1 in KEEP ABREAST OF DOINGS IN THE WORLD OF SPORT DAILY IN ARTICLES BY STAFF WRITERS AND TWO NEWS SERVICES ON THIS PAGE. TEN PAGES " S pgSBgs- AsissssM -BBgasgaa.. ::ui;s;'T7s - I "IpAGEs' " " I L ' DAILY EAST OEEGONIAN, PENDLETON, OREGON, THURSDAY EVENING, JANUARY 73 1927 " zTrrr? .-r--. - - -s BIG LEAGUE OWNERS . LANDIS STARTS PROBE PROFESSIONAL TENNIS JfefegtoMP ' BURY HATCHETS AND OF ALLEGED GAMBLING, TOURNAMENT WILL BE . 1 SHOES' hi nil r i ivn ir r nmi in i unttf r i r vi ahjax i llu 111 i iiiniti 11 mi i ri f i t '-;, j if 1 1 '.' i r i . rt-v Winner in Preliminaries Will Jj 'i,,J be Pitted Against Jay Gould Ipty'' tc'tjpi H t-j h ' for Championship; Nine Set jj filfe; M&!fo J H dj U Matches Are Rule. J Ij LfAA 'xrrrZ CHICAGO, Jail. 13. (A. I the Ifutfue nnd Intor-leaKUo disagree ments settled nt Wednesday's baseball meetings, the dull nwiicru, JmlKe Uin dls, baseball commissioner, uml ihp Minors is Adopted and in'"1"18 attorney's office iat niKht be- llian m.'ikliiEr itliiMM uM,-. It u i. Agreement Between Majors and Ranks of Majors All Signs of! Hard Feeling Pass. pooted result In an early trial if the linen Indicted for the aliened thruj jliiK of games In the 1919 world ser. CHICAGO. Jan. 13. (A. P.) Or-j George Gorman, assistant state's Kanlzed baseball Wednesday swept the j attorney, announced that th.f Indicted hint vestige of disagreement from ltd men would he arraigned about Feb rankB In conference which brought ruary 1 and that an immediate trial I ' signed peace agreement not only be- would be held. The Amorican lea-1 iween tne major and minor leagues, ruo appropriated Jlo.finu to he lined In but between the Individual clubown-lthn prosecution. The nilnor leagues era. The (wn mnnr leui-tlo. .ltriwl vciIa.4 ...I,- i - . . - the new national acrec-menl malcinu wlm h. .,.u. i ... .,1 ""Wi'iHiiST tomorrow , "7 ....., ,.it.L ii KriiiK-n nil llie jutiKe Lunula Dnaeball commlHl(iner.riielfle roam with fred McMiillln, wun uprvnio powern ana tne minor i indicted Chicago White Sox nlaver rHILADKLI'HI., Jan. 13. (A. P.) For the first time In the history of j wie jrincea uame" in Amcrca. a j profesHlonal court tennin tournament i la to be Jilayed here. Arrangements I have been completed by1 the members 1 of the Philadelphia I!aciiiet Club to huve the event decided on ltn courts The winner ot an' ""'"Jot v. in jifv:i.T. jajf UUUIU, -l-i. niiinn:u v ll.x 111 IFIOII III .rtUI- leaguei nlgned an, agreement with Judgo andla aa their ruler, but It differed In one word from that flgned by the major. Thin difference, It de veloped, voi due to amiHunderataurl- and KUKpcndcd coast player recently Indicted. ' Juduo-tJindla wild Hhnt If the men are "found not guilty by a Jury or by a Julf-"o they will not lipcetwarlfv be Ing In the Joint meeting of drafting allowed to return to organized base committees Tuemlay when the nuree. mentfWaa drawn up, mid It vih an nounced that ns toon ua poxslble the minora would algn an agreement Iden tical with the one upprovd by the major. The Individual major league club ownera also algned a lorur.ict agree ing mil to crltlclae each other public ly and to accept any by Judge Landla. Included were rrealdent Johniwn of the American league and two of the three cluhownera who have fought hla adfinlatrntlnn Charlea A. Comla key of Chicago, and Jucob Kuppcrt of New York. Harry Fraiea of lioalnn the third, announced he wmild xlgn. The signing of the niUonul ngi-ee-ment brought a sharp atau-ment from Judgo I .a mil concerning the powers he must be given and led to erroneous reporta that he had- issued an ultima tum giving the club owners 15 mln utes to make changes he demanded. The Judge did not act a time limit but did Issue an ultimatum telling the clubownera that hla powers must be supreme. When the new national agreement was brought before the league repre aenttalves. It contained a section say ing that the commissioner, after an Investigation, "could' recommend such action aa he deemed advtaable.'' Judge Landla Interrupted . to aay that thla must read "lake such ac tion." "You have told the world that my powera are to be supreme," he said. 