MAR A"NO ADVENTURE i lu. J I , , a. - THERE ni the usual restless crowd of wayfareri on the rub way platform, but Jack "fiaundere, the fullback, was oblivious to thorn all, With hands In pockets and legs spread apart, ha wm earn ing of rushes, tackles, and the Great Came that was to be played within 14 hours. Victory had been his all along the Una. Could be stand uneonquered by the valiant foe and win the distinc tion of being the most famous fullback of Ms day? t He pursed his lipa and began to whistle, swaying slightly back and forth, to and fro. How strong he felt, bow powerful, how gloriously young! Napoleon in his palmiest days never felt mightier, Hercules never more Time, Suddenly Jack's eves became riveted en a figure that, tall and slim, paused for a moment at the top of the steep flight of stairs, that led down into the tunnel. A second later, it crumbled and began to roll and bump over the stairs, down, down, in rapid deecen-' ion. At the same moment the rumble of an approaching train sonnded omin ously close and threatening. ' Jack grasped the situation in a flash. The girl, tarried on by the Impetus of ber descent would Continue to roll into the pit. to be crashed by the oncoming train. With an instant doubling of bit body, BOBBY patted his new lied lov ingly, and smiled happily at his mother and sister, who sat sewing before the Are. , "Ian it a dandyr Ha asked for the hundredth time, aa he carefully car ried It oat of the door. "Yes." they agreed laughingly, wav ing good-by to him. There was a gust of fresh, Winter air and then the outside door banged. "I am going to hunt again- for- that card that came with that sled. Mrs White said aa aha thoughtfully laid aside her work. "I am positive that was one!" "So am I," agreed her daughter, aa she joined fn the searctb "I wish that we could thank the giver." But the bunT waa In vain, for no crevice or crack revealed the desired Information. "It la of no use, mother," Mildred said at last, aa she picked up her cro cheting on the lounge. But while she had hunted her crochet hook had slipped from her work. "Well, moth er," abe laughed, running her Angers along the crack in the lounge, "I think that we had better hire a detective." To her surprise, she pulled out a lit tle card addressed to "A cheerful, curly-haired boy." On the back it read: "Please accept this sled from a AT the breakfast table, after he had drunk his last cup of m coffee and pushed his chair back In the' same way' he had done when living in a remote farmhouse In stead of bis present Una city home, Caleb Drummer spoke to his wife and daughter. "I think we'd better Invite young Meade to Thanksgiving dinner," he said. "The lad's a stranger in town and likely to be lonesome on a holi day." Mra. Drummer and ber daughter, So phia, swiftly exchanged glances, but not ewiftly enough to escape the fa ther's notice. "What't the matter V he demanded testily. "Isn't " my secretary good enough company for you no you've come up in the world?" "Now, pa," began Mrs. Drummer, aolemnly. but Sophia giggled. Undaunted, she met her father" choleric stare. "Why, pa, I thought Mr. Meade was only a bookkeeper. Is be coming up in the wprld, too?" . "Yes, be Is," snapped the other. " "He's showing a good mini for busi ness; and I'll make him sales man ager of my Eastern office as soon as be can qualify. But you and your mother seemed to forget how MOLLIE DOW'S blue eyeapar kled as she met the mail man, but the smile with which she bad greeted the letter he handed btr turned to dismay as she read the few lines it contained. Bhe threw out her hand in angry de fiance and looked at the tiny diamond twinkling on her finger. "You never bad any right to be on my finger," she muttered through burning tears, and taking the ring from ber finger she threw it on the table, where it landed with a vicious little thud. Wiping her eyes, Mollle resolutely smoothed out the crumpled sheet and re-read the haunting lines: "So you are engaged at last, -Mollle. I am so Interested I must come at onre and tee what kind of a looking limn he 1. Shall arrive at the fcoutn Station on the 3:25 train. You b'Jtb be sore and meet uie. . "AUNT JANE." "What business Is It to Aunt Jane or any of the rest of them?" she flung out in angry defiance. It was already 5 o'clock, and In three hours she must fac e Aunt Jane