East Oregonian : E.O. (Pendleton, OR) 1888-current, December 21, 1920, DAILY EDITION, Page PAGE THREE, Image 3

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News of Pendleton
Deo. (0-24 Pruning school at
Freewoter. '''
(Dec. 2G. fiulM&ay, ChrlstmM
Dec' J g. American Legion
Pec. 21-28 Second Annual
meeting Oregon State Chamber
if Commerce, Portland.
Dec. 28-2 Grain and foraga
ichool, Pilot Rock.
Dec. 29-91. Annual meeting
0. 8. T. A., Portland.
Jan. U. Annual meeting of
Rouml-l'p directors.
dent at Hill Military Academy and
hie brother la attending ",inK num.
noon r-niioire. Kenneth Howniun. an
other brother In expected to . arrive
noon from the Howniun ranch near
Mcacham to pawi the holiday here.
Condition Is 100 Percent.
Thu nnnAHinn nf lTtnfitllln. rnuntv's
200,000 acred of winter wheut la 100
per cent, according to the recent re-
mates, while the condition of the 2,-
flQS ai.rH nf rvm la nliin 100 nercent.
4 Umatilla county'i wheat acreage la
snown 10 ue ins mrKest in low
Hero for Holidays.
Robert Kowman and Hugh How-
man arrival hnma Bniiirrfnv 1m nl
Portland where the former la a etu-
Wlmcr lUcre Officially.
Winter arrived officially today and
found the lundscape attired to wel
come Its advent. Bealde marking
the transition from autumn to winter,
today wo tho shortest of the year,
the aun being at ltd furthest south on
December 21. While the earth In sup
posed to be In the grip or winter from
now until March 21, 1921, the day"
will begin lengthening by one and two
minute after Thursday.
ltotiiullMii Scaring Completion
The new DricK rounanouse wniun
the O. W. R. ft N. Co, Is building at
t'miitilla Ih expected to be completed
by January 1. The atructure la of the
mime awe an tne wooaen ronnanuun
It replace and la being built on tne
aite of the old building, which waa torn
down. No other railroad Improve
ment are being made at tno river ter
minal point, the concentration being
at Rleth.
Aaftortalrd Charities to Elect.
The annual election of truirt.ee and
officer nf the Pendlelon Associated
Charities hi to be held at 7 o'clock
till evening In the council chamber
of the city hall. In addition to the
fllnHnn fhj nnniinl rpnnrt of Mr, fi.
W. Rugg, accretary. will be presented,
and final plana for the Christmas work
of the association made. There arc
nine trustees to be elected and from
thin number the officer will be
chonen. Judge C. H. Marnh I now
president of the association.
-101101101-101 101 101 101 101-101 1C
Country Sausage
Meaty Spare Ribs
and Back Bones
CHRISTMAS i nearly here.
Place your order now for a nice Fat Turkey,
Duck, Gooie, Chicken, or Suckling Pig.
All are of the usual "101" .tandard. You know
. what that means.
Pendleton Cash Market, Inc.
PllOXKS 101
(PrtTate Exchange Connect Both Department)
$.10 for Red Cross '
Kinls Klrkpatrick turned In 33
yenterday to the Red Cron a the re
KUlt of the Red Cron drive In the res
ervation dlntrict. Kffortn are being
made to finish the entire campaign.
n.,ua ..t Vnlvhb titillated
u-nru in the Kn eht rank won given
o .toe. nt tW In the local lodge of
Knight of Pythlna lost night. Plans
were alno perfected for the holding of
a Chrlstmaa tree for tho poor cnmnun
of the city next Monday evening.
Upending Holiday In Portland
A. A. Frentxel, local agem ir ic
Truckn, haa gone to Portland where
he will spend thetioUdays vtaitlng rel
w i. lo looking up prospects
for pring deliveries of WWte trucan
through the atate agency in t-onmnu.
