1THE EAST OREGONIAN IS THE ONLY INLAND' EMPIR E NEWSPAPER GIVING ITS READERS THE BENEFIT OF DAILY TELEGRAPH NEWS REPORTS FROM BOTH THE ASSOCIATED PRESS AND UNITED PR 3 . n ' n -F'"' ' ' - F DAILY EDITION DAILY EDITION Numbnr of coplc prints of yetnrdy'a lally 3,309 W-1 i ... The Kant Orea-onlan la l"tffi Ora a"on' (greatest nrwapaprr anil aa a tiling force give to in advertiser over twice the guaranteed psid eireu latlon In Pendleton and limatilla eoua ty of s.ny othar newspaper. j ma pvrr i a memoer or una auattea by the Audit Bureau ot Circulation. COUNTY OFFICIAL PAPER CITY OFFICIAL PAPER VOL. 32 DAILY EAST OREGONIAft, PENDLETON, OREGON, THURSDAY EVENING, JANUARY 13, 1921. THRFF MIIIIAfJ MFN Mill RF I III ILL IIIL.LIU11 I1LI1 HULL. ML J & J S TlinAi.,,. ...nrt rinnniin iiaiAhV1 ihkuwniniu riuniinu ais&v NON DE PLUME GIVES BELIEF THAT RUSSIAN LEADER MAY BE DEAD RUSSIAN BOUNDARY ifG Marked Nations Will Despatch ' Armies to Stave Off Tidal Wave Contemplated by Am bitious Bolshevik Rulers. LINE OF WaFwILL SPAN STRETCH OF 250 MILES ISorlln, Jon. 3. (P. p.) . "Karpoff," member of the sup reme economic council, is dead it .Moscow message toij.-jy an nounced. "Kurimff" was a Nom de Plume formerly used by Nikolai Lenlne, whose ser ious illness was aniiouiicfd early this week, Germans fa mlllarmiih Utiaslun nf fairs said they knew of no other man of that name. MAYOR OUTLINES WORK THAT CITY SHOULD PERFORM NO. 0723 KILLING OF LIEUTENANT IN U. S. . ASIATIC SQUADRON BRINGS HIGH FEELING ON CRUISER, AND PROBE HARD! Troops of Balkan States Will Rally in Support of Rumania, Czechoslovakia, Poland and , Perhaps Border States. PARIS. Jan. 13. IV. P.) More than three million men will be thrown into the fighting altniK tiiu jtusalon boundary early thin spring, according to Information which French military experta gave out today. Their advices indicate the fighting front will extend from 200 to 250 mllea. The bolHhe vlkl are expected to launch several , spring driven, the Trench authnritlca an Id. Meeting them will te troops from several Balkan mates. rallying In aupport of Kumanla. Czecho-Rlo-vakia, Poland and perhaps the border states, which Russia wishes to re claim. The military strength of the coun tries expected to enter the fighting is aa follows: Russia, 1,000.000; Poland, 1,000. 000; Rumania, 600 000 and the Paltlc , at at ex, 200,000. Military experta apree that the mil lion men expected from Poland would be her maximum strength, while a million aa ascribed to Russia will be mere beginning. That number, how ever. In view of her ability to train and equip her army, la regarded aa her maximum strength for the spring campaign. There are nlao added to the forces of the nations marked for attack by the bolshevik!, men who might be expected from Jugo-plavla. and Cxechn-Slovakia. Meanwhile, ac tive preparations for war fire proceed ing at half a down scattered points in Europe. ' WILLOWS. Cul.. Jan. 1 J. (17. P.) A sharp furthipuike shock was feil i here early today, lasting three sec onds. So damage whs done. Ill Former U. S. Sailor is Freed to Return to Farm After Pass ing Bad Checks in Effort to Get Home From Sanitarium. A banquet and danco. the culmina tion of Hunday's record breaking rab bit shoot, will be given by the Pend leton Hod A Gun Club for all Its members uad their wives and sweet hearts in Kngle Woodman hall on Monday evening, January 17. The af fair Is expected to be a big success as It marks a new line of activity on the part of the club. The banquet will be served In the banquet hall of the lodge building ut 7:30 m., according to J. If. Ksten, who Is chnlrman of the committee handling arrangements. After the guests have partaken of all the good things to eat; they will adjourn to the dancing floor where the rest of the evening will be danced away. Rules of me -hoot called for a banquet to be given the winners by the losers, but Inasmuch as the com mittee finally ruled the shoot a draw all hands got together ond decided cn a banquet and dance. Those who are assisting Mr. F.ste with arratlce ments are; J. E. Elklns, R. C. Hay, Earl Coutts, John I Voughan,. It. It. Home and H. M. Hannvan. ritfJKS Ml C'KNT TARIFF WA8HIXOT0N, Jan. IS.