East Oregonian : E.O. (Pendleton, OR) 1888-current, January 11, 1921, DAILY EDITION, SECTION TWO, Image 7

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    ; v 4
.Both Boys and Girls Will Bo in
Double Header on Local
Floor' Tomorrow Night;
County Teams Play Friday
LBXINfiTON. Kv., .Tan. 11, (A, I'.j
Man O'Wnr, champion nice horse,
Kill leave film Uiddlu farm. I.,.r1ln
Maryland, fur Lexington,' on Monday
Jiiiiunry 17, according- to a lotlnr re
j.elv.d here today ii' Ihi. board of i'nm
j hicren Ironi Fanitiol 1). Kiddle tit Phlla
"Iclphla, hl8 owner. Ho will be shown
.it the Kentucky Jockey Club here..
Ifcrmlitlon will furnish the opposi
tlon for n doubln header In basketball
at I'endli'ton high school tomorrow
nlKht. Teams from both the boys' ami
ainwiic ucpnrtmciitn will meet 1 An
lenuieton high mho.. I tcums in Hi!
ocai srvmnuMlum,
CIIR'AdO, Jan.' II. (A. I1.) The
National Association of Minor Leagues
Monday adopted several amendments
Xi:V YOItK, Jan. II. fA. P.) 'to its constitution. Including one do-
International collegiate sporting signed to stamp out gambling and
context in this country next spiingMip- game throwing and another creating
- -.... ...,-..,. ,, , uiiin, i niversny cross-country team season Inter-league eamcs.
A closer game iilween Hie Kill il I .,. ... , i ... ...... ... .. .. ..
I,,,, , ,. , , , - !'' ."h.""i. ui.i ui in in ei i eel i ne ciuimwners and leauue pres-
C S' . I', f'""' M'"s"" 1-n.uBht hck by Manager Mc- litems reconvened today. No action
Wcn. i rairiv u C """!n"v"n " T1"" Moakley, a. taken concerning the proposal to
rnl .t, .! ! T? "USh,'n,''m'i",hl' ",r'V"' M""',"y w"" ,hB '"'J"I with the maJorH In mgning a new
ana in going to try to keep all the laur. j Cornell runners who completed against ; national agreement, th it matter belli
i-our iT w'l ' t0 r0ttC" H,'""-"'h. xford--ninl.r:.laP university team j left until the minor league . drafting
" "UHKI'- at Hoi'hamplon, Knuiand, Dec. SO. j committee meet with the major com-
Myron Ilanlcy, who Hiiffered the Mr. MeCi.ivern stated undergraduates ! mliteo.
third break In bin none in the Kume and aliiinni of Cambridge university) The president f the aHWiclatlon wac
a.ilnt Walla Walla ,inay not be alb favored a return athletic visit to Coi-jKlvni the n-Fponaibility of sceini? bahp
to go the full dlMance al fyrward but ! nidi next eprlni;. lloth he and Coach j ball in the minora Im kept free from
the rest of the firnt team will remain Moakley were anHiired that If faulty .the Influence of gambler. I
Unchanged. Btendul playx the other j permlmlon could lie obtained, on cIkM 1 The board which will control the ',
oinaru, uiwrence at center and Ca- oared ere v or a track and Held team, 1 ' J.ittle world deriex" between the min
er both, would le tent to Ithaca in 1 or leagues after the regular wiimin !
XHW VorfK, Jan. 11. (A. I'.)
Th.? offer of $.'100,1100 and four plaern I
tor Second J'aceinan HoRer Hornaliy,
w hich Manager Itlckey of the K(. LouIh
.NaliouaU recently announeeil he hau
occllned, waa not made by the New
I i oik Nationals. Treasurer McOuad'!
nd Hecrelary O'llrlen of the flianlx, i
i declurtd today. They said the New j
Amendments Adonted With End 1 orl' tl,)U hi"J mde no forth.-
. : to obtain the Cardinal xtar after a bid
m view 01 Liieanina- utit'of I'doenn n.i i,,,,.,, .,.. .
; to help relieve that awful d xlre, ;
shortly the habit may be completely.'
orokc-ii, and you are better off mental- (
ly, physi. nily, financially, h'h x eaxj .
Crookedness; Board for Post;fu"''U-
Season Scries Formed.
Ao-To-Uac' has helped thouxandx:
to break the costly, nerve-shattering I
l.oharrn hriMr lV'H..r.n..r.r ....... K...... .. j
r effort : ,, r., , . ,. ' .....
j- ..r-..., .... a Liuirtu:, iihii, IJ-, (ti j
of J 'dii aim ...wi I,,,,.,, .,.. . "" a ", jii-m piace a narmiesx .-.-.
