DAILY EAST OSEG0N1AN, TENDLETOH, OREGON, TUESDAY EVENING, DECEMBER 23, 1020. rjLcs ten QUmURSTS OE EVERETT TRUE DAILY MARKET NEWS, LOCAL AND GENERAL Including Pendleton Prices and Associated Press Reports . , liitrmm In Sirx-k Market at low ?b for I KKW yoltK, Doc. 28. Interest In the Block market Monday wm at very low ebb, apart from the aggressions of prolcssional shorts, who mot with few obstacles In their efforts to depress quoted values among speculative Issues once favored by bull pools. The week between Christmas and the end of the year la proverbially utie of suspended animation and the many financial readjustments still un der way are calculated to reduce pub lie support or buying; to the most slen der dimensions. Developments anc general advices over the double holiday were of the usual recent unfavorable 1enor. Including: the Bhuttlng down of additional steel plants, more divided suspensions and further decllno of rail way tonnage, specially to eastern points. ..Western and southwestern centers reported little more hopefulness In business circles, although buying; ot merchandise continued In small vol ume and the curtailment In industrial operations rendered the Immediate fu ture increasingly uncertain. Heaviness which occasionally versed upon actual weakness centered In the shippings. Independent steels, equip ments, oils and motor subsldaries. as well as coppers, textiles and unclas sified specialties, recessions ranging from two to six points. The strength of rails rallied In the general list partly tn the final hour, but many losses re mained at their close. Sales amounted to "00,000 shares. There was only nominal inquiry for call money at 7 per cent and exchange was at a standstill dcsplto for demand for cables on London, presumably on belated buying to meet year-end ma turities. Bonds followed the course set by the stock market, most active issues including liberties, reacting at the out set, but making variable recoveries later. Tolal sales, par value, $20,175, ooo. Old V. S. bonds were unchanged on call. Lrt-Vp In Foroien Desna ml lias MearMi JJffeot on Wheat. CHICAGO. Dec. 28. Let up in for eign demand had a decided bearish ef fect Monday on the whqat market not withstanding reliction-' of vessel rates to Europe. The -market closed heavy, 1 1-2 to 2 3-4 net lower with March 1.C1 1-4 to 1.61 1-2 and May 1.59 S"4 to 1.09. Corn finished at 1 1-4 de cline to 1-4 advance. Oata off 1-4 to 5-8 and provisions down 20 to 40c Unusual Interest attached to devel opments In the wheat market, as ihe U. S. shipping board had reduced ocean rates to Europe from 10 shill ings a hundredweight to 1 shillings. This cut was expected to place U. S. wheat again below Argentina in prices because of the freight differential. An nouncement of the cut, however, was without any immediate apparent influ ence as a stimulus to foreign buying in this country. The fact that it was a holiday abroad and that foreigners seldom take hold at this season was regarded In some quarters as the rea son, on the other hand, bears con tended that world supplies are amplo and that chances were against any lasting advance based on emergency tariff duties or on revival of food cred its to Europe. Indications of an Increase of the crop movement acted as a handicap against the bulls in the corn trade and In oats as well. Besides eastern demand for corn and. oats was very slow. Provisions gave way with after a temporary upturn tsrength In the hog market. cereals, due to Mlnnrnxill.H Hard WlM-nt Hid Around $1.7t1.73 MINNEAPOLIS, Dec. 28. Cash wheat. No. 1 dark northern, $1.66 ?4l 1,"9: No. 2, $l.3K61.5tt; No. 1 red spring. S1.S2H 1.64H: No. 2 tl.S9e1.C2-H; No. i dark hard Mon tana. $1.70 tt 1.72 ;No. 1 durum,' $1.6614 1.69 Vi. Corn Nov 3 yellow, CljnLVip No.. 4, 58?f59e; No. J mixed, 588)59c; No. 