with the truth or start Into axUou tie injtlraXicn. tbat bad ra- EE Jack plunged into the crowd of trav elers, which scattered like snow flakes In a typhoon. He made a mad leap across 40 feet of platform and reached the foot of the staircase, just in time to catch the bundle of humanity, toss ing it over bis shoulder, just aa be had so often plunged, seised and lifted high the coveted football. ' tils excitement Immediately abating, he peered Into the girl's face w(Jh a shyness in queer contradiction to bis mighty physique. Her eyes were closed, her lipa pale aa death. An ugly bruise marred the high forehead, and she was so still that Jack was fright ened into a panic. 'What shall I do with herr be stammered. ' "Call an ambulance. Take her to the Emergency Hospital," suggested a gruff voice at his elbow, "Better still," a woman waa speak -lng. ."Find out If she has her card In the bag, and take her home. None of us would care to be carted -off to hospital." "Will yon open her bag. madam?" pleaded Jack, handicapped by the dead A lonely man, who wants to make you very happy this year. I have often teen" you playing around the house, and I hope that some day wa will know each other. Your friend, "JOHN GREEN." She passed the card thoughtfully to her mother. She could not understand why the aender, who owned their home, and waa one of the wealthiest men In the city, could be unhappy, Her thoughts were so busy that she did not notice the flush that crept over her mother's face as she eagerly scanned the card. "We must Invite him over," Mildred spoke at last "Yes," her mother answered almost incoherently, 'w wilL" When Bobby learned of the discov ery he was Joyous. "When mother, when?" he kept In sisting . "Some time," she answered absent mindedly. , But Bobby was not satisfied. He walked slowly over to his sled, to .3- USa.tT 12 "Now, pa," began Mrs. Drummer again. "You" "I say you're putting on airs! Be cause business made a boom in my affairs, and money's, coming in faster than we can spend it, is no reason we should put on airs. And Felix Meade why, I waa a country boy myself and didn't have half his education." Sophia leaned forward and held her father's flashing glance with a look wonderfully direct from eyes so gentle. "Listen, pa. We like Mr. Meade, ma and I. We'll be glad to entertain him at any time. Only we had planned- little family affair for Thanksgiving Day. Emma and V'allace are coming itn the children, and Uncle Lem." "Um-m! So mucfi the better. Meade'll feel more at home. I was afraid you were getting up one of your fancy parties.' Behind Caleb Drummer's broad back, as he turned to leave the room, So- phla's soft blue eyes met her mother's again in a glance of keen significance, sponded to her frenzied appeal. "He never, never will do it." she wailed. She stopped short, listening Intently. Yes, that waa Jim Brad bury's step. A minute later Mollle heard the key turn in the lock in the door, close to ber own. Jim's strong, athletic figure flashed before ber Blind. No word bad rjer been exchanged, but Mollle had learned bis name and much of his history from the landlady. Mollle crept to the door and softly opened it. "I never, never can do it," she moaned. But the thought of Aunt Jane's nimble tongue and how she would take this precious bit of gossip and make a story so vivid that never again would Mollie dare visit the rural townfrom which abe bad come to the City, fir years before, spurred her on. a,aBtstaestttasaijlgtaaata9eeigaMastaar- rvwsasasasaeiasi Adventure in a weight. "You are right about taking her home, if we can And out where she belongs." "Here is her, address," the woman cried with satisfaction. "It Is printed on the inside of the bag. 