i - Ttlli PACE3 r DAILY EAST OltEGQJrtAN, PENDLETON, OREGON, i MONDAY EVENING, JANUARY 3, 1921. Notices, Business Opportunities, Locals, Lost, Found, For Rent, Etc Handy Business Directory of Pendleton and Vicinity This Director is especially band tor the out-of-town reader who ma? want tbe name and sddress of responsible business (nan who resreasaf ke following line. All are reliable, responsible b mines concerns who etan dread to five you prompt errice. Oassilicd lor toy hefcrcnce. s r-TT i - rimi-a ir -mini ai LfwW WANTED Work by womuii in cuuii try or town Phone 331-R. LOST Dark Jersey row Willi hell- December 3uih.- Receive rewurd lor return to Mission Htutinn. on Our uoiuma FOR SALE First mortgage on 40 ucres ulfalfa land, druwlng 10 per rent Address, 1'. O. j0x 76, Pendle ton, Oregon. LOST 3ix 3 Vi Gnodycitr tire on Max well rim. I,oKt between Pendlctm s nil Middle Cold Kprlug. Leuve at the E. O. office. Chester Cordon. -: Foil SALE Used K-4S, Unlit six Unl, k In good mechanical condition rtu'W lop, good tires offered itt bargain Wallace Bros.. Phone 74. NEWBERRY CASE NOW E I 10,000 ARE HOMELESS FOR SALE i Foil BALE 75 II. Stursl & Storie. WASHINGTON, Jan. 3. Ileconven I uk today, I ho supremo court will fin u calendar of aftHigned cases declured to be unusual, both a to number and public interest. Eighteen caws are tinted on the Monday calendar, thnliKh. since It will be "decision day,'' chances are argu ments will not be heard In more than two or three. The government unit against the United Shoe Machinery Co. and the cross bill of that corporation heads the 1IM. Other rases Include the appeal of Henator Truman If. Newberry of Michigan and others from conviction tinder I lie corrupt practices act and a relics of suits involving the ristht of the alien property custodian to seize bonds deposited In the Tinted HI. -Mrs before the war by Gi-rman insurance companies to protect American policy holders. PARIH, Jan. 3. A. P.) Fourteen persons were killed, 300 injured and lO.ouO rendered homeless by an earth quake which nearly obliterated Klha sun, Albania, according to a dispatch today from the American Ited Cross at Tirana. The only Americans there were two Junior Hed Cross nurses. Miss Koran j Ruddy, Ht. Ix)Uis, and Miss Winifred! Warren, '1iI'h", Hoth were reporteo safe. They. Immediately Vfik charge of relief work and the American Red Cross Is vending supplies. I. Hull Caterpillar AITS. AX1 ROOMS ALTA AITS. FOR RK.Vf A S and 3 room Apts. 307 Aura, phone 2s-W. MISCELLANEOUS I F'EB It, FEU, Attorneye at Iw. If ices In lXAimin ItuildiiMf. Of- LAUNDRY FOH RENT Furnished Apt., bwh Inquire 614 Cosbie Bt. with FOK 'RENT Weam heated eleeping room, close In. Phone 706-J. PHONB I. C. SNYDER, 27-M for the man that has swept your chimneys for fifteen years. MIW. ADA FIELD h'pirella coreetlere Phone S24-W. Address 614 Jane. Fur RENT Buite of housekeeping rooroa no children D01 Clay St. FOR RENT Downstairs steeping room, cioae in. Acn oaly, phone J86-R i MATERNITY and convalescent hos pital Mrs. Frail, 114 K. Bluff Bt., Phone 277. ALL KINDS of patients cared for by experienced nurse- DUO W. Webb Phone 884. FOR RENT Front room with bath for gentleman only-llg Jefferson street. FOR SALE Fine set of Elk horns cheap 321 Cu! den St. FOR RENT Large downstairs bed room with stove board If desired- Phone 21 2-W. - roil 6ALI3 4 foot Poplar wood Call 2F5, Ralph Tackelld. FOR RENT A ( room house partly furnished bath, hot and cold water Call 314 Tustin. FOR 8ALK J. H. Estes, -All kinds of Insurance. 