" III. ,v. . l.-.i,..,. . ..,;....:. ....... , u, , ". TEN PAGES DAILY EAST OEEQ03fIAN( PENDLETON, OltECON, WEDNESDAY EVENING,; JANUARY 8, 1021. - j. i i .' vy-" JT-T. law f czJf Kotices, Business Opportunities, Locals, Lost,4Wunl, Foi Rent Etc. if Handy Business Directory of Pendleton and Vicinity ', This Director U s.peclallf handy tor th. out-of-town r.ader who mar want ths nam. and ddrts of r-onslbl. bssiws men no t Uta following Unas. All r ralUWs, rasponslbls bualnus eoncarnS wlio ato draadjr to glia you prompt arnca. Classified for Lasy lielerence, A ..... . i FAGa f -t - ' i , 11. - ' T" "t ' 1 " , J V . ,1 hit i Court Ht WANTED on runch- A man and wife to work -1'hono 411,, LOST Tuesday lr t;Ity 35x4 Va Hkld chain Finder please return to thle wuce, i W ANTljD Housekeeper Apply lied Cross Headquarters, Room 208, Fed eral Bldg. . TilM PAltTlKS who took tlrra and tout from (run club ground were seen by iii'iKhborn mid re known. If re turned to ground or thin office noth ing will b ald. . . AVERILL HOM K IX 8POKAN li For Nile or trade for Pendleton property. Colonial Rty m-ven rooms with buth, plastered nnd flulnhcd In old Ivory, oak floorn, fire place. Full buxement with hiundry trays. Corner property, Hplnndld Iuwim and 'attractive shrub, bery. In Cliff 1'iirk Addition on cur line one block from grade school. Walking distance from high school i nd center of oily. Owner moving to Pendleton. See Cunt la A. Averlll, Bond Bros, llldgl Pendleton, Oregon. NKW ToltlC, Jan. 5. (C. P.) Fifty-three children In three beds Is the orphntmxe record to dale in east ern Europe, w hero a" third of the child population is fatherless and mother IfMi, as a reoult of the wnr. of course fifty-three children could not actually occupy three beilx, hut that was all that was availublo in one orphanage In a fnctory town went of Warwitv. Naturally, most of the fifty-three had to sleep on the floor, whether they "er well dr, u It was In most In-j Munces, 111. i "Hut this wjis not the worst hard ship the little ones suffered." report ed the relief worker who discovered! their pi lull l. "They were on the verse j of starvation. When 1 was there.they had not had a full ration of bread for three weeks. Wore than half of them, also, were tuberculous, of un-Jer-iiutrlllon Is fast productlng a race of consumptives In I"nland." To overcome this sltnntlon so fur as may be nnd earn for countless thou sands of other Ktifferbic children In Ktirope, ciht grent American relief agencies have . combined :nler the name of the European Kelief Coun cil In an appeal for $33.omii.ouo to curry out the work already begun for their rescue for mn winter ot horror. LABOR IN ILLINOIS IS AGAINST STATE POLICE "KPRIXGFrnrHI, 111., Jan. 6. (A. P.) The Illinois General Assemljy went Into session at noon today with the fate of tho slate public utilities commission one of tho big problems before it. v Governor-Elect Len Small, who ad vocated abolition of tho commission In Wear "Specs" i v- .V, v APARTMENTS 407 K. President-elect Harding the paea. U yo would be co. rtwt haog your "apecs'J on lbs middle button ot your coat. Ex. rrwIdent TaU as Yu.iting HarUltig la Marloa wboa this plclure was , 4V- - - " : IiIh 1'iiiniiry and election ciimpulgns, will be Innuioirutttd u ikmiii a the Iiouho oranlzex. l'ernon clone to the next governor declare ho will nok the it'KimiMure 10 aooiiKn ino commiMHion. The leslnlature, however, Ik expected to defeat any proposal to da awaj with the coinmlxKlon, . ' . A context uli will he made to ere te a mate constabulary. OrfanlzeO labor