' j rf' DAILY EDITION DAILY EDITION Kumbftr of cop leu printed of ycntrrdfiy' Th Kurt Offonlnr In KtTn O ITmV HflrreiMPiit nrwpp mt ft ft l&fion In Frn11ton und I'mMiltft eoun ty of ny other ncwipap. 3,339 Thl ppe-r I a member of and tudlted by lh Audit Bureau or Circulation. COUNTY OFFICIAL PAPER CITY OFFICIAL PAPER .V V01. 83 DAILY EAST OREGONIAN, PENDLETON, OREGON, MONDAY EVENING, DECEMBER 27, 1920 NO. 9709 PORTLAND BOND HOUSE CLOSES AFTER EX-PRESIDENT FLEES .o E OF VALUES SHEEP CAUSES BANK'S CLOSE HUE TOTTERS III II JWDS OF W SOLDIER AS REGULARS SEND TRb MISSION AND GUARDS OPEN BAHLE Government Troops Clamp Iron Ring Around Objective With Advance of Land and Sea Forces in Three Directions and 60 Are Killed, Many Wounded and 27 Captured in Clashes. a , llOMH, Dw. 27. It U rrporlml fmro flume Uils afli'maon Owl Cinlniollo J'Anminzio, liiHnrgctnt h-a-lor, lui Ihvii killed M title trying to prntcnl llir right between lilt Jr-gkiiiulros anil Kill an Mil diem. PARIS, Dec. 27 (IT. V. Sixty per- on were killed today and mmiy , wounded In fighting around Flume, according to advices to the French for eign office. Oenerul Cavigliu, com manding the Italian regulars, who are altuoklnif the rlly, la expected lo take Flume today, according lo dispatches. Gahrielle D'Anniinzio, ioi't command er of the leglonnulrles, Is reported ready to flee. Cavlglia sent a truce mission to the city. The leglnnnarles, on edge for more than a week, open- I fire before the visitor could ex plain their errand. Fighting follow ed. Rome Itself, la In a stale of great excitement. Sympathising with their blood relative!) under the command of D'Annunxlo. Roman have flocked about newspaper office today nuking for further detail of the Flume situ atlon. Fall of City F.MMHird.' liO.VDO.V. Dec. 17. ( A. I'.) Ital ian government troop "were believed today to be lowly but surely cloning an Iron ring around Flume where D'Annunxlo and hi little band are be Beiged. J-and and sea force began their advance In three direction yes terday but did not then encounter re sistance a the D'Annuiuio Rollers fell back. The fall of Flume wni expect ed today. Attempt to Koizn Warship. PARIS, Oec. 27. (A. P.)Flumlan soldiers who attempted to capture t tie Italian warship Harmila. met remitt ance when they boarded the vessel at Zara, and 27 were taken prisoner. PRINEV1LLE, Dec. 27. (A. P.i-J-Tho Crook County State Hank here failed to open for busi ness today. Shrlnkuge In the value of cuttle and sheep on which the bank hud made its loan la sold to tie responsible. The bank In not a member of the federal reserve system, but him CO day In which to reorganise. H ORRIS BROTH LOCK-DOORS AND LEGION WILL PRESENT j George Bennett Takes Leave of Guard in Train Changing En gines at Rieth and Still Leads Officers in Pursuit. r HARINBTOTAKEUP George Hoiinett, who nay be la a buckaroo and hn broken bronk for the Hound-Cp aiwoclatlon. Is leading a I man hunt through 1'muttll'i county to day, with officer In hi pursuit. He broke away from Deputy Sheriff Park er, of Wenatchee, at Rieth early Bun day morning and from last report at the Hherlff office, had not been over taken. He 1 reou'tcd to be armed. Penneit wan arrested several days ago lit Horn on a warrant from We natchee. charging him with cattle rustling. Deputy Parker wa sent to return him to the Washington city and he wa taking the prisoner to I'mntilla on a night train. When the train atop lied I at Rieth to change engims, the prisoner asked a favor of the guard, and, walking to the vestibule of the coach, swung off the truiu through the open door. Parker started in pursuit of the man a noon a he realized that lie had es caped. He notified local officials and early Sunday morning the trail was picked up at Rieth. and the man Iraeed to Adams. wher6,jherhaiw centered today. -Parker says he r.'i'l not go back to Wenatchee until he ha his man in custody once more. Music lovera of Pendleton will bo treated to a concert of two hours' du ration tomorrow evening by the Hul lowell Conoert Co., which comes here for a return engagement under the auspice of Pendleton Post, American legion. The entertainment will lie given in Eugle-Woodmun hall and will be followed by dancing. A progrum of clnMslcal, standard and populur number ho beri ar ranged for the I'nndlaton appearance and several vocal solos by Wcntzcl, baritone, who luiaVeon with the com pany during