'To give me the power merely to I 'recommend' toll. They must .first satisfy me. as tommlKslcner, and I do not hesitate to ny that dec'Hlon similar to that on tbo coast where a Judge ruled ihn: ihpow'iir "iiniM was not a criminal offense, will not satisfy me." It developed that Judge Uandls al ready has held several Informal con-f'-rencen with members of the state's decision made ' attorney's staff over the trial and that 1 he has studied the records of the trial of the Pacific coast players. Whether the acused men are found guilty or Innocent the trial will re sult In the stamping nut of gambling he said. "For suitable anion will be taken against any men who have not acted Justly In fulfilling their con tracts." ' . , CO-EO BASKETBALL AT 0. A. C. IS LOOKING UP my hands." COjtVAI.Uf. Jan. 13. Interest in co-ed basketball la now keen at the college, 20 girls, turning out Uir prac tice regularly. Three members or 1 il 20 varsity fiti.-id are trying out for their fornittr positions on the team. Alta Mentzer, last years captain, and alar forward, will trv out. Ieta Ageo. captain, nnd Gladys Johnson, also three-year varsity "o" girls, will be out for their formers placee A first and second team will he takes nH power out of chosen from the best players on the 'class trams. Kindness or Cruelty? f ) -.ii K t ; j 7. mu ic-: Ki Jfln V- The New YorSt toclety wortan who owna tins canine "beao bnii. 'ttal" thinks ah is being very kir.U to him. flut fs K renlly kindneM or Is It cruelly, to bundle ut. dog like that? Wli.ti Co you tlilnb" QUALITY SERVICE SANITATIpN Free Sales Day December 16th was redeeming day in our store. Bring in your sales slips of that day and take away the cash or its equivalent. This means a" neat saving to our customers in sums ranging from one dollar to twenty; enough saved in one day's purchase to pay for a week's groceries , , If you are not a customer and taking advant age of our low prices you should investigate at once. Pendleton Trading Co. Phone 455 -If It's on the Market Wc Have Itw i;rica, In a nine-set challenge, round match, the first four sets of which ar to be played on the Philadelphia club's court on January 19 nnd the remain der of the contest at the same place on January 21. If the challenger defeats Oould he will receive a purun of l,nun, but If tlnuld wins the professional will receive only $5(1". Each mntch In the professional tour nament will be for the best In five sets, the deriding set to be "deuce and advantage." The players as follows: It. Itufton, Tennis and Racquet Club cf Iloslon vs. Joseph lloss, Philadel phia liacipiet Club; Jack So'.itnr, Phil adelphia Ilacipiet Club vs. Otto Olock er, Huston Athletic Association and C. J. "Punch" Farls, Long Island, N. Y. a bye. On the second day the winner of tho first two matches' will meet and the victor In that contest will play Fairs to' decide which of them la tol Play against the American Amateur and open ch:implon In the ChallenKV round two days later. ,In the event of his winning against the professional who will oppose him It would not surprise the foll-vers of this game to find Mr. Gould Bfsertini, his ability to play again successfully for the world's open championship title which he relinquished in Novem ber 1816. In 1914 Gould beat tha Kngllsli professional G. F. Covey fot the worlri's championship In Philadel phia. There was to have been a re turn match In ICngland the following year but the world war upset afl chance ot Its being even thought oi and two years later Mr. Giiold author ised Mr'. At'.' H. T. lfnhn, of-PhtlaileJ-phla, to write a letter to England to the effect, that he (Gould i haci relinquished his tltlo of world's, open court tennis champion as he flt it Inexpedient for him to 'defend his title. ii 191 5 when it was announced In Philadelphia that Mr. Gould was willing to defend his title of world's tennis champion, the Kngllsli press nuhllshed a lelled signed "Wentwnrlh" claiming that as Mr. Gould had re linquished the title and had not play ed a return match when challenged. under the agreement, the tllte had reverted to the KrigMsh professional Covey. A Sat Cold to Quality im1 Fair frice Our Catalog It the Ktandard reference lor North vest grow er, lining our com plete lines ol Seeds, Trees and Plants, FertiliMrs, Poultry and Bee Supplies, 5pravs and Spray ers, Dairy SuppUcs and Equipment. Offices