v F k . V- , i!' V TEN PAGE3 DAILY EAST CSEGONIAN. PENDLETON. OREGON, TUESDAY EVENING, JANUARY 11, 1821. FACE TEN T 1 - .1 j f- , V Ti 4 1 QUJBURSTS OE EVERETT TRUE DAILY MARKET. NEWS," LOCAL AND GENERAL - i . -. ... . Soap' Special -anp it's Just cnh thincj aftctk anothcf? U.kcxTmtI foi? instamcb Four nC2.hts Including Pendleton Prices and Associated Press Reports Total run of 116 car of livestock mere shown in the North Portland al leys over Sunday, with hut five can il.-ct shipments to outside killers. All lines were active, with a tinge of strength. K!Ht of the mountain lambs advanc ed !&c at the opening of the week's linde at North Portland, with Initial ale up to 110.60 In the alley. There w:i a very liberal, showing of 2 1 head In this division for the day, but thore was an excellent tone through out the trailing. General sheep market range: East of mountain lamb t 9.6010.50 Willamette valley luniba OOtf 9.60 Cull lamb 6.00 t 6.00 Fevder lambs 6.00 7.00 Yearling .00 8.00 Wethers 6.004 6.60 Sale In the swine alleys nt North Another Air Record cac j l . 702mus fX 9rW5l5,"A J ft ? I A f "ocAV. M :, - X i jr. - fc "'l",L ' "' . Portland were again mads up to $12. S j in til. early Monday morning trading, evep though the run totaled 1423 head, compared with 1182 head last Monuuy and 1306 head a year ago. There wag weakness generally Indi cated In 'the eastern hog alleys, with substantial price, declines at some ot ihe leudlng centers. At the opening of the local trade there was a general disposition among killers to take hold. General hog market range: Prime mixed 612.00iiJ12.S5 Smooth heavy 11. 60f 12.00 Hough heavy 7.60f 10.35 eat pigs 10.00ST 11.00 Feeder pigs 8.00010.00 Snappy tone was shown In the cat tle alleys at North Portland during the Monday morning session. Thero was a very liberal supply of 2304 head re ported In the alleys over Sunday and only five loads went direct to outside killers. The remainder wero offering here. , , Trices all through the cattle division were fully steady at the opening, with sales at axtremo prices. General cattle market range: Choice steers 8.50 9.25 Good to choice steers .. . S.OO'ul 8.50 Medium to good steers . 7.50S.OO Fair to good steers . . , . . 6.60 7.50 Common to fair steers.. 5.50 0 6.50 Choice cows and heifers 7.00 7.50 Good to choice cows and heifers 6.25 7.00 Medium to good cows and heifers 5.50 0 6.00 Fair to medium cows and heifers Common cows, heifers. Cannera Fulls Choice dairy calves . . Heavy calves Best light calves Choice feeders Pair to good feeders . . Medium light calves . . 5.50 6. OP 3.56 5.50 5.00 4.00 4 2.50 i) 4.600 12.000) 13.00 6.0011.00 10.00 11.00 6 6')0 7.25 6.756 6.75 9.00 y 10.00 OOT 'SOfMetwHeRC AND TJidM'T VJOrVS QACtf Tlt-V. TUG.X HAT viONS. H5 SAID H COUCDN'T STAND OU "eMPTVCMATTSR." . ANO fTHlS MORMN5 V SAYS to mn( O. WYS, JIM, I'M ON THC VCER3.5 OF A NglgyouS CQlUP?,ef My dooO tJATuR.2 ijO r- p- . I Uncle Sam liTag up a new aviption record aon-Etop flight witt pilot and five passengers when the N C.-5 flew from San Diego to Magdalen Bay. Lower California, in nine boars ad IS minutes. Dfttanee, 70S miles; speed, about 72 m les an hoar The N C.-5 is a U. S. nary seaplane a sister of the N.. C.-4 whiih mads the first trans-Atlantic flight. She is shown resting on the water, while on the pier s sailor is standing under the nose of another ot the same type. This gives an idea of the great size of these plaaes. Att I (Sob -ALU X CAti 3A- IS IS- POOR J I M - ; We will sell you (Thi3 Week Only) . . CRYSTAL WHITE OR WHITE WONDER 1 LAUNDRY SOAP . 