W 4 V TEN PACES' w DAILY EAST OREGGNIAN, PENDLETON, OREGON, MONDAY EVENING, DECEMBER 27, 1920. 'AM . r . Wetos of Pendleton iGiHtt lo Conventions. . rwil! spend tho latter part of the week II OALENDAIt OP EVENTS . Dec. 28. American Legion concert. Deo. 28-29 Becond Annual meotlna Oregon Bute Chamber if Commerce, Portland. Deo. 28-29 drain and forage school, IMlot Itock. Deo. 29-31. Annual meeting O. H. T. A., Portland. .Jan. 3. Schools reopen. Jan. 8. Annual meeting of Round-Cp director!. Goo to l'IIVOIIllOIIH. . . I C 1C. CranHton, secretuiy of tho Pendleton Commercial Association, left for Portland Sunday night to at tend tho annual convention of the Oregon Annotation of Commercln! Secretaries, opening today. Mr. Crans ton Is vice prescient of thin body, which had been In exigence for the punt two yeur. Tomorrow and Wed nesday Mr. Cranston will represent the local association as delegate to the Oregon State Chamber of Commerce In Its annual meeting. Whether any other I'endletoninns will attend thnt meeting la doubtful, although the Pen dleton Commercial Association In en titled to two delegates. Mr. Cranaton 'H! spend tho latter part of the week looking after hla property Interests In Morrow county and visiting hla old home near K.ilcm, Ho will be back next Monday, J.inl 3. Former Prln-Iiaf ;ot l-Vd'Tnl Jolt It. (. Dykstra, formerly prlnclal of tho I'matilla school and secretary of the Commercial Club there, has Just received an appointment as assistant teacher with the federal board for vo cational training. He has not yet been assigned. -101101101101101-101 101101101- -101- I o I o I o M I 2 I I I g J- o I o I 101-101 101 1U1 101101101101101101- 3 WINTER DAYS ARE HUNGRY DAYS FOR THE CHILDREN. Keep a box of good eating apples in the house for them. . We still have a few boxes of our Extra Fancy Rome Beauty Apples left at $2.45 per box. Winesaps, $1.10 and $2.00 per box. "YOU CAN DEPEN DON "101" Pendleton Cash Market,' Inc. MlONKS iOl , (Prlrnto !?'1uiiiko Oinnn-ia I toll, lMtartnMaU) H.NIS GKOCKUIIIS AM) MliT8 I'ollce Court Has Two Police court reoords this morning showed that two men were arrested over thp week end for being drunk A. W. Walden forfeited ball of 810 and H. J. Whclerton was fined $10 thtx morning. Tour dollars on an old fine was also turned over to the Judge this morning. Annual Passe Issued Employes of the O. W. K. & X. ss tern who are entitled to annual passes for 1921 are beginning to receive theirs front tho division headquarters i at Iji Grande. The transportation is earlier than usual this year. It being usually In . January before the passes are distributed. New Ice Plant to lie Itullt The Pacific Fruit Co., which main talna an Icing plant for Ita refrigerator cars, at ltieth, la to start construction at once of a new plant, larger than the one now In use. The site of the new project will b changed to conform to the new plana of the yards and will be more central than that now In use. IIiikIimim Expected to He littler Business la expected to pick up on the C. W. It. & N. lines immediately after January 1, according to Harry Grant, of Kleth, who was In Pendleton lust evening. A aoon as .freight bug. Iness returns to normal the crews which were laid off earlier in Decern Ler IH bo called back. At present freight traffic la light. '''''HiininiiiiiiiiiiuiiiuiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiitiiiiiiinniuiiiiuiiiiiM To Those Who Do Not f I Know i H That this store is the busiest shop in this city, the 2 reason is we sell for less, the same high grade line H of merchandise as is carried in all stores but still it sells for less, because we sell for cash and can afford j to do so. s It will be to your advantage to' always come into 5 this store whenever you are down town, for we are ai rs ways offering