,. tv v. vv PAGE TWO H-'-f,r DAILY EAST OEECONIAN.. PENDLETON, OREGON, 'THURSDAY HVENINGAKUARY-i 5, 1921J TEN PACES tannin x--- Pendleton's Pendleton's Greatest Values are Here. We in vite your inspection. Greatest Values are Here. We in vite your inspection. A til I I I I I f . I If ! f t lit It J Ul " C 1 : hit;. ; 1 ' ' . ' p . .. - Peiidletoii9s Greatest Clearance IS OFFERING YOU MERCHANDISE OF THE MOST DEPENDABLE QUALITY AT PRICES THAT MEAN GREAT SAVINGS TO YOU. Ours is the greatest stock in Pendleton, the newest, best as. sorted. It's quality merchandise for quality folks. Not "take-a-ehance" trash so often offered by so called cheap stores. It's the best your money can buy, it's made by America's best manufacturers who have a reputation and who guarantee their products. If you want real merchandise come to us and von re sure to get it. Sale : : t NOW Make This Store Your Store.. Visit here just as often as you possibly can. - rMJBi i liVJ ro UY i t i V2A 62ATST DLPARlXENT jig reopies waroiionsi fir " ,'r.tgyfi.- Make Your Dollars Pull the Greatest Load. Come where it pays to trade. NSTALL NEW OFFICERS incoming officers treated the 6ft mem bers present with sandwiches and take and coffee. Jt was voted that pa trons shall treat the officers January 21 to an oyster stew supper. A raffle of two huckleberry pies resulted in the lucky winners being .Neta Fehrnbacitr and Frank Komin- (East Oregonian Special.) UM.U1NE.' Jan.' IS. The regular meetinff of the Hudson Bay Grangers took place Friday night and officers were installed for this year as follows: Master. Lane Hoon: overseer. Dan J. Kirk; lecturer, Mrs. R. E. Bean; steward, Kyle McDaniel steward. Mel White: chaplain, ilrs. Holm; treasurer, Cbarles Records: secretary, Mrs. D. J. Kirk; gate keep er, Everett Carpenter; lady assistant steward. Mrs., Mel White: Flora, Po mona and Ceres: Neta Fehrnbacher, Mrs. Mel White and Mrs. Claude Boale. ... During the evening a past treasur er's Patron of Hi.sbana'ry pin as pre sented m William Records, who has "been treasurer for the grange for nine years and Is now living in Walla Wal la. Mr. and Mrs. J. B. Jones, were also the recipients of a gift celebrat ing their eighteenth wedding anniver sary. At the close of the granee. the . I On Friday morning at 10 o'clock many friends of the late Mrs. Charlie Wellman attended the funeral serv ices of the deceased at the Cookerly undertaking parlors in Walla Walla. Rev. Bleakney and Rev. Wilson con ducted the services, while a' quartette assistant j composed of high school classmates sang three beautiful selections, 'jne floral :itfriniKs were very lovely and expressed to the bereaved family their sympathy in their loss. Interment was made in the city cemetery in V.'alla. Walla. On Satuiday a baby boy was born to Mr. and Mrs. Ernest Jordan in Umapine. Mrs. Jordan was before her marriage Beatrice Marlatt while Mr. Jordan is a returned soldier of the marines in France. Dorrance Fpender was called to Walla Walla this week where hi:' grandfather. D. O. Rader. was strick en with paralys's on Thursday jiight. Mr. Rader is 75 years of age and no hope for his recovery is held out. Commencing next Sunday night. Rev. Amos of Portland, assistant su perintendent of missions; with the pastor. Rev. Wilson, will begin a se ries of revival meetings in the i'rea byteran church. All the community is asked to attend. I'mapine lost one of its families Monday when Mr. and Mrs. Craig with his wife is in New Mexico, will be glad to learn Mr Rominger is re covering from an operation for ap pendicitis. Mr.t and Mrs. Rominger were ready to come home to I'mapine. before Christmas when he was sud denly taken ill with appendicitis. Mrs. William Kirk of Walla Walla is visiting at the D. J. Kirk home this wek. Tull moved to their new holdings at! cm ma w imams, wno stepped in a Present t Wash. j noieand tiroke her leg two weeks ago tin Thursday night Mrs. Stockton during this past week had to have the and Mins Withee entertained at a par- a "ana Hospital in a Aery sertou tv for the Tull children who attend i '' amputated and Is lying In the W al the Vincent school and on Wednesday j condition. Disease of the bone ne- evenmg a large crowd surprised .Mr. i -".