East Oregonian : E.O. (Pendleton, OR) 1888-current, January 03, 1921, DAILY EDITION, Page PAGE FIVE, Image 5

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People Here and There ! AC
L i i : , i
Fresh snow full la tlio MHiiintalnH
IiiHt evening, A. J. Built li, of thu J. 10.
Smith Livestock yj, said toiiuy. Hhcop
mo getting ulung fine, however, and
fur the most part ar mill un frriitM.
' Hoy KounilH, who was operated on
In a Portland hospital November 1
has iiecn spending tlio holidays with
his iiVollior In Pendleton but in obliged
to Mum to t Jin hospital' owing
Complications t hut lmvo nut In.
C. B. Hampton uf the flint' of
Oulkshank & Hampton Iiuh left for
Seattle, Turoma umt Portland to look
over the furniture market. Mr.
Hampton plans to be uwuy for a
Myron lluiiloy, high school senior,
returned thin morning; from a short
visit to IiIh home In Kpokuno. Ills
'brother, Itlehnrd Hunlcy, uthlctlr di
rector ut the high school, returned last
evening,, by wy of Pullman, Wash.,
after being uwuy during the two weeks
of viieutlon.
L. C. Hchui pf, cashier of tlm Am
orlcun Nntlonu.1 Dank, Is In Pilot Hock
toduy on business, lie also holds the
presidency of thu First Hunk of i'ilol
flouk. s i
Cur Schntte, who has been the guest
of Norborne Jwrkeley Jr., over the
week end, returned on UiKt evenings
train to Walla Walla where ho Ih at
tending Whitman College.
C. K. Hulcli, road iniiHter for the
Northern Pacific lino' between Pen
dleton und Piutco, wan In the city to
day. He reported that tlio ruins huvo
caused no danuige to the roadbed.
'Harry McFarland. well known local
milhlclnn, left for Spokane on the
Northern Puclfie train Kunday after
noon to upend a few days vlHltlng with
Mrs. McFurlund, who In residing In
Bpbkuno.- .
fill newH was plentiful In Pendleton
thin" morning, for Carl Kupers, vice
president of th Columbia HuHln Oil
business. Mr. Cranston uttended two
conventions und visited hln farm prop
erty in Marlon county wljjlo absent.
1 'Hubert Torrent, un employe ut the
Peoples Warehouse, Ik' now in Wash
ington, D. C. visiting his parents. Mr.
Forrest, who Is un ex-service man,
came west Immediately after the'war
and this Is his first trip homo since
coming to Oregon.
Determined to start (he new year of
business right. Adrian MIIAs. fim,.riv
f this city, landed in Pendletoff early
this morning to duv his mil i, r.
trade which buys of liushong & Co., of
i oruaua. lie Was rewarded by a good
sized order before a. m. Mr. Miles
works out of Portland but spends con
Adorable time on business In Pendle
ton. ' '
Special Representative
Why It Has Become
Talked of Medicine in the
World Today.
Ifrltlsh Columbia Is eperlencing no
slump In prices, says C. C. Hrowne, in
charge of the Overbcck & Cooke office
who returned this morning after
spending the holidays with his family
Pendlctonlans did not know
they had In their midst an
tlon football player until they perused
the lineup of the Cunudiun team
which engaged In a game on Multno
mah field on Christmas day. Alex
Mulrden, Canadian war veterun and
hookceper for the locul office of the
Interior Warehouse Co., wus among
the pluyers. He returned this morn
ing from Portland after an enjoyable
holiday visit.
('o., of Attuliu, was here, tulklng over 111 Vancouver.x Times are good, Mr.
prospi'cts with his friends. Mr. Ku- Hrowne stutes and meruhants report
tiers docs not give out much Infor-'l
ussoilu-Tiiiution for the press, unlike most per
sons who are Interested In oil, but he
Ik optimistic and believes that his
timo to talk will como soon when a
reul oil well will be In operation.
'Kvery gopher hole In Marlon county
is a spring and water Is plentiful
every where, 'C. K. Cranston said this
morning, following his return from a
week's trip to Portland and Kalem. on
ino nest holiday season In hlstojry. Mr.