814 Main St., Phone 0. FOR BALE 100 tons alfalfa hay 2 miles west of Pendleton Inquire Crltman Bros. E FOR SALE Furniture of rooming house cheap house for rent Phone 498-M. ALL KINDS of furnace and stove .re Pairing, pipe fitting and chimney cleaning satisfaction ' guaranteed Phone 522. - S. A. LOWELL .Attorney a ad Counsel lor at Law. Offli In K'niu1ii Lid-. S. A. NEWBERRY, Attorney at Law, Federal Building. PETERSON, BISHOP CLARK, At torney-s at I .aw. ' Rooms 2 and Bmlth-Cranford ISIdjr. EVERY Article Laundered Perfectly. There's an agent In your town, Troy laundry. Still Garden St. JAMES B. PERRY, Attorney at Law. Office over Ta) lor Ilardwars Coui- pany. RAO KtlGS and carpel wovec Also first class crocheting and embroid ery. All orders promptly filled. Bee Wheelers, at 1300 W. Railroad. TO LET Office suite . in Temple Bldg. Steam heat, hot -and . cold water. I. U. Temple. - i FOR RENT Pleasant room in pri vate family, close In onJs'orth Side for gentleman onlv Phone 717-W. WANTED FOR KALE 6 head of good mulds, head of horses all good stock 8ee Murgl & Storie. WANTEIV-Hewing plain or fancy 'j Phone 30S-M. FOR SALE Self-propelled combine harvester, 1118 model, good shape terms Sturgls & Storie. WANTED Work by the hour Phone Sirs. Rush 66-J. Wk WASH and clean the finest rugs satisfactorily. References gives. We make fluff rugs from old carpet. Walla Walla Rug an Carpet Clean ing Co. Phone 1877. RALEY, RALEY 8TEIWER, Attor neys at Law. Office In American National Bank Building. FRED 11. SCHMIDT, Attorney at Jjiw. Room 2-1, Snath-Crawford Bldg. THE OREGON JOURNAL delivered 65 cents a month, Sunday included O. W. Hooker,, agent. Office, Alice Shinning Parlors (Al Richardson's Place) 609 Main St. Phone 622. . BATTERIES PHILADELPHIA DIAMOND GRID BATTERIES ' guaranteed for 1 months. W. K. Cliase Co., 120 E Court. Telephone 260, Pendleton. AUTO TOPS CITIZENS MUST REPORT H I A RDM N, Jan. 3. The newly orshnisod athletic club of Roardman staged Ha first wrestling and boxing proKranie before a very enthusiastic .iii,iUrc Friday Dec. 30. Although all emit Htants are local men the var- is liiiuli ployed that lioardmun's athletic cluli has the material from whichh they will develop wme clean end chtvFy ettilctes. Plans are aecuinuiatiiifr for a more t'tc.'Kinte proKranie and Kinoker in the iienr future, the dale of which has not yet been announced. FOR SALE E00 sacks ripe Eurbank potatoes at ll.EO a sack Inquire 81. Andrews School, reservation. FOR SALE Four wagon boxes, for hulk grain, low price If taken soon B. L. Burroughs, Phone E. WANTED GOOD CLEAN RAGS AT .The Eaet Oregonlan office. WANTED To rent piano Inquire White's Doughnut Lunch 60S Main. GADWA'S AUTO TOPS, Plate Glass. Backs, Side Curtains 201 Eart Court St. t ' PREST-O-LITB BATTERIES Best by competitive test. Service on all makes of batteries, guaranteed. Prcst O-Llte Service Station, 406 . Court