East Oregonian : E.O. (Pendleton, OR) 1888-current, December 13, 1920, DAILY EDITION, SECTION TWO, Page PAGE TEN, Image 10

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    CZZZZ3,- . MONDAY EVENING, fcicZMILa 13, 1820.
Special News of Umatilla Co.
(ICast Oregonlan Special.)
PILOT ROCK. Deo. IS. The Com-
whoopinj cough, la firippe and
btoocbiel cough should receive Imme
diate treatmeat, or more dantroui akk
e bit mult. Doa't delay. Ute
Foley's Honey and Tar
usditputedly Ibe beet knows end moet
euccesaf ul cough medicine oo the market.
It's wholesome cod tc; no better
teased knows,
foal Varaae. ElVartae, 8.. writee fata "I
lu, Mr lareat foil aa U.uta IU li'l ea
Vm, Ut avt. I aaaS Fataj'a Hint aaS tu.
eaJUea kefa t k u
few er I m h wU m stW
Phyatctaa and Surgooa "
Roobu ft and Smith-Crawford
TVspkeae TM Re. T4t-B
Attach It to any lamp wicket.
With the Simplex Electric
lunbowl Radiator you can in
itantly have the radiant warmth
f the lummer sun from any
lamp socket.
The Inverted cone-shaped el
ictric beating element and its
generous sited reflector makes
3ls "radiator not only the hot
st and most cheerful but also
the moat economical of them
all. It takes no more current to
operate than your electric Iron
r toaster.
Phone 13s
SO E. Court
munlty Club met on Wednesday even
Inn with President Knotta In the chair.
The matter of making the local li
brary standard was brought up by
Mm. Glass, chairman of the library
committee. A committee composed of
Mrs. Glass. Mrs, Best and Mrs. Stanley
was appointed to secure a place for the
Another committee una appointed
to draw tip several Important measured
to be placed on the ballot at the elec
tion of officers Jan 5. Mrs, Stanley,
Mrs. Glllcrt and Mra. Lester wll serve
on this committee.
After the business meetina a short
(program was presented. Mrs. Pottw-:
roy read "One Hundred Questions i
Everyone Should Know," and Mrs.
Best read a paper "American Com
posers.' The meeting next week will be held
on Thursday night, the home econ
omics committee to have charge of the
Mr. and Mrs. Frank Chapman were
in Pilot Rock Wednesday.
Mr. and Mrs. Lon Knotta are mov
ing to their farm on East Birch Creek.
Their many friends In Pilot Rock re
gret their departure from the city.
' Mrs. Frank Jordan has purchased
the Knotta property and will make
her home In Pilot Rock in the future.
The new bungalow on Bluff street
Is nearly completed. It will be occu
pied by Grandma Horn.
Boots Matthews was In Pilot Rock
Mrs. Louis Beck suffered an attack
of acute Indigestion Wednesday even.
lng. Dr. Parker was called from Pen
dleton to attend her. 1
Ed Ryrd and Frank Byrd, cattle
men, were In Pilot Rock Thursday.
Lester Hascall was transacting bus
iness In Pilut Rock Thursday.
Mrs. Verona Fullerrwelder was a
Pendleton shopper Tuesday.
How To Get Rid
Of Your Cold1
The quick way is to use
Dr. King' New
DON'T fool with a
cold. Co to your
firuerns ami mft a tvvftla
ef Dr. King's New Discovery and start
taking it. By the time you reach
home you'll begin to feel better, and
will have a restful sleep without
throat-torturing coughing.
Dr. King's New Discovery, for Over
fifty years a standard remedy, has the
medicinal qualities that relieve con
gestion, ease the cough and loosen the
phlegm. Convincing, healing taste,
too. Price 60 cents, $1.20 a bottle.
Fear colds andCaaiS
"OtlTCti n i
Constipated? Here's Relief
Cleanse the system and bring back
your old time energy with Dr. Kings
Pills. They promote free bile flow,
stir up the laiy liver and get at the
root of the trouble. Price, 25 cents.
T Prompt! Wont Grip
ADAMS, Dec. 1J. Adsms has com
pleted port of the concrete sidewalk
going to the school house, the cold
weather putting a stop for a while.
