f, V -o"wr " , A BAiUlEL OF FLO UK OKDEll PENDLETON i'LOUUl DAILY EDITION DAILY EDITION l!umbr of eoptea jirlnted of yestarday'a Dully ' 3,317 aat Oregonlan It Eastern Ore ffon'a greatest nwiiMpor and a ft aellirtir force a-ivee to th adertie over twire th guaranteed pml alreu. lalloft In Pendleton and Umatilla eoua it of any othur aawapaper, , . , Thla paper Is tnwniier or una audited . by tin Audit iiuraau of C'lrgulatlona. COOTTY OFFICIAL PAPEE city ornciAL PAPES VOL. 83 DAILY EAST OEEGONIAN, PENDLETON, OREGON, 8ATUBDAY EVENING, DECEMBER 18, 1920. NO. 0?03 r - r-r v ; . .. - d is mm wd PROSPERITY SEEN AHEAD ; Money .Condition of. United States is Fundamentally Sound and Healthy Business Looms, Banker Tells Session W001MEN EXPETED ' .. TO ASK FOR EMBARGO Railroad and Grazing Rates Come up at Convention and Election of Officers Will Precede Adjournment Today The'flnnnelal condition of the Pull ed Stales la fundamentally sotiiid and a anon an F.uropenn countries curl buy from ua the good they need, and peo ple realize 1 hut a new era of prices hna coma, the rmont temporary depres alon will give plaea to a healthy pros parity. Thua wax the present finan cial altuatlon characterized by Freder ick Greenwood, manager of the Port land Federal Reserve Hank, In an nd dress at th Oregon Wool Growers' ns aoclation thla morning. Mr. Greenwood atnled that the prea ent decline In prices of various com modltlea Indicated a general readjust -ment to lower levels and wan the In evitable reaiilt of afier-war conditions. The public, . lie declared, revolted against high prlrea and a ' re-adjustment wna necessary. , CWdlla Koit I.lqn'd. "The financial problem " said Mr. Greenwood, "la one of keening- credit ' liquid by effect Inn orderly marketing and consumption of commodities. Thla requirea co-opernilon oo the part of producer, wholesaler, retailer and con mmer alike. The wholesaler and re taller have In many Instances taken their Inaa and are ready to resume a new baaix. The oonaumer ahould Iw content with moderate reductiona while the producer ahould he willttiK '.o mke hla ahare of loaa and not tie up bualnem machinery hy wlthholfliiiK commmlltlea In the hope of booatinif prlcea."' ' ' " " 1 No IlKjtrirtMnia liidc. Mr, Greenmood pointed out that there had been no reatrlnlon of credit, atallnir that the red oiim of the .general Reaerve Pankf tlad'increaaed -over half ,MIlun dollars during the peat year, and that there was every In- i dlcation that the Imnka of Hie coun try had met the legitimate demanda of htmlneag and industry could continue to do to If their cua- tomera met them halfway. About one hundred and fifty mn heard the addreea today, the uudienco IncJudtna" not only the wool men hut local bualneaa men. A reaolutlon anking that cttnprena Immediately place an embargo upon further Importation of foreign woo'a, gnoda manuf net tired " front foreign wool and foreign meuta, until auch I A . ill 4 OREGON LEGION 1L M FOR LAV ON BONUS SHERIFF MAKES HAUL : OF BRAND NEW STILL YOURpSTER'S NAP AT PICTURE SHOW LASTS ,v TO WEE SMALL HOURS Z: ..'.? Executive Committee in Port land Session Lays Plans for Bill in Legislature and Re- 'h"rl'' Myr" wai making ha , , . ,. J rounda. He atopiied to llHten iciciiuuiii ai ivcAi Lieuuon. Crlea from the voice of a email boy anlit the lr In front of, the Arcade theater at 2 o'clock thla morn'ng aa NiKht Patrolman ANTI-JAPANESE ACT ALSO TO BE SOUGHT ' Au. '"Ll'MI!I'H, f!. IVc. IS.- 'li,,iie K'.ana Huha and Colon"! cjeorpe haney are Intimates of I re-IJeoi-clrTt Jlardinp. Itec-mly Harding took them to the of cour p or the .Sciot-i Country Club. The above picture wb snapped j.'at they arrived. Colur.H H.incv was In the niiilst of a dlaciinaion and wa '.aying It off with Keattirea. Colonel Harvev i tlinn-n ,.t ih. i. fi ii ,r-iin,. to the center and Ilushes at the rlKlit. SUM OF 2057 OF m War Veterans Point Out That T California Legislation Has. Precipitated Influx of On"-1 entals into This State. ! I'OHTl.ANU, lec. 1S.