Hrowne believes that the financial
condition In British Columbia Is due
to the fact that moderate prohibition
Is bclpg enforced. . ;
Merit Alcne Has Confirmed It
in the Minds of the Peop.le
AH Over the American Con
tinent. '
'. ' M
The Economy has just rounded out the best
year of its career. Sales have increased over
twenty per cent during 1920... P
We believe this success is due largely to your j
good judgment in purchasing from a house
which believes in square and honest dealing, q
seling good goods at a l6w figure. During 1921
we will be glad to welcome as customers those
who are not already our patrons. - . - . -1 - H
Economy Grocery $
. v 113 Wt Webb
Call 409 We IJave Reliable Service r
nmpro inin nmncDc
I umuLo nnu uiiiULTai
A. W. Kchludor. special representa
tive In the Slate of Oregon for Tanlac,
the medicine that has created such a
sf-nration all over the United States
and Canada, gives some highly Inter
esting facts about Tanlac and the re
markable results i.ehieved by it.
''Contrary to popular opinion," he
stated, "there Is no great mystery
about Tanlac, except in so far as the
chemistry of the human body Itself
and what It does with substances taken
into it. Is a mystery. Home of the In
gredients of Tanl'ic have been known
and used as medicines for centuries.
Others are of more recent discovery,
but every one of them is of recognized
thereneutlc value and used by the
metllcal profession everywhere. Tan--day
l ll is a oemonsiraieu lari in nii-u-
Telll ical science that the stomach is the
Most ' starting point of most of the Ills thut
arruct me numan uooy, una many 01
the" so-called diseases are not diseases
at all, but reflex symptoms of the
i tomach derangements, of the weaken
ed conditions of the body thut natural
ly folium's. Some kinds of rheumatism,
gastritis, palpitation, nervousness, kid
ney disorders and liver complaints are
among the more common troubles do-1
veloped through the stomach. .Wcore-i
of other diseases have been traced to
tlio same source.
"Tanlac was made especially to
overcome these stomuch coniplaints
and the various so-called diseases and
symptoms that follow them, but the
astonishing reconstructive powers re
vealed by It have not only astonished
the general public, but have some
what surprised even the originators or
the medicine themselves. Thousands
of letters reach the Tanlac offices from
all parts of North America telling of
remarkable results derived by people
who have suffered for years without
telng able heretofore to find relief.
"Naturally. these remarkable,
achievements have spread the fame of
Tanlac to all quarters of the continent.
and the demand for it has necessitated
working the laboratories night and
is an old name in the jewelry businrFS f
Pendleton. It is a name Chat hi known ami
well thought of .whenever fine jewelry w
thought of. It is a name that inspires con
fidence because every article sold, exempli
fies the Sawteilc quality and is sold with a
view to strengthening the reputation won
through years of "dependable jewelry sell-
in tr "
Uraiiu Jury Meets TodujV
Th grand jury reconvened today to
wind up Its Investigation of alleged
third degree methods In the handling
of prisoners In the Taylor murder (Gratifying gains In weight are not un
lac Is simply a co-mlngllns of these
I medicinal elements in a way hitherto
i unknown find which brings out their
! c urative and reconstructive powers to
-.,.. ...-I...KIA .lao-cnn VtrlofU- if
allays Irritation of the Btomach,
strengthens the digestive and assimila
tive o'gans, bi'llds up and revitalizes
the whole system, and Ives the body
new powers of resistance and strength.
case and to dispose of a largo number
of criminal cases. Besides 17 persons
I In the county Jail, most of whom are
j to come before the jury, there are sev
jeral persons to ho up for examination
I who are not In custody. The person
nel of the Jury is the same us it has
been since April, 1820.
Discharged Without ray.
Alleging that he was discharged
from the employ of J. D. McCoy with
la balance of J217 owing to him for la
bor. Clarence Provost, a minor todr.v
I brought suit In circuit court to recover
that amount, together with costs. J.
It. Perry Is his guardian ad litem and
his attorneys are Earl W. Henson of
Walla Walla, and Keator & Randall of
common, especially W'.ere a person
has suffered from under-nourishmeni
brought- on by dyspepsia, Indigestion,
illness, oper.-.tinn or other causes.