'Miss Clarise Morse, 44 X street," Jack refused all further aid. Uncon sciously he assumed' a proprietorship in the girl, which would have amazed him at any other time. She was his, and he Intended to take care of her! X street would be easy to reach in a taxi. As for carrying her up the stairs, these people didn't realise that be was Saunders, the noted fullback, who minded the girl's weight aa littlo aa he would a bird's. , Clarise's mother was at home. She was terrified at the sight of her uncon scious daughter at first but, Jack, in his big, confidential way, soon dispers ed ber fears. "I'll go for a doctor. Don't you worry, Mrs. Morse. He'll fix her all right" Clarise, however, needed little fixing. When the doctor arrived she was fully conscious, and very much ashamed of herself. Search And think things over. He wanted to see his "sled friend" at once! But how waa h going to do It, when he did not know who he was, or where be lived? No one noticed when be stealthily slipped on his coat and hat, and softly tiptoed out of the house." He, knew that he was not allowed out of the yard, but he felt that he must find this lonely friend at once! Although he bad no idea which way to go, he walked boldly and resolutely down the busy street "111 find him," he said to himself, confidently. "I just know that he is tall and has dark hair, and he has a nice smile, and eyes that just shine! I Just know it!" And ha trudged on contentedly. Yet not one of the tall, dark-haired men watTIr. Green. In fact, they frowned 'at him when he asked them. Still Bobby studied each new face ex pectantly. Gradually the little fellow's enthusiasm began to weaken and he grew tired. The sun had almost dis appeared down behind the long column The Old Time Ways Then ber face lit with a smilo that made her look like a mischievous lit tle girl. "How he's going to enjoy that Thanksgiving dinner!" she bubbled. Sophia bad met Felix Meade on sev- eral occasions, but he had never been to the Drummer home. -Me had been introduced to her in her father's office. and once he had escorted her to her limousine. Again, tbey had met in a byway of the park, and admired to gether the glowing Autumn scenery. Sophia waa a stunning figure in im ported toggery, and she carried herself with an air of haughty formality. Her newly acquired riches had brought with them a rear ot fortune-hunters, , and so, to all young men especially Impecunious young men Miss Sophia Drummer was dlscouraglngly aloof. But there had been a moment when young Meade had referred to his oid. home and his love of rural scenes; when Sophia, flicking a little pile of leaves with her swagger . stick, bad Seeing It Through She paused before Jim's door and gave a little knock. "Why, It Is Miss Dow," greeted Jim. and there waa genuine pleasure in hit tone. Noticing the girl's agitation and traces of recent tears he quickly ask : "Are you in trouble? Can I help you?" He pushed a chair toward her and closed the door. Passing blm the letter, she said: "Please read this! It will make the telling easier." "You engaged?" Genuine dismay rung In Jim't question. ' "No, it's all a He, a senseless one. Who'd ever be engaged to me? Just because I am 35 and unmarried Is no sign I am devoid of feeling," sobbed Mollie. "I'll u anything you say," he proa Tight Skirt "A. good night's sleep will Jo you more good than any medicine. Just be sure to keep a poultice" On that lump. In the. morning you'll be as Kim as a whistle," . was the doctor's verdict, which relieved Jack immensely. He had waited to boar what his opinion would be, but once assured of the girl's safety, he prepared to leave. Mra. Morse baited htm. "Surety you are not going without Bidding Clarise good night!" she pro tested. Jack needed no second Invitation. Ho entered the dainty bedroom an 1 gripped Clarise's hand tightly. "You must accept my thanks," began Clarise, very much embarrassed by the eager glow of delight In the big 'fel low's face. "Ob, don't mention it Think how Is that you won't be laid up a month or two. Srfy, girlie, how did It happen? Slip on a banana peel?" "No," Clarice flushed. "I'm so ashamed of myself!" "No need of being humiliated. Acci dent's happen to us all." "But this was entirely my fault The Reunion of massive, grotesque business blocks, and a sharp, cold wind was rapidly rising. He was cold and leaned against a building for shelter. "Guess I'd better go home," he whis pered tearfully to himself. But he did not know which way to turn. He was lost! He sat down on an icy, forsaken doorstep and cried. It was then that he felt a friendly tap on bis shoulder, and a voice was saying, "What's wrong, sonny?" . Slowly he raised his head. A tall man with dark hair was leaning -over him. His ,eycs twinkled and bis smile was pleasant At first Bobby could not speak, because of his astonishment and then he gasped in wonder, "Are you Mr. John Green?" It was the stranger's turn -to be sur prised, and he surveyed