--(A. 1',) j State leidalation which will offer an j -in-inuM.i. i.l t& v.Mfti farm or nottio loan or cash compendial. on at the rate of 110 per month of aorvice for world war vetorana will be prewted hy the American Legion, department of Ore gon. a a result of action of the atatc execntive committee In aeaaion "here today. Submiwoon of a bill to the leg inlature to be referred by referendum to the people ul the next election it Ik determined. Th Legion ali'O decided to atwn8or in the legislature a bill eimliar to the California Japanese law. It pointed out that the California law haa cauaed an influx of Japanese Into Orecoml from California. LFVES0F800 LITTLE and to locate the source of the cries. They dime from within the cheater. The officer Investigated. He found that a mall oy waft locked in, the houae waj dark and it tii growing cold. , The officer could not get rn nr could the boy gt out. He tele phoned to fiuy Matlock, part owner of the Pendleton Amuse ment Co., ownera of the house, itMiuectiug: him u furnish a key or means of ent ranee. ISy meana of a chair and fol lowing the direciinna given to the officer and thence hy him to the lad, -h inadc hla sscapo from tne building. The youngater had A atlil bearing evidence of being newj waa raided and conflacated late Fjiday by Sheriff VV, It. Taylor and Kvuert Sinclair on. the Hasher place In Comba Canyon, 12 milea from Pendle ton. J. P. Lee, charged with operating the plant, was arrested, taken to Athe na and fined lir.O in Justice court by K. 1!. Itfchardij, Juatice of the peace. The atill waa in operation when the ffficera appenred.' . Lee 'was busied with a soldering: iron, making tight a part of the jetort. No liquor had been distilled nor waa there any of the finished product about the place but 10 barrels Of mash, reported aa "very active, " were destroyed. Evidence In dicated that the plant 'had not Ion In use. ' The retort waa of large size and well made. The coils were of copper and brlKht and new. Maieriala alut the I Place indicated that Ie was going Into! biisinesa on a good sized scale. The officer said they had no evidence of j the man's prevto.ia operations or con nect'ons. They threw out all the III1A110F AMBASSADORS IN GEEECEISPLAI Britain and France Agree to Pact Designed to Withold Recognition if Constantino is Again Awarded Crown. ENDORSEMENT OF ITALY F,0R PROJECT AWAITED Action Would Reduce Offend ing Nation to Third Rate Power in Eyes of Three Big Former Allied Nations.- PAPLH. Iec. . A. P. The French minister hj to leave Athena Sunday. Probably the Brlfteh minister will also leave. l k IO 10 tit ry t?n-t. maklnRs" and brought the outfit to ,. 7.J ' . , . whereby they fcnd Italy wilt almultan- ln of a picture and ' when place waa closed and locked for the night he had been undisT turbed. ' , the Jail where It was added to the mounting collection which has been nee .Tlnlra Tnvlor hwnmn the 'aheriff. fallen asleep during the ho.'L., .,. ti-v. n-...t... v. ieouIy withdraw ambassador from IS TWO OF GREATEST S FORTUNES WILL BE V MERGED BY CUPID jGreece, leaving only a charge d af lf)iirea to look after, their Interests, the j French foreign office has announced, j Execution of the project awaits only jthe endorsement of Italy. I This a.'tion would reduce Greece to a third rate power in the eyes of the jthree big 'European nations, and la one I of the atepa designed toindicate tha allies' opposition to the restoration of King Conatintine. CHICAGO, Dec. 18. l". P.) Two of the greatest fortunes of the Mid dle West will be merged with the mar riage today of Miss Lolita Armour, sole heir of J Ogdon Armour - and John J. Mitchell, Jr., eldest son of John J. Mitchell, bank director and director of a score of companies- FOURTH AUTOMOBILE MOM. 10 Umatilla Asked to Join Belief j' Led by Herbert Hoover, ! Which Will Keep Suffering Children Until Next Harvest. ! FLOUR CAMPAIGN THEME j OF UNIQUE TRUCK AD f ai.e.m. j,-: it;-.: a.T.T a W..i of it'JT rrtil.s of highway in the rtsit-. Involving esti'iK-.tcd iIiwti. lid ohllta Hons aKKiepatlm; ;S .4T9..tft find rr. tual exnendflures tot aline -1 .54 Ji. SB 2 have been authorized under the direc tor credits and i'lon of the slat I,; The lives