Three new crosswalks of concrete and
one new Electric light on the corner
have been placed. The city marshal,
Ira Stoll, hauled gravel on the bad
part of some of the roads which Im
proves them a great deal.
Dan Mclntyre and Ula Mclntyre of
Helix motored to Adams to attend K.
of P. lodge Tuesday.
'Mr. and Sirs. Mathers of Pendleton
i motored to Adams today and were the
guests of Mr. and Mrs. Coffy.
Sam Darr of Milton Is the guest of
l:ls mother, for a short time.
F. M. Whitely was In Pendleton
Mr. and Mrs. John Ogle have left
for California to spend the winter.
Mrs Nelson of Pendleton- spent-the
week end with her son and daughter,
Mr. and Mrs. Nelson sf Adams.
Mrs. Henry Whitely and children of
Pendleton were guests of her mother.
Mrs. French over Sunday.
Those who motored to Pendleton to
attend the K. of P.-ceremony were
Ralph Wallan, F. M. Whitely, Terre
Carothers, Charley Bunch, Will Bunch.
Gladys Spencer, EvartUMcCoUum and
Sulivan Rieiner. All report a fine
Mr. and Mrs. Ross Paine and daugh
ter left for Portland whera they will
visit his brother Mr. and Mrs. Floyd
Paine and Rex Paine for a short time.
Bern Let her, Clarence Power, Murl
Watrus, Perry Baker, Will Boyer,
Helen Boyer, Hazel Angels and Lois
Deragin all surprised Loyd Inman
Thursday as It was his birthday. They
all remained his guests for dinner and
then the school children went to
school. They brought him several
nice presents and all enjoyed the nice
dinner. '
Jim Painter and Clifford Myrlck re
turned to their home in Adams after
spending .the past month in Montana.
They report It a fins country but no
money there. ' 1
The Parent-Teachers meeting was
held on Thursday evening in the school
house and Rev G. L. Clark of Pendle
ton lectured to a large audience. AH
enjoyed the talk and spent a pleasant
evening, i
Mr. and Mrs. Jack Baker and fam
ily of Idaho, moved to the old Will
Baker property south of Adams so
they can send their boys to Adams to
school. ;
G. M. Morrison has beenslck since
he arrived in California but was some
better when he wrote to friends here.
Mr. and Mrs. L. L. Lieuallen and
Rev. L. B. Lether motored to Walla
Walla this week for a days outing.
iffs Pills
UHAT WA? It J (Fhger4 U-HeVT IVA3
I wren To TCUC YOU THAT v.,i
rl aw-Nk IV TOUia STORK'
li u 1 -Il
t - fc,-- , wJ
; j
(East Oregonlan Special.)
ATHENA, Dec. 13. Miss Edra Car
tano was a Pendleton visitor Wednesday.
It's a Great Saving.
Manager Did you put : the extra
stamp on the letter 1 gave you to mail?
Boy Tes.sir.
Manager I hope you didn't paste
the stamp on so It obliterated the ad
Boy Oh, no. I stuck It right on
top the other stamp to save room.
Kansas City Star. -
I Sal
Appropriate Christmas
Here you will find many useful and beautiful Christmas Gifts for
mother, father, sister, brother or the little ones. Every thing displayed for an
easy selection priced right.
We are showing all the new Period
styles in beautiful dull rubbed ma
hogany, genuine walnut, etc. Come
in now and be one , of the first to
choose. AlatlCS
They are amusing and instructive.
.Walnut, mahogany and oak.
We have for Christ
mas trade one of the
largest and prettiest
displays of Floor
Lamps and Pedes
tals ever shown In
the city. There's
nothing that makes
a nicer gift for the
home, not only for
the time given but
In yera to como.
They are made
if reed ,ivory
and frosted
brown, strong
ly built and will
last the little
one a life time.
dlKSllll & HAMPTON
124-128 E. WEBB
Mr. and Mra. Jim Jones were in the
city from Weston Thursday. .
John Harder Sr., of Milton vas an
Athena visitor Wednesday.
Miss Rhea Allen spent the week-end
in Walla Walla.
Sir .and Mrs. Andy Rothrock and
daughter, Bessie, arrived in the city
from Portland Sunday. They will
make their future home here.