several seasons but was not with them during their conceit here last year. . The Hullwell Company played to a capacity house in Happy Canyon last winter and made a big hit. Their re- i turn concert resulted from the suc cess of their former visit and a large number of high clasa recommenda tions carried this year. FACE BIG DEFICIT John L. Ethridge, Prominent in Civic Affairs and Head of Concern Until Thursday, is Believed Across U. S. Line. MILLION DOLLAR DEFICIT LOOMS AS POSSIBILITY 22-CENT MEAL COSTING $1000 PER PLATE WILL BE SERVED IN GOTHAM NEW YORK, Dee. 27. (U. P.) A JIODO a plate dinner at the Hotel Commodore to raise funds for Kuropean children will consist of three courses beef stew, bread and cocoa. It was announced to day, lis cost will be 22 cents a plate but at that it will be Just twice om elaborate as tire meals nerved to Kuropean youngsters by the American Relief workers. Among the guests will be Herbert Hoover and Ceneral Pershing. Flitz Kreisler will play.' OR i CENTRAL AMERICAN N1ZED LABOR MAY ASK PROBE- BY CONGRESS OF VAGE CUTS OPEII SHOP EFFORTS AND LIVING COSTS Textile Workers Are Negotiating With President Gompers Over Closing of Factories and Railway Employes Declare Roads ' Let Repair Work to Swell Cost and Personal Profit. a . Chauffeur Statement Obtained, Customers Clamor in Street and Coast Branches of Com pany Fail to Open Today,. POKTI.AND. Dec. 27. (A. P.) I ooi-s of the bond house of Morris Itrolliers, Incorporated, closed today. Hlgns on the window said 'closed on lici'nunt ttt itiiflit lav a Mft-ri, " The order for closing was issued ves- mH government regaroing .Mcaragu J, t KAN HAIA'ADoR. Dec. 27. (A. P.) j Delegates representing Honduras, Costa Hica, Guatarnela and Salvador I attending the Central American union congress at fian Jose, Costa Pjca, wlij sign an agreement for a union, no ! matter what stand Nicaragua may j take. The leading Nicaraguan dele gate has gone to Managua to consult WOMAN MUST DECIDE . IF MAN IS TO HANG MARION, Ohio. Dee. S7. (A. P.) Question of foreign relation and an association of nation will give way to domestic discussions at President elect Harding' home this week. Among those with whom he will talk re Senator Porter .McCumber of j North Dakota, a ranking member of j the senate finance committee: Itepre cntative J. W. Good of Iowa, chair man of the house appropriations committee; Itepresenallve Frank Mondelt of Wyoming, majority leader In the house; Representative Patrick H. Kelly of Michigan, und Represen tative Daniel R. Anthony of Kansas, member of the house military com mittee. Cabinet selection are also expected to be discussed at a proposed confer ence with Will II. Hays, chairman of the republican national committee. Governor-elect Harry l Davis of Ohio also Is coming for A ronefernce, which la expected to deal with Senu- tor Harding' resignation from the senate and the appointment of fis successor. It I expected Benator-el-ect F. 11. Willi will be named for the unexpired term. Senator Harding pent a quiet day following hi Christmas celebration. He remained at home most of the day. CARUSO IS SUFFERING FROM PLEURISY ATTACK NRW YORK. Dec. 17. (A. P.) Enrico Caruso, tenor. Is sufferlni; trom an attack of pleurisy, It wan announc ed last night. He is under the care of five physicians who said the attack of "a painful though not serious char acter and will necessitate his being confined for a period." E! December wheat closed today two cents lower than at the close of the market Friday. Chicago quotations as received here by Overbeck & Cooke Co., are as follows Wheat. Open. High. Dow. Close Dec. 1.69 1.70 :.6S 1.69 March 1.64V4 1.65 1 6SV4 May 1.60 1.61 4 l.H 1.58 Corn. ' PHOENIX, Ariz., Dec. 27. (A. P.) Bess than two week after Miss Elsie Toles enters office as Arizona state superintendent of public instruction she will be called upon to help decide whether a man shall be hanged. Of ficials say this Is the first time in Ari zona's history that a woman has been asked in ofiK'ial oupaoiiy, to pass un a man's life. The man is Pedro Domlngues of Greenlee county, convicted on a charge of murder in connection with the kill ing of a fellow miner. He was sen tenced to be hanged November 5 lan! but obtained a reprieve lint 1 January 13. tin that dute the state board of pardons Is to consider his case. Alisj Toles will be a r.iember of the boarc which, by statutory