'V U M M I . t , M 1 1 i Tage eight -'-r DAILY EAST MIEGONIAN," PENDLETON;: OREGON,:;'. TUESDAY EVENING JANUARY .'4f TEN" PAGEr Kill That Cold With CASCARA 111 QUININE Today Children, 5c Adults, 20c AND . La Gripp t 1 Colds, Coughs PASTIME 'r'M raw fn it AbVlSvliLH W V t 8 1-d 4 t I'raiNloii Kvaiut ami ;ortrtulo Walters ill a scene fnmi ul the On-son Theater. Wcrtttcxlny K cuing. The- Bird of l'iiruili lniinarv 12. GOfo ALT A TODAY tiik iinin or PAUAmsE Like Tennyson's "brook," '"The Bird f rarnfJIs4."1 The TtiUy drama of the r Hawaiian Islam., which comes to the : Oresron Th(-atr Wednesday Jan. 12, has l-wnme perennial. It is surpris- ' ino- lion- it mvvtifl tli thoafrial ..Ion A timely proloRiie precedes the inn in v ..,, i i . .. . , , . oy its continued box office success. It union in the O-orev Me ftr,i rodvu , , - m ..r ,,- . i makes a fortune each year. It never Uon f Th a olf. which cim. :l!i3 the 1)eIlefjt x York success mg to the Alta Th.v.tre today ami h,nvPV),r. outslclP Xow Yrli it makes whaj follows more Mnfc.ng ana !mprrilv wav ..The OM prolosue rcprest-nta ' ,, ...V!11, ,w. f'tre it, nnd it is the owners opinion i that it vill go on indefinitely. -ska avoi.v 0, nsoi.oiiii: Tii-i; ;irsr Milfiml Pnxiiii-iinn With; JV lit I nrel tanpmslvr. The the Hall of Nations, -where the nations of the earth nie all striving to gain the er of the world, n harassed little man in the centre. A group of urchins, rep- Pessis V'.irrisscale, I.enore I'lrie and resentintr the nations horn orit of ihej several others have won fame in the preat war, engaRe in a violent ijuar-Jrole of Luana, which might be called rel. The spirit of violence or mob ( an American idi a of a Hawaiian vam rule is effectivvly illostrated md thejpire. Florence T'.ockwell, an txperi Qiiesfion is frankly put. "Vill violence e iued actress of the stave, this season's ever cure the woes of the world .'" 'Luna, will present a new personation of the Hawaiian princess. Miss Ttock j well wit! he remt-mherod here in tho j support of JFlohort R. Muntell, Henry M Miller. Gny Rites I'ost, Nat (Goodwin, ,and Macklyn Arhuckle. She went to This is a close tie-up with Jack Lon don's thrilling story, as the centra! character. "Wolf' Larson, it will be remembered, argued for the doctrine . j , ' ' , t," Australia two years apo, and there i: ruled with an iron hand. Noah Beery ' . , , , , . graphically portrays the role of Wolf," and the rest of the cast is or high merit. Ocorgc Molford directed.. is said, won the ! cmotionai- aetres ' to the antipodes. ' title of "the finest America had sent , N --glocte J Colda are Dangerous Tk no chances. Keep thu ctandatd remedy handy for the fintt sneeze. Ercaka up a cold in 24 hours Relieves Grippe i:i 3 uaya Excellent for Headache (Jtinine in this form Coes not affect the head Cascara ia best Tonic l.axatiw No Opi.i:o in lull's. ' ALL DRUGGISTS SELL IT Ftronser und inter-reserve narrowing In purt linnidaled. With li("idatlon of loans at the members hanks begin-nine- the board forecast better conditions. Pt)ini.M AM) SPOKANF. iuiwi.i i:s w in, roMPin i-: I day, January 23. A purse of $1,000 u ill 1)e offered as tho prize. H' I PITIVUHAV Y- 1 i . 1 . - O...V, Jn. ,. ,., , POIITI.A.NI). Ore.. Jan. (A. P.) fur.m-r declines n price, coupieuwi.rt...;iovvlis tp,ma ()f ,,,,, am; ' " ' Spokane are to meet in a two-game .'.