.TWELVE PACE3 '. EH5X,CS23Umif, PETDECTOTT, CTOOlf, TUESDAY EVENING, DECEMBER 21, 1520. PACE ELEVEN 3U n JL- J Notices, Business Opportunities, Locals, Lost, Found, For Kent, Etc. Classified for Easy Reference. : NOTICES Handy Business Directory of Pendleton and Vicinity Thi Directory U especially bandy for the out-of-town reader who may want the nam and address of responsible business sued who rgtmul erly direction and long the North line Ue following line. All ara reliable, ratponal bit bualnaat concerns who stan dready to give you prompt erwee. SMALL ' COTTAGE Tustln street. for ront 408 FOR KENT Steam heated sleeping . room. Clime In Phone 7 66 -J. Notice Knights of Pythias will meet at Odd Fellow hall Wednesday at 1:30 p. m. sharp to attend the funeral of Wllllnm lliihe. " Hy order , . , J. Hi GwIN.V. K. of n. 8. - NOTICR . Nntleci of J'uymriii of City of Pendle ton IniiH-otcmciit Bonds Notice 1h hereby "given that City of Pendleton Improvement Bond No. , Series IC; No. 10, Series I; No. 6, merles s; No. 3. Series 7; No. 6, Herlr li, will be paid upon presentation there of to the undersigned at the Am erican National flank, Pendleton, T'matllla County, Oregon, after Janu ary 1st. 11121. Interest on aald bonda ceases Janu ary t, I9!l, Dated December 21, 120. s LEE MOOIUIAt'SE, Treasurer, rlty of Pendleton, by II. W. Dickson, Deputy. N'oiii'v of Illda for Stmer Cleaning Machine Notice Is hereby glvon that scaled bid will be received at the office of the City Recorder In Pendleton. Ore gon, tip to December 29th 1920 at 6 o'clock p. m. for furnlnhlng to The City of Pendleton a Hewer Cleaning Ma chine of Htondurd Make, F. O. B. Pen dleton Oregon. The Common Council reserves tho right to reject any and all bid. Dated at Pendletun, Oregon thin 18ih day of December 1920. TIIOS. F1TZ GERALD, City Recorder, IV UAXKKIPTCY In the Dl-trlct 4 ourt of .tho . I'nlted Stales for the Ilftirl1 of Ori-aon In tho matter of E. A. Easley, Bank- To the Creditor of'E. A. Enaley of Beech Creek In the t-ounlv at ftmnt and DlKtFbi nrnrcMihl Tt.'iiikrlint ' NOTICE is hereby GIVEN, that on the mih day of December 1920 the nald K. A. Easley was duly adjudicated ri llankriipt, and that the flrat meeting of hla creditors will be held ut the of fice of the undersigned Referee In Jnkruptcy at Pendleton, fmatllla County. Oregon on the 3rd day of Jan. nary A. l. 1921' tit ten o'clock A. M. on said day at which time and place the Creditor may attend, prove and file their claims, examine the Bank rupt, cWt a Trustee, nnd transact such other business as may properly come before auch meeting. Done and dated at Pendleton, Ore Bon this 2th day of December A. D. 1 920. TilOft F1T7! GERALD. Referee In Bankruptcy; NoiIko of Bids for Mm Hose Notice la herehy given that aealed bids will be received at the office of the City Recorder In Pendleton, Oregon up to S o'clock p. m. on December 2Mh. 1920 for ftirnltihlng to the City of Pendleton 500 feet or more not to ex ceed 1000 feet Cotton Jacket Rubber lined Fire Homo of eome standard make, with Standard Coupling, cap able of alandlng a, teat of 400 pound pressure, at the Fire Hydrant, the Common Council reserves the right to reject any and all bids. ui.ico ni i-enuieion uregon, tnt ism day of December 1920. THOa F1TZ GERALD, City Recorder. of Alia Street to the point of begin olng, And be It further resolved, that a copy of thi resolution together with tho notice that the urv4ror'i estimate of the proportion of the coat of aald work to be charged against each lot, rart of lot and parcel of land 1 on file In the office of the City Recorder be publlahed for a period of ten day In the East Orel onlan, which newspaper In