provclslon, consists of the attorney general, the superin tendent of public Instruction and a third member to be chosen by the oth ir two. terday when Morris discovered that affuirs were left in u tangled condi tion by John I.. Ktherldge, who re signed as president ad left Portland following a demand by the clearing house association for proof of the ability of the concern to deliver bonds for which investors had psid and for which Interim certificates had been is sued. There is a crowd about the office today and some persons exhibiting j receipts for payments on the pur-j chase of bonds. District Attorney j Evans suid he bad obtained a state- J ment from Roy Kike, who drove an iiitomoliile In which Ethridge and his j wife left Portland Thurmluy, thut he had seen Etheridge board an east bound train at Tacoma. A warrant charging larceny by bailee has been issued against Etheridge. acceptance of the terms of the anree- ment. COME TO T.U.K MXII QrKSTIOX TOKIO, Dec. 27. (A. P. ) E. W. Frazar and J. R. Geary have departed for the V. S. to place the views of Americans in Tokio and Yokohama concerning the California land ques tion before influential circles there. HGUSTON SAYS BONUS MEANS TO BE RAISED IN U. S. Drastic Economy is Urged Be fore Senate Finance Com mittee With Avoidance of any Government Experiment E DUBLIN, Dec. 27. (17. P.) Four men were killed and 120 Sinn Feiners captured early today when police and soldier surrounded a dance hall in Limerick. Sinn Fein sentries fired first, killing a policeman, the por.ee claimed. Three sentries were killed by retur fire. PORTLAND. Dec. 27. fC. P.) With a possible million dollar deficit In sight, the bonding house of Morris Brothers, failed to open its doors here '.oday. John I Blhrtdge, allesed att wondlng cx-president,' Is believed to be across the Canadian boundary. He .li b Drought hftck, if caught, to face hur?cs of emhesc'.lement. Jlranchefc of the firm in Salt Francisco, Tacoma niu Seatlie, also .failed to open their .oors. . Warrant in Issuctl , PORTLAND, Dec. 27. (A. P.) A warrant was issned against Johr. Elherid'ie today ort the complaint of G. E. Anderson, of Silverton, Ore., who claimed Etherldge had failed to redeem interim certificates for $1861 tor city of Edmonton bonds. PORTLAND, Dec.' 27. Pending the 'omjiletion of an audit of the affairs of Morris Pros., bond dealers, the doors if the concern were closed this morn ng. Announcement to this effect was made Sunday night by Fred Morris. I'pon the summary withdrawal of John L. Ktherldge Jr., former presi dent of the concern, on Thursday ol :ast week, Morris resumed charge ol the business. A corps of auditors be gin an examination of the company'? affairs. This examination has been continued over the woekrendt and th (Continued oa page fi. A New Year's day golf tournament is planned by members of the Pendleton Golf club for next Saturday. They are confident that the weather man will continue to serve out balmy days and If he does not cross them and provide snow this week, the ancient game will be induhTei Jnt- - . An 18-hole handicap event, with ball sweepstakes, probably will be the program for the day. Two years ago there was a New Year tournament but last year none was possible because of the grip of winter. A large number went .around the course yesterday some going to 36 holes. 3, KANSAS CITY, Dec. 27. (V. p.) Five armed bandits today held up and robbed an American 'Express wagon near the union station here. Driving up behind the wagon one highwayman covered the two guards, forced the driver to alight, open the lock on the wagon cage and load the safe into their automobile. The safe Is believed to have contained jewelry and currency. lompany officials refused to tempt to estimate the losa at- VANQUISHED AND VICTORS E More than 30 homes In Pendleton will be gladdened t onight by gifts which will be presented to 100 ndults and children by the Knights of Pythias Damon lodge No. 4. The lodge Is host at a Christmas tree and entertainment in the Presbyterian church. In which the Salvation Army is collaborating. A program Is to be given at t o'clock by the children of the Salva tion Army, followed by a tree and pre sentation of gifts by the lodge. Doeejis of garment of underwear, dresses, hose, shoes, mittens and dress goods, candy and toy for the children and other ortlcle sorely neeed by families In straightened