t ; v -" t . " TEN PAGES PAGE TEN DAILY EAST OREGONIAN, PENDLETON, OESboSl, THTJESDAY EVENING, JANUARY 13, 1921. DAILY MARKET NEWS, LOCAL AND GENERAL 1 - . Including Pendleton Prices and Associated Press Reports Fwnti Vewtahk In .Market. Fresh Tefetaule are expected In lo cal market tomorrow for the week rJ trad. French artichokes, at 25 rente each; apinach, at IS cents a pound, two pound tor 25 cent; Im perial Valley lettuce, at 15c a head; green pepper, at 40 cents a pound; Hmwwls sprouts at 30 cents a pound, and cauliflower at 25 cents a head will be among- the products. There will be aweet potatoes, parsnips, carrots, turnips, eta Among the fruits will be apples, Wnanas. grapefruit, etc, SnaltJ IVxl $S to $3; liar $7 to $3S. SEATTLE, Jan. 13. City delivery: Feed Scratch feed 161 ton; feed wheat 1 6 S ; all train chop 351; onts I4; sprouting oats J54; rolled oats 51;. whole corn 4T; cracked corn I4; rolled barley 350; clipped barley $56; milled feed $39; bran $38. HaV Alfalfa 127 ton- rinuhla mm. pressed alfalfa $33; ditto timothy $39; eastern Washington mixed $35. Seattle Hog Prices. Kange SI ISO to S. , SEATTLE, Jan. 13. Hogs Re ceipts 88. Steady, 12 Q 12.50; smooth heavies 11S12; rough heavies 9 .B0; pigs 9 11. CattleA-Receipts 25. Steady, Prime steers S.85f.25; medium to choice 1S.15; common to good .007.00; "brut cows and heifers 7 7.50; medi um to choice 5.5068.50; common to good .00f 5.50;. bulls 4.g6.00; calves 313. ' and heifers 6.00(96.25; bulls mostly 25c lower; crihners calves and feeders steady; bulk good and choice vcalers ltUOti U. ; ,v Sheep 4000; sheep and yearlings to 15 8? 25c higher; 9e pound yarltnga 8; lambs 25 40c higher;, choice Colo rado 11.10. . Farm I'itxIuoo Prioca In New Pork Show Utile Change. XEW YORK. Jan. 13. Butter is steady, unchanged. Kggs firm, unchanged. Cheese firmer; state, whole milk flats,-fresh, specials 24 1-26 25 1-2; others unchanged. """ - Sales 900,000 shares. The open rate for call loans failed to get .under t per cent although it again was reported that Interior banks were loaning money here as low as 4 1-S per cent. Time loans for two and three months were made at 6 1-2 per cent, , Kelt in Seattle 48 to 54 Vents; Hutter S8i to 59 crnt-s SEATTLE, Jan. IS. Eggs Select local ranch, white shells 68Sj54; pul lets 48. Beef Cattle Strong- To Higher In Kansas City. KANSAS CITY. Jan. 13. Cattle S.800; beef steers strong to 25c higher;- beat load 8.90; few head 10.00; bulk 7.50 ? 8.50; she stock mostly steady to strong; spots higher; heavy Nebraska cows 7.50; bulk fat cows. "Cold In the Head I a acute attack of Nasal Catarrh. These subject to frequent "colds In the head" will find that the use of HALL'S CATARRH MEDICINE will build up the System, cleanse the Blood and render them ten liable to colds. Repeated at tacks of Acute Catarrh may lead to Chronic Catarrh. HALL'S CATARRH MEDICINE Is taken Internally and arts through the on wm mucuus surfaces 01 me cys tem, thus reducing the inflammation and restoring normal conditions. AU Druggists. Circulars free. F. J. Cheney Co.. Toledo, Ohio. Yesterday's Receipts In Frisco ' Hay, Corn and Fruit Prkws. SAN FRANCISCO, Jan. 13. Re ceipts Flour 5680 qrs.; barley 2378 centals; beans 500 sacks; corn 120 centals; rye 120 centals; potatoes 1532 sacks; onions 65 sacks: hay 80 tons; hides 393 rolls; lemons and oranges 600 boxes. Alfalfa 18.00 23.00. Corn white Egyptian 2.752.85 red mllo 2.00 2.05. Clrape fruit Arizona 4.00 4.25; ap pies, Newtowns 1.25 2. So. speculative Favorite Take Widely Divergent Course. XEW YORK. Jan., 13. The super ficial character of existing conditions In the stock market was strikingly il lustrated today by tho widely diver gent course of speculative favorites, somewhat to the detriment or neglect of the more representative