East Oregonian : E.O. (Pendleton, OR) 1888-current, January 12, 1921, DAILY EDITION, Page PAGE TWO, Image 2

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I A (Grand Filial Clearance of Men's Wear
mm it
ml -ip
Jm -
During this January Clear
ance Sale we'll offer every suit
and every overcoat in our en
tire stock at prices that will
spell great savings to you.
Our stock is composed of the
best makes in America, such as
Hart Schaff ner & Marx, Hirsh
Wickwire, Griffon, Cloth
craft, Styleplus, Etc.
Clothes with a reputation
for being the best in their class
and in addition we guarantee
satisfaction. You take no
chance when you buy from us.
Read these prices then
come in.
$20.00 Suits OVoais Kedticeil to $I.Y3
S2.V00 .Suits, Croats llixluceil to SI IMS
SS0.00 Suits, O'coats Reduced to S23.IIO
S35.0U Suits, O'coats' Reduced to J27.ti5
$39.00 Suits O'coats Reduced to S3I.20
.VI 0.00 Suits O'coats Reduced to S3 1. No
$4r.00 Suits O'coats Reduced to $:W.9
S40.30 Suits O'coats Reduced to :50.95
S 17.50 Suits O'coats Reduced to S37.4."
H50.00 Suits, O'coats Reduced to X?,0.20
S5.VO0 Suits O'coats Rcdm-ed to Sl:t.10
StiO.OO Suits O'coats Reduced to I7.S()
"t2..'i0 Suits O'coats Reduced to S1K.90
Snj.00 Suits O'coats Reduced to S.11.00
SI17..V0 Suits O'coats Reduced to 353.20
$70.00 Suits O'coats Reduced to S.Vi.ttO
$72.50 Suits, O'coitts Reduced to S57.40
$73.00 Suits, O'coats Reduced to S.-8.75
$77.50 Suits, O'coats Reduced to Ml. 83
SH0.00 Suits, OSooats Reduced to SB2.90
SK5.00 Suits, O'coats Reduced to S0A.S3
$87.30 Suits, O'coats Rcdiu-cd ti MI8.90
$100 Suits O'coats Reduced to. . $70.83
A sweater is a garment
that every man needs and
we're putting one in the
reach of every man in
Umatilla county.
$.1.30 Sweaters, Clearance. . $2.80
$4.50 Sweaters Clearance. . $3.03
$5.00 Sweaters, Clearance. . $:!.95
$0.50 Sweaters, Clearance. . $1.95
$7.50 . Sweaters, Clearance.. $5.95
$8.50 Sweaters, Clearance. . f.fl.75
$10.00 Sweaters Clearance. $7.13
$12.50 Sweaters, Clearance. $9.05
$13.50 Sweaters, Clearance $10.90
$15.00 Sweaters Clearance $11.35
$10.30 Sweaters, Clearance. $12.20
$20.00 Sweaters Clearance $11.90
at prices that will startla
you with their smallness.
Our stock is complete, the
patterns, styles and color
imrs are the best.
$1.00 Hoys' Sliirts and ltNmscs
Clearance l'riee 79e
$1.23 Hoys' Shirts and Ulini.st-s,
Clearance Price 08c
$1.50 ,Hns 'Shirts and I'.lous-es
Clearance Price $1.19
$1X5 Ilojs Sliirts and Mouses.
Clearance l'riee. $1.32
$1.75 Hoys' Sliirts and Mouses
Clcaram-c l'riee $l.:;9
$1.85 Hoys' Sliirts and Mouses.
Clearance l'rii-e $1.18
ano Ho.vs5 Sliii-t.s and Mouses
Clearnucu l'riee $1.50
$2.50 Hoys' Sliirts and Mouses
Clearance l'riee SI. 93
$3.00 Hoys' Shirts and Mouses,
Clearance l'riee $2.33
defiance l'riee $2.73
$3.50 Hoys' Sliirts and Mouses,
(Except Contract Goods.)
