iIMlMIU))M"'rri vtwm V -V . '! " v V ri AItWAS101tEG0NlAN( EDMaPra-;02ECIO, WEEDIESDAY EVENING", JANtJAP.V'fl!, 1921 HCENINS" win i i n p nit i in i imwiniji WAN DS CLASSIFIED Notices,- Business Opportunities,, Locals, Lost, Found, For Rent,"Etc, Classified for Easy Reference. NEW TODAY fl-r 1 Fort njcxT Icth St. 2 room apt. 707 Lit- FOR RENT Heated sleeping room for gentleman 212 E. Bluff fit. F'R SALE Five room modern bun galow half basement Terms, In quire 615 W. Jfigl) St. PliwOURU; ca Ocr Octaiz WANTED by man and wife to tako charge of kitchen in small hotel or ramii Inquire -u" till office. FOR . ANY WARDROBE If. i M '.5 W . ITS-, U 'I. Li il t 1 W i r-. , Handy Business Directory of Pendleton and Vicinity tThls Directory Is especially handy for the out-of-town reader who may want the name and address of responsible biuHnens menwrto represent 'the following linen. . All are reliable, responsible buclnoss concerns who staad ready to give you promptservice. : t ' I ',. , , LOST AND FOUND LOST Tire and tube ZOxift on ma cadam near Adams. Reward If're turned to Bunch. Br on. Curate, Adams Oregon. LOST War pin set with thirteen seed peal In, the 30th of December, be tween high school and uoeioirite or Court St. Reward Return . to Oils office. FOR SALE Self-propelled combine harvester, IBIS model, food ihape terms gturgla ft Btorle. FOR BALE 600 aacks rip Burbank potatoes at $1.90 a sack Inquire St. Andrews School, reservation. FOR SALE Four wafon boxes, for bulk (rain, low price if taken soon B. L. Burroughs, Phone 6. FOR REN'T Bleeping; and housekeep ing rooms SOS Willow fit. FOR RENT Downstairs sleeping room, close In. Men only, phone I8R FOR RENT 2 furnished light house keeping rooms I'hone 730-W 126 Thompson. MISCELLANEOUS Law. Offices In rear of American m'r'3TaIaVi ELD Splrella'corsetlere 1 B""g- Phone S24-W. CARTER Ic 8MTTHE, Attorneyii at IIEMSTITCHIN'O Mall order Mra, Addrea 614 Jaoe. ALL KINDS of patients cared for by experienced nurte 00 W. Webb- Phone 884. FOR RENT A room house oartly I 'PHONE I. C. SNYDER, 276-M for the furnished hath, hot and cold water man tnat ha wept jrour chlmnaja Call :i4 TuaUn. ?'r "teen years. FOR RENT Two furnished houBe-' ALk KINOS of ftirnac and stove re- keeping rooms Apply 712 W. Webb or phono 369-W, FOR RENT Furnished room, lady preferred, can furnish board, rea sonable Phone 292-W. FOR RENT Pleasant room in pri vate family, close In on North Side for gentleman onlv Phone 717-W. FOR SALE FOR SALE 73 H. P. Holt Caterpillar Sturgia & Storie. rOR fALE 4 foot Poplar wood Call 2F6, Ralph Tackella. FOR HALE All kinds of insurance. J. H. Estas, 614 Main St., Phone (01. FUiMTCKH FOR SALB party . leaving town House will be for rent 01 Perkins Ave, . . .. FOR SALE OR TRADE New bunga low, 610 W. High Call there or in quire of C. P. Strain at County Aasee or's office Tcrma. WANTED pairing, pipe fitting and chimney cleaning satisfaction guaranteed Phone. 622. RAO RCG3 and carpets wove a. Also . first elasa crocheting and em broid ery. All orders promptly filled. Bee Wheelers, at 1309 W. Railroad, WANTED Sewing plain or fancy- Phone 308-M. GALLSTONES Free book tells of Im . proved method of treating Inflam mation of gallbladder and bile ducts. Write today. Dr. Paddock, Box 201, Kansas City. Mo. , FEE tc FEE, Attorneys at Law. flees in Drspaia liulbllna. or S. A. LOWELL .Attorney and Counsel lor at Law. Office in Dcgpalii liklg. 