East Oregonian : E.O. (Pendleton, OR) 1888-current, January 12, 1921, DAILY EDITION, SECTION TWO, Page PAGE TEN, Image 10

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    l .... S ...,.,.-.. ,
liiiuM-tiliH'HHntiMi H f. .
Including Pendleton Prices and Associated Press Reports
All IVkKH f l lH llHIIVItl
fur IJtcvtock at Portland.
-rtnly one load of livestock made lti
appearance In In North I'ortlana
yards (or ths Tuesday trade, and with
the exception of feeder pigs, all price
ruled unchanged.
While there were no carload arrivals
of ho In the alles for Tuesday, the
entire trade here continues to show! go fur as tops are concerned,
trengtth even In the face of depression) General cattle market range:
In the tost. (Choice steers 8.50 0
Willamette valley lambs 8.00 9.50
Cull lamb 5.00) e.oo
Feeder lamhs .00 7.00
Yearling 00ji 8.00
Wethers S.00W .80
No carload lots of cattle were recelv.
ed at North Portland Tuesday. Gen
eral trade indications were for a con
tinuation of the former steady tone
One Indication of real streiiRth and
a more optimistic feeling regarding
the future was the fact that feeder piss
are advanced l above recent Quota
tions, Oeneral hog market rantre:
Prlme mixed Jl'.OOGll.JS
Smooth heavy 11. S0T 12.00
TSoush heavy 7.50W10.J."
Fat piRS 10.00 11.40,
Feeder pigs .0l0.0i
Good to choice steers . . , 8.00 S
Medium to good steers .. 7.608i00
Fair to g-ood steers ..... 6.50 7.50
Common to fair steer. . 5.50 6.50
Choice cows and heifers ".00 7.50
Good to choice cows and
heifers 6.25 7.00
Medium to good cows and
heifer .......... 5.600 6.00
rair to medium cows and
with the general market and closed
for the most part at moderate reces
sions. Aside from some foreign municipal
Issues, which enhanced recent gains,
the bond market lacked definite trend
many popular Issues reacting with the
liberty group and convertible rails.
Total sales, par value, $12,675,000.
Old S. Bonds were unchanged on
A double of sheep and lambs made I cotnmon cows, heifers.
Its appearance In the yards for the ,-.anners , ..
Tuesday morning trade, hut demand i pulls ;
continues favorable and full prices j choice dairy calves ..
continue to be realiwd. i Heavy calves
General sheep market rant?: j Best light calves
East of mountain lambs 8 9 r.0?10.E Choice feeders
Pair to good feeders . .
.Medium light calves . .
2. tO
6.81 7.25
6.750 6.75
9.00 10.00
Musterole Works Without the
- BlisterEasier, Quicker ,
There's no sense in mixing a mess
of mustard, flour and water when you
can easily relieve pain, soreness or stiff
ness with a little clean, white Musterole.
Musterole is made of pure oil of
mustard and other helpful ingredients, -combined
in the form of the present
white ointment It takes the place of
mustard plasiers, and will not blister,
Musterole usually gives prompt reliei
from core throat, bronchitis, tonsjlitis,
croup, stiff neck, asthma, neuralgia,
headache, congestion, nleurisy.rheumV
tistn, lumbago, pains and aches of the
bade or joints, sprains, sore muscles,
bruises, chilblains, frosted feet colds of
the cheat (it often prevents pneumonia!.
35c and 65c jars; hospital sue $3.00
: Xcw York Market THUltiigs
I Larpost ih1 Most Varied ot Year
NEW YORK, Jan. 12. (A. P.)
On the largest and most varlqd deal
ings so far this year, approximately 1,
200,000 shares, the stock market today
strengthened its forward movement ot
In Its general aspects the advance
appeared largely of speculative origin.
Special shares In which an extensive
short Interest is believed to exist
scored the largest gains.
Factors which again contributed to
the advance Included the Increased
strength of foreign exchange, aioeit
the British rate was somewhat extend
ed to time funds, which were In more
liberal supply than at any period In
six months.