4, 04 (if 56c. Onts No. 2 white, 43H44Hc; No. 3, 42H43He. Barley Choice to fancy, TO ig 76c " Rye No. 2, tl.47141.48H. You Are Invited to open a Checking Account, to buy a Certiflcato of Deposit, " .' -. to start Savings Account,. to rent a Safety Deposit Box, to negotiate for a Farm-Loan, to obtain Foreign Exchange, ' to purchase Travelers Checks, at The American National the Bank of Service. Pendleton. Oregon. "Strongest Sank in Gastern Oregon' V ii - . r j ' I i 6 c s 1 i! Seattle. Hog. Are Higher Willi Cattle Steady SEATTLE, Dec. 28. Hogs Ro celpts 169. Higher. Prime 10.50 9 n.wu; heavies 9.50 10.50; rougli heavies 7.50g.00; pigs 8.5010.00. Cattle Receipts 101. Steady. Prime steers .509.00; medium to choice 7.00 8.00; common to good 5.00(9 6.50; best cows and heifers 6.256.7S; medium to choice 5.006.00: common to good 3.50 5.00; bulls 4.00 5.10; calves $.00 13.00. Coarse Grain and Feed Quoted at Seattle SEATTLE. Dec. 28. City delivery: Feed Scratch feed 362; feed wheat $63: all grain chop $54; oats $31; sprouting oats $56; rolled oats $53: whole corn $51; cracked corn $53; rolled barley $53; clipped barley $58: milled feed $39; bran $39. Hay Alfalfa $29; double compress ed alfalfa $35; ditto timothy $40; east ern Washington mixed $)29. SPRING GOWN DESIGNERS SEEK INSPIRATION FROM BOOK SHELF jilllMUIIIIIllHIIIIIIIIIlllllIIIIIIIIIIIlllIllllllllIllllllllllIllllllllllIIIIIIIIIIllllllllllllllI Closing Out Our I Entire Line of ; I Phonographs COLUMBIA Graphonolas 3 In all styles and finishes ' Every one must go. offer while they last. Take advantage of this special ' I $175.00 Butter and Eggs Firm; Cheese Irregular at New York. NEW YORK, Dec 28. (A P.) Butter firm; creamery higher than extras 56 1-2 57; creamery extras 06; firsts 43 1-2 54 1-2. fcggs firm; fresh gathered extra firsts 755 76; firsts 7374. Cheese irregular; state, whole milk flats held, specials early made 27 1-2 28; ditto fall made 25(326; state. whole milk-flats fresh specials 24 25. Select Eggs 6tiU 88c. and Butter 53c at Seattle. SEATTLE, Dec. 28. Eggs Select local ranch, white shells, 68; pullets, aOc; storage BOc. Butter Creamery, in cubes 52c nrtcks or prints 53c; seconds, In cubes, o&oc; storage, 47. IvMAT ARCS' YOV I'M IvKtTClrsIC f 'tflHJlPrr?lrJCj M -i NOW -4 Blucstem Bid at Suattlo Remains at 91.63 SEATTLE. Dec. 2 si Wheat, hard white, soft white and white club, $1.59; hard and winter, soft red winter, north cm spring and eastern red Walla, Big Bend bluestem, $1.65. December Wheat at Winnipeg Up to $1.93 Monday. WINNIPEG, Dec. 2 8.-"-Wheat De cember, $1.93; May, $1.79?4. PEIIISFBR1211I Regular $275.00 Columbia - Regular $140.00 Columbia $85.00 Regular $120.00 Columbia -... .'$65.00 Regular $75.00 Columbia $45.00 Our entire stock of records is included in this closing outsade. - i.&ik'ZU&<tX!8i Seven $1.00 Record for $5.00 ,.; TERMS CASH ONLY Cruikshank & Hamp ton QUALITY COUNTS WASHINGTON. Dec. 28. (A. P.) Applications for permits for develop ment of more than 12 million horse power, sufficient to supply twenty cttirs the size of Chicago, had been filed under the federal waterpower act with the federal power commission up to December 18, the commission an nounced yesterday. Consumation of the contemplated plans, the commission estimates, will advance water development by more than 40 per cent and will Involve an investment of $1,200,000,000. The projects range from a small ten-horsepower plant for a colony ot summer cottagers In Wyoming to the. storage of the waters of the Upper Colorado and its tributaries in a huge reservoir and the development of more than 3,000,000 horsepower by the utilis ation of the water in a drop of 2,600 feet. ' " , ; Twenty seven states. In addition to Alaska and the District of Columbia, are represented in the 129 applications. California leads 1 nthe number