...'.'I ', I" TEN PACES DAILY EAST OEEGONTAN, PEUDIETOH, OSECOJT, TUESDAY EVENING, JANUARY 11, 1051. pace rirs People Here and There p. V. Vun Jo Water, of Wullu Wal lu,, with tho O-W. 11. & N. Co., urrlv i'd here tlilM morning on IjuhIiiosh. Orovor Tumplo, of Helix, cuius (o l'i)iiUlijton on tlilH moinliiB'H ruin for iij short business visit. '"'j. M. Keeney, of Portland, In a l'cn dMon vlnltor toduy, looking after bin IntercNls hero. Jlrv Keeney in a wool man. Mr. and Mrs. II. J. Anderson, who reniuo ut Htunton, were' In 1'cndleton on business today, having como and gone on tho Northern Pacific train. M. L. Morrison, of Helix, la In Pen dleton today on u business visit. He Is now residing on his ranch at He lix, having rollred a a inert-hunt "ey eful months ago. ' F. T. llyrd, vice president of the riist Jlunk of Pilot llock and ono of nip county s large! cuttle lulsem. In IU( l'ondleton toduy on business. I- W. White, formerly of Pendle ton, U In the city toduy on one of hi regular cull upon the trade. He l a salesman for a leather goods house with headquarters In' 1'orllund. tS. V. Parker, owner of the Parker Tuxl Co., left'thie afternoon on Xo. 17 tor Portlund where he will look over tho latest modclii at the Portland auto mobllB show, which opened on 11 on ou,v.. 4 ( Oeorjro 1C. Bishop, of Freewater, In in I'enuieton today attending to a cane In court In which he In attorney, lu lu a member of the firm of Peterson, Hlshop tc Clark, of Pendleton und Fret-water. NEWSNOTES OF PENDLETON Itiiiik hlwUiolders to Meet. Noticed of the annual meeting of stockholders of tho Inland Kmplre bunk have been nont out to tho stock holders culling them to uu et on Thuraduy morning at 10 o'clock In the bunk tiulldlng here. , - Illibblt Bhoot 1HM-Iirccl Draw. Tho flmt rubblt Hhoot staged by the Pendleton Jtod & dun Club on Holi day boa been declared a druw by the committee which had charge. The competing captains, Dan lJowmun and Kid liaum, could not decide that the other wus entitled to victory no tho affair was callod a draw. 1 OFFICES AND OFFICERS QUESTION OF CUTTfNS 1 LOOKING FINE 115,000 CONSIDERED Tim Moit (itorloiiH Hcnnliini of All It to ;cl liuck into the Game. Senator Eorah Suggests Am endment Requiring War De partment to Discharge Sol diers on Their Application. O. V. Dickson ApiHilnli-il IH-puty. . . . 'the outh of a. W. Dickson us u dep. uty ahcrlff for thin county wiu filed on Monday afternoon with the countv clerk. Will (.'Iran (hit Mill lU.cc. Slcn with HcrnpeiK thin morning be gun tho work of Klvlng the Wallers mill race lt annual cleaning. Tho en trance to the canal at the .Main treet bridge was cloned by a shifting- of boulders to that side of tho dam and the work will proceed unhindered pro Wiling there Is no more high water during the next few duys. I,:tlils On (' nit Houso isieps. Lights fur the entrances to the coun ty court house were installed tuduy. I'p to tho present there have been no lights on the steps at the entrances. VIkIIh Most Kurt Schools. W, V. ircen, county school superin tendent, left this afternoon fur Nolin and vicinity, to visit the schools. He planned to call In several district dur ing Jho afternoon. A. E. Doyle, K. C. Peels and T. If. C,nfleld. all of Portland, arrived this morning to look after their respective liileicsts In the construction and fur nishing of the Klka temple. All will return to the metropolis tonight. K. 11. Aldiich, editor of tho Ijist Ort-gonlun, left on Monday night's train on a short lslness' trip to As toria, whore he Is a part owner In the Astoria Iludget He plans to return Friday morning. A. It .Cox and Will .M. Peterson Were not the only Umatilla county democrat ut the Juckson Ihiy lian-1 o.uel. arter all. Mr. Peterson, In re porting the event Monday, negleclcd to recall that two others from Pendle ton, staunch In their devotion,' were also at the festive board. They were Muck Foster und W. W. Harrah. Paul if. U'cyratich, of Walla Walla, manager of the Hlulock Fruit Co., Is a business visitor In , Pendleton today. Mr. Weyruuch was colunel of the old 146th. field artillery