its Salearoom 3.t-tor. Front and Yamhill St. aialocS and Planters Guide3 giving information as to season, soil and climate. Fvt your land to work for profit You can t afford to tie up your land or spend time and labor on any but the best stock. Order Diamond Quality stock and be sure of getting the finest strains and the right varieties for your , iiamuMu vuaiuy vataiog in If your possession as quickly as yon can. It will lr oav voul a -i. e . i -1 nn rur v.ainiog no. . t OUR PRICES ON SHOES ARE ALWAYS LOWER. lien's Mahog. Brown Blucher Shoes, Goydjfcar ' 'welt sole . .' $3.00 . lien's Cordo. Brown Blucher Shoe, Goodyear welt soles, a regular .$10.00 shoe $6.30 , Men's Black or Brown Work Shoes, solid leather nailed soles' $1.30 Boys' Brown English Bal. rubber ' heels, solid leather throughout, a $G.50 value. . $1.23 Boys' Army Shoes, solid leather. . $3.45 to $4.30 Ladies' 1-strap leather house slippers.,.. $2.43 Ladies' Julietts , : . . . $2.93 Ladies' Fine Dress Shoes $4.93 to $9.30 THE HUB - 745 Main St. HMS M)T,(IM, PI Kill- u after tho Jtbhle Mitchell-I.eonard HpOKAN'K, Wash., Jan. 13 (A P i , YorK' tomorrow night, it i February 5. -W. G. (1. Fot a. alais .lin.mle'ni,,;. iLe"nard W."1S- I The challen it Is proliable that the, schedule n American championships, practically decided upon, wiil be changed at ihe annual meeting of the association here rounds for tile Davis arrested hero yesterday for passing a check, whi'-h the police ulx-ge to be worthless confessed late today, ac cording to the police authorities, that he was not Jimmie fling, the Cincin nati National league pitcher. fo: ' the police believe, is Insane. tne tnicaKo Tighter said that "In- Cup will be held at Forest Hills. L. I. fluences close" to Tex Richard had (Out of deference to Tilden, his home prevented his appearance at .Madison town, Philadelphia,' -will get the na Squar? Garden no far hut he, believed ; tional singles championships, the dou he had overcome 'these and tht thlhloa tirlo n-ni k .i.mh q. vvi on. coiiid h arranged. (;i-X)i:;k i' iu;iir; aimdixtki MAXAtiKIl AT WASIIIMiTON VVAS'HIXGTON', Jan. 13. (A. P.) George McPride, forme shortstop and captain, was appointed today manager of the Washinctnn American h ague club. Clark Griffith, ' presi- dent of the club and former manat;rjr, j v.HI devote himself to executive dut-i les, and scouting. 'hite is still talking about his fight with leonard at lienlon Harbor, when h knocked the champion down, al though Leonard came back and slippee over the K. O. In the fourteenth round He thinks that lx?onard' has been slip pins since that fight. If)ini.M M AltRFTS STEADY. -FOUTLAXIV Jan. 13. All markets are steady here today; ALL BIG TENNiS PLAY 1L CENTER !N U.S. SlOfX (ITV 11AXTAM GIVKV WIV ON UK dOKV W HWAltTZ PIOUX CITY, la., Jan. 13 (A. P.I Karl McArthur of Siiiux City, de feated Joey svhuaitz- of Minneapolis, In their 10-rotind hout here last to night, Tho men are bantamweights. OF NEXT BOXING PAGTj CHARLEYWHIWANTS NF'.V YOP.K, Jan. 13. (A. P.) The Xt .v York state boxins ctunmis sion and IK'ense committee today de clined to become a member of the newly formed national boxing asso ciation of the United Slates. The de cision was made public in an official statement, which said: "It is our decision that we cannot subordinate our functions nnd author ity, clearly defined In the Wulker law, to the Jurisdiction of nn outside un official body of any character.'' The Massachusetts slate boxing commission has taken a similar posi tion. Today's session of the convention of the boxing association was devot ed principally to the election of of ficers nnd the adoption of the consti tution and by-laws ns well as the rules and regulations governing boxing. Y. H. l.lginger of Milwaukee, was elect ed president. W. A. Tremblay, Miles City, Mont.,' was chose first vice-president.. 