East Oregonian : E.O. (Pendleton, OR) 1888-current, December 22, 1920, DAILY EDITION, SECTION TWO, Page PAGE TEN, Image 10

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    a n f y f ft 'i M M M 1 11 M f M't t f f f
nnjE tear
NOTICES i or th '""K'ovpmonl of miH portions
n' joirorson and Washington
nujii.n, t.K nionisKii KTIIIJICT r"r''1"- Pfpurea tiy P. B. Hnyea, City
Nolle Ik hrty gtvrn thnt at a
rular nutting of tho Common Coon.
II of The City of Pendleton hold at
th Council chamber In I'rnrtletori.
Oregon on DKmtr Sth, 1910 the fol.
lowing absolution nils duly adopted
WHFKHAS. th Cttr Si.rvevnr nf
Survtnor, filed with t Ttccordnr nf
mm city on the 30ih day of Sept., 19
unirtt sum plans and specification)-
are nersny particularly referred to
aim lie it t ort her.
HESOLVRn that th Enirtneer-s es
tlmates of the probable total eoxt m
uch improvement, which aaid Clt
cnnmeer.1 estimates were made and
The Cliy of Pendleton did on the 80th 1 PPred by P. It. Hayes, citv Sunev
cay of September. 1920. under dire. r of said city. In the sum of isr.f.J.af
0 na and hy renuirement of th r. a"d were filed with tho rtoenr-iW m
mon council file in the ffflce of the I Mil cl,y on 30th day of Kept..
"rv"" oi i ne i:uv or Pendleton, i im-vuj- n 'inaea ana nereny re
plans and specifications for an appro-! ,errl l particularly, and h it furth
1'nnio improvement of the following
named streets in said citv
Jefferson Street from the North line
of Jackson Street to the South line ot
Washinirton Street, and
Wat; ling-ton Street from the East
line of Madison Street to the West line
or Main street Including the full Inter
section of Jefferson and Washington
Mreets, together with the estimates
of the work to be done and th nrnh.
able .post thereof with a statement of
RESOLVED that tne plana and
specifications and estimates for such
Improvement, as pr-pared by the Citv
Surveyor and filed with the Recorder
of Tho City of Pendleton on the SOU.
day ot September, 1920. be and thev
are hereby adopted and approved, and
oe it iiirtner,
RESOLVED that the eoat of making
such Improvement shall be a charge
and uen upon nil lots, parts of lots anc
the lota, narta of !ni nnA nL..i. I parcels of land tn h hnfite. hv nH
ana 10 ne Benefited by such Improve- 'mprovemeni, and the owners of such
ment and the percentage of the total lots' Parts of lots and parcels of Ian.;
cost or improvement, which each of specially benefited by sue m
such lots, parta o; lota and parcels of P'ovement shall he liable for the pay
ana snouia pay on account of the i "pl't or tne costs thereof, and be
benefits to be derived from such lm-iurther.
provement, and. RESOLVED that an assessment dls
WHEREAS, the council has examln- trlct 19 hereby created to be known
d such plans and specifications and'M "Assessment District No. 73, em
estimates and found the same satis-'1 brdng the property benefited and to
lactory and the estimates therefore " assessed for the payment of such
io tie in accordance with the probable ! improvements, which Assessment Dis-
cost of such work, and triet shall Include all lots, parts of lots,
WHEREAS, the property recom- an1 Parcels of land lying and being
mended by the City Surveyo.- to be In-1 within the district bounded and de
nuded within the boundaries 'of the scribed as follows, to-tutt:
Description of Assessment District
. No. 7
Commencing at the Southwest cor-
district benefited Is in the Judgment
Of the Common Council properly tn
e Included within such improvement
district and no property is excluded ! n" of Lot S, Block , Switzler's Add.
inerefrom which should properly be j t0 Pendleton, thence 250 ft. North and
.larallel with the W est line of Jefferson
Street: thence West 100 feet and
Parallel with the South line of Wash-
Included therein, and.