hereby denlgnated by tho Common Council for the publication thereof. ' , And further notice 1 hereby given thnt tho City Surveyor estimate of the probable cost of aald Improvement tc De charged against each lot. part St lot and parcel of land on account of said improvement I now on file in the office of The City Recorder, subject to Inspection and examination. Dated this 9th day of December, 1920. i ' THOS. FITZ GERALD, ( City Recorder. , SEVEN ROOOM HOUSE partly fur nished for rent Furniture lor sale 609 college. Phone 311-J. MRS. ADA FIELD Splrella corsetler i CARTER 8MYTHB, Attorney at FOR RUNT A'o room house partly furnlahed bath, hot and cold water Call 314 Tustln. Phone J24-W. Address 614 Jane, MATERNITY and euovaleacent Hos pital Mr. J rail, 114 E. Bluff Bt, Phone 877. Law. Office In rear of America) National Dank bnlldlng. WANTED XOTICI . IN POUTfD The following described animal aava been token up by the marshal of the Crty of Pend'eton, to-wlt. Otie.Wown mare, 7 fear old, weight 1100 lb. Rranded on left shoulder. VX connected on side. Left hind foot white,: star in forehead. Sorrel yearling colt, nq brand. ! It aald animal ar not claimed by the cvner or those entitled to their ( poasestrion and cost and expenses, paid tand taken away within ten : day from the data hereof, then e.t I o'clock! p. m. on the 2th day of No vember, 1920, the said animal wil he old r the Highest bidder, Ft public suction, for cash, at the City Pound, n aald City of Pendleton, the proceed WaiS'TED Sewing plath Phone 30-M. WANTED TO RENT Houachold fur niture Phone 781-M. washing a.mj ironing done the day I'hone 730-W. by WANTEi GOOD CLEAN RAOal AX Tba Baat'OregoDlnn of flea. ALL KfXDS of patient cared for by experienced nurse 800 W. Webb Phone 884. . ALL KINDS of furnace and stove re Pairing, pipe fitting and chimney cleaning satisfaction guaranteed Phone 622, , RAG KcIGS and carpet woven. Also first class crocheting and embroid ery. All oroera promptly filled. See Wheeler, at litoo W. Railroad. WE WASH and clean the finest rugs satisfactorily. Reference given. We make fluff rug from old carpet. Walla Walla Rug and Carpet Clean ing Co. Phone 14)77. i WAXTKD TO BUY 4 5 and 6 room houses. I have clients who will buy If they can fin I something to suit them from 11600.00 up. TH2 OREGON JOURNAL delivered GEORGE W. KIJIKIt 46 cents a month, 3unday Ircluded- ft. I KEATOR. Attorray a: Law. Room 24, amHh'-t jrmwttri Mntldin- FE) A FEE, Attoroy at Law. floe In IeepalB BuiUlog. Ot LAUNDRY atVstKy Article Launderaa l-artaauy. Thora'i an agent In your undry- "l Gardea R. a. A. LOWLt-, Attorney uid Counsel lor at Law. Office in Dee pain Hda, a. A. NEWBERRY, Attorney at Law. Federal Imllding. f ETERSO.N, BISHOP CLaRR. At torne" at Law. Room I and 4 gmlih-C'rawford iijdg. JAMES B. PERRT, AUornay at Law. .Office oyer Tailor Hard war Com-pany. RALEY, RALEY A STEIWER, Attor neys at Law. Office in American National Bank Building-. 818 Miiln Wt. - l'hotio 90? w. Hooker, agent. Offlca, uca eninning rarior iai nicuruwa CLERKS, (men, women) over 17, for Plee 01 Uain St Phone !. Postal Mull Service, il'10.00 month, Examination January. Experience! MARRY AT ONCF5 We put you unnecessary. For free narticulars correspondence with thousand wrlto J. Iconard, (former Civil Service charming and refined ladles who wish Examiner) 949 Equitable Bldg., Wash iiigton. D. C, . )K PKOItWED 6TRF.ET IMtWlOVK.MK.NT Notice I hereby given that at a regular meeting of the Common Coitn- ii r IT L. U . . . . I II.. , I . I ,i. . i, ru k ment of uch costa and expense of . .. v-w..,... v..,.,.Mm. '"""'" making sale. ,T ' Z , " , . Dstcd thlf 18th day of November, following Resolution, was duly adopt- lt20 , . ; , AL ROBERTS. Tf) LEASE FOR 6 YEARS 57 J acre farm, 400 acres in cultivation. Ail equipment and stock fur sale, 170 acres now seeded. 