East Oregonian : E.O. (Pendleton, OR) 1888-current, December 13, 1920, DAILY EDITION, SECTION TWO, Page PAGE NINE, Image 9

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, .JjijutQiJl J-'hit"' "t iiiiniTrt"1 ' feiu-j""""Miii''i'i iCtm-iiw rrf Cr!ew ; I ... fc.-,..-,. -kjhhb,. d Ife.
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1 r - A. I
:i ri
Kclfes, Jlush Qf pprnmits, Locate, Lost, T' ::r For Kent, Etc p. J-
Handy Busihes Directory of Pendleton and Vicinity
Classified for Easy Reference.
HfL.ii yaii ' 1 1, i, 1 1 .tjiujujn, i.i iiaasU
Spftvp Oil 'rn(mm;n rjTRfawmon -CoiMieirrito l" tha office .of the
"NotTca l : hereby given that-at - a
regular meeting of the Common Coun
loll ot The City of MendMon held at
AnnrlmAKiu .,H ""n-" -vusnroers in jrenmeton
"I 207 Aura." Phnn ma w . uregon, on Ueoem-ber 8th
FOR RENT Two ronm
Frtlt ItKNT Two furnlHhPd
keeping rooms no children
Lllleth Ht.
, ' tltoilowtng -Resolution, was duly adopt
house. d' v: .
ALL KINDS of patientt caid for
exjwnonced nnmo 800 W... Wehb-t-,
KXPKRIJOXCKD milker wantg work
on dairy ranch Inqulro Welch
ro. cigar Storo.
i vvhbrkah, the City Surveyor of
H The City of rendluton did on the
by K or 4Joemoer. izd, under dlrec-
iionn ana oy r(tuirement of the Com
mon Cmincll file In iho office of the
ltecorder of The City of Pendleton,
plan and epeclficatlona for an appro
priate improvement of the following
named utreet In ald olty: . , c
nlnhed for rent Kurnlturje or sale
6 poiiefe, Pbxn Jll-J.
lVVfi SALE A 1918 Ford demount
able rlma, ehock absorbere. A-1. con J
dltlon price $275.00 Box 466, Phone
. ALL KINDS of fuenaoe nd toe e-
pnlrlnir. pipe XlttUic and chimney
fleanln aitlMfacdnn iriiaranteed
Iteporder of The City of Pendleton,
plan and ffilficntlon for an appro
priate improvement of the following
named tretfllit enld fllty: - (..rur-i
' Jeffemon Htreet from the Kurth line
of Jiuknon Street to the -South line ot
1S0 the! Wanhlngton Btreet, and , y,. f, ...,,-
Washinirton Street from the EaHt
line of Madiaon Street .to .the Weet line
of Main Htreet including the full'InLer-
section of jcCfwwjn and Waehington
fctreetH, toKcthcr wiili the eBtimats-x
of the nor n to be done and the prob
flbl oOHt -thereof wlth.a. tatment of
the hits, parte ot Iota ind 1 parcel o(
land to be benefti y euch Improve-
ient and the percentage of he lotal
coat of lmprvementj whku eftch of
uoh lata, nnn ; lot and nareela of
Clav Street from the north ii land Bhould pay n aaopunt.of the
Alta Street to the South ne of (Court bnefit " b deriyod from auch 1m-,
Street, fcgthr with -the entlmalea of Provemenl na. ( i t ;
the iworlt to bo dona nnri ih r.ri.i.l WHEHKAS, the council haa examlu-
coat thereof with a atatement of the!1 uch pIfln ana Pclflitlpnir and
Thla Dlreotory la eepaoially handy tor the out-of-town reader who may want the nam and address of reaponalbla nuatoeae mo mho repreaenl
the XuUowinc Uses. All Me reliabla, -eap9naible bueinese ooncerna who aun dready to civ you prompt rvlca , , '
Uie Firat Ntinl Bank to John Urn. AVAXTED Woman for general houae. R. L KEATOR, Attorrey : Law. HEMSYITCHINO Mall ordera Mm
birth abd receive ,-thetr receipt.
references required i-hwie Kootii M, iWnlLh-crawford liulidlnc.
BOY AOK 1$ wants work on ranch
for board while going- to echool
Call 204 -H.