Our stock is most complete in every re
spect. All weights, all materials, all sizes,
The best makes in America.
voNii;iu'i m,y iti:it ci.i
$1.25 CndiTwear, Clcaruncu J'rlcc
8J. 50 I iHlerwcar, Clearance l'riee
82.00 I iideryvcnr, I Icaruuco IVUv
S2.50 I iiderwear. Clearance 1'rltv
$3.00 I'uderwcai' Clrinamv l'riee
$3.50 Vndeiwear, Cleiiraiiee l'riee
$1.00 l iiderwriir, Clcaraniv 1'rlcc;
$1.50 I nderwer.r, Clearance l'riee
$5.00 l uderw ear, Clcaraniv l'rltv
Xli.50 I iiderwear, learautv I'rliv
$7.30 I 'nderwear, Clearance I Vice
SS.50 Indcrwear, Ciearuuiv 1'rUv
$10.00 I mlcrurar, li aiaiu-e l'riee
$12.50 I nderwMir, Clearance l'riee
, $13.50 ( nderuenr, Clearance 1'rltv
. 88e BSj . ; j- ;
51.07 'i ,: b
$1.73 i I '
SiiO I
S2.83 f If I I
$3.20 r I 1
93.03 ' 1 ' fl I !
$1,115 1 ft t 1
$5.3,-. ! : ; j.1 J f . jj.
3.93 1 JlKUwJ
S8.00 v
Men's Outing Flannel , Night
Gowns and Pajamas.
Wc are I'cnillrtut) Ht-ntii for. tho
"llrlKlitun CarlHliUil'" inuko of "niitlit
gowns ami I'll Junius. Tlicy liuvu but few
equals uml NO suicriuin.
Every wauled style Is Included In our
stock. It will iiuy you to buy now even
if you liioultl bold them over till next
fall before wearing.
Keail these wonderful reductions:
$2.30 Main (.own and l'ajamas,
Clearance l'licc $2.07
$3.00 Mclit Gowns anil 1'ajuiitas,
Clearance l'riee : . . , $1.95
$3.50 Mulit (.ohiis and l'ajaiuns,
Clcariince l'riee $2.33
$1.00 Mslit ;ovns and l'ajamas.
Clearance 1'iice , $2.0(1
$1.30 Niitht Howos and l'ajamas,
Cle.vame J'rlce $2.05
$5.00 MkIiI ;owns and l'rtjainas,
Clearniii'e l'riee $3.30
$0.00 Mxht (.OMiis and l'ajamas,
'l li-uraiH-e l'riee $3.03
t Clearance Prices
We've never been ubl before to offer
you mu h wonderful icduettonii on socka
of tin. in. lioneil uimlity. our mipply la
very large and we'll be able to please
you- k 1
Shaw kmt sox iu:n r.n.
5IH! Sluiwknit Sox arc Iteiliicrtt to. . 35c
73c hhawknit Sox are KisIiicmI to. , 49c
111.00 Shawknit Sox arc Klueil to. O.'ms
$1.25 Shawknit Sox are Heilmsxl to. 85c
$1.50 Shawkiiil Sox are ltedlicetl to. 0
liKlit, medium and heavy welfhts, are
reduced as follown:
f,(K; Sox, Ciearanee l'riee 30c
75e Sox, leanuuv l'riee 59o
8."h! Sox, Clearance l'riee ......... 85o
90t! Sox, Clearance Trice. 9c
$1.00 Sim, Clenraui-o l'riee ........ 79c
KI.S5 Sox, Clearance I'rioo itic
$1.50 Sox, Clearance l'riee $1.10
.ePeopIes reKous
Don't be Misled by High Sounding Talk. We
will save you money.. Come and investigate. .
; standby just the same. Many of these
husky canvas hats come in delicate
shades of rose, coral, or pale greens.
Canvas ani! heavy linens and cotton
jare used for trimming as well as foun
dation. Thus, one house is showing a
line of straw hats trimmed In window-
hued canvas flowers.
Although the season vofrue is for
baggy and uncouth looking materials,
(Written for the United Press.)