will make a bluer flfiht against the- roniitabulury - bll.' , i KXOXVILLE, Tenn., Jan. f,. (A. P.) Indictments were returned by a federal grand Jury today against 69 flocal coal mining and brokerage con cerns charging exaction of unjust and exorbitant, prices on ' the producing and handling of coal. Tho Indict ments embrace more thnn 900 counts. Home defendants are charged with making; profits of as high as 17.60 a ton. IV BAVKHCPTCY III Hut DMrict fonrt f the, Vnlied KIoIch for tlic IHi-lrlt-t of Oregon In the llutter of John Feebler, A Bankrupt. TO THE CREDITORS OF John Feebler of PendletonCounty of Vma tilla nnd District aforesaid, Bankrupt. NOTICE IS HEREHY GIVEN, Thut on the 31t day of December A. D 19 Jit, the snld John Peebler was dur adjudicaled a Bankrupt nnd that the llrKt meeting of his creditors will be held at. the office of the undersigned Itefereo In Bankruptcy nt Pendleton. I'malilla t'iKiiity, Oregon on January 17th. 1921 A..D. at ten o'clock A. M. on said cliiv, at which time and place the Crmlitois may attend prove and file their claims, appoint a Trustee cx- atllinn the Ihtokelmt niwl Trnnwiiet uileh I other Iliislneits as may properly come before said meeting. !wn nt Pendleton. Oregon this 3rd. day of January 1921. TlloH. F1TZ GERALD. Referee In Bankruptcy. ' LOST AND FOUND GREY ;OOSE, lost, strayed or stolen l'hone Information, 1157-.M. LOST Dark Jersey cow with bell December 30th. Receive reward for return to Mission Station. LOST Irfist Saturday, black hand lug Finder return to this office Re ward. FOl'ND Gold mesh watch fob, lock et attached. Inquire H. O. office Owner can have same by paying for this ad. IAIST 3x3Uj Goodyear tire on Max well rim. Lost between Pendleton nnd Middle Cold Spring. Leave at the E. . office. (liestcr Gordon. USED CAR EXCHANGE FOR SALE I'sed E-4S. light six Bnlck In good, mechanical condition new top, good tires offered at a bargain Wallaco Bros.. Phone 74. , FOR SALE We have few second hard Fords priced from 1160 to J500. These are all worth the money call and see them SlmpBon Auto Co., Water and Johnson Sts. a la, Harding! 'H .4- t y FOR SALE fori BALE 4 foot Poplar wood- Call 2F5, Ralph Tackella, . FOB SALK All kinds of Insurance. 3. II. listen, (14 Main St.. Phone (04. FOR SALE 0so acres winter pasture inquire James K. Hill, Pendleton, Qregon. T FOu SALE-S 11. P. Holt Caterpillar b'turgla & Storl. FOR SALE Fine set of Elk horns Cheap 321 Garden St. F(Jr SALE FuRilture of roaming bouse cheap - house for rent Plume 49S-M. FOR SALE t head of good mules, 10 f iieuu ui Huisejf ail aoou iiwa dm Sturgla & Storle. FOR SALE Self-propelled combine harvester, 1918 model, good shape- terms Sturgls & Storle. FOR SALE 600 sacks rips Burbank potatoes at 1 1.60 a sack Inquire St. Andrews School, reservation. FOR SALE Four wagon boxes, for , bulk grain, low price If taken soon B. L. Burroughs, Phone 6. FOR SALE Five room modern bun galow with bath half basement terms Inquire 61i W. High St. FOR SALE OR TRAD1C X'ew bunga low, 610 W. High Call there or In quire of C. P. Strain ut County Assiz or's offii'o Terms. HOIWE Kill SALE, also wagon ana harnesscan be seen at O. K. Feed Barn. Pendleton. Address Jewel Tea Co., Portland, Oregon. FOR SALE Non-resident owner Concrete building, always rented, in come over 3200. per month. Fine lo cution, corner, paved streets, a fine In come property. MlKht accept part trade. Write "83-" care East Oregon ian office. FOR SALT5 OR TRADE 20 eecond hand sewing machines all In good sewing order $3 to 340. .Must be sold by January 1st. Phone 