15 Bars $1.00 Golden Marshmallow Syrup, 1 gallon. . ... $1.25 1-2 GaUort . ....I.. 65c . The r:.:: Sanitary Grocery l n 221 East Court St. - ; The Most in Value The Best in Quality ; Thone 871 jiMinMiiiiiiiiiniiiiiiiiiiiiiininiiiiiiiMiuiiiiiiiMiMiiiiiiiniiiiiiiiiiiiiiiimiMiiinMiiiu 1 Have More Heat I With Less Goal I PHONE FIVE FOR FUEL ' 71 ; 5 Alto acKson "Save your money and thrive, or pay tlie priorf in poverty and di-'rac. Everyone's destiny Is in his own hands, but It. makes a trcinendons difference as to how tlie man has been ' trained during his youthful years. If lie lias been taught the careful handling of money and to be thrifty, he mill never have to pay Oio price of pov erty and disgrace. If your son has no Savings Account, start liim out with one now. Hie Dollar or more will open sueh an account for him. The AmcncanStional Bank Penrfleton. Oregon. 'Strongest Sank in Cast era Oregon" Wheat Swings I'pward; Sterling Hise Significant. CHICAGO. Jan. 11. (A.P. Indi cations of export demand gave an up ward swing to wheat prices today after I a decline at the start. Closing quo tations were strong 1 3-4 to 3 3-4c higher, with March 1.77 to 1.77 1-2 and May 1.68 1-4. Corn finished 1-S to 1-8 advance and provisions down 15 to 45c. Active buying by houses with sea board connections accompanied the ascent ot values In wheat and an un usual rise In sterling exchangge was also regarded significant. A further stimulus was word that committee hearings on the emergency tariff would end tomorrow and that the bill would shortly be returned to the sen ate. On the advance. March delivery touched the highest figures since No vember. Earlier weakness was as cribed to reports telling of fairly lib eral southwest offerings and to the circumstances that this has been a traditional favorite date for calendar speculators to press the selling side. Heavy receipts acted as a weight on prices in the corn market and on oats as well. . M ' Provisions were lower in line with hogs. Seottlo lVed Market : fejtlEKEI Alfalfa From 91 to $33. SEATTLE, Jan. 11. City delivery: Feed Scratch feed 161 ton; feed wheat J63; all grain ejiop lal; oats. S49; sprouting oats $54; rolled oats $51; whole corn $47; cracked corn, $49; rolled barley $50 clipped bar ley $55; milled feed $39; bran $39. Hay Alfalfa $27 ton; double com pressed alfalfa $33; ditto timothy $39; eastern Washington mixed $35. CZECHOSLOVAKIA IS ECONOMICALLY WELL OFF JIIIII!JIIIIIIIIIIIIIIUIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIII!lllllllllllllllllll(llllllllllllllllllllllll'g 1 We Are Remarking j QurQ0ps to conform with the market, irrespective of what they cost us. We follow a policy of no special sales, but you save 1 money with us when you see us for Furniture. Frisco Produce Prices Vegetables Corn and Wheat. SAX FRAXCISCO, Jan. 11. ceipts: Flour 3930 qrs.; wheat centals; barley 125,470 sacks; 746 centals; beans 4839 sacks; -Re-320 oats cbrn 505 centals; onions 404 sacks; pota toes 3683 sacks; hay 191 tons; lemons and oranges 2100 boxes; hides 245 rolls. Wheat 2.753.05; barley spot feed 1.50 ft 1.60; shipping 1.751.90; oats red feed $1.50(81.75; corn white Kgyptian 3.00 3. 0D; red milo 2.76 if 2.80. Navel oranges 2.505 4.50! lemons 2.00&3.50; lemonettes 1.502.00 grapefruit new crop 2.50 3; Rrizona 3.50 4.25; limes 1.251.60; tanger. ines $2Z3.00; bananas SfrlO. , 1 1 p --r- . '. A J i A If) . si- ! . It it Kaunas City Cattlo Market Dull for Steers. KANSAS CITY, Jan. 17,000; practically on sales of killing steers, bids 25 to 50c lower; she stock steady to 25c lowers some packer bids J0c lower; good heifers 7.75; canners mostly around 3.00; bulls steady; calves 50 to 75c lower; good and choice vealers 11 12; Blockers and feeders steady to strong; many sales 7 0 8.50. Sheep. 