specials which will prove to your ben- - cfit to take advantage of. I The BEEHIVE Pay Cah Pendleton'. Variety Store Save Cash lillllllllllllllllllllllllllllll Mllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllillliif Koil I fcbcr la Miirrird. Urban "lied" Fabcr, Chicago White ' Sox pitcher who has visited here In ! paat winters, is married. Word fo his recent wedding In Des Molnea, Iowa hoa Just been received by friends here. The marriage, they say. explains why he did not come to Oregon for hla an nuul hunt with friends from Pilot Hock. - Christmas Trailo Was (jMotl. Christmas trade was very good, nc cording to most of the local merchants who dealt In holiday gift goods.. The volume of sales in many cases was double that of Christmas In 1919, the weather this year being far more fa vorable Ilia ii last year. Merchants say that despite talk of tighter money conditions, sales of necessities were less than of gift goods. Lesion Will Hold Election. Pendleton Post, American Legion, baa called a meeting for g o'clock to night in the assembly room of the county library for the purpose of elect. Ing post officers for the term begin ning January 1. A meeting called for one week ago had to be postponed because of the lack of a quorum. Pi nal plans for the concert tomorrow night under legion auspices will also Ije made at thia evening's meeting. THE HEATFR OF NO REGRETS PIRECT DRAFT PAMPltf - . rKjil-5 sai JB, IV IXTBA LAOGB TOP FEED OPENING LARGE MICA :EE0 DOOR. EKTIIATEO? fllfA FRAME ANTI JUCKLINO EXTRA LARGE I HOT BLAST INTAKE DUPLEX ORATES EXTRA LARGE ASHCHAMBEI HEAVY POLISHED STEEU OUTER BODY HEAVY INNER LINING PROTECTS OUTER BODY OVER" DRAFT AIR CHAMBERS LHOT BLAST SIDELINING EXTRA HEAVY VENTILATEO LINING CONICAL riRE POT DEFLECTS HEAT TO FLOOR If m& D wm mM fcz. -Vmj lw i t.'ii i'Vt iV-'.V'' ' " r "I'll 'ii I '! r'M I1 '' lliloil County Ttoad Work Stn)pod An injunction sought by Walter M. Pierce and William It. Jasper, of Union county, has stopped highway work in that, county. Bids which were to be called for paving of two pieces of road are held up and nothing more nil I be done until the change in county admin istration after the year's opening. Tha plaintiffs nay that materials and labor are too high for furiher road work and advise a delay until times are more propitious. ltlvcr SUI1 Quito Clear. Itcsplte Jocal rains, there has been only a slight fall of rain In the moun tains and tho river has not yet risen to great height nor has it become roiled. Keports from the lower river are" that stcolhead fishing has been indulged In by sportsmen from Hcrmlston and I'matilla and the condition of the water in tha river la satisfactory for that kind of sport at present. A day orlwo. however, may raise tho river and bring down mud from the melt ing snows. Hunting Nearly Over. The season for ducks and geeso Is not only drawing near to the close In date but also In fact say hunters from this city who went to the haunts or the birds in the west end of the county Saturday and Sunday. Very few per sons succeeded In getting either ducks or geese. The 1lrds have all been driven from the river and are congre gating on the Cold Spring reservoir, which Is a government preserve. The season will bo brought officially to a close on next Friday at sundown. Chief Says to (lean l'p Itemoval of Christmas trees, boxes, drapplng paper and othrr trash which has accumulated over the Christmas rush, was urged on till local persons today by Fire Chief W. It Klngolfl. Tho chief allied that a!! materials that can bo burned he disposed of at once before they become u menace and take fire. Tho Christinas season passed without any alarms for fire and with only one small blnse, which was dis covered Saturday night in the deserted building formerly known as Solan's