7SS- Singer Store. FOR. SALE ' New 8 room bungalow, north side. New 4 room bungalow, north side. Good 6 room residence, south hill, cheap. Good 5 room residence, west end, reasonable. Call and see me If you want to buy a house. I have houses In all parts of the city, some on reasonable terms. ' GEORGE! W. ELDER 818 Main St. Res. Phone 72-W Phone 3 FOR RENT ROOM AND BOARD for men only- 403 E. Webb. TO RENT Suite of rooms, Temple bldg. steam heat for office of sleeping apartments Phono 190. I U. Temple. AITS. AXI ROOMS ALT A APTS. FOR REXT Furnished Apartment Phone 210-W. DOINGS OF. THE DUFFS TOM HfLtM.I HAVE HBge AJT1U.UK 8Ttm tH A PBlBJOO" WlHt.-WO. AMD I THOOGMT W MlbHT WrWT tO Pt?R iHe irai t. m - ' i r N H 1 rXI R Vy Tom. tee that aotifol painyimw! I kWtV,r.vnTi" X"v.u ie a" vieu. Sou cam eus that foe Sool A vjhw. I SMooi.f - MS VAuCNK-eCowM PAWYEOIT HIM3EU, ! 1 l !' 1 AV NCTT! f AKlO H HAS A VtONOECFUi, (fEPUTATlOiJ. TOfy I CAM BV Hi hr u i fX Jf ST Twe TUi6 fob. ! sfTH A whole fruit tdaJ 75 ft 7i ,"ne 01 mims poon! y' VirV stamd fob- i p V &M$t TiSj: w ' ' " n.-; .. . , . . u..i , m ' . .i -J ' 'Tr-r-rT . r r- r iii minjj f j. FOU KKXT 2 room apartment with bath 15 K. Railroad Phone 21.j For RENT A 2 and i room Apls. S07 Aura, Phone 289-W. Flt KEXT Furnished roorn-276-R or call flZ W. Wisib. Phone FOR KKXT tfteam hesftted Bleeping In Unana 1 f, tt T FuR RJCNT-'-Sulte of housekeeping; room no children 601 Clay St. FOR REXT Downstairs ' sleeping room, close In. Men only, Phone 38S-R FOR REXT 2 furnished light house keeping rooms Phone 730-1V; 1J Thompson. ' . FOR REXT Large downstairs bed room iwltby stove board If desired Phone 212-W. FOR REXT A ( room house partly furnished bath, hot and cold water Call 214 Tustln. FOR REXT Pleasant room 'In pri vate family, plpsftln on North Side for gentleman onlv--Fhone 757-W. WANTED WAXTED Sewing Phone 30S-M. , . plain or fancy j WANTED Work by the hour Phone ' Mrs. Rush 569-J. WANTED GOOD CLEAN RAGS AT The East Oregonian office. HIGH SCHOOL BOY wants place to work for room and board phone 15F4. RELIA BLE -white woman wishes work by day or hour "E" East Oregon ian office. GIRL WANTS WORK in country or town will work' for small wages during winter. Phone 315-J. WAXTKD TO lajV 4, 5 and t room houses. I have clients who will buy If they can find something to suit them from $1600.00 up. - GEOBGE W. ELDEIt 818 Main SU Phono 903 RESIONSIBLE. active men or women I to represent us In several good sec tions of this slate, taking orders' tor Fruit Trees, Shrubbery, Roses, etc., for spring delivery. Demand Is liberal and returns to Intelligent workers are substantial. Address with references, Oregon Nursery Company, Orenco, Ore AUTO ELECTRIC WORK IVVB r.EPAIB anything electrical on an automobile. W. E. Cha Co. AUTO TRANSFER W. G. FISHERr-tJtaod Kluy A Kemp, Phone 613. C. E. WILLIAMSON Stand at Griggs' Cigar Store Phone 107. . AUTO TIRES PENDLETON CYCLE CO. AJaz, Re vere and Savage tires. 228 E. Court Street. L. S. BENTLEY & CO. Goodyear and Diamond Tires Tire service, oils and accessories Alia and Garden Sts, WALLACE- BROS. Flsk tires, corda or fabric. We do our own adjust- Iirg. 808-12 Johnson St. GERTSOX & MARTY Gates Half Soles, 000 miles guaranteed 1-2 cost of new tires. Ui7 Cottonwood St. PENDLETON RUBBER ft SUPPLY CO. Barney Oldfleld, Goodrich Sil vertown Cord and Pernsylvanla Vacu um Cup 305 iv CourS. PREFERS THEREAL FRUIT. SA.XSM, VKH.BUR it 3 vatrv ptetTTV- lit mtM9 NiHee PicYuite he pusureo An vmmta. 