-Kress "" match. The first half of the match .eaojiisimem ourmp a.coen...er. ac-,wU, h(.,(, ,u s kanp jjund.iv Jan crdlns to the federal reserve board.. aa le ,.lst half nPrp Slln. was placed at 8 1-2 per cent by the! board which added that the deci-f as ! was mainly confined to commodities i which had shown a decline previously lather than an extension of price cut ting to other industries. The decline was reported most marked in agricultural products, tex tiles, hides, leather and iron and steel products, while coal, petroleum, aaso I'ne, paper, brick and cement remained largely unaffected. Home reductions were reported in the open market In the latter group, the hoard said, hut contract prices appeared to be little haniied. ftcduced h"siness activity, the hoard stated, cut operations in many lines' r ' chew, just place a harmless Xo from to 75 per cent of normal and jTo-Pac tablet In your mouth instead, brouyht unemployment. The shrink- tf help relieve that awful desire, ajre of demand, the board reported, j Shortly the hublt may be completely also was responsible for wage cuts asjbrken, and you are better off mental SWEAR OFF f - -TOBACCO JACK HOXIE AND ANNA LITTLE IN LIGHTNING BRICE EDDIE POLO IN THE VANISHING DAGGER UNIVERSAL COMEDY UNIVERSAL COMEDY M "No-To-Uac" has helped thousands to, break the costly, nerve-shattering tobacco habit. Whenever you have a 1. nglng for a cigarette, cigar, pipe, high as 25 per cent. Jly, physically, financially. It's so easy Ranking power was well maintained, i so simple, (let a box of No-To-Ilac the "board asserted, normal credit ac-j"nl-ir it dosen t release you from all commodation extended to legitimate business, the reserve ratio growing craving for tobacco in any form, your druggist will refund your money without question. save Yoi nsrxp t "Cold la the Head" it an acute tuck of Nasal Catarrh. Per. In the head" will find that the use of i by having your Raw Fur made Into HALL'S CATAHRH MEDICINE will j HE FCHS build up the System, cleanse the Blood! , . ' 3 A, er.J render them less liable to colua. at our Plaie? At the same time youi Repeated attacks of Acute Catarrh may; old ones ren-.odeled, repaired, cleaned en internally and acts through the Blood ara r'fcnt- L,11 on the Mucous Surfaces of the System. T.tTIDRRMY All Druggists 15c Testimonials Jree. we moirit anything from a fly to an iOC.OO for any ease of cntr.rrh that -.-nhnnt HALL'S CATARRH MEDICINE will not elephant. cure. M. H. MOITR r. 1. Cheney 4 Co., Toledo, Ohio. Spokane, Wash. a Bernard St, So. Write about our deer head contest cninniDMiCMQ L ulu iunniuiiinuj ARE-RED VAR PLUNDER LIBAI. Latvia, Jan. 4 A- P) Tho appearance of the shop windows hero indicate that the Libau trades men have received some of tho plund er taken by the various armies that have swept over the Baltic statea. They are piled high with antique fur niture from country estates. Statuary. silver and tronze ornaments, silver-j ware and jewelry also abound in the commission houses. i English dealers in antiques overran j the Baltic states after they first freed j themselves of the Bolshevik regime j and picked up much of the valuable furniture and jewels, oriental rugs ana' old silver. Consequently tH shops j nrw offer fewer rare pieces than the i did a year ago. i Besides the war loot, the shops carry an amazing lot of second 1iand wart, which were tho property of persons ; Impoverished by war who must now i convert them into money. Luxuries' went first but now furs, fur coats and ' till sons of wearing apparel are being j sold in the shops. These stores look ; like American rummage sales. j It is common for prosperous look- Ing strangers who are inspecting shop j windows to be approached by owners of rare old furniture or works of art who desire to offer their precious pos sessions at private sale without the humiliation of placing them on sale w-here their friends will recognize t htm. v-.c, erf T .u p--e much the Hint 13 tfioso In r.lpa,' Windau and i j j.to.'tiu-and Lithuania. Con- j riitions were, the same in Moscow and j I'etrograd until the Soviet government i clow-d all the private shops, seized j their sto ks and forbade trade which j was not conducted by the govern- j luent. I Fun at the ARCADE Today Children, 10c A FIRST NATIONAL PICTURE Adults, 35c CONSTANCE TALMADGE ' IN "IN SEARCH OF A SINNER" Dr. K. J. York, the Chinese Rpe cialist has spent years in siudy nnd