? f -f ' v H' 4 'H t t T V " ' f " " .... - ... .... - v ' . ; . , : ; , - '." ; cat tiST csssomu, trmxmst, onssox Saturday evening, December 11, 1020, , errtiaaf r AG23 .. nss six o o o o v o O' o: o o Oi o g Oi! o o. o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o e o o o c 0- r-t -C:.u-J .-, ; Social and Club News, l.lTKIUTl l!K I'UH MKKT8. Current Literature cluh memltera met yrslerday to enjoy an afternoon devoted to the writings of Hie Poles nud liiihHUins. Mr. J. It. llniry was lnntemi Kir I tie flay and (he club was entertained ut hrr home on College miwl. Tlic winly hour proved most Interesting and subjects were won- flnrfuMi- well flpvi'loiioil. Mrs. Thorn- as YuUKhan gave two t-harminir vocal mViIus, wKlt piano accompaniment ly Mm Fred ixihnert. They were "In iAJve'it Garden" und "In tne Time of ftosex," the ong supplementing the ' following literary numlie.ni: IlUMflan and Iollsh Literature Mrs. Mary Mssosway.' Krief sketch of life and worljs or Andriov. Tcternlchov and Checkov Mini IWIIi Smith. ' Hcview of Whirlpools" ly Sicn klrwics -Mrs. Dohnert. t Heading front "Crushed Flowers" by Adrlcv Mm. James Welch. Houghs of evergreen suggested the approach of Yuletide nnd at t he tea table, about which guests gathered in the final hour, Mrs. Dissosway and Mrs. E..J, Soniincrvllle presided, CLUB MEKTLVC. PELlOHTFUL A Christmas tree lighted yesterday In a Pendleton home where hospitality was belne - gTaolously extended, bore clistcntnr tinsel and motifs which have, spread the Yuletide epirit from! crttKT9tn branches for the past thirty' years. The tree was enjoyed by mem. hers ott th epiazecinkturtxeb at the! home of Mrs. A. It Cox and the lhrfstma tokens were keepsakes of I Mrs, F. J. McMimics who was assistant i howes. Kclls, polnsetus nnd even a miniature Sanln de-kid tha room J whero flfti-en club iftemlws Hiid two j additional Riiests, Mrs. Waller limit j lug and Mrs. W. IK Humphreys, spent ; an informal afternoon, guilt plcelns I token up by tho club supplied needle work and viotrola music added charm, while the final hour was marked by ! the iwrviig of a delicious lunc'jeon. ' K. K. K. E.VTKRTAINrm The humo of Miss Sybil Farley w.vi the InterestiiiB scene last erenlBs of K. K. K. tneetins, a myriad of rule tide suKcestions marking unique ap pointments.! A Christmas tree raised its (tlft laden branches from a glisten ing snow drift which centered a pretty supper table and (Ninta, In his m motor spou toward a little collage "over the hill." Crimson randies and bon bon bass supplemented Christmas place cards hearing; the names of iMrs. U W. Kinasbury, Mrs. Oscar Cutler, Mrs. Thomas Ward, Mrs; 'William Pierce. Mrs. Martla Klder. Miss Edna Keeker, Miss Alma Rhorman. Miss Mary Joerxer, Miss Elixabeth JoerBer, Miss Laura Schwarts and the hostess. iMusic afforded additional pleasure to the evening. ... ASKED TO MEET BISHOP All ladies connected with the Church of the Redeemed as members or otherwise, are cordially invited to the Rectory at J o"clock Monday afternoon to parake of a cup of tea. with Bishop F. W. Keator of the diocese of Olympia to t ilk overn-ith him matters connect. tvHOPF'S UPSTAIRS SHOP t ' r . lav T OUltS INOW Half Price Dresses to S37.50 Now 19.75. ; . Coats at Great ( Reductions. . Great Values in Georgette Blouses for Xmas Gifts. 