17 head work stock and nil necessary machinery and equip ment' fol eerier:,! farmiiiir. This fitrni of such! sale to be applied to the pay-jone ,n ,)PHt in 1(K,alv. Address L. M. Main. Ppmlleton, Oregon. ' tn wiorrv mnnv mrnrih from 11.000 trt $25,000 and pward. Particular free, (Address Alien Ward, B 76L Valley, Nebraska.- KKED Law. Hldi. H. ftCHMIlT, Attorney al Ronta K Smilb-Crawfortl HEMSTITCHINQ OJHarflilCHINu at m singer aoup. Mall order promptly attaoed to. UMS'I'ITCUINO Mail urdero atra, Ralpb Hansel 417 Buab. Phone MADE TO MEASURE mm. Oarl E. Frannren. Flka Bing OPTICAL BATTERIBS BATTERIES guaranteed fcr It inon'ii W. E. Cbnae Oo 110 K. I Court. Telephone Pendleton. FOR SALE FOR BALE 7S H. P. Holt CaHarpUlar Bturgt Stoiie. FOR SALE Well furnished ment house-42 Tustln. Apart- FOR SALE 4 foot Poplar wood Call ZP5, Ralph Tackella. FOR SALrJt'econd-hand clothing at George DeMott s, 621 S. Main St, 'OR BALJ All kind of tnsuranoe. J. H. Eau. 114 Main St.. Phone 04 FOR SALE-I bead ot good mule, 10 head of horse al good mock Bee Bburgi & mvtiv. FOR BALE SelforopeUed eombtne barreater, 1911 model, good attapa Urmi 8tur1s Stoiie.- FOR SALK Five room modern house and garage on paved street; J33U0. Telephones 1000 or 363-J. FOR SA LB Four wagon boxes, for bulk grain, low prlca 'J taken soon B. L Burroughs, Phone 6. FORSALE A ten room modern house, will sell with or without fur niture full basement-f-Call 615 Jane. WILL SE7.L at a sacrifice, Franklin touring car, new cord tires, runs like new, mechanically perfect Inquire O. K. Barber Shop. FOR BALE OR LEASft bueep raMh 120 acre, well eaulpped Abun dance of range Joining Adure-w M. H. Waltor, Qulney. 'Wash FOR SALE Oft TRADE 30 Mscond hand sewing machine all In good aewlng order 5 to 40. Must'bd sold tiy January 1st. IHione 765, Singer Store. JIOTQRISTS Drive in safety, com fort. In rain, fog, snow, sleet; Allen's Windshield CU.th keeps gins clear: last indefinitely; trial alio 10c silver. J. W. Foley, 1308 So. H1I1, Los Angeles. California. " REGISTERED and pedigreed Cheaa . peak Bay Retriever Pup for sole. America's beet duck dog, excellent watchdogs, lover ui children. Just right for Ideal Christmas gifts. J. R i uu I re, 787 Oregon St., Portland, Oregon. MA GUI RE'S DAY OLD CHICKS better than ever. For the best Bar red Rocks, R. I. Reds, Brown leg horn and White Leghorns, get Ma gulre's Chick. Order now for 1921 J. R. Magulre, 787 Oregon St., Port land, Oregon. unit s.vi.k : New 8 room bungalow, north aide. New 4 room bungalow, north sldo. Good 6 room rrSfdence, south hllfc-f. rhenp. , , Good 5 room residence, west end, rcnsonable. Call nnd see me If yoft want to buy a tiousp. I have houses in all parts of the clly, some on reasonable terms. GF.ORGF, W. KXDKR 818 Main St. ' Rea Thnhe 972-W Phone 0J GOI.I'KKS PLAY FOR S20OO LOS ANGELES, Dec, 2t (A. P.I A golf match for a 2,ono purse has been urranged between llutton Martin, local professional, and Charles Mayo, tutor of the Edgewatcr Golf Club, Chi cago. Three less of 18 holes each will hn nlnved on dlfferegl mrsea In this tectlon, according to present plang. d, Vil; WH UREAS, the City Surveyor of The City of Pendleton did on the 8 day of December, IS JO, under direc tions and by requirement of the Com mon Council file In the office of the Recorder of The City of Pendleton, plan and specification for an appro priate improvement of the following named street In said city: Clay Street from the north line of Alia Street to the South line of Court Street, together with the estimate of