Associated with the further rise oi
international remittances were rumors
of impending loans or credit exten
sions to France and Switzerland, but
in well posted quarters these were re
garded as somewhat prematture. Steels
shippings, equipments and specialties
comprised the strongest Issues, Cru
cible aealn leading the list at a gain of
9 1-2 points, or a fraction more than
vesterdav s advance. Otherwise gains
of two to five points were Impaired by
realizing sales and the backwardness
of rails, which at no time kept pace
Foreign Buying and Belter
Milling Bring Wheat Advance.
CHICAGO. Jnn. 12. Foreign buy
ing, together with Indications of better
domestic milling demand brought an
advance today in wheat prices.
March touched 1.80 a ushel, the top
most point since November 11. The
close was unsettled at 1-2 to 1 l-4c net
gain with March 1.78 to 1.78 and
May l.fS J-4 to 1.69. Corn finished
unchanged to l-8c higher; oats 1-8 to
1-4 off and provisions showing an up
turn of 12 to 40c.
Chief attention In wheat centered
on the fact that hedges here were re
moved on between 15,000,000 and 1,
500.000 bushels sold for export. The
export business was done, too. In the
face of assertions that Argentine
wheat was quoted 10c a bushel cheaper
than current figures In the U. S. No
tice was also taken of signs of im
provement In the flour trade, especial
ly word that Mlnenapolls mills were
running at 60 per cent of capacity as
against 40 per cent a month ago. Bulls
contended that the U. a had already
exported too much wheat and that re
serves were uncomfortably small. On
the advance, however, profit taking by
longs did much to force a reaction, and
so, too did an increase of country of
ferings. Corn and oats were held down by
apparent likelihood that the move
ment of corn to market would contin
ue relatively later.
Provisions reflected the weakness of
hog values, but later went upgrade
when shorts covered.
Benjamin Franklin Said:
"Savel, young man, and become respectable; it is the
quickeKt and safest way."
The laws of nature are inexorable, they cannot be
perverted to any aiipreetablo extent o character
cannot be successfully covered up. Tins very fea
tures will plainly tell the inner thoughts.
A dose observer can tell his man at one glance
whether he is thrifty or lazy, careful, honest, capable
and all that , .....
It Is thus why iyoung rnen should cultivate good and
clean luvbits and thrift and why a Savings Account
. kept up persistently Is go helpful in developing man
ly manhood.
Hogs and Cattle Steady
In Seattle livestock Market
SEATTLE, Jan. 12. Hogs Re
ceipts 60. Steady. Prime 12.00
12.50; smooth heavy 11.00 12.00;
rough heavies 9.00 9.50; pigs 9.00
Cattle Receipts 155. Steady. Prime
steers 8.75 9.25; medium to choice
7.008.25: common to good 6.00
7 (in- hrf emcs unit heifers 7.00 7.50
medium to choice 6.50 6.50; common
to good 4.00 5.50; bulls 4.00 6.00
calves 7.00 13.00.
Ranch Products Receipts
And Some Prices sn Frisco.
SAN FRANCISCO, Jan. 12. Wheat
3756 qrs; wheat 936 centals; arley 3,
108 centals; beans 1170 sacks; corn
200 centals; hay 50 tons; potatoes 923
sacks; onions 1-5 sacks; livestock 1300
head. s
Apples, Newtowns 1.50 2.50.
Barley spot feed 1.501.65; ship
ping 1.75 1.95.
Hay wheat 20,000 21.00; tame oat
17 19; alfalfa 18 21; stock hay, 10,-14.
Jelld or Diamond W Jelly Powder, 2 packages....25c
Extra Choice Rome Beauty Apples, box :.:.....t...$2.00
Golden Age Maccaroni and Spaghetti, package....lOc
Holly Wreath Asparagus Tips, 3 cans ..................65c
Wadco Brand Coffee, pound 45c
Diamond W Baking Powder, 1 pound ...:.....,.'......'.25c
5 pounds , .....$1.15
Golden Marshmallow Syrup, 1 gallon $1.25
1-2 gallon -T 65c
' The -
221 East Court St.
The Most in Value The Best in Quality
Phone 871
' Penrfleton. Oregon. .
