East Oregonian : E.O. (Pendleton, OR) 1888-current, January 13, 1921, DAILY EDITION, Page PAGE FOUR, Image 4

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Published tOijr rd Soml-We ckly
I'entueton Oregon, ny the
EAT OKKiiuNlAN 11 lil.lSHINO CO.
Kntorfd at the postoffiee nt l'endle
ton, Oregon, s second-cla mail
Imperial Hotel News Starnd, i'orllsnd.
Chicago rtnroau, Hiui Security r.ulldln-.
WHuhington, D. O., Burcsu Four
teenth tilreel. N. V.
Member of IKe Associated Press.
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51V N1-J.1.IK.
(I'y Frank I. Stanton.)
When tliis heart shall cease to Leal,
An' I'm dust there at her feet, '
Wonder how tho worhl'll Heat
My Nellie?
Will it take her hand and say:
"Though your lover sleeps today, ,
Still my roses wreathe the vay
For Nellie:"
Or. in lost an' lonely years.
Thiek with thorns, an" chill with fears,
Will It mock the sighs an' tars
Of" Nellie?
Sure, I kaow not! Who sun say?
1 can only hop and pray
It will love, as I tod.ty
Love Nellie!
Copyrighted for tho East Or'egonian Tub. Co.
.M VS V',
t 1 I
I ai-aM. .. ' vt e nft IHH..,. h... fc.t.s.. ,i lis...... A hlisW.Ofcfft
f. T IS rather unfoitunate for bur legislative program that
I congress has chosen th!s time to consider the matter of
giving Oregon another congressman. The matter of carv
ing out the boundaries of a new district is going to be granted
time and attention by our legislators that could more profitably
be spent on more important matters.
With a dozen or more of the members of the state legisla
ture nursing congressional ambitions, it is pretty certain that
each of these potential candidates will try to fashion the new
district so that it will work beneficially upon his own aspira
tions. Thus the eastern Oregon candidate will fry to carve out
a district eliminating the home county of Nick Sinnott. The
Willamette valley candidate will try to shape the districts to
his advantage and the southern Oregon, the coast county and
the Multnomah county candidates for the proposed new posi
tion will be equally zealous in alvancing their own interests.
It may be that the new congressman will be elected by the
state at large which would probably be to the liking of Portland
would-be congressmen, for it would permit of Portland having
two representativess instead of one.
Whatever the decision, it is pretty certain that the question
will become center of a good deal of political maneuvering.
As a matter of fact congress may not increase the member
ship of the house at all, despite the recent census returns. A
bill has been introduced providing for new congressmen but
there are indications that it will have a rough passage. The
national house is already so heavy with numbers that it is an un
wieldly body, and there promises to be vigorous opposition to
any measure adding more members.
Our legislators should at least wait until Oregon is assured
of another congressman before they give the,question of a new
district much consideration.
SEPARATE commissions for the Handling of game fish
and commercial fish in the state of Oregon will, if es
tablished by the legislature, tend to work for the better
ment of both branches of the family pisces. The consolidation
of both game and commercial fisheries under one body, as was
in force until recently, was fraught with political considera
tions, inefficiency and a serious depletion in stocks.
. "Oregon's fisheries, although one of the state's important
sources of revenue, have not been developed to their fullest.
Every stream on the Oregon coast yields its share of salmon in
the open seasons of the year. It has been only of late years that
shad have been taken commercially and packed. The deep sea
fisheries off the coast have often been exploited but never with
any considerable success nor for any length of time.
The game fish of Oregon, like Oregon scenery, can be made
one of the state's biggest assets. In order, however, to make
Oregon an anglers' paradise, lakes and streams must be re
stocked with trout fry at regular intervals. The game fisheries
need hatcheries the same as do the commercial fisheries.
PRESIDENT-ELECT HARDING'S decision to forego 'the
pomp and ceremony of a big inaugural may be disap
pointing to enterprising folk in the national capital who
have rooms to rent and meals to furnish but it is good sense.
The new president comes into office at a time when display
should be discouraged and when simplicity and economy are
most acceptable.
The four years of hard work ahead of Mr. Harding do not
make a great inaugural display timely. At the end of his first
four years, perhaps, an observance would be more in order. The
nation is prone to emulate and an example of thrift and sim
plicity set by its coming president would have a good effect.
Pendleton can throw its chest out again as a good place in
which to live. Comparison of vital statistics for 1920 with those
of our neighbor shows that La Grande had 113 births and 143
deaths to Pendleton's 229 births and 141 deaths, within the city
proper. Even with the deaths at the Eastern Oregon State Hos
pital included, births here outstripped deaths by a good margin.