Mrs Charles May and children,
Harry and Emma, of Weston moun
tain, spent the week-end with friends
in Athena, '
Mrs. Edith L. Van Deusen, county
demonstration agent, gave lectures
Monday and Tuesday afternoons to
the Civic Club on home furnishings.
The lecture Wednesday afternoon was
given to instruction in civic work.
Born, to Mr. and Mrs. McDowell.
December 8. 1920. a daughter.
Mrs. H. O. Worthington was in the
city from Pendleton Tuesday.
Win Burden is In the city from Ton-
penish visiting his mother and sister.
Miss Blanche Drake, high school
teacher, received the sad news of the
death of her grandmother in Salem
Thursday. Miss Drake left for salem
Thursday noon.
Mr. and Mrs. Beorge Bannister left
Thursday morning for Long Beach,
California, where they will SDend the
Born, to Mr. and Mrs. Charles At
kins, December 8. 1920. a daughter
Fred Beckner left recently for West
Virginia where he will spend a part of
the winter.
Mrs. Martha Mays, who has been' se
riously ill, Is Improving.
Mrs. J. A. Lumsden. Mrs. W. S. Price
and daughter. Miss Ruby, of Weston,
were tn the city Tuesday to attend the
lecture given by Mrs. Van Deusen.
Mrs. Leeper left Wednesday for
Pasadena. California, She was ac-'
companied to Portland by her daugh
ter, Mrs. W. R. Taylor.
The Athena high school athletes are
Resinning regular practice for basket
ball. ,
Mrs. Albert Vaughn of HomesteadJ
Union county, was visiting relatives in
Athena this week.
Jim Jones, who has been rural mail
carrier for Weston mountain, has ac
cepted the Athena mail route and will
oegin his duties today. Mrs. Jones;
will move here later, ,
The members of the student hodv
of the Athena high school gave a ban
quet Friday evening in honor of the.
football squad and the members of the
cast In the recent high school play.
The banquet hall and tables were
beautifully decorated In Christmas col
ors.. Every one had a verv delightful
Mr. and Mrs. Roy May were In the
oity from their home on Weston moun
tain Saturday.
Mrs. F. D. Watts was hostess Thnr.
day afternoon to 16 ladies of the Aid
Society of the United Brethren chi,rch
of Weston. Needlework whiied the
hour and refreshments were served by
Mrs. Watts.
Mr. and Mrs. W. L. Ravborn snri
two children of Weston were in the
city Saturday.
Mrs. M. C. Ferguson and daughter
Miss Myrtle and little granddaughter
Hazel Lee, were In the city from their
home on Weston mountain Saturday.
Air. and Mrs. Al Zlxman of Rtne.
buck, Washington, are visiting friends
in Athena this week.
Henry Sams was In the city from hi. '
nome on Weston mountain Saturday.
Mim Alice Mown wes a Pendlemti
visitor Saturday. -
Genuine -Money
Savers in Groceries
Holly Wreath Asparagus Tips, 3 cans'. ..... 65c
Del Monte Pork and Beans, cans 10c, 20c and 35c
Ivory Soap Flakes, 9 packages. . r-. . . , . , , . $1.00
Diamond W. Baking Powder, 1 lb. 25c, 2l lbs.
60c; 5 lbs $1.15
Golden Age Macaroni, Spaghetti, Noodles and
Vermicelli, package ; 10c
Extra Select Fruit Cake, pound . . . . k 75c
TIig Sanitary Grocery
221 East Court Street
The Most in Value
The Best in Quality
Phone 871.
(East Oregon Ian Special.)
e.A('HAM, Dec. 1 J. J. D. Casey
was In Pendleton Monday on business.
F." H: Denson was In Pendleton
luesnay having dental work .done. ;
01 E. Oowey and family left for
Caldwell Idaho Tuesday evening , to
spend the winter.
B. F, Marlln and family moved to
tneir ranch east of Pendleton.
' miss Beva Williams from .Gibbon
Oregon, was here Wednesday visiting
wim menus.
Two auto parties came over from
Iia Grande Wednesday taking all day
to get here as the snow- had drifted
two reet deep in places. . . . . ,
Mr. and Mrs. Jack Dockweiler re
turned home Monday evening from
ilarkston Wash.