of sOO children of war-de ."tated Europe are in the hands of I'matilla A ton-and-a-haJf truck laden with choice Canadian whiskey, said to have been bound for Pendleton was halted at Dayton, Wash., yesterday by local officials there and Glen Rust and Trace Baker, of this city, arrested on a charge of transporting liquor illegal ly. The sheriff a office here -was no tified of the arrest hy long distance telephone and asked for instructions. The men and liquor were ordered turned over to the federal tuthorities at Seattle for prosecutloi. " A local cm-.rae will ne piaced against the men when they return here. Sheriff .... ., . - r, , j, i iTT ner aepartur jor I'enflieton to lnff -vrm. ..r J'- -'Mpena the Chnstrnas holidays with her nek, -was being operated with licenses 1 parents. Mi u9ni. itnA la - . rt . "Buy a Barrel of Four for Christ mas" fa the slogan and theine n a 'massive window display of flsur being j completed today by E!!ia-8chiler jAuto Co., in their show rooms at the ! corner of Mala and Water streets. The services of Sim WriKht, lr.al sign jpainter. and two artis's, were engaged to mKe the display, whmh is one of j A huge canvas, painted with a win der scene, forms the hackcrouod vt. 1 . 1 he turl'i unnuul auiotnohile ahonr f th" ririiil-t.n AiitoiDwlille lVnlers I""' ' . , . ' I from the purses of men and women of j j "ii oil jiiiiiM..!, riiii.ii Him r;iiiii-j day, March' 10, n and 12, and their j linnniil ri.incd n'ill fclloiv on Mon.Oiv i highway cnmmi.ialon ,. i..t. v. n o a,-.ia.i iu. I 'i'i'mir tv-v noil jLicoroing to it report Itoy Klein. se r.-nry of the! commission toiliiy. The sum provides ! I7.022.041 on the r.iclflc highway, I and Hi.SH. I'll on the t'olinniiln h' Plates otner tnan tnoao originally is- ppn,i,,on P, .h i. , Hi I , ' .. sued thai car and this violation of v-. ns.sung or spruce trees' IMCJIC .... .! I.... .Ill h. ..mi.h.,1 starving habieif can be saved hy ?8,00 a I The two men nvere arrested also at way. .4 fOontlnned on twice . n.M.l.tMIMNT tSTH.L 1)ST. t NKW VllltK, llec. 1. (: l' No trnce of nilnsing naval Imllnoni If thnnght lost in the Adirondack inoun. tains has been received at navy wire less stations or at hcadituartcrs. cventiig. evening in a meeting of the associa tion. The affuir rests in thn hailda of a committee of five, cotirtist jisr of J. H. KnUht. chairman, iioliert Simpwn, I. M. Ferguson, liejiry Mangold and K. It. Schiller. this county. It is a matter of lives: not of dollars,' A mere $10 bill will buy the life of, each bit of humanity until the next harvest. Jlerbert Hoover is lending the way Mild nsl's that Oregon, as astate. re move the look of lunger from the faces of STi, 000-children Pendleton's quota is 400 children? other towns In the county are asked' to make existence H'Iia ihiin' rtnvi unriii. n'tll hn "on tained entirely within the walls , j l'"ibe for 400 more of Europe's tiny ., . . . ..,, . , ,,, i war victims. iiop. vuo.M'ii moi'o, wins i1' lesr?ned numcia of dealers in the city. Davenport, Wash., on their trip toward Pendleton, the sheriff was Informed They were fined and part of their stock confiscated, the Information said, opt sufficient waa left to. continue the trip. Ferrymen and officers in all the towns on the Inland Empire highway were notified to be on the lookout for the truck, however, and the arrest at Dayton resulted from a close tab kept by police officers all along the line GRAIN STEADY WITH BUT HALF CENT DROP'TODAY Wheat for December and May dc-' llvikrv on th PhlfviirA hmirH of trnjln' held Ita own tottay, closing at the same figure as It opened. The December close, however, was a half cent nnder that of Friday, being M.69H. March wheat Joat more than a cent, the open Ing being, at $1.(5 and the close at 11.