- (A. P. To atop the "enormous Importations of Canadian wheat" Senator McCutn ber of North Dakota, announced he would ask for a tariff of probnbly SO cents a bushel on wheat to be Includ ed In the Fordney emergency tariff ill Insteady of the duty of 30 cents ns carried by a measure passed by the house. A story of m'ullier-love of a long chance taken by a son without fundi Httd an addiction to the drug habit government hospltul f.ir disease con tracted while serving in (he navy dur ing the world war is wuven Into the cold details of the circuit court re curd today which chronicles the pa role of Kdgar I0kfp.Hrlck. . Fllepatrlck was sentenced by Cir cuit Judge (!. V. Phelps a few days ago, to serve a maximum of two and a half yearn In the slate penitentiary for forgery. On Thursday lost he was Indicted hy the Brand J'idy. lie was arrested here Dec. 2t by the police when he had passed one worthlesi rheck on the St. George hotel and had attempted a second di falsation on a local clothing store. Morphine fscil n Triiiljiiciit "Pefuio tltn war ;' s never In (rouble aUhyuuh he wns a bit wild er than the rest of our family." Mrs. j m. r iixpuiru-K, mntner or the young man, told the district attorney in ask ing for tho parole. She came here from their farm near Boise, where, she said, they were among the oldest settlers and are respected citizens. Following his return from service Fitxpatrick wus treated in a govern ment hospital for disease he contract ed In service, Mrs. Fltzpatrlck toio the district attorney. In treating him morphine was used and he contracted the drug habit. In an effort to cure blm, he wns confined In the state san itarium nt Orofino, Id., for six mon th.:. According to her story, he had been considered cured and was disc harged by the superintendent. H was en route from Ixwlston to his home near llolse after his relase. Mrs. Fitxpat rick had telegraphed him transporta tion but th ticket was never called for and the amount- wns returned to her. Her son had heat his way frrm Lewlatnn to Pendleton and landed here without funds. It was while here that he attempted to raise money enough to carry him home. Drujr Outfit Taken A crude outfit for the use of drugs wns taken from F'txpatrlrk when ar rested. Since being confined in the county Jnll for the fust two weeks, however, he has been obliged to do without. A clause in his parole says he must abstain from the use of In toxicants or drugs. Mrs. Fitxpatrick nslied that she be allowed to take her son to Idaho am" put him to work on the farm. Her wish will be granted If State Parole Officer Pery M. Varney says the word Hecaiise of her residence out of thr jurisdiction of the local courts, Mrs Fltxpntrlck could not be made dir ectly responsible for her son. He was paroled to Mr. Varney and he mav make the order allowing Fttzpatrlck to return to the family fold to tstnr! once more to make good. KrXMMiAMZK OA MR llWV. SAI.KM, Jan. 13. (A. P.) The house game committee has decided to draft and report out the bill reorganizing the fish and game commission along lines to be agreed on between sportsmen und commercial fishing Interests. Among the powers granted the game commission Is the right to open any closed season and close 'any open season at the!r d!srre tlon. KPIXiAL ISODY MAV COY. sii)i:u itiu-s. PAi.