1 ( . i. v ! ,t W SIMPSON TIRE SERVICE CO. Re- public and Flreitone tires, corua or fabric 223 R. Conrt SU Phone (51. MISCELLANEOUS PHOXB I. C. SXYDKit, 276-M for the man that has swept your chimneys for fifteen years. PRACTICAL NURSE Maturnlty cases only Phone 399-M. 5 a MI'.SL ADA FIELD Spirella, corsetiere l'hone S24-W. Address 614 Jane. MATERNITY and convalescent hos pitalMrs. Frail, 114 E. Bluff St., Phone 277. ALL KIXDS of patients cared for by experienced nurse 80Q W. Webb Phone 884. ' '. '. ALL KIXDS of furnace and stove re Pairing, pipe fitting and chimney cleaning satisfaction guaranteed Phone 622. RAG HOO!? and carpet woven. Also first class crocheting and .embroid ery. .All orders promptly filled. Bee Wheelers, at 1309 W. Railroad, WE WASH and clean the finest rugs satisfactorily. References given. We make fluff , rugs from old carpets. Walla Walla Rug and Carpet Clean ing Co. Phone im. , THE OREGON JOURNAL delivered CS cents a month, Sunday included- G W. Hooker, agent,. Office, Alice Shinnin Parlor (At ' Richardson's Place) 09 Main St. Phone C22. AUTO TOPS GADWA'S A'JTO TOPS,, Plate Glass, Bucks, Side Curtains 201 East Court St- , " TIMK CARD Wcston-PerolletoB Anto Stage Leaves Weston for Pendleton at 7:30 a. m. and 12:45 B. m. Leaves Athena for Pendleton at 8:00 a. m. and 1:00 p. rn. ' 4 Leaves Adams for Pendleton at 8:20 a. m. and 1:20 p. m. Leaves Pendleton (AHcn-Knlsht Co. Store) tar Weston at 10:00 a. m. and 4 p. m. ' O. H. McPHERP.IN, Prop. TIME CARD Pilot Rock-Pcndlcttm Auto Stage leaves Pilot Rock at 8 a. m. Leaves Pendleton at 10:30 a. m. Leaves Pilot Rock at 1 p. m. Leaves Pendleton at 4 p. m. FA-N'CHO STUBBLEFIELD, " T- Prop. AUCTIONEER COL. W.. F- YOHNKA Auctioneer, Call at Sturgis & Storie's Implement Co., for sale dates. AUTO PAINTING 7 MEN WITH YEARS of experience. Motor Inn. Garage, 722 Cottonwood. Ward A. Hoa gland. Prop. AUTO REPAIRING THE "PIONEER" AUTO MAN Satis faction guaranteed. We repair any make. Glean Long, 833 Cottonwood. PERKINS ft AMMONS; Automobile ' Repairing. Fbrd, Chevrolet, Stude baker or any make' of cw.'" 'Service at any timer, fiso Cottonwood, Phone 203. ATTORNEYS GEORGE W. COT-TTS. Attorney at Law, Koom 17. Scltmidt block. R. I. KEATOR, Attorney at Law, Room 24. Smlth-Crawford BsildlniJ. IY ALLHAN 4ASA FAIVuS AUrtSY vnrtA peAtrnnM., omw&"' VIAU.PAP6II MOR "DAa PICTUKCO mm J jMMlMS A 8JIYTHJE, Attorneys at I-aw. Offices in rear of American National Dank Building. . . .. FEE A FEB, Attorneys at Law. flees in Ixupalu Butldintf. Of- S. A. LOWELL .Attorney and Counsel- lor at Law. Office in INvpaln Mldtf, a. A. NEVVBERRT, Attorney at Law, , IVUeral Building. PETERSOX, BISHOP CLARK, At torneys at Law. Ituums 3 and SmlUi-Cranford Itidg. JAMES B. PERRT, Attorney at Law. Office over Taylor Ilaraware toui pony. , . .' RALEY, RALET & STEIWTER, Attor neys at Law. ' Office In American National Innk Buiklmg. ' FRED H. SCHMIDT. Attorney at Law. liovra ;1M nUJ -Crawford Bldg. BATTERIES PHILADELPHIA DIAMOND GRID 3ATTERIES guaranteed for 1 months. V. K. Cliase Co., 320 E. Court. Telephone 269, Pendleton. , PBEST-O-LITB BATTERIES Heel by competitive test. Service on all makes of batteries, guaranteed. Prest O-IJte Scrrico Station,-4M K. url Phone 864. . . . . CATERPILLAR WORK CATERPILLARS, harvesters, gas en gines, automobiles and general blacksmithing. Round-Cp Garage, Parks & NebergaH, 512 West Webb. CONTRACTORS & BUILDERS PARKER & BANFIELD, Designing, Engineering, Constructing, l years experience in concrete and brick con struction. CI E. Third St., North Port land, Oregon. CHIROPRACTUttS DR. R. C. ELLSWORTH Special liing; in nervous disease and diseases ot women. 