(13 May opened at $1.59 and closed at the same figure. The quotatlona on wheat and other raln today, aa received over the pri vate. Wire of Overbeds & -Cooke,' fol lows: Wheat High Low Hose 1.12 l.fisMi 1.621 l.3 1.414 1.5S 1.69 Corn .70 .74 Onls .4714 .4 .4!) It vp 1.58 1,44 H i.ii llarlcy Dec. Mar. May Dec. Muy July Dec. May July Dec. May Open l.tfi 1.59 ,10 .71 H .112 .46 i .4'4i .4H .US 'A .71 .7214 .414 .481, .4314 1.5CK .09 .72 V .7314 '.4S4 .48 1.57 1.4214 lows: Private Argentine ndvicea es timate the exportable surplua of 1.10, 000,000 btiKhels and their market 2c lower with a pressure or offerings. Paris cables that the stocks of for eign whent are very furue which, Ii hindering the marketing of native crops. Sterling exchange lower, with for eigners selling f itures both irt home mid the overnight.' Xi iV York advices indicate that exporters have enough Canadian wheat to take cure of their sulcs. A free movement of wheat reported to the gulf with a lessened export do mund. A. large flour broker in Chi cago says he has been unable, to se!l a barrel during the past two weeks. ( a n not Hcfusc .pabes J. V. Tallman. county chairman, met with local business men yesterday and effected a campaign organization if which the keynote will be, "We can not refuse the children. I I .oti .,.ititr a tnnl a nil chril o if i.l jthe pavilion, in 'which, trucks, acces sories and liuhting plaats were shown. i - lioth afternoons and ev.cnic.gs will j 1 be given over to the displays of cars ' ' . Z. . t trol on the ground that their sale hy ,.,,,1 no admission will ho charged to n " oe cna.rmun G was a vioation of the peace the .how. Kfforw will be made to movement to secure funds out- trtatvhave been ordered released, ac- trnvo the exposition surpass that of ' the county, wh le James SturgK cor(IinV to an announcement today by Af.PillXl'M PLANES COXTF.STF.D. BERLIN. Dec. 18. (A. P.) The 11 aluminum airplanes consigned to the 'I'nited States but held up In Hamburg by tht- Inter-allied commission of con lit 20 the bt .t ,,.!,. ll,.. Pendleton show )- - ' Jmtl r- """w ",,u iiieorge iiariman win atiiwai 10 ren dlcton peoiile. The drive officially t of ith size in the country. ANNUAL AUTO SHOW AT HMD TO the imperial treasury department here. TEll IRELAND'S STORY Portland's municipal auditorium will bo J ist biiU'lng it Vi surprises for the; motoring public of the northwest when the Twelfth Annual Antomoliilo show uf automotive products with a buck- ground- of Portland's famous flower tho rose, will prcet the residents of this section of the country who attend the Auntml event. - "The Iteauty Show ot.lhe Automo tive World" la to be the official title hv which to siw is to be o"wn this fiA and Is eseclnlly befitting to the opena tomorrow, but already there has been a ready response. Nolin, with a quota Of $100, is over the top, aa Is Mcnchum, with a similar quota. Sev eral local people subscribed today, nmong them Mrs. Llna Sturgls, who gave $100. Quotas arc Named I , , following are the district apportion-1 venlnj. ! menta and the chairmen for each: I ' "'8" 1 u is" Pendleton $40: H. B. Inlow and C n : w ... oe ,.-- ,- " v A- Hartman.- Athrna 00; Nf, Hansel i""-'" 11 X " . i 7 V tercst and of International tmport- m-f tum i iitiiin ijinri in 111111.-1 (i 1 wt'l U II rtllH'iiii " " "1 . , . . , mmm. 1 abroad. Xoech.s,nlbuin,, audi. ,,ens January 10, continuing to th S' u k i 11.1 ... .,. ,.1.-.. ii mm mm .linlsv 1 LleUallen. Echo $500; Joe tunha ' .......... "' im union...-. ... . . ' ,.' ;r,.j n...nn unit Abji Thorn oson. Fruitvale and Ferndale $ll(; L. Relne n . ...n. 11 i- ll.i.rii mini. . riPKBHiri ... r.. ...... . w.- ....tllv an and .1, F. Slover. Olhholi $5lU John.P""-'' V''" " Z,""""'," L' t- j ethical problem involving the right of ance It is neither a religious nor a mete v.ht and a nation to ae;em sen harmonious reiaiiooi ui--ri. government the Herm'ston $400; C Tom Campbell. Mcacnam I two; "-k-iVrv.V f.., n.-..i. -..n and 'Alfred Smith. 