the work to be done and the probable coat thereof with a statement of the lots, part of lot and parcels of land to be benefited by sttt.h Improvement and the percentage ot the total cost of Improvement, which each of such lots, parts of lota and parcels of land should ray on account of the benefits to be derived from such improvement, and, HEREAS. the council has examin ed such plan and specifications and estimates and found the some satis factory and the estimate therefore to he in accordance with the probable cost of such work, and WHEREAS, the property recom-j mended by the City surveyor to be In cluded within the boundaries of the district benefited as In the Judgment of the Common Council properly to bj Included within stich improvement dis trict and no property Is excluded therefrom which should properly be included therein, and, , WHEREAS, the improvement of th hereinabove described portions of said street, either with Gravel Bitulithlo Pavement, Concrete. Pavement or Waj-renlte Bitulithlo "Pavement or Crushed Rock or Crushed Gravel foundation. Is at thi time necessary, therefore, be It, RESOLVED by the Common Coun cil of The City of Pendleton that it is expedient to Improve r,nd it is hereby proposed to Improve said portions of said Clay Street by paving the same with either Gravel Bitulithlo Pave ment, Concrete Pavement or Warren ite Bltullthic Pavement on Crushed Rork or Crushed Gravel foundation, such pavement to be constructed and the surface thereof to be finished upon the established grade of sa'.d street and the street to have curbs and gut ter and 'all other things In accord- ane with and as shown in the plans and specifications for the improvement of said portion of ald Clay Street, I prepared by F. B.-Hayes, City Survey or, filed with the Recorder of aald city on tho 8th day of Dec 1920, which aald plan and specification are here-1 by particularly referred to, and be It further, ' j RESOLVED that the Engineer1 es timate of the probable total cost of auch Improvement, which said City Engineer' estimates were made and rrepared by F. B. Hayes, City Surveyor of said. city, In the sum of $882.20 and were filed with the Recorder of said city on the 8th day of Dec. 1920, is hereby Included and hereby referred to particularly, nnd be it further, RESOLVED that the' plans and specifications and estimates for such improvement, ns prepared by the City Surveyor and filed with the Recorder of The City of Pendleton on the 8th day of Dec, 1920, be and they are hereby adopted and approved, and be it further, RESOLVED that the cost of making such Improvement shall be a charge and lien upon all lata, 'par s of lots and parcels of land to be benefited by such Improvement, and the owners of such lots, parts of lots and parcel ot land, so specially benefited by auch improve ment shall be liable for the payment of tho cost thereof, and be It further, RESOLVED that an assessment dis trict Is hereby created to be known as "Assessment District No. 77," embrac ing the property benefited and to be assessed for the payment ot such im provements, which Assessment Dis trict shall Include all lots, part of lots, and parcels of land lying and be ing within tho district bounded and described as follows, to-wlt: ncHcrlption of Assessment Plstrlot Known a Improvement District No. 77 Beginning at the Southwest corner of Lot 7. Block 2, Reservation Addition to Pendleton, thence 140 feet 4 1 8 In. In a Northerly direction and parallel with the west line of Clay Street; thence 277.84 fcet In an Easterly di rection nnd along the South line of Court Street: thence 80 feet, in. In. In a Southwesterly direction and parallel with the East line of Clay