East Oregonian : E.O. (Pendleton, OR) 1888-current, December 20, 1920, DAILY EDITION, SECTION TWO, Page PAGE TWELVE, Image 12

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Special News of Umatilla Co.
(Kut Oroironlnn Sncclal.)
MKACHAM. lcc. SO. F". II. ivm
mn wan transacting busincis in lcn
dlctun Tuesday.
was a guest of her
Mrs. Cy Xordcn
parent Tuesday.
P. A. Ixmcrttan was hero be
tween tralna Wednesday.
Ktev Iu'A'lflr was transacting bu?.
Inesd with the Pendleton merchants
H. O. Thompson, wire chief r,f the
telephone and teltvtranh com;wny of
Penilleton wag calling on C. F. Soy
tnotir. Mr. XIann, traveling salesman for
Woodward Clarke Irue Co. of Port
land waa calling e the merchants
t 'tint liavis of Pendleton Is hcra
visiting H. F. Shreckhise nnd family. I
Miss Goraldine Hanlin from Kamcla
Is here visiting her Grandmother, Mrs.
J. U. ltaker,
George Crook came in on Xo. 17
from I a Grande to visit with friends.
W. M. Chelf was a business visitor
In La Grande Friday.
(East OrcKoninn Special.)
ATHENA. Dec. 20. Ilew C. I.. I.nw.
Mrs. J. A. Walters was shopping In ,thtr and daughter Miss Iris were l'en-
Pendleton Friday. dlolon visitors Tuesday.
Misses lvatherlne Froonie nnd Huel
banders from O. A. O; Areta Little
John from L". of o.. and Porls Thomp-
Cleo Martin came over from Wal
lowa Friday and will visit with rel
atives and friends for a few days.
Gust Vasilaskl went to Kieth Satur
day evening to visit with his brother
months with her sister in Pendleton.
Lcmies Johnson took the teachers
examinations In Pendleton Thursday,
Friday and Saturday.
Lewis and Kay Barker arrived home
Saturdav after two months
and have taken a position
Smythe-Lonersnn Co.
with the
of Jim
Beard s Big
Sale Starts
today. The second and final week begins today
with bigger, better ad more startling bargains a
whirlwind finish.
3 lbs. of Sugar for ................37c
English Walnuts, this year's crop, 3 lbs.' for $1.00
Mixed Christmas Candies, per pound 47c
Fancy Mixed Nuts, per pound ...i... .....45c
Extra Fancy Quality Bacon Backs, per lb.......38c
Medium Heavy Side Bacon, well lean streaked lb 47c
$2.25 large cans Uncle John's Cane and Maple '
Syrup $1.53
$1.25 medium cans Uncle John's Cane and Maple ....
Syrup 77c
50c small can Uncle John's Cane and Maple
Syrup ;. : 36c
20c cans Standard Tomatoes, 6 cans for ...90c
20c cans Standard Corn, 6 cans for 90c
20c cans Standard Peas, 6 cans for ....90c
20c cans Pork and Beans ..j. :..12c
25c cans Pork and Beans 19c
35c cans Pork and Beans : : ; 23c
$12.50 Leather Vests, moleskin shell $9.89
$18.50 Leather Vests, Corduroy shell ......I.....$13.47 '
$ 6.50 Corduroy Pants .........i..... $ 3.98
$ 3.00 Overalls ....$ 1.89
Men's Sox, Underwear, Sweaters, Work and Dress
Shirts, all priced for the final crash.
Ladies and Children's Hosiery, Underwear and
dainty Boudoir Caps, Dry Goods, Notions, .Shoes, etc.
All at final crash prices. ,
Jim Beard's Cash Store
300 W. Webb St., corner Willow
Just a Whisper Off Main St. 1
son of St. Helena lliall arrived In tin
city Saturday morning to spend Christ
mas vacation.
Omer Stephens made a business trip
Myrtle Junes returned home : to Pendleton Thursday.
after spending the last two' Mr, Fran a Mmter was m the city
rrom w eston Thursday.
Robert Coopock went to Hot Lake
recently to take a course of treatment:
for rhemnatlwuf.
Misses Velna Bannister and Aretn
Chapen were In the city from Woston
William Itlce mado a business trip
to Walla Walla Thursday.
Mrs, Robert Proudfit nnd daughter
Mary were Pendleton visitors Thurs
T III : Mr. and Mrs. Hoy Burke nnd small
I r II daughter Dorothy arrived In the city
J JCXiXJ I' recently ; from Milwaukie, ' Oregon.
X Hi , They will resido in Athena.
A street carnival was held Saturdas
evening in the legion hah under the
auspices of the Civic Club . Beginning
at S o'clock a cafeteria supper was
served In cafeteria style. There wert
booths for fancy work and home made
candy. The side shews were Interest
ing features as was "Zamo" the for
tune teller.
Mrs. M.' L. Watts left Wednesday
morning to visit her daughter Miw
Vernita who is attending Mills College
In California.
Mrs. John F. Heir who has been
at Hot Lake iwtth her son returned'
home Thursday evening.