3. A. NEWBERRY, Attorney at Law, Federal Building. PETER8ON, BISHOP CLARK, At torneys at Law, Jiuoma a and SmUh-Oanford Bide. JAMES B. PERRT, Attorney at Law. Office over Tajrtor Ba'awaiw , Cora pan. RALET, RALET aV STE1WER, Attor neya at Law. Office In American National Bank Building. WANTED Work by the hour Phone Mrs. Bush 6S6-J. FO It HALE OR TRADE One 14 H. P. Stover gas engine, mounted on wag on bed with wide Iron wheels. Guar anteed in first class condition. Win trade for Ford. Simpson Auto Co. FOR BALE Three two year old regis-' lerea enonnorn Duns. J-'our two year old registered roan Shorthorn heifers. One registered Ifolsteln cow. Address Inquiries to P. O. Box No. 63. Walla Walla, Wash. WANTED by man and wife Work oa farm Phone 64 7-W. WATNED To rent 6 or 6 room fur nlxhed house. Phone (4. , WE WASH and clean the finest ruga satisfactorily. References given. We make fluff ruga from old carpets. Walla Walla Rug and Carpet Clean ing Co. Ptxme 1677. WANTED GOOD CLEAN RAGS AT The Eart Oregonian office. THE OREGON JOURNAL delivered 5 cents a month, Sunday included- U W. Hooker, agent. Office, Alice Shinning Parlors (Al Richardson's Place) 0 Main St. Phone (22. FRED H. SCHMIDT, Attorney at Law. Room 24, Bn lb -Crawford Bid. BATTERIES , PHILADELPHIA DIAMOND GRID BATTERIES guaranteed for It months. W, K Chase Co., 220 E. Court. Telephone 269, Pendleton. FOR SALE 880 acres winter pasture Inquire James K. illll. Pendleton, Oregon. " FOR SAU" ( head of good mules, 14 head of horses all good stock See turgl & Storie. NEW CARRIER GOES ON houwwiirk no washing or ironing good wages Reference required 1 Address "85," this office. roit SAI.K Holmes of all sizes, ranging In price from 11400 to 612,004. Come aad ane me if you want to buy a home. c.rxu.i.; w. ixdkh Hi Maki tit. flea. Phiuia ST2.W Phnn 101 I RESPONSIBLE, active men or women FOR EXCHANGE 324 acres wheat! to represent us in several good sec land near Ritzville, Wash. 140 tions of this state, taking orders for acres under cultivation, balance bufich Fruit Trees, Shrubbery, Rosea, etc.. grass; also 84 acres near Mold, Wn, I for spring delivery. Demand Is liberal 16 acres under- cultivation. Tradejand returns to intelligent workers are equity of 69000.40 for stock of general j substantial. Address with references. WOMAN WANTS JOB cooking for . AUTO TOPS men on ranch Phone 728-J. WANTED TO BUT Two tons wheat njn""''"" " ' 1 -- '- hay, delivered. Phone 178 Smythe OADWA'S AUTO TOPS. Plate Glass. Lonergan Co. Backs, Side Curtains 201 East , Court St. WANTED Woman or girl fir general ! i FBEST-O-UTB - BATTERIES Best by competitive test. Service on all makes of batteries, guaranteed. Preat-O-Lite Scnicw Station, 404 C Curt Phone 864. Ralph 496. Hasaell 417 Bush, PboM LAUNDRY EVERY Article Laundered, Perfectly. There's an agent In your town, Troy laundry, ailA Garden St. MADE TO MEASURE Carl E. Frasaem, Elba 0Of. OPTICAL DA LB ROTH WELL Optemetrlat and Optician. Glaasee ground to fit your eyes. America n AaUonai BanK &ul& PSTE0PATH DK. U. E. HOLT Osteopathic, physi cian and Surgeon. Judd Bldg. Tele phones, offkw SOS; Residence) 174-W. CATERPILLAR WORK One of the most convenient ac-1 ecsaorles of any woman's ward- robe) la the satin frock. The dress 1 A ioft, luRtrelers aatln with, the skirt all in one piece, the two I I endj ot the material coming to-.1 'tether la a Jabot at the center back. At the aides, the satin' is folded to ' half Its length and , draped diagoiallj serosa the front.' NEWS OF ATTEMPTED PLOT TO ESTABLISH A SOVIET RULE REVEALED VIENNA ( Jan. 12. (A. P.) De tails of the recent attempted plot In Jugo-Sliivla to establish a soviet gov. eminent following n general . strike were received today. A newspaper strike In South Jngo-Slnvlu related the