shares. Crucible steel, which lias been the strongest and most prominent feature of the last week, reacted an extreme of 5 points, recovering- little more than a point. Atlantic Gulf, another speculative Issue recently under pressure, rose al most 7 points at its best, but forfeit ed all but 1 1-8. Mexican Petroleum closed at a net gain of 6 points. Additional features embraced the less active shippings and oils, express company shares. International Paper, New York Air Brake and Sears Roe buck. There was a further demand for rails, although secondary or reorgan ized properties, such as New Haven. St, Louis Southwestern common and preferred, St. Paul common and pre ferred. Rock Island, Lhigh valley and Southern railway fared better than seasoned or dividend paying issues. Rvniiorated Apple Urkct Dull In New York. ' NEW YORK. Jan. 13. Evaporated apples dull. ..Prunes, firm.. - Peaches quiet. Abraham Lincoln Said: ' "Teach economy; that is one of the first virtues. It begins with saving- money." - -- When a man, with a rugged character, like Abra ham Lincoln, made the above quoted statement, it i fully reaped that it contains an unusual deep significance. And it has not lost any of its value during these days of extravagant habits and very little economy. This bank offers you every possible assistance to save and accumulate. One of our courteous tellers, at window No. 5, Is constantly in charge to render jou special Savings Service. Tfe American Pendleton. Oregon, 'Strongest Sank in Gaston Oregon" diUIIilUIIIIIIinilHIUIinilllltllllillllllllllllilllllilillllllllllillllllllllllllllllllllllllllllg We Are Remarking Our Goods 5 to conform with the market, irrespective of what they cost us. We follow a policy of no special sales, but you save 5 money with us when you see us for Furniture. 3 2 , f -- -- 5 We have the most beautiful dining sets, in golden I oak, mahogany, walnut and Jacobean sets, in all the 1 latest patterns. I Come to our store where you have room to see I our goods. 1 Double Show Room 1 " Cruikshank & Hampton j 1 QUALITY COUNTS I 1 124-128 E. Webb St Phone 548 E Your Old Furniture taken in exchange as part payment on new. r llUinilltlllltlltllllllllllllllMlllinilll!lllli.lllllllllltll1IIII 1IIIIIIII1I1IIIIIIIII1I1IC Competition of Millers and - -Exi)orters Ix-ads to WlHat Advance. CHICAGO, Jan. 13. Evidence of competition etween millers and ex porters led to a sharp upturn In wheat today. Final prices although unset tled, were 3-4 to 4 1-4 net high with March 1.82 to 1.82 1-4 and Mny 1.72 3-4 to 1.73. Corn gained 1-2 to 3-4: oats 1-4 to 3-8 and provisions 10 to 30c. On the advance May wheat touch ed the highest price this season. In connection with the upturn in values, interest was attached to news that Minenapolia mills were buying hard winter wheat In Nebraska where imost of the recent export shipments have been obtained. An apparent pause In export buying early had a transient bearish Influence and so too did gos sip that the Argentine export tax would be removed. Gossip that Texas mills were after wheat in Kansas and that flour de mand shoiwed improvement were addi tional bullish factors. Corn and oats swayed with wheat, advances being- checked by heavy hedging sales of corn. On the other hand, export buying of corn continued. Hfgher quotations on hogs and ce reals gave a lift to provisions. OUTBURSTS OE EVERETT TRUE Jfc. OH, HELLO, Mf3TCf2 Tv?US ..MOW. ARfS-.XcK, c ' i a k iv f . i a rir EC f ooir4Ariv.Y He "DoesN't wotic6 fnrs, got ujrteM his scr goMTftoc Uicg. thi S 111 . ti ""A $4 PER WEEK LODGING E E Saving of $52 Per Year to Con tinentals Kept Capital at Princeton Where Living Was O11I7 $3. HARRISON, Ark., Jan. 13. (A. P.) There was a time in the history of the United States when $52, repre