1 1 ""-" Du-1 ,,' , ', Pilot Hockiue proilioieu aiiu -r - Ki ps, .1. I. Casey Nolin $100; Dale Slusher. Prices advanced S I-2c from venter- i snV and Is especially befitting U tne 1 " " ' ' . ,,,,... un1 Ithrough ft right understanding of the day, hroke 4c from the high point, and ! flisplav of tho products of the automo- thOO EH. ( -'- "' 'ul' ""'I position ofthc Irish people," the nn closed at l-2c to lc net decline for the, ive worjd or passenger conveyance M- D. Vl,on , ' nouncement says. duy. The market bus be.cn oversold , ,hls v0'ar, inasmuch as manufacturers rice, T 4 . Mo : and 1 11 M- , . "Briefly, the position ia this: The and the ndveneo Mr tho past two flaya !arp devoting much of their attention burn. Manncm !o. p. ir(sh nation, by right of self determl- can be attributed to short covering, i , models with lines cf bcuMty and nnd James Kvie. ' J" '1" .J ' ' nntion has by overwhelming majority, more than to nny other cause. , The Krftce, " , p'h t7"0 pll voted for a republic, haa set uf? a re- weak action of the stock market does j 'Especial prominence wilt be Riven to, J. A. Lunisoen. tteitn jio public and by heroic efforts maintains .... ...fi h.,i.,. fi..nrii on,iiii,.r, i-io n aepoiint of the I Clark and George Hoherts. Mission ,.., n,mrMi -.ou..., ... .,,..,,...-, u,vu . .son ana oirt, rorm the foreground, a denly last night. Miss Roden had been large Quantity of sacked floor ..t.r.L-. suffering from rheumatism and It la ed against the scenery and ..a. truck- uiuusnt it reacnea ncr nearu Her brother, Joe Roden, who haa been attending Gonzaga. it. Spokane, and who waa to accompany hla sister here, will arrive here with the body tonight. Miss Roden Is survived by her par ens, Mr. and Mrs. Michael Koden, three sisters, the Misses Stella. Eliza, beth and Madeline Hoden; and four brothers, Joe, William, . Francis and Jean Roden. Funeral services will be held Monday at :S0 a. m. from St. Mary's Catholic church. loaded with flour, and driven' by San- ta Claus, are prominent in the fore ground. ' If " The color effect of the! room Is heightened by , colored , lights from electroliers in the ceiling. The entire display la placed, as a boom , to, the "Buy a Barrel of Flour" movement and is the largest of Ita kind yet made in thia city. Floyd Snyder" ha California where he Ttugg, in Pasadena. returned visited from -owe II FATHER OF KIDNAPED CHILD APPEA RS, EXONERATES GIRL AND RECEIVES SENTENCE Dee. May .88 .72 1-iorclg-n Kvliiinse London, 1.49. MS.. . Berlin, .013914. (From overbeck A Cooks. Co.) CHICAGO. Dec. 18. Whent opened with a continuation of buying that hna been In evidence for the past three The enerol news was . of a bearish character, some of which fo von""' "l . . o.....l..,,.;. M.AMmn and wo do not lieliove that wheat : growing country-wide (lemanu ny mo- - ' :""'' -....-...J .,n. prices can hold up under these cmidl- torlsts fur this class of vehicle hecom-:" ' 1 """'" " ; Henry Sommerer. Hons. ! ing ho pronounced. 1 no ueveioimieo. Corn Private Argentine advices re-1 0f the closed car is reaching a nisni port 2S,000,ooo tuisneis out corn still xUtr of perfection m airai .-.:., t no low...- from first hands is still slow hut gen- priced tnn mnnufacttired today bear entity Increasing with country offer- t this feature and are -appointing lugs more free. Hales or inn.nnn hnsli- (heir closed .lobs to rival tnoae oi too els were made to go to store for do- higher priced makes, livery on December contracts and ns ,,ul ,,f ;s passenger car dealers In a result the December delivery sold ' Portland, w ho are tnembera of the about 4c under May compared with Automobile Dealers Association.' S4 In under yesterday. Liverpool fu- have already secured space in the com- tures closed second lower, with sellers m)t show for the display of their cars-(flapper. .1 pressing more owing to more raver- Tbse S4 dealers represent un)-"" "One thing alone the Irish nation demands of Great Britain, the final withdrawal of the army of occupation TACOMA. Dec IS. (U. P.)