LOHT Hoyg overcoat, (gray) between
' Agency and Pendleton Saturday eve.
neltirn to H. U Bwartatander, Indian
Agency and receive luiutule reward.
LOST I .ale Saturday night at Depot
amall biuqh velvet and ribbon bag
containing' email amount of money,
rwo tmggage ohecka and other articles
Finder jpleniie keep money and re
turn bag and other article to thin
.Spflrtiil Vinkie
All members- of the Kafltwrn lar,
Masons and their wlvea are Invited to
on entertainment and sociul given by
Pendleton Iodga No. 8 A. F. A A. M.
this Monday evening, t P. M. at Ma
sonic hall. ,
FOR SALE Wicker baby baslnette
Phone !5-R.
" " 11 ' " " 'l I .... -' -J.il u..
TOR SALE 78 H. P. Holt CauarpMar
sturgm Storta, . ,
FOR BALK Second-hand cloUUng at
George laeMotfe. 621 8. Uatn St.
BEM) rcB LIST of real esute for
sale Geo. M. Cole, Wtllainina, Ore.
rOR SALB month old pigs Ad
dress Gecrge La t'ontaine Bog ii.
FOR BAL& All kinds of iniurano.
J. H. EstM, U Main BU Phona (4)4.
lots, parts of lots and parcels of land
to be benefited by such Improvement
and the percentage of the total cost of
Improvement, -which -each of such lots,
pans or iota and parcels of land should
ray on account of the benefit to be
.derive from sneh Improvement, and,
Vt'HKREAS. the council has examln
ed such plans and specifications and
estimates and found the same satis
factory and the estimates therefore to
be in accordance with the probable.
coat of such work, and
lllrtunM m it .
nnfueju, me property recom
mended by the City Surveyor to be in
fllHded within Mie boundaries of the
district Sjeneflted as m the Judgment
of the Common Council properly to bi
Included within such improvement dli
trict and no property Is excluded
therefrom which should properly the
Included therein, and. .
WHEREAS, the Improvement of the
hereinabove described portions of sal
street, either with Gravel Bitultthlc.
.Pavement,, Conweta Pavement of
.rnrrenue Mil ultimo l'avement or
(jrusned Rock qr w Cruithed Orave)
toundation, is at this xfme eceaary,
therefore, be it, -. : ,
RRSOLVKD OV h Common Coun
oil of The City of Pendleton that if Is
expedient to improve and H Js hereby
proposed to Improve said portions of
sold Clay Street by pavta the same
wtth either (travel Hltulithlo rave-
ment, -Concrete Pavement or Warren
Me Pltuilthic Pavement on Crushed
Rock or Crushed Gravel foundation.
such pavement to be constructed and
the surface thereof to be finished upon
the eetabllKhed grade of said street
and the street to .have curbs and gut
tors and all other things In accord-
ance with and aa shown In the plans
and specifications fanthe Improvement
estimates and found the same satls-
.... :-, -i. vx.fomn .
: The following described animals
have been taken up by the marshal ot
the City .of Pendleton, to-wit.
One brown mare-1 ye&ts old, weight
1100 lbs. ' Pionderl on-left shoulder.
VX connected on elne. Left hind foot
White, star In -forehead.. - ,,
orrl yearling colt, ne brand. :
- 'If Aaid anlmtils are not claimed by
the owner or those entitled to their
BOiseMlon ndvOOisU . .and expenses WANTED TO RENT Furnished
FEB ft FEE, Attorneya at Law,
fines In Uexpata HiiilJing.
Haseell 417 Bush, Phone
WAITED Man anl 'if want work
. on sheep ranch. Address H.. P. Aus
tin, Cashmere, Wash.
WOMAX would like work on ranch
willing to work for small pay during
winter months Phone 15F4.
paid and. tnkrn awny within ten
days from .the data hereof, then at t
o'clock p. m. on the iiHh day of No
vember. 1920, tha aaid animals will lie
old '.a the .highest bidder, at public
auction, for cajih, at ths City Pound,
in said City of Pendleton, the proceeds
unfurnished house unfurnished
preferred--Apply to Will H. Bennett,
Phone 32rJ. ,
8. A. LOWL-t Attorney ind Counsel
lor at Law. Office tn Deapntn JHldg.