The Largest Diamond Dealers in Eastern
The tremendous popularity of Tan
lac grows steadily Instead of diminisn-
ing and can be explained in only one
way merit. Its remarkable restora-i
tlve effects seem to be more permanent j
than hitherto believed possible. Thous-.
ands of persons who took it when itj
v.as first introduced five years ago re- i
port that they are still enjoying ex- j
cellcnt health, and millions of Ameri-;
can homes are now using Tanlac a;
the family medieino aftor having first
tried it out thoroughly." j
Tanlac Is sold in Pendleton by ;
Thompson Hros.
" -J T -
jCcp-u eh watches.
Our Specials This Week
f' c.xxia ;oois
hkillil thu k rem-lM", X. 1-3 - 2n
(' of 2 1 t-hiiH - '
Solid Pack ApHi'ots. Xo. S 1-i cau 2'c
sp or. a i an fe.so
I'nck Corn. Xo. 2 can "k!
I'aw Of 21 ran . -
.iaka Salmon, I ismrtd can - - "
CM or IB - -
CuriH-d IkH-f. I 1-2 pound van -'
Conul itet-f Jlal. 1 iMiuiul mil , - - 22c
ltoa-t Ikt-r, 2 iMiuiul lint "!
i Case or 21 rails - Si. -10
Hnroii, 12 imiuid mm (21c a ihiiiiiiI) S2.8U
OITIccrN' iM-rsn KIkhh. rrculur S.(K), now w S7.(H1
3liMi'H Work Wuk-s ui-41 y last - $5.85
lk.vs' Itoiigli Wear arm last kIiim-s $1.13
Wo arc dtnrtliv orr (lie New Vcar nil a iri InihIs wlitrli u ran
maintain and not lone to buckMuicr on and eventiuill)' ask you more
oxm pitnii ix Ai.ii 'V if ' , .uui. twtuuts soucma)
516 Main St.
Phone 861
Ieputjr WU1 io to I klah.
' The first official trTp of bavc Lav
ender, new deputy sheriff, was to start
for Pilot Rock and Ukiah this after
noon to serve summonses and other le
gal papers. Mr. Lavender will succeed
Deputy Kherlff Joe BlakeU with this
work. His family has not yet moved
to Pendleton, being now in Salem. His
home Is In Weston.
Order lloleases Ijooal Attorneys
An order was signed In circuit court
today releasing P. M. Collier and E. J.
Clark, local attorneys, from the appeal
filed by John L. Kathie and Eivio D.
Kerhy (Jim Owens) convicted mur
derers. The leal men were appointed
by the court to defend the two but
Inter an attorney was obtained by relatives.
Woman liurges Cruelty.
Agnes Zuke today filed suit for di
vorce from Charles Wesley Zuke, after
less than six months of married life.
The couple was married In Walla Wal
la on July 13, 1920. She asks that
her maiden name of Agnes Wenke be
restored to her. Peterson, Bishop &
Clark represent her.
Clerk's 1-Ves Largest Kvcr
Fees collected by the county clerk
during 1920 were the largest since the
fee system has gone Into effect In this
county, Tt. T. ltrown, clerk, reported
today. The total In fees for 1920 was
31S.10. In 1S19 It wns J6071.05.
The first year that the record of ees
was kept, 1909, showed but 13693.75.
Pay Cash Receive More Pay Less
209 E. Court Phone 880
' Prices may be coming down, but you will never find
them lower than at this cash grocery.
When you consider our low rent, no bookkeeping, no
bad or lost accounts and our rapidly changing stock you
can readily see the solution of a saving from 10 to 25 per
cent. -
Our stock moves rapidly and enables us to buy th mo
ment prices break.
Pav Cash Receive More , Pay Less
209 E. Court , Phone 880
llainraU Is .25 Inch. . '
The rainfall yesterday and last
night totaled .25 of an Inch, says Major
Leo Moorhnuse, official weather ob
server. The maximum is 46 and the
minimum was 39. The barometer reg
isters 29.40.
Suit Itrotiglit on Two Xotes.
, Mettle Miller tooay brought suit
against James Power and H. F. Power
to recover on two promissory notes for
J225 each, and Interest, alleged past
due. Fee jt Fee represent the plaintiff.
IVilol ltck Hank Sues.
The First Punk of Pilot Hock today
brought suit in circuit court against
0. K. Welch, seeking judgment on the
balance of a note, $1322.65, and Inter
est, alleged past due. I. M. Schannep
represents the plaintiff.
