- "1 1 PACE TEN DAILY EAST OREGONIAN, PENDLETON. OREGON.- SATURDAY EVENING, JANUARY 8, 1021. - TWELVE PAGES CHINESE SILK DEALERS . LABOR ASSERTS RULING IE FOR CONVENTION Home, Sweet Horns f-'t TTl.i:, Jm g.,Ai p,)Tn ty five Chinese silk merchants en mite to the International silk imposi tion hi New York, the work of Kehru i ry arrived hcuvlasl night anil will nc entertained toiluy hy the Seattle UNFAIR TO UNIONISM WASHINGTON', Jan. 8. (A. P.l Early united action by organised la bor in reply to the decision of the su-! preme court against the Machinists International I'nlon, holding secon-"' .'"jcima miKiii, was in-euieteo China Club and the Commercial club, today by V. S. Gnuthier, actiiifr presl-! The party arrived at Victoria, H. C idem or the union. It might take thr last nicht on the liner Kmpresg of ! form, he said, of a movement to re lii'fula. jpcal the Sherman anti-trust act. Included In the delegation are: Hft "le Sherman law was en- ! TIf.I i i,r .h,nn.T,i,.,k.r "" uniair comm tear Steam Filature of Shanghai, in Interested in 28 filatures in various part of the republic; Zee King Yunx I owner of the THiuMe leer Filature; : Woo Tsin Pah, owner of the Golden Anchor Filature and I,ce Tonquay, a Towtah merchant of Shanghai, who is A prominent business man of China. They are accompanied by three gtrl reelers and skilled machinist!. The party will leave for New York Satur day. Representatives of the national aspo rtation of the raw silk Industry of Japan will arrive in Seattle about Jan-' nary 11, enroute to New York nations and It has been utllirsd to- f gether with the amended Clayton art j tor regulation of trades unions." Action of the supreme court in the machinists case had nullified the Rood of the Clayton act "passed, us j beneficial to labor,', he continued, ud jding: ' ii now stands-in me position or forbidding labor to Keek assistance of ' its friends In rnrrying on a peaceful campaign against non-union or an-1 tngonlstic corporations." During the past year tobacco smolt-; ers paid in taxes $295,8()S,000. i Jlllllllllllllllllllllll!IIMIIIIllIlllllllllIllllll!!llll'IIII!lll!lllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllll! j 1 Have More Heat I j With Less Goal PHONE ..-FIVE,-, , FOR ' FUEL j i - i - t X - - V tf(tf V i AT" 7h!s is a delaiser. It Is also tho home of two Greek refugees, taother ani child, in the Near East Relief iVmp at Bat urn on the Black Sfln. Tbe dtlouser, Tiiscarded by ttia Kussinns, n the only shelter Uu. could a found far ttcm. Turks killed the rest of tbe f&mliy. Use Utah Coal, which is satisfying more people every day. B. L. BURROUGHS He Has It! PROHIBITION HERE TO I STAY ASSERTS CHIEF I OF LAW ENFORCERS uumiiiiiimiiiiiiiiiiiiMiniiiiiiiiiimtiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiitimitiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiitiisiiiiitiiiiiiiiii Electric Heaters INSTANT WARMTH Bathroom, beciroom, every room. Attach any where to light circuit J.L.VAUGHAN Plume IS SOU E. Court 4 lip i WASHI.VGTO.V. Jan. S. (A. T.) The I'nited Slates will nev e r be literally dry. Prohibition Commissioner Kramer k'eolared today though he expressed the opinion that prohibition Is here to stay. Sentiment throughout the country, ho said, is continu ally growing stronger for prohi bition and practical prohibition will come after the present generation. I F Two of the most homelike hotels n Portland, located in the heart of the chopping and theater district Ail Oregon Elecric trains stop at the SEWARD HOTEL tlie House of Cheer. Excellent dining room in connection. THE HOTKIj COIt XKI.irs, the House or Welcome, is only two short blocks from the Se ward. Our brown busses meet all trains. Hates $1.50 and up. .C. Cl'T.BERTSON, Prop. task' mm ISM r tt nit kyj, J. XX. USl M. Fbjslctan and Sargeoo Osteopath -Rooms 21 and 25 Smith-Crawford BuUdlac. relephona To Ru T4t-B Limber Up With Pene'rattas Hamlin'a Wizard Oil For Lame Back, Sideache, Shoul der Pain. Stiff Neck, etc., use Ham lins Wizard Oil. It penetrates quickly, eases the pain and drives out the soreness. Keep it in the house. Wizard Oil is a pood dependable preparation to brveinthe medicine chest for first 'a.'a v.hcn the doctor may be far away. Vo-.i have no idea how useful it will be found in cases of every day ailment or mis hap, when there is need of an im mediate healing, antiseptic applica tionyas in cacs of sprains, bruises, cuts, burns,-bites and stings. Ceneroua size botiie 35c. ' x If you ant Iroublu with constipation op skk hcjdaclif try llliniliii B Wizard l.lver WhiPH. Just plsaaiiu iittla ulnt pllu m lirugKlata tm sou. BUrCK k 4 f CAR as dependable as lousiness transportation . is important no Matter what the weather. That is Buick, and that is why Buick cars are in such great demand in business everywhere. The new Buick Nineteen Twenty One models combine utility with beauty; re liability for business with riding comfort so pleasing in hours of relaxation. A. nation-wide Authorized Buick Service guarantees initial Buick dependability. Effecih-e January , regular equipment on all models mill include cord tires I :4 . I:1i)s.t....fm I . ju iii-Mii frtr- '- ' rC' t- ' ,Tu. ...... u.