& A. NEWBERRT, Attorney at Law.
Federal Building.
torneys at Law. Rooms 9 nod i
Smith-Crawford ISIdg.
factory .and ..the -estimates therefore f such sale to-4 applied to the pay.
to be in accordance with the probable ment of suck costs and axpensea ot
snaking gal.
! Dated this 1 8th day of November,
l2. , .i
. - - . -. AL ROBERTS,
... City llarshal.
cost of such work, and
WHERJiAS, tlie property f recom
mended by the City Surveyor to be in
oludcd within the boundaries of itha
district benefited Is In the iudgment
of the Common Council properly to
be Included within such improvement
district and no jproperty, is excluded
therefrom -which should nronvrlr be
Included therein, and, t . -,
WHEREAS, the Improvement of the
hereinabove described portions of said
Htreet.- either witn Gravel UUulithlj.
ravement,-,. concrete, Pavement or
Wurrenite BituHthioi a'avoment on
Crushed Rock- . or Crushed Gravel
foundation. Is at this time necessary,
therefore, be It, .
RESOLVED by the Common Coun-'
ell .of The City of Pendleton that It In
expedient to, Improve and It is hereby
proposed to improve said portions of
Mild Sefferaon and Washington .Streets
by paving the eTime with either Gravel
iutulithlo -Pavement, conorete Pave
ment or Warrenito BHulithlc Pave
ment on .Crashed Slack - or Crushed
Gravel foundation such pavement to
be constructed and the surface thereof
to i9 finished upon the jeetabllshed
grade of said street and 'the street, to
liave curbs and gutters and all other
things In accordtnea . with r and ..as
shown In the plana and .specifications
for the improvement of. caid portions
of -said Jefferson and Washington
Streets, prepared by F. B. Hayes. City
Surveyor, filed with the Recorder of
said city on the 30th day of Sept.t-JSZO.
which KTild plans and specifications
are tierafcy .particularly, referred to,
and be it further,1
RESOLVED that the Engineer s es-
iWB REPAIR Anything electrical on
an automobile. W. K. C3uuie Co.
A. at. itOyiJlfiN Siand i, Henulngs
Cigar store. Country trip Pbone a.
JAMES B. PERRT, Attornsy at Law,
Office over Taylor Hardware Com-
pan j.
liLili l:
Carl JE. lYanseesti. Klls iting.
neys at Law. Office In , American
National luinlc Duilding.
FRED H, BCHM1ET, Attorney at
Law, . Boom 24, Bmllh-Orawford
W. Q. FISHER Stand Rlicy & Kemp,
Phone bii. ."
C. E. WrLUAMSON 8and at Qrlggv
Cigar .Store Phone 1075..
Xolloe of Mils Sot Construction
'roHSvralks f
Notice la hereby flven that sealed
bids .will la received at the office of
the "City Recorder. up to 6 o'clock p.
m. on December 46th J920, for the
construotion of the following described
concrete Crosswalks in the City of j J-ENDLETOfi CYCLE CO. Ajax, Re
Pendletoni1.. - - . . - vere.axd Kavar tirea. 328 E. CXmrt
,1 Crosswalk .on Rnllrood Street !, "-'f
the west line of Ulleth Street. '- . -, , ," '1 ' "J . ' :
1 Crosswalk on .Railroad Street on u BENTLET CO. Goodyear and
BAT1ER1E3 guaranteed ttr It
months. W. F. cbaae Co, 120 S.
Court. Telephone 2s. Pendleton.
DA LB ROTHWELIr Optnu.eurlst asd
Optician. Olaawae ground to fit year
eyas, American National Bank Build-.
lug i-tioix t , --....:,
DR. O. E. HOLT Osteopathia. pbysU
clan and Surgeon. Judd Bldg. Tela
phones, office GO; BnuUlenc a:t-W,
DP, DENA M'CO.NN EI-X, Ostaopal
thlc physician and surgeon. Xempls
Bldg. Office phone S47-J, Raa. 244-M,
by competitive test. Service on all
makes of batteries, svaranteed. IPrest-
, O-IJTR Servtoe fctatkoa. 40 U. Court
rnone aot. i z
CHKT'FOdb, Scratch fowt'toaTcsJ
bone, shell, grit, corn, oats, rolled
barlt. Linatllla Flow A Grain (o.