15.000; strong: wethers 6.35; ewes 4.75; lambs 2550c lower: Col orado, pea fed $10.5. PRAGUE, Jan. 11. (By Lloyd Allen,- U. P. Staff Correpondent.) Seautiful Prague is the envy of 1 all Central Europe. This Is because of the strong eco nomic position of Czecho-Slovakia as compared to the remainder of this part of tbo world. The Csechs have great factories; highly educated population; a very efficient government and great nation-, al wealth in the form of mines, for ests, and agriculture. Their sugar crop, for example, will total 250,000 tons this year and there Is a serious sugar shortage over most of the European continent ' . . Wherefore the starving towns of Vienna, Warsaw and Budapest think Prague is a lucky town. Although the fact that the Cechs are better off than the rest of their nelghttois, everything Is not exactly as it should be. There are plenty of things to worry about from the point of view of Prague. For example, the country must maintain a big army at huge expense, to curb any sudden warlike movq on the part of Hungary and also guard the valuable Teschen coal basin from Polish aggression. Furthermore there is a very trou blesome job here keeping the 3,000, 000 hundred per cent Germans from making trouble. The Germans bitter ly resent Czech rule a vlcwplnt the Czechs don't worry about in the least, remembering the hundreds of years, the Czechs wero oppressed by German 11. Cattle Austrian rule. , ' X'resmeni .uasaryK, tviio mipj'ena, to be the George Washington ot this sturdy country, lives in a. huge palace dominating Prague, using only a few of the 800 rooms while other portions of the gigantic buildings have been assigned to workers" families because of the housing shortage. While the food supplies Of."CzMo- Slovakia are almost adequate for the support of ihe country, poor distribu tion causes much suffering, mainly in Slovakia and Ruthenia. . And there Is not enough food In Bo hemia, Moravia and Silesia, where 100,000 tons ot fats and 180,000 tons of other foods will have to be bought outside the country this year. Three years ago this hard working little country was part of the great Aii8tro-Hungarlan monarchy, while German proprietors owned almost one third of all the cultivated land and acted as henchmen of the Hapsburgs. One of the first things the newly cre ated Czech government did was to pass legislation that broke up these estates, comprising 17.000 square miles. . ; Use Utah Coal, which is satisfying- more people ; s 1 every day. S j B. L BURROUGIIS-Hg Has It! J uiuiiiMiniiiiiiiuiiiiiiiiHiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiuiiiiiiiiiiuiiiuiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiif DR.C. n. DAY . Phrticlaa and Borgena ' ' Osteopath Rooms SI and 16 Smith -Crawford t BuUdlac ralepnoaa 10 - Ksa. Tsl-H Dr. Lynn K. Blakes!e : Jnronto and Nervous Diseases aa4 Diseases ! Women. X-2ay Eisotra Therapeutics, rempls Bid. Room 11 Fboas ! : , ' The Czechs are depending on Ameri ca for great supplies of cotton. There is also great need of hides and wool. Everywhere in the country there a lack of sympathy for the plight of Vienna, because the people cannot for get the centuries when Vienna fatten ed and grew rich at the expense of the Czechs, as well as the other smaller nationalities of that once great 'Austri an empire. However, . the hatred against Vienna is cooling somewhat. Dr. Benes, the Czecho-Slovakia foreign minister, has recommended renewing neighborly relations with Vienna in the not distant future. : ' 'v ' ' ' " i ; PRTMIKIt HATES VKMZEIiOS ATHENS, Jan. 11. (A. P.) Rhal 11, the new Greek Premier, hates Venl zelos and had no love for Constantino until Entente powers opposed him. Since then he has been Constantine's devoted supporter. Often he has been at loggerheads with the crown. READ JTHE LIST Of Roots, Herbs, Barks and Berries It Tells the Stery Seattle livestock Market. Best Steers $8.57 to $9.33. SEATTLE. Jan. 11. Hogs Re ceipts 256. Strong. Prime 12,00 12; rough heavies 9.00g 9.50; pigs 9 11. Cattlt! Receipts 650. . Strong. Prime steers 8. 