' Forty days has had many significant connections in the his
tory of the world. May the Oregon legislature make history
aplenty in their 40 days at Salem.
The llltie Moon," at the
l'aslinie Thcatro. l.iKo llie
Jtook a Winner
Atmosphere O.corKe 1- Cox, the
his director f.ir "The Hltie lloon,"
knows all nbotie It. You'll think you
are out. In the woods; you'll smell
wild roses, and you'll htfar the sivlsh
of the waters of the upper Wahash
as the pearls fishers lean far over In
their boats to spear the pearl mussel,
with the chances, they say, of a real
find only one in a thousand.
The story is of a lad reared on a
river house-boat, who knows no other
name b'lt that of "Pearlhuntor," and
who finds the great Uluo Moon Pearl.
The valuable jewel seems at first to
77- C XT 2.0
In "The North Wind's Malice,'
which conies to tlic Arcade thentter
for 3 days, coniinenclnif Thursday,
Hex Heach has writtefi a stirring
t!rama of the frozen north around a
novel set of characters, that afford
unusual actlnjr opportunities. He also
employs nil allegorical figure called
"The Spirit of M.ilies," which id ver
The two outstanding figures emonj.1
the men are played hy Joe King an''.
Tom Suntshcl. Hotli aiV in love with
Iahs Fohsum, played hy Jane Thomas
When the story opens, Iiis is the wife
of Roger Folsom (Tom Santschlt. A
series of incidents create bitterness anil
bring him oniy misfortune, and exJj misunderstandinir and makes .Roger
citing events crowd one upon another, nuully Jealous of Henry Carter (Joe
Following his selling of the pearl, the Kins I. In the progress of the story,
theft and for all the mysterious crimes through a terrific Alaskan blizzard,
of a certain masked rider is fixed up- Lois and her husband become sop-
on him. Hut for the heroic "Pearl
hunter," played by Pell Trenton, these
form only the obstacles spurring him
on to superhuman effort to escape
the trap laid for him, and he forces
The mlif'ir love Interest of the story
is sympathetically portrayed by Edna
Murphy as Dorothy- liuiii, ami Wuit.'i
Abell as Tom Folsom, tho young
the villian played by Harry North- J brother of Roger, and a gambling
rup as "The-Xlan-lnthe-Faney-Vest" i ne'er-do-well. Tho fluth family play."
-to a confessljjn that clears tits name (,n important part. There is Abe
Was a Girl
HOOP skirts were
worn by those who
first asked the ikugRist
for, and insisted on
having, the genujiie r
Golden Medical Discovery put
up by Dr. Pierce over 50 years
ago. Dress haa changed very
much since thenl But Dr.
Pierce's medicines contain tho
same dependable ingredients.
They are standard today just as
they were fifty years ago and
never contained alcohol. ,
Dr. Pierce's Golden Medical
Discovery for the stomach and
blood cannot be surpassed by any
tonic and alterative today.
When you feel "all out of sorts"
your vitality at a low ebb the
blood becomes surcharged with
poisons! The best tonic is called
Dr. Pierce's Goldeu Medical Dis
covery. Dr. Pierce manufactured
this "Discovery" from roots and
barks without alcohol a coi
rcctive remedy, the ingredients of
which nature put in the fields and
forests for keeping us healthy.
It puts' vim, vigor, vitality into
the blood.
Try it. All druggists. Liquid
or tablets.
Hunk May Hisipcn
KLAMATH FAI.l.S. Jan. 13 (A. P.) '
Notice has been posted by examiner's
rho closed tho First State and Sav
ings Pank stating that tho bank !
solvent biU withdrawals resulted In
aepleted reserves making clo.-ing nec
essary tl protect depositors und the
.lope Is expressed for reorganization
within fin dnvs
Children 5c ' Adults 20c
from all guilt, and wins for him
father and the girl of his heart, known
to him as "Wild Hose" played by
Elinor Field. f
Despite its strong dramaile and
mystery elemeat this story of river
life about the Wabash flats of In
diana is simple, natural, convincing
and sweet, with a real plot that hold?
the audience spellbound. it has all
the elements of an attractive love
story, as well, which will insure its
popularity with all ages.
Kill-That Co Id. With
Colds, Coagls
La Grippe
Kerjlected Colds are Dangerous
Tak. no chances. Keep this f-anda: J remedy handy for the first sneeia.
Breaks up a ccM in 24 hours Relieves
Gripps in 3 ilays Lxcellent for Headache
Quinin. in this f.m does nut affect th. bead-Caecar. is bt Tonic
Luv No Opiit in Hill's.