FOR RALE I bead at rood mules. 10
head of horses all good stokA See
Bturgis ft Storle. wu.
FOR BALE Half propeUad eombtne
Mrveaisr, ltll model, good aaapa
tarms fr.urgls m St aria.
tlmstes of the tirobable total cost of
. iu porunn or sain tnay ptreet, sueh improvement, which said Ciiy
OR SALB Four wagon boxes, (or
bulk train, low -wrleo if tks aooa
B. L. Burroughs, phone i.
i'OR RALE -Two year lease and outtit
on II aere alfalfa Jmd 11 aeeded
Address E. F. pkrrson, Hermiston, Ore.
FOR SALE D00 sacks Burbank pota
toes first classat $1.60 a sack
Inquire St. Andrew's School reserva
tion. '
-'120 acies, well enulpped Abun
dance of rang Joining Addre- at. 8.
WaJtor, Qutney. Wash.
MOTOR1 8TSe-Drhie a safety,. om-
fort, in raitt, fog, snow, leet r Allen's
Windshield Cloth keeps glass clear;
lasts Indefinite!'; trial site 10c sliver.
3. W. Foley, 1308 So.ilill, Ixs Angeles,
California. - -
better thanver. For the iiext Uai
red Rooks, R. I. .Retls, lirown Lr
horns and While Leghnrns get pila
gulre's Chicks. Order now for 1921-
i. It. Maguh-e,":77. Oi-egon St., Port
land, Oregon.- '
REGISTERED and pedigreed Cheaa
. peoke Bay tRetrlever fips for sale,
s Antericafs best duck dog, xeelent
watchdogs, lovers of children. Just
right for Ideal Chrlarmas gifts. J. R
Magulre, 787 Oregon St., Portland,
room -bungalow, north side, .,
4 room bungalow, north sldo.
' 4 room residence, south side, very
rhe&n. - ,
I room residence. Bast -end,' good
.. 5 room residence, West end, easy
terms. . ?
cm. W. IXDER,
' 8lg Main St.
He. Phone 72-W Phone 993
The officers of 4he Trl-tate Auto
,46iub of Pendletoa have.called apecinl
. meeting for Wednesday night. Decern
htr 15 at 7:30 In the Commercial Club
rooms In the Elks' building. ,
' There Is very linportont.work to be
tnlken -up nt this meeting and , it is -very
necespary that you should atrhnd tu
we want your personal opinion on the
buslnexs to, be transacted. . ,
Very reopectlftilly,
'f" j. B. KNIGHT, Secretary,
Notice of Itids to I-'urnlsh Lumlier
Notice Is Ilerehy given that sealed
lds will be received at the office of
the City Recorder In Pendleton, Ore
gon up to i o'clock p. Bt. on December
J.Mh 1920, for furnishing te Th City
W ' Pendleton, F. O. ha 1e Street
T.iHdgo 8000 feet of lumber 814 in. by
5s1 In. by 18 ft, The Common Council
reserves the right to reject any and all
litdB ut Its pleasure.
, Dated this 2nd day of Eeoembef,
LT'-' " Cliir Itecorder.
prepared by F. B. Hayes, city Survey
or, wed with the Recorder of said City
On the 8th day of Dec, 1920, which
said pinna a,nd specifications are here
by particularly referred to, and b it
further, - , , !
RESOLVED vhet the Engineer's as
tfmates of the 'probable total cost iof
such improvement, which said City
t-.nglneer s sUmaua wee made nd
1 repared oy H- Jlayes, aty Surveyor
of said city, tn the sum of 8882.20 and
were filed wlto the Recorder of said
city o ith day of (Dec;, ja20, is
hereby Included and hsreby referred
to particularly, nnd be It further,
RESOLVED that the plans and
specifications gnd estimates for such
Improvement, as prepared by the City
Surveyor and filed with the Recorder
of The City of Pendleton on the th
day of Dfc 1920, be and they are
hereby adopted and approved, and be
It further, 1 ..-...