'Strongest Sank in Gostern Oregon'
We Are Remarking
Our Goods
to conform with the market, irrespective of what
they'costus. . 1
. We follow a policy of no special sales, but you save
money with us when you see us for Furniture.
i s-l' i L 1 I I- -- " Jlj
Egws. Butter, and Cheese,
In New York Market.
NEW YORK. Jan. 12. Butter firm;
creamery higher tha nextras 54 l-(Ep
55; creamery extras 53 l-254; oth
ers unchanged.
Eggs firm; fresh gathered extra
firsts 7071; firsts 69i&69.
Cheese firmer: state, whole milk
flats, held specials early made 28 fi
28 1-2; ditto fall made 26 26 1-2;
state, whole milk flats, fresh specials
24 1-2 25.
Hay, Grain and Potatoes
in Washington IjOse Value
SPOKANE, Jan. 12. Washington's
crops of grain, hay and potatoes dur
ing 1920 reached a total value of $108,
073,000, while the 1919 production was
valued at $162,120,000, according to
the annual report Issued by the Spo
kane office of the federal bureau of
crop estimates. The total 1920 acreage
in the state in the crops named was
3.745,000, which is 13,000 less than
that harvested in 1919.
Beef Steers Weak;
Canncrs and Sheep Steady.
KANSAS CITY, Jan. 12. Cattle
13,500; beef steers weak to 25c lower;
top 11; bulk below 8.75; she stock
steady to 25c lower; ulk 4.756.00;
few heifers 8; bulls and canners steady
canners mostly 3; calves generally 60c
lower: few early 11.75 12.00; late
top 11.50; Blockers and feeders steady.
Sheep 6,500; steady; wethers .6.00
ewes 4.75; lambs strong; Colorado
lambs 19.85.
I We have the most beautiful dining sets, in golden
oaik, mahogany, walnut and Jacobean sets, in all the
j latest patterns. i
Come to our store where you have room to see
S nur tronfls.
5 Double Show Room
1 ' Cruikshank & Hampton
S 124-128 E. Webb St Phone 548
5 your old Furniture Wkeit In uanjr as part payment on new.
jLmilllllllilllllllllllllllllllllMllII 1111,111 IIIIIUIIIIlltllllllllllllllKlllllllIll
Best Scratch Feed, $61.
Alfalfa Hay $27.
SEATTLE, Jan. 12. City delivery:
Feed Scratch feed 861 ton; feed
wheat 863: all grain chop 351; oats
149: sprouting oats 354: rolled oats
$51; whole corn 47; cracked corn
$49; rolled barley $50; clipped barley
$55; mill feed $39; bran $39.
Hay Alfalfa $27 ton; doule com
pressed alfalfa $33; ditto timothy
$39; eastern Washington mixed $35.
Seattle 1'4!SH and Butter
White Shells 5:1 . Vic.
SEATTLE, Jan. 1 2. Eggs Select
local ranch, white shells 5354; But
ter City creamery in cubes 49; bricks
or prints 50; seconds in cubes 39;
bricks 40; country creamery extras
cost to jobbers in cubes 43; storage
nominal. -
wavras riTT. Jan. 12. U. P.)
RonriitK tnrlnv held ud a messenger of
the Produce Exchange bank In front
of the bank and escaped with funds
en tl muted at $20,000.
(East Oregonlan Special.)
PILOT ROCK, Jan. 12. A stock
holders meeting of the local telephone
company was held In Pilot Rock Sat
urday afternoon, January 8. Charles
Ely was elected as director to succeed
K. G. Warner. Carl Jensen was re
elected. Election of officers of the Tilot
Rock Sunday school was held last
Sunday. C. J. Miller was re-elected
superintendent, Mrs. Carl Jensen, as
sistant superintendent; Gladys Fletch
er, secretary, and C. A. Cooper, treas
urer. The retiring officers were Mrs.
W. T. Kidwell, assistant superintend
ent and Mrs. Alonzo Knotts. secretary.
The opening hour for Sunday echool
was changed from 1000 to 10:30 a. m.
Mrs. Churles Russell, who has been
quite ill with la grippe, is able to be
up again.