-EM, Jan. 13. (A. P.) A special committee of five members of the senate and five of the house probably will be appointed to con sider sll bills relative to reappor tionment of ' representation for several counties and also bills dealing with the creation of new congressional districts. The com mittee was proposed In a resolu tion in'roduced by Senator I'p ton. Ixtlslatnrt- Adjourns. SAI.KM, Jan. 13. (A. P.) Tho legislature adjourned :it noon un til Monday when it will convene In a Jn'nt session to receive a special metsagn from the gover nor. Tho governor made no an nouncement as to tho nature of his mesrnge beyond saying It deals with constructive state ments. A-k $5 a Iny Pay. BAf.KM. Jan. 13. (A. P.) A joint resolution providing thtt members of the eg luttire receive. $5 a day not to-exceed 3n0 for a session, and that $3 be cllowed for every 20 miles traveled to nnd from the legislature by mem bers. Wotdil Itar I A bouse bill us introduced would prohih't the use of do;;s In hunting China pheasants. Would Alsdish Hoard. I'plin introduced a bill In the senate which would completely abolish the state emergency board. Other proposed biils would change the personnel of the board, eliminating the governor, secretary of state nnd treasurer, und replacing them with thr-e members of the bous? ways and means committee. Better Physical and Moral As pects Urged Upon Council and Citizens in Informal Ad dress by George A. Hartman. VALIDITY OF BONDS IS WAITING OPJ OPINIONS Condition of City Charter is Such That Work of Provina or Disproving Legality of Is sue Slow, Warner Says. A program constructive for tthe city council and the citizens of Pendleton j 7l "'Km was outlined hy .Mayor 'feorge A. Hartman and discussed by him and the members of the council. In an Informal address to the coun 'II, the mayor declared that it is up to that body and to the citizens in : ( eneral to cooperate not onlv to better I 'he city physically but to elevate the I moral tone and to create sentiment which will accelerate the. parcn ol progress which can be kept up at lltt!e I C.VJ( use. BLACKMAILER, SHADOW, CALLS AT OFFICE OF INDIFFERENT VICTIM 1'OltTI.AM), Jan. 13.(A. P.) The police are working on clues as to the Identity of blackmailer "Shadow" who sent threatening letters to prominent men. Henry Jennings, Jr., who received two letters which he ignored, found on . bis desk yesterday a note print ed In Ink on the stationery of his furniture company reading: "I have been here. Shadow." Admiral Gleaves, Commander, Will Speed From Shanghai to Investigate Alleged Mur der by Japanese Soldier. IfG fkW SALES TAX FOR REVENUE ! sHA.VRIMI, Jan. 13. (I. P.) Admiral Gleaves, commanding the American Asiatic squadron, is sched uled to arrive here tomorrow aboard a destroyer, en route to Vladivostok to Investigate the killing of Lieutenant W. ii. Langdnn, who was killed Hun day while returning to his ship from a visit ashore. He is said to have heen shot in the back by a Japanese soldier. Reports reaching here Indicate a h g1! feeling among members of the cru.ser Albany, of which Langdon was chief engineer, and fears of trou I ble are expressed. Statement Issued 'Says the Fight Between Lieuts. Far- rell and Hinton Was Induced j by Overwrought Minds. MATTICE.' Ont Jan. 13 The tlirea j American naval uaiiontata w ho ar- . neu yesierouy rrom .Moose Factor An aurllt of the city's records and I near where thev descended Dec U ' ccounts since I12, a recodifying of I left last night for c-nchrsne .h .he city-H ordinances and publication j cawbound Canadian -National Express, cashier-' H VV Dickson lne ""irter m up-to-date form were The fight between (.lent ,;m"" th moaMures recommpndi-il 1 rr.il n-i Hinton v.t,.., . i " "" no action on the i cribed in a statement, to overwrought j selection of a police chief was taken, minds induced "by their hardships , the mayor Indicated in his talk that Und gruelling struggles." he stands for a higher moral tonp In Tho .iim. i i. . t.