-..... mr ami"1""""- and Mrs. Tull at their home, giving i them a farewell dance. The Invading! ccnRn IV 6 to m iy neighbors brought their own refresh- jDriiKKists refund money If T'AZO OINT- ments and a Jollv evening was spent. ! MK NT fails to cure Itching, lillm! Thn Via v situation in the T'manine 1 r;l"'1 inS" or Protruding Piles In ine hay situation in tne t mapme MBntly r(.iiev, itching Piles. anl you country' this past week met with some ,can KPt r.,tful sleep after first appli change when a few buyers came incation. 60c. Adv. and bought the H. B. Eacon crop of i .. some 600 tons which will be biled and shipped Immediately. Jt E. Jones sold two carloads to Idaho buyers as also did John Meinor. r. J. Kirk sold 60 tons to a feeder for $10 In the stack. The prices received for the baled hay ranged from $12.50 to $H.59 per ton. Friends of Bert Rominger, who INGE WAR DOE 10 DEGENERACY; lie appeal for Americ.Vi contributions Intbohair of the starving penple of Europe by a resolution approved to day by the house foreign affairs com mittee. The resolution is a substitute for one by Keprcsentutlve French, repub lican. Idaho, proposing that the gov ernment officially endorse the work of the European relief couurll. follow a dinner and speakers will be Itev. John Hecor. pastor of the Metho dist church, Itev. Alfred Iw-kwood. pastor of the Church of the Redeem er, Fred Mteiwer and Ernest Croekntt. t'ifferenl phases of the immigration question will lie taken. 'The Home Paper of the Oregon Country" PORTLAND, OREGON , ANNOUNCES ITS ANNUAL' BARGAIN DAY PERIOD i January 19 to February 2, 1921 SPECIAL OFFER TO EVERYONE: ' , Following our annual custom, The Oregon Journal has designated Tamiarv 10 to Feb ruary -i'J-'l, as the Bargain Day Period, and MAIL SUBSCRIPTION'S ONLY will Le received at the following special rates: Daily and Sunday Journal, by m aii only, one year . .$7.00 Daily Journal, by mail only, one year $5.00 Sunday Journal, by mail only, one year . $3.00 W eekly Journal, by mail only one year 75 Sunday and Weekly Journal, by Mail only, one year $3.25 SOTE TktM ratei spply oolj la tkt ratine 5ortkwt lUUh ul caaaot bt extended to otkrr itatet. Only Yearly Subscriptions Are Taken at Bargain Day Rates TMs offer is open to old is well as new subscribers, and is an-excellent opportunity to jet a metropol itan nevspxper, op to the minute and with ail the news, at a special rate. Your home town newspaper supplies you with the news of your immediate locality, hut with- its many superior features, markets and financial news, and the special leased wire reports of the United Hresi. International Nes, Universal and United News Services. The Oregon Journal jives all the news of the world worth printing THE PAPER FOR THE WHOLE FAMILY This offer it made for a $hort time only. Order at once through this paper, any pottmatter, rural carrier or Journal agent, or remit di rect. ' " It THE JOCRNAL PorUiiid. Oregoa Dear Sirs: Enclosed find I for which picas send me Thm Journal TO NEXT BARGAIN DAT BY MAIL uixler your special offer. Address. ,w . . LAWREXCE, Mass. 13. (U. P.) The answer of the workers of this great mill center to the recent an nouncement of 22 and one half per cent wage reduction Is "war to a fin ish'' in a statement today to the of ficers of the Lawrence branch of the Amagamated Textile workers ot America which declare that workers rccognizsd in the recent wae reduc tion a notice of re-declaratlon of war. I The "fight is on" the statement said. The "Pitched battle of the great strike nineteen twelve and nineteen nineteen will be resumed." Dogs and Felines Are Eelaps inf Into Savage Ways of Un tamed Ancestors ; Pets Elope Breaking Mistress' Hearts. BUDAPEST, Jan. 13 A. D Kvcn the cats and docs of Central Europe have degenerated as a resvlt of the war says Professor Hal!;anll, Direct or of the Veterinary School he-c, who is investigating how- the habits of do mestic animals have, been infh enceii by that cans;. Mo.it of the town-bred cats In this par: of the world refuse to drink milk because it Is unknown by them, due to the lack