of per mits with 25 ; New York is second with 13; Washington third with 12. Alaska! and Montana are reported with ten permits each; while from New Mexico there were seven and from Arizona six. BY "MARJORIE" (Written for the United Press.) " , NEW YORK, Dec. 28. Designers of the materials for spring and summer gowns seem to have gone to the book shelves for their inspiration. Printed sllksh the piece de resistance of all spring spring fabrics and the designs upon most ot these silks exploit some well-known story or book character. Although museums are still flooded by designers who nab ideas from old pe riod costumes, pottery, or Jewels, the public library Is now beginning to feel the influx ot designers in quest of good pictorial material as found in stories, and also in search of names for their various book patterns. ""Tnus, one house is putting ; out a spring line of printed georgettes and radium silks. The designs are simple. small and conventional. Most of the prints and two or three color checks intertwined with a floral motif, or -a tiny geometrical series ot octagons and diamonds may form the pattern. This Is called the Lilliputian scries, and the same house's contrasting line of huge and ornate prints is called the Gulli- ver.-- 1 - " Russian Motif Loads. " ' Designers are emphasizing tho Rus sian. motif and coloring. It is laugh ingly1; prophesied that the great flood ot Slovak literature will ebb a bit riow that, the clothes are swooping up this same atmosphere. Instead of cultural clubs, reading and raving of Tolstoi ttnd Turgeneiff. we will have the same clubs wearing this "atmosphere." The Bamovar, Vodka, Sledge, and Peasant are the names of four very colorful -Russian silks. The designs do not resemble tho names, but coloring and line is Influenced by Russian oos tume and church embroideries. These designs are In dull green-blues, and brighter hues of cerise, orange, flame. and Jade upon black backgrounds. Ab many as a dozen different cjjlqrs lire used in one printed pattern. t Cabbage Itoscs Bloom. , Although the Slovak Influence s Is most strong In the new spring silks, the Persian effect Is keenly felt. One house is showing its best design known as the Beard of Omar. Soft grays and cool greens make a misty, almost mys tic background for a gay and gorgeous garden wherein lolls the old Epicur ean with his book of verses underneath the bough, the loaf of bread and sever al Jugs of wine, all proving that wil derness truly was "Paradise enow." The same design is put out upon rust and copper radium silks. . "TmTPerslan lotus leaf design Is found In a multitude of fabrics and colors. Floral designs on , the whole are quite conspicuous. There are prints of huge cabbage roses, gay pop. pies, pansies, and Smaller flowers, such as violets and gardenias. Al though many of these patterns them selves are large, coloring Is quite har monious and subdued. American literature Is renresented by a design called "The Forest Prim eval." It is a mass of towering hem locks and spruces clustered about a lit tie village Arcadia. The blue-greens and soft browns are upon a buck ground of gray. Altogether manufacturers seem agreed that spring fabrics shall be of softer silks in printed designs of color and vividness. Gray, sand, blue and green are the outstanding colors just now. HOUSEWIVES ' A FEW OF OUR MANY SPECIALS. Golden Marshmallow Syrup, gal can. . . . . $1.25 1-2 gal. can 65c Diamond W. Baking Powder, 1 lb. 25c, 2 1-2 lbs. 60c, 5 lbs. $1.15 Golden Age Macaroni, Spaghetti, Vermicellr and Noodles, the' package 10c Ivory Soap Flakes, 9 packages $1.00 Sunbrite Cleaner, 3 cans .... i . . . . . . ... . , . 25c Holly Wreath Asparagus Tips, 3 cans. . ... 