-i... I ondleton. said, was prepared at the direction ot llond Opinion lacking jHinton and Farrell who had menden Failure of Teal, Minor & Winfree, i'heir differences. The three officers attorneys for Cars-tens & Kurles Co., viere together in the private car o( f Portland, to provide City Attorney ' H. n. Way, divisional superintendent Harold J. Warner with a copy ofjof the Canadian National railways, their opinion on the- invalidity of the "On several occasions," the state Jecent 122,'iuo bond issues by the city, rnent said, "after a long and tiresome innce ueiinite action on that subject '.valk. one or two of us would become impossible last night. Mr. Warner I ilid that a copy of the opinion had ; I et n promised end probably would (nriii-fc today. V,'hen"he receives this grouchy ond at the slightbt disagree ment would make a fuss. These quar rels were just temporary disagree ments and almost as (julcMyaa the Pinion he will attempt to check up would start thty would end. j on tho validity of the bond issue. "As commander of the balloon, I j The condition of the city charter flew to .Moose Factory. I had per- i nnd amendments snd ordinances is fc-t liberty t select any of the of- mic1i, Mr. Warner, said, that it is diffi- facers at the station to accompany me I cult to find a point from which to and authorization from the commanu- M ir, lie declared tb.it he held ins officer. In picking my passeng t'otilrt as to whether the Portland at- ers Ueutenant Hinton and Farrell, 1 lorneys had copies of the chartc. selected them because thev mere two amendments, in which case, he opln-1 f my best friends and themselves Col. James H. Raley was elected a director of the American National Hank at the annual stockholders' meeting'last night, succeeding Robert X. Slanfield, who will soon begin serv ing as a United .States senator. Other omcers ol the bank were reelected. W. L. Thompson, president: J. n. -McCook, vice president: U C. Scharpf. assistant cashier, and F.' E. Judd. F. S. Curl. Tom Thompson, U L. Mann and H. W. Collins, directors, were all re elected. Col. P.aley was chosen a di rector because of Irs long connection with the institution and his ability to serve at meetings, whereas Mr. 'Stan field is expected to be absent during much of the coming six years. The bank reported that 1920 was its most successful year. There were no changes made except In the one in stance of the directorate. The new director was one of the founders of the old Vmatilla, Loan & P.eal Estate Co.. out of which the American National has evolved I has owned stock in the local bank since its Inception, and witnessed the laying of the first brick in Its present building. His firm has served as at torney for the institution since its be ginning. Mr. Thompson, president, on Tuesday was re-elected a vice presi dent of the First National Bank of Portland, which institution he joined in September, 1919. Member of House Ways and Means Committee Says President-Elect Features Plan in Law Revision Program. PUBLIC WELFARE POST MAY NOT BE SET UP Department Advocated at Con vention Will Probably Be Temporarily Abandoned for Sake of Needed. WASHINGTON. Jan. 13. (f. P.) Harding is giving serious thought to the sales tax as one of the moat Im por(ant features of the revenue law revision, according to representative Isaac Bacharach, republican member of (he house ways and means com mittee, who conferred with the pre., sldent-elect at Marion. May Ahanadan Plan MARION. Jan. 13. (U. p.) Tern, porary abandonment of a plan for the department of public welfare la con. sldered by Harding, due chiefly to a demand for government economy. During the convention, Harding de clared for a department of public wel fare, combing the machinery now scattered around various executive de partments, including the public health service under the treasury department the bureau of education In the inter ior department and the child welfare department in the department of la bor. One argument against Introduc ing the new department now la that It would entail the expense of another cabinet officer. Considerable addi tional clerical force and probably tho erection of large , building In Wash ington. - , lUtOKKK ASSAILS ItH L. WASHINGTON, Jan. 13. (A. P.) ljslie Gates, former president of the Chicago board of trade, told the house agricultural committee that en actment of the Capper-Tinchcr grain futuiis 1,111 would "paralyze present grain marketing machinery without providing nn adequate substitute." 