qrs.j wheat
centals; barley 3563 centals; beans 665
sacks; corn 800 centals; hay 180 tons;
lemons and oranges 600 boxes; hides
187 rolls; livestock 871 head.
Barley spot feed 1.601.62 1-2.
Limes 1.251.75; tangerines 2.50
4.00. ,
Overstuffed Tapestry Easy Cliairs,
Rockers and Davenports.
Blue Tapestry Rockers $14.00
Blue-green overstuffed easy Chairs, with comfy
cushion $69.00
The Davenport is in the blue and green coloring with
the pillow arms, priced $119.50
We are remarking our goods to conform with the
market, irrespective of what they cost us.
Cruikshank & Hampton
EL PASO, Texas, Jan. 14. The anti-administration
element of (the
American National Livestock associa
tion lost Its first skirmish here today
when Its opposition to a resolution en
dorsing OTenry O. Wallace or Des
Moines, la., for secretary of agricul
ture,' was over ridden by a vote of tnw
that It is responsible for crime. Hta
tlstlcs from England and continental
cities which have long abolished the
segregated district give the lie to that
SALEM, Jan. 14. (U. P.) Repre
sentative Martin Introduced a Joint
memorial petitioning congress for lm-
"Pape's Diapepsin" at once
fixes your Sour, Gassy,
' AckJ Stomach
Country Lard
v 5 POUNDS 1.20 . v ;:
Bring Your Own Pail.
Fresh Country Butter, 2 pounds . . .. 95c
Fresh Country Eggs, dozen 60c
Swift's Premium Bacon, pound ....... . . . k 60c
Swift's Premium Hams, pound ...... . . 40c
Everything in Fruits and Vegetables Fresh for
Your Saturday Order.
Sanitary Grocery
221 East Court St.
The Most in Value The Best in Quality
Phone 871 ' ' M
mediate action on the protective tar-
Iff. A"snecial limM" Is rtlr-tnrt In
grain, flax, hemp, fruit, onions, oil of
mint, dairy products, eggs ?nd wool.
The bill is to safeguard the emer
gency clause In the legislature and to
bo presented as a measure headed fcy
the Oregon Farmers1 Union. It pro
vides that all measures carrying the
emergency clause shall go to the su
pre me court to be passed on to deter
mine whether the emergency really
exists. If decision la In the negative
the bill becomes null and void.
CHICAGO. Jan. 14. 1T.' IM The
first open concerted! action of the
great employers of the country In fa
vor of the "ODen shoo' movement of
industrial leaders was launched here
yesterday at a meeting called by the
Illinois Manufacturers' Association.
It Is open to all industries of the coun
fry to all Workers regardless of affil
iation with trade unions Is outlined In
detail in preparation for tho cam-palgn.
Ym Itcunlon Upturns.
Fred liennlon, county agriculture .
ngent, returned last night from Pull
man, Washington, where he attended
a wheat (rowers ' meeting.
"I never was mors surprised In -my
life than when I took the first dose
of yayrs Wonderful Ilemedy. ,My
stomach trouble had been of eight
years' standing.' sometimes so -had
as to cause convulsions, followed by
hemorrhage. I thought my time in
this world was short, and believed It
the last medicine I would ever lake.
It is now eight weeks since, and I
am feeling better than . for many
years.'1 it is simple, harmless prep,
a rat Ion that removes the catarrhal
mucus from the Intestinal tract and
allays the Inflammation which causes
practically all stomach, liver and
intestinal aliments. Including appendi
citis, one dose will convince or man
ey refunded. Druggists I-Xerywhere. .
Dr. Lynn K. Blakeslee
Chronic and Nervous Diseases and
Diseases of Women." X-Itay Electric
Therapeutics. .
Temple Bldg. , Room u
Phone ilt .'