Phone 864. CATERPILLAR WORK CATERPILLARS, harvesters, gas en glnes, automobiles ; and general blacksmithing. Round-Up Garage, Parks it Nebergall, 212 West Webb. HlOir SCHOOL BOY wants place toj work 15F4. lor room and board Phone FOR SALE Five 'room modern bun galow with bath half basement terms Inquire 515 W. High St. CORK, Jan. 3. (A. P.I Any per Mon knowing oihcrslu posscm iimis or nimunltlon must report immediately or render themselves liable to prose cution, Major General Strickland, com manding troops In Munster, announeed tiKlny. It Is hIho forbidden to adsiwt rvUds. The order is effective Tuesday. The people are warned that they must nl fall to report the rebels nnrti lllolr movements at euro. Appearance before a military court Is the alterna tive, the notice states, adding that an uttitude of neutrality is punishable. It declares penionsho do not do their utmost to prevent damage to govern ment properly will lie dealt with sev erely in person and elute. Bending of code telegrams without permission of the police inspector Is banned and use of wireless or carrier pigeons is prnhihlleil. All meetings and assemblies are ft hidden, six adults being considered meeting. ' . PRESIDENT i 1NCE REVI FOR SALE Non-resident owner Concrete building, always rented, in come over $200. per month. Fine lo cation, corner, paved streets, a fine in come property. Might accept part trade. Write "83-" care East Oregon lan office. W AXTKD TO BUY 1. E and ( room houses. I have clients who will buy if they can find something to suit them from 11500.00 up. GICOUGE W. ELDFR 818 Mala St. Phone 3 FOR PALE OR TRADE 30 second hand sewing machines all In good sewing order 65 to $40. Must be sold by January 1st. Thone 76E. Singer Store. WASHINGTON. Jan. 3. (V. P.) President Wilt-on is expected to send to 'onwrcss a veto of the resolution re viving the war finance corporation It was 'Indicated at the w hitehouse. T FOR SALE OR TRADE Modern eight room bungalow, too finely finished to rent leaving on long visit. family's health must sell quickly. Your old home, outgrown, taken as part pay, balance to suit. Look up, make offer or tell friend. Call asses sors office II to 12 a. m. or 1 to S p. m. Phone 1S2. Assessor C. P. Strain. RESPONSIBLE, active men or women to represent us In several good sec tions of this state, taking orders ror Fruit Trees, Shrubbery, Roses, etc., for spring delivery. Demand is liberal and returns to intelligent workers are substantial. Address with references, Oregon Nursery Company, Orenco, Ore T TIME CARD Weston-Pendleton Aulo Stage Leaves Westtn for Pendleton at 7:30 a. m. and 12:45 P- m. Leaves Athena for Pendleton at 8:00 a. m. and 1:00 p. m. 4 Leaves Adams lor Pendleton at 8:20 a. To. and 1:2 p. m. Leaves Pendleton (Allen-Knight Co. Store) for Weston at 10:00 a. m. and 4 p. m. O. H. McPHERP.IN, Prop. AUTO ELECTRIC WORK IH'B REPAIR anything electrical oa an amomoblle. W. E. Cba. Co, WASHINGTON, Jan. 3. (I. P.S liesulls of a nation-wide unemploy ment census taken by the United States employment service are awaited with keen interest by capital and labor alike. It Is estimated that reports will show from a half to three million Idle men. I v V 1,";, S ft.. ,. v , s it, . l V' 1 " .