'The three outstanding points In the rulos ndopted were: First, that no offender In any one state shall punishable In all other states af filiated with the national hody: sec ond, a champion shall be compelle ! to defend his title every sx months, if ho is challensed by a logical con tender approved by tho national hew ing association: third, admission to boxing bouts under any and all cir cumstances shall not be In excess of 13. STHIKrs PPKI.IStlKP.K IV r.cr SALEM, Jan. 1.1. (C. p.i C. Chapman, .editor of the Oregon voter was scored by several senators for NEW TOHK. Jan. 13. (By Henry I- Fiirrell, r. P. f-'taff Correspondent.! America wil be the scene of prac tically nil of the big.tcnnis activities ot 1921. The recent winning of the Davis Cup I y William T. Tilden and William .- Johnston will bring the biggest ciassic of the court to American turf. Foreign nations have until March 1 to-challengc for the cup and it is prob able that five or six will seek to wrest the trophy from the American players. the national singles and doubles attacks in the Voter on a member of championships probably will draw a the senate. Senator Jos ph in exiu-es- j number of foreign stars here for com- siing his sentiments toward the pul'li-l petition. cation, hurled a hound volume or the William T. Tilden. winner "of the Voter at its publisher striking Chap-1 Hritsti national championship at Vim- 'v.i"i i.im e-rii, win reiurn to ICng land t r defend h's title. Johnston f nd a number of the leading American players will likely accompany him and tlioy will make up a contingent to in vade the Flench national championships. . Officials- of the V. P. Lawn Tennis .association are maKing an enort to induce Mme. Suzanne Lenglen, the famous French girl star to compete in the American National championships i and make an exhibition tour across the She is without man full in the face. INI Hills, the national woman's champion ships and thtr national intercollegiate champion both in Boston. , This schedule, while tentative, hns" the support of practically all of the bodies affiliated with the natiomU as- - mQQ?UG COUGH f if Wo "cure" but heipa to re. I 9 duce paroxysms cf coughing , V vapoRub CHICAGO, 111., Jan. 13 (V. P.I tharley White, on whom Chicago still lays its claim to pugilistic honors, Is i country to the coast. clamoring for another chance at lien-j doubt the greatest of all girl players. oy u'"i" aim uie ugio iSiu ciiazu- tire snowing at the Olympic games pionship. j proved it. White sii'd he was 'making every ef- Since the winning of the rinvis Cu: LvUVLLxlZ 1 (Mi man can retire some- of his surp2us CdJPfdZr by bxn2an by mail ' ONl &ood argument in favor of a man's mailing; some of his money to an out-of-town bank is that it removes from the , active capital he uses, to operate with day by day, a certain amount of money that he can feel has been placed beyond the accidents of bus iness chance. Full information upon request. 1 m SWIMMERS SET DATES FOR SPRING'S EVENTS; NBW YORK, Jan. 13. (A. P.) Pates for national amateur champion ship swimming events were announc ed last night lis follows: Man's :120-yard free style, N. Y, A. C, Dirch 1. ' ino-vai'ds free stylo, llrooUllnft (Mass.) Swimming Club, March 3. SOO-yards free style. Great Ijnkes tavl trp.ininsr s,at!on, March 15. 2-0.vnrds senior breast strike and women's pnnlor relay, Olympic Club, San Francisco, April 2". M IS Sl'Tlll'ltl.ANO 1UM G11T MY T1GFI5S Klt(l ltHTIAXn CHClAtio. Jan. 13. (A. P.) Pre r'e" Frank Navln of the Detroit American leag'.ie club last nl-1 -3 nio-'-has1 of Pitcher -Uithcrland f'.om tho rorllond club. Right Food a Big Facta ' in keeping one sturdy and fit to do things Grape-Nuts is awheat and "barley food that is scientifically made for a definite purpose. It has delicious taste, is easy to digest; and con tains, all the building values of the grains that make for health and comfort. THREE-FOLD - SATISFACTION In Price, Workmanship and Promptness Job Printing Department when you patronize The East Oregonian Phone 1 igllllllllllll Conroy's Cash Grocery 1 PAY CASH AND BUY FOR LESS Best Creamery Butter, lb I SUGAR, SACK . ll Crisco, 61bs o3c 810.25 $1.35 4 There's a Reason for GrapeNtits Postuiri Cereal Compax Lc fvabtle Greek, Mich, L3111 3, 73c! No. 5. $1.25; No. 10, $2.23 Red Mex. Beans, 14 lbs $i.f)0 Crystal White Soap, 14 bars $1.00 Flour, 49 lb. ack $2.(il); barrel $10.20 Ectr-t Crepe Toilet Paper, 4 for 23c Eastern Corn Meal, 9 lb. sack 50c Hils Blue Coffee, 1 lb. 33c; Z lbs $i.o.y. Quaker Corn Flakes, 2 for . 23c Hills Red Coffee 1 lb. 30c; 3 lbs $2.40 Sri If ;iilllllii!l!illli!!:!ini!iil!!li : . , ,m M , :