DR. C. II. DAY ;
. Physician bjkI Surgeon '' '
OsUwrstth . .-, ''
Ilooms 2J and 25 Hnilth-Crawford
Telephone 704 Ilea. 74J-H
I "... ' ..' ;7 -" 'v "' ''- fUAi - J
BERKELT, Cal., Jan. 14. (V. P.)
That organized vice "is again lift
ing Its head and preparing to flaunt
debauchery in the face of the public,"
is declared by August Vollmer, police
chief of Rerfteley, noted criminologist
and studctit of social conditions
"Within a year commercialized vice
will return to its pre-war basis In the
United States unless the' people Your disordered stomach will feel
awaken to its sinister propaganda now fine at once.
being carried on throughout the coun- ' These pleasant, hurmless tablets, of I
try, ne saw. -Hince ine esiaDiisnT rape s Diapepsin neutralize tho harm-
ment of the red light abatement act,' ful acids in the stomach, and ' give I
statistics do not show any noticeable almost instant relief; besides tho
increase on which to base argument cost so little at drug stores.
t-naigested food! L,umps of paln; j
neiehlng gas, acids and sourness.
) hen your stomach is all upset, here I
is instant relief no waiting!
The moment you ent a tablet or
two-of Pape's Diapepsin all the In
digestion pain and dyspepsia distress
caused by acidity Is relieved.
Ten days in advance
is out today!
Manchurain Walnuts -
.'j-;;; 15c Lb. '
7 Lbs. for $1.00 ';. ;'i
25o.:..,: 30cdoz.
... ... . . .... 50c doz.
. ... .... . . r 70ciloz.
176 ....... .....
: r 'i
V,' L,
. J i
124-128 E. Webb St Phone 548 s
Vour Old I n lit ure Uikert In exciinge m part payment on new .
-4fittffifiiitifitiiiiiiititiiitiiii jiiiiifiiiiiiiiiiiiiriiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii!iiiiiiiiiiiiiitiiini.
Democratic nmhM .
Ilontana Legislature have elected
lira. Maggie Smith Hathaway
iylll county representative.
If you could look
into the future j
If--you knew what yotr were going to do next year, !
would you find much zest in life? Tabs didn't i
think so. And Tabs knew. ., If you, too, want to
know, read ' !, '.. ' ', ;' i
"The Kingdom Round the Corner!'
by Coningsby Dawson J
. - - v "' .. -'" :' -: ' 1 ' j
the best story, in the opinions of the editors, 'yet '
written by the author of "The Glory of .'the !
Trenches" and the "The Little House." , ,. . !
. . .. And in the same issue ' '
Stories by Kathleen Norris, William J. Locke, James
Oliver Curwood, I. A. R. Wylie, Mary Synon. '
Then the special articles and the departments:
Fashions, Interior Decoration, Health and Beauty,
Household Management, Cookery, the League for
Longer Life, Entertainments, Cutouts in Color for
the Kiddies, Shopping Service. 73 Big Features.
For January
Griggs' Cigar Store
Nye-Ward Co.
Welch Cigar Store
Out now I
L. G. Frazier
Thompson Drug
Leedy's Cigar Store
Sol Baum
Word Grocery Co.
230 E. Court St.
C. L. Bonney, Pres.
Phone 96
r . . - .11
Distributor, LEO ADLE& JBakef Ore
Jegiiming Jan. 1st, 1921 JKr'v
AH 1921 BUICK cars wUl he equip
ped with CORD TIRES - t i'
.No change in Price. .
Model Twenty One Forty Five Little Six
Buick $2,062.18 F. 0. B. Pendleton; Ore,, with
Cord Tires.
Model Twenty One Forty Nine 7-passen-ger
Big Six Buick F. 0. B. Pendleton, Ore.;
$2,366.29, with Cord Tires. . . .. , ;
Place your order now for t immediate . de
livery. v i .......
Oregon Motor Garage
i1 ' ImiiiillliKiliwtuwiiuiUiiUUiilllkiiiiii.uiiii !