RESOtVED that th cost of making
such improvement shall be a charge
and Hen upon- all lots, parts of lots and
poroels of land to be benefited by such
improvement, and the owners of sueh
lots, parts of lots and parcels of iaiid.
so specially benefited by such improve
ment shall be 4lol.for the -payment of
the costs thereof, and be it further,
itbHOLiVKD that an assessment dls.
trict Is hereby created to be known as
"Assessment District NO. 17," embrao
lng the property benefited and to tie
assessed for the payment of such im
provements, which Assessment 'Dis
trict shall include .alt lots, ports of
lots, and parcels of land lying . and be
ing within the district bounded and
described aa follows, to -wit:
Description of Assessment District
Known as Improvement District No. jt
Beginning at the Southwest corner
of Lot Ti Block 2, Reservation Addition
to Pendleton, thence 140 feet 418 in.
in a Northerly direction 'and 'parallel
with the west line of Clay Street;
thence 277.84 feet in an Easterly di
rection nnd along the South line of
tjotirt Street thence '30 feet, 11 XL In.
In - a "Southwesterly direction - and
parallel with the East line ot Clay
Street; thence 280 tt. in a Southwest- j
erly direction and long the North line
of Alta Street to the point of begin
ning. ; Z v-1
And be It further resolved, that -a
copy of this resolution together with
the notice that the surveyor's estimate
Of the proportion of the cost of said
work to be charged against each lot,
r.art of lot and parcel of land Is on -file
in the office ot the City Recorder. be
published for a period of ten days In
the East Oregonian, which .newspaper
is hereby designated Jiy the Common1
Council for the publication thereof.
-Ami further untie' Is thereby given
that the City Surveyors estimate of the
probable, oost of said Improvement to
'be charged against each lot, part of
lot and paroel W land on account f
said ImproAtemeht is now on file In the
office of The City Kccoraer, suojecx w
Inspection and examination.
Dated this 9th day of December,
the west line of Aura Street.
1 Croaswalk on Aura Street on the
sooth line vt Bltlff. Street. .
1 Cross walk on Bluff street on the
west tin of Aura. Street.- -
1 Crosswalk on Tustin Street on the
west line of Coeuie Street.
1 Crosswalk on Aura street on the
south line of Tustin Street.
1 Crosswalk on Tustin Street on the
east line of Aura Street.
l' Crosswalk on Lewis Street on the
west-line of Jeff Dnvis Street.
1 Crosswalk on Jeff Davis Street on
the north line of Lewis Street.
1 Crosswalk on Beauregard Street
on the south line of Lewis Street.
I Crosswalk on Lewis Street on the
nasi line of Beauregard Street.
-rne common wiuncu reserve the.
right -to reject any . and all bids at Its
pleasure. : ,.,.'--
Dated this 2nd day of. December,
1920. i. .,
' . i City Recorder.
Diamond Tires Tire service, oils
ant acoeacorles Alta. anl Garden fits.
WALLACE BROS. Flak Tires, cords
or falu-ic r We do our own Adjust-
Ing. SOH'lt Jotuuvoi oL : .
Soles, 6000 miles guaranteed 1-2
cost ot new tires. $37 Cottonwood St.
public and. Firestone tires, cords or
fabric 223 K.. Court St, Phono HI.
CC Barney Oldfleld, Goodrich Sil-
vcrtown Cord and PaMiaylvanla Vacu
um Cup SOS E. Court.
WILJTAKE CARE ot children even.
Ings -Phono-972-W. -
CATKKPiLIiAKS, harvesters, gas en
gines, automobiles " and general
blacksmithlr.g. . Round-Up Garage,
Parks Keberga-Il, 313 West Webb.
makes Warren's Musto Boue, lit
Main St., Phono tt4.
PARKER ft BANFIELD, Designing,
- Engineering, Coniructlng, It years
experience in concrete and brick con
struction. 64 E. Third St. North. Port
land, Oregon. . ,
I'lAXO TUXINO and repairin-
Le iloun Phone 652-R.
DR. R. C ELLSWORTH Specializing
in oervous disaase and -.iwases of
women. to 1J a, ra. X te '. t m.
Evauings 7 .to t. Fhona 7041, biiutb
Crawford Building. - .,
tons quality. Players of lndivlduailty,
Its the construction that oanta. 8a
piano on display, writ or phono IM
Bee Hlia, ti Main 1st., rbOM 107
J. P. Damail, Factory Rsp, Koir M
Chase Piano Co.