dotaUs. Arcordlng to a i-t.itenicnt ia which the Juro-SIiiv minister of the Interior llrachovltch arraigned the communist member f be constitu ent assembly, the romnrmivts plan ned to murder former Premies Ves njtrh, Imprison the prince regent and proclaim a proletarian dictatorship. , The communists had accomplices In the royal guard, the police, the army and the telephone service, according to M. Urachovilch, and were ready to seix the mails and establish commu nication with Moscow. Many bombs, explosives and firearms were pro cured. It Is alleged the newspapers were ready to go over to tha commun ists, Many men who had made large profits from the sale ot Hcce-ssarlos of life lit exorbitant prices were found on thn side of the communists. Sev eral hundred communists.' luive lwen Imprisoned. ... - j WESTON MT.;'Jari. 12. Earl Bar nett resigned Route No. 7 and RV May has taken the route. Mr. May moved his family to Weston the first of the week and will live In the Ho. Kln'f house formerly occupied by Jim Jones. Mrs. Robert Hopkins and tittle son Wayne are visiting Mrs. 'Hopkins par ents in (rarfleld, Wajih. Mrs. Elph Tucker and children are visiting Mrs,( Tuckers, parents In Wes ton. Will Benlho was a week end visitor I at his parents home In Weston. Charles Mas- was In Pendleton on business Wednesday. Miss Gwendolyn Compton returned to high school In Weston Sunday. Vernle Marr.and family came tip from Pendleton Thursday to stay for soma time visiting Mrs. Marr's parents Mr. and Mrs. D. C. Hopkins. A most enjoyable house warming party was given Mr. and Mj. Ralph jansdale. a Christmas bride, at their farm home Saturday evening. Delici ous refreshments were served of cake, coffee, sandwiches and candy, the anests left at midnight wishing them a long life of happiness and prosperity. Monday morning the, thermometer registered 8 degrees aboveto at 6 o'clock, the coldest this winter, bttt clear and the sun shining only a few inches of snow remain on the ground. Several attended the 6 o'clock din ner given by tba Oddfellows ana no hokahs at the hall In Weston Jan. (. merchandise, restaurant or rooming house Price $35.00 per acre. W. A. Keyes. BtirUink, W. USED CAR EXCHANGE Oregon Nursery Company, Orenco, Ore AUTO ELECTRIC WORKS I TIMU CARD WcHtOn-Fctulleton Auto Stage Leaves Weston for Pendleton at 7:30'a. m, and 12:45 p. m. 4 Leaves Athena for Pendleton at 8:00 a. m. and 1:00 p. m. if Leaves Adams for Pendleton at 8:20 a. m. and 1:20 D. m. Leaves Pendleton (Allen-Knight ! Co. Store) for Weston at 10:04 a. m. and 4 p. m. O. H. Mcl'HERP.IN, Prop. "nSrVIanytnlnf electrical "on an automobile. W. K. Cbae Co. FOR SALE We nave a few good! used Fords priced from (ISO to SiiOO. These are all worth, the money call and see them Simpson, Auto Co., Water and Johnson Sta FOR RENT AITS. AND ROOMS . ALTA AITS. FOR RENT Furnished Apt. 914 W Court. AUTO TRANSFER W. G. FlSHERr Stand Riley A Kemp. Fbone 6S3. CATERPILLARS, harvesters, gas en gines, automobiles and general blacksmithing. Round-t'p ' Garage. Parks Jt Neuergall, 213 West Webb. POULTRY SUPPLIES CHIC FOOD, Scratch food, tonics. bone, shell, grit, corn, oats, roiled barley. Cmaiilla Flour A Grata Co. CONTRACTORS & BUILDERS PARKER ft BAN FIELD, Designing, " Engineering, Constructing, 1$ years experience in concrete and brick con struction. 