the' little fel low with Interest "Yes," he answered Anally, and he spoke with difficulty, "but how did you know? This IsJMe first time I have been In this city for a long time, and I thought ihat I waa forgotten." in til, a g lpoked up responslvely and caught the Intensity ot his unguarded interest. She had colored a little and grown distantly polite again; but she had thought: "No young man with eyes like those can be a fortune hunter!'' Later on a home, however, she had amended this decision with a sigh: "One never can tell." Early on Thanksgiving Day the elder daughter of the Drummer family ar rived with her husband and two chil dren. Also quaint Uncle Lem appear ed, wearing a gay brocaded waistcoat and a spreading white tie in honor of the rare occasion. After a little whispering beyond the hearing of the master of the house Uncle Lem announced that be wanted to see something of the city. "City? I carl show you nearly the whole state before dinner time," boast ed Caleb Drummer, and ordered his car. "I'm some driver. I km, Lem. Come along, Wallace. Kids want to go?" . bed blindly. "I have wanted to know yon ever tine X first cam bWe, two months ago." - Mollle looked at him, "Yon wanted to know me?" she gasped. Then youll help me? It't only for one day or I'd never ask you." She waa too serious for her words to seem exaggerated. . 1 never said that t wat engaged, but I gave them to understand that I waa, and and I had to describe some one, so I described you. Aunt Jane will be here In less than three hours." "And you want me to go with you to meet her?" Jim asked eagerly. "Tea, and Just ty with ut over to morrow," reiterated Mollle. The car was crowded that night, but Jim man aged to find seat for Mollle, and ftood at bet aid wttb proprietary, in whole trouble formulated when I over heard a conversation In the office. The girls were discussing the engagement of our head clerk. One said, 'It's good luck to be head clerk. Everyone for the last 10 years has been engaged to be married within six months of her promotion.' '"Well,. If Clarise Morse gets the Job the fates will rule otherwise,' 're plied another. 'She's so dowdy that, theres' not a man alive who would look at her a second tlmej Why, she a frump!' Then they all laughed, while I came very near crying, for their remarks were cruelly unjust." "Ivshould say they were," declared Jack, glancing admiringly at the dain ty well gowned figure. "Don't Judge, me aa I am now," In terposed Clarise. "I was difforcnt then, which was only this morning, though It seems agea ago. Not only was I un happy over what I heard, hut I was angry, too. You see, I have to support mother. Every penny is precious, for phich reason I make my own gar ments. I know they are plain and lacking In style, but I never thought "Oh, I know," Bobby replied Jiap; plly but wearily, "noWyMr. Green take me home. I'll tell you the street." " Mr. Green took the tired boy In his arms, and carried him to his car at the edge of the sidewalk. Meanwhile Mrs. White and Mildred were frantically hunting for the little boy. It seemed strange that be bad disappeared from his playground, and that the little sled should be unused. " 'Phone Mr. Green to help," Mildred said at last. Mr. Green came as soon at he was summoned, for he was much Interested in his little tenant. But he was greatly surprised when Mrs. White met him at the door. ' "It can not bo Grace, my old friend, can it?" He asked vaguely, at be grasped the door for support. Mrs. White smiled a moment In spite of her worry but remained silent. "Andt have you known all along?'" Mr. Green continued. "Yes," she assented, "that Is why Mildred alwayspald the rent. I did By 1 H m L'J MUHB But tho "kids" preferred to Investi gate further the wonders of the band some new house and to bask in the society of their beloved Aunt Sophia. "Don't hurry, pa," advised the latter. "It Mr. ileade comes In, I'll take good care of klni." Mr. Meade appeared in due time; and he could not restrain the look of won der on his face when the Drummer door was opened by Sophia herself Sophia, clad in a simple frock of dark blue and wearing a little ruffled white apron. v. "Good afternoon, Mr. Meade,," she greeted him blithely. Don't try to con ceal your surprise, for there's more to follow. All our servants are offfor the" day. Pa is out in his car