5 Over Taylor Hardware Stcre 'd with the wofk of women In tin church and especially the work of the Woman's Auxiliary, The Bishop will also officiate at ttu 1 1 o'clock service Sunday nutming In Hie Church of the Redeemer and will speak in the cvenitiR nt Hie T:Sl o'clock strvice In the Methodu-t churfh. A men's dinner, cooked and served l-y men, will be given in honor of the Bishop Monday evening In Parish Hull of the Church of the Redeemer. IVIOUN AN O OPERA FEATPRKD. I The feature of Kunilny's Viotrola Ironcert at the County Library will be.' 1 six records from Iji Tmvlata, suiifr by Caruso, Gluck, de ' I.uch, Martlnoili and Galll Curct. Soups and violin se lections will comprise the remainder of the program. The music com mences ut threo, though the reading room la open from two until five I Carnival of Venice, Part;'" II. I.ul.su Tetraxxlni. ' ' ' ' I. Travlata ll Pj-ovenia II mar vThy home in Fai I'rovlnce) Act 2 Verdi Guiscppe do Iuea. S. Ijx -Travlata Mei miel bollenti splrltl (Wild my di'cam ot youth) Giovanni Martlnelli, ' 4. I.iebesleid (Love's sorrow) Frit Kreisler. ' ' 6. Travlata Imponete (Now com mand ate) Ameliht Galll-CiSrcl, Giu seppe de Luca. ' ' . Travlata lite alia glovinc (Say- to thy daughter) Amclit Galll-Curzi-Gluseppe de Luca. 7. Travlata Brlndisl Llbiam nel lieti calici (A bumper we'll drain) Enrico Caruso-Alma Gluck. 8. Travlata Ah. fore- c'lui Ame nta Galll-Curci.' 9. Traumerie Schumann . . Mischa Elman. 10. Roam in" in the gloamlh' Harry Lauder. 11. Love's old sweet 'song (Molloy) Neapolitan Trio. II., Santa Lucia (Neapolitan fojk song) Reed Miller. 13. Swedish rrndle song Alma Gluck and Efram Jdnibalist. 1-4. Swiss Echo Sour Lulsa Tetra- zTnnl. " ' ' 15. Scherzo-Tarantello (Henri Wie niawakl) Jascha Helfetz. IS. Angel's Eerenade (Gaetano Braga) John McCormack - Frttz Kreisler. WER HOSTESS "AT HOME"' When one attains the age of four years. It of course is an occasion for rejoicing; not only by the one so hon ored but by all those 'round about. Such is the case today witfl little Miss Eleanor Aldrich and she fias asked Ih several neighbors. friends who have also reached, or almost reached, that advanced stage. She is enterta.ning quite informally at the home of her' parents, Mr. and Mrs. E.' B. Aldrich on Perkins Avenue. The nearness of Christmas affords double festivity and birthday and Yuletide candles com bine in gleaming brilliance, with holl day appointments to delight the group of little merrymakers. MRS. LYTLE HERE Mrs. If. Lytle. of Salem, Is Pendleton visitor at the home of her brother. James Hill. SPECIAL DISCOUNTS On all Pyrallin and French Ivory sets Roll Up Sets ancl separate pieces we will give a special discount of 25 per cent , On all dolls we will give a special discount of 20 per cent , We are offering some exceptional prices on phono graphs. ' Regular $225.00 for .'. $175.00 With this machine 25 records FREE . Regular $150.00 for $105.00 With this machine we give 10 records FREE Regular $120.00 for : .....$95.00 With this machine 10 records FREE Regular $50.00 for ...$45.00 With this machine 5 records FREE Records selling for $1.00, special 7 for ...'..$5.00 We accept Liberty Bond3 at par for Phonographs. THOMPSONS' DRUG STORE -Mail Orders Given Prompt Attention. CHRISTMAS IS - COMING We await your COMING to avail yourself of our un usual holiday offer 'mps. ... Our stock of Christmas goods is most com plete. Watch our windows, and look, over ou stock before. you buy. : . , 1 Fine Christmas Candies in boxes, jars and bulk. 1 : ,.. - . - : - All kinds of New Crop Nuts. : Extra Fine Apples. . , ' Table Raisins, Figs and Raisins Mixed; Pulled Figs. ' 1 ' ' Fard and Golden Dates. ;r s . FruitCake. vAluminum, Percolators and Ball Tea Pots. ' Holly, Mistletoe and Fancy Wreaths. " . ? Most complete line of Fancy Groceries,' Fruits and yegetables in Eastern Oregon. Gray Bros: Grocery Co, THREE rllQNES ' QUALITY THE THOMAS SHOP - i 'i'JiPHiiiititiTOiiiwiiiiiiiiiiW!! . 4 . T U : i It ft 'i H EKTRAORDiilARY BBS Dr. Charles Thomsort, Representative of the China' Inland Mission. 6:45 P. ni., Christian Endeavor Devotlonals, Miss Lnllift. leader. 1:30 p. m. Vnltin services In the Methodist ehurch to hear Bishop KeaMr. t-trst ClirisliMit Church Robert Lee 'Itussafoarger, mliilster; Residence 104 Jackson street, phone fS. Sunday services will be as follows: 9:45 a. m., Itlhle school, H. H. DeHart. Supt. 11 a. m Communion andV ser mon. Subject, "A Messafrt. ronr the Parliament." S:3fl p. m., Christian Endeavor, Jaliln Vausht, President. 