senting a year's loss or saving to members of Congress, was a vital factor in the consideration of a pro posed moving of the seat of govern ment, and, according to an afficer of that same Congress, $52 a year was "no trifling consideration." This bit of history is contained in a letter written by Charles Thomson, secretary of the Continental Congress during the several years of its exis tence to his 'wife Hannah, an aunt of President William Herny Harrison The tetter is dated Princeton, August 21, 1783, the Congress then being in session In the New Jersey town, and was addressed to "Mrs. Thomson, Corner 'of Spruce and 4 Street, Phil, adelphia." It was proposed that the residence of Congress be removed to Elizabeth town, N. J., but, according to the let ter, there was opposition on the ground that "lodging" in Elizabethtown would cost $4 a week, whereas it could be obtained for $3 a week in .Prince ton. Whether the "high cost of liv ing" in Ellzabethtown finally swayed the Congress in rejection it is not disclosed, but history records that the Congress met in Anapolis, Md., af- terf leaving Princeton, and at no time sat at Elizabethtown. The letter,- in part, which recently came into the possession of Mrs. Rex Worthington, of Harrison, a de scendant of Mr. Thomson, Ipllaws: "Dear Hannah: "I have received your letters .dated Monday 12 o'clock and Tuesday 10 o'clock at night and acknowledged the receipt of them. ...... .Mr. Rend was misinformed respecting the adjourn-m-nt. They met on Monday but they might as well have adjourned till this time for any business they have don. 1 m very apprecehensive that noth ing but some calamity will awaken the states to a sense of their situa tion. . . . . ". - . , . The President of Congress lias not provided a house for himself nor is likely he will find one here to suit him. I find Elize bethtown has been talked of at his table as a proper place for the resid ence of Congress. He has a rouse there -which he says has twenty rooms and which he -will let for the use of the President. It is true the place is infested with mosquitoes in summer and lying low and near marshes may he liable to intermittents in the spring and fall, but these are trifling when it . ' considered that by fixing the residence of Congress there the value of his estate, will be increased and he will have an opportunity of letting his house at a good rent. But yet I am inclined to believe this will ne opposed by his colleagues; for Mr. C-Jndlt has found a lodging In thiB town at 3' dollars a week -which en ables him to lay up more money. And there is reason to fear that at Ellza bethtown, which is so near New York, it will cost him at least four. This would be a clear loss of 62 dollars a year which is no trifling considera tion, and which I daresay will have due "weight with some of the others. There are Titer weighty considera tions which mifsM be mentioned." "Tour loving husnana. Chas. Thomson." containing a copy of the Oregon voa er at editor C. C. Chapman in tho sen ate yesterday following a denuncia tion of the Oregon voter in the senate by Senator Thomas, because of an ar ticle attacting Senator Jones, of Eu gene. The Binder grazed the eritor's ear. ' . T PARIS, Jan. 13 (A. P.) The changes of the moon have been found by the radio officers of the small A merican fleet in the Adriatic sea to have a striking effect up6n the tffici- ency of the atmosphere for transmitt ing radio communitatiens. The offc era have succcfied in drawing curves and other diagrams, based upon months of observations, which, they assert, reliably seine to Indicate what atmosphereic and celestial conditions affecting radio service will be met at any particular date in the future. The discovery apparently has speci al application" to the