blacksmith shop, opposite from the city hall. The department put out tho tiro without an alarm. Track Work N'caring Completion Track work at Kleth is nenring com pletion and probably by the end of this week all new switches and the now arrangement of sidetracks will be connected. Throe largo crews are bus? laying steel and connecting It In the east half of the yards and the hill a mllo cii."t of the present station Is vlr tually all cut away for the four side tracks which are being extended east. The new station buildings are prac tically completed, the furnishing and wire connections remaining. When work Is finished, there will be virtual ly two distinct yards, one east and one west, with the dividing lino nt the new JUUooi, 4t of tUo rouuUUoujo. Use the Phones Grocery, 2 Phones 526 Other Depts. 78 7 LI smC QUALITY SERVICE. Use the Phones Grocery, 2 Phones 526 Other Depts. 78 Till Our Great Price evision Sale Continues Many bargains are here for your choosing. The assortments are good and the quality is the best. Attend this Great Money Saving Event and be happy. . - - Dresses for all ocasions. Party Dresses, Dinner Dresses, Afternoon Dresses and Street Dresses. Materials, satins, taffetas, brocade) velvet, silk, nets, georgettes, laces, meteors, charmeuse, crepe de ohine, georgette satins, tricotine, serge, foulards, 3uVeclefatns. Colors, turquoise, peach, sunset, nile, rose, orchid, maize, American beauty, black, gray, navy, copen, white, and all shades of brown. Sizes from 14 to 46. We have arranged these dresses in different lots. One-Half Price COATS We give the same careful attention to the points of quality you cannot see as we give to those you look for. This assures perfect satisfaction in the wear ing of the garment. ; You will always find our models new and distinct ive, our workmanship always painstaking and flaw less . ' Lotl-?19.50 " Tweeds, leather mixtures and Meltons are the ma terials in the lot. Colors, brown, tan, greens, .bur gundy and black. Lot 2 $24.75 Some, of these coats are tailored models. Others fur trimmer with Hudson seal, coney and ' raccoon. Bolivia, duvetyne, broadcloth and silvertones. - All wanted shades and sizes from 16 to 44. Lot 3549.50 Beautiful coats in the new wrappy models, deep fur collars, and others regulation styles. Materials, cypress clotn, suedine, peachbloom and chameleon zord. All shades and sizes. Lot 4 $59.50 , This lot includes all the higher priced coats regard less of former selling price. . - - - -One special lot of Short Black Plush Coats $45.00. I E U TW ill I h l m 7 hi: i. J IHn if 5 SUIT AT RADICAL REDUCTIONS Lot 1 $19.50 - Suts up to $49.50, in serge, tricotines velours, Navj'j black, brown and mixtures. Lot 2 $34.50 Suits up to $85.00 in this lot Materials, tri cotine, duvedelaine, suedine; trimmed with tail ored braid, fancy stitching. Some fur trimmed, others plain. Colors, brown, navy and black. Lot 3 $45.00 Suits in this lot up to $100.00. Ripple or plain :oat, fur trimmed and plain models. Tricotine, , yeldyne, peachbloom and other materials. Lot 4 $59.50 This lot consists of all our suits from $100.00 ap and are very beautiful models. Some trim med with beaver, others with Hudson seal hole. All new shades. or Lace boots in black and brown kid, military heels, flexible soles, originally $12, re-marked $9.50 One lot dress shoes,1 .con sisting of brown, ivory and grey kid,. French heels, ori ginally $9.50, $12.50 and $15 re-marked to $5.00 Grocery Department XXXX Brand Evaporated Milk for Cook- Bulk Queen Olives, per pint oc ing, per can 10c, dozen 1.10, case $4.30 r Ancnoyies, pint jar 65c 01 sVlced Cut Herring, pint jar 3:)C Mackerel, each 30c Pickled Tonffue pjnt jar Imported Holland Herring, each 10c 11 c; r 4- t Sweet Pickles, per pint 35c m m granges ioc dozen ami up. - t