-"f-' 4 ik ' it-' V' ' " '.;.. .'-'i-'.ir ", ,t' 1 FOIt SALE New 8 room bungalow, north side. New 4 room bungalow, north side. Good 6 room residence, south bill, rheap. Good 5 room residence, west end, reasonable. Cull and see me if you want to buy a house. I have houses in all parts of the city, some on reasonable terms. , LEORtfn W. FXDElt , 818 Main St. . .. Rea Thone J72-W Phone 993 AUTO TRANSFER W. G. FISHEBjtiland Klley t Kemp, Phone ASS, ' C. E. WILLIAMSON Stand at Griggs' Cigar Store Phone 1075. 4 TIME CARD Pilot Rnck-Pendleton Aulo Stage Leaves Pilot Rock at 8 a. m. Leaves Pendleton at 10:30 a. m. Leaves Pilot Rock at I p.m. Leaves' Pendleton at 4 p. m. FANCHO STUBBLEFIELD, i Prop. CONTRACTORS & BUILDERS PARKER & BAN FIELD, Designing, Engineering, Constructing, 16 years experience in concrete and brick con struction. 61 K, Third St, North Port land, Oregon. MADE TO MEASURE :' Carl E. Franseen, Elks (Mag. OPTICAL' DALB ROTHiWELL Optemetrlst and Optician. Glasties ground to fit your eyes. American National uani isitig. OSTEOPATH DR. G. B. HOLT Osteopathic, physi cian uad Burgeon. Judd Bldg. Tele phones, office aJt; Rexidcaoe 279-W. DR. LENA M'CONNELL Osteopa thic physician and surgeon. Temple Bids. Office plHsne 347-J, Res. 2M-H. POULTRY SUPPLIES CH IC FOOD, .Scratch ood, tonics. bone, shell, grit, corn, oats, rolled barley. Umatilla. Flour Sc Grain Co. ' PHONOGRAPH REPAIRING .-.9'm PHONOGRAPH REPAiiUNO Ail makes Warrens Mosio Boaaa, fit Vain SU Phone 514. PIANOS AND PLAYERS PIANO TUNING rid repairing Jack; Le Moua Phone 651-R. CHIROPRACTORS DR. R- C. ELLSWORTH Specializing In nervous disease and diseases of women. 9 to 12 a. m.t 1 to 5.S" p. m. Evenings 7 to S. Phouo 70V, Suulli- C'rawford Building. AUCTIONEER COL. W. F. YOHNKA Auctioneer, Call at Sturgis & Storie's Implement Co.. for sale, dates. AUTO PAINTING AUT0TIP.ES PENDLETON CYCLB-CO. Ajax, Re vere and Savage tires. 228 E. Court Street. USED CAR EXCHANGE L. S. BENTLEY & CO. Goodyear and Diamond Tires Tire service, oils and accessories Alta and Garden Sis, WALLACE BROS. Fisk tires, cords or fabric. We do our own adjust ing. 808-12 Johnson St. FOR SALE We have a few hard Fords priced from $150 To $500. These are all worth the money call snd see them Simpson Auto Co., Water and Johnson Sts. GERTSON & MARTY Gates Half T i ooics, ovvv miles Burnetii men x-m cond'Post nf np tires, f 37 Cottonwood Kt- FOR RENT ROOM, AND BORD for men only 403 B. wennc, ti SIMPSON TIRE SERVICE CO. Re publle and Firestone tires, cerde Or fabric: 223 E. Court St., Phono 631. PENDLETON RUBBER & SUPPLY CO. Barney Old field, Goodrich Sil vertown Cord and Pennsylvania Vacu um Cup 305 E. Court. 7 MEN WITH YEARS of experience. Motor Inn Garage," 722" Cottonwood. Ward A. lioagland. Prop. 