N'BW YORK, Jan. 12. The bats
that bloom in the sprint,', will not
bloom very profusely the coming sea
son. This fact is announced by fur
tive peeks Into both the workrooms of
American hat makers and the store
rooms of imnorters. Thi tisluil zaietv
of color and fabric as found insnirinif ! some models are f'.ind m last years
feminine .headgear has been routed by 1 PPnir cellophane. This is the stih
a mania for miff, shajtgy and novol. ' stance that was made from .paraffin
Realistic roses and colored feather I aml na'' been u.ed to seal the Jellies
novelties have biven the right of wav!anrt ja1" "f French cuisine. It is cul
to oueer baubles made of ruber shav- !m,H a variety of shapes this season
lugs, canvas, leather and cotton. I but the '"' checked effect so much in
Faric cloths are ousting the fine i voSue last year is frst In favor for the
braids, and last year's enideinie ,.f : comng sprngime.
patent leather hats is still w'axinc fast Grandmother's old settee and parlor
and furious. One house is Fhowing "t 8 Hti11 holding its own, for the hair
little toques and turbans developed in!cIotn hat made from the same male
black, while, rose and blue leather. ,rlal aa tn0 "Parlor sofy" is as popular
as ever. There Is also a new version
of it known as alpaca cloth.
More bonafide balmy day models
are shown In a eombnaton of pcot
ftraw and crce rbon. There are many
navy lue and sand and navy blue and
It's Old Tent Material. j sray combinations to w ear w kh the
Then there are hats made of heavy 1 suits of these same colors. Many
colored canvas. Various firms mas-1 houses are exploiting lines of crepe (U
ouerade this stuff under different chine ami satin hats in a wide range
names, but It la the old tent material 'of suit, wrap and blouse colors.
I I KilW Nasturtiums Allowed.
I fniilml;.' insists upon fiower and
fruitage on her chapeau. she may have
hybrid concietions made of beads and
raffia and outlined upon white batavia
joV canvas. Nasturtiums are one fiovv
ler allowed in velvet and silk. These
Jare used lavishly upon linen and can
i vas hats.
I Many of the larger models use rib
, bona in coy manner, dangling over the
; shoulder or tucked under the chin.
There are Aarioua types -of applhpie.
'The most pular one is flowers or
1 fruit made from yarn and knotted rib
bons. Then there ar-; designs wrought I
; from wooden beads, str&w ugles and
silk raid.
' Feather trimmings emphasize a
; combination of sly cerinwd and natural;
ostrich, either training over the brim
or surrounding the crotvn.
Trimmings are nail heads, rubber ;
flours, raffia, or steel heads, and met
al dingle-dangles. The patent leather!
chapeaux are often sumerged by lac
veils that drape them, '
DYSPEPTIC Get rid of Indigestion and
Stomach Worries with
"Pape's Diapepsin"
1 , j ;
!'. SK 1-4 Sec. 19 Tp. 4, X. II. 33.
Kstclla lloss to Uoss Land and Sheer
Co., Inc. $1.00. XVV 1-4 SIV 1-4
.Sec. 21, Tp. 1, tf. R. 30,
August Bensel to Frank J. Anseon
$1000. S 1-2 SW 1-4 SW 1-4 Sec. 2,
Tp. 4, X. R. 28.
Herbert Tankc to Matilda. Schmidt
J1.00 Ixit 18 in Iilock 62 Frcewater.
Marion Manning to Henry H. White
ley 12400. Lots 8. n, 10 and It Iilock.
92, Deservation Addition, Pendleton.
John 11. HwitJer to Joseph I. (Jib
son $100. Lots 5 and 6 Rlnck 11 City
of L'matilla.
V. W. Zeller to Trustees M. K.
fhurch of Hermiston $r,r,o. Lots 23
and 24. Klock 12, of the Subdivision
of Lot "IV Hermiston.
KtrGKXE, .Ore., Jan. 12. (A. P.)