John Dockweiler Sr., left Thursday
evening for Fremont, Neb., to visit
With his sons Jerry, pete and Hank
Mr. and 'Mrs. Earl Glilanders were
tip from Pendleton Sunday looking
alter tnelr hotel interest.
Leslie Sewell and family have moved
in to Meacham from McKay. Mr.
Sewell has a position with the Casey
L.umoer Co.
Mrs. George Baker second trick ope
rator left Saturday evening for Dun
can and Mrs. Trent is taking her place
Fleiiralgb Pains
Civ Way te Soothing Hamlin'
. . WlzardOli
Hamlin's Wizard Oil is a safe,
fcimple and effective treatment for
both headache and neuralgia.
RubbedJn where the pain is, it eases
he tortured nerves and almost in
variably brings quick relief. Keep
a supply on- hand..
Wizard Oil is a good dependable
preparation to have in the medicine
chest for first aid when the doctor
may be far away. Its healing, anti
septic qualifies can always be re
lied upon as a preventive against
infection, or othe. serious results,
from sprains, bruises,, cuts burns,
bites and stings. Just as good, too,
for sore feet, stiff neck, frost bites,
cold sores and canker sores. ,
Genciwua ! bonis Jte. '
If yon r troubled with eonitlpitloa
or sick hMllacha try Hamlin's Wltard
Liver Whlpa. Juat plaaaaat llttla Dink '
pill at drusglats for Ida
AN ill
You Are Invit
ed to Come
Into this bank and
start a savings ac
count with one dot.
lar or more and take
one of these pocket
savings banks home
with yon to help you
The American
National Bank
Pendleton, Oregon ,
Store Mobbed
rfr-v thi auaaKB bbunb.
IffM r Sraufft a
5f". nut Mot SIM uo.
I'J - tit
Looking lor tlie Bene fits.
How does the election taste to
you?" was asked by a visitor of a city
hall politician. .
'When I was a kid," he replied, "my
mother used to make me take castor
oil raw. I hated the very sight of It.
But she always contended It was good
for me." Theo he smiled and walked
luway." Kausas City Star.
Fully 250 people were standing' In
front of the store waiting for the doors
to open Saturday morning. , ,
" And there were eleven people show
ing goods and selling and wrapping
at a speed never seen before. ;
Again today while I am writing
this adlet the store Is Jammed to ca
pacity and another big day will be re
corded when we check-up tonlghtv
Tou can get almost anything at this
sale from delicious bread at c a loaf
to a horse halter and all at such a
big saving that It will make your eyes
And we are selling Boss of the Road
and Blue Buckle Overalls for f 1.89 and
12.00; work shirts for ti lt.
Then there Is the Hope Muslin at
21o a yard and all of our dry goods
are marked proportionately low.
Now is your one best bet to buy
Wool Pants and Corduroys at a big
saving. ',. '
' On certain days from now on during
this sale we will put out certain lines
of goods at
Extra Special Reduced
', And tomorrow will bo Shoe Day.
Come tomorrow and Jet your feet'
flirt with our shoes.
And Rranrniber, the staff of life-
Bread at our store Is selling at . 9a
a loaf. ..-. ...
. . i
-Think of it! Here are the finest
stocks reputable Merchandise from
famous makers, all selling on a bar
gain counter basis.
Why, Us a tragedy! ' '
And, Remember, this sale erata on
Chrifitmas Kvo. -
You may have aeen other sales and
heard of sales, but in your whole life
you never saw a' sale like this before.
Then its goodbye to opportunity to
buy at these prices. ,
For a business like a baby has
the measles orfly once in awhile. ' '
Call on us tomorrow. ' '
Thank you, ' '
O. W. KELLY, :
Selling the Entire Stock of.. ,
Jim Beard's Cash
Gritman Bldg., 30 W. Webb ,-r
Cterner Willow
Jnat a WIiIhth tt Main Street
awia'H'aiH'aiMie'Mie'WasaiMieiii'a'il'a'W'e' raw- ittawaHieiwaiH law '"tt''Uiaiiiaiu'piMiiiii
A. C. Koeppcn & Bros.
Drug Store That
Von Best.
ll -
I Buy
P of
si r ,
I! ".:.""'
ii y
jotor (jarage
regon ,
' " ' ' Di,tribats
.4 VU,A