'AUTO REPAIRING THE "PIONEER" AUTO MAN Satis faction guaranteed. We repair any make. Glenn Long, 632 Cottonwood PERKINS & AMMONS, Automobile Repairing. Ford, Chevrolet, Stude- haker or anv m.ike of car. Service at any time. 3o Cottonwood, Phone 203. ' ATTORNEYS GEORGE W. COUTTS, Attorney Law, Room 17, Schmidt block. CARTER & SMYTHE, Attorneys at Law. Offices In-rear of American National Bank Building. R. I. KEATOR, Attorney at Law, Room 21, Smith-Crawford Building DOINGS OF THE DUFFS . t- OUvivflivVneE MS dBUPPB Ai puce? Voter. coKie w irlSCe! I'M USIHG TOM GIVES OLIVIA A TIP. if, IY ALU3AN Vou PJr MEAM TO VauR eoot MOfiEW for. 11 VliWCtWAWli.l I D TEV AUM- Tmius! n,niiit Rik-UcII as " iil ihe "l.iireim." In I he liilcrt'-llnit pln.v, The ltlrd of Pnmilisi rtroii Thcntcr Wednodny, Jnininry'li, 1 11 MAC COOD MOdM f?. . "i". Av CL SHOW VOO MOW JTVORKSA-O .?'jHJJj(l HTju.Y VoiTX r JS-:r iTr ffi 11 57EAM ROLLER! IQtfj (fl AuovwexPKV .-T' ac Irs JO - ,' At To j)THlM DR. LENA A. BOONE Chiropractor Office hours 10 to 12; 1:30 to 5:00, 309 E. Court SU, Lasts Apt. 16, Phone 7T. CLEANING AND PRESSING MODEL TAILORS & CLEANERS Pressing and repairing. 304 W. Webb St. Photio 321, Pendleton, Ore. DRAYMEN CALL PENLAND BROS. Transfer van to move your household goods. W e also pack or store goods. We do coun try hauling. Tclepiione 33. , DENTIST. DR. FLOYD CRQUB Dentist Room 109 American Bank. Bldg. Phone 326 Pendleton, Ore. OR. H. M. HANAVAN Dentistry. Room T, Temple Bldg, none ttz. HIGH GRADE PIANOS of pleasing tone quality. Players of Individuali ty. Its the construction that counts. See piano on display, write or phone llie Bee Hive, 628 Main Bt, Phono 1076 J. P. Darnell, JFactory Rep, Moler &' Chase Piano Co. Painting and Paper Hanslna FAINTS, Wall Paper, Picture Fram ing. L. J. McAtee, the Practical Faint Man. Lowe Bros., Paints. PLUMBING AND HEATING FLUMIMNG AND HEATING James McNair All work promptly attend ed to. 206 W. Webb, Pendleton Ore gon. Residence Phone 719-W, OfRco Phone 623. RADIATOR REPAIRING ALTA AUTO RADIATOR WORK 1 01 East Alta street. All makes of radiators repaired. Work guaranteed. C. Rlasberg, Prop. v RESTAURANT THE QUELLE A good place to eat. EYE, EAR, NOSE & THROAT OPTICAL Dept., any size, style or shape glass while you wait. V. . eber, M. D., 7, 8, , Belli Bldg. FARM LOANS SNOW & DATTON, 117 E. Court St., Real Estate. . Fire Insurance. Farm Loans. See us about a loan. JUNK, JUNK. JUNK BRING- your junk to the Pendleton Hide & Junk Co. See us before you sell. L. D. Cameron, Prop. KODAK FINISHING PERFECT DEVELOPING and prim ing for the amateur enlarging. Prompt work. Tallman Drug Co. HEMSTITCHING HEMSTITCHING- at the Singer Shop. Mail orders promptly attended to. HEMSTITCHING Mail orders Mrs. Ralph Hassell 117 Bush, Pbone 5. SECOND HAND FURNITURE WE BUV, SELL or exchange house hold gopds. We also do general lur niture repair work Phone 622, Hi ley & Kemp, 523 Main St. SECOND HAND DEALERS , V. STROBLE, dealer in new and sec ond hand goods. Cash paid for second hand goods. Cheapest plue to buy household goods,910 E. Court phono 721 W. SUGGESTIVE THERAPEUTIC THE most up-to-date effectual lead ing science practised, H P. Giheoa P. & T.; N. D. Room 1J PeeWer Bldg. SURVEYOR AND ENGINEER LAND SURVEY General engineering work. .. A. Lonsdale, C. E., River- side." Pendleton, Ore. TAILORS 647 Main St. Phone 1001 I HI in STRING BEANS $2.40 Dozen 10c can Peak Brand Asparagus 5 for $1.00 A FEW BOXES OF.THOSE DELICIOUS APPLES $4.50 . BUTTERNUT BREAD, 16c 1! I3 I Hie Dean Mom m ' M MentDept M Phm86 , j, l ' i -,i 1 1 i inn :i i; i i i h i i i : i f ; itnTTT m CO. Grocery Dept. Phone 68S rrTTTTTTirTTT'Tt m