(j-Ju..! rrnlrl-fltkh Service
Speclla holiday greeting service for
Chrlntmaa ha been arrangea iur uy
v.. nfMiirn Cnlon. according to an-
I ,.nanl mita torillV hV the local
office. The telegraph blank uned will
show a lithograph of holly ami rea
v.,.,. win ir nwdom
Four home were released today from
quarantine for smallpox. 8. A. Oliver,
612 Maple, 8. Wilnon, 607 Ann, Thom
i. iiniteriaon. 201 (Jardcn and Mrn.
flrlch, In Ryern Orove, were the ones
.!.. ihnifi rr.Mlnm hv thn health au-
I !... ..M
101-l6l 101 101 1U1 101 101 101 101 101
Quarantine ots Three More
Two homea were placed In quaran
tine for amallpox on Monday. John
Halley Jr., special .health officer, re
port. One home where there had
been amallpox. wa released. A third
case placed under quarantine yester
day wan of diptheria.
Quota I In Sight
I Pendleton will probably subscribe its
! entire quota of $,000 for the relief of
ithe starving children of Europe by to
i morrow night, according to George
I llurtman, city manager. The drive
j ia meeting with success In other parts
of the county an well an locally.
Theatre 1b Decorated
1 n...- .1.. . V,.I .r.,.
'tlve decoratlonn of flowers and green
ery arranged in baskets and festooned
about the walls. On the stage a Chrlst
maa motif Is used, and on either side
of the screen stands a Christmas tree
with colored lights and tinsel trimming.
Headquarters for Toys and Gifts of
all kinds.
Pendleton's Variety Store
j !: , t PajiCaih , , PendJeton'a Variety Stor .SaveCat :
Ixsrton lJU'ks Quorum.
I The election of officers which the
American Legion planned last night to
hold was postponed because of the
lack of a quorum at the meeting place.
The election will now be put over un
til the January meeting of the post,
which will be held Monday evening,
January 3.
J. X. Teal Appointed
J. N. Teal, of Portland, a member
Si of tha shipping hoard at Washington,
S D. C, has been asked hy the Pendle
Slton Commercial Association to act as
s Us representative on the council of the
national Chamber of Commerce. A
S ; letter was sent to him today notifying
him of his commission and asking him
to accept.
Tiiiiiiiitiitiiiutiiiinitiiiiiinniii imiiimiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiimiuiiiiiiiiiiiiT
is the more sensible ? Buying some foolish little gift
that is soon forgotten or one that proves its useful
ness in daily use. Alladin Aluminum satisfies.
We have
pieces or by
the set in
Xmas pkgs.
The glass
Oven-Ware 2k&.
Baa the. W99 oa every piec4
'Universal Stoves &Fumaces
Funeral to Be irrtd
The funeral of the late William Rahe
is to bo held tomorrow at 2 p. m. from
the Folsom chapel. Rev. G. I Clarke,
pastor of the Presbyterian church,
will officiate at the chapel, while the
Knights of Jythlas will perform the
rituajistlc ceremonies at the grave.
They will be assisted by the Artisans,
of which Mr. Rahe waa also a mem
ber. Mr. Rahe, who was 63 years of
age, had lived here for the past 30
years. He Is survived by two sons, M.
W. Rahe, of Plalnwell, Michigan, and
I V. Rahe, of San Francisco, and a
daugmer. Miss Gladys Rahe, also of
Ran Francisco. All will be here for
the funeral.
Christinas Program Planned
St. Mnry's Catholio church is plan
ning a Christmas program and will
have solemn high mass at midnight,
Christmas Eve. The singing will be
by St. Mary's choir, with a duet and
chorus, "Adeste Fldelis," a solo, by
Mrs. Clem McCoy, "Jesu Armour Ml,"
and "O Snliiturls," by Mrs. Alma Gia-
nellt. A mass of Thanksgiving will
follow. On Christmas morning, there
will be low mass at 1 a. m., and chiU
drenn mass at 8 P. m. with the"Kyrle
and Gloria" by the boys' choir of the
rhurch; "What rvely Infant con This
Re," and "Dear Little One How Sweet
Thou Art," by the Boys' chorus and
"Adeste Fldelis" by the boys' choir.
There will be hlch moss nt 10:30 a. m.