Mrs. W. K. Wall and Mrs. Charles
Dudley received news this week of the
illness of their brother who lives near
; Portland who had suffered a paralytic
Mrs. Belt, Mrs. Weaver and Misf
Williams, teachers in the Athene
school took the teachers examination!'
held in Pendleton last week. Their
respective departments Avere filled by
Mrs. W. O. Read. Mrs. Joyd Miche
ier and Mrs. W. C. Emmel.
A Christmas program will be held
next Thursday afternoon In the high
school auditorium. The program is tc
be given by the pupils in .the school.
(East Oregonian Special.)
ECHO, Dec. 20. A. M. Longwell,'
j local postmaster, who has been ill for
' a length of time, went to Portland the
I first of the week where he will take
j medical treatment. Roy Hale Is act
ing a postmaster during Mr. Long
Veil's absence.
, Mrs. U". II. Stewart of Boardman
was the guest of Mrs. Al May Friday
and Saturday.
MJss Katheryn Palmer has been 111
with a cold for the past week.
Miss Margaret Hills, who is a fresh
man at O. A. C. returned home Satur
day for the holidays.
Charles Danklefs who has been here
for several weeks visiting at the Spin
ning and Madison homes expects t
return to Withrow, Wash., Sunday.
J. T. Hoskins of Pendleton was here
on business, Wednesday.
! A large crowd attended the mas-
Querade given In the city hall, Fridaj
evening. The first prize for the best
costume was awarded to Henry Peters.
I who was tastefully dressed as a gypscy
Mr. and Mrs. Andrew Cleghorn and
daughter Miss Doris Cleghorn, were
visitors in Pendleton, Tuesday.
Mrs. W. J. Wattenbtirger received
the sad news Wednesday, of the death
of her histcr, Mrs. Lula Heavens ol
Peoria,' Illinois. .
J. P. Rethlegsen returned home
Friday, after visiting in Pendleton a'
1 " 1 I
New Prices
on '
Will There Be Music
Your Home This
Furniture Gift!
i L. i
Iluy a standard make Phono
graph on easy terms. We sell tho
Columbia Grafonola, one of the
bent known. They run In prices
from l&O.OO up. 15.00 down will
jut one in your home.
55 records free with any ma
chine $120.00 and over: 10 records
free with any $50.00 or $75.00
machine. i
And furniture is now recognized as occupying a plact
in the very front rank among things suitable for Christma,'
giving! Few articles are as beautiful, none are more use
ful or practical, and what else will give such genuine joj
and so many years of pleasantmemory to the recipient
Right now our great store is ready with gift furniture.
In the section on the main floor of our store, which wi
have set aside for the display of hundreds of the mos
suitable and practical gifts of furniture, you will fine
scores of suggestions as to what to give any member of thi
family. This display includes gifts selling at prices rang
ing from $2.50 to $50.00.
Ask to see our Piano Lamps and Smoking Stands. The.'
are both ideal gifts.
Reed Sewing Baskets in old ivory Enamel, Shellac ant
brown finishes. . r
. Cruikshank & Hampton
124.28 E. Webb
Phone 548
You NAN" curs ms I
RZcjS? F?e?s, miss uessi
I .V M L r A i . ;
-r i ;
i 1 1- ii ei
he home of-Jacob Rhode for a week.
Miss L's Oobbell, local telephono
operator Is out of the office this week'
with a palm abscess on her loft hand.
being taken by Mrs. i!.
Her placo is
?. Ncely.
Mr. and Mrs. V. J. Wattenburger Could anything be more harmless
were In Pendleton on business Sutur-i'han a pink chemise? And for that
day. ' ! matter could anything be more insig-
Mra John Young re?olved word of nlfl'a"t than an I"'"rn ,rom whlch
the death of her sister in California, I srom oaKs grow.' So it was from a
Tuesday. " ,,'"1 chemise 'which, unfortunatoly,
Charles Decker' f Portland arrived a . tell-tale Inscription that all
here to visit for a short time, Friday. ,he complications aronc that made
Mrs. Decker and little daughter have j13""" Ainsworth o unhappy, his wife
leen here visiting for some time with
VIrs. Decker's parents, Mr. and Mrs.
V. Frieze.
George Goodnight spend Saturday in
Pendleton. i
Mrs. Lena Mathers and sons .Floyd
and M:irion, were heie from Butter
'reek, Friday.
Miss Veda Wattenbnnrer nnd Mtes
"ladys Wold spent Saturday in Pcn-
lleton. -
Mrs. Jessie Williams, teacher of the
third and fourth grades spent the lasit
"hree days of thd school wek in Pen
lleton, taking the teachers .examina
ion. Mrs. Fj T. C"!orge substlti'ted
luring her absence. , . '
Mrs. Carl Gilbert is In remlleton
ivhere she recently unflcrwetH ,a surgi
cal operation. She an accompanied
o Portland by Mr. Gilbert. ,
so jealous, and made one ef the great
farce hits of the decade of "l'p In Ma
bel's Room," the famous New York
success which A. H. Woods will pre
sent at the Oregon Theatre, Wednes
oay, December 21. Playgoers all over
the country are .familiar with Mr.