84 E. Ttiird St Nortb Port land, Oregon. CHIROPRACTORS PHONOGRAPH REPAIRING PHONOGRAPH REPAIRING AU makes Warm's Masta Hussw, lit Main St, Phone 614. PIANOS AND PLAYERS i'iANO TUNING and repairing Jack Le Moun Phone 652-R. C. E. WILLIAMSON Stand at Griggs' Cigar Store Phono 1075. FOR RENT Furnished room Phone 27S-R. - ROOM AND BOARD for men only 443 E. Webb. TRt'CKS FOR HIRE Country work. Kixsler ft Hemmelgarn, Phone 38J-R or 999-W-J-514 Marie St. FOR QUICK SERVICE. Call Bud Cornfield, Phone 63, Crescent Cigar Store. Residence, Phone 1059-R. 4 TIME CARD ' Pilot Rnck-Pcndlcton Auto Stage Leaves Pilot P.ock at 8 a. m. Leaves Pendleton at 14:30 a. m. Leaves Pilot Rock.at lp.m. Leaves Pendleton at 4 p. m. FANCHO STUBBLE FIELD, Prop. DR. R. C. ELLSWORTH b,i.;..nig in nervous disease and diseases ot'( women. 9 to 12 a. m., 1 to 5:3 p. m. Evenings 7 to 8. Phone J06, Smith' Crawford Building. AUCTIONEER AUTO TIRES FOR RENT Furnished Apartment! with bath 614 Cosbi St. FOR RENT 2 Tiurtin St. room enitags 402 PENDLETON CYCLE CO. A5ax, Re vere and Savage tires. S2S E. Court Street. '.; , t . . , COL. W. F. YOHNKA Auctioneer, Call at Sturgis & Storie'a Implement Co., for sale dates. - AUTO PAINTING 7 MEN WITH YEARS of experience. Motor Inn Garage, 722 Cottonwood. Ward A. Ifoagland, Prop. FOR RENT Housekeeping 341 South Main. FOR RENT-Furnished large 3 room Apt. Phone 210-W. FOR RENT A 5 and 3 room Apts. 307 Aura, Phone 28J-W. HAILS FROM THIBET r wr 4' t p 28YEARSAG0 j. ' , . , '1 FOR RENT Sleeping rooms close to Main. Stoves, hot and cold water Phone 4 98-M. TO. RENT Suite ot rooms. Temple bldg. steam -heat for office , or sleeping apartments Phone 190. I. U. Temple. L. S. BENT LEY ft CO. Goodyear and Diamond Tires Tire service, oils and accessories Alt and Garden Sts, WALLACE BROS Flsk tires, cords or fabric. We do our own adjust ing. 808-12 Johnson St. GERTSON ft MARTY Gatea Half Soles, 6000 miles guaranteed 1-2 cost of new tires. 37 Cottonwood St. PENDLETON RUBBER ft SUPPLT CO. Barney Oldfield, Goodrich Sil- vertown Cord and Pernaylvania Vacu um. Cup SOS E. Court. . . AUTO REPAIRING THE "PIONEER" ALTO MAN Satis, faction guaranteed. We repair any make. Glean Long, 033 Cottonwood. PERKINS & AMMONS. Automobile Repairing. Ford, Chevrolet, Stude baker or any make of car. Service at any time. 630 Cottonwood, Phone 203. ATTORNEYS SIMPSON TTRB SERVICE CO. Re- publio and Firestone tires, corda or fojirlc 523 E, Court St., Phone 6S1. 1 GEORGE W. COUTTS, Attorney law. Room 17, Schmidt Mock. R. I. KEATOR, Attorney at Law, Boom 34, Smith-Crawford Building. (From the Dally- - East' V)regonlan, January 15, 193) Buahee chapter, No. 19, O. E. S. was organised Tuesday night at the Ma sonic Temple. Officers are Mrs. A. M. Riley, worthy matron: John Vert, worthy patron,, Mrs. R. G. Thomp son, assocluto matron; Mrs. .AV. M. Beagle, conductress; Mrs. C A. Tur ner, treasurer; Mrs. Mary 'Dlsosway, secretary; Mrs. F. W. Vincent, Ada; .Mrs. W. J., Furnish, Ruth; Mrs. R. Alexander, Esther; M ins Berthn Hex Mr, Martha; Mis Flera Morse, Electa; Mrs. F. R. Mitchell, warder; J. Barn hart, sentinel; Lot L'vermore, mar shal; Mrs. Jessie Vert, organist. Next Tuesday a force of men will be vin tho work of removing, the Catholic church building to the property pur chased in the upper end of town. The slto vacated will bo offered for sale. ' ! DOINGS OF THE DUFFS 1 ' This ma frightfulnees. fin tshed off with five skulls, is worn le the oriental "devil dance" of (Thibet. It was brought back to I America by Rev. H. B. Marx, a missionary who spent 1 years In remote regions of Central Asia, aad placed, on inhibit In the American Museum : Natural UH - -. !;hti"""!i:!!:ui,'!,","ic.:i'?i BE BE NEW YORK, Jan. 12. (A. P.)