Lyday lteappoiiited Traffic Man.
William II. Lydny today was reap
pointed county trafflo" officer, the
commission being signed by I. M.
Schannep county Judge.
"They Work while you Sleep"
Kat heartily without distress! Don't
stay bilious or constipated, with your
beaddull and stomach sour, gassy, up
set. Take Casearetn tonight sure for
your liver pnd bowels and wake up
clear, fit and ready to enjoy your work
play or meals. Children love Casca
rets Iimi. Nn Kiiping on inconvoiil-
dice. 10, 85, (ti cents.
Cases for Next Week Set
"Cases set for the first three days of
the January term of the circuit court.:
opening next Monday, were annoonc-j
ed by the county clerk today. On Mon. 1
day the trial of Gust Couretsos vs. Art
Hardin is called tind that of Hert Llns- ,
ner vs. G. F. Parker Is also set. --Fori
Tuesday, Jan. 11, P. II. Bucjiholz vs
H. B. Burthloemew and J. O. King vs.!
W. A. Hoagland are listed. tor
Wednesday. Jan. 12, the only case set
Is that of Joe Kcrley vs. avld B. Hill.
Man Wanted Hero ArreMed.
Henry Mitchell, wanted here to an-
swerd to a chargo of stealing saOUles,
is under arrest at Missoula, Mont-
Sheriff Zceth Houser was notified by-
wire today from Sheriff K. T. Green
.there. Mitchell said he would fight
extradition, the wire informed local
off A dcmity will be sent to
bring him here as soon us extradition
Is arranged for. .
Uqiior lu-ings SI 15 to Coffers
Fines totaling $115 were turnea in
tc the city recorder today on inree
liquor cases. P. B. Dally and V. is.
Johnson, each charged with urinKing
in a public place, forfeited bail of J50
put up for their release. esiej-
Thomas, charged with being oruniv
and disorderly, forfeited bail of $15.
Frank Ciarsch KmploywL
Frank Garsch is a new employe or
the Sylvan G. Colin Co., Inc. sir.
Garsch, who was formerly empioeo
in the men's furnishings department
of the J. C. Penney Co., will act as
traveling salesman fjjr the Cohn Co.,
and will have as lils territory tne la
kima Valley.
Legion Will -Meet TonlRlit
Pendleton Tost, American Legion,
will hold its monthly meeting in tne
assembly room of the county library
tonight for the purpose of complet
ine election of officers for 1921. There
are also the matters of the coming con
cert in the Oregon theater, by the Co
lumbia Symphony Orchestra ot iw
pieces, legion saturaay mgm uamv
and other important business.
Tenl Aeeentti Commission
.Insenh N Teal, of Portland, iona
notified the Pendleton Commercial I
Association that he would accept the
mominiment bv this city as Its repre- .
ntative on the National cnamner oi , matism, lumbago, pains ana acnes ottne
Commerce council, lie made the nc-1 back 0r joints, sprains, sore muscles.
School neolK-nt'd Pendleton schools1
opened today after a two wcks va-!
cation for the hi Iklnss. Teachers who I
spent the holidays out of the city re-:
turned Sunday to take up their classes, j
During vacation the high school was j
renovated and the furniture varnished, j
The first semester will not end for an- ;
other month. The first two weeks !
will be given over to finishing ass's"- '
nients and the other two weeks to re-
view and examinations, . j
Marion Hayes I'nnblc to P.iturn
Marion Hayes, science tcacher-at the
high school, who was taken ill the first
of the semester with rheumatism, has
been unable to return to his classes
and his place has been taken again by
S. J. neither, who substituted for Mr.
Hayes. It was thought before vaca
tion that Mr. Hayes 'ivould be able to
return and Mr. Reither returned to
his home in S'.osier.
Cheer Up
Phone 432
md have us tell you the price of quality Grocer
ies. The prices are always low at
Jihi Beard's Cash Store
30Q West Webb St
Just a "Whisper Off Main St
C. 0. D. Orders a Specialty.
.Juniors Win Iiiter-ClasH iaiiiei
The Junior class has been recognized j
as winner in the intcrclass basketball
games held at the school before the
holidays. It was thought at first that
the Sophomores would be victorious
but in the final- games they did not
give the juniors a hard fight for the
victory. In the girls series tne seniuis
won the championship.