. 'in- i;a.
ClflCAUfJ, Jan. II. (A. P.)
j l-'ode ' I'aakert. veteran .outfielder of I
' II.,. ..1,. ' I . .... I . . '
j '"-- V.IH.UHO .Miu'iiim jt-aKoe I'Mio. anu
! formerly a star player on several othei
' teams, has been released to Cincinnati
. IhroiiKh waivers, it was announced
j last night by Secretary John Keys. Mr.
' Keys said Paekert's release was the
j first step In Manager John Kvers' an-
nounced campaign to "rid the club of
f old timeix and replace them with
siniiile. Get a box of N'o-Tn-Bai
and If it do.ien't release you from all I
craviriK for tobacco in any form, youi
Orugist will refund your money I
Aitnout question. .
"The New Turk rules tire "practi
cally the name as the ri'ies of the
International lioxinK L'nion, the Na
tional t-'portinx -lul, and other reeo
raized authorities.
famou? pigeon Views
TO be seen at show
these cold nights? We liave what you
want at a price you want to pay ; all new
arrivals at the newr prices.
hill and Kramer ut Kuanis.
The Klrls pluy "xix-muu" basketball.
Mildred Itogers captain, playx eenter.
Irva I)ale is side venter. Jean Chaney
and Mary Clarke are forwards and
Marie Fletcher and Alberta McMomIi b
guard. The mibstltule list ronslxtx of
Catherine McNary, Marjorle Mc.Monles
and Ruth Minnls.
. The county baxkell all season will be
pried 0en at I'llot Kock' Friday night
In a flame between J'llot Itock and
Athena hlish whoolx. The east end
town fins been at work for several
weeks and I'llot flock had a practice
Hume with the I'endleloii hlxh x.piad
before the holidays
Mav. will be composed of three men With
That Knirlish varsity nportsmen and the president of the- association as
xtatcsmen are in faiot cf men Inl. r- ' chairman. An agreement to pass an
ntitlon il sport injf contests between , amendment proviriimr that five per, '
FiiKland and the I. H. was made cvl- cent of the receipts from thee '
dent to the Cornellians. I games should be paid to the assnela- X'KW QOItK, Jan. 11. (Hy'Hemy
liion to be used in paying the xalao j '' Parrel I, Vnlted Press Staff Corrcs-
h'l'll :i Kit U-AVIS MATCIIi:i 'of tlie president and in paying other ! Pondent.j Itube Welch rises up i:i
TO Wltl-XTLH KXItl, CVIlK)( ii expenses was di feated. U.ndon to remark aim r. the "trick
SV.W Vt'ltK. Jan. 11. (A. IM Kd j The iis'soclbtion also authorlred lt i ln rules" in New York.
"Stningler" I.ewis, world champion ' nrexidr tit to netot'ate with heads or ; The fectlon of the law requiring the
eati h-ns-cati h-. an w restler, will de-, Industrial und Independent league.-. ! '"'"ers to weiRh in eight hours before '
fend his Mtle acalnst fcirl Cnddock. ajwdh a view of entering signed agree-.""" ,,01lt I the hitch, he says. i
t.i-nier champion. In a one-fall finish ni"nt with them which would nrotectl Welch, who has'succeeded Charles
njitrh her January 24, it was an-Lthe organized clubs in the owner-hip i K- Co. krane as a fight promoter !:i :
nnnneed Inst nltht. (of pinker. )th Knglish capital, vlatnied that be-j
. ... . .... , virtually all flue;! for players and cause or tne oi seivanee or me eigni
. elude f.ir vini.-itin.' roles s'pw inereas. t hour weighting, me haniamweieni
tiAKI.AND. Cat.. Jan. 11. (A. I
lU-prodiu tloux of the famoux W. K.
anderbilt.Jr., paintings. of pigeons in
;he Metropolitan Museum of Art Ip
New York are on their way from thj
east to. I displayed at the National
Pigeon Show which -vi lli be held here.
T-.'.nuary l'J-16, acc-ording to word re
ceived here recently. Pigeon authwri
lies consider these pictures show the
ideal types of all varieties of pigeons.
Judges announced for the plgeoi
show include 11. P. Baldwin, "Kansa.
City; J. A. .Smith. San Ieandro, Cap
Hv t). Keesling, Ixiuisville, Kv.: W. J.
lend, ii.ikland. Oal.: and c. B. flood-
Nashua Blankets.
Other Blankets . .
33.45 and $3.95
745 Main St.
Per Sack
Pendleton Trading Co.