in which a large number of I'mullllagCounty men serv ed overseas and ts on the executive committee of the American Legion exoctulvo committee for the slate of Washington. . Automobile travel from ' Helix to Pendleton Is good where the new rond has been completed, says Fred H. Mocs, cashier of the Hank of Hopjr. ! w ho Is In town, on business toduy. , Hut thrro are four miles of tho road be tween Helix and Havana that were graded but not graveled, ho says. Thin kilor (Volug to Convention. District Attorney II. I. Kentor plans to leave tonight for Portland where he will attend the annual convention of the district attorneys of Oregon. They will open Uioir sessions on Thursday and contlnuo In meeting until Satur day. The attorneys plan to recom mend a number of articles to the state legislators for their consideration. llirihiliir of Hamilton. i Today Is the birthday of Alexander Hamilton, who was born In 1759. Sev eral other famous men were born in January, among them Benjamin Franklin, whose birthday Is January 1? and who was born In 1706; ltobert K. Lee, born January 18, 1H07; Stone wall Jackson, born January 21, 11'4, and William Mcttlnlev, bora Junuury 29, 143 Water Ui ltlvr-r Is Clear. Water In the ITmatllla river has sub sided from the flood stage of last week and Is agubi clear, if in down to its nor null winter flow, owlnf to the re cent cold nights which have checked the inciting of snow in the mountains. Fishing for steelheads near Iho month of the I'matilla river Is expected to be good as soon as the river clears up, which should be shortly, sportsmen say. Joe Kcrk-y Arrulgiicd. Joe Keiley wua arraigned toduy on the charge of embezzlement of C',00 and given ontil Friday,. January 14, in which to plead. Ho was Indicted by i, v , l-lvui imm jur. MK'uiroll Change Ilea. Kay MoC'arroll lute Monday ofler noon changed his plea from not guilty to guilty. He was charred with driv ing an auto whilo intoxicated. Sen tence will be pronounced by Circuit Judge O. W. Phelps tomorrow morning. May Take Prisom-rs Tomorrow. Four prisoners in tho county Jail who are under sentence to the state penitentiary probably will be taken to Salem by the sheriff und his deputies tomorrow. The men ale James 1. t'nplen, Hurry Thomas and Edgar Fitzpatrick, forgers, and William Jic- Geo, robber. Coplen and Mt-Uee arc imder sentence for two years euch nnd Thomas and Fitzputrkk for two und a half years each. WASHINGTON, Jan. 11 Senator Now, republican, Indiana, in opening, Ihu ,1.111.1. ,nu....uu..., ,...1 i.! olutlon to direct the secretary of war to cease army enlistments until the ar my Is reduced to 17j,0(i men, charged that the war department was spend ing money "in a most extravagant nuinner. Henator Borah, republican, Idaho suggested an amendment requiring the war department to discharge any sol dier on his application. Senator Now opposed It "as one way of smashing discipline in the army," to which the Idaho senator retorted: There is considerable Insincerity in tint prnpotul to cut tho army. ' , Chairman Wadsworth of the mill tury committee, supporting the plan for reduction to 175,000 men, said the house conferees on the army reorgan Izatlon bill were responsible for the present excess In the army. They re linked a senate plan, he said, to fix a mil on enlistments. i I Kciiuiis from Wool Mw-tlng. J. C. Kuhns, Umatilla forest super visor, returned last night from Spo kane, where ho attended the Washing Ion State Wool Orowers association. About 80 wool growers attended, he states. Tom Drumheller, who was re elected presdent of the association, appointed an advisory committee of five members to confer with forest of ficials regarding the grunting of per mits, nnd Mr. Kuhns spent two duys In conference with the committee. King-IIinglanil Case on Trial. The case of J .C King vs. Ward A. Hoagland went to trial In the circuit court before a jury today. Mr. King asks t-'SO from the defendant for la bor performed in manufacturing an auto body. The defendant alleges that the charge asked is excessive and that the workmanship was unsatisfac tory. Peterson, Hisliop & Clark ap pear for the plaintiff and Haley, Ituley & Stelwcr for the defendant, IXhlcucp Is Lacking. Pulr l Yced Police this morning freed (1. Hip- pensteclo and Joseph Oliver Howe, r- tir.rin.n rut ih. mm.t iu . ,.,,..1.1.. t i rested csteruay wncn mey were present that It Is far more convenient ! to,lm' ' ing to dispose of a pair of new shoes. The officers were tinnoie to find sufficient evidence upon which to hold or convict the pair. Chief of Police Huberts told the two he was sorry he had to let them out for he felt that they had stolen property In their possession. Ho gave them until noon to leavo town. to make the trip to Pendleton by train Serving on a jury Is anything but a profitable business, P. T. Harbour, of Weston, says. The S3 a day the coun ty !nys Jurymen hardly meets their room and board while away from their gainful occupation. In a lent Ing way Mr. Harbour suggests that Juries be drawn only from resident of the coun ty sent towns and in that way wheels of Industry would not be slowed down. He came down from Weston, where he operates a brick plant, Monday morn ing end was rewarded with a day in which to rest at 1 per, owing to the dismissal of the cases about to bo tried. TOO LATE TO CLASSIFY WANTED Reliable slnglo lady cook on ranch Call 734 between 11 and 3 Wednesday. LOST Tiro nnd tube 30x3 V on ma cadam near Adams. Keward If re turned to Itunch lirus. Garage, Adams Oregon. ltKuw nrxNKus (Con'biueu from page 1.) WANTED Woman or girl for general housework no washing or Ironing -r-good wages References required Address "Kf" this office. rupldly northward "over fields, lakes and forests roverrd wllh snow und Ice." When they landed the airmen did not know where they wore, he wrote. Their food was exhausted. They hud no churls, only a compass. "We were wel. cold and hungry," he write. "It wus hell and misery." ItalhMiiilit.H Arrive. MATT1CE, Out., Jan. 11. The Am erican balloonist arrived hero this afternoon. ' A big crowd greeted the Amorlcanswhcn they finished their long trip from Moose Factory at 2:20 O'clock. Tho ueronatits left Skuuk Island on the last lap of their journey this mor ning, coming a distance of :o miles. They were immediately taken to a building here which had been fitted up for their reception, given food and made comfortable. The Americans will probably leave here by train lute today. PHONE FOUR O-N1NE FOR BETTER QUALITY H Z ul S s 3 o u Business Is Good a s o w o c 73 u Otf o lb u z The lowering prices are inducing people to buy more freely. We are heartily glad of the return to r more nearly normal prices. We are at times com pelled to take less profits on some articles on account of our policy of staying with the market but we make up in increased sales. Are you one of our customers? The Economy Grocery !? Call 409 113 Wet Webb W Have Reliable Service PHONE FOUR-O-NINE FOR BETTER SERVICE (From the Dally East Oregoiiiun, January 11,1s !3. I,eoni Cohen is in Victoria, B. C visiting bis sister. One sister, Miss Lena Cohen, witl accompany him to Pendleton. A solemn Council of tho I'nmtillus, Walla Wall.'.s and Cayuses will lo held at the home of Chlel Peo tomorrow night. The council Is for tho purpose of deciding what Indian shall repre sent the tribes at a conclave in Wash ington. Mr. and Mrs. Aurr Phelps are visit ers o McKay creek, at the home of Mr: Phelp's sisiter, Mrs. C. A. Chap man. Mr. and Mrs. W. W. Cuviness have returned from a visit to Purtland. The six new hydrants ordered for the city fire department arrived this morning. The cost of each, laid down, was a liltlo over 36. Chief Ell and Engine Driver Vaughn went on a tour of Inspection today and found four hydrants In bad shape. They will be replaced. HAItlHXU Hl SHiNS sKNATOHKHir MAKIO.V. OhbvJau. II. (A. P.) President-elect Harding resigned yes terday as senator froln Ohio, forward ing his letter of resignation to Colum bus fur action of the newly elected re publican governor, Harry L. Davis, who assumes office tomorrow. ELViN CORLEY SUFFERS BROKEN LEG IH TUSSLE CSrKDAXE, Jan. .11. Elvin Corley had the misfortune