street; Uicuse, ;o It. is SouUmen City Marshal. RESPONSIBLE, active men or women to represent us In several good sec tions of this state, taking orders for Pruit Trees, Shrubbery, Roses, etc.. "for sprang deliver". Iiemand is liberal and returns to Intelligent workers are substantial. , Address with references. Boys overcoat, (gray) between Oregon Nursery Company, Orneo, Ore LOST AND FOUND LOST Agency and Pendleton. Return to 17 t I.' .......... I .. :nn .... n .. .1 receive suitable reward. , AUTO TOPS UADWA'U AUTO TOPS, Plata Olaa. Back, bid Curtain 2l Own St. , PREST-O-LITE BATTERIES but, by cor, petit ye test. Ferric oft all make of batteries, ryaranteed. reat O-I.ITK Serrtoe Marion. 40 H. Coal Phone 884. DALB ROTHXyELL Optetaeuu. aad Optician. Gr.iwea ground to fit yoay . American iSiii n,nv OSTEOPATH DR. O. E. HOLT Osteopathia, pnym clan and Surgeon. Judd Bldg. Tele phones, office iOK; Reatdenoe 37B-W, AUTO ELECTRIC WORK USED CAR EXCHANGE FOR SALE Hupmobile K. Barber Shop. -Inquire O. Oli SALE Lexington Roadster, A-l condition 714 Thompson street. . vj REPAIR anything electrical on an ai'tomobila,. W. EL Cbase Co. AUTO TRANSFER TIME CARC Weston-Pendltton Auto Stag Leaves Weston for Pendleton i 7:30 a. m. and 12:46 P m. Leaves Athena tor Pendleton at 4 8:00 a, m. and 1:00 pa. Leaves Adam for Pendleton at 8:20 a. m. and 1:20 p. m. Leave Pendleton (Allen-Kjitght Co. Stoir.) for Weetuo at 10:00 a. m. and 4 p. m. 4 O. H. Mcf HERRIN. Proo. ; CATERPILLAR WORK CATERPILLARS, harvesters, gaa en gine, automobile and general blsckamithir.s. Round Ui Garaxe "rtc. Nplvfeal-. tt Wn Weilh DP. LENA M'CONNELL Osteopa thic physician and urgoa Feaapt) Bldg. Offlca pbone 8 4 7-J, Baa, M4-K. POULTRY SUPPLIES SlIcTOolDpScTa bone, shell, grit, corn, oat, rolled barley. I nuttllla Flour Grata Co. PHONOGRAPH REPAIRING CONTRACTORS Si BUILDERS FOR, EXCHANGE Good 5 passenger car for Pendleton property W. Elder. 818 Main St FOR SAI.E We hava a few aecond hard Fords priced from $160 to 1500. These are ill worth the money call nd see them Simpson Auto Co., Water and Johnson St. A. M. BOYDN Stand t Henuings Ciaar store, ocuntrv trine Phone -i , LtAVes mot Rock at 8 a. m. Leaves "endleton t, 10:10 I Leaves Pilot Rock at 1 p. im 4 Leaver Pendleton at 4 n. a.. U. B. WILLIAMSON S'and at Orgg; FAVCHO STUBBLEFIELD, Clsur Store Phone 1075. I . v Proo, W. G. FISHER, -Stand Rlity & Kemp, Phone baa. File Rrlr.Pcnd!eton AnUv Wage 4 4 4 4 PARKER & BANFIF.LD, Designing, Engineering;, Coitructlng, it year experience In concrete and nek con struction. 414 E. Third 61. Nrl. '--Isn't 'ffm. . PHONOGRAPH makes Wa Main St, Phone 524. REPAIKLNU Ail Music Hoewa, tit) FOR RENT APT8. AND ROOU41 ALTA APVM. WTO TIRES "i?. 444444444 4 4 4 PENDLETON CYCLE CO. Ajax. Re vere acd iiavaf tire. 128 K, Court Street, , AUCTIONEER FOll RENT One and two room apt. 402 Tustln. ' FURNISH EI APARTMENT for rent Phone 359-W. FOR RENT Furnished room 1814 B. Court. 'Henplng FOtt R ENT Two . room apartment, furnished, with gas 401 Aura St. FOR RENT Front room with bath for gentleman only lit Jefferson street. COL. W. F. YOHNKA Auctioneer, Call at gturala ft Rtorle' Tmolsfment . . . - - 1 cv ma i ui x at J. uooayear ana rv,., fnr mi" OAtea. I'uniuiiii A ii wo nrw wi v.o, uii and eocoarorles Alb, an,I Garden Sts. WALLACE! BROS. Flak Tires, cord or fabric, Wa do our own adjust v. lng 808-1 J Johnsua St, AUTO PAINTING GPRTSON & MAigrr Gatea Half Soles, 6000 miles guaranteed 1-2 coat of new tires. S7 Cottonwood Su SIMPSON TIRES SERVICES CO. Re public anc" Firestone tires, corda or fabric 22S EX Court St Pliona 51. FOR RENT Outside sleeping room Phone 212-W, 405 Lewi St. Board If desired. MAN AND WIFE want work on ranch for the winter. Address 611 West Court. FOR RENT Sleeping room with stove Xhot and cold water close .to Main Phone 498-M. PENDLETON RUBBHR t SUPPLY CC Barney Oldfield, Goodrich 811- rctown Cord and Pernaylvanla, Vacu um Cip 30.1 G. Court; MISCELUNE0US PHONE I. C. SNYDER, 275-.M for the man that has swept your chimney for fifteen years. 