Kigiitcen :it.idents were dropped from
the l'invei:-iy of Oregon and 121
plaied on jrobiithin for the winter
."AX KIlAXCIBfO, Jan. 1 2. ( A. P.)
........ i"""' ' .iroiiitoii, rornier act- term Tor falliiie to make their r.Miuireil
mg ; nihil, ite n direitor for Calirornla, Ii'.m.ts during the fall term, aci-urding
awa tmg trial on a charge of conspii- io announcement of Carleton Spencer,
acy to violate the national prohibition J registrar, today, of the 18 'Who were
laws, vas permitted by the 1'. S. Ms-1 dismissed 10 were on probation last
...v.. Liiiiu lo.mi hi an ensl.rn
.,) Urbtk rpPt,rt-l alanco of
1IS...4 on hand after dlsjursemenu
for construction of the Parish Hall,
r-r which tho receipts were $11,000.
1. O. H.ibnrt, church. treasurer, report
ed ::22.45 on hand after disburse,
ments and $'J15 In unpaid pledges.
Mrs. II. K. Dickers as treasurer fnr ih.
j Parish Aid reported that the aid has
' $284.72 on hand after
j penses and after paying off a note for
1000. Mrs. John Hailey, treasurer
Leaders Claim Vavc of Defla-jl"1 11,0 Auxiiiaiy. reported
' h oaiance and Mrs. Norbonia
tion Has Swept Prioos Below
the Cost of Production, Rem
edy to be Sought.
wnicn ner attornev m il ir.i. "i,T,i,,.r.,
Lelaii Powers to Thos. .1, O Haria tive." she is under $10,000 l.ond.
tfip;rrm for jioor work lust sluing and!
LL PASO, Tex., Jan. 12. (A. r.)
LI paso today svas filled with eatttle
;ht failed so badly that a second
im e was nut considered Justifiable.
' Rich Bachelor Admiral Adopts a Family
'f;eHy 0lf' put wcitk, diMordTcI
rtomarhn in nrdor "really dcs,'ovn
f'fJic tiidiK'-Miun, 6yt'iJiia,
IrrartHurn unl tMuriwn to aLl
f ermontal Ion t hatJuM t hat mu k-f
lHpc'n IMjiix'-iihhi thy JarXnt ftllinff
Hom.irh aiitiicid and rrtfiilut-T in the
world., jf hat yMJ ml fermnt and
ttirnn wur. yem hrlt h and eructate j
in j fats iioi ;k.to m roiT
i SAL J.T UTi; ilAliK. Mich., Jan. 12
-(A, P.) Th Canndi.in Foo hockfv :
lihdiKfstfd fond or watr; hfad b dizzy ; tram wn tho fCond Krnif of iiM wrier i
wnrt Hchvd; hrth foul; tit?ii- coaiJ, j w ith Houghton ht-re lat nisht, 3 lo 2. j
n'liwnihpr the moment "rape" lila-j - 1 . . j
lriKin,' ronitN in rontiict with the . WitinifH'jc wt l.nm to
; ; p-v.;U. tm ..'-til 1'J
,. .... ... jfit)f!. , r1 f ' n , '
- 4 if y , f 4 " .
men lirrc to discuss the neiioiis ldight
of their business at tho twenty-fourth
annual convention of the American
National Livestock Association. The
convention opened today and continues
throe days.
The "wave of deflation," according
to bailers, has swept livestock prices
retdw tho cost of production. Btock
men cannot rai loans to continue their
business, they say, and this has caus
ed IPiuidution of much livestock that
should have been "kept for further
finishing or breeding." 'v .
Ike Pryor of Pan Antonio, is expect
ed to deal vigorously withm adverse
conditions in the industry when he
speaks during the convention en "The
Tariff as it Affects the Farm and
Kaneh?' .
other speakers Include Ar. a. fill
bertson, member of the I'liited States
Tariff Commission; Senator J. 11. Ken
(Hick, of W yoming, president of the
association; S. F. Tolmie, Minister of
Agriculture, Dominion of Canada; -W.