research work, both in China and this country, thus enabling him to treat any acute and chronic diseuse of men and women. He uses only, curative Chinese roots and herbs as a means of treating- diseases known to human be ings. These remedies have been used for many generations and have been given credit by patients using them. Anyone who may can call to see him. be suffering K. 1. YORK miVI.SE MFJUCIXK X Xo. 4-21 W. i:wo St. Walla Wullu, Wash. f - t 'I- 7. J seek the lttihest interest eempattble saf& - ONEYthat is not actively employed should be placed vi Wn it will receive the highest interest consistent with se cui'itv. Our banking by mail plan will give your money a chance to grow. If you wish we will write you more fully upon the matter. m, pi I MB . Dr. Lynn E. Blakes!ce DU. C. H. l)At .'hronlo and Nervoua Dlseasea aad Ityslclao and fiurgeo Jlseaaea wf Women. X-llAj Electro Ostenpatb Therapeutic ; Rooma II and X Bmllh-Crawford rempl Bid. Doom jj , Ilulldlag. lone 41 IllllllllllllllilllllllllllllllllllllllllllllUillllllllll'lllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllll PHONE FIVE FOR FUEL I Have "More Heat I With Less Coal Use Utah Coal, which is satisfying- more people every day. a IJ.L.BURROUGIIS-IIcIIasIt! 1 iiiiiiiiiiiiiuiiiiiiuiiiiiiiiniiiiiiiiiiitiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiliiilliiif S 5 j i 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 j 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 iiniiiiiiiiiiiii!ii!iiMiiitiii:i!iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii!iiMiiuiiiniiiinuiiimmiiiiuii!!iiiiniiiiiiiiimt I ALTA , TODAY I Adults, 35c " WOLF" WITH Children, 10c . DON'T CONFUSE THIS MASSIVE PRODUCTION OF "THE SEA THE PICTURE MADE YEARS AGO , This is the third time that the beloved Jack London's masterpiece has . been made into a cinema drama. This production hai never been shown before, and so far sur passes any previous film version of "The Sa Wolf as to make any comparison futile. FIRST TIME HERE ' JOHN EMERSON ANITA LOOS PRODUCTION ROMEO AND JULIET, THEY LIVED!' ' l i ft" t' 3 "CUPID AND PSYCHE, THEY LIVED!" '- THR HACI'E, .'an. 4.- 'A. 1 F-urope'g newest wherne for defraud li.st is that, of selling siijip.-bed Itussi.-.n t.wn j'veis. Knowbdge that some very valuable liuswiari je'. try, confis cated by tho Holshcviki has actually i'.cn sold in Holland r"oem!y has I.-rtiiiipteu a n'Jiote r of shrewd confi c nc- rr.cn to take advantage of Iniichmen desiring to buy Honiething t r o n. The Hague police swooped down th cOh-c iuut cii a yroup of men in a little cafe who, with tluir iinendei vtciini, were iieKoilaring for the sab? of SI ".jveail" neckhc.'s and sevcr?il pack els of loow )!' ai ls'' jhich wi re whis I ered to have been mirreplillously wnt tu lMl.iiid from M.is".'' and, there fore, were fiir sale cheap. Only one of the necklaces was found fo be uenulnr. All the oiht-rs. and al.M. the lo-se p.-o kets, were made up t Imitation pui. The real one, c- rordlug to the police, was 'bait,' r )" A' 'N, . v- i us L i I I ,V lltos x4 1 iHcWcP r !. fi i L V rvi X I 'WHY CANT WE LIVE?" (and they do!) .... iJ,P!..;&x.. , !Ao .v'i..4J. -. ii ' ;cAx'ifH 9 v'rnms COMEDY -"SHOULD HUSBANDS DANCE?" j;! V: Stormy passions nt war on stormy seas Roar of the gain and feuds of brawling sailors Fog and wreck and mutiny. Over It all tho dauntless hrute who ruled with his flsta snd feared neither matt nor Maker. Over the "Wolf in the end, a triumph of young love. A riiHirc as Great as tho Book Adnntetf liy Will M. Itllrhpy Cast. Also Paramount 'r1TT?liriKnf!8'iii Noah Beery, Mabel Juliene Scott and Tom Fcrman in the "FATTY" ARBUCKLE COMEDY THE FAMOUS HAROLD LLYOD IN "HIS ROYAL SLYNESS" iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiijiiiiiiiifiiiifiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii.iiiiiiiituiiiiiitiiiijiiiiiiifiiiii. 1 itl 4h O .ft aj