7:30 p. ni'., sermon, "The Green-Eyed Monster." This is; the third address in .the series of Sunday nljtht talks on demonology. There will he good music by th church choir, led by Joseph N. 8cott, as well as special music by Mc Donald's orchestra. You are welcome at the church with the friendly spirit. airtstlan Science First Church of Christ, Scientist, holds services at 81 1-i Main street. fFlrst stairway north, of -the Inland Empire- Bank.V Sunday services are at U a. m., and at 8 p. m. The subject of the lesson -sermon for Sunday De cember 12th, Is. "God the Preserver of Man." Sunday school starts as 14 a. m. ' ' A Wednesday evening meeting which Includes testimonials of healing, ' Is held at 8 o'clock. The" ReadiWRoom which Is maintained .at-the same ad dress Is open to the public daily from j a. m. to 9 p. in., where the Bible and authorised Christian Science literature may be read, borrowed or purchased. liuri li of the. Redeemer Itev. Alfred Iickwood, ."'ecirir. 8 a.m. Holy Communion. 9:lu San. day school, n a. m., morning prayer und sermon, . Hlshop Keator who' ha been called the jcrealcjt Insplialloiiii'l speaker In the Northwest will preach the sermon. Methodist church when Ilishop Keator will speak on the Lambeth Conference and Christian reunion. ' Monday afternoon at three Ihere will be a Very Informal ut home at the rectory at which time opportunity wll he given any who cal to meet Hlsh op Keator. At 6.15 Monday evening the men's dinner In the parish hull when the bishop wili fepeai;. For the evenlnsservlee we Join with other ehurcherfif the- city In tho AIMHT THAT X.MAS GUT ' Tho Yuletide season Is the one in which it Is up to all to radiate cheer brightness sunshine. v' ' That being the case how can It be done better or more wisely than through the efforts, creations and of ferings of the floris(. Pay n visit once to Forehaw's in the Kagle Building. Look over his stock of imported art baskets, blooming llrants, fresh flowers, etc. :; WILL BE. OFFERED. TJIIS WEEK ON ALL CLOTH AND PLUSH COATS SUITS - DllESSES SKIRTS BLOUSES SWEATERS AND FURS t COMPARISON ESPECIALLY 'INVITED. p t .;. i PHOTOS " - ' Have your Xmas photos made bj Ward we will take you In your home. jy.iiiiniMuiiiitiiiniHiiMiiiiiiiiiiiiiitiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiitiiiiiiii i . - . v ; r REi'lT.V FROM PORTLAND. Mr. and Mrs. A. A. Frentzel have re tjirj td after a visit to Portland., it. I H U. RCHE S AanoanoemoDts roe this deport ment mast bt, submitted to the E OregonJan- not' later than 1 Vtila y evening in order to be as sured of publication oa Saturday. IiUtlieran Herman Lutheran services will be held Sunday at 3 o'clock at the .Christ ian Church. Rev. Blasburg will preach. Seventh T)jr AiIvciitlstH Meet every Saturday In room 13 at .109 K. Court street, Just over the Rub her and Supply store. Sabbath school at 10 a. is. Strangers welcome. O 0 d O O OOOOOOOOOO O O OOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO O O 0000000000 o oooo o o O r ; : t.O o o o o o o o o o o o o o o Skookum Pancake Flour NONE BETTER SKOOKUM PANCAKE FLOUR The only PANCAKE FLOUR MADE AT HOME. ASK your Grocer. 220 E. Court Phono 351 enunii & Gill CO. 1 RaiiUst CIiUK Rev W. II. Co, pastor. Residence 515 Bush street phone 1167. Sunday morning Sunday school, F. M. P.iley, Supf., 9:50. Preaching ser vice, 11:00, Bx-Rabbl Goldman will speak. r' Sunday afternoon Ex-Rabbi Gold man, 3:00, subject, "The Bolfjhevikl." Sunday night It. Y. P.' U Mw C. Daly, president, 6:30. Preaching ser- vicej, 7f30. ' Rev. C. Thorrson, D. T.,i China Missionary will' give an Illus trated address using his lantern and slides pictures taken by himself during 19 1-2 years In China. These services are for you, come and bring yoUr fam ily and neighbor. llf MMMI,IMHMHMH t Ml I IMMj! M II I M 1 1 UM Sg Brookfield Butter Wo liavo tha ovpIiiciva coin, nn Rrrinl.