Woods' flair for farces, and his never-
to-be-forgottep hits "Parlor, Bedroom
nnd Path," "The Girl from Rector's."
"The Girl in the Taxi," "Potash nnd
Perlmutter," and a host of others. Yet
all New York was uuantnioug In de
claring that "L'p in Mabel's Room"
was the funniset farce that had come
from the Woods' office in Its wholu
history. It filled the Eltlnge Theater,
New York City, Jor months after hav
ing broken all records in Boston. The
UCoduction to be seen here Is beautiful
and elaborate and ought to have a
special appeal to ivomen on account
of Its display of new modes in gowns
nnd lingerie. The carefully selected
company includes Julie Ring, Sngcr
Midsclcy, James Norval, Josephine
Saxe, Harry Bradley, Grace Fielding
and others.
PARIS, Dec. 20. -(A. P.I With
drawal of American' troops .from Ger
many is not being considered at pres
ent. Major General Hen T. Allen,
commanding American forces nt Cob
enz. is quoted as sayiiiK In an inter
lew with the Petit Parisien. This
withdrawal was reported as being con
emplatcd in a recent dispatch from
Brussels. '
1,1X1 KY TAXIS m;pi:.YLCT.
OTTAWA, Dec. 20. (A. P.) All
taxes on luxuries in Canada, excepting
alcoholic liquors, confectionery and
playing cards, have been abolished by
the Dominion government, through an
order In council, it was announced today.
WASHINGTON, Dec. 20. (IT, P.)
-John Kerens, 36, American citizen
!of Kan Francisco, was killed In Mexi
co about November 2S, according to
information from the American em
bassy, in Mexico city, forwarded to
the state department. No details were
received as to how Derens met his
The- American embassy asked the
Mexican foreign offico to investigate
and If the report la verified, to take
steps toward punishing those respon
sible for the crime.
Fruit Cake Special
Extra Fine Fruit Cake, Rich With Raisins, Cur
rants, Nuts and Peels, at the Low Price of
New Crop Navel Oranges, sweet, juicy and well
colored, large sizes, dozen. ...... 60c and 70c ,
Mlxoil Nuts these nic all now crop nnd contain no peanuts.
. Pound,. 40o
i:.tra I am y Golden Dates, pound 40o
Christmas Candy, lm-o wlectlon to choose from,
per pomnl . .......... . lt)o hi 00c
I'igs, C'luxtcr Ilnlslns, I'liiiillcil Fruit, Plum ami Fig Pudding,
Slineo Meat, etc., nt curnx.-t lirices. ,
The Sanitary Grocery
A '221 East Court Street
Most in Value The Best in Quality .
f' ; v Phone 871. .
The Ctiristmas Spirit
Since the days of Ilic first Christmas, the sHrlt ut
that clay lias Imh-ii of good will and of giving.
TlM? unselfish object always was to make others
happy. A gift to help cultivate good citizenship by
Instilling the habita of thrift and economy will con
vey the right C hristmas spirit ami remain a )leaaiit
memory for years to miiio.
The American National has now ready for distri
bution Home Saving Itanks which in connection
with Savings Accounts make audi ideal gifts.
Call at Teller' window No. S for full particulars.
TheAmerfcanNalional Bank
Penrlleton. Oregon.
'Strongest Bank in Gastern Oregon
A Safe Bet
"Mote overlooked" afe bet
when be forfiot to mention lh
toothbrush in hit command-
- menu." Painter Parker. . .
' It Is safe to any that if evcry-
body took good care of the teeth,
sickness and disease would be
reduced bv half. You can't nave
good digestion and bad teeth at
the same time. You can't be
hanpv, healthy or good-looking
with "decayed teeth in the mouth.
E. It. Parker System dentists
enjoy the larcest dental practice
in the world. Their way of
practicing dentistry has been
tried 2S years, and the public has
given its' full approval.
When vou think of TEETH,
v think of Parker.
?0(ira DnttMt Vtlit
Hubert pat
' ' i i
-V I)r. n. o.
165 Mala
I ' - . N, . .it
! If I
: fit
. r if"
" ' I f i II
i. & iil
(' CHILLICOTHB, O. Bandits are promised a hearty reception
by the Invhera of this Ohio torn. Bank officers and employes hold
target practice ever; day after office hours. The ytcttir ihcwa bv
team to moot to kill. . - - - ...
. ' ' i : . : i ;.; :.'.t
j ,' -
The car a man uses in his buw-,
ncss Jife must be always ready for
iluty. It is just this demand for a
:ar they can trust that causes so
many business men and professional
Tien to drive Euicks.
The new Buick Nineteen Twenty
One models are cars of valuable dc
pendableness for business use,
whose roominess, beauty and riding
lomfort make them welcome in
hours (rf relaxation.
. The Authorized Buick Service is
as notably efficient as the Buick car.
Oregon jfyfotor (jarage
Distributors ;
a 0,0t J- r
j 0 f m r t
a 0 0 a r f