WASHINGTON', Jan. 3. (A. P.)
Ludwig C. A. K. Martens, Russian so
viet renresentative to tins counuj.
whose deportation has been ordered
formally surrendered to Secretary of
Labor. Wilson.
Musterole Loosens Up Those
Stiff Joints Drives Out Pain
You'll know why thousands use
Musterole once you experience the
glad relief it gives.
Get a jar at once from the nearest
drug store. It 19 a dean, white oint
ment, made with the oil of mustard.
Better than a mustard plaster and does
not blister. Brings ease and comfort
while it is being rubbed on!
Musterole is recommended by many
doctors and nurses. Millionsot jars are
used annually for bronchitis, croup, stiff
i neck, asthma, neuralgia, pleurisy, rneu-
ceptance on condition mat ne is retain
ed In Washington as a member of tne
shipping board when the new adminis
tration takes office.
Petitions Passed llegnriling lNdiiv.
Petitions asking for a change in tne
Pendleton police force, were circulated
after Sunday night's services In most
of the citv's churches.' They were
sponsored by the C. T. V., and were
rather freely signeit. A pennon v,n
ulso beiiiK circulated in the city tottiis
bv friends of Police Chief A. A. Rob
erts asking that the council consider
retaining him In office. The Pendleton
Ministerial Association. will discuss me
matter of police at their regular meet
ing tomorrow afternoon.
Church Has New Menitiors.
Tha quarterly communion at the
Presbyterian rhureh yesterday morn
ing marked the addition or several
new members to the local ctiurcn.
Thy Ve Mr. and Mrs, P. 1.. Idlemnn.
Mrs. Jennie Ijimlruni, . ner oaugiuer.
Mrs. Harry Grant and Mr. dm nt. and
their daughter. Miss Margery Grant.
ill of Itieth; Mrs: Krunk Camniey ami
son. Frans tiammey. mm jiu
Thomas, all of whom joined as new
members, while Mr. and Mrs. Mac
oke joined by letter from the lloise
church. Mrs. Julia l-oohi-lilgo from
Hoicninii. Montana: Miss Nancy Hick-
son, from I'oriianu, aim ;tis .ahum
Murray, from Oakland. The little
daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Hoke was
christened Joan. Rev. G. U Clark.
pastor, picachi'tl on the "New Years
Message" at the evening service.
bruises, chilblains, frosted feet, colds of
the chest ( it of ten prevents pneumoni a).
Sx and toe jars; hospital size
cuses only--Phone 309-M.
100 Cents; Value for
Every $1 You Spend
No old stock, no odds and ends here, but brand
new merchandise bought at the lowest market price,
sold to you at a big saving.
Ladies' Brown Calf Shoes, military heel welt
sole, at $8.50
Ladies Black Kid Lace Shoes, high heel, turn sole, all
'sizes, at - - $8.95
vMen's Brown English Walking Shoes, leather sole
and rubber heel, at $7.50
Men's Black Kid, blu., wide toe, cushion sole,
rubber heel, at $8.45
Pendleton's Popular Priced Shoe Store.
I'ju iiiaut kjt
FOR HKNT Furnished room Phone
2T6-H.nr call 313 W. Webb.
FOlt SAI.K (iSO acres winter pasture
Inquire James K. Hill, Pendleton,
FOR KKNT- 2 furnished light house
keeping rooms Phone 7:u-V Uti
FOl'XD Gold mesh watch fob, lock
et attached. Inquire K. O. office
owner can have same by paying for
this ad.
FOlt SALF. Ol! Tit A UK New bunga
low, Sill W. High Call there or In
iiire of C. P. Strain, at County Assiz
or's office Terms.
HODSK FOK SALK, also wugon and
harness can be seen at O. K. Feed
Itarn. Pendleton. Address .lewd Tea
Co., Portland, Oregon,
Our Resolution
With the opening of a new year's business the
Table Supply is determined to give satisfaction to its
many customers. We are resolved as follows:
Be quick to kick
If thing seem wrong,
But kick tt us. ,
And make it strong.
To make things right
Gives us delight,
If we are wrong
And you are right.
"Hie Table Supply"
Phone 187 and 18S 739 Main Street
J ,i IUMMltllll