Phona 45S
MIf It's on the Market We Have It"
ij-qj fd and the minor Uaguors toOay will j
i vute on ft r(jpoti;iI to chans; the buI-I
f ry limity. j
EE 3 ' '
I NATifiNAi mm i
1 .
title wax not at stake when Joe Lynch
whipped Pete Herman.
"bynch"' he Vaid. 'i,robably went
into the inff seven of eight pounds
over the class weitsht." .
Had that been the case. Lynch
would have picked up ten pounds, as
I he , was two pounds tinder the re
quired weight of 118 pounds.
Jack McAuliffe, the old lightweight
kiiiR, got a laush out. of Welch's con-
. ' tentiou.
; 1 ! "Picking up 10 pounds in ell 1 t
' fuu-xr.it - it ia r .v.m. ' Uoura.it out ot inc.. reason, ne nam
inill tee's chosen Ur the two mator base- "'' miahf" be dime H a. special
I. I all leiiirnes to rintw 1111 ti new tultlonal i
mreemeiii Mnndnv v., ted ibcir nivnrov- an athlete and show him up terril
fcd 1 11 of the aRreemcnt tnrmuiateu in -sewi " J '" ' "" " "" " .
,:ork recently which provided tor re
I . I'Kunization vith hvderal Judge Lan
llols as baseball commissioner. The
action put at rest rumors that the Am
1 erlcan league was n.it satisfied ith
the- agreement.
The nererment will be formally net
ied on In- the two leagues, probably to.
:,.h a formalitv. the National leagvie al-1 The result ol su.iueniy overioaums
lrea.lv havlnij siiined the aKreemem , the stomach produces a heavy feeling,
and President Johns-n of the Amer:- j ' up the boxer, makes the brain
lean league having officially announc- less alert and reduces coordination.
;,d that the agreement m.-t with the. "Lynch never could have put on 10
! approval of the club owners in his cir-i pounds and fought like he did against
! , .Herman. The spirit of the New York
i i. ,....,.! ..f iho minor leaffiu s loin- ; law-maKers was to avoiu ioiemS oo.v-
, HIT W tth the majors looked bright, al-1
Mrs. Wilson's Letter Should
Q-i Read by A'J Women
' f I '
1 h .rt 1 ) r.
rriblv. t 't
fore a big race would a trainer al
low a thuioushbred to eat a nunuie
I of hay and drink a lot of water? ot
m your life! .
"Take Lynch for instance, or Ben
ny Leorard. or any of the hoys who
have t" work hard to make the weixht
; They have to regulate their food ana
li, ,r thi' .K-tioii Im lm.ked noon i train on a non-llesn pronurinir met.
though nil action was taken at their
meetine Monday. The minors draftinp
...mmiltie will meet with the two ina
Jor Irauue committees today when it
is believed all differences Tvill be settled.
The Famous 5-Ton
"Gaterpiller" Tractor,
A rr.AtToit oi' .u nn;vi:i lU'i'iT.vriox
Yoti don't heve lo kiiiss what this tractor can do for you: you
know from tlio records of what It has done for others just what
' it can do, for you. You don't huvo to accept Its design on faltli;
you kuow that the foi emosl automotive engineering; talent ' of
the world was employed In lis design. You don't have to
wonder what itx Hie and durability will be; you know that it
ha.1 moved Its ability to aland tip under the most severe require
ments and tests and work that any tractor has ever encountered.
You don't have to make nnf surniisi-s us to its dependability;
you know Its record of unfalllnir performance. You know these
things, not only leciiu.se the "5-Ton" is n lloit pi'Mduct. built to
tho high stui'dardx of design, workmanship and material that
Holt has consistently maintained, but also because thousands of
"5-Tons" are ulready successfully meeting, in all kinds and
, classes of work, requirements Mniilar to yours. Make your
choice the tractor of achievement.
..-n;iirtifii i;
L.1iz!H-rz-ir.- ....
m -
1 i. ' U . "a" s.friM
Sturis & Storie
Walla Walla
ers lo come Into tne rins weahenej
in- making the weight. Kight hours
after petting on the scales makes it
possible for them to relax and recu
perate. There is less danger of phy
sical injuries and the spectators see
better Nixing, which is the main idea
after all. ' V,S I
Clearfield. Pi." After rr.y last child
vve.s born last .Seotember I was unabk
to do all of my own
work. I bad severe
pains in my left side
every month and had
fever and sick dizzy
-iells and such pains
during my periods,
which lasted two
weeks. I heard of
I-vdia E. Pinkhara'8
Veifc. table Com
pound doing others
so much good and
thought I would give
January 12th
Sawyer's Orchestra .
it, a trial. 1 have been very glad that I
did. for now I feel much stronger and do
all of my work. I tell my friends when
they ask me what helped me, and they
think it must be a grand medicine. And
it is. You can use this letter for a tes
timonial if you wish." Mrs. Harry A.