V. Turney, president of the Texas Cat
tle Ka'sers Association ; and J. Z.
Miller. Ooveiihor of the Kansas City
Federal Reserve IJpnk. ';
Herkeley, of ;he Hajictuarv ijhniitcr. re..
ort"d a balance uf $ii2,0S. Mre.
Jiunes Welch, treasurer or the Parish
House Oluld, reported $0f. on 'hand.
Mrs. C. . Whilumiin, secretary for tho
Parish Aid, read a report of .the work
or the society. J. T. Lnmblrth, Sunday
school secretary, reported the funds on
hand at $.10il.4R.
J. V. Tullman, Judge I, M. Schan
nep and James Mil were chosen as
members of the vestry, the nominating
committee being composed of Mrs.
Harrier. James Welch und C. C. White
man. Charles pond tvho has served
for 11 years, declined, reappointment.
.Mis. H. it. Hattery -and J. Lynda
were appointed members of the exe
cutive council,
:itev. Alfred I.nrw'nutf, pastor uf ths
i hurch, In an-HddVfss, urged the sup- '
port of his paiishonei s..' . lie praisl
the work pf the various women's or
ganizations and the' tvork accomplish
ed by thp men, pKcial liibute was
paid Jlrs. Charles M. -Marsh,' retiring
president or thta-'PUrlsli Aid. and sirs.
H. if. IlaUtery.twho jnhnaged the
miracle 'play given -phr.lstn.ma Eve at
the church. - " f
Name "Bayer" on Genuine
stonisch all Htirii distress vanishes. It's
truly astonishing lniut marvelous.
end the joy is Its harmlessness. , A box
HI. Paul Scptlct oil lee
-T. PAl'L, Minn., Jan. 12. (A. P.
The St. Paul Athletic club hoi:kc
ol 1'Hpe'n IMsPepsin tableta costs so lit- team defeated the Knights of Cnlum-
lr t drug atoies too. boa uf Winnipeg, 3 to , last night.
Rear Admiral Newton A. MeCuIly lo shown fccre with the seven KuBaian children he has
brought home for adoption "Three more eomlnff on a later sh.p, too!" he says. The admiral h a
5-lfi- Ti-rtt. : f"Jrt,rrtul:,ied frora Sebaatopol. where he was U. 8. high eommiseloner.
T hen the ablp atopped at Ellis Ialand, the seven tola were ordorcd excluded from tba country oa the
' i?rVw.o-"t-.'?S?,,bs,e ehref" McCui'y id: , rwn e. aiKt- tht! :. lie got
i rtn.i'j - 1 Ti
lt q r. i r: . i i
I' , I
I A budget of $i),Sti3.6ri was adopted
I last nlBht by the Church of the lie
(ileemer at the annual meeting which
I followed th flintier In Parish Hall.
'The 1920 budget Was $T., 00(1. hut the
Increase 'Is necessary because the In
surance Btul repair funds are doubled
for 1II21; a sinking fund of $2.r.00 Is
created as one means of meeting the
fll.noo debt for the basement, and
exti. nves for' Unlit and gas will be nln;
itiomue necause or tne needs nr the
Parish- Hall. . The budget was sulimit-
(ted by diaries liond, h-Httaritrtli
I 'lnanoo cbbunluee. ' ki v '
Take Aspirin only ns told in each
package of genuine Payer Tablets of
Aspirin.' Then you will be following
the direct Ions during 21 .years, anil
proved safe by millions. Take no
chances with substitutes, ff vim ties
the P.over Cross on'" tft Htyou ran
take them without fear '-for Cnbls,
lleudaehe, neuralgia. Rheumatism,
Karache. Toothuehe, limluigo and for
Handy tin bovs of twelve tab
lets cost few cents, rirusglsts also .-11
larger nnuknfr. Aspjiiu .Isthe trade ,
iitfii-l.lf-Vlyyf,V5tlMXV' "f Mono.
fncctlcacidcster of Snlicvlfi acid.
. m Art Ji saw