WHEREAS, the improvement of the
hereinabove described portions of said
Kireet. either with Gravel Bitulithio i ington Street; thence North 160 feet
Pavement, Concrete Pavement or land parallel with the West line of
Warrenlte Bitulithio Pavement on i Jefferson Street; thence East 100 feet
Crushed Rock or Crushed Gravel J and parallel with the North line of
ifunaauon, is at this time necessary, ; Washington Street; thence North 100
feet and parallel with the West line of
Jefferson Street: thence East 260 feet
and parallel with the North line of
Washington Street; thence South 100 1
therefore, be it.
RESOLVED by the Common Coun
cil of The City of Pendleton that it is
expedient to Improve and it is hereby
proposed to improve said 'portions of
said Jefferson and Washington Streets
by paving the same with either Gravel
Bitulithio Pavement, Concrete Pave
ment or Warrenite Bitulithio Pave
ment on Crushed Rock or Crushed.
Gravel foundation such pavement to! and parallel with tho South line of
wo i-uiiifirui-iru ana tne sunace tnereor i vvasmnslon street; thence south zou
to he finished upon the established I feet and parallel with the East line of
grade of aaid street and the street to j Jefferson Street; thence West 260 feet
have curbs and gutters and all other i on the North line of Jackson Street to
things in accordance with and as the point of beginning,
shown in the plans and specif icat'.ons I And be it further resolved that a
S3 '
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Connersville's Heroes
7vEE " 1
"X r jf: t . jr .. o,- i
VII, VJkV Hi ' 'Ai
iWt aksrr -w
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1 ' ' .
otto e.- fV C
tonnemnto. Int., ttz'i tnat .. ,Z
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: V:iT1'W!cl1' J -''I Cline. two
we f,mou, Pike's Peak mil Climb I n.i,. ,ra'"9 b-v w!nnl"K
but It bag its heroes. They ,
"o went from work :
on the map,
. . ' M ill s.
wm close iecond. trailing uis D s' -"l" 3rst Clint
' - - J " uu :
the notice that the surveyor's esti
mate of the proportion of the cost of
said work to be charged against each
lot, part of lot and parcel of land is
on file In the office of the City Re
corder be published for a period of
ten days in the East Oregonian, which
newspaper is hereby designated hv the
Common Council for the nublicatlnn
And further notice Is hereby given
feet and parallel with the East line of, that the SllI.vvo esm,lte ot. tne cost
Jefferson Street; thence East 100 feet
and parallel with the North line of
Washington Street; thence South 1C0
feet and parallel with the East line of
Jafferson Street; thence West 100 feet
or said proposed improvement to 1
charged against each lot, part of lot
and parcel of land on account of said
proposed' improvement is now on file
in the office of the City Recorder, sub
ject to Inspection and examination.
Dated this Sth day of December.
City Recorder, j
I One of Those Beautiful Pastel PicUres Now on Display at
I 121 East Court ' Phone 318 1
rPHIS is a season of the year when it is a pleasure
to exchange fraternal greetings which cement
the cordial relationship and good feeling - which.; ex
ists between us.
We wish also to assure vou that our best endeavors
will be to maintain that quality and service which
has gven character to the Harvest Bread. !
And in extending to our friends sincere and hearty
Holiday greetings, we desire for you an abundance
of the best things in life. And may the coming year
bring' health, increased wisdom and happiness.
eXt more bread
It is
Your Best Food
Pendleton Bg
(East Oregonian Seci;il.)
BCHO, Iec. 22. While driving
l'omc. from Pendleton Saturday even
ing on tho highway Mr. and Mr.
Henry Weltstin and four children were
Injured when their unto collided with
onother car which failed to dim Its
lights. The Weltzin car was thrown
over a bank about 15 feet high. Mr.