-fii.ti1 Rnllpr. Without exception thig is the finest butter ever sold in jencueion. , . " . We absolutely guarantee every pound of it or your money back. We have sold several thousand pounds of this elegant butter Already and have never had a complaint If you are dissatisfied with the butter you are using now, try a pound of Brookfield. It is quartered for you, no ragged cut butter for your table. Use a cube at a time and the rest is sealed from the dust until you are ready for it. There is noN v cleaner, more sanitary. butter sold in Pendleton. , " ?. ' f 1 ' 5 C ' ' ' '. tad: - m "ii i, 1 I- J ... . j. m t t' . .if "M Die Supply" i Phone 187 and 183 739 Main Street CHAS. D. DESPAIN & CHAS. W. GOODYEAR - . . Proprietors ... i . .. . . i . amill4lMIMMililJlllllMlIO ! The Why of It I PirnNR FIVE 5 ! FOR ! 1 , FUEL 1 !H There are reasons for the aloud y Inercusc In demand for I'tah Coal. S 2 It is the intense und lasting heat tliut Is making It the favorite coal. Ejj If: B. L. BURROyGHS He ILjs It! ; j j TtiiiiiiiiiiiuiiiiiiTt iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiuiiiiiiiiiiriittMittiit iiiiiiitiiiiiinitiiHi i iiiiiiiiiiin ' Tim M. B. Church ' Corner Uast Webb and Johnson streets. ' John H. Secor, minister. ' Morning service Sunday school 10 a. m. Morning sermon, it a. m sub Jtt. "Cheap Rewards." Kvenln servjees Epworth T,eagne, 5:30 p. m., topic, "Peter's Recipe for Success." ' leader, Marjory Payne. Rishop Frederick W. Keator of Ta coma, will address a union meeting at 7:30 p. m. Subject, "Church Unity." Mid-weefc services, Wednesday even. Ing 7:3"0. Hubject for the evening, "letting Your Light Shine." Satiation Army I JOS East Alta. The Salvation Army street. I Kunduy meetings Holiness meeting. i 11 a. m. Sunday schoo 1:30 p. m. T. Pi It.. :30 p. m. Salvation meeting p. m. Wr.krlMt mttftintTK. TnfiulMir Thiirs. dsy and Saturday night at t p. m. 10 1 Friday night, 7:30, Public Bible, Study, led by Brother Mayfleld. Officers in charge, ;aptain Jennie, Conrad and ; Lieut. Mible Langdou. io o n a ;5' NO EXPERIMENT Cable Cabieet s HAVANA CIGAR Some .oke Special Offer IN FREE Records , :t. ' Hi-hC IVel)lerlan church 21 Corner College and Alta streets, 2 FOR 23c AND UP Trade Suppllnl Uy Given with the' purchase of a PATHE, AEOLIAN, VOCAL ION, STRADIVARA AND MENDEL PHONOGRAPH This is a boia fide offer and there has been1 absolutely no advance or change in- prices. - Playt all records GIVE HER A RUG FOR XMAS .., We are. showing the best.and most, beautiful line of rugs in. Pendleton at the 1921 prices, ' , , ; ; $233.00 9x12 nglo-Persian Rug ..........l......,;....$i56.0Q $22.3.00 8.3x,10.6 Anglo-Persian Rug, now....t.u,$14O.O0 $164.00 9x12 Taprae Wilton Rug 1 1.00 $228.50 912 Harati Wilton Rug .........V.-....:$148.00 $218.00 8.3x10.0 Harati Wilton Rug ...i..,.....;.....:...$138.00 Other good grade Wilton Rugs, 9x12 and 8.3x10.6, , ' from $79.00 up " ' EXTRA SPECIAL . J $15.00 40-lb. cotton felt Mattress, full size, for only $7.00 $8.50 large golden oak finished rocker, high back, for . V ,. only :. $4.50 $17.50 large solid oak golden finish, spring auto seat, leather covered, now $8.00 $3.00 $1.15 $6.50 golden oak high chair, now '..:.'...'..i'.:....v$3.0i $1.85 child s chair, yours fon '.'' "' W offer 'as Suggestions for Xm GifUi Table and Piano Lamps, Cedar Chests, Pictures, Easy Chairs and Rockers, Pedestals and Smoking Stands, Rugs, Dining, Living and Bed Room Furniture. ' , I - For the Children i . Chairs, Rockers, High Chairs, Kiddie Kars, Doll Carts ALL AT GREATLY REDUCED PRICES 220 E. Court Plwnes 351-1014 o'L Clark, pastor. O 10: akm. Sabbiith whool, A. Phone 40fi 103 E. Court ppo6oopo)r9c,c,09009tvapooo('yooypoooo(ooooooo909ooo Kuuk, 1 1 :i (i. n.' w-rtnoii A . 4 ' . t ' ' t- m. . i , . 4 t f,