1. they may Pave made their opinion f"om the orrina c pies of the charter dating hack to lltofi. l imit In Ordinance "From the biter written by the bond hous" it appears that the fault 1 cs '.vith the enabling ordinance," Mr. Warner said. "if such is the case, the ordinance would have to be re- good comrades. "ii'.iring the trip all of us have been ready to make sacrifices for one an- ther. We have fought our battles as befits shipmates and the tradi tions of Jhe navy. We have done our best to uphold our own dignity as well m that of the service. We always will Lc bro'hers. Such petty quarrels pealed, a new ordinance parsed and "s may have ocenred will not lessen new lids called for the sale of the bonds. "If thf bond issue is contrary to the city charter, however, (he entire procets would then be illegal and n rev.- election would be necessary bc f' ie the bonds could be sold." The Portland attorneys said that in their perusal of he charter they round that tile city was empowered to issue 30 year bonds at per cent in terest, with the option of rcthins I at 2u years. The bonds voted were cla red he had not intended it for tor lrt years and draw 6 percent. Mr. publication and was sorry. Belief in Warner said that in the lone copy of ibis statement was expressed by Far- PARENT-TEACHERS WILL 1 WHEAT SUFFERS LOSS WITH CLOSE AT $1 .79 cur affect! n. Today after the first real rest since W'e left Moose Factory f'cuitif s patched up and our friendship renewed, we cannot emph asise too strongly that there is now, and has not been any misunderstand ing in our party other than of a pass- j library lug nature. The statement was signed by Lieu, tennnt Kloor. Hinton admitted he had written the lett r th:t caused the quarrel but de- Members of the Pendleton Parent- Teacher Council will calba general meeting of parents and teachers shortly to discuss legislation which is May May expected to come up in the Oregon i i,.,:. Wl.l.f..,. 1. j-,,.,-, . Jul r.. c, It uevKipu. at a meet- (Cmttinncil on msre !. (Continued on page a.) ONE BUSINESS THAT IS "HOLDING UP." HRE LOSS IN 1920 CUT TO $13,000 AS Tendleton experienced a fire loss of i but $13,000 for the year ending Dec. 31, 1920, compared to a liss of $93. - 220 In 1919, the annual report of Fire1 Chief W. K. Hlngold, read to the city council Inst night, showed. The num ber of flrei was also cut from h2 In 1910 to 33 In 1920. Fire prevention propopnndn, which has reached the people nnd resulted In more precautions being taken. Is given part of the credit for reducing Pendlton'a fire loses. The inspection of the city by the State Fire Marshal s office In cooperative with the fire department, la nlso considered n help ful factor. Added Fireman Asked Addition of one paid fireman to the department and adoption of the fire marshal' report with regard to con ditions In Pendleton were recommend support given during the year 1920. Equipment which was purchased, es pecially the flro net, Is appreciated, he said. Carelessness 'auss Of the 33 alarms which were nn t.wered during the year, 10 camo over ilie .telephone and 17 over the tele graph system of the department. There were four false alarms. Seven teen of the fires listed came under the bend of carelessness nnd -were pre vendible had caution heen taken, the report shows. Such fires were caused 'y cigarette ashes thrown Into waste baskets, persons smoking in bed. building bonfires less (hen 30 feet from n building with result that sparks set fire to property, carelessness around gasoline, lenvlns rubbish where it mlsht take fire from over beating or sparks, improperly flttlnr tl by the chief. Statistics show that chimneys, boys playing with matches, there should be one paid firemnn .for etc. each lono population, but Pendleton Tho chief presented nn Inventory at present Is considerably under that of eaulpment belonging to the riVparl flgure. 