9 to 12 a. m i 10 &:ju p. m. Evenings 7 to 8. Pbona TOO, Sniilu- CraKrd Building. ' DR. LENA A. BOOXE Chiropractor Office hours 10 to 12; 1:30 to 6:00. 30 E. Court St, LaaU Apt. If. Phone m. . CLEANING AND PRESSING MODEL TAILORS & CLEANERS Pressing and repairing. 304 W. Webb St. Phone S21, Pendleton, Ore. DRAYMEN CALL PEXLAND BROS. Transfer van to move your household goods. We also pack or store goods. We do coun try hauling. Telephone 339. DENTIST, . DR. FLOYD CR0UB DentUt ' 'Room 10S American Bank Bldg." Phone 326 ' Pendleton, Ore. ftR. H. M. HANAVAK Denturtry, Room t. Temple Bldg.. Phone 773. EYE, EARJIjOSEJJRaAT OPTICAL Dept. any stee, stylo or shape glass, wbUo you W'ftit, D. Jf. Itebcr, M- D ?, 8, 0, Bolt Bldg. - FARM LOANS SNOW & DAYTON, 117 E. Court St., Real Estate. Fire Insurance, Farm Loans. See us about a loan. JUNK, JUNK, JUNK BRING your Junk to the Pendleton Hide & Junk Co. See us before you self. I D. Cameron, Prop. KODAK FINISHING PERFECT DEVELOPING and prim ing for tha aanateur-i-enlarging. Prompt work. Tall man lyrvtg Co. HEMSTITCHING HEMSTITCHING at the Singer Shop. Mail orders promptly attended to. MllllililllliilllltllllM GUN POWDER TEA in packages 25c and 50c STRING BEANS $2.40 Dozen ASPARAGUS I J CARTER 5 tins $1.00 10c each BUTTERNUT BREAD, 16c The Dean Tatom Co. Meat Dept, jMmffiM , mMMJ HEMSTITCHING Mail orders Mr Ralph Hassellr-llJ Bush, Fhone) 995.. LAUNDRY EVERY Article Laundered Perfectly, There's an agent in your town, Troy Ijtumlry, SO 8 Garden St. "MADE TO MEASURE CbH E. Fraawwa, Has BlOg. OPTICAL' DA LB ROTH WELL Optemetrist and Optician. Glasses ground to fit your eyes, American aiKni uaiw OSTEOPATH DR. G. E. HOLT Osteopathic, p-nysi- cian and Surgeon. Judd Bldg. Tele phones, wffiew 58; Kesldence 27-W. POULTRY SUPPLIES CHIC FOOD, Scratch food, tonics. bone, shell, grit, corn, oats., rolled barley. LuuuUla ilour A Gram .o. PHONOGRAPH REPAIRING PHONOGRAPH REPAJBXXO Ail Kases Warrra's Maato Bo lit Main St Phone 124. PIANOS AND FLAYERS PIANO TL'NING and repairing Joe Le Moun Phone i52-R ' '- HIGH GRADE PIANOS of pleasing tone quality. Players of individuali ty. Its the construction that counts. .See piano on display, write or phone The Bco Hive, 828 Main Psna J07 J. P. DarnalL .Factory ;HP- Moler & Chass Piano Co. .. Painting and Paper HanBltq PAINTS, Wall Paper, Picture Fram ing. L. J. McAtce. tho Practical raint Man. Lowe Bros., Paints. PLUMBING AND HEATING PLCMDtXO AND HEATLNG Jams Mc-Nair All work promptly attend ee' to. 20 W. Webb, Pendleton Ore-i gon. Residence Phone 749-VV, Office) Phone 623. " .1 RADIATOR REPAIRING LTA ALTO RAUIATOR. WORKS 701 East Alta street. AH makes ot radiators repaired.' Wort guaranteed, & Bias berg. Prop. f , RESTAURANT THE QUELLE A good place to eatv SECOND HAND FURNITURE- WE, BUY, SELL or exchange house bold good We also do general furV nlture repair.work PhoDf f2i lley & Kemp. 523 Main St. , ,t jECOND HAND DEALERS V. STROBLK. dealer In new ana sec-r ond hand goods. Cash pam tor. second hand goods; cneapes piace. to buy " household goods,9It E. tour plimio 721 W. SUGGESTIVE THERAPEUTICi ,, , -,. -, -, . - - - - - THE most up-to-date effectual lead ing science practised.E. F. Gibson P. S. T.; N. D. Room 12 Peebler BldK SURVEYOR AND ENGINEER: LAND SURVEY General engineering work, f- A. Laosbjue, C. E., Bivar- side, Pendleton. Ore. . . TAILORS 647 Main St. Thone lOOt 3 ORANGES good and ripe 60c, 90c and $1.25 dozen DELICIOUS APPLES Box $4.50 GRAPE FRUIT Grocery Dept t. Phone 60S IMfe.ft4M!. . ftltmi,l, tt. Jfc.MM-'- .- -