V'ilson, R. F. D. 5, Clearfield, Pa.
The experience and testimony of such
women js Mrs. Wilson prove beyond a
doubt tnat Lydia E. Pinkham's'Vege
taole Compound will correct such trou
btes by removing the cause and restor-
ing the system to a healthy normal con
dition. When such symptoms develop
as backaches, bearir.g-down pains, dis
placements, nervousness and "the
blues"a woman cannot act too promptly
in trying Lvdia E. Pinkham's Vegetable
compound if she values her future com
fort and happiness.
fec (C
! irf"-' W lliH"f-fflFII W
is m. H
PAS.M'KNA. Cul., Jan. 11. (A. P-)
Next year's Pasadena Tournament ot
Hoses east-west football game prob
'..lily will be played In a new stadium,
rn.uhle ..I' seatinir fO.OiM) persons, it
was eunounced here recently. Thb-
vear's Rnin played .New l ear s o
was uttetd.-.l by about 4 2,1'eU ar.O
th. nsaii.N were turned away.
Sale of memberships in the Tourna
ment '-f Unset association, It is expect
ed, will raise $i5n,fl0u with which to
I '.i'ild a stadium able to seat 70. "00.
Then Is talk of inoresing the. cap:uit
to s,.hxi so as to make it one of the
i t ..miliums ill the I'nited States.
. . ..-...,.,( .tloi.a .he I1HV.- I
,Jetoiunitf ui 1'ivi '" !' -
Ma.iium will be built in the Arroyo
Scti -section of Pasadena's suhuriis.
; Around the sl.'idium will be parkins
si:iee I :v .ii.iomi a'-n'iiiw'""--.
i Kngieeers have estimated that
ol...i-.i e.m be eonii 'e'ed. If rusheil
ton nionlhs. siakin.T '.t available for tm
M..M ourpiinient R,.me. A ol k
'raising meney will i-e started, at once.
I. In
noti:i KNtil ISII ;)LKKIt
I Nt;.il.l) lOU Hl.ltkl.I.KY
HKUKKLKY. Cab, Jan. 11 tA- !)
tf,...t Uliitine- of llkley, Yorkshire.
Kngland. reputed one of the best golf
instructors in Kngiand. has neen eu
gsued us professional at the lSerkeley
Country null for tl- 1H21 season. He
will enler his new work May 1.
hlilni's brother Fred bus been at
the lioyal St. George club lor scleral
yen Ks.
28 Price
Effective January 1st, the price is re
t duced 28 per-cent on all automobile
starting and lightiny types of
TO! It WH AT MAIM'll S-"
SAN KKAN't'lSt;.). Jan. 11. (A. P I
(aliloiniu's open golf cham
pionship will be held on the Olympic
Club links here March 5, G and 7, It
was announced recently. I
The open championship will be over'
72 holes, stroke competition 3 holesj
lo be played March 6 und the other
halt the next day.
. The quality remains the same, giving
j'ou the maximum combination of
power, dependability, anil long life.
Simpson Auto Co.
Pendleton, Oregon
Phone 40S Water and Johnson Sts.
man can retire some-
of his surp2u$ capitals
by ba.tikitt by mail
NE good argument in favor
Of a man's mailing some of
his money to an out-of-town
bank is that it removes from the
active capital he uses, to operate
with day by day, a certain amount
of money that he can feel has been
placed beyond the accidents of bus
iness chance. Full information
upon request.
Conroy's Gjsh Grocery I
Best Creamery Butter, lb ,
8.10.25 s
E Lard ..... No. 3, 75c ! No. 5, $1.23 ; No. 10, $2.23 S
Red Mex. Beans, 1 1 lbs
H Crystal White Soap, 14 bars
H Flour, 49 lb. sack $2.00; barrel . .
H Best Crepe Toilet Paper, 4 for .
H Eastern Corn Meal, 9 lb. sack .
H Hils Blue Coffee. 1 lb. 35c; 3 lbs.
H Quaker Corn Flakes, 2 for
H Hills Red Coffee 1 lb. 50c; 3 lbs.
. $1.00 n
. $1.00 g
$10.20 M
2JC ' 2 Z
. . 50c M
. $1.05 M
. . 23c II
. $2.10
m h