75S 9.25; medium to choice 7.0008.25; common to good 6.00JJ7.00; best cows and heifers 7 .50; medium to choice 6.50S 6 50; common to good 4.00 5.50; bulls 4 6; calves .00 9 13. I We have the most beautiful dining sets, in golden 1 oak, mahogany, walnut and Jacobean sets, in all the latest patterns. 1 Come to our store where you have room to see our goods. ' 5 Double Show Room Cruikshank & Hampton QUALITY COUNTS 121-128 E. Webb St Thone 518 Butter Ilrm In New York; . Bent KRSH 09 to 70c. NEW YORK, Jan 11. Butter firm; creamery higher than extras 64 S54 1-2; creamery extras 63 1 firsts 44i52. Eggs firm: fresh gathered extra firms 69'70; firsts 6768c. Cheese firm; state, whole milk flats held specials early made 27 1-2i328 1-2; ditto fall made 25 l-2fli 26 1 state, whole milk, flats, fresh specials 2425. .?.-.- tt the merit combined In Hood's Sarsaparllla as a medicine for ca ) larrh, rheumatism. ' scrofula and other Ills of the blood, stomach, lver and kidneys. ' Sarsaparllla, yellow, dock, stil - tlngla, blue flag, guaiac, altera- Uves, hlood-puriders and tonics. Mandrake and dandelion, antl blllous and liver remedies. Wlntergreen and bitter orange peel, tonles, appetizers, digestives. Juniper berries, uva ursi anti plp slssewa. great, kidney remedies. Ccntian root, wild cherry. stom ch tonlcB. and others of value. v Economy.and true rnerl. are ce , blued in Hood's Sarsaparllla. iraSTilflBIK of Pendleton pa MtMntRvii feS Y S T SI'S Offers an unexcelled banking service to In dividuals "' and corporations; transacts a general banking business and maintains special departments with f acibties pi the highest character. PENDLETON, OREGON THE MORE CAREFUL YOU ARE TO BUY THE, BEST COAL, THE MORE CERTAIN YOU VILL BE TO lUmcli I'en 53 to 48 Cents; Butter 3 to 50 Cents. SEATTLE, Jan. 11. Eggs Select local ranch white shells 63c; pullets 4Sc. Butter City creamery In cubes 4 9c; bricks or prints 50c; seconds In cubes 39c; bricks 40c; country creantery ex tras cost to jobbers In cubes 43c: storage nominal. P.) Calif. Oregon Prunes 1IH 1-2; Urted Apples Neglected. NEW YORK, Jan. 11. (A, Evaporated apples neglected. 7$ 9 3-4; state 64110 1-2- Prunes more demand; Calif. 4H7; Oregons 11 14 1-2. Peaches dull, standard 16c; choice Phone 178 SHYT HE -L0 NERGAf 1 CO QjUt Quitity Sscics ilillliUiilillll Everybody knows Buick builds six-cylinder Valve-in-Head. automobiles. 7 that Buick sold its entire 1920 outpu$ long ' before the end of the season. " ; thai Buick has! sold a large percentage of its 1921 schedule. that Buick, users are Buick salesmen. " ' that Buick car values are 100 per cent M Added to their recognized high service .value : the new Buick models possess a distinctive beauty. Their graceful lines and handsome appointments merit the pride which early buyers have expressed. Nineteen Twenty One Buick automobiles have more improvement1? than any Buick models in the past five years and 1921 models represent 25 per cent greater used car values. " Many of our spring deliveries are already con tracted for.' . Thousands have been disappointed during past years because of the shortage of Buick cars.. ; t -m THE MATTER OF PRESENT PURCHASING SHOULD RECEIVE THE IMMEDIATE CONSIDERATION OF MOTOR CAR BUYERS When Better Automobiles Are Built, Buick Will Build Them. i - v, Oregon Motor Garage Distributor BUICK, CADILLAC AND CHEVROLET 'aiiiiiiii 'V'.':. y,;, : , !!UUIiri!Hlil!!!IH!lin!H!llr11l!!!llll!m!i!l!lllll!II!!ilinilll!l!lllllllllllllII!IIIHIir,ls,;; f lancy !!