to frocture a bone in his leg while in a scuffle a short time ago. He went to Pilot Kot-k Tuesday to Dr. De Vaul, but is having to go on crutches for a while. lioy .Montgomery went to Pendleton Saturday with his daughter Marjory, who has been spending her vacation at home during the holidays. Madge Nelson came home last week for a visit with her parents. Marie Mettie returned home Sat urday to tako her school Monday aft er a vacation through the holidays spent with her parents at I'kiah. . Mr. and Mrs. Fhaon Mettie of L'kiah are visiting her parents and brothers on liutter creek for a short time. Lucy Sivii-s is ill with smallpox at her home on liutter creek. Joe Pedro made a. trip to Pendleton this week, returning home Tuesday, Francis Oilliland returned home the last of the week after spending te holidays with his brothers. Arthur and Arden at I'kiah. John Llphlfoot of Nye was at Che Nelson ranch last week after apples. Mr. and Mrs. H. Iyiwe, who have Ask anyone whose nerves seemed to have gone to smash and the last atom of Iron apparently burned out of the blond, how It feeht to come back. Ask the host of men and women who have used Iteolo. Here Is one of the most j astonishing reconstructive Influences ever devised. It Is a marvel for the many ways it seems to act. And it acts almost at ones. Safe, harmles.-i, of food value, yet all medicine, it seems to. have almost the quality of actual intelligence, jt has the power to in crease flesh, it enhances the activity of the blood, lots of It, increases red cor puscles enormously, takes the pallor out of the cheeks, contributes to the defense of the body aguinst exhaustion, and intensifies the activity of the vital processes to surh an extent that yon , not only look like a winner, you feel it from head to foot. Ask and clerk at Thompsons Drug Store and any other leading drug store what a host of men and women have gained from this most wonderful reconstructive strengthener. Get a S 1-00 box of Iteolo today. The Garnet For January To remember the birthday of one born in January, select a ifift embodying the Garnet. RINGS BROOCHES PENDANTS TIE PINS GIFTS THAT LAST -cJeujelei) Pendleton Ore. The Largest Diamond Dealers in Eastern Oregon. I MAKES VISIT TO ITALY '.(DIE, Jan. 11. (A. P.) Official announcement of the visit oi King Al fonso of Spain to Home has been re ceived with general satisfaction, all panics being animated by a sincere de sire for closer union between the Lutiii countries, especially with Spain, to which Italy is united by so many tra ditions. The visit recalls the attitude of the Holy .See after the Pope lost the tem poral pmver. The form of protest chosen by Pope Pins IX against de privation of his domains was to threat- i101.0 f.. ,;n.. ...i i. .... i rn wun exconiiiiiinicaiioii oj ,,n,, !f, ..- u.ii.,.. i i, ruler coming to Home as the guest of Francis (Jilliland went to pilot Hock the first of the week. The snow is nearly all gone in this vicinity with lots of rain and mud. Dillard French made a trip to Pen dleton last week. Mr. and Aim Ono. McLaughliu, and baby, are visiting Mrs. MeLaughlinV parents, Jim Daughtry, on P.lack Horse. Mrs. George Ta lor visited with Mrs. Ililem.'in Wednesday. Sirs. Koy Montgomery spent Sunday with her brother. Vcrn Cates and wife. Mrs. Tot Mangold and children spent a few das in Pendleton last week. SUPREME COURT DECIDES IF FOREIGN SHIPS ARE IMMUNE IN U. S. PORTS the king of Italy. . Pope lienedict last year, however, announced withdrawal of the objec tion to tho Catholic kings visiting Home. King Alfonso is the first to come. Tho king and queen of Spain will remain in Home for several days and the occasion will be marked by special demonstrations o friendship. WASHINGTON, Jan. It. (A. P.) The question of whether merchant ships owned by a foreign government arc immune from libel in American courts was presented today to the su preme court for the first time in suits brought against the steamships t'ario Ponia and Pesaro, Italian craft. Itoth were libeled for damage to cargoes, but the lower courts upheld the contention of the