Painting and Paper Hansfcj
DRESSMAKING Mrs. Bessie Eiklns,
126 Thompson Phone 730-W.
Engineer estimates were made and
prepared by F. B. Hayes, City Survey, j
or of sald.cKy, tn the sura of tSSSJ-tO IOR SALE Lexington Roadster, A-l
and were filed with the Recorder of I condition III Thompson street '
said city on the 30th day of .Sept., t " -
i 20, 1s hVreby included and hereby re. f FOR SALE Hudson, good condition,
ferred to particularly, and be it f uuh. f I500.00 Erentzel Motor Co, 418 Gar-
RESOLVED that toe plans , and
specifications and estimates for sucit
improvement, as prepared by the City
Surveyor and filed with the Recorder
of The City of Pendleton on the 30th
day of September, 1920, be and they
are hereby adopted and approved, and
be it further, ... . ,
RESOLVED that the cost of making i
such Improvement shall be ft charge
and lien upon all lots, parts of lots and
parcels ot land to be benefited by such
Improvement, and the owners of such
lots, parts of lots and parcels of land,
so apeoiatly benefited by auch im
provement shall he liable for the pay
ment of the costs thereof, and be it
fiurther. ,.,.-. i '
RESOLVED that an assessment dis
trict la hereby created -to -bo known
a "Assessment District No. 73, em
bracing the property benefited and to
be assessed tor the payment of such
Improvements, which Assessment Dis
trict shall tnolude all lots, parts of lots,
and parcels of land- lying and being
within the district bounded and de
scribed as follows, towit: -Description
- of AsHCssnient District
,?' ,...: ( ' NO. 1Z
Commencing at the Southwest , cor
ner of Lot g, Blqck (, Swltzler'g Add.
M Pendleton, thence 2110 ft. North and
ftarallel with the West line of Jefferson
Street; rhonce West 100 feet and
arnliel with t,he South line of Wash
ington Street; thence North ,.160 feet
and fiarallel with the West line ot
Jefferson-Street; thence East lOOifeet
and ' parallel with the North line of
Washington Street; thence North 100
feet and parallel with the West line of
Jefferson Street; thence East 260 feet
and parallel with the North line of
Washington Street; thence South 100
feet and parallel with the -East line ot
Jefferson Street; thence East 100 foct
and parallel -with the North line of
Washington Street; thence South 460
feet and -parallel with the East line of
Jefferson Street; thence West 100 feet
and parallel with the South Una of
Washington Street; thence South 850
feet and Tiaraltel -with the East line ot
Jefferson Street; thence West 260 feet
on the -North line ef Jockeon Street to
the point of beginning.
And be -It -further resolved that a
copy ofc this, resolution together with
the notice that the surveyor's estfc.
mate of the proportion of -the cost of
satd twerk to be charged against; each
lot, part ot lot and parcel of land is
on file In the office of the City Re
corder, -be published for a period of
ten day in the-iHast "Oregonian, which
newspaper Is hereby designated by the
Common Council for the publication
thereof. '
t And further notice Is hereby given
thut the Surveyors estimate of the eost
bf said proposed improvement to be
t-harged- against each lot, part of lot
and parcel of land on account of said
nronnsed imnt-nv&ment Is now nn file
OP PUOI'OSKD STRiaCT jj th(, o1(ice t the City Recorder, sub
Ill"IWJr...i . Meet to inspection and examination. t
i Dated this 9th day of December,
1920. " (
City Recorder. ;
FOR SALE Overland model 84. per
" feet condition, ., $67.8.00 JTrentie!
Motor Co.
MRS. ADA FIELD Splrella corsetlere
, Phoue 824-W. Address 114 Jane.
MATERNITY and convalescent hos
pitalMrs. IraU. 114 EL Bluff SL,
Phone 277. " .
FOR SALE Chevrolet, 83S0.0O, just
overhauled Frentiiel Motor Co.
. , City Recorder.