I with the same proarnm ns at midnight
imp, with the benediction of the sac
rament after muss.
Dr. Hoyden Appointed
Ilr. F. l'. Iltiyden, of this c'ly, has
been chosen ns n member of thn board
of directors of the Oregon league for
the Conservation of Public, Health, or
ganisation of which was effected In
Pnrtlntid on Sunday. The officers are
Dr. C. J. Smith, of Portland, president;
Dr. A. K. Sommer of .Portland, first
vice president; Dr. C. I,. Rooth, of
Portland, second vice-president; Dr.
W. W. Davis, of Albany, secretary; and
Dr. C. J. McCiisker of Portland, trea
surer. Twenty Oreiron physicians
comprise the hoard of directors. The
league undertakes to lead the move
ment for better health, to protect the
public from unqualified service nnd
unsound views, to promote better hos
pitals and better medicine and to en
courage the enactment of laws to safe
guard the public health. The doctors
pledged (3000 to initiate the work,
and Intimated that they would back
the movement with moro money If
necessary. . . . , .
1 M I
II ' ...
Ill . ;: r,-,
as. ( uaw i
II .11 iU.
ill .
Just Think of It
Three More Days Till Christmas
This is the store to do your shopping. Practical
gifts for the whole family. Every thing out and ar
ranged so as to make it easy to select your gifts.
Shop early in the morning.
Price Revision
$3.00 Quality, lYIce ItevMon . . .
$3.50 Quality, Price Revision
$4.00 Quality, Price Ri-vWon
$4.50 Quality, Price Re vision . . .
$5.00 Quality, Price Revision . . .
$.00 Quality, Price Revision
$7.50 Quality, Price Revision . . .
$10.00 Quality, Prlc Revision . . ,
$12.50 Quality, Price Revision'..,
$15.00 Quality, Price Reiislon . .
$17.50 Quality, Priiw Revision ..
$20.00 Quality. Price Revi-iiHi . .
$22.50 Quality, IVIce Revision ..
$25.00 Quality, Price Revision . .
$27.50 Quality, Pri Revision ..
$30.00 Quality.' lrlce Revision ..
$32.50 Quality,' IVice Revision .
$35.00 Quality, Price Itovlslon .
L i XkVJl i
, $2.25
. $2..t
. $3.00
. $3.3
, $3.75
. $4.50
. $5.63
. $7.50
. $0.38
Revised Prices
Madras and Silk
$3.00 Values.
$3.50 Values,
$4.00 Values,
$4.50 Values,
$5.00 Values
$.00 Values,
SA.50 Values,
$8.50 Values.
gta.no Vsities.
$11.00 Values,
1.50 Values,
$13.50 Values
$15.00 Values,
Price Revised .
Price Revised .
Price Revised ,
IVice Revised .
Pri Revised .
Price Revised .
IVice Revised .
IVice Reviseil .
Irii-e Revised .
Price Revised .
IMcc Revised .
IVice Revised
Price Revised
. $2.25
. $2.63
. $3.00
. $3.38
. $3.75
. $4.50
. $4.88
. $A.38
. 87.00
. $8.25
. $9.38
Revised Prices
75e Values, I'rlce Revised . . .
$1.00 Values, Price Revised . .
$1.25 Values, Iri Revised . .
$1.50 Values, IVice Revised .
$2.00 Values, Irk Revised .
$2.50 Values, ITice Revised .
$3.00 Values Price Revised .
8.50 Values, I'rlce Revised .
$4.00 Values, Price Revised".
$4.50 Values, Price Revised .
$5.00 Values, Price Revised .
$6.00 Values. Price Revised .
$6.5': Vtlues, Price Revised .
. 57c
. . 75c
.. Oe
Childi-en's and Misses' Comfy
Slippers in red, re-marked to
$1.50 and $1.75.