with some Of our guests; and If you want to see ma, you'll have to come Into the kitch en. Or perhaps you'll like to help me with the dining room decorations." Thus Mr. Felix Meade was made an accomplice In the scheme which had been brewing for several days In the C ; Dy'Aigia Frances Brooks: terest "W must b lure and address each other by our Christian names, Mollie," cautioned Jim,' pulling ber hand through his arm aa they left the ear. "There she is now," gasped Mollie. "Courage," Jim breathed in her ar "Just remember and act natural" The next minute Mollle and the tall, angu- lar figure faced each other. "Oh, Mollie, Boston It honied. I never wat so scared In all my life.-1 wouldn't start on a journey Ilk this again if you were engaged to 40 men." That night tbey partook of a hot sup per in Mollie't room. After 'Jim had returned to hit own room. Aunt Jane turned to Mollle. "WetT, I am surprised. And he la. studying for a lawyer? How did he aver, hanpea to fancy; you, Uolliat4 ' By Elsie Endicott myself a frump. In my pocketbook waa a hundred dollar bonus from the firm. For several weeks I had beer) dickering between some new bedding and a phonograph. All of a sudden, In a freniy of tempor, I decided what to buy. At a fashionable garment store I ordered tho' latest style gown. In stock. They gave it to rue, assuring me 'that the lines were the Very essence of style. Having donned the creation, I headed tor the street. On the way to the tunnel I realised how tight the skirt waa. Such mincing baby steps I had to talle! It was ridiculous aud uncomfortable, and already I was re gretting the purchase when I arrived at the long flight of stairs." "I see now," exclaimed Jack. "You ' hesitated, wondering how In the world you were ever going to got down. Then you heard the train below and forgot the tight skirt in your haste to catch the car. After the first step you felt like a bronco hobbled at the anklet and down you went in headlong dash into my arms." "Well, you know the ending better than I do."' not know how you felt" , "I was always sorry that I lost track of you," be answered, "but -come, we must lifok for the boy!" Just then there was a tramping on the stairs and a little voice was call ing, "Mother, mother, I've found him! I've found my 'sled friend'!" "Your 'sled friend'?" Mr. Green gasped, as be followed Bobby up tho stairs. "What do you mean and where havo you been?'' hit mother cried, as she, drew him ti her. "Mr. Green has just come. to help hunt for you. He Is wait ing now in the parlor," "Gee." Bobby muttered under his breath, as his eyes fell on the back of a gray head and , a pair of broad, square shoulders. - Suddenly his mother left him and rushed to meet the man In the parlor, who had risen excitedly to his feet. No one seemed to know Just what hap pened then, but Bobby was soon raised to. his friend's shoulder and a hsppy voice was crying In hit ear. "Meet my i b u Vis ih ra HI Phil Moore a ft'3 n ra h Drummer household. And when Caleb Drummer returned with bis guests, U was Sophia who opened the door again. "Got a good appetite?" she said gay ly. "For we're going to have a real old-fashioned Thanksgiving dinner. Mother and Emma cooked It, and I'm going to serve It." "What the what " began the astonished man; and then he saw Felix Meade's smiling face. "See here, Meade, you In this, too?" ''I fell In." Meade laughed boyishly. Need any help carving the turkey, Mr. Drummer?" With his hand on the young man's shoulder, the master of tho house movedNo the dining room. The mod ern elegance of the room's Interior had been concealed beneath rustic decora tions of Interlaced boughs and wood land foliage. Fall flowers of (the sort which country gardens yield were massed abundantly and In the center was a long tablo set In lavish old-fashioned style and offering a feast sucb as "Now, rd advise you to restrain your curiosity. Aunt Jane. Jim wont stand It." The next night, after teeing Aunt Jane off at .the station, Mollle was just fitting her key in the lock when Jim ca out "May I come in a moment?" he asked. Ha took her bat and gloves as she removed them. . "Yon look alt In," . he exclaimed tenderly. "Have tou bean to supper?" Mollle nodded. "You have been a good sport, Jim," the began bravely, "and I never can tell you how grateful I in. She held out her hand. Tou may take the ring off now, and let our engagement end." ' Jim's hand went over MoHIe'a. "You havent heard the newt yet In three week I get my degree, and the fol lowing. eek I am to b toad & junior. By JoelTa Johnson I - -WniliiM, Tim iia inrt 1r i rfc i HI i liflm, ' nlMWiiinait i"T .