Notice Is hereby given that at a
regular meeting of the Common Conn.
ell of The City -of Pendleton neia i
the Council Chambers In Pendleton,
Oregon on December 8th, 1920 the fol-
lowing Resolution was duly adopted,
WHBR E A H. -1 lie City -Surveyor of
The City of Pendleton did on the Sth
Cay of September, 1920, under aire,
V n and by requirement of the Com-
t Notim ' '
Nbtlce to all members, Woodmen ot
the World, of Pendleton Capip No. 41,
Our clerk J. P.-Walker eing sick and
at the hospital at present, all members
wishing to pay their due may do io at
,. ' . i V,f-
FOR EXCHANGE Good 5 passenger
oar for Pendleton . property Geo,
W. Elder. 18 Main St.
RAG ROGS and carpets woven. Also
first class crocheting and embroid
ery. -All oroers promptly filled. -See
Wheelers, At 1300 W, Jtailroad.
DR. LENA A. BOONE Chiro&ructoi'
Office hours 10 to 12; 1:30 to 8:00,
309 E. Court SU Laatz Apt 16, Phone
977. , ..
701 East Alta. scrwet. All aaakea of
fradiators repaired. Work guftracteed.
C. Blasberg, Vrop. . n
Pressing and retailing. 304 W.
Webb St. Phone 821, Pendleton, Ore.
WE WASH and clean the finest ruga
satisfactorily. References given
We make fluff rugs from old carpets.
Walla Walla Rug. and Carpet Clean
ing Co. Phone 1677.
FOR SALE Va has a tew second
hand Fords priced from 8150 to 1500.
These are all worth the money call
and see them Simpson Auto Co.,
Water and Johnson Stab ..-
.,; '"FOR SALE .,i. y"
, ,1920 Model Bulck roadster, almost
new with Good tires and one extra
equipped, with spot light and motor
meter, etc. Will sacrifice tf taken nt
once for J 1250.
,One ton Ford truck for $278.00
, John IMier's Ganigo . .
. . tlS .Wlllow St.
FOR RENT-Furnlshed housekeeping
rooms Phoiie J04-M. ... ,
FOR RENT Furntomat
room 1214 B Court.
FOR .RENT To room apartment,
'.-.furnished, with gas 401 Aura St.
FOR ,RENT Furnished housekeep
, inf Toqns-r618 Jane, Phone SC9-JI.
FOR RENT 3 nicely furnished down
stairs modern rooms Phone S01-M.
FOR RENT housekeeping Apts., In
private Ivome on North Sider-Phone
FOR RENT iFront room with bath
- for gentleman only-r-118 Jefferson
street, .
FOR .RENT Front -bed .room In pri
vate ' home reasonable" 1.4 ,Jane
FOR RENT Furnished rooms at Ell
Bush St., possibly arrangements for
FpR RENT Outside sleeping . room-
Phone 212-W, 405 Lewis St. Board
if .desired;
FOR RENT Nice stMPIng ,rooma,
Board acrou the tnnt. .- phons
tHi-M. 31G Garden.
FOR RENT 2 room apartment In old
Failing Hldg., 901 Main See Mr. F.
M- Hambtpn. Room 9.
ROOM TO RENT for two young ladles
. or two young .men can get their
own itreakfast or - lunch mornings
and Aveninga Phone 248-af.
WAfTTED Sewing plain or fs-ncjr
Phone S06-M.
the day Phone 730-W. ..
ti oanta month, 3unday included.
G. W. Hooker, agent Office, Alice
Shinning Parlor (Al Rlchardaon'i
Plce) 601 Main St Phone (II.
MARRY AT,ONCE-We put you -in
, correspondence with thdusands of
charming eiirl refined ladies who wish
to niarrj', niany- worth from 81,000 to
315,000 and upward. Particulars free.
Address Allen. Ward, B 751, Valley,
Nebraska. ; . f
Backs, Bid Curtains 21 East
Court Kt - - '.
WestoiKPendhHon Auto Stag
Leaves Weston tor Pendletoa St
7:30 a. m. and 18:48 p. m.
Leaves Athena for Pendleton at
8:00 a. m. and 1:00, p. rn. -
Leaves Adams tor Pendleton at
8:20 R. m. and 1:20 p. m.
Leaves Pendleton (Allen-Knight
Co. ytoro) for Westun at 10:08
a. m. and 4 p. m.