Weltzin sustained a broken collar bone
rnd his wife a broken arm and Internal
Injuries. The four children were badly
bruised. The injured were rushed
luck to Pendleton and taken to tho
home of Mrs. Welt.ln's parents. Mr.
Hnd Mrs. Jacob Rhode. The Weltzfns
live on a wheat farm about seven miles
east of Echo.
J. O. Davis and son. Donald, were
Pendleton business visitors, Saturday.
Mrs. M. Miller and son John will
ltave Thursday night to spend Christ
mas with relatives in Portland.
Miss Maxine Slanfield who is at
tending school in Walla Walla this
year is here, for tho holidays.
Mr. and Mrs. E. O. Neil! and chil
dren spent Saturday in Pendleton.
(.Maude Meyers returned home
Saturday after spending about three
weeks at Jlut Lake.
Mrs. Pauline OrHvclle and son Gus
tavus wore Pendleton visitors, Satur
day. Mrs. Lilly Gillette and daughter,
Miss Meda of Pendleton . spent the
week-end here. ' ,
H. W. Willis returned home from
Portland Saturday where ho had been
for about a week.
Mrs. Joseph Cunha Jr., was a visitor
In the county seat, Saturday.
C. H. Esselstyn was here from Lex
ington Saturday and Sunday.
The students of the high school are
planning a Christmas party at the
school house, Wednesday evening.
! The Misses Eleanor and Frances
Spike; Margaret Hills, Violet Corrl
; gall, and Beryl Jarmon returned home
j from Oorvallls, Saturday for the holi
I clays. The young ladles are students of
O. A. C.
Joseph Cunha was in Pendleton oh
I business Saturday.
Mr. and Mrs. H. W. Drew expect to
leave Thursday night to spend C'hrist
mnH nnd New Years with relatives at
i Forest Grove and Tillamook.
Mr. and Mrs. H. M. Tcel are in
'Portland this week with their small
son for medical treatment.
j Antone Cunha spent Saturday in
Carl Gilbert returned home from
Portland, Saturday.
Vernon Javls, Homer Copplngcr
and Jack Stanfield are expected home
from Seattle for the holidays, Friday.
The young men are freshmen at the
University of Washington this year.
W. R. Hinkle returned from Port
land Saturday but left again Monday
for that city. Mrs. Hinkle and chil
dren are already in Portland, and they
expect to remain there "for Christmas.
Frank (Virrea and son Frank, Jr.,
and Mr. and Mrs. Jess t'orrea return
ed home Monday evening from Portu
gal where they 1 ; 1 been visiting with
relatives since Iih spring.
Mr. and Mrs. J. Frank Waller ex
pect to spend the holidays in Kfattle.
Miss Galdys Hold will leave Thurs
day evening to spend her vacation
with her parents in Portland.
If. Pemberton, district superinten
dent of the Methodist church, conduct
or ed services here Sunday evening.
t'fc I Mrs. tieorge Coppinger and son.
v-s Hovt. ar expected home Friday for
yjjthe holidays.
s5 !fa,,hi
?.J tbut
$$ TOPKKA. Inc. 22. -(I. , P.)
Njj Flour mills in Kansas which have ctir
Mailed production must take care ot
milium mm xKtiicu employes auriug
period of industrial depression, s
these employe may provide llv.
ing for their families, the Kansa?
court of industrial relations riled il
an opinion.- The court held that flout
mills wbl' h had curtailed production
were not oi rating on such a scale at
to affect the public and ruled that the
mills bad a rijrlit to curtail prodtie-
lion due to market conditions ovet
which !!- have n0 ron'rol. How.
ever, faithful employes must be taken
icure til, me court ttcuUCO, ' 1
" ' . r f
r ' s-- as
- - - - a . s
Release rWdmsti who Suffer
; .1 he multitude aI Amcrica.fi Avomcn who suffer terribly day after clay
t and year alter yeni from ills peculiar totlifiirscxls almost beyond belief
- yet there is licrdly a town or hamlet in the United States wherein
some woman, and often many, do not -cside who have been Vestured
to health from somcof the worst forms of female ilLs.and often avoided
operations by taking Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable Compound.