The Pilot Rock Commercial Associa
tion enjoyed a chicken dinner at the
Hotel Pilot Rock on Tuesday evening.
January 4. Following the dinner, of
ficers for the new year were elected as
follows: Dr. H. A. Snyder, president;
C. W. Paulus, vice president; Chas. B.
Hodgkln, secretary-treasurer. A
number of committees were appointed
with chairmen as follows
Town improvement E. B. Casteel.
Schools Committee L. V. Macken.
Rural relations Walter Wegner.
Outside relations K. G. Warner.
Entertainment and social C. W.
Depew. ; ?
A special invitation has been extend
ed to the Woman's Community club to
attend the next meeting which will be
held In the I. O. O. F. hall Tuesday
evening January 18. A good program
is being prepared and supper will be
served. ,
A very exciting basketball game was
played here Friday evening, January
7, in the high school auditorium. This
was a doule header between the local
arid the Hermlston high school teams.
The girls' game resulted In a score of
4 to 36 In favor of the visiting team.
The Pilot Rock boys won, the score
being 46 to 40. A large and enthusi
astic crowd was in attendance and oth
er games are being eagerly looked for
ward to. Those playing on the girls'
team were Velma Smith, Ella Stanton,
Edna Porter, Bertha Wyatt, Hazel
Warner and Lillian Cramer. The
rrivpipi.n t.. i.
prettiest parties ot tke
boys' team was composed of Victor
Bracher, George Jordan, Herechel
Kidwell, Beryl Smith, Wllbert Horn
and Thurlo Smith.
Mrs. Will Glass left last week to vis
it friends and relatives In Portland.
A baby girl was born last week to
Mr. and Mrs. Lowell Stubblefleld.
The women's- community club held
their annual election of officers Wed
nesday evening, January 6, the follow
ing officers being elected. Mrs. C. J.
Miller, president: Mrs. C. A. Cooper,
vice president; Mrs. C. M. Best, secre
tary-treasurer. The club will hold
sewing classes, under the direction of
Mrs. Edth Van Deusen, on January
25, 26, 27, at the home of Mrs, Best.
W. 0. Stover of this city, has been
appointed United States commissioner
to succeed I. M. Schannep,
Mr. and Mrs. James Nelson of But
ter creek, were Pilot Rock and Pendle
ton visitors Saturday.
H. H. Hlnderman, who had his ton
sils removed In Pendleton last week,
is recovering nicely.
Mrs. Thos. Jaqties, Mrs. Carl Jensen,
Mrs. James Truman and Mrs. Charles
Miller were guests of Mrs, Bessie
Humphrey on Friday. , .
Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Hascall spent
Saturday In Pilot Rock. Mr. Hascall
attended the meeting of the telephone
Mrs. Frank Byrd, who was called to
Gresham, Ore., several weeks ago on
account of the illness and death of her
mother, Mrs. Haycock, returned home
Monday evening. Mrs. Byrd has been
suffering for the last .several days
with something like blood poisoning in
one of her fingers.
Mr. and Mrs. Paul Agldlua have
moved Into the George Done property.
Mrs. Albert Boylen left Monday
morning for Athena to visit relatives.
The home of Mr. and Mrs. Ward
Stanley was released from quarantine
The Civic beauty committee of the
Women's Community Club will hold a
cooked food sale Saturday, January
14 In one of the stores.
The home of Mr. and Mrs. D. D.
Connor was released from quarantine
Saturday. Roy Connor, who was quite
ill with scarlet fever, has fully recov
ered. Mr. and Mrs. Carl Jensen and son,
Norman were dinner guests at the
home of Mr. and Mrs. Ed Wright on
Mr. and Mrs. James Truman enter
tained Messsrs. J. L. Krankum and
George Done with a chicken dinner at
their home on Friday evening.
-One of the
season was
given Saturday afternoon at the home
of Mr. and Mrs. E. & Severance on
Glendennlng street In honor of their
daughter Florence's eighth birthday.