vicinity of. the Adriatic, for there the changes in the world's relation to, the moon are much mors than anywhere else in the world, so far as yet disctvered. LSIAROFT f TOBACCO "No-To-Bac- has helped thousands to break the costly, nerve-shattering tobacco habit. Whenever you have a lenging for a cigarette, cigar, pipe, or for a chew, just place a harmless Xo-To-Bac tablet in your mouth Instead, to help, relieve that awful desire. Shortly the habit may be compffetely broken, and you are better off mental ly, physically, financially. It's so easy so jsimple. Get a box of No-To-Bac and if it dosen't release you from all I craving for tobacco in any form, your druggist will refund your money witnout question. . , FRESH COUNTRY Sausage, Backbones and ';vy.j, Spareribs Fresh Poyntry Sausage, 3 pounds . .', . . . $1.00 , , . Fresh Country Backbones and Spareribs,1 pound . 30c Fresh Country Eggs, dozen . . 60c Fresh Country Butter, 2 pounds ........ $1.00 The . rrocery 221 East Court St. : The Most in Value The Best in Quality Phone 871 Sanitaryi Quality PRINTING at Reasonable Prices- East Oregooian Printing Department. Dr. Lynn K. Blakeslee Chronic and Nervous IHseases and Diseases of Women. X-Ray Electric Therapeutics. Temple Bldg. Room 12 Phone 418 DR. C. H. DAY I'hy-ticlaii and Surgeon Oxtcopatli Rooms 23 and 25 Hmlth-Crawford Building. Telephone 704 Res. 749-R illlllllllllllllllllllllllllltllllllllltllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllll Have More Heat I With Less Goal . jn PHONE FIVE FOR FUEL Um Utah Coal, which is satisfying more people ".-,'. every day. 1 B:L. BURROUGHS -He Has It! 1 S V.-.. . ' S" UIIIUIlllllllllllllillllllllllllllIIIIIUIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIillllllllllIIll Quality PRINTING at Reasonable Prices- East Oregonian Printing Department. BINDER IS HURLED DURING WORDY WAR IN OREGON SENATE BALEM. -Vn. 13 (A. P.) Senator Joseph, Multnomah, hurled a bidder Why Gamble? The proper selection of your Farm- Light and Home . Electric Power Plant is the difference between assured satisfaction and "may-be-so." Why gamble? ITiere is alway3 one best in every tiling and in electric plants it is the LALLEY. Thousands of users throughout the world know froa actual experience that this is true. ;i Sturgis & Storie Pendleton, Ore. Walla Walla, Wash. Be Sure See the LALLEY First Headquarters for " Electrical Equipment for tfit tarm ana nurai Home " 11 cm . jj irattapf ilka giiy.jjJM 1 y.V:" YOU CAN TEACH A P4RROT TO SAYJUSTASGOOD'? But He Doesn't Know What He's Talking About. INSIST ON . if t: '-. . The Butter Supreme HAVE YOU BOUGHT YOUR BARREL OF FLOUR? i HelunTuieTiiiajulaiiiiiruffi "Bitaick'- ' Everybody knows Buick builds six-cylinder Valve-ift-Head automobiles. 1 that Buick sold its entire 1920 output long befof e the end of the season. that Buick has sold a large percentage of its 1921 schedule. -that Buick users are Buick salesmen. -that Buick car values are 100 per cent. Added to their recognized high service value the new Buick models possess a distinctive beauty. Their graceful lines and handsome appointments merit the pride which early buyers have expressed. Nineteen Twenty One Buick automobiles hajre more improvements than any Buick models in he past five years and 1921 models represent 25 per "cent greater used car values. Many of our spring deliveries are already con tracted for. Thousands have been disappointed during past years because of theshortage of Buick cars. THE MATTER OF PRESENT PURCHASING SHOULD RECEIVE THE IMMEDIATE CONSIDERATION OF MOTOR CAR BUYERS , When Better Automobiles Are Built, Buick Will v Build Them. .. -WC Oregon Motor Garage .. 4 Distributors BUICK, CADILLAC AND CHEVROLET , , is 1 " , i I i( . I M IStMtf''1"1'"'"'"'1""'""""'"1'" a mmm. . m.