- George Stags, who disappeared follew- ing tke kidnaping of his son from the home of hla divorced wife here. Sep tember 14, suddenly reappeared last night and waa sentenced today to from 10 to IS years In the penitenti ary, following his plea of guilty.. Pet ty Brainerd, Seattle society girl, who waa arrested In New York for com plicity in the tkdnaping, was absolv ed from all guilt by Stags and the case against her dismissed. Following the sentencing of her former husband, Mrs. Edith Cunning ham announced her Intention to ask Qovernor Hart to pardon Stagg. . . "After all, George Is the baby a fa ther in fact, If not in spirit. she said. "I am not vindictive. If I am assured he will never again molest me or the baby, 1 will do all in my power to get him pardoned." Miss Brainanl Accused. TACOMA. Dec. 18. (A. P.I Bobby Stagg, two year old boy for the kid napping of whom Miss Hetty Brain erd of Seattle was placed on trial here, was taken from his mother's Tacoma home September 14, 1920. Georpe T. Stagg, a newspaperman, who Is the boy'ji father, visited the pome or his divorced viie on eeptem ftlt te v1'Oct0ber Governor Smith Z , rk S'gnfS ""-odition pa stann Z Ihorour'rt,l to Tacoma , Und I triaL She arrived here Xovem., br 3 and was released on $10.0o' "eaA!'eV.he arr8' Bobh' " return. Th. V un tctober 2 Xhe Tacoma x-o.- t, . t. . -mine received a telephone message from .vi,.co,uver B. 4 . stating ,hat lhe . -city and that he nmi,i ... over to a reporter e..in ... " . room and a.ski.,r for "s" Vdle r;'"'"" Mr Stagg went to the Canadian city, foliowe1 dlr. eetions and, on October 21. recovered Belief has been enre i... .1,. f . coma police that Pubby firs, was tak- CW Torlt- Fi,,all- he so that the republic may function t,er 14 and-a.skedMo.see Bobby. While 'freely. One thing alone the Irish I republic request of the American re ' public, official recognition of their republic. Fi "More than this wai solemnly prom r Ised by Benjamin Franklin to the Irish the mother. Miss Edith Stagg was out of the room a few moments, the fa ther, it has been charged, picked up Hobby, hurried to a waiting automo bile and disappeared. For almost a month the search for eople in the dark early days of the the boy was in vain. On October 10 (Continued on nave, a..) father Reported by Major Lee Moorhouse, official weather observer. Maximum, 40. Minimum. 33. Barometer S9.42. -RainralL .06 Inches.. Barometer falling. lAmerlcan war of Independence, after juss Brainerd was arrested In New 'the Irish people, in their poverty and York and charged with complicity In MAKION, 1C. IS. (By Raymond nt their peril, hud sent us soldiers and the crime. The complaint asainst her P. Staff Correspondent) sailors, generals and commodores, charged that she drove Wacf from the association of nuti-larms and ammunition. Tacoma to Seattle In her automobile able exchange rates. From the nctioi airfercnt makes of enrs, which wiy bo ons ,g pra,jUIluy taking shape In the, "Franklin wrote. 'Our partis warm-' following the kidnapping nnd that she of today's market it s evident thnt the represented by 131 models. The 6''.-jmn(i of President-elect Harding as ly taken by the Irish in general.' hud charge of the bey after he was short Interest has been too large com 00it square feet of floor space in tbe ho convcrsos with tho "best mintlsi In George Washington wrote - in 1778, tcken. - pnred with receipts and with wheat nuditorium will allow for the uimuiij ,,nB country," It is learned today. .'Patriots of Ireland, ho strong In nope. . TH-ty Offers f K"4urn "I have not any dcta'led plan in Your cause Is Identical with mine. Following Miss Brainerd g arrest, my mind that you could measure offi "Gratitude and 'love of fair' play offers were made to return the boy to with a rule, but I have some general ihould move all true Americans to his mother if the charges against the Ideas about It." lie said. i;."ive at least a fair hearing to tha young woman were dropped. No ac- For the precent. however, these nreause. This mooting is free- to the tlon was taken on the offers and the carefully guurUid from public gaxo, public." case against Miss Brainerd was press- advancing, shorts were easily frighten- of 144 cars as originally, planned, and ed Into a covering movement. We are tn BCVer.il dealers who have delayed of the opinion thnt this cbiss of lviy- inilk,lng their appli' itbiu for splice en Ing Is nbout over and that the market ipt 1 f r..-hd.bt menta in their e - will renew Ita downward course, next vi'Tniirix ore expected to ime up the wek. , Ulswcc fit the rnace. i , . -mmm mm Tonight a-.l Saturday pn.b ably rutn or mow. ' 4, J" '