Uuth, played by William H. Strauss,
and ltachel," played by Vera Gordon,
a Ilussian actress, who has done some
remarkable work for the screen and
in the legitimate stn';e.' The part of
the part villian in "The North Wind's
Malice." is taken by Henry West. He
has sold a fake Rold mine to get young
Folsom in his power. The "Spirit of
Malice" la protrayed by Dorothy Whe
eler. )
it is a stirrin? photoplay from firs
tn )asf.
SAX FKANC1SCO, Jan. 13. A unit
of 20 American specialists sanitari
ans dentists and pharmacists is to
sail for Europe from New York Sun-!
day, to'serve for one year in the fam
ine and disease ridden countries of
Central and Eastern Europe. The
starving children of these areas and
the sick adults and children are be
ing succored through the national col
lection of 133.00(1,000 by tho Euro
pean relief council.
The unit will work tinder the direc
tion of Dot-tor Harry I'lotz, medical
advisor of the Jewish joint distribu
tion committee and one of the eight
organizations which make up the
The first and most important task
of tho delegation will be to furnish
medical supplies, drugs, surgical in
struments, liniments, bandages, rub
ber gloves, etc., to local doctors and
hospitals. Because of lack of these
essentials the local agencies are now
almost helpless in fighting against
disease which follows In the wake of
under nourishment.
.to to Tin! Year
Gray iialr at BSonsa
If your hair is gravlncr or 19
faded and trakod, (lo not let it be
come any more unattractive. No
matter whether its original youth
ful color v.aa Bolder! or black, or
any ehadn of brown, nil you ne1 Is
a bottle of Urnwnatono to instantly
restore Its beauty in a manner that
.ii!ll I 'n I I ' f'isvvil I
-A I 1 I U l " i I : 1 1
jt v. it! ir
MEXICO, Jan. 13. (A. P.) Duel
ling as practiced in Mexico is the most
harmless of outdoor sports. Although
scarcely a week passes but some per
son whose pride has been hurt chal
lenges the offender to "pistols at
twenty paces in the Bosque of Chapul-
tepec," A-w reach beyond the singe of
talk and none ever ventures close to
A deputy from one Mexican state
rises In the chamber and bitterly as
sails a member from another state for
his attitude on certain public measures.
Tho other replies with equal vitupera
tion. Before tho day is done the
chances are a challenge will be car
ried to one or the other by two seconds
who later deshcribe their efforts In a
verbose report to all the newspapers.
Once in a -while the challenge will
be accepted and then there is a scram
ble on nil sides to eoe to it that the
"government Intervenes" at the proper
moment. Whether there Is nfflci.K
"Intervention" is conjecture but tho
announcement is always the ame.
that "high uuthorilies frowned upon
the contemplated struggle t to deo'.h
and forbade it." ''ride is always sit i's-
'?,-' , xll i
- - km
Children. 10c . Atlnlls. ll.V
The Laughable
Comedy Drama
You Sure WiU Like
This One
3rr( -if
Now is the lime to have that car
overhauled by
We do painting;.
Alta and Cottonwood Sts.
Phone 46
J unii at ta l in tn-iiM ii mr t
deiies detection. This famous prep
aration is as simple and easy to
UiO us manicuring your nulls.
Spectal Free Trial Offer
iSvery package Krovnatone
contains ful. slmpl) directions for
working- in pt.-'c on gray, faded or
streaked hnli fluaranteeil abso
lutely harnlisa. 't all leading- drug-i-HLi
In i.o and tl.&O Da -knires.
Two colors: "Unlit to Modium
Brown" and "Hark llrown to
lil.-icl;." Stnd to Tho Kenton Phnr
raacal Co., m Coppln Bldjr., Coving
ton. Kv en.-l'oslns 11 cents to tjiv
postals, p-teklng u ml war tax for
' a frvu trial p-UikaUu of XJrownatoao.
FAR vision.
k '10m
Children 10c
Adults 35c
Rex Beach
His Famous Story in Pic-
s7 Tt'
Vriinom Lines n
in the
Kryptoks (Cryplockfi) dq
away with that extra pajr
of glares. They give you
far and near vit.ion in the
same lens, yet the lower
part is invisible. -
They mut be fitted right.
nuinxTo ort
Amor n il t'l Hank Itullcllng
.lliono l)n
The North
Winds Malice
A Thrilling Fight in
the Snow
. With rclentlcKH and thrilling power, the story mvocps to
a climax that will hold you spillliound In Its grip;
Only one of tho many colonial scents in hla mighty ro
mance of the North.
S ..!( 1 O ; V-
fied by aueh announcement atid lb
IntWent l8forgoUen, .
I . j i t t j t s4i 1 1 . .