-4-The versatile accomplishments of Ben' Jamlne Franklin . will be retold throughout tho country by various or ganisations on January 17, the 215lh anniversary of his birth. In a number of celebrations tributes will ho paid to him as a statesman, diplomat, philoso pher, scientist, journalist, economist, salesman, philanthropist, humorist, printer and publisher. As an advocate of spending less than one makee,-Franklin Is to be honored en his birthday by tho National Thrift Week Committee, which is encourag ing other celebration of hie work. Vnlverslty of Pennsylvania alumni here plan to hall him as the founder of their alma mater. Libraries in many cities will call at tention to Franklin as the founder of THE LAUGH IS ON TOM BY ALLMAN 7TT? '' -.n Tivuu,' - . . jrv 1 1 1 11 ion.'w,ll"i t' - - " v x 1 mfY N 7' Ml 11 1 . rruv.eVbii 1 1 r.rtuV nrv- " 1 1 trT Some tX iVi sows f teNjrti . S " " " SI l IS T TVV rJ0J.VJlAr PA fflli I WAS LAotHtM ' (j Mo-No-Ho VvA5EAWur PKCAUS6 Voo wus ) . -V. In MO-OAOOV- Y Me THAT'S SO 51TTW IU THAT -V, M DR. LENA A. BOONE Chiropractor Office hours 10 to 12; 1:10 to 6:00. 30S E, Court SU, Laats Apt. 16, Phone 97T. HIGH GRADE PIANOS of pleasing tone quality. Players of Individuali ty. Its the construction that counts. .See piano on display, write or phone llie Bee Hive, 628 Main St, Phone 107 J. P. DarnolL Factory Rep., Moler ft Chass Piano Co. Painting and Paper Hanging PAINTS, Wall Paper, Picture Fram ing. L. i. McAtee, the Practical Faint Man. Lowe Bros., Painta. PLUMBING AND HEATING CLEANING AND PRESSING MODEL TAILORS ft CLEANERS Pressing and repairing. 304 W. Webb St. Phone 321, Paidleton, Ore. DRAYMEN CALL PEN LAND BROS. Transfer van to move your household goods. We also pack or store goods. We do coun try hauling. Telephone S3. . . DENTIST DR. FLOYD CROUP . Dentist Room 109 American Bank Bldg. Phone 326 . Pendleton, Ore. PLUMBING AND HEATLNG James McXair All work promptly attend ed to. 206 W. Webb, Pendleton Ore gon. Residence Pboae 714-W, Office Itione 623. RADIATOR REPAIRING ALTA?" AUTO RXmATORWWtKS 701 East Alta street. All makea ot radiators repaired. Work guaraBteed, C. Blasbent, Prop. RESTAURANT THE QUELLE A good place to eat. SECOND HAND FURNITURE nR- H. It. HANAVAN Dentistry, Room f. Temple Bldg, none ttx. EYE, EAR, NOSE & THROAT OPTICAL Dept. any stxe, style or shape glass while you wait. D. N. Roller, M. D 7, S. 4, Beits Bldg. WE BUY, SELL or exchange house hold goods. We also do general fur niture repair work Phone 622, Riley ft Kemp, 623 Main St. SECOND HAND DEALERS V. STROBLE, dealer In new and sec ond hand goods. Cash paid for second hand goods, cheapest place to buy household goods,10 E. Court pbone 121 W. : ' FARM LOANS SNOW ft DAYTON, 11T E. Court St., Real Estate. Fire Insurance. Farm Loans. See ua about a loan. JUNK, JUNK, JUNK BRING your junk to the Pendleton Hide ft Junk Co. See us before you sell. L. D. Cameron, prop. KODAK FINISHING PERFECT DEVELOPING and prim ing for the amateur enlarging. Prompt work, Tallinan Drug Co. HEMSTITCH fNG HEMSTITCHING at the Singer Shop. Mail orders promptly attended to. SUGGESTIVE THERAPEUTIC THE most up-to-date effectual lead big science practised, E. F. Gibson P. S. T.; N. D. Room 12 Peebler Bldg. SURVEYOR AND ENGINEER LAND SURVEY General engineering work. Z. A. Lansdale, C. KL, River side, Pendleton, Ore. TAILORS (47 Main St. Phone 1001 Fancy Apples ; THESE ARE GOOD ONES $1.50 BOX SWEET CIDER Just made from "Winesap apples 73c GALLON. Del Monte Fetet Fois Feas These are an excellent grade of sugar peas, can 35c Dajnty Cakes 20c Butternut Bread in Rye, Graham and Whole Wheat. x The Dean Tatom Co, Meat Dept. OC Fhone ou Grocery Dept. CQQ Fhone llbe fiiit.uiilo.l'lwary in the eoloule