lit TEN FAGE3 page rvrau-r S7;V- " 1 n 1 t 1 'AN, fMfi -v. V . - 7 If .Hr 's Mr'vR; ' fit' J r'' , if 'It?- , s ' A ; ft i,: ? f iff f 'MS- Hi i It, l DAILY EAST OREGONIAH. PENDLETOJTl C1WBCHI WQIKMrc EVWIISra, DECEMWWFO " " rggsssgrsssc'rsr; -1 ;-a " - rnn J AND XS9EBS - ,....,., . Mi..,-, ., .n,ni,..i 1 ..;.... I it n U rpn? I This is a siraiglit-from-llie-shoiildcr Clearance of Men's Suits and Overcoats. Prices determined with only one idea moving merchandise qu ickly. 3 1 1 7 w r em ne-Half Price which means a tremendous loss to us, hut it's a great saving for you. Take advantage of this great offer. You'll not he able to buy -a suit or overcoat so cheaply again soon if ever. SPECIAL NOTICE! We will rebate to any one who has bought a suit or overcoat of us since Dec. 15th the difference be tween what was paid and one-half price of the gar ment bought. 3 Via I .lOELETokS G2EATEST DEPAirLHENT ffTORE .9 Feopies Waronous Pg"t?5M-q WHERE IT PAYS TO TRADE - - - ,,w:Twa OS . .; - ! Mi ' ' MM 31" . Etf- ii Jl : -r- --. i: 'Mil I i id- .-o- i pi: ; . III - : ftp ' '1 v ft -1- ' 1 ? 5 ; '', ,1 'Lj ?; if I