O. H. Mel HEREIN, Prop.
nio Hrvk-Pendletoo Auto SMge
Ltv? -itot Rock st g a. m.
Leave b Pendleton av 10:30 . at
Leave Pilot Rock at 1 p. m. i
Leavea Pendleton at 4 p. as. , ,,-
,!..- , - prop, i'
CALL PENLAND Bros., iransfer van
to move your household goods. We
also pack or store goods. We do eeun
try hauling. Telephone S39. .
Boost lot Amarlcan Bank Bldg.
Phono 328 ! '; . Pendleton, Ore.
rR. H. M. HANATAK Dentistry.
Boom 9, Temple Bldg Phone 771.
PAINTS. Wall Paper, Ploture rram
ing. It, I. McAteo, th Praatlaal
Pnlnt Man. Lowe Bros, Faints, i
THB QUELLE. A good plaoa to et.
WE BUT, SELL or exchange housa-
hold goods. We also do general fur
niture repair work Phone 822, Rllay-
& Kemp, 523 Main St. , s . ...
OPTICAL Dept. any slca, atyle
hap glas while you wait D, H,
Beber, M. DH I, A, , Belts Bldg, ; -
Maatge and Steam Bath
Electrical cabinet bath, medical tub
bath, electricity, V-Ray, vibrator, ate..
at The Swedish Institute. If you suf
fer from rheumatism, stomach trou
bles; nervous, run-down, paralysla.
adiposis (reducing ot weight) com
and see us. . G-. W, Brown, M. O. D.
Graduated In Sweden. Expert Lady
Assistant Over Taylor Hardware)
orjSttre, Main St., 743. Phone 1079-W,
V. STROBLE, dealer In naw and bm
ond hand goods. Cash paid icy
'second hand goods. Cheapest plsee
SNOW ft DAYTON, 117 E. Court St!
Real Estate. Fir Insurance. Farm : to buy hotisehold goods, tit K. Ootart
Lotoa. Seu us about a loan.
BRING your Junk to the PenCieten
Hide ft Junk Co. see us before, you
selL Ik D. Cameron, Prop.
ing for the 'amateur enlarging.
Prompt work; Tall man Drng Co,
EVERT Article Laundered Perfectly.
There' an agent in your town.
Troy Laundry, 60S Garden Bt
Phone 271-W.
THE most up-to-date rre--t.usi lead
ing science practised. E. V. Glbsua
P. S. T.; N. D. Room 12 Feebler Bide
LAND SURVEY General engineering
work. Z. A. Lansdale, C River
side, Pendleton. Ore.
HEMSTITCHING, at tha Sugar ehop.
Mall orders promptly attended to. 647 Main
. Ml I "
COL. W. F. TOHNKA Auctioneer.
Call at Sturgls ft Storle'a Implement
Co., for sale -dates. -
T -MEN WITH YEARS of experience-
Motor Inn Garage, TSI Cottonwood.
Ward A. Hoagtand, Flop,
WE DO ALL KINDS of automobile
and gssrtsine repairing West End
Garage, Wt Webb and. Staple Sts. .
faction guaranteed. Wa repair any
make. Cten Long, asa Cououwod.
PERKINS ft AMMONS, Au'omoblle
Repairing. Ford, Chevrelet Stude-
baker or any make of oar. Service
at any time. ISO Cottonwood, 11-oue
6BORGB Vf. COUTT8, Attersey at
Law, Koora 17, Schmidt block.
WAXTEl Girl , for general , house
work Call 711 W ow St. .
. . I CARTER ft SMYTH E, Attorneys at
WANTED GOOD CLEAN RAG I AT Law. Offices tn rear of American
Tha it Qraop.laa of tic, SaliuMa Smmk hnildhaf, .
i 14
Aunt Jemima Pancake FIoui;
Olympic Pancake Flour
Wheat Hearts "'
Cream WTieat
Com Flakes
Shredded Wheat
Vosl Toasties
Puffed Wheat, Rice
and Corn -
Quaker Quakieg
of them
are second to none. Get a bos
your home for Holiday Weekr
The Dean Tatom
.J Is-
'Meat Dept.
Phono 86
Grocery Dept.
Pbon 6SS
'Ui UiiiiiLuiii L i i