Italian embassy that they were not subject to libel proceedings in Am- r tea n courts. - ''IfSl Stats PrnKws Aviation Hoard LISMAKK, X. D., Jan. 11. (A. P.) A bill proposing establishhment of a board of aviation examiners was In troduced in the North Dakota senate today. Fliers would be required to obtain Itcenses from the state and the boara would inspect all aircraft in the state. Pay Cash Receive More . Pay Less Despain&Lee Cash Grocery 209 E. Court Phone 880 1 1-2 Lbs. Crisco 40c 3 Lbs. Crkco 75c 6 Lbs. Crisco 9 Lbs. Crisco 1.45 32.15. Pay Cash Receive More Pay Less Despain&Lee Cash Grocery 209 E. Court Phone 880 Apply over throat and chest t with hot Cannel cloth. GIRL ATTACKS VIENNA PROFESSOR WITH. PISTOL niCKMN', Jan. 1 1 . I - Carl IX Croat, I". 1'. Stuff cNtriwpoiuIonl.)- The dancer that amateur hypnotists ivili further impair puUlic morals is seen iiy tho Vienna Medical weekly, in a discussion of thn recent attack on Prof. Warner-Jan regg; Vienna, by a hypnotized girl. Jauropir h:s asserted that crimp Help!! HIP sYjlk , J( 1 lf I MAKE OUT -11 1 L . TAX- 1 ) j f UW)T0 5M nMaaMOBMNM ' . i XKjH. l- .7 ' Bi-OOt) TsV I 1.1 1 -in in mm" liw.iw"i.....wi". m i wi" mm - . . 1 rn EST COLDS V VAroRub Ovtr 17 MiUxm Jan I 'ltd Ytan) j U!i d she disliked to kill Jauregg ami was afraid of a pistol, but later relaxed ""ld not be induced by hypnosis, whereupon an amateur hypnotist suk- tsted lo a seventeen-year old girl the I'.s-sasination of the professor and pro vided her with a piston loaded with paper bullets. She made the attack. , The medical journal, however, con tends that Jauregg's theory was not j entirely disproved since the hypnotist induced the attack under falso prem- !" ises and suggested to his subject that I the whole affair was harmless as it 1 ' TV i if 1 loncn it To ha( n nrima Dut. the uaner contends that the l"" ".M'oiisi assurefl her it Waa amateur hypnotists can perhaps spread I a suggestion amongst the public for j disruption of the whole process of criminal justice. If such a. process were undertaken, then there would be no need for "compulsory hypnosis," as in the Jauregg case, in order to estab lish a plea for light punishment, since the public standard would not require punishment. Incidentally, tho paper says there have been cases in the past of "compulsory (or intentional I drunk enness." undertaken as a basis for plea to escape justice. The Juuregg case has aroused the harmless. Jauregg holds that this statement as to harmli'ssness robbed the action of the actual criminal clement, dncc the SUbjeCt WHS nut nrttnilK- rmnmitlin I " a crime. (II interest of psychologists and hypnotists throughout central europe. Since the attack, the girl of experiments which revealed the whole process to which she was sub mitted in the course of the amateur s efforts to disprove the expert's theory. t'nder hypnosis, she revealed that the amateur had suggested to her that Jauregg had killed her sweetheart: that she ought to take revenge; and that if she would do it, she could have a tbe-itrlc:il engagement. She had re- MIST WIXS LASTING (ilSATI- TUE "I tried several doctors and all kinds of medicine, and had alxjut given up all hope of ccttinir belter. I ajdid not think It possible that any medicine could be so wonderful In IW effect as JIayr's Wonderful ltemedy has proven in my case. You sure have won mv lasting Kratitude. I rnnld not has been the sobjei t j work at u am1 had eonstant l.ain in niy stomach before taking your medi cine." It is a simple, harmless prepa ration that removes the catarrhal mu cus from the intestinal truct and allays the inflammation which causes prac tically all stomach, liver and Intestinal ailments, including appendicitis. One dose will convince, or money refunded. Druggist everywhere. JIM BEARD IS LOOKING AHEAD FOR YOU MR. CONSUMER Phone 432 FOR CRISCO 6-lb. can $1.39 BROOMS $1.65 values, now $1.20 $1.50 values, now 98 1.00 values, now 49c TOMATO CATSUP Blue Label, Royal Club, Old Faithful, regular 40c value, now ; 29c 300 WEST WEBB STREET Jim Beard's Cash Store Free Delivery , Trompt Service J