Thsse Tvo Women Tel! of Their Experience.
I itiTfi'linii, ICy. "I Hu!f';i(l nlniost Onulaska, Wk "Kvory iiumth I
two ears v. nit ftriimlo wiuness. I httU such jwhw fci y Im. nn.l K.wt r
: van ot suiiuuuh I tttiud not ho in knl.
. rrmnt .nut vaiii ,.wiy u-tn:--jt,, r"-' Vr
tuKf any L-XL'a-i hi an luniur rfi.siinjf.
If I sui pt tin ilimror t!il any kind t.i
wink il wtitilil In-ipj; my siekiicsa u
u.is m ukui.il kiiK'i.itl, liutl iiociiii-y,
:.it lili was :ii.sciy to inc. i w.ui
tmilcr i lie t ait of ii jpxnl itli.Vhii'iiin fur
f'VcMl itiniiili.it iiml uiijil othi'i,'ifnii!.
t'i s. I hatl rciid t.f l.ydia R l'inkliam'.-t
Wj ilallo ( ciiiK.!iiiil nnd decided to
t:y i'. AU'IT takinir jwclvtt litiltlcs I
i(ii!;nt inyself mi'ich inipitivcil mid I
t:tiksi i.mrt''. luivc'iu Ver li.ul any
i ifii! tM!-,:.;,' i;i tUtvt n'--t Miii-p. i
luno ild c i h l.iinl.s nf wink ami at
th'!";i i:t, en ii'tciidant at ft Stain
j!n.:i:i al :;!:d a::t f.-pliti" t!:it'. I Klirtll
n!';l.' sit '.i-ii.ii)f;id vtitii VcyinlilfCtilii
j "inid." i.i i.i.iANTii.u:r,s4 South uth
rtr.-e;X.ui:tOii, Ky.;
kiiltcrotl tat it soi nifitl nt tlioiitrli i
wou.d iti.Mtnil 1 wiisuttt rt'giiliirt'iilipr.
IsiUjukI fura year ami was uiiiit to do
my l- a isc work, could only wash tlishci
(nut! i:i a whilo. I jcad im kiIvltUmw.
incut f wlmt Lydia lv Pinkham's
i'Sctiiluf tomrHinnil l;ml ,lim fcr
other women nnd det ided to try it. It
Mirvly tliil wmitlcrs for me. I have
no ji.iins now ami can do my own
Lou t'Wcirk without any troul-lo at all.
I t iit tihvay.s ii-dbv, your mcdit:in,: u.j
I do not helievc tlicit; i.s a diK-tur that
tan do as iiuu !i got.il for fcinuk) wcuk
kcsh a.-t can Lydia K. Iliihliuin'it Xv;y--tablo
Comittiuiul nnd yon may uso
llieso fads u1 a testimonial." Jlr.-t.
Lm ki: K. Wauseii, 11 i, Jiox tin,
i inalaska, Wk " ,
hcusr,Js cf Such Letters Prove the Curative Value of
7 II
i. ff " - ;i S feflvf 'V
'Wr9wrmt0- -mf ra
lim yo.. tYNH, MAS'
. -.Jvk'. :- . ',1.1 . 6 i J
.yi , - . :- -r--vLl -'- , v .:
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t 5A
' -v
The Gift of Pcrnia
Jience One never makes a mis
take in giving Jewelry, it is
a present that is always and
has justly won its name 'The
Gift That Lasts."
,i Late shoppers will find
their every need at this
store; large stocks conveni
ently displayed for your se-.
. May we show you : our
Holiday display?
Jeweler .
': ' '
'" "Js
j il
" r '
,s s :
-', i aj