65c The Sanitary Grocery 221 East Court Street " V The Most in Value The Best in Quality Phone 871 ' . ' LOS ANGELES, Dec. 28. (A. P.) The Los Angeles Russian progressive club recently adopted resolutions asking President-elect Harding to ob tain safe passage to Russia for about 500 of Its members. The resolution declare "The Rus sian workers of Los Angeles are forced- to remain In the United . States against their, will," that they believe in the Russian socialist federal so viet republic and desire to leave the U. S. peacefully; that soviet Russia is Willing' to send ships for them but can not obtjiin safe'pu'ssage from the U. S. government for. those ships; that they take tills means to bring the mat ter before the people of the V. 8. JECTION I: i WASHINGTON, Dec. 28. (U. P.) Japan has withdrawn her objection to the California law prohibiting Ja panese from holding land, according to reports in official circles today. - The report followed a conference at the state department between Repre sentative Kahn and Roland Morris, American ambassador to Tokio, who has been conducting the negotiation with Japan. IMZGID (GRANULES) . INDIGESTION DiMolr Instantly on tonsjua or in ratr hot or cold; do not havo to crush. QUICK RELIEF! ALSO IN TABLET FORM POH THOSE who pwjsrsa wm. mads ar scott m bownb MAKERS OF SCOTT'S EMULSION TO BE TARGET IN U. S. I 124-128 E. Webb St Phone 548 SAN DIEGO, Calif., Dec. 28. (A. P.) The former German U-boat 88, which in the early part of the world was Is reported to have played havoc with Mtinln.r In thA ntrnlta nf Driver ? and alonv the Irish coast, is to be des troyed by the U. 8. destroyer Wlckes on the southern drill grounds between San Diego and San Pedro January 2, it la announced here today. The U.- ' boat was one of the vessels allocated to the C 8. following the Internment of the German vessels at Scapa Flow. It arrive dfrora the Atlantic several months ago and after being exhibited at several ports was taken to San Pedro and dismantled. Destroyer of ficers hope todestroy the craft with a torpedo, but permlbK'on hs not ben received. Tentative plans provide for the Hi ot guai ....... . Buy a Barrel of Flour To you want money? If so, oomo In and see us, We aro prepared to negotiate loans on wheat land lying north or oast of Pendleton. FKo years to pay, and a very reasonable rate of Interest. We represent the VERMONT IiOAN ft TRUST COMPANY ot Hpokano, and will give yon prompt crvicev V 8HH VB AOOUT A LOAN NOW Snow & Dayton WK SJJLL LAND" 117 East Court St. REAL ESTATE FARM LOANS Phone 1072 INSULA CB INCOME TAX Holding Your Wheat What should the farmer do about his Income Tax re turn It he is holding his wheat until next year? By all means open up hooks on the Inventory basis and make the return showing wheat on hand as Income this year. Do not let It go until next year and have a double shot of Income. We will open up these books and keep them for you. This will save you money on your Income Tax. It will give you a permanent business record. It will take tho grief out of your Income Tax. s - - Permission for making your return on the Inventory ba sis must be secured from the Commissioner before Febru ary 15th, 1921. ' Come In and let us explain this In detail. ( Cosper Accounting Co. bT.WUIEIl BUILDING THE MORE CAREFUL YOU ARE 10 BUY THE BEST COAL, THE MORE CERTAIN YOU WILL BE-TO BUY .-' mm Phone 178 SMYT HE -LOIIERGAN CO KESSi .. QiiUty Qmtity Ssmcj !'!jnigMiin!5WiWMiiiitroi Business men are large employers', of motor cars. . ; ; , ;, ...... -. The importance of their transportation "leads them to choose a car that meets every demand leads them to choose Buick. The comfortable rid ing; qualities of the new Buick Nineteen Twenty One cars likewise make them ideal for hours of recreation. v . r Authorized Buick Service is everywhere avail Oregon Motor Garage ' Distributors BUICK, CADILLAC AND CHEVROLET ;.; - i I IB limn M'-W J - ' i. ; j .-5SJE--7 - i