1 i ment, valuing the whole nt $12, 77s. The chief expressed hi thank tn The old truck and equipment on it Is tha old city administration for the inventoried at $2000, i V -a - i -FP 7 v.fc .' ' ' 1 -' ' . y ; ' . r ut . V S ing yesterday afternoon of the Parent-Teacher council nt the countv No date for the meetine was j fixed, that detail being left in the hands of a committee of which Mrs. . O. McNary was named chairman. R. E. Tucker, organizes for Com-' munity Service, outlined his plan of action for organization Pendleton for' spare time recreation. The council voted to join with the other commu nity agencies already supporting the plan, to have a mass meeting in the near future to consider the program. Mr. Tucker said today that the tin,. for the proposed meeting was indef-1 Wheat suffered a decline today, March wheat closing at $1.79, three cents lower than yesterday' closing and May w heat closing at $1.70 i-S. over three cents lower than , yester day's closing. The following quotations are from Oberbeck A Cooke, local brokers: Wheat. Open. High. Low. Close. March 1.S2 1.84 14 1.79 7.79 l.TJH 1.0 1.70. t Corn .a .74V4 : "! .TSH -i'S'.'. Oats. .49 H .48 H .48i'i .47 .48 ; l'ye. May 1.56 1.57 1.53 1.53 It Uarlcy. f Slay .75 .74 .74 Krp"gn Kxchange. London, 370 3-4. Parto .0610. Perlin, .0145. Rome. .0348. Canada. 14 3-4 discount. N'. Y. Money, 6' per cent. (From Overbeck & Cooke Co.) Wheat displayed strength during the forenoon, but the market - wa ' more two-sided than for the past aev- " oral days and shortly before the close a sharp decline took place on selling 1.73 .75 .7 .49 -4S", Pendleton will be the scene of the ' -Lj.00.' tra'ier,' W,h. reKardert the r annual convention of ,h. i!L. e nt advance as Mg sufficient for Teacher Associations of Oregon this year. Mention of this convention "was made at yesterday's meeting but fix ing of a date was deferred. the time being and were encouraged in their operations by the fuilure of I exporters to follow the advance. There was nothing particularly slg nificent in the days news budget, which if anything was slightly in fa vor of holders. All markets reported a good domestic milling demand, ac companied by statements from lead ing milling interests that the flour business is showing u marked Improvement. L. I Rogers was elected a director tor the Inland Kmpire Hank this morning at the annual stockholders meeting of that institution. Me will serve on the board in place of Doug Ins Pelts, who has been making his residence) in Long Peach. Cul., for the benefit of his health. Other directors who have served the bank since its organization here in litl9 were reelected by the stockhold ers. The directors will meet at i o'clock Friday evening to choose their officers. Will H. liennett. former state sno- jerintrndent of banks, who purchased .tne Interest of c. H. Wailes. vice pre jsident and cashier, w.is also voted a I director this morning. It is expected that at the election of officers tumor J row night he w ill he seated as vice 'president Whether another ice pre j s'dent will be cle ted to serve in Mr. Pelts' absence remains with the dir ectors. j The report of J. v. Moloney, pre sident, was read and eeceptcd by the ! stockholders. The growth of th. j bank's business was declared to have , vc.-eied expectations and to have .been both rapid and substantial. , The directors ns now- constituted, jr- ns follc-wx- U 1. lingers. Alfred jSchneiter, William niakely. J. W. Mi loney and Will H. liennett. CATTI.i: MAKkKT STEADY. IOKTLAl, Jan. 1J. (A. P.) Cattle are steady, hogs are lower at $11.50 to $12; sheep are steady: egg an firm, and butter is weak, with a lower tendency. ' Weather Reported by Major Lee Mooi house,, weather observer. ., J Maximum. 42. Minimum, 35 Parameter. 29.80. Painfull. .20. THE WEATHER FORECAST Tonight and Friday rain or snow ; warmer tonight. t J i. i. - . UlltlltMllklttMllilil(ltMU"