i,f milk dur ing the war, the professor asrts. "Both cats and doss are nlaps'ng to the savage wayi of their untamed enctstors," he says. "The vagrancy of dogs is ntartling. Pet dogs elope, from heart-broken mistresses, Join ing packs of manry village dogs, where they live In communist equality The same authority says t!.at, be sides hydrophobia, net'vous iMsenses are very frcouent amoung animals. In am afraid domestic animals in Eu rope are degenerating and that the stock must be replenished from overseas. I'onun w.l I ytPt-tS" Immigration will be hc opic dis cussed at a meeting of the Men's Fo rum of the Preshyterlnn church, to be held January 25. Tho meeting will STENOGRAPHY Beginning classes Mon., Wed. and Fri., at 4 p. m., al so lessons in evening. Phone ES MURDERERS IN ARIZONA TF.MPLK, Ariz., Jan. 13. (P. P.) Heavily armed poshes are following . , 'the trail of the three Mexican band IM who lest nlglit killed tho Tcmpe PORTLAND, Jan. . 13 (A. P.) j marshal! and a hoy and probably fa Black hand is demanding $20,001 j tally wounded a merchant. The Mex from J. Wcstly Ladd, prominent ! leans raided a stoi c just after it tanker, $15,000 from Ben Sailing, closed for the nlfc-ht. Tho proprietor clothier, and $10,000 each from Chas. was shot down by tho robbers, who and HV-nry Jennings Jr. and I, Oevur- fled with contents of the cash drawer, la' were received In a letter signed Marshal Spangler arrested them as "Sfcrdnw," the police with Mr. Jidd ! they emerged from the utoie and In a placed a hui-wt bullet at the soot dc- revolver iliiel which enncfl he and .Always JCnoyn Cleanliness signed. The plotters managed to get the bullet and elude the police. It is announced. boy onlooker were slain. RAISING IN BRITAIN! BILL PROVIDES REPEAL OF MARRIAGE LAW LONDON', Jan. 13. (A. P.) King eoriie has just been elected a mem- I bcr of the Large Black Pig Society, j the Times announced, I Members of this society are breed ers of a famous Berkshire variety ol large hogs, some of which were pur chased recently from the royal farms at Windsor by King Alfonso of Spain, with a view 'to improving the nativ? breeds. SALEM, Jan. 13 U. P. Senator Joseph, Wednesday, Introduced a bill in the senato which yould repeal the present law compelling a medical ex amination of men before marrloge In Oregon, he said a $1000 In marriage fees was lost to Oregon nnd gained by Vancouver of ficllals through opera tion of the measure. ftHICHESTL'R S PIL! 0 THE 1IAHUNI HRANO. F1!! Fill!. U'4 InJ (..14 o.tfc"L 'HIAM-tlP HKMI I'H.I.', fv. tg To Cnre a fold In Oiw Pny Take Orove's LAXATIVB BKOMO ININR tablets. Ilie genuine bean the signature of E. W. CI rove. 80c Adv. WOULD ASK WILSON FOR PUBLIC APPEAL TO AID SUFFERING EUROPEANS fir its A v . I u.r Sanitary Grocery Phone 15. . Ali 0ther PaparAmenU. Call 22, JANUARY CLEARANCE PRICES Beans, small white, 16 lbs. , $1.00 Tea Garden Preserves, glass 50c Olives, ripe, large size 65c Apples, dried, pound 20c Apricots, dried, pound 40c Eigs, black, dried, pound 25c Peaches, dried, pound '. : 30c Prunes, dried, pound 20c Kraut and Sausage, can 4oc Butter, cooking, 3 pounds 73c Picnic Hams, pound ; 20c Hams, good, pound . 30c WNDinoNS OWATEST DEPARTMENT STORE fieToples Warehouse fcgitvrViirwinn't iT"nAvifo f i n r ' gy"T'vr -a r Eggs, Eggs, Eggs We are receiving our Eggs from one of the largest poultry farms in the state, and it gives us great pleasure to offer to our many custo mers these fine Eggs, every one guaranteed to be absolutely fresh. For your information we can say that these Eggs are produced from a flock of hens in which every precaution' as to their care and food is taken, strict sanitation is used. We guaranteed every Egg to you or your money back. t. These Eggs 'are used in one of the largest hospitals in the state, where only the very strict est of fresh Eggs are used You can boil these Eggs without fear, you can use them in the sick room and know that there are none better. U. S. INSPECTED MEATS. "THE TABLE SUPPLY" Phone 187 and 183 739 Main Street iptiii.N' jnn. u. i leniiirni. i.i ,; ( M illion would be asked to Issue . pubri CHAS. D. DESPAIN & CHAS. W. GOODYEAR Proprietor! . . -