Women's Comfy Slippers in
cerise, blue, orchid and Vermil
lion, originally priced at $3,25,
re-marked to $2.6,4
Women's Comfy Slippers in
grey, dark blue, originally $2.50,
re-marked to $2.00
S5c V
25c V
50e V
65c V
75c V
85c V
Price Revision
Cotton, Silk, Mslc and Woolen.
allies Price Revised
allies Price Revised
aloes. Price Revised
allies Price Revised , . .
allies I'rlce Revised
allies. Price Revised
Values Price Revised
Values Price Revised
Values I'rlce Revised
Values Price Revised
Values lrice Reviseil
. 25o
. 25c
. 35c
. 4c
. 75c
. 04c
Price Revision
81.50 '
Buy the boy a play suit for
Xmas. We have a big stock on
hand. Indian Suits, Baseball
Suits and Cowboy Suits. Select
one today.
$1.50 Quality, Revised Price
$2.00 Quality, Revised Prfc-e ,
$3.00 Quality, Revised Price
$3.50 Quality. Revised Price
$4.00 Quality, Revised Price
$5.00 Quality, Revised Price
$6.00 Quality, Revised I'rlce
$7.50 Quality. Revised Price
$8.50 Quality, Revised I'rlce
Price Revision on
$1.50 Men's ami Roys' Caps ' Revised '
I'rlce $1.10
$2.00 MeivN ami Boys' Caps Revised .
1rtce $1.45
$2.50 Men's ami Boys' Caps Revised
Price tt.g8
$3.00 Men's and Boys' Caps Revised
Price $4.25
$3.50 Mill's ami Boys' Caps Revised
Price $2.63
$4.00 Men's ami Roys' Caps Revised
Pr-c $3.00
$4.50 Men's and Hoys' Caps Revised-
Priw 8sj,8
$5.00 Men's ami Boys' Caps Revised
Price 83.75
- '
Grocery Department
Our Grocery Department has exceeded itself in
excellence for the Xmas table. Only the choicest of
the most delectable eatables have been accepted and
you may rest assured of the Xmas feast being the
biggest 'kind of a success of you place your order
;or the Holiday Dinner with us but please order
Cluster Raisins,ls, 2s and 5 lb. boxes; Libby's
Plum Pudding, Tru Blu Fruit Cake, All Kinds of
Nuts and Shelled Nuts, Christmas Candies, Mince
Heat, Layer Figs, Cranberries, Boled Cider, Sweet
Hider, Orange and Lemon Peel, Citron, Oranges.
Try us for your Fresh Fruits and Vegetables.
san ritANc-isro, Tc. :i. (A. p.)
The navy will briinr to 800 San
Francisco waifs the Spirit ot Christ
mas that otherwise would have been
lacking from their lives this year, ac
cording to annoimeement today.
der the shadows of the muKles of
mammoth 14-inch guns of the battle
ships New York, Texas, Wyoming and
Arkansas comprising" Division Six of
battleship squadron four of the Paci
fic fleet at anchor in San Francisco
bav, will furnish the scene for the en
tertainment of 100 of the children. The
other 400 will he guests at the naval
training station on Tcrba Huena Island.
Turkey dinner with all the "fixinits."
nnd Kills and toys of ull kinds will be
furnished the children throuRh contri
butions of the officers and enlisted
The holystoned, gleaming decks, un men.
Revival of plana for the construc
tion of tho Butter Creek hlichway
from Lena, In Morrow county, to the
Columbia river, will be the theme of
a meeting of representatives from Mor
row and I'matiila counties which has
been called for 3 o'clock on Sunday,
Iec. SS, at l'lna City. Th call has
Just cume from J. Perry Condcr. prw-
ident of the Butter Creek Highway
Association, at Heppner.
A Joint commute from the two
counties has been In existence for
soaio time and a Dart of the mrv.v .nri
j other prrllninnrv work on the road
ueeii uuuuneu. i ne mxnway pro.
Jected is to follow Hotter Crrk from
its mouth to Lena and serve a lame
territory that now Is suffering for
Rood roads. The leaders point out
that traffic to and from I'matiila and
Morrow counties must use uori.,n .f '
this route and that a first claai hih
way is Imperative the meeting la ralied
for Sunday so that InterrsteH ntrmni
from near and far may attend.
i i
I 1
' ,a