7 MEtVVITH YEARS of experience Motor Inn Garage, 12t Cottomweod. Ward A, Hoagland. Prop. AUTO REPAIRING We DO ALL KINDS of automobile and gas engine repairing West End Garage, W. Webb and Maple St. THE "PIONEER" Aim) MAI Satis faction guaranteed. We repair any make. Glen Long, 032 Cououwood. PERKINS A AMMONS, Au'jjmobll Reoairing. Ford. Chevrolet Gtude- baker or any make of oar. Service at any time. S0 Cottonwood, Pt-one SOS. ATTORNEYS DRESSMAKING Mrs. Bessie Elklns, 126 Thompson Phone 730-W. I GBORGES WV CODTI" Attorney at Law. Room 17. Rohmtdt hloetr 00ING8 OF THE DUFFS TOM HAD AS GOOD A TIME AS DANNY. 5Y ALLMAN NOW. TMlMri V4 OWTHriO VS , ils CAIO OP fMIA J-UHCH WITH ' ( Goo0 ) S OH a A Nice. Watt op chocolate. I sir'.') f LOOK. V ' t Ti ICE CSEAM J WHAT J f ( t .,1 ) W - Kappv lTyrVll vm,prVavThinc gr r ' M t - -y 50ME V HRACT0RS DR. R. a ELLSWORTH Specializing in nervous disvase and disease of women, g to 12 a. m. T to 5:80 p. m. Evening 7 to 8. Phone 706. Smith- Crawford Building. DR. LENA A. BOONE qhiroprctor Office hours 10 to 12; 1:30 to 5:00, 309 E. Court St, Laatx Apt. 18, Phone 977. PIANOS AND PLAYERS PIANO TUNING and repairing Jack ' Le Moun Phone 652-R, , ' HIGH GRADE PIANOS Ot pleaatng tone qua'ity. Player of Individuality It the construction that counts. See piano on display, writ or phone Tfea Bee Hive, (28 Main SC. Pbooe 1TI J. P. Dirnall, Factory Rs Koaw Chase Piano Co. Painting and Paper Hanging CLEANING AND PRESSING LIODEL TAILOKS & CLEANERS Pressing and retailing. 204 W. Webb St. Phone 321, Pendleton, Ore. DRAYMEN PAINTS. Wall Paper, Plotura rnui, log. L. J. McAtee, tba Praetlaal FNInt Van Low Rro. Palnta, RADIATOR REPAIRING ALTA AUTO RADIATOR WORK- 701 East Alta street. All make of radiator repaired Work goaraataada C. Rlasberg, Prop, CALL PENLAND Broa., aransfer van to move your household good. We also pack or store good. We do eeun tr hauling. Telephone 231. j DENTIST RESTAURANT THB QCEiLLB. A good ttiaa v SECOND HAND FURNITURE. DR. FLOYD CR0UB Dentist Room 101 American Bank Bldg. Phone IS Pendleton, Or riR- H. M. HANAVAN Dentistry, Room , Temple Bldg, Phone T7I. EYE, EAR, NOSE & THROAT OPTICAL Dept., any Mia, atyla or shape glass while yon waR. D. It. Reber. M. D., 7. 8. t, Beltx Bldg. t FARM LOANS SNOW A DAYTON, 117 E. Court Bt. Real Eetst. Fire Insurance. Farm Locna Sou na about a loan. JUNK, JUNK, JUNK BRTNO your Junk to the PenOietea Hide ft Junk Co. See us before you sell. L. J. Cameron. Prop, KODAK FINISHING a PERFECT DEVEUjOPIMG ana pruxt- ing for the amateur- enlarging. Prompt work. Tallmasi Drug Co. WEt BUY, SELL or exchange house hold goods. We also do general fur niture repair work Phone 528. RlUy A Kemp. 528 Main 8L SECOND HAND DEALERS V. STROBLJfi, dealer In new and sec ond hand, goods. Cash paid xor eecond hand goods. Cheapest plaee to buy household goods, tit S. Oser PJMMM I71-W. SUGGESTIVE THERAPEUTIC THE- most up-to-date efrectuai lead ing science practised. K. F. Glbsoa P. & T.; N. TJ. Room 18 Peebler Blda SURVEYOR AND ENGINEER LAND SURVEY General engineering). work. Z. A. lAnedale, O. KL, Rlvar side. Pendleton. Ore. TAILORS 84 T Mala Pbons loot Just Try a Laf of That BUTTERNUT BREAD It makes good toast It keeps moist longer It tastes better. its Dean Tatom Co. Meat Dept. Phono 66 Grocery Dept. Phone 683 a aa a a a a a aa A as a a a ttiM