The rooms were artistically decorated
for the occasion and a bounteous re
past was served to the following small
people:. Eleanor Cleveland, Alice
Helen Cleveland, Mary Smith, Evelyn
Starkweather. Florence Pearson, Joyce
Holto, Frances Thompson, Beryl Hale,
Glen Johnson of Pendleton, Bobby
Starkweather, Billy Smith. Walter
Pearson, Harold Reeves and Gerold
Coffman, the hostess was assisted by
her mother Mrs. E. 8. Severance, Mrs.
James Pearson and Mrs. James F.
Lane. Many lovely gifts were receiv
ed as a remembrance of the occasion.
Ezra Hasen was a Pendleton visitor
Saturday. . .
G. L. Dunning accompanied by his
daughter-in-law Mrs. Iv,an Dunning
and Mrs. Alice Beach were In Pendle
ton Saturday.
R. F. McMillan of Tacoma one of the
proprietors of the Furnish Ditch Is In
the city looking after the Interest of
the business.
" Mrs. M. ( Bnrsgar was shopping In
Pendleton Monday.
Mrs. F. B. Stuurt entertained a few
of her friends Tuesday afternoon at
an informal five-hundred party In
honor of her daughter Mrs. H.'C. Kerr,
who Is leaving Wednesday for Los An
geles to spend the remainder of the
winter before returning to her home In
St. Paul Minnesota.
Mr. and Mrs. Dallas Dupuis of Pen
dleton and Joe Dupuis of Nolln were
the Sunday guests of their brother.
Chester Dupuis and Mrs. Dupuis.
Fred Cole has purchased a half In
terest In the Richard's Hardware
store. New stock has been added and
a general Improvement has been made.
Mr. and Mrs. Victor H. Martin are
receiving congratulations on the ar
rival of a baby boy at their home Sat
urday, the young man will be known
as Victor H. Martin, Jr.
A. C. Koeppen & Bros.
The Drug Store That Serves
)'ou Heat.
r Carpenuer s" New Baby
t V
V -1 i ' i Jit
m Apr , t
Georges Carsentler, the French heavyweight champion, thlnki
this U the greatest baby In the world. U'a hla urt daughter,
actitllne. Inset la Mme. Carpentler,. .
dr. a a dai
rhyalclaa and Borgeoa ,
Rooms II and II B ml th-Crawford
BuUdlag. ,
feleohose Kea, V4-
Dr. Lynn K. Blakes!ee
Chronle and Nervous Diseases aad
Diseases c Woman. X-Ray Elsotre
rentals Bldg. Boons II
Dr. Edwards' Olive Tablets Get
at the Cause and Remove It
Dr. Edwards' Olive Tablets, the
substitute for calomel, act gently on the
bowels and positively do the work.
People afflicted with bad breath find
quick relief through taking' them.
Dr. Edwards' Olive Tablets are a
'vegetable compound mixed with olive
oil. They act gently but firmly on the
bowels and liver, stimulating them to
natural action, clearing the blood, and
purifying the entire system. .They do
that which calomel dots, without any of
the bad after effects. Take one or two
every night for a week and note the
pleasing effect. 15c and 30c a box.
Bathroom, bedroom, every
room. Attach any where
to light circuit '
Phone lit
g0 E. Court
Everybody knows Buick builds six-cylinder
Valve-in-Head automobiles. .
that Buick sold its entire 1920 output long
before the end of the season.
that Buick has sold a large percentage of Its
1921 schedule.
that Buick users are Buick salesmen.
thdt Buick car values are 100 per cent.
, Added to their recognized high service value
trie new Buick models possess a distinctive beauty.
Their graceful lines and handsome appointments
merit the pride which early buyers have expressed.
Nineteen Twenty One Buick automobiles have
more improvements than any Buick models in the
past five years and 1921 models represent 25 per
cent greater used car values. ' ,
Many of our spring delivenes are already con
tracted for. Thousands have been disappointed
during past years because of the shortage of Buick
cars. . ; , ' i
When Better Automobile Are Built, Buick Will
Build Them. ( , , ,. r,
Oregon Motor Garage
n 'riMiiiiiim'niimiMimilfimiiii'i i n m tm I i i n t nil !ntmi'iiHmi""!iMi(iiiMMiii!iiiimm!mriifir