E3 .PACE EIGHT DAILY EAST 0REG0N1AN, PENDLETON,' OREGON,' 'TBO&Dki EVENING, JANUARY 13, IflJT-' 'TWiiiilii-iwiumwwiy .. ' iimim.,rmvni.n - !...' ... -i ,, , , i . . t 11 ' ILL J -J - I I.H H glilii Est 3 ' 3 IIIUUIHIIIIIIIIIUilllll! i I I II if i-s 1 1 I-.i 1 II Sr-3 f ? I EVERY DOLLAR jjj that is spent for advertising in a publication that misrepresents i, ' jj its circulation and thus obtains money under false pretenses If H is a dollar lost to the publishers who give full value. r IN SELF DEFENSE, THEREFORE, THE ABOVE BOARD' j publishers have an independent audit made of their eircu- J B lation records by the Audit Bureau of Circulations and in- J H 'vite their competitors to do likewise. II WHEN EXCUSES OR EVASIONS ARE GIVEN FOR DE- j x I'l clining the challenge, the advertiser can draw his own con- f.l g elusions. ,v , 1 THERE ARE MANY EXCUSES FOR NOT BELONGING I j to the A. B. C. There is only one reason. , ( 1 1 1 THE EAST OREGONIAN IS A MEMBER OF THE AUDIT Bureau of Circulations. There are no hidden mysteries 1 1 about its circulation records. m z S ESS 1 Ex E31IIH i i S3 II 1 1 13 IIS1H 5 .i-i-f -.y lilEIi M