- i "The end Isn't yet," Jack protested boldly.. "The great collegiate gafae femes oft tomorrow. Will you be there aa my guest to root for met Wear your home-made duds, though. I'm not strong for style when It Movelopg Into madness."; Clarise promised readily, ant the next afternoon, clad In a warn, home made garment she shouted, yelled and cheered tor Jack Saunders. There was only one fly In her oint ment. It she hadn't thrown away one hundred good dollars for style! The girls, said that she could not catch a man without belna stylish. Her eyes wandered back toVack, who happened to be looking tier way,-which action was becoming more and more frequent, and she glowed with pride and Joy, This time the girls were wrong. Jack didn't care she stored suddenly. The truth loomed up monumental. She , did owe her happiness to her fashion able gown. If It hadn't been tor the freakish, one hundred dollar tight skirt, she would never have met her triumphant fullback! i-l A Long Watt. ' Bsy Passenger to Railway Tortei I say, bow much longer are we going to wait at this station? I've been here aa hour Already. 1 Porter That's nothing, my son. I've been hero fifteen yeara. dad, Bobby. We had a little foolish trouble a number of yean ago, and we were both too proud to give In until we felt that It wat too late. And now, sonny, see what you have done. You have given my father back to me, and I know that hp cares." . "Yes, my boy," broke In Mr. Green, 8r. "You have found my son for me." Bobby did not understand it all, but he felt .strangely happy. After supper e sat thoughtfully on his sled. He felt a little bit lone some. He could bear hla mother and Mr. Green, Br., talking and laughing merrily together. And bit lister and the younger Mr. Green seemed to be enjoying themselves, too. "Gee," he sighed softly, as he hogged bis battered teddy bear closer. J"Per haps after they get through with each other they will give mo a chance," and laying his curly head down on hia little red sled, be fell asleep. a Co-Suu'erer. "Does your husband suffer from hla rheumatism?" "Yes, but not half to much as the rest of us do!" 0 She Did the Talking. ' Louise Have you a speaking ac quaintance with Mrs. Teller? Julia No, Just a listening one. Caleb Drummer's mother and Caleb Drummer's wife had been proud to pre pare In the years gone by. Caleb Drummer rubbed bis hands to gether gleefully before he began hit task of carving the plump brown fowl that lay before him. "A good old-fashioned Thanksgiving dinner. No fuss and ceremony,"' he chuckled. "Great isn't It? I'll bet thlt anlts you, too. Meade. Eh?" He fell heartily to his task. But across the (able a pair of soft blue eyes encountered the open' glance of honest brown ones. "She's just a dear littlo girl, after all," reflected Felix Meade ardently. "He's not a fortune hunter. One can tell," derided Sophia, and waa deeply comforted. ' a Particular. Barber, llair cut, sir? Customer. No, not a hair cut; only a mouthful of lather, fifteen minutes of onion breath and the tip ot my ear cut off. Proof of II. ' , "Why do you think Edith Is so easy to please?" ' "Well, she says she plays the piano only for her own pleasure." member ot our Arm. Now, Mollla, can't w continue our engagement until about June and then get along well on my salary?" He punctuated hit ques tion with caresses that convinced Mol lle of his sincerity. "$o you mind, Jim, If 'I use thlt for the engagement ring?" asked MoUla, . holding np the little diamond. "Mind," oried Jim. "Why, MotHe. I vw all my happiness to that lftxI4 , ring and Aunt Jane." i . A Cynical Impret irioa. "I can remember," eamment4 th1 sarcastic constituent, "when a man could get pretty far ahead, limply by; looking wise." . . ' "I shouldn't be surprised It tftnea bad changed," replied Senator Soti gbum. "It sometimes seems to ma that it't getting to a man doeant area , have to look that way." ' 0 . Quito Devoted, ' Phyllls-'-H teems very fond of hi) ' wife. - . Joan Very! He doesn't tsrea 8n4, fault with the wi stie'g brlnftaj trj, Kb cUIdrcat . ' . ma;-