circumstances, have been provided. EVery family I to receive a sack of potatoes and a sack of flour through the generosity of the order. Utile boy and girls in need of warm gar ments have been reported to the com mittee In charge by the Salvation Ar my and there Is a .night shirt for Johnnie or shoes for Susie where they Iinve been found In need. One little lud found hy the com mittee had neither shoe nor stockings on his feet last week, they reported. The committee worked hard all of last week filling out lists and making pur Dec. May July Dec. May July Dec. May May .69 W .74 .74 Vt .46 .4 .48 (tats. R.ve. lUirlcj'. .6 lift. .73 '4 .73 .48 1.39 1.39 I-ivtirn F.xcb.tngc. Sterlng, 853 1-2. .. Murks. 139. INirlbnul Omt MurA ".. Hard white, 1.60 bid. Soft. 1.5R bid. Club, 1.55 bid. Hard winter, 1.50 bid. N, Spring, 150 bid. Red winter, 147 bid. MiimcaiMills Ciih Market 1 D N 1.70 1.773, arrive 1.05. 1 fancy, 1.73W1.76, arrive 1.73. 1 N, 1.66 fi 1.70, arrive 1.70. 1 n. S. 1.62iU.64. CbcaKii .Summary. CHICAGO, Dec. 27. Wheat Al though the trade wn small and of an uninteresting character the market developed a weak undertone and seem ed to demonstrate the need of ?ontln- iied buying power to maintain trices. The few expftrt bids that wert in the market were five to seven ceu'a out of line and confirmation of business was lacking. In fact, It I not thought that foreigners do much during the holiday period, It Is not at nil unlikely that the urgent foreign demand is about over. The domestic milling de miind Js poor and a sale of 50.000 bushels was made to go to store to ttAS SIXTY SIR V ANTS wMim( oh HIM chase. The persons lo be recipients j ,),., Thnt the buying power of coun of the generosity of the lodge tonight jtry in at a minimum Is emphasised by have been espec'ally Invited to attend j ),0 fa(.t (,at retailers In practically All and membra of the lodge also will beji,, of hustncH sro mnklng drastic present, w. D. Humphrey Is chnlr-j ,)r;rP reductions now that the Christ man of the committee and his help-'mHS per od is over. 'A lower market mm are Mi M. Vale and Clyde Phillips. ' In nenr future Ih to be evnnctrd. - t C IN O.S. - SIXTY I 1 I fT" "DlSAB.0 Soldiers III C" HAVS OM6 NORSB- - Ifca ' ml 1 '' WASHINGTON, Dec. 27. (A. P.) Passage of the soldiers' bonu bill would cost the government approxi mately J 2,300,000,000 Secretary Hous ton estimated before the senate fip- ance committee considering rhe sol diers' aid measure today. WASHINGTON, Dec. 27. ,'U. P.) In opposing the soldiers' bonus bill be fore the senate finance committee to day, Secretary of the Treasury Hous ton recommended: Substantial reduction In the aggre gate of taxes collected from the peo- I pie. j Reduction of the extreme surtaxes. Replacing the excess profits tax with j a "simpler and more certain tax upon t corporation Incomes or profits." ! A simple system of specific sales or I consumption taxes. "Sound public policy demands that we exercise the most drastic economy," Houston added. "Unless every unnec essary government exjieriment Is avoided and oppropriation requests re duced to-ji "minimum, tar revision on a oundvasis cannot be carried out and successful financial conduct of the government wilV be seriously imperiled during the next three years, he said. Houston said the soldier bonus would probably cost about 2,1300.000 per year. "However, if all eligible vet erans took advantage of the insurance provision, that alone would cost 14, 534 000.000 a year, he said. Houston confessed his inability to suggest how this money shall be real ized if the. bill passes. Reduction of, extreme surtaxes would not exempt the rich, he continued. They now avoid taxation by investing in tax free securities. WASHINGTON, Dec. 27. (IT. P.) .Congressional investigation of wage I cuts, efforts of employers to establish I open shop and of the cost of living may ! be asked by organized labor. Textile : worker. It is learned today, are nego tiating with Samuel Gompers. presi-. I dent of. the Federation -of labor. The i negotiation may lead to President jOomper seeking an Investigation of conditions in the textile trade. Textile j manufacturers have probably led all I others In cutting wage. A number of textile factories are closed and work ers cxharge theso suspension havo been In the interest of the open shop. Railroad worker have also made charges against the railroads, claim ing