--.?r-.; l'OKT Al' l'ltlN'CB, Jan. 8. (A. ) Hepoits that Haitians formerly active in the politics of tho republic were trying to put forward a move ment looKing to the withdrawal of American occupation forces have been widely circulated in Port'au Prince. it was nam mat arrangements were being made by leaders of the move ment to send a delegation to Wash ington to urge that, inasmuch as the bandit bands hud been ' subduttl, the government be turned bark to the people. .Military authorities do not relieve, however, that the agitation will lie far reaching. Withdrawal of marines would I mean the instant departure of nearly 1 every American in business in Haiti. according to the view expressed by Americans generally. Indeed, it is said 'that if the. marine. should go. President Dartigiicimva ; would start ahead of them. Discussing this possibility, the pres ident has declared that, under the treaty, the occupation forces will re irlain until the Washington govern ment is convinced that the gendarm erle is prepared to deal Willi any situ ation. It is because of this under standing that the ugitntion lor with drawal Is not talcfiu seriously by- the Haitian or American authorities, al though it appears -to be growing in some quart era. The freedom with which some of the Haitian newspapers, have accused and attacked marines has helped stimulate the demand of some of the oid political leaders that they be sent home. , M.UWSOX, Win, Jan. 8. (A. P.) A warrant charging gland 1 larceny against Pierre fanl .Author, Highland Park, III,, chemist, reported missing since Jan, 1, was issued today after Philip t'rnnzen, n I nlversity of WI- cousin employe, told the police Au thor had "stolen his wife nt the point of 0 pistol" and forced him to furnish Mi0 for iv "honeymoon" which An ther and Mrs. Franwii were quoted as faying they were going to take. I'Van en said his wife left their uabv with him. Frnnren, iiKa ftatement of a love quadrangle covering three continents. made charges of double bigamy, gun play and Infidelity. Am her, his -wife in Highland Park, Frunnen and his wife, who, he says, left his home, with Author niter tolling him that she had married Anther thirteen years ago in Australia, were characters In the utory told to the police. Wife i"ot Surprised, CHICAGO, Jan. s. (A. I'.l.Mrs. )llen Harvey Auther, wiie of Pierre Paul Auther tonight expressed little surprise when informed of the state ment of Philip Franzen In Madison. Wis., that Auther bud forced him at the point of a gun to sign a pnper waiving all claims against his wife and then had left Madison with her.' "1 have felt ever iilnce he clisap-1 pea red Jan. 1, he had not met with an accident but that he had gone to some other woman. "I have found severul love letters signed 'Charlotte'."' Anther, she said. Immediately after their Wert id r.g began "spending hi r dowry of $2,001 on other w-qnien." Mrs. Auther, who served In France as a nurse, said she was certain there was no truth )n reports that her hus band might have been murdered be cause of. secret .formulae for 'aniline dyes he was said to possess. War Iopurlment expenditures for the fiscal year ending June 3", 19::n, were l.fii)'-MiiS.!tr,6,S2. 1 NEW YORK, Jan. S. (A. P. V Submission ol a report or an ap proaching revival of the war finance corporation aroused opposition at to day's meeting of the Ni w York cham ber (if commerce nnd precipitated a discussion that ended in tabling the report. ' . . . The committee on finance, and cur rency, of which Thomas W. Lamont was acting chairman, submitted the report and the opposition was led by Eugene Meyer,. Jr., former managing director of the corporation. The report,. .Mr, . Utmotit polnCed out contained no definite recommen dation, but was prepared at the re quest of the chamber for information on foreign trade relief and whether such Telief should be mude through revival of the war finance corporation. Mr. Meyer asserted acceptance ;of the report -would be an evidence on the part of the chamber of opposition to the corporation. M s Oregon Motor Garage, Inc. Flume 408 J A Ll'iZ. 119, 121 W. Court -3 ..lfe-w 04 DOimi.V DH1IXHS APPOINTMENT SALEM, Jan. 8. (A. P.) The gov ernor said Dobbin wired .definitely de f lininu to reconsider his refusal of the highway appointment. The governor saiil he would be sli'W to make another ippointment. ... AIR Ala). THE NAVY ABLE TO DO HER WORK 1 i After Lon; Suffering Mrs. Sieferl j Wai Restored to Health, by.. Lydia E. Pinkham'i Vegetable j Compound i . i Pottsville. Pa. "I suffered ! with I female trouble for four or five years and 1 fTsFl V 'li" 1 ' was very "rrcguiar. I k'-i" ,' I was not tit to do '. my work at tune 1 and took medicine j from a doctor and ! got no benefit. I I saw Lydia fi. Pink- ham's Vegetable Compound adver tised in the news papers and took it and got all right. I gained twenty i pounds-or more and am now able to do my work. I recom mend the Vegetable Compound to my friends and you may use these facts as a testimonial.' Mrs. Sallie Siefkht. 