that the roads are taking advan tage or the Esch-Cummina law which guarantee earning of six per cent. President Johnson, of the machinists, said today the roads are letting out re pair work to private companies on the cost-plus system, thereby running up expenses to the road by giving great profit to private repair companies. Many railroad official. Johnston ald, are financially interested in thes re pair companies. .. , it:' EFFECTIVES OF GERMAN ARMY MEET PROVISIONS I'ERLIN, Dec. 27. (A. P.) This effectives of the German army have been reduced to 100. una. n accord ai.ee with the Spa agreement with tho allies, it was announced. OfL POSPECTORS MAY REACH CLAIM BY AR BUTTOTAL INCOMPLETE .'H' Pendleton and a part of the county have met the quota tentatively assign ed in the Central European Relief but until all the towns of the county hava reported, the result of the call for funds will not be known. Most of the communities which have reported have sent the full amount asked for the sa. ing of the children of Central Europe end pl:ins already are being made for dispatching to them flour made from l iuutilla county wheat in I'matilla county's several flour mills. Present indications are that when all reports are in, there will lie more than the J7700 asked for by the state organization. In this event, the local ! committee says, the surplus turned In by each community will be returned to that community. It can either be re turned to individual subscript?! on the pro-rata basis or left in a fund to be used when the appeal for funds for Armenian relief is made in March. It is now decided that the measure of relief from here will be 17700 worth of I'matilla county flour. Mills in Pendleton and the neighboring town? will he alloted the contracts for fur nishing the flour and no outride pro ducts will be purchased. Soliciting In Pendleton was romplet jed last week end and the county offi cials for the fund are now awaitmj pvord from the rent of the county be jfore taking further action. All are be ?ing urged to spur their work this week und have reports In to headquarters before the new year. VANCOUVER. B. C, Dec. 27. (A. P.) Several daring Canadian oil prospectors are considering using air planes to fly 600 miles into the snow bound new oil fields near Fort Nor man, northeast of bere, and stake, their claims, in advance of tho stam pede expected over the trails to Nor man in the spring. u. All attemptes to go overland Into the Fort Norman country during th winter have been blocked by Royal Canadian Mounted Police who are holding back scores of prospectors at the Peace river crossing. The pros? pectors will be allowed to trike for the district when the ice leaves tho rivers in the spring. According to .Major C. Mac Laurin, superintendent of the Jericho air sta tion of the Dominion of Canada Air would fio-possible to fly "from to. toe, oil fieulajunl return. in one day. The plane would be out fitted on the coast near Fort Norman and would soar across the white moun tain ranges which cannot now be crossed on foot. - The plane. Major Mac Laurin thinks, could be equipped with runners by means of which landings could' be made on the Ice of rivers and lake which abound near Fort Norman. About" twenty claims were' staked In the district before the police closed the area last autumn and It Is said, some of the most promising claims are yet to be. B BBND. Dei-, j 27. (A. P.) Lane Thomas, aged 45 Is dead, and Patrick Rogers and Fred Fosburg. of Bend, are injured as the result of an automobile overturning and pinning them In thrf snow on a highway near Rend Christ mas night. They were rescued by Ver nen Smith, and brought here where Thomas died today. RETAIL CLOTHING PRICES Weather Today's weather report by Major Iee Moorhouse, official weather up. server. . Maximum, 54. Minimum, 33. Barometer, 29.70. Rainfall. .10. CHICAGO. lec. 2 7. (C. p.e- tail prices of practically all clothing I reached their low est levels since 1914 bere today when merchants advertised gigantic clearance sales, throwing mil lions of dollars worth of goods on the I market. The main sales are of men's suits, blankets, women's hats, coats and suits. Other large stocks of goo, I will be thrown on the market as after Christmas sales" progress, the mer-1 ' fi """ - y lur.Lwwi i JLM Tonight and Tuesday ram. ' 1 " t chants said. f .(t,-jj l4MM44i4'i4444M444M4lUWUij ft ."MM"MkAj