313 VV. r'ourth Street, Pottsville, Pa. 1 he everyday lile of manv housewives Is a continual struggle with weakness and pain. There is nothing more wear ing than the ceaseless round of house hold duties and they become doubly hard when some female trouble makes eery bone and muscle ache, and nerves all on edi?e. If you are one of these women do not suffer for four or fiv years, as Mrs. Siefcrt did, but profit by her experience md be restored to health by Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable Compound. - Famous 5-Ton "Caterpiller" Tractor l i" THESE ARE THE REASONS Why it ia the foremost tractor f its size and power n the market today. niMirc but don't cutiftuw, t))e t'ternlllnr" is -Ton Tractor with other tractor. It is built, to the standard of pei formauce, " not of price. It was 'designed l Holt engineers. In conjunction ' with other uf. the foremost automotive engineering talent of the , ,v"111' that was at our government's disposal during; the war. , It has successfully met the most severe requirements that any . machine . has over been subjected to on two continents, in all classes of work farm work, contracting, freight i rig Xew York ' City recently ordered fifty "H-Tons-- to sivo Its snow-dlsposal ., problem. There's not an exp.'rlmenlal or untried fealun) In Its i -1 entire construction, it h is prov ed conclusively proved lis stt erior merit. And the result is found In lis unfailing, depend- ' . able, economical and troublc-froe performance. That means farm work done quickly, properly, without delay and at lowed viM per li'-eHwor-houi', Compare the appc'iiiince of the "fnicrpillar" 5-Ton Tractor with that of any other tractor. You'll not find Its equal for trim, rlcan-ciit, busincss-lllie lines. Compare the specifications. You'll not find (mother tractor that has lis raw nuitcriaT held to so eviiciln'sn siandard or speci fications, and so carefully tested for quality and sirenglh. You'll not find one that la built in so modern or well-equipped a man ufacturing p!ant, to Filch hluh standards of workmanship, or so closejy safe-guarded at every slep hy a thorough Inspection sy. tern. In no other tractor factory are parts marhlned and fitted to so close limits of nerurfley as In the "Caterpillar" plant. Compare and this Is a point of supreme Importance the records of achievement. No ,lic tVuetor has so broad a record of use. under so widely vaiiej conditions. No other tractor has had the 1. f. Covernjncnt's acceptance for It 'must severe work. No other tractor can so completely meet your requirements. 'Catrrpllh f,-Ton Tractor has wonderful range of adapt ability M various l.lnds and cniidiliolis of work. It Is narrow mid Jow. ItKvon't slip or mire, won't pack the ground. It has three speeds, "ranging from 1. inMi s per hour hi low to 5.7 In high. And It has liberal power in its direct or working speed of 3 miles per hour to do lots of work ipdcklY. Its motor Is conservatively rated at 0 hrake horsepower the drawlmr pull In direct spe-d ts S 10n pounds. Plowing capacity, ns Indkuted hy report from iiserti. varies with the depih of plowing and the nsture of the -soil, but can be conservatively averaged at o Inches of plows for a 7 to 10 inch depth. No tractor of anywhere near Its ls ran turn In so short a radius. 'No tractor of any sire can nurpiiM it In low cost per horsepower-hour no other of the ame sijte can approach it Hi power, economy ami durability. I Sturgis & Storie Pendleton Walla Walla I Quality PRINTING at Reasonable Trices- East Oregonian Printing Department Wm. E. Chase Company MANUFACTURERS SERVICE REPRESENTATIVES It 'J-' ' "' '-.y " '" II ! V ( (i ; , OF Pendleton WASHINGTON; SlHikann Walhi Wiilln ; Vnklma Oregon MONTANA: i Helena OIUXiON: Pendleton .. CAPT. T.. L. CRAVEN ' " Alatlon torms s larpe a pari of 4aval work as of army training 'there da3."t'ncie 8anris putting , in charge of his battleships menj who understand aviation thor oughly. Captain T. L. Craven, ' . who has been director of naval tTiatlon, las been ordered to sea. in command of a battleship.. Cap-, tain W A. MotTult i tha uew til rjf;ttr of naval arlajlpn,. We repair all makes of Starting, Lighting and Ignition Systems. Only jjenuine parts used and sold. , ' ' ANNOUNCE t .. t . ...; The new reduced prices'on the Philadelphia Diamond Grid Philco Retainer Storage Batteries are now in effect. ,---..--;., They still maintain the highest quality 'of; material and workmanship